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Water Technologies & Solutions

customer benefits

evaporator condensate
process separations

background benefits
Process condensate represents a real value to cus-  Implement economical water scarcity solutions
tomers as it usually contains several items of potential  Reduce total cost of water operations
savings. These could include but are not limited to
 Support environmentally friendly efforts
heat energy and recovery of product. In most cases
the condensate has become contaminated and cannot  Reduce costs for compliance and discharge
be reused in the boiler without pretreatment. The  Reduce energy requirements to produce steam
conventional methods of ion exchange usually mean from municipal or well water
cooling the water down to 80º to 90ºF (27º to 32ºC). By  Reduce chemical usage
using SUEZ specialty membranes, we can process
condensate at temperatures up to 158ºF (70ºC), there-
by offering significant heat energy savings.
 Energy - The cost of evaporating 75% of dirty
Many plants also produce a product using evaporation.
condensate is substantial. Assuming a 70 gpm
The overheads from the evaporators usually have a
flow and using an average cost of US$6/MM
small amount of their product that must
BTUs and further assuming 100% efficiency of
either be recovered by an additional evaporation step
the evaporator, the cost of the energy necessary
or disposed of in a waste treatment plant. Recovering
to evaporate 53 gpm (289 m /day) (75% of 70

this product by using SUEZ specialty membranes is

gpm (381m /day)) at 98ºF (36ºC) is US$4,240/day

ideal because it is possible to concentrate up the

or US$1.5 MM/year
product, produce high quality water suitable for reuse,
and reduce the load on the waste treatment plant.  Recovery of Product – depending on the nature
of recovery.
solution offered  Water Makeup Costs – depending on the costs of
makeup water (municipal charges) and dis-
The treated condensate or NF/RO permeate can then charge permits & charges.
be used for various utility operations including cooling,
 Six Sigma Quality standards and practices
boiler, & process makeup. Examples of “stripping”
include TOC, BOD, ethanol, alcohol, and other constit-  World Class reputation and service
uents like ammonium nitrate (from ammonia) from
“dirty” condensate steam.

targeted industries
 Transportation
 Chemical Processing and Hydrocarbon Processing
 Food & Beverage

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CB1237EN.doc Nov-14

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