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A TREATISE of MUSIC, CONTAINING THE PRINCIPLES WHEREIN The feveral Parts thereof are fully explained, and made ufeful both to the Profeffors and Students of that Science. By Mr. RAMEAU, “Principal his Moft Chrittian Majefty, and to > the Opera at Paris. Tranflated into Englifh from the Original in ti ‘French Language. SECOND EDITION. i DUBLIN, . Painteo ror Luxe Wnts. MDCCLXXIX. OF THE C ONTENTS. HAP. I. Page [Ntroduien to Pali cn ee ‘Of the fundamental a 1 Of the fect chad b “mhich b besine Compofition in four Parts |. ——~ —_—_— a2 HAP. “Ty. : Gf the Succeffion or Sequence af Cherds -_ 13 OF fome Rules that niuft be dere Sy — 7 Of the Chord of the Seventh" =— eB CH 4 PB "yi. "Remarks touching the eked cw 23 “AP. VII. oe ‘Of the Key, and of its es Pemaminaticn of of Fiat and Sharp ib. oO the ‘Maser of y Par gh a rye qwhen e 9 the gontinued Bafs —— ee # a CHAP, 4 TABLE of te CONTENTS. : : CHAP... XI. Of the Progreffien of the Bafs, which fixes at the fame Time that of the Chords, and of the Manner of reducing a derivative Chord to its fundamental Chord CHAP. XIL Of fome other Rules taken from the laft Example - CHAP. XII. . Of the perfec? Cadence —- CHAP. XIV. Of the Leading Note, or fharp Seventh, and of the Man- ner of refolving all Difcords. CHAP. XV. Of the Eleventh, otherwife called the Fourth Se CHAP.. XVI. ' Of the irregular Cadence CHAP. XVI. Of the different Progreffions of a Bafs that bear a Relation to each other, wherein the Harmony doth not alter in the upper Parts f CHA T Dawe Of the Manner of preparing all Difcords —_—-. F p é HAP, Tee: Shews where Difcords cannot be prepared CHAP. XX. : “An exact Enumeration of all the different Progreffions of the Bafs, according to the different Difcords therein ufed - . _« CHAP. XXI. Of the Chord of the Second = —— —_—_' —. . . CHAP. 'XXIL Of Kes and Medes in general = = ——- : Of CR TICEES 1. Of fharp Keys 2. Of flat Reys . "CHAP. XXL Of Modulation, or thé Manner of removing from one Key . into another — —_— CHAP, XxIV. Some further Rules on the foregoing Chapter —_— 4 a f . . . ° CHA e Pag: eC 3 39 40 42 44 46 go 53 87 60 65 67 ib, 9 7?

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