Re Lesson Plan Pre-Primary/ Primary

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Unit of work: Salvation topic: Human person Topic:
Sharing Jesus’ Special Meal Eucharist Forces in creation
Year Level: 3 Students’ Prior Knowledge: (include faith
situations/previous lessons/Units)
Key Understanding:
In year 2, students learnt about the presence of
B2: Jesus gave the Eucharist so his followers could draw
Jesus in the Eucharist. They discover the symbolism
closer to him.
of the bread and wine as the body and blood of
Jesus. The phrase “do this in memory of me” reminds
Learning Point(s): people that Jesus wants us to repeat the action of
B2.1: Retells incidents from the Last Supper changing the bread and wine into his Body and
Blood. This allows him to be present to all members
of God’s family.

Time: 40 minutes Students will now analyse the Last Supper in relation
to the Eucharist.

For the purpose of this lesson, students have had

previous experience using the online comic creator
‘Storyboard that’.
Spiritual and Religious Capabilities (that may potentially be covered in the lesson)
Prudence Justice Fortitude Temperance Faith Hope Charity
eg Right choices eg Right eg Inner strength eg Moderation eg Prayer eg Reconciliation eg Service
relationships Students perform
the Last Supper
action story.
General Capabilities (that may potentially be covered in the lesson)
Literacy Numeracy ICT Critical and Ethical Personal and Intercultural
Class discussion. competence creative behaviour Social understanding
Speaking the Creating a digital thinking competence
Last Supper comic strip of the Class discussion.
story. Answering Last Supper on Speaking the
review questions. Storyboard That. Last Supper story
Creating a visual as a class.
comic strip with

Cross-curriculum priorities (may be addressed in the lesson)

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Asia and Australia’s engagement with Sustainability
histories and cultures Asia
Lesson Objectives (i.e. anticipated outcomes of this lesson, in point form beginning with an action verb)
As a result of this lesson, students will be able to:
 Students will participate in the teacher-led action story of the Last Supper

 Students are to individually design a digital comic strip of the Last Supper

 Students will reflect on the Jesus’ words and actions from the Last Supper and how it is applied within
today’s Church.
Teacher’s Prior Preparation/Organisation: Provision for students at educational risk:
(include Teacher Witness) Choose One from:
The focus of this unit is understanding the sequence of • Gifted
• Sensory impaired
events that occur within the Last Supper. The miracle of • Learning difficulty
turning bread and wine into his body and blood. Why did
Jesus do this?
Choose One from:
Points to discuss:
• Intellectual disability
Jesus told his followers to trust God because God uses • Physical disability
divine power to provide what people really need. He gave
them the Eucharist so that they could become closer to Sensory impaired: Hannah with a conductive hearing impairment
him. Those who receive Jesus often in Holy Communion wears an aid in her left ear. Teacher must wear a lanyard which
during the Eucharist, draw closer to him than they could in transmits sound to the hearing aid. Check in with Hannah
throughout the lesson that she understands instructions. Write the
any other way. As they do so, he helps them to: instructions on the board so she can clearly see what is required.
• love others when this is difficult 

• do what is right more often. 
 ADHD: Ben has ADHD and is easily distracted by noises. Seat him
away from the door and windows. Write down the tasks he needs
to complete during the lesson for him to check off himself.
Teacher witness: When I receive the Eucharist in mass, I
take it and say a prayer of thanks for what I am receiving. Special considerations: Students are completing interactive and
It is a special moment. verbal activities during this lesson, to cater for learner diversity.
Minimal writing is required.
- Bring in a photo from First Eucharist to show

- Teacher script for Last Supper action story (see
- Photos from own Eucharist
- Projector/smartboard for Storyboard
- 30x individual laptops
- 30x exit slips
- Printer
Website: Storyboard That
LESSON DELIVERY attach worksheets, examples, marking keys, etc. as relevant
Time Motivation and Introduction:
Align these with the segment
9:00 1. Students are invited to stand up and find space in the room to where they will be introduced.

2. Lead the action story titled ‘Jesus Shares a Special Meal with his Resource from Sharing Jesus’
Friends’ (Mark 14:22-26). The teacher says the words and Special Meal unit of work-
performs the action, the students then repeat (echo) the words page 71, resource sheet 4a.
and action. – see resource attached

Lesson Steps (Lesson content, structure, strategies & Key Questions):

9:05 Faith
3. Highlight with students the special miracle Jesus performed
during this meal: the changing of the bread and wine into this
Body and Blood.

4. Discuss with students that receiving Holy Communion draws

people closer to Jesus. Show photo from your first Eucharist to
students. Explain that it helps people to:

- Love others when it is difficult to love

- Do what is right more often
Website: Storyboard that
ICT competence 30x laptops
5. Students are to design their own digital comic strip of the Last
Supper. Words and actions of Jesus must be included.

This is to be completed on the website called ‘Storyboard That’.
Students will have three scenes from the Last Supper to design
and must complete the following steps:
- Choose an appropriate background
- Add characters and objects
- Include speech and thought bubbles where appropriate
- Print work and collect from the printer

6. Give the students an opportunity to share their comic strip with

9:30 others.
What important people or symbols did they use?
What speech did they include?

Lesson Closure:(Review lesson objectives with students)

9:35 7. Invite students to reflect and share on the following: Have these questions written
down to refer to if required.
- I wonder how the disciples felt when they shared this special
meal with Jesus?
- Have you heard some of the words that Jesus said in the
Last Supper story at Mass?

8. Students are to recall the features of the Last Supper

- What did Jesus do?
- Why was the Last Supper so important to Jesus?
- Why is it important to us?

9. Give students a piece of paper that will become their exit slip for
the lesson. They must write down 3 key words from the Last 30x pieces of paper
E.g. Jesus, bread, body

9:40 Transition: (What needs to happen prior to the next lesson?)

10. Students pack away materials used during the lesson. Exits slips
are to be handed in and comic strips are to be placed on the
marking tray as they will be assessed. They are to wait quietly at
their desks for further instruction.

Assessment: (Were the lesson objectives met? How will they be


Objective 1:
Students will participate in the teacher-led action story of the Last Supper Observation
- This is assessed through observation

Objective 2:
Students are to individually design a digital comic strip of the Last Supper Work samples
- This is assessed through collecting student work for marking
- The comic strips are printed out Checklist
- Teacher uses a checklist to grade student’s level of work
(see attached)

Objective 3:
Students will reflect on the Jesus’ words and actions from the Last
Supper and how it is applied within today’s Church.
- Assessed within class discussion Exit slips
- Students will be asks focus questions to conclude the lesson
and consolidate understanding: Questioning and discussion
 What did Jesus do?
 Why was the Last Supper so important to Jesus?
 Why is it important to us?
- Exit slips to check for understanding
Assessment strategy
Students are to individually design a digital comic strip of the Last Supper

Objective 2 is assessed through a combined checklist.

Student work is collected upon completion and this work is marked following the criteria below.

A traffic light rubric is used to guide the grading of student work:

Level 3

Green: work is above standard

- Creative and detailed comic strip
- Thoughtful use of speech
- Three key events highlighted

Level 2

Yellow: work has met the standard

- Completed comic strip
- Appropriate use of speech and characters
- Two key events presented

Level 1

Red: work is below standard

- Comic strip is incomplete
- Only one event is presented
- Inappropriate use of characters/speech

Example of assessment table:

Student Name Level of achievement Comment

Joanne 2 Joanne’s was very detailed,
however incomplete
Ben 2
Hannah 1 Did not use time effectively.
Needs to complete at home.
Tim 3 Tim showed effort in the
choice of colour, objects and
detail included.
Karly 2
Anne 3 Anne finished early.
Excellent comic strip.
Sam 3
Remi 3
Indiana 2
Susan 3
Harley 1 Lack of effort. Didn’t follow
Taylor 2
Nate 2
Alex 3
Ebony 1 Too much talking to Indiana,
possible desk
Rory 2
Isaac 3
Demi 2
Paige 3 Assisted Rina once finished.
Billy 3
Faith 2
Harriet 2 Work was incomplete
however at a high standard.
Aaron 2
Nonoka 3
Eddie 2
Rina 1 Struggled to started.
Assisted by Paige.
Olive 2
Fraser 3 Great focus during this
lesson. Seating plan working
to his benefit.
Jacob 2
Todd 2

Religious Education Archdiocese of Perth (Date). Sharing Jesus’ Special Meal: Eucharist- Year 3. Retrieved from

Storyboard That (2018). Create your own at Storyboard That. Retrieved from

Comic strip creator- ‘Storyboard that’

Own example of one scene:

Exit slips:

The Last Supper

Name: Olivia

3 key words:




Action story of the Last Supper:

From ‘Sharing Jesus’ Special Meal’ unit of work, page 71 resource 4a

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