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Unit of work: My Family Salvation topic: Penance Human person Topic: How we
can show love in our families
Year Level: Pre-Primary Students’ Prior Knowledge:

In Kindergarten students leant the following aspects:

Key Understanding: C1 Sometimes people need to say - To show love and care towards your friends
sorry and family
- Say sorry if you have hurt someone or done
Learning Point(s): something wrong
- Understanding right and wrong choices (red
and green choices)
C1.1 Identifies words or actions for which people may - Being mean to your friends can hurt them
need to say sorry.
In the section ‘B’ of Family Religious Unit of Work
Resource, the following was addressed:
C1.2 Names ways people could show they are sorry
- Understanding that Jesus cares and loves
his family
- Jesus came to show people how to live in
- Guidance from Jesus on how to love and
care for our families

Spiritual and Religious Capabilities (that may potentially be covered in the lesson)
Prudence Justice Fortitude Temperance Faith Hope Charity
eg Right eg Right eg Inner eg eg Prayer eg eg Service
choices relationships strength Moderation Reconciliation
General Capabilities (that may potentially be covered in the lesson)
Literacy Numeracy ICT Critical and Ethical Personal and Intercultural
competence creative behaviour Social understandi
thinking competence ng

Cross-curriculum priorities (may be addressed in the lesson)

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Asia and Australia’s engagement Sustainability
Islander histories and cultures with Asia
Lesson Objectives

As a result of this lesson, students will be able to:

 Identify words or actions for which people may need to say sorry.
 Name ways people could show that they are sorry.
 State the words or actions for which people can show forgiveness.

Teacher’s Prior Preparation/Organisation: Provision for students at educational risk:

(include Teacher Witness) Choose One from:
• Gifted
The focus of this unit is the understanding that sometimes • Sensory impaired
people need to say sorry, Jesus wanting to show his • Learning difficulty
followers to show love towards their families and the
wondering at how people can show love and care in their Learning Difficulty:
families as Jesus taught. It is through this unit of penance - One on one guidance
which students will learn through the teachings of Jesus - Explicit instructions
on how to continue to show love and care towards their
families, and receiving God’s forgiveness and learning - Teacher model E.g. “When I am sorry Miss
through him. Miloro will…””, then put the question back to
the students
Points to discuss: through the sacrament of penance - Speak about how people might feel in the
students will be guided by God to help them: ‘How do you feel resource’ – ask students
- To love always why they gave a happy face or a sad face
- To be grateful for their families and have class discussions surrounding it.
- To ask for forgiveness if sinned
- To always do what is good Choose One from:
Prior Preparation and materials: • Intellectual disability
- ‘The Pain and the Great One’ by Judy Blume • Physical disability
- Whiteboard + marker
- Paper plates Intellectual Disability:
- Pop sticks - One on one guidance
- Sticky tape - Explicit instructions
- Texters - Explain instructions in a variety of ways and
- ‘How do they feel’ resource – teacher more than once (verbally, pictorially etc.)
- Picture board which clearly shows the
students what they have to achieve at the
end of the lesson
- Students will participate in the turning of the
plate emotions activity with the guidance of
the teacher and EA

After creating their paper plate, before the class
discussion on ‘How do they feel’, students will draw n
image on how they can show that they are sorry to
their family or friends.

Students will listen to stories, participate in
discussions, create, engage in interactive class
activities and listen to relatable stories.

Special Considerations:
Educator will need to be sensitive surrounding the
variety of family situations within their class:

- Not all families show ‘love’ the same way

(playing with one another, cooking, cleaning
- Explain to students that it is so important to
show that you are sorry – explicitly teach how
to say sorry and the actions to show that you
are sorry.
LESSON DELIVERY attach worksheets, examples, marking keys, etc. as relevant
Time Motivation and Introduction:
‘The Pain and the Great One’
11:30am Students will be settled sitting on the mat. by Judy Blume
The educator will read the book ‘The Pain and the Great One’.
Focus Questions:
Whiteboard + marker
- How did the characters feel during the story? Were they
happy, sad, angry?
- What happened when they said sorry and became friends?
- What are things that happen in some families for which
people may need to say sorry?
- How do your family show others that they want to be friends
- What do you feel when someone says that they are sorry to

11:45am Lesson Steps

Students will be sitting at the desk spaces. Paper plate

Students will be given a paper plate. On the one side of the plate the Sticky tape
student will draw a happy face and on the other side of the plate the Pop sticks
student will draw a sad face. Once students have drawn the faces
they can decorate their plates with different coloured pens.

A pop stick will be attached to the bottom of the plate.

Students will be asked to sit down quietly on the mat with their pop
stick faces.

The educator will ask the students to hold up the happy face and then
hold up the sad face. ‘How do they feel’ resource –
The educator will read stories from the ‘How Do They Feel’ resource.
At specific points, the educator will ask the students to use their
masks to respond to the questions asked.

Lesson Closure:

After the activity the educator will explain to the students that
everyone makes mistakes or might hurt or upset teachers, friends or
family members but when this happens it is very important to say
sorry and make up with that person.

The educator will ask students the following focus questions and
responses will be brainstormed on the whiteboard:
- In what ways can we show that we are sorry?
- How can we accept another person’s apology and show
12:30pm Transition:

Students who are sitting quietly will be asked how they can show that
they are sorry and they will be able to go and wash their hands ready
for lunch.

Anecdotal notes
Anecdotal notes will be taken during the lesson on the lesson
A rubric will be created to judge the achievement of the lesson
Anecdotal Notes
T 1 2 3 4 W 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Activity Name: _________________________________________________________________

Objectives Excellent Good Satisfactory Needs
words or
actions for
which people
may need to
say sorry.
Name ways
people could
show that
they are

State the
words or
actions for
which people
can show
Area How is it connected to lesson plan C
Early Years Learning Framework - Children learn to interact in relation to
others with care, empathy and respect
- Children respond to diversity with
- Children become aware of fairness
- Children become socially responsible
and show respect for the environment
- Children develop dispositions for
learning such as curiosity, cooperation,
confidence, creativity, commitment,
enthusiasm, persistence, imagination
and reflexivity
- Children develop a range of skills and
processes such as problem solving,
enquiry, experimentation,
hypothesising, researching and
- Children transfer and adapt what they
have learned from one context to
- Children resource their own learning
through connecting with people, place,
technologies and natural and processed
- Children engage with a range of texts
and gain meaning from these texts
- Children interact verbally and non-
verbally with others for a range of
- Children express ideas and make
meaning using a range of media
- Children use information and
communication technologies to access
information, investigate ideas and
represent their thinking

Australian Government Department of Education and Training. (2014). Belonging, Being and Becoming: The Early Years
Learning Framework. Retrieved from

Blume, J. (1984). The Pain and The Great One (1st ed.). United States: Bradbury Press

Religious Education Archdiocese of Perth. (n.d.) Religious Units of Work My Family: Penance Pre-Primary. Retrieved

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