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al! Globe LTE Ce ae 2. INTRINSIC VALIDITY a. ie ) From the viewpoint of TIME ~ Agr: 2263 CASE: i. Jimenez vs, 184 SCRA 190 Apr. 6, 1990 b.) From the viewpoi point of PLACE = (ART. 16, NCO) E or COUNTRY CASES: 1. Testate Estate of Amos G. Bellis, et. al, vs. Edward A. Bellis £23678, June 6, 1967 2. CAYETANO v. LEONIDAS May 30, 1984 Can a testator contro! what law should gover the succession of his estate? 3. MICIANO v. BRIMO 50P 867 4. TESTATE ESTATE OF CHRISTENSEN January 31, 1963 When the testator is a foreigner, how do you prove what are the laws of his country? 5, PCTBv. ESCOLIN 565-266 6 MALANG v. MOSON ‘August 22, 2000 7 Lhorete vs. CA GR 124371 Nov. 23, 2000 8 Dorothea vs. CA 320 SCRA 12 Dec. 8 1999 a!) Globe LTE ART. 792 - Effect of Invalid Dispositions Gen. rule: Exception ART. 793 - Rule Respecting After-Acquired Properties Gen. Rule: Exceptions ART. 794 — Rule as to What Interest May be Disposed of. Gen. Rule: Exceptions KINDS OF VALIDITY WITH RESPECT TO WILLS. 1. EXTRINSIC VALIDITY a.) From the viewpoint of TIME — ART. 795° - law in force in force at the time the will is made. CASE: In Re Will Of Riosa FIP2Z Can the legislature VALIDATE A VOID WILL? CASES: J. Vda. De Enriquez vs. Abadia 95 Phil 627; GR L-7188, August 9, 1954 2. Ibarlevs. Po L-5046, February 27, 1953 J. Saturnino vs, Paulino, et al. L-7385, May 19, 1956 b.) From the viewpoint of PLACE or COUNTRY bi. If the testator is a Filipino (ARTS. 804-814, 815, ART 17, NCC) b2. If the testator is an alien, who is abroad (ARTS. 816, 17, NCC) B3. If the testator is an alien in the Philippines (ARTS, 817, 17 NCC) CASE: IN RE ESTATE OF JOHNSON 39 P 156 Globe LTI effective mortis causa (ART. 777) . revocable/ambulatory (ART. 828) free from vitiated consent (ART. 839) . individual act (Art. 818 & 819) it dispose of the testator’s estate in accordance with his wishes Seen Is a will containing only cisinheritance, a valid will? CASE: SEANGIO vs. REYES 508 SCRA 177 (2006) - Is a_ surviviorship agreement between joint- depositors of a bank, a will? CASE: VITUG vs. CA 183 SCRA 755 INTERPRETATION OF WILLS (ARTS. 788-794) Intent of the testator is the primordial ART. 788 - consideration bi. Kinds of Ambiguity in a Will a. Latent Ambiguity b. Patent or Extrinsic Ambiguity b2. How is the ambiguity cured? a. Intrinsic Evidence b. Extrinsic Evidence CASES: 1. REYESETALVS.CA (GR 124099, October 30, 1997) 2, NEPOMUCENO VS. CA (139 SCRA 206, Oct. 9, 1985) 3. Johnny S. Rabadilla v. CA & Maria Marlena Coscotuelia y Belleza Villacarlos (GR 113725, June 29, 2000) ART. 790 — Rules for the Interpretation of Words ART. 791 — Interpretation as a whole - Priority or Preference of Testate Over Intestate Proceeding CASE: Vda. De Villaflor v. Juico L-15737, February 28, 1962

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