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Internship Report
Batch: K29 (2013-2017)
Main Tasks of Credit Department

Prepared by
Student’s full name:TRAN PHONG
Student’s ID number: 03042913051
Program: Business English

Internship Supervisor
Title: Master of Arts
Department: Foreign Languages

Date of Submission may 30th, 2018


The internship period that I had at An Binh Bank has brought me a lot of valuable

experience and an overview on banking career path. I am always grateful for this chance because it

helps me to gain practical experience, to apply all the methods and theories I have learned.

Firstly, I would like to express my deepest and grateful gratitude to my instructor-lecturer

Cu Nhat Suong, who has supported and guided me throughout my internship period. I also want to

express my thanks to all lecturers at Banking University of Ho Chi Minh City for their hard work.

They are my significant sources of inspiration.

In addition, I would like give a special thank you to employees who work in Credit

Department, especially, Mr.Pham Quoc Hai. They all showed me how a professional staff handles

the tasks and work with high responsibilities. The valuable experience I acquired is very useful for

my future job in the banking industry as well as other related fields.

Finally, I want to send my best regards to my family for their endless reinforcement. Thanks

to their encouragement, I can confidently pursue my dream and have many meaningful years at the


Nhận xét của đơn vị thực tập
















Xác nhận của đơn vị thực tập

Ho Chi Minh, day….month….year….

Phần đánh giá của Giảng viên hướng dẫn

STT Nội dung đánh giá Điểm Nhận xét

1 Tinh thần, thái độ làm việc tại Cơ /2.0

quan thực tập (dựa trên cơ sở đánh
giá của cơ đơn vị thực tập)

2 Mức độ chấp hành nội quy thực /2.0

tập và thực hiện các yêu cầu
chuyên môn theo hướng dẫn của
Giảng viên hướng dẫn

3 Chất lượng báo cáo thực tập

- Trình bày /1.0

- Ngôn ngữ /1.0

a. Tống quan về cơ quan /1.0

nhận thực tập và bộ phận
thực tập

b. Nội dung công việc /1.0

được phân công và
phương pháp thực hiện

- Nội c. Kết quả của đợt thực
dung báo tập, bao gồm:
cáo  Những kiến thức, kỹ
năng được củng cố
hoặc học hỏi được
 Những kinh nghiệm
đã tích lũy được
 Các đóng góp của bản
thân cho cơ quan và
các sáng kiến, đề xuất
giải pháp (nếu có)

Tổng điểm /10.0

Giảng viên chấm 1

Phần đánh giá của Giảng viên chấm 2

STT Nội dung đánh giá Điểm Nhận xét

1 Tinh thần, thái độ làm việc tại Cơ /2.0

quan thực tập (dựa trên cơ sở đánh
giá của cơ đơn vị thực tập)

2 Mức độ chấp hành nội quy thực /2.0

tập và thực hiện các yêu cầu
chuyên môn theo hướng dẫn của
Giảng viên hướng dẫn

3 Chất lượng báo cáo thực tập

- Trình bày /1.0

- Ngôn ngữ /1.0

a. Tống quan về cơ quan /1.0

nhận thực tập và bộ phận
thực tập

b. Nội dung công việc /1.0

được phân công và
phương pháp thực hiện

- Nội c. Kết quả của đợt thực /2.0

dung báo tập, bao gồm:
cáo  Những kiến thức, kỹ
năng được củng cố
hoặc học hỏi được
 Những kinh nghiệm
đã tích lũy được
 Các đóng góp của bản
thân cho cơ quan và
các sáng kiến, đề xuất
giải pháp (nếu có)
Tổng điểm /10.0

Giảng viên chấm 2

Table of Contents

CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION OF AN BINH BANK ..................................... 1

1.1. Overview of An Binh Bank- Tanh Linh Branch .......................................... 1

1.2. Personnel of An Binh Bank- Tanh Linh Branch ......................................... 2

1.3. Core services of An Binh Bank- Tanh Linh Branch ................................... 2

CHAPTER 2. ASSIGNED TASKS ........................................................................ 4

CHAPTER 3. METHOD TO CONDUCT ASSIGNED TASKS ........................ 5

CHAPTER 4. INTERNSHIP OUTCOME ........................................................... 5

4.1. Theoretical knowledge .................................................................................. 5

4.1.1. Risk management .................................................................................... 6

4.1.2. Customer approach ................................................................................. 6

4.1.3. Credit analysis ......................................................................................... 6

4.2. Practical skills ................................................................................................ 6

4.3. Practical experiences ..................................................................................... 7

CHAPTER 5. RECOMMENDATIONS TO An Binh BANK ............................ 8

CHAPTER 6. CONCLUSION ............................................................................... 9


1.1 Overview of An Binh Bank

Vietnam Maritime Joint - Stock Commercial Bank (MSB) was established on July 12th, 1991

in Haiphong City. In 2005, the Bank relocated its Head Office to Hanoi and begun a new era of

development which significantly expanded its operation. Khanh Hoi is one of the most remarkable

branches of Maritime Bank. Although Khanh Hoi Maritime Bank is not a big branch, it still got

many significant achievements.

- Location: 166 Khanh Hoi Street, District 4, HCMC

- Telephone: 083 941 3937

- Website:

1.2 Personnel of Maritime Bank- Khanh Hoi Branch


Credit Accountant
Officer (Teller)


The personnel of Khanh Hoi Maritime Bank have only three departments: head, credit

department and accounting department:

-The main tasks of credit department are finding customers, lending loans.

- The accounting department also acts as bank tellers directly help the customers with their


1.3 Core services of Maritime Bank-Khanh Hoi Branch

 Accepting money on various types of deposit accounts

 Lending money

 Cash management

 Processing payments via telegraphic transfer, internet banking or other payment methods.


The internship opportunity at Credit Department of Maritime Bank is completely broaden

my experience in credit affair. It offers me not only the real world insights but also the exposures to

actual working life about my interested future career.

Firstly, I have experienced and realized that the most important function of Credit

Department is lending money. Nowadays, a large number of banks offer very competitive lending

rate so Credit Department has to find the way that can attract the customers and persuade them to

use our service. I was assigned to find customers through many social networking sites such as:

Facebook, Zalo,…Interestingly, I had to take the ID of people on Facebook to run the advertisement

on that account in order to broaden our products and services.

Secondly, I have been instructed many effective tips for promoting our service by telephone.

That was a big challenge because I have not tried it before. In addition, selling a product or service

is always a difficult task. Selling a product or service over the phone by making cold calls is even

tougher. More often than not, prospective customers tend to say outright that they are busy

and disconnect the line. I paid so much time during 4 weeks and got over 10 customers. That was

not an enormous number but it was a worthy effort.

After all, my supervisor gave me some credit documents and I had to list out the details of

the customers in order to help the director knows many missing documents need to be filled in.

Although it very strange to me, I still carefully finished my task. Moreover, it helped me to sharpen

my skills and my ability to deal with the documents in practice. Actually, because I was a

newcomer in this field, I was very excited about discussing and learning new experience from many

veterans of crediting profession.


To complete the assigned tasks, I followed steps as follows. Firstly, when receiving an

assignment, I asked the manager to give me all information about the work and questioned him

about things I was not clear. Secondly, I searched information relating to the task on the Internet to

understand what I was doing clearly. Thirdly, I planned how to do the task and submitted for the

manager. Besides, I would discuss with the manager about the plan, receiving comments and

editing it. Lastly, I would carry out the work and analyze the result.

In the planning process, I often requested help from the experienced people at Maritime

Bank because they can help me with my work.

Besides, when contacting some customers, I got many problems in communicating and

persuading them. Therefore, I had to search on the Internet and asked the manager for some tips.

The manager showed his interest when telling me some tips that he had experienced before. It was

very helpful at that time and in the future career.

During these steps, I have also asked for other intern’s help when the deadline of the task

was so close or I got problems relating to technology. By these steps, I accumulated the knowledge

and experiences concerning technology and problem-solving skills.


4.1 Theoretical Knowledge

4.1.1 Risk management:

Risk management has played a crucial role for the survival of individual banks and for the

stability of the whole banking system. Risk management must be priority for all the banks. I was

showed how to manage risks in a real credit contract. Risk ratio is high or low maybe depends on

the documents between two sides: the bank and customer. Credit limit also has an impact on risk
ratio. It may depend on the experience of the credit officer when he/she decides to sign a loan

contract. In summary, risk management is not only important for the bank, but only for all financial


4.1.2 Customer approach:

Finding customers nowadays is also a part of credit affair. It is very essential to the bank

existence because without customers, the bank will be upon to die and go bankrupt. There are many

ways to help credit officer to find the customers such as: telephone, Facebook …But the way of

approaching will evaluate skills and experience of the credit officer. When the bank is organized by

a good credit officer, a customer approach generates extremely positive results on an organization.

4.1.3 Credit analysis:

After 2-month-internship, I actually realize that understanding the basics of credit analysis is

very important. Credit analysis is a step in the credit approval process a bank goes through to

evaluate a corporate borrower, but it also comes in handy when evaluating the financial strength of

tenants, corporate guarantors, and other individual operating businesses. Hence, we have to know

clearly this process in order to avoid many unexpected consequences.

4.2 Practical skills:

The internship not only offered me an opportunity to enrich my knowledge in Credit field

but also gave me an environment to sharpen my skills.

4.2.1 Communication skills

On the first day of my internship, I was impressed with the friendly working environment. A

working day begins with a small talk among staff in the office. It is very relaxing at the beginning

of the day, even if they are going to handle little or a great amount of work. I adapted to my

department with an open attitude after greeting everyone. My supervisor was so supportive. He told

me carefully that he would be grateful to answer my questions. Moreover, when I had to transfer
documents to other departments I found myself more active to approach and to speak to new faces. I

also became more confident in offering a hand with small tasks. After all, communication skills are

indispensable skills for success in business and personal lives. .

4.2.2 Organizing skills

As one of the job characteristics, Credit Department always has to deal with plenty of

documents. I have trained my organizing skills a lot by observing and practicing here. My tasks

were related to many documents, I read two or three sets of documents every day and tried to

remember the logical and systematic way they were arranged. After unclipping them, I practiced

rearranging documents. Each set of documents will be classified into different categories and put in

lockers. One of the most important rules that every officer always bears in mind is that no

documents left on desks after finishing a day. If it happened, it would seriously violate the

regulations on risk management of the bank.

4.2.3 Using machine:

I was able to deal with the photocopy machine. Before the internship, I had never

photocopied the document, so at the first time dealing with this kind of task, I was so confused.

However, one day later thanks to the dedicating guidance I could get used to with the task and

perform it beautifully.

4.3 Practical experience :

The internship gave me a good chance to experience a real professional working

environment, especially the working time and work concentration. Punctuality is extremely

important to almost companies and being late for work for any reason is not allowed. Besides,

during the working time, chatting is not permitted. Therefore, at the beginning, I felt stressed in

some way. Luckily, after a short time, I adopted the working environment, and everything became

better. After the internship period, my working style seemed to be more professional.

The most enjoyable experience that I had was directly talking to the customers or by phone.

Through this kind of affair, I have learnt how to start a conversation with the customers and the tips

to deal with them in many awkward situations. Moreover, it was also a great chance to train my

skills and get practical experience that I could never get when I was a student in Banking


In addition, I also learnt the way to work under pressure. Before the internship, I could not

have done many tasks at the same time. However, I know how to sort out the work and do

multitasking now. It is completely helpful for my future career.


During my internship, I have some recommendations to Maritime Bank-Khanh Hoi branch.

It based on my observation. The purpose of these suggestions is to improve the work efficiency at


Firstly, almost staff and interns also do many Internet searches to get information but the

Internet connection speed is so slow, which makes them uncomfortable and time-consuming.

Therefore, I suggest that the Internet connection should be upgraded in order to improve speed to

save time and improve work efficiency.

In addition, the work should be more specialized. People have to do many tasks, which is

time-consuming when he/she changes from a task to another task. For example, accountants not

only process the accounting books but also deal with customers. Besides, the workplace should be

expanded to make staff and customers feel comfortable when doing many banking transactions at

the bank.


We cannot deny the fact that Vietnam is on its way to integrate with the global

modernization, banking system has correspondingly developed throughout the country. The banking

system has provided many services to help the economy operate smoothly. Credit has also played

an important role in economic growth. Nowadays, banking sector is facing formidable and

unprecedented opportunity. Credit department has delivered professional performance in recent

years. However, there are still many challenges ahead, I truly hope that the department will

overcome these challenges and claim its own position in the banking industry.

In general, I have received many good things from my internship period. I not only

recognized my strengths and weaknesses, but also had a great opportunity to take part in a

professional working environment, to gain skills and to enrich my knowledge. Furthermore, the

internship opportunity makes me have a necessary preparation and get a clear view on my future

career path. Once again, I would like to send my special thanks to my instructor-lecturer Mr. Ly

Ngoc Toan and the Credit Department at Maritime Bank. If it had not been for their guidance, I

would never have completed this report.

After all, I did recognize that my interest is Banking, which makes me have right and clear

orientation for the future career.





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