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Nursing Care Plan

A Client with Colorectal Cancer

William Cunningham adalah 65 tahun pensiunan kereta • Perform colostomy care using correct technique.
api karyawan, suami, dan ayah dari tiga • Demonstrate willingness to discuss changes in sexual function.
anak-anak yang sudah dewasa. Selama 3 bulan terakhir, Mr. Cunningham telah • Wear clothing to enhance physical and emotional self-esteem.
melihat sejumlah kecil darah dalam tinja dan lendir sesekali. Dia memiliki sensasi
tekanan pada rektum, dan pemberitahuan bahwa bangku nya lebih kecil dengan PLANNING AND IMPLEMENTATION
diameter, tentang ukuran pensil. Setelah meraba massa pada pemeriksaan digital Ms. Hart plans and implements the following nursing interventions for Mr.
rektum, dokter memerintahkan kolonoskopi. Sebuah lesi sessile besar ditemukan Cunningham.
dalam rektum dan laporan biopsied.The patologi menunjukkan lesi menjadi • Provide analgesia as ordered, evaluating its effectiveness.
adenokarsinoma. Mr. Cunningham dijadwalkan untuk reseksi dan sigmoid • Discuss foods that cause odor and gas.
abdominoperineal kolostomi. • Teach colostomy care.
• Maintain consistent nursing personnel assignment to facilitate trust.

• Refer to the local United Ostomy Association.
Madonna Hart, RN, completes the admission assessment. Mr. Cunningham
• Provide a list of local medical supply companies for ostomy supplies.
states that his bowel habits have recently changed, but denies pain or other
symptoms. Physical assessment findings include T 98.4 F (36.9° C), P 82, R 18,
• Provide for privacy when teaching and discussing concerns about ostomy.
and BP 118/78. He is 70 inches (178 cm) tall and weighs 185 lb (84 kg).
Laboratory findings are normal except for the previous pathology report of
adenocarcinoma of rectal lesion. EVALUATION
On discharge, Mr. Cunningham is able to empty and rinse out his colostomy
Mr. Cunningham states, “I really don’t want a colostomy, but if that is what it pouch. He is changing the pouch and caring for surrounding skin
takes to get rid of this, I’m ready to get it over with.” appropriately.Ms.Hart has given him verbal and written instructions on colostomy
care.He verbalizes understanding of phantom rectal pain, and the importance of
avoiding rectal temperatures and rectal suppositories. He expresses an
Ms. Hart identifies the following nursing diagnoses for Mr. Cunningham.
understanding of the need to avoid heavy lifting, and the importance of follow-up
care.Ms.Hart has referred Mr.Cunningham to a home health agency in his
• Pain, related to surgical intervention
community for further questions and follow-up care.
• Risk for impaired skin integrity (peristomal), related to fecal drainage and
pouch adhesive
• Risk for constipation/diarrhea, related to effects of surgery on bowel function Critical Thinking in the Nursing Process
1. What is the cause of phantom rectal pain?
• Risk for disturbed body image, related to colostomy
2. Why is it important to discuss dietary concerns with a client with a
• Risk for sexual dysfunction, related to wide rectal incision, radiation therapy,
colostomy, especially odor- and gas-forming foods?
and colostomy
3. Outline a plan to teach Mr. Cunningham how to irrigate a colostomy.
The expected outcomes specify that Mr. Cunningham will: 4. Develop a care plan for Mr. Cunningham for the nursing diagnosis, Body
image disturbance.
• Report pain within an acceptable range that allows ease of movement and
ambulation. See Evaluating Your Response in Appendix C.

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