ACE Inhibitors Beta Blockers Cardiotonic: Ca+ Channel Blockers K+ Channel Blockers

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Classifica- Ca+ Channel K+ Channel

tion ACE Inhibitors Beta Blockers Blockers Blockers

↓ conversion of
A-I to A-II; vasodilator
slows action potential
MOA *A-II receptor blockers - decreases HR decreases conduction
increases contractility
used in pt's who are ACE

*captopril *atenolol *verapamil *amiodarone *adenosine

*enalapril *carvedilol *diltiazem ↑ effects of digoxin *digoxin
Drug *lisinopril *metoprolol *amlodipine *propafenone (0.8 - 2 ng/mL)
Names *ramipril *sotalol *nifedipine *procainamide *digitoxin
A-II receptor blockers: *Alpha's dine & sin *felodipine *ibutilide (14 - 26 ng/mL)
*losartan, *valsartan *clonidine, *prazosin *nicardipine *sotalol *dobutamine

HF, HTN, AV block, SVT, HF, SVT, A.fib

A.fib/flutter, tachycardia, HTN, a.fib/flutter, CONTRAINDICATED
Cardiac HF, HTN,
impaired peripherial SVT, junctional A.fibw/RVR heart block, V.tach/fib,
Treat- junctional dysrhythmias,
circulation, stable angina dysthythmias, chronic SVT, PVC pregnancy
ment CAUTION - in asthma pt's - stable angina VT/VF CAUTION
chronic stable angina
bronchospasms; & DM pts - CAUTION - in HF advanced HF &
can mask s/s of hypoglycemia renal insuffieiency

*↑K+, cough, ARF, hypoT, *bronchospasms (asthma pt) *CHF, *pulmonary edema, *HF, AV block, pulmonary digoxin toxicity:
dizziness, *hyperglycemia (DM pts), *AV block (prolonged PR toxicity, painful breathing, early: dysrrhythmias,
fatigue, headache, bradycardia, P.hypoT, interval), bradycardia, hypoT, cough, SOB, weakness in N/V/D, confusion
Effects N/V/C, GI irritation, headache/dizz, drowsiness, headache/dizziness, flushing, arms/legs, trouble walking, late: halos & visual changes
angioedema-life threatening fatigue, CHF, ED, N/V rash, fever,chills dizziness, lightheadedness *know early vs late s/s*
*I/O-daily weight,
*hold if apical < 60
*assess K+ serum, BP, HR, SxS CHF: assess for *safety/safety/safety *teach pt's s/s of
*hold if SBP < 100
skin, facial edema, renal pulm.edema/lungs sounds *assess BP, RR, apical & digoxin toxicity
*ortho BP, LFT's, weight (daily
tests *BP & HR q3-4h radial pulses, renal & LFT *K+ rich diet; monitor K+
Nursing or weekly)
*hold SBP <100 *hold if apical < 60 *hold HR >120 or <60 levels
*avoid EtOH, OTC's, &
Manage- *ASA/NSAIDs may reduce
hazardous tasks if dizzy; rise
*hold if SBP < 100 *keep all aptmts-MD, labs, *assess BP, AP, lung sounds,
ment effectivness *may cause 1° HB etc. & follow diet plan JVD, weight, sputum,
*full effect on BP *take with meals *avoid EtOH, smoking, extremity edema, renal &
*do not stop abruptly
may not be seen *pines are for BP; varapimil OTC's, swallow whole, wax LFT's
*caution use with
for 3-6 wks & diltiazem for may be found in stool *no herbal drugs
African Americans

Direct Vasodilators Statin Drugs Antiplatelet Anticoagulation Anticholinergenic

↓ preload & decrease platelet antiparasympathetic;

inhibit synthesis of prolong the formation
MOA cardiac/pulmonary aggregation & inhibit transient
cholesterol in liver of blood clotting
congestion thrombus formation phase of stimulation
Antidote = Vitamin K
PT: 11-12.5 secs (1.5-2x)
*nitroglycerin *atorvastain
INR: 0.8-1.1 (1.5-2.5x)
Drug (sublingual, patch, & *lovastatin *ASA
*heparin*enoxaprin *atropine
Names paste) *simvastatin *clopidogrel bisulfate
Antidote = Protamine
*isosorbide mononitrate *fluvastatin
*sodium nitroprusside
aPTT: 30-40 (TR: 60-
MI, re-infarction,
A.fib/flutter, MI, DVT,
CAD, stroke
PE, stroke
HF, HTN, CAD, HDL pregnancy (3rd trimester),
Treat- bleeding disorders or
thrombocytopenia bradycardia, Mobitz II
chronic stable angina CAD
PUD, severe HTN,
PUD, hepatic/renal disease

headache, dizziness, HR, BP, bruising,

rhabdomylosis or muscle hematuria, bruising, can't see, can't pee
palpitations/tachy, petechiae, black/tarry
Side pain, epistaxis, confusion, GI can't spit, can't sh*t
N/V, hypoT, flushing stools, bleeding in
Effects NVCD, rash, ↑ liver ulcers or upset, tachycardia, agitation,
*reactions lessen with urine/gums, vasculitis,
enzymes, myopathy hemorrhage delirium, NVC, ED
prolonged use/dose adjust hemorrhage

*take on an empty
*if headache develops *use in adjunction w/diet
treat w/ASA or therapy; restrictions of sat. *take with food/milk *med ID bracelet, elec
acetaminpohen fat & cholesterol-- *notify MD of any razor, soft toothbrush
*monitor I/O; may cause
*advise patient to take an red meats, eggs, whole unusual bleeding *diet consistent in Vit. K
Nursing urinary retention
additional dose prior to milk; reduce EtOH & *NO ASA or NSAIDs is essential
*assess for tachycardia;
Manage- anticipated stress & have simple sugars *may cause dizziness or *avoid all IM injections
may lead to V.fib
ment drug accessible at all *CK & kidney function- if drowsiness *inspect & teach for
*give IV over
times *keep record of muscle pain/weakness *inform HCP before abnormal bleeding
1 minute
attacks *monitor LFT's prior to undergoing any procedures *OTC or herbal therapy-
*assess pregnancy status & q6-12wks after or new drug therapy contact HCP
*avoid EtOH start of therapy
*do not mix w/other
Viscocity Reducer Thrombolytics Ductus Arteriosus Agents Wound Care Agents Diuretics

stimulates or prevents
improves flow of blood prevents infection in fluid removal;
MOA used to dissolve blood clots closure of ductus
through vessels burn patients ↓ venous preloas

*tenecteplase *silver sulfadiazine *furosemide
(stimulates DA closure)
Drug *pentoxifylline *lanoteplase *silver nitrate *bumetidine
Names *cilostazol *staphylokinase *mafenide acetate *HCTZ
*Prostaglandin E1
*streptokinase *acticoat *spironlactone
(prevents DA closure)

MI, unstable angina, management of ductal-
Treat- PAD- intermittent
stroke, DVT, PE, acute dependent congenital burns HTN, CHF, edema
ment claudication
peripherial occlusion cardiac defects in

headaches, dizziness,
drowsiness, dizziness, bleeding at injection site or increased thirst,
Side apnea, flushing,
headache, N/V/D, elsewhere, low BP, pain, burning, itching hyponatremia,
Effects twitching, fever
stomach discomfort allergic reaction hyperglycemia,
muscle cramps

Nursing Manage-
Manage- Nursing Manage-ment Nursing Manage-ment Nursing Manage-ment Nursing Manage-ment

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