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The Spirit School

Jalil Town Campus
Student Name:_______________ Grade # 6
CH # 5: The Land and Agriculture in Pakistan and South Asia
1. Pakistan is a fairly _________ country.
a. Warm b. cold c. dry d. mild
2. _________ quarters of the farmland has to be irrigated to get the good crops.
a. Four b. three c. eight d. ten
3. Water for irrigation is bought to the surface by __________
a. Shadaf b. dams c. tube wells d. Persian wheels
4. Farmlands for growing crops forms about __________ percents of Pakistan’s land
a. 47 b. 57 c. 37 d. 77
5. The coastal areas of India, right around produce a large quantity of ___________
a. Cashew nuts b. dates c. coconuts d. almonds

True / False:
1. Less than 5 percent of Pakistan is now forest. True / False
2. Waste and scrubland forms about 20 percent of Pakistan. True / False
3. Trade is the major occupation for the majority of Pakistan’s population. True / False
4. The climate of Bangladesh is generally hot and humid. True / False
5. Nepal and Bhutan are land-lock countries. True / False

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