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Unit of work: My Family Salvation topic: Penance Human person Topic: Jesus
Belonged to a Family
Year Level: Pre-Primary Students’ Prior Knowledge:

In Kindergarten students learnt the following aspects

Key Understanding: B1 Jesus Belonged to a Family of ‘Family’ and ‘Jesus’ Family’:
- Jesus’ parents were Mary and Joseph.
Learning Point(s): B1.1 Identifies that Jesus belonged to - Jesus and his parents loved and cared for
a family. one another.
- Students have engaged in various dramatic
play surrounding their family.

In the section ‘A’ of Family Religious Unit of Work

Resource, the following was addressed:
- Who are the people in your family?
- What makes them special?
- What are some of the things you do

Spiritual and Religious Capabilities (that may potentially be covered in the lesson)
Prudence Justice Fortitude Temperance Faith Hope Charity
eg Right eg Right eg Inner eg eg Prayer eg eg Service
choices relationships strength Moderation Reconciliation
General Capabilities (that may potentially be covered in the lesson)
Literacy Numeracy ICT Critical and Ethical Personal and Intercultural
competence creative behaviour Social understandi
thinking competence ng

Cross-curriculum priorities (may be addressed in the lesson)

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Asia and Australia’s engagement Sustainability
Islander histories and cultures with Asia
Lesson Objectives

As a result of this lesson, students will be able to:

 Identify that Jesus belonged to a family.

 Recognise the similarities between Jesus’ family and their own family.
 Create, using book creator, a page of drawings or words which shows the ways in which Jesus belonged
to a family.

Teacher’s Prior Preparation/Organisation: Provision for students at educational risk:

(include Teacher Witness) Choose One from:
• Gifted
The focus of this unit is understanding that Jesus • Sensory impaired
belonged to a family and that Jesus came to show people • Learning difficulty
how to live in families. It is through this unit of penance
which students will learn about the similarities between Learning Difficulty:
Jesus and themselves in regards to family and how to - One on one guidance
love and care for our families as Jesus guides us to do. - Explicit instructions
- Ask what things they do together with their
Points to discuss: through the sacrament of penance family then relate it back to Jesus and say
students will be guided by God to help them: that he would have done the same things
- To love always with his own family.
- To be grateful for their families - Play in the established ‘Jesus’ Home’ before
- To ask for forgiveness if sinned going onto the book creator activity so they
- To always do what is good get some understanding of what Jesus might
have done with his family which may be
Prior Preparation and materials: similar to their own family (e.g. cooking,
- Whiteboard + marker cleaning, sharing a meal etc.).
- Godly play box materials + script - Draw images and the educator will annotate.
- Home corner: prop house, wooden chairs,
wooden table, couches, carpentry tools, animals Choose One from:
(donkey), nativity set, dress up clothes of the • ADHD
time, puppets, cutlery, food etc. • Intellectual disability
- iPads with book creator • Physical disability
- iPad to smartboard adapter
- Follow classroom rules set for the student
- Keep to the classroom routines
- Appropriate supervision
- When working on book creator, place student
in an area where there are limited
- Give clear and concise instructions of task
- Positive feedback given to the child
- Allow the child enough time to play in the
stablished area ‘Jesus’ Home’.

- Students will have additional time playing in
the established area ‘Jesus’ Home’ as well
as exploring the Godly play box ‘Jesus’
Family’ and re-enacting that.
- After drawing an image on book creator
showing the things of how Jesus belonged to
a family, students could draw the things
which are similar between themselves and
Jesus’ family. E.g. the activities they do, that
they love and care for their family etc.

Students will participate in discussions, play with
resources which they suggest, listen to a Godly Play
outside, engage in an ICT resource and have they
work displayed to the class on the smartboard.

Special Considerations:
Educator will need to be sensitive surrounding the
variety of family situations within their class:

- Not all families show ‘love’ the same way

(playing with one another, cooking, cleaning
LESSON DELIVERY attach worksheets, examples, marking keys, etc. as relevant
Time Motivation and Introduction:
11:30am Students will be settled sitting on the mat.
Educator will discuss with the students that Jesus belonged to a
family just like you and me.
Discussions: Jesus’ family would have:
- Shared meals
- Done things together
- Loved one another
- Worked with one another
Educator will ask students if they share meals with their family, what
thigs they do together as a family and if they all care for their family. Whiteboard + marker
Educator will discuss that Jesus’ did similar things with his family that
you do with your families. Ask students if they can think of anything
else which they might do with their family which Jesus’ might have
done with his family – write answers on whiteboard.
Lesson Steps (Lesson content, structure, strategies & Key

Godly Play: Godly play box materials +

Prior to beginning the activities, a Godly play script will be read.
Students will join the educator outside, sitting in a circle.

*Refer to the Godly Play Script ‘Jesus’ Family’.

Once the Godly Play Script has been read, tell the students where the
Godly Play box of Jesus’ family will be kept so they can go and
explore this scripture for themselves.

11:50am Activities:

In the religious lesson today, the class will be split up into two groups
which will rotate half way through the lesson 12:05pm.

Rotation 1:
Home corner: prop house,
Educator will discuss with students before sending them off to the wooden chairs, wooden table,
established area, what things could be added which would make it couches, carpentry tools,
look like Jesus’ home or materials which Jesus’ would do with his animals (donkey), nativity set,
family. dress up clothes of the time,
puppets, cutlery, food etc.
An area in the classroom will be established which will represent
Jesus’ home. Things including, dress up clothes, carpentry tools,
furniture, animals, puppets etc. Students will be able to engage in this
play. Students can either decide to play within the created area of
Jesus’ home or explore the Godly Play box.

Rotation 2:

Using book creator, students will draw images or write words in ways iPads with book creator
in which, like them, Jesus belonged to a family.

Looking for responses such as:

- Family members
- Shared meals
- Loved and cared for one another
- Played together
- Happy together
Interview student on the following questions:
- What are you drawing/writing?
- How does Jesus belong to a family?
- How is Jesus’ family similar to your family?

Once students have finished their book creator, the work will be saved
and exported so the educator can print off the student’s work.
Lesson Closure:

Students will be called to the mat.

The educator will connect some of the students iPads to the

smartboard where she/he will showcase some of the student’s book
creator works. The educator will ask the student what they have
drawn and the ways in which Jesus belonged to a family. The iPad to smartboard adapter
educator will draw attention to how these aspects are similar to the
child. For example, if the child drew the family giving hugs, the
educator would say Jesus’s family all cared for one another just like
your family cares about each one of you.

12:30pm Transition:

Students who are sitting quietly will be asked how Jesus’ belonged to
a family and they will be able to go and wash their hands ready for


Anecdotal notes will be taken during the lesson on the lesson Anecdotal Notes

A rubric will be created to judge the achievement of the lesson

objectives. Rubric

KWL Ch 16

(based on Luke 2:22-40)

Part 1: Jesus’ Family


 felt road
 Mary, Joseph, baby Jesus and donkey from Nativity set
 Simeon
 Anna
 Jesus as a boy
 Jerusalem (perhaps made with building blocks, have a doorway)
Children are seated in a semi-circle ready to listen to the story. When the children are settled, go to the shelf and carry
the materials as you would the Bible. Place these beside you.

Lay the road out vertically in front of you

Place the baby Jesus at the far end of the road away from you.

Jesus lived in a Jewish family.

Place Mary and Joseph near Jesus.

His parents were Mary and Joseph.

Jesus was the special child of God. We call his family the Holy Family.

Place Jerusalem at the side of the road a short distance from the family and towards you.

Place donkey on the road with the family.

Slowly move the family and donkey to Jerusalem.

Forty days after Jesus was born, Mary and Joseph took him to the temple in Jerusalem.

Place Simeon and Anna in front of Jerusalem facing the family.

Two holy people saw Jesus.

Their names were Simeon and Anna.

They said that Jesus was a very special child of God.

Move the family slowly along the road to the end near you.

When Mary and Joseph had finished in the temple,

they returned to their own town of Nazareth.

Replace the baby Jesus with the boy Jesus.

Jesus grew up in a town called Nazareth.

He helped his father, Joseph, who was a carpenter.

Sit quietly for a moment and begin to wonder together.

Use first five ‘I wonders’ from KWL p126.
I wonder….what Jesus’ mother Mary was like…what Joseph was like…what things Jesus might have done with his
family….what is a temple…why Jesus was such a special child.

Carefully pack story materials into storage box and put on shelf. Ensure that children are watching so they know how to
pack the materials away and where to find them.
Anecdotal Notes

T 1 2 3 4 W 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Activity Name: _________________________________________________________________


Objectives Excellent Good Satisfactory Needs

Identify that
belonged to a

Jesus’ family
and their own

Create, using
book creator,
a page of
drawings or
words which
shows the
ways in
which Jesus
belonged to a
Area How is it connected to lesson plan B
Early Years Learning Framework - Children develop dispositions for
learning such as curiosity, cooperation,
confidence, creativity, commitment,
enthusiasm, persistence, imagination
and reflexivity
- Children develop a range of skills and
processes such as problem solving,
enquiry, experimentation,
hypothesising, researching and
- Children transfer and adapt what they
have learned from one context to
- Children resource their own learning
through connecting with people, place,
technologies and natural and processed
- Children interact verbally and non-
verbally with others for a range of
- Children express ideas and make
meaning using a range of media
- Children use information and
communication technologies to access
information, investigate ideas and
represent their thinking

Archdiocese of Sydney Religious Education Curriculum (n.d.) Godly Play Scripts. Retrieved from
Australian Government Department of Education and Training. (2014). Belonging, Being and Becoming: The Early Years
Learning Framework. Retrieved from

Religious Education Archdiocese of Perth. (n.d.) Religious Units of Work My Family: Penance Pre-Primary. Retrieved

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