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Cancer, Coagulation, and Anticoagulation

Hematology-Oncology Department, Massachusetts General Hospital Cancer Center, Boston, Massachusetts, USA;
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, Massachusetts, USA

Key Words. Cancer · Heparin · Warfarin · Coagulation · Thrombosis · Pulmonary embolism · Small-cell · Chemotherapy · Breast

Thromboembolic disease affects about 15% of cancer heparin (unfractionated and low molecular weight), war-
patients and presents a challenge to the oncologist for both farin, and internal vena cava filters. The appropriate use
prophylaxis and treatment. Although long known to be of these therapeutic options in cancer patients is reviewed

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associated with malignancy, the underlying biochemical herein. There is suggestive evidence that heparin may be
mechanisms are poorly understood. Both low-dose war- superior to warfarin in the long-term treatment of venous
farin and low molecular weight heparin are effective thromboembolism. Whether anticoagulants might also
strategies for prophylaxis of venous thromboembolism, improve cancer survival rates independent of their effect
including those involving venous access devices. Current on thromboembolism deserves further investigation. The
treatment options for venous thromboembolism include Oncologist 1999;4:443-449

INTRODUCTION disease: alteration in blood flow, damage of endothelial cells,

One of the most frequent hematological complications and elaboration of procoagulants. Cancer can affect blood
encountered by the practicing oncologist is disordered coag- flow by mechanical effects on blood vessels near a tumor.
ulation. Thromboembolic disease affects approximately 15% Also, the angiogenesis induced by many tumors causes the
of all cancer patients [1]. This includes superficial and deep creation of complexes of blood vessels that are aberrant in
venous thrombosis, pulmonary emboli, thrombosis of venous appearance and have very disordered flow. In fact, flow in
access devices, as well as arterial thrombosis and embolism. these vessels can vary not only in magnitude, but also in
It is the second leading cause of death for cancer patients [2], direction. Endothelial cells can also be damaged directly by
although obviously in many of these patients, thromboem- tumors or chemotherapy.
bolic disease represents only one of many complications of Procoagulants can be increased on the surface of cancer
the end-stage patient. cells, and may also be secreted into the blood stream by can-
In this paper we will focus on the hypercoagulable states cer cells [3]. Examples of molecules elaborated by cancer
associated with cancer and the role of chemotherapy in cells that can predispose to disordered coagulation include
inducing thrombosis. We will review the problem of central tissue factor, a Vitamin K-dependent cysteine protease that
venous catheters and their associated thrombotic risk in can- activates factor X, and a mucin procoagulant that activates
cer patients. We will describe aspects of treatment of throm- prothrombin. Furthermore, chemotherapy treatment can
boembolic disease which are peculiar to cancer patients and cause a reduction in levels of the anticoagulant proteins C
focus on the relative roles of coumadin, heparin, and low and S. Indwelling venous access devices may also predispose
molecular weight heparin (LMWH) in this treatment. to thrombosis by altering blood flow, damaging endothelial
Finally, we will summarize the data concerning the use of cells, and serving as a surface upon which procoagulants can
anticoagulants as antineoplastic agents. promote thrombosis.
In addition, other factors can cause dysregulation of the
THROMBOPHILIA OF MALIGNANCY normal mechanisms of thrombosis and hemostasis. Certain
Cancer and its treatment can affect all three arms of tumors cause thromboembolism by direct extension and
Virchow’s classical triad of causation of thromboembolic blockage of neighboring vessels. The best-known example

Correspondence: Anthony Letai, M.D., Ph.D., Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, 44 Binney Street, Boston, MA 02115, USA.
Telephone: 617-632-6077; Fax: 617-632-5822; e-mail: Accepted for publication October 31, 1999.
©AlphaMed Press 1083-7159/00/$5.00/0

The Oncologist 1999;4:443-449

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444 Cancer, Coagulation, and Anticoagulation

is probably renal cell carcinoma, which can be associated only cost-effective, but also cost-saving [13]. The amount
with internal vena cava (IVC) thrombus by direct extension saved was estimated to be 2,443 Canadian dollars per 100
of tumor into this vessel. Long-term survival of patients patients. Based on this study, low-dose warfarin may be an
with this disorder has been reported after complete resec- option for patients who are receiving breast cancer
tions of the tumor and thrombosed vessel, sometimes even chemotherapy and do not have a contraindication. However,
including the right ventricle. such a practice has not been widely adopted in the USA. It is
Other tumors are associated with a secondary thrombo- important to see if a simpler regimen of warfarin at 1 mg per
cytosis [4]. However, there is not an association of this day would also be effective. Such a regimen would certainly
thrombocytosis with activation of the clotting cascade or clin- be even cheaper and more convenient and could be easily
ical thromboembolism. Tumor cells may activate platelets in applied to patients receiving chemotherapy for other cancers.
yet other cases. It is hypothesized that the resulting platelet Another drug that is commonly associated with derange-
aggregation may assist in the implantation of metastases, and ment of coagulation is L-asparaginase, used almost exclusively
perhaps even in protection from the host immune system. in the treatment of acute lymphoblastic leukemia. This drug
effects the depletion of L-asparagine, which in turn inhibits pro-

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CHEMOTHERAPY AND THROMBOSIS duction of many plasma proteins, including fibrinogen, plas-
Chemotherapy itself can increase the risk of thromboem- minogen, antithrombin III, protein C and protein S. Thrombotic
bolic disease. This has been best studied in breast cancer complications often manifest as stroke or seizures, arise in 1%-
where tamoxifen and cytotoxic chemotherapy both appear 14% of patients treated [14]. Unfortunately, since hemorrhage
independently to increase the risk for venous thrombosis is also a potential complication of this drug, prophylactic anti-
[5-10]. The increase in risk appears to be greatest in post- coagulation is not employed. Adminstration of antithrombin III
menopausal patients. An increased risk for arterial thrombosis (AT III) has been shown to correct laboratory abnormalities,
has also been observed [7, 11]. It should be noted, however, but has not been shown to affect clinical outcomes. As depleted
that many of the chemotherapy regimens in these studies con- fibrinogen can lead to bleeding, many physicians follow fib-
tained more drugs (up to seven) than are typically present in rinogen levels on patients treated with L-asparaginase and
today’s one, two, or three-drug regimens. transfuse cryoglobulin if levels fall too low. Recent evidence
It is reasonable to ask if there is an effective strategy to indicates that patients with inherited defects in coagulation,
prevent thrombosis in breast cancer patients receiving such as Factor VLeiden AT III deficiency, are at significantly
chemotherapy. Perhaps the best data are from a British study increased risk of thrombosis due to L-asparaginase [15].
in 1994 [12]. Three hundred and eleven metastatic breast can-
cer patients receiving “first or second-line” chemotherapy INDWELLING CENTRAL LINES AND VENOUS
were enrolled within four weeks of initiating the chemother- THROMBOSIS
apy. One hundred and fifty-nine received a sham pill and Patients with cancer often receive central venous access
sham internationalized normalized ratio (INR) in a double- catheters for administering chemotherapy, blood products, flu-
blinded fashion. One hundred and fifty-two received low- ids, medicines, and also for drawing blood for diagnostic tests.
dose warfarin at 1 mg daily for six weeks; after six weeks, the There is good evidence that these create an increased risk for
warfarin dose was adjusted to attain an INR between 1.3 and DVT of the ipsilateral upper extremity. Although rates of
1.9. Patients were screened with an ultrasound if they had symptomatic thrombosis are lower, clots have been veno-
symptoms of venous thrombosis. A positive ultrasound find- graphically documented in 38%-62% of venous access devices
ing was confirmed by venography. There was a statistically [16, 17]. Several factors have been identified that may influ-
significant difference in thrombotic events between these ence the risk of thrombosis. Left subclavian lines are at higher
groups. In the placebo arm, there were six deep venous throm- risk than the right [18]. Polyvinyl chloride or polyethylene
boses (DVTs) and one pulmonary embolus (PE); in the war- lines are more likely to lead to PE than are polyurethane or sil-
farin arm, there was one PE. There was no difference in iconized lines [19]. A triple lumen catheter may be more
bleeding events between the arms; there were two major thrombogenic than a double lumen. A line requiring two punc-
bleeding events, one fatal, in the placebo arm and a single tures for insertion was more thrombogenic than those placed
nonfatal bleeding event in the warfarin arm. There was no dif- with a single puncture. Finally, the type of fluid infused
ference in survival between the groups. through the line may affect the thrombosis rate: infusion of
Because of concern that the benefit in preventing nonfa- total parenteral nutrition fluid has been found to be more
tal thromboembolic events did not justify the expense and thrombogenic than infusion of crystalloid fluid [20].
labor involved in giving low-dose warfarin, a follow-up Upper extremity DVTs (UEDVT) can indeed give rise to
study in 1995 estimated that low-dose warfarin would be not PE. Asymptomatic cancer patients with indwelling central
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lines were screened with ultrasound to look for UEDVTs. In Retrospective studies do not provide a clear answer. Some did
those with positive results, a nuclear ventilation/perfusion not find coexistent malignancy to be a risk factor for major
(V/Q) scan was then obtained regardless of whether the patient hemorrhage during anticoagulation [24, 25] while some did
had symptoms of PE. Of 86 patients with UEDVT, 13 (15%) [26]. In a prospective cohort study, cancer patients who
were considered to have PE by a high-probability V/Q scan received warfarin for the treatment of DVT and/or PE were no
[19]. Four of the 13 had signs or symptoms of PE. Of note, two more likely than controls to have hemorrhage [27, 28]. A sec-
of the 13 ultimately died of massive PE despite anticoagulation ond concern is that compared to patients with nonmalignant
with heparin. In a study of patients (only a minority of whom disease, cancer patients are more likely to have a recurrence
had cancer) presenting with symptomatic UEDVTs, PE was on warfarin or after warfarin is stopped [29-32]. Some authors
found in 36% (8 of 22), based either on a high-probability lung suggest that instead of anticoagulating for 6-24 weeks for a
ventilation/perfusion scan or pulmonary angiography [21]. first DVT, cancer patients need to be anticoagulated until
Other investigators found that the relative risk was 3.4 when there is no evidence of disease. Therefore, in treating a can-
PE from catheter-related UEDVT was compared with other cer patient with thromboembolic disease, the oncologist
causes of UEDVT [22]. faces a situation where there may be a slightly greater risk

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UEDVTs associated with indwelling catheters are there- of hemorrhage, but also a greater risk of recurrent throm-
fore common and carry with them a significant risk for PE as bosis. In most nonmoribund cancer patients, anticoagula-
well as the local morbidity associated with the thrombosis. tion for thromboembolic disease is usually begun unless
Additionally, such thrombosis may lead to other costly proce- potential contraindications exist.
dures to clear or replace the central line. Are these DVTs pre- Special conditions may be present which might present a
ventable? In a randomized, prospective trial, Bern and relative or absolute contraindication to anticoagulation.
coworkers demonstrated that 1 mg per day of warfarin is a Oncologists are often confronted with a patient with a brain
safe and effective prophylaxis against thrombosis in cancer tumor who requires anticoagulation for a DVT. There has
patients with central venous catheters [16]. Consecutive can- been a long-standing reluctance to treat these patients with
cer patients receiving portacaths placed by surgeons were therapeutic anticoagulation due to the fear of intracranial
enrolled. If they had no contraindications to anticoagulation, hemorrhage. An alternative therapy that has been used is an
they were randomized to receive either 1 mg per day of war- IVC filter. There are no good prospective randomized studies
farin or no drug. Warfarin was initiated three days prior to the to evaluate the relative safety and efficacy of IVC filter place-
placement of the portacath. The distribution of cancers in both ment versus anticoagulation in this setting. A retrospective
arms was similar. In those receiving warfarin, four out of 40 series can give us only rough estimates of efficacy and com-
(9.5%) had thrombi; in the 40 patients who did not receive plication rates. The chance of recurrent PE after IVC filter
warfarin, 15 out of 40 (37.5%) had thrombi (p < 0.001). placement is in the 3%-20% range [33, 34] and the rate of
Similar results have been obtained in a study of British cancer local thrombotic complication (IVC clot, DVT progression,
patients receiving central venous lines [23]. A LMWH (dal- recurrent DVT, or postphlebitic syndrome) ranges from 5%-
teparin, Fragmin®) also demonstrated benefit in preventing 57% depending on the series [33-37]. For comparison, the
central catheter-associated thrombosis in cancer patients in a risk of thromboembolic events in similar patients treated with
randomized, prospective trial [17]. anticoagulants was 5%-20% [33, 36, 38]. The risk of intra-
Taken together, these studies show: A) UEDVT is com- cerebral hemorrhage, the main concern of most clinicians in
mon in cancer patients with indwelling lines; B) pulmonary anticoagulating patients with brain metastases, was 0%-5%
embolus is a significant risk of these DVTs, and C) 1 mg per [33, 35, 38, 39]. In general, bleeding complications occurred
day of warfarin is a safe, cheap, and effective way to reduce in the setting of supratherapeutic anticoagulation. In sum-
the risk of UEDVT. Anticoagulation of indwelling central mary, there are not enough data to make a definitive recom-
lines should be considered in all cancer patients who do not mendation for therapy in the setting of a patient with both
have a specific contraindication. thromboembolic disease and brain metastasis. However, anti-
coagulation is a noninvasive, inexpensive, reversible inter-
TREATMENT OF THROMBOEMBOLIC DISEASE IN vention that has the advantage of treating the underlying
CANCER PATIENTS clotting diathesis present in many of these patients. Although
Should the treatment of thromboembolic disease be any they reduce the PE risk, IVC filters do not correct the under-
different for cancer patients than it is for noncancer patients? lying coagulation defects and may themselves undergo
One concern is that cancer patients who are anticoagulated thrombosis with its consequent lower extremity morbidity.
might have an increased risk of hemorrhage due to tumor, This latter complication makes IVC filters an unattractive but
thrombocytopenia, or concurrent coagulation disorders. sometimes unavoidable option.
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446 Cancer, Coagulation, and Anticoagulation

Because they are highly vascular, renal cell and in oncology patients was 1.72 times more likely than for
melanoma metastases to the brain are held in special regard patients without cancer. There are no clear clinical data to
by many clinicians, as these can have spontaneous hemor- guide the response to this situation. If a cancer patient has
rhage. However, no trials have studied their risk of bleed- recurrent thromboembolism while on therapeutic doses of
ing during anticoagulation. Until further safety information warfarin, the oncologist has three choices: A) continue war-
is available, anticoagulating patients with these metastases farin at a higher target INR; B) switch to continuous intra-
to the brain should be avoided. venous unfractionated heparin or intermittent subcutaneous
LWMH, or C) put in an IVC filter.
Does long-term heparin therapy afford any advantage over LMWH
warfarin in the treatment of thromboembolic disease in cancer A recent addition to the anticoagulant armamentarium in
patients? No prospective randomized trial has compared the USA is LMWH. LMWH is prepared by chemical or enzy-
heparin with warfarin for the treatment of thromboembolic dis- matic degradation of unfractionated heparin. Three LMWH
ease. However, in an extensive retrospective analysis of preparations are currently available in the USA: enoxaparin

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patients with Trousseau’s syndrome, a condition in which (Lovenox®), dalteparin (Fragmin®), and ardeparin
recurrent, migratory thromboembolism is found in patients (Normiflo®). Compared with traditional unfractionated
with adenocarcinoma, it was found that 19% of patients bene- heparin, LMWH has a narrower range of molecular weight
fited from warfarin therapy while 65% benefited from heparin distribution; unfractionated heparin contains molecules in the
therapy [40]. In a more recent retrospective review, cancer 5,000-30,000 dalton range, compared with LMWH molecules
patients treated with warfarin for their first venous thromboem- that are clustered in the 2,000-8,000 dalton range. LMWH is
bolism (VTE) had a recurrence rate of 22% within three months readily and consistently absorbed from a subcutaneous
in contrast to those treated with heparin (standard or low mole- administration and has low serum protein and cellular binding
cular weight) who had a recurrence rate of 7% [32]. The clini- which produces a bioavailability of over 85% compared with
cal experience of many practicing oncologists also supports this 15% for unfractionated heparin. LMWH is primarily excreted
impression. There are also anecdotal reports of patients with by the kidney with an elimination half-life of 3.5-4.5 h com-
Trousseau’s syndrome responding well to LMWH, which pared with 1.5 h for unfractionated heparin. The high
allows for their convenient outpatient treatment. bioavailability and longer half-life allow for twice-a-day or
On a biochemical level, heparin has several antithrom- even daily dosing schedules based on weight to maintain ther-
botic mechanisms that warfarin lacks. Heparin can release tis- apeutic anticoagulation. Standard measurements of anticoag-
sue plasminogen activator and tissue factor pathway inhibitor ulation such as the partial thromboplastin time (PTT) are not
(TFPI) from endothelial binding sites and increase their cir- usually prolonged and need not be regularly followed. If one
culating levels. TFPI is a tri-domain protein that binds to the does wish to evaluate the extent of anticoagulation with
complex formed by tissue factor, factor VIIa, and factor X LMWH, an assay measuring the level of inhibition of factor
and suppresses the generation of Xa by tissue factor [41]. Xa activation must be obtained. A level between 0.4-0.7 is
Heparin (both unfractionated and low molecular weight), but generally considered therapeutic, but must be measured
not warfarin, can increase the circulating amount of this pro- against a standard curve constructed using that specific
tein and also increase its specific activity. Since tissue factor LMWH.
is an important stimulus to coagulation in cancer patients, There are now many reports which have demonstrated
activation of TFPI by heparin may contribute greatly to the that LMWH is at least as safe, effective, and cost-effective as
overall antithrombotic effect of heparin. unfractionated heparin in treating deep venous thrombosis
Despite the impressive biochemical and retrospective and even nonmassive PE in the general population [42-46]. In
clinical data already mentioned, there are no prospective a prospective trial that randomized patients to unfractionated
clinical studies that address whether heparin is better than heparin or enoxaparin, analysis of the subgroup of patients
warfarin in the treatment of the first thromboembolic event in who had cancer demonstrated that, as in the overall group,
the cancer patient. Given the availability of LMWH and the enoxaparin given twice a day was as effective as unfraction-
added incentive of outpatient treatment for many of these ated heparin in the prevention of recurrent venous throm-
VTE, a study comparing three to six months of warfarin ver- boembolism [47]. A retrospective analysis of the cancer
sus three to six months of LMWH in cancer patients with patients participating in a number of trials comparing the
VTE should have high priority. safety and efficacy of unfractionated heparin and LMWH has
Recurrent VTE in cancer patients on anticoagulant therapy also demonstrated a trend toward a mortality benefit indepen-
is not uncommon. Prandoni [29] showed that recurrent VTE dent of bleeding of recurrent thromboembolic disease in those
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cancer patients receiving LMWH [48, 49]. While intriguing, insignificant (p = 0.14) overall survival advantage for arm
this finding must be validated in a prospective fashion to 2 with similar advantageous trends for the warfarin arm for
affect meaningfully the management of thromboembolic dis- partial response, complete response, and failure-free sur-
ease in cancer patients. In any case, LMWH offers the oncol- vival (FFS). There was a statistically significant difference
ogist the opportunity to treat the majority of uncomplicated (p = 0.027) in overall response rate of 67% versus 51%
DVT cases safely, effectively, and cost-effectively at home. favoring the warfarin arm.
In the future, home LMWH treatment may also extend to the In 1997, the CALGB published a study of warfarin added
cancer patient with uncomplicated PE as well. to a combination of ACE (adriamycin, cytoxan, and etoposide)
and PCE (cisplatin, cytoxan, and etoposide) in the treatment
ANTICOAGULANTS AS ANTICANCER THERAPY of limited-stage SCLC patients [54]. The warfarin arm
A final issue is whether anticoagulation provides any showed a survival benefit that did not reach statistical signifi-
benefit in treating the underlying malignant disease. In vitro cance (p = 0.12). The survival curve plateaus were not,
studies show that warfarin, heparin, fibrinolytics, and even however, superimposable. Responders to chemotherapy
antiplatelet agents inhibit tumor growth and metastasis who received warfarin had greater than twice the survival

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[50]. Thrombin and fibrin have been found to contribute to time (33 month versus 13.75 month, p = 0.05).
the adhesion and implantation of tumor cells, so antifibrin Another study examined the utility of subcutaneous
or antithrombin agents might exert their effects by inhibit- unfractionated heparin as an adjunct to chemotherapy in the
ing this implantation. Furthermore, heparin has been found treatment of extensive and limited-stage SCLC. The heparin
to inhibit vascular endothelial growth factor, tissue factor, was administered in two or three daily subcutaneous doses
and platelet-activating factor, each of which may contribute starting at 500 U/kg/day, and adjusted to keep the PTT at two
to angiogenesis. It has also been hypothesized that fibrin to three times the control value. Heparin was given for five
deposits around tumors may offer protection against immune weeks. The heparin-treated group experienced an increase in
surveillance, so that anticoagulants might aid in immune complete response (37% versus 23%, p = 0.004) as well as an
clearance of small deposits of cancer cells. Although there are increased median survival (317 versus 261 d, p = 0.01) [55].
many hypotheses for in vitro antitumor activity of anticoagu- In this study as in the others, anticoagulant was administered
lants, the practical question is whether anticoagulants affect only near the time when chemotherapy was given. Despite the
cancer mortality in a clinical setting. relatively short period of anticoagulation, benefits of
The use of anticoagulants as an adjunct to cytotoxic improved survival were realized months to years later. This is
chemotherapy has been studied in patients with small-cell lung analogous to the situation in venous thromboembolism,
cancer (SCLC). In a prospective randomized trial centered in a where the benefits of early short-term heparin therapy can be
VA hospital, patients were given radiation therapy and realized as a decreased rethrombosis rate many months later.
chemotherapy for SCLC, and randomized to receive either These results, obtained in a prospective, randomized fash-
warfarin or no anticoagulant therapy [51, 52]. The warfarin ion, suggest that there may be some survival benefit to anti-
dose was targeted to give a prothrombin time twice that of con- coagulation in the treatment of SCLC. The effect is probably
trol. Patients with either extensive or limited-stage cancers not large, judging by the difficulty in reaching statistical sig-
were enrolled. There was a statistically significant prolonga- nificance in the CALGB studies, but there does appear to be
tion of survival demonstrated for those patients who received a consistent small benefit. The administration of low levels of
warfarin (median survival 49.5 weeks) compared with those anticoagulant is, in general, much less toxic and expensive
who did not (median survival 23.0 weeks). Response rate than the addition of another chemotherapy agent, or the use of
was not significantly affected, but survival and time to high-dose chemotherapy with stem cell support. While
relapse were. A follow-up study looking at warfarin as an intriguing, however, the data are not sufficiently convincing
adjunct in the treatment of prostate, colorectal, head and to alter current clinical practice. With the introduction of the
neck, and non-SCLC showed no survival benefit in these LWMH, there is renewed interest in determining whether
relatively chemotherapy-insensitive tumors [52]. anticoagulation may improve survival in oncology patients.
In 1989, Cancer and Leukemia Group B (CALGB)
described a trial randomizing patients with extensive stage CONCLUSIONS
SCLC to one of three arms [53]. Arm 1 received MACC Thromboembolic disease is a frustrating and common
(methotrexate, adriamycin, cytoxan, CCNU); arm 2 received complication of malignancy. The biochemical basis of the
MACC plus warfarin (PT 1.5-2 times control); arm 3 thrombophilia of malignancy is poorly understood and studies
received alternating MEPH (mitomycin, etoposide, cisplatin, to unravel its cause and relationship to the underlying malig-
hexamethylmelamine) and MACC. There was a statistically nancy are sorely needed. Current treatment for DVT and PE in
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448 Cancer, Coagulation, and Anticoagulation

cancer patients includes heparin, warfarin, and sometimes IVC vival rates; prospective studies are currently underway to
filters. The last option is usually reserved for those patients address this issue. The introduction of LMWH should greatly
who are not candidates for anticoagulation. Since heparin pro- improve the convenience of anticoagulation therapy for oncol-
vides some additional antithrombotic effects that warfarin ogy patients.
lacks, it will be important to study whether LMWH may be
better than warfarin in the long-term treatment of venous ACKNOWLEDGMENT
thromboembolism. Furthermore, there is suggestive evidence This work was supported by NIH grants CA09172-24
that warfarin and heparin may actually enhance cancer sur- (A.L.), HL54838 (D.K.), and HL61222 (D.K.).

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