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 Learning Objectives
 Determine the difference between crystalline and
noncrystalline materials
 Determine the different crystal structures
 Derive the relationships between unit cell edge length
and atomic radius for face-centered cubic and body-
centered cubic crystal structures.
 Define isotropy and anisotropy with respect to material

Crystalline Materials Types of Crystal Structures

 A crystalline material is one in which the atoms are  Unit Cell
situated in a repeating or periodic array over large  Basic structural unit or building block of the crystal
atomic distances structure and defines the crystal structure by virtue of
 All metals, many ceramic materials, and certain its geometry and the atom positions within
polymers form crystalline structures under normal
solidification conditions
 Noncrystalline or amorphous materials have small or
no repeating structures

The Face-Centered Cubic Crystal

Diagram of Unit Cell Structure


The Face-Centered Cubic Crystal

 The atoms are located at the corners and center of the  For the FCC crystal structure, each corner atom is
cubes faces shared among eight unit cells, whereas a face-centered
 Structure of most metals atom belongs to only two. Therefore, one-eighth of
 Cu, Ag, Au, Al
each of the eight corner atoms and one-half of each of
the six face atoms, or a total of four whole atoms, may
 Unit cell edge length a with radius R for face-centered
be assigned to a given unit cell

a  2R 2

The Body-Centered Cubic Crystal

The Body-Centered Cubic Crystal System
a) Hard Sphere
 A cubic unit cell with atoms located at all eight corners representation of
and a single atom at the cube center. BCC
 Center and corner atoms touch one another along b) Reduced sphere
cube diagonals, and unit cell length a and atomic representation
radius R are related through of BCC
c) Aggregate of
many atoms with
unit cell

The Hexagonal Close-Packed

Crystal Structure
The Hexagonal Close-Packed Crystal Structure

a) Reduced
 The top and bottom faces of the unit cell consist of six
sphere unit-
atoms that form regular hexagons and surround a
single atom in the center
 Another plane that provides three additional atoms to b) Aggregate of
the unit cell is situated between the top and bottom many atoms


The Hexagonal Close-Packed

Crystal Structure
The Hexagonal Close-Packed Crystal Structure
Lattice Parameter Relationships
 The equivalent of six atoms is contained in each unit and Figures Showing Unit Cell
Geometries for the Seven
cell; one-sixth of each of the 12 top and bottom face
Crystal Systems
corner atoms, one-half of each of the 2 center face
atoms, and all 3 midplane interior atoms

Single Crystals Polycrystalline Materials

When the periodic and Crystalline solids are
repeated arrangement of composed of a
atoms is perfect or
extends throughout the
collection of many
entirety of the specimen small crystals or
without interruption, grains
the result is a single
(a) Small crystallite
Photograph of a garnet
single crystal that was (b) Growth of
found in Tongbei, Fujian crystallite
Province, China (c) Grains are
(d) Grains seen on

Anisotropy Anisotropy
 Associated with the change in the properties of the  For many polycrystalline materials, the
material due to the variance of atomic or ionic spacing crystallographic orientations of the individual grains
with crystallographic direction are totally random. Under these circumstances, even
 Substances in which measured properties are though each grain may be anisotropic, a specimen
independent of the direction of measurement are composed of the grain aggregate behaves isotropically.

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