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Stocks Surpassing January

Highs: Are We Peaking, or
Will That Come in Late 2019?
By Harry Dent, Editor

The Trump rally into January 2018 looked like the classic final blow-off top.

It had been advancing in a clear channel, then it broke above that in a classic ‘overthrow’ pattern, followed by a
sharp correction.

Was this the beginning of the final and greatest crash?

My first problem with that scenario early on was that the major bubble peaks in stocks have averaged a 42%
crash in the first 2.6 months. That comes from seven global stock bubbles since 1929. The range is 30–50%.

Instead, the S&P 500 only crashed 12%, and has moved mostly sideways this year with an upward bias.

My second problem was that such extended sideways patterns, following a strong advance, tend to break up in
the same direction to new highs — not down.

And now, in late August, the S&P 500 has followed the NASDAQ’s break to new highs months ago.

The Dow is just 3% behind the S&P in doing that.

Only the broader NYSE is lagging further than that.

In This Issue
Is this a slight new high — to be followed by that
sharp 40% or so crash in the coming months that The Unexpected Second Scenario:
forebears the next great bubble crash? Or will How to Spot a Recession When
stocks pull back more modestly after this break
No One Sees It! ......................................2
up while the Trump rally continues well into 2019
before we see an even bigger blow-off top — like
Dow 30,000? publications/bmb/
Please e-mail us at:
Those are the two most likely scenarios as we approach
the late stage of the longest bull market rally without a with your feedback.

20% correction. and net worth while real wages continue to stagnate
or fall, all the while economic growth has been subpar.
As at 21 August, this rally from early November
2009 has lasted the same 3,453 days that the But as we’ve seen thus far and throughout history,
longest one from late October 1990 into early March such bubbles are fleeting and always burst.
2000. So, we’re now in new territory for bull markets
Trump has been proposing a second tax cut through
on that measure.
adjusting capital gains for inflation that he may
Many classic indicators are not pointing to a major be able to force through without going through
high and crash ahead. Congress. That will again favour the top 1–10%, but
not the broader economy or his supporters.
The advance/decline line measures how broad the
rally is and that tends to narrow in the late stages of Suffice it to say, the broader consensus is that this
a major bull market. That line has continued to make market is not ready to top yet. But I’ve a sneaking
new highs with this rally and is saying it’s still healthy. suspicion that we may see a surprise crash just
ahead; one that almost no one expects.
However, the FAANG stocks (high-tech large-cap
leaders) are showing such narrow buying, while the The actions of stocks and some key indicators over
tariff and trade war threats favour small-caps over the next few months should tell us which scenario is
large, as they are less exposed. That could throw this more likely to come…
indicator off.
The danger is that if the near-term top (the
The yield curve — 10-year Treasury yields minus six second scenario) is unfolding, the market could
months — tends to invert before a major top and get hit quick and hard by that likely first 40%
recession. This appears to be approaching, but has or so crash in the first two to three months.
not occurred yet. We’ll have to watch carefully for signs of that —
like significant new lows from 2018. And even
And even if it does, it can be many months before the
if some investors get caught in it, the time to
downturn starts.
sell is in the likely strong bounce that typically
Gross domestic product growth is accelerating out of follows such a crash.
the 2% doldrums of past years.
Since the first scenario is the most favoured — a top
Normally it would decelerate a bit before a major top. by late 2019 rather than anytime soon — I’ll cover the
second scenario here in case it sneaks in.
The Fed is raising rates which will eventually trigger a
top. So far inflation and long bond rates haven’t risen
enough to signal danger, as investors expect rates to The Unexpected Second Scenario: How to
rise when economic growth accelerates.
Spot a Recession When No One Sees It!
Household net worth just passed $100 trillion after
How many experts saw the 2008 crash and
peaking at $69 trillion in late 2007 and $45 trillion at
financial crisis — the largest since the Great
the 2000 top. Compared to GDP it has risen from just
Depression — coming?
over 4.4-times in 2000 to 4.8 in 2007. Now it’s just
over five times that amount. We noticed the slowing of Baby Boomer spending,
not just years or months, but decades in advance.
This is another good sign touted by the bulls, but
I think this is one of the biggest reasons that the The key trigger was the subprime crisis. Even Ben
economy has been holding up amidst declining Bernanke didn’t see that as a problem — and
demographic trends and record levels of debt. commented publicly that it was easily containable.

Central banks — and now Trump through tax cuts — Housing prices actually peaked in early 2006, and we
have been able to dramatically goose financial assets called that one in late 2005. It wasn’t because of a
slowing economy at that point. It was high prices and

bad loans due to the ‘good times’.

The leading experts didn’t see that crisis and

crash coming.

Only contrarians like us were warning.

Even the smart money index below didn’t see that one
coming as the overvaluation factors were not there.

This time is similar. Contrarians are warning again, but

Mainstream Media is even less worried about a crash
with the impacts of free money, tax cuts, and a short-
term pickup in economic activity.

I listen less to the classic gold bugs. They’re warning

about inflationary versus deflationary. I disagree with Source: Bloomberg
them radically on how this is to play out.
This index doesn’t watch anything like the advance/
The dollar is strong, and far from crashing. decline line or the yield curve, which is something I
like about it.
Meanwhile, gold’s weak. Ditto for cryptos.
Stock prices are initially weighed at 10:00am, then
The gold bugs just let their sentiments get the best
subtracts prices at the close. The logic is that the
of them hence why I don’t often listen to them, even
dumb money reacts to the news and market openings
though they are right about a financial crisis coming.
every day. That’s when it trades the most.
I look more at the growing number of smart money
Smart money watches throughout the day, even
billionaires that’ve been issuing warnings in the last
testing the markets, and makes its bets more into
year or two. People like Ray Dalio, George Soros,
the close.
Paul Tudor Jones, and Mark Cuban. These guys have
enough money and guts to do what Baron Rothschild This chart shows that the smart money did not get
claimed was his key to success in the 1800s: ‘I out ahead of the rally into late January 2018.
always got out a bit early.’
They didn’t see that as a major top, and it just now
Why? has proven not to have been. Instead, they haven’t
been buying into the rally since the bottom in late
That first rapid and nasty crash. The smart money
March, nor into the new highs being made in one
exits at the speed of light while the dumb money is
index after the next.
left behind.
They are selling way more than they are buying,
So here’s the first indicator I present for the lesser
and consistently so since the top — seven months
expected, but potentially surprising second scenario:
ahead of the new August retest of the highs. And it’s
A top in the latter part of 2018. The Smart Money
a similar warning to the flagged raised seven months
Flow Index, which is far more bearish than coming
before the dramatic 2000 bubble and top.
into the 2000 or 2007 tops.
Most importantly, the sharpness of the selling
suggests that this next crash could be greater
than the last two…

We’ve been saying that for a long time.

This chart — and the growing number of cautious

billionaires — is the strongest evidence for the
second scenario.

Our investment services continue to play the uptrend, towards $1,375-plus back in July of this year.
and will be quicker than most to change gears.
The other exception goes back to the aftershock
But keep in mind that in the first scenario with a bubble into early 1937 that saw a peak (from a
continued bull market into 2019 that this indicator second demographic wave of immigrants) and then
could just continue to crash. That would simply an attempt at a new high that failed — and then the
suggest an even bigger crash in late 2019. sharp crash you would normally expect, just a little
later than normal.
So this indicator, even if it turns out to be accurate,
doesn’t have to signal a top just around the corner.
It is, however, signaling a major crash in the coming
future, and that could very well be just around the
corner. That’s the risk here…

There are two prominent bubble tops and crashes that

didn’t see sudden 40%-plus crashes right off the bat.

The most recent was gold.

It peaked in late 2011 after bubbling much more than

stocks in the 2009–2018 bubble — 7.7-times over
10 years versus 4.3-times over 9.4 years so far for
the S&P 500. I always have to remind the gold bugs
that it was a bigger bubble than stocks! Gold crashed
21% and went sideways for just over a year in a Source: Yahoo! Finance
channel before breaking down, sharply.
There was a third (and final) aftershock bubble
following the big crash of 1929–32.

The markets went up sharply into early 1937, then

crashed 40% in a matter of months. After the top, it
went sideways for five months before crashing.

If this scenario follows as the above chart would

suggest, then it should be crashing soon.

But, again, this is not the ideal scenario for such a

major top. The second scenario of major new highs,
then a sharp 40% crash into early 2020 is a better fit.

When it comes to stock valuations, the Cyclically

Adjusted PE Ratio (or CAPE Ratio) is the most
respected and trusted.
Source: Yahoo! Finance
Those valuations are higher than any of the seven
I believe gold is likely to bottom somewhere between
major tops in the last 100 years, except for the
its 2008 crash low of around $700, and its bubble
2000 tech bubble. And we’re now at just over 33.3
origin in mid-2005 of around $400–450.
compared to 32.6 in 1929, and an off-the-charts
Currently, I favour the higher target area. Gold has 44.2-times earnings at the 2000 top.
been one of the few bubbles to hold up better than
I’ve been warning for years now that it’s unreasonable
our bubble model would suggest, but it has still
to compare now to the 1995–2000 bubble given GDP
crashed, and I feel is likely to again further ahead. I’ve
growth was about double this bubble and productivity
been warning about this following the overdue rally

was way higher.

The 1990s were simply the best decade in US history

for stocks and the economy.

What we’re in now is the weakest boom and

recovery yet.

And totally artificial on top of all that!

There are two other indicators I’m tracking. They’re

the most overvalued ever, and suggest we are very
close to a top either now or by late 2019 at the latest.

The first is the price-to-sales index for the S&P 500.

Source: St Louis Federal Reserve;

It takes the total market value of the broadest Wilshire

5000 index of stocks and compares it to GDP.

This great indicator is now as high as the 2000 top,

and much higher than the 2007 top, or the 1972 top
of the last generational boom.

Any further advances would only make this a clear

new record high.

This is clearly another reason for caution in the market.

John Hussman has another great indicator that

measures stock valuations against 10-year average
Source: Yahoo! Finance annual gains to follow. That model says you would
lose 2% a year for the next decade, and has nothing
This index gets around the artificial impact of low to do with the strong fundamental downward
interest rates on earnings, along with all types of demographic trends or excessive debt that we also
accounting tricks that seem to most come out of the measure, which just adds to the downside.
closet in bubbles such as the one we’re currently in.
Even though there are not meaningful divergences
It measures if the stock price is growing in line with in the US major stock indices, there’s a gaping
business growth. And at 2.4, it’s a record high saying divergence between the US and developed countries,
that prices are way overvalued. and the emerging countries.
Sales at the January top (2.4) were even a bit higher The EEM ETF for emerging countries has recently
than the 2000 top (2.3). been down just over 20% from its January high, and
The second indicator is the total market capitalization- is currently down 19%. It’s possible it could make
to-GDP index. a new high if the Dow runs up to 30,000 in 2019
before peaking.

But that wouldn’t be the most likely scenario.

Especially with the US dollar potentially on another
major rise since its low around 88 in March.

I predicted recently that the dollar looked like it

was about to break up out of a reverse head-and-

shoulders pattern, and it has.

It’s projected to rise to around 102–104 in the

months ahead.

Between that, and more Fed rate hikes, these

countries will be hurting, as they tend to borrow at US
rates and pay back in US dollars.

Source: Yahoo! Finance

A more general view of the scenario comes from

looking at the last time we had a series of three
bubbles and crashes.

This occurred 90 years ago, and was two-times the

magnitude of our fundamental 45-year Innovation Cycle.
Source: Yahoo! Finance
Our 30-year Commodity and Inflation Cycle becomes
Turkey has been the poster child for bad debt and a more exaggerated every 60 years, and it seems to be
crashing currency after Trump slapped tariffs on Erdogan. the same for the Innovation Cycle.
But the elephant in the room is, of course, China. Its There were three bubble crashes between 1914 and
second bubble burst 49% from its 5,200 high in late 1942: 1920–21, 1929–32, and 1937–42.
2015/early 2016.
The second bubble and crash was the most extreme
There was a dead cat bounce following that crash for in that series and that is the more natural sequence.
years afterwards.
This time it is the final and third bubble that should be
Since March the Shanghai Composite has fallen the worst.
26%, and is facing major support at 2,638. A break
much below there could start another sell-off in China Central banks didn’t let the second bubble burst fully,
that would rock the emerging markets realm and the didn’t allow debt to deleverage, and didn’t allow for
global economy. bad banks and businesses to fail.

This would only occur near-term if the Chinese stay Now this one is pumped up with $16 trillion in global
defiant on tariffs and don’t negotiate in earnest. But at QE. The major tax cuts in the US aren’t doing Main
least this represents a clear warning sign if it breaks Street any favours either.
below 2,600. I believe we’re due for the worst of that cycle between
The next target would be 2,000, and the ultimate target now and 2022 for stocks, and into 2023 or so for real
would be its pre-bubble low of 1,000 in late 2005 — an estate and the rest of the economy.
84% crash from the all-time high of late 2007. But we could see Dow 30,000 first…

On that Watergate cycle, Trump could be forced to
leave office by late 2019…and it was he who just
said, ‘If I’m impeached the stock market will crash.’
That wouldn’t be the biggest reason.

The worst part of the 1973–74 crash happened after

Nixon fired the special prosecutor. The Saturday Night
Massacre was a pivotal point…

The underlying cycles keep closing in, and the last

trick appears to be an executive order. The order to
adjust capital gains for inflation to lower those already
low taxes for the rich even more. That could be the
last trick.
Source: Bloomberg My forecast is that this blow-off rally doesn’t last past
Yes, the worst may be yet to come. It would appear late 2019. This 45- and 90-year cycle favours the
that we merely deferred the real crisis in 2008 that peak in late 2019 if the S&P 500 hits 3,300, or the
looked just like 1930 until massive QE reversed the Dow nears 30,000. Though it could fail earlier due to
trend artificially. the extremely volatile political environment.

It’s just a question now of whether the potential Regards,

surprise stock crash starts in late 2018 and the
recession/depression by early 2019, or one year later
in late 2019.

We don’t get over this Winter Season until 2023 or Harry Dent,
so. That’s still five years from now, leaving plenty Editor, Boom & Bust Letter
of time for a scenario similar to what happened in
1929–33 to play out.

This over-amped economy is running out of tricks.

And Donald Trump is running out of time. Nixon was

on this very same 45-year cycle back in 1973–74 —
as Andy Pancholi has been reminding me in the past
several months.


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