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Open, save and close Excel files

• Select cells, columns & rows

• Insert/delete cells, columns, rows, or worksheets
• Enter, Edit, delete & Format data
• Move or copy data to other worksheets
• Amend column width and row height
• Use Autofill and the various Autofill options
• Create a simple formula which will add, subtract, multiply or

• Understand how to build a calculation using formula
• Perform calculations using basing functions (e.g. SUM, AVERAGE)
• Create formulas using relative and absolute references
• Naming Cells and using named ranges
• Create and modify different types of chart
• Organise data by listing in alphabetical or numerical order
• Extract subsets of data using criteria
• Keep column and row titles visible at all times whilst scrolling

Create a simple formula using the SUM, MAX, MIN & AVERAGE
• Understand Relative and Absolute cell referencing in a formula
• Sort & Filter data
• Name cells & cell ranges

• Highlight cells automatically that meet certain criteria
• Summarise data using subtotals and relative range naming
• Use advanced filters to analyse data in a list
• Group cells and use outlines to manipulate the worksheet
• Remove duplicate data
• Create scenarios using the What-If Analysis Tools
• Create, modify and work with PivotTables to analyse and
manipulate large sets of data

Participants must have completed the Part 1 or be able to create

formulas using SUM, AVERAGE, MIN, MAX, TODAY, COUNTIF, as you will need
these skills to progress. Participants who do not meet the
prerequisites may be asked to leave the course.

• Edit multiple worksheets at the same time
• Sum cells on multiple worksheets
• Consolidate data as an alternative to formula
• Identify errors in formula using the auditing tools
• Date functions (e.g. DATE, DATEVALUE)
• Use the IF logical function
• Use Lookup functions (e.g VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP)
• Use a range of Text functions (e.g. CONCATENATE)
• Access further statistical analysis tool by installing the

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