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We can menerapkan keselamatan kerja untuk menghindari kecelakaan di sebuah proyek

konstruksi. For example, kita bisa menggunakan sepatu safety agar tidak menginjak benda
tajam . we can also menggunakan helm agar terjaga dari benda yang jatuh dari ketinggian.
These are some examples of site safety(k3) di proyek
2. There are many ways we can make a success on any construction project .For Example we
can menerapkan site safety(k3) di proyek, because k3 kita terhindar dari accident, accidents
penyebab of delays and a danger to workers. K3 a key role in keeping a construction project
on schedule and on budget.

We can apply some safety procedures to minimize accident in a construction project. For example,
we could use safety equipment like safety soes to protect our feet. We also need to use helmet to
protect our head from fallen objects, and use a mask to keep breathing out of pollution. Those are
some examples of safety procedures we can apply easily

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