73 Magazine 1987 05 May PDF

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~IA \' 1987

h .. ue #320

10 USA $2.95
A WGE Publication CAN SJ.\I!i

Table of Contents
Repeater Renaissance
Di gital audio technology will bring your repeate r into the informati on age .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. WA6AX X 26
Packet RATS
This Resume-After-Tran smit Scanner lets your IC· 27A do double packet d uty .
........................................................ WA3DNM 30
The Fa keroo
Can this kid really copy RTTY by ear , or is someone pulling the old fakcroo?
........................................................... K9AZ G 32
Semi-Ra pid HT C har ging
G ive your ICOM HT an ei ght- hour chargi ng option. . K3NXU 34
Revive A Dying Swan
Haul up your boat-anchor Swan 250 and g ive it new life with a home-brew vxo.
.. . ... .. .. . ... .. ... .... . .. ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. ... ... . WA4UZM 38
Above and Beyond .. • •.. • •.. ••. ••. . ••. 7-& !\e"" Prod ucts • . .•• . .•• . .••. .•• . .••• . . 14
ATV . • •. . • • .. • •. . • •.. • •. . •. .. •.. • • . 80 l'iK6K > Packet s.a
Harter ' N' Buy . . . .. . .. . . . .. . . • . .. • ... 94 Propagauon . •. .. •. .. •. .. •. . . • . ... • . . 98
Dealer Directory . . • .. . • . . • . . . • . . . •. . • 91'1 QRP •• . . .• . . .• . . .• . . .• . . .• . . .• . . . . . 62
DX • • . • . • • • . • • . . • • • . • • . . • • . • • . . • • . . •60 QRX 7
Fun! • ..•• ..••. .••• .••..•• .••..•• . .• 58 QSL of the !tlonth . . ..• .•• . .. . . ... . . . . . 4
HA.\ ISATS • • • . . • • . • • • . • • • . • • . . • • . • • . 70 RTIY Loop 53
Leiters •• . ... . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . 12 73 International •..•• . .••..•• .••• . ... . 86
List of Advernsers 84 Special E'enls . . . ... . .. . . . .. .. . . .. . • •.& 2
Looking " 'est 66 W EAT IIER5AT 76
Never Say Die . . • . . . • . . . • . . •... • . . • .. . . 4

Six-meter marvels:
Microwave Mod ules MMT 50/ 144 and MMT 50128S 50-M Hz Linear
Transvertc rs . ... . . .. ... .. . .. .. . . . . . .. . .. .. .. . .. . . . .. .. . .. . .. KT2B 18

It ' s more micro:

ICO M I C -~2A T Two -Meter HT
..................... WB2M IC 20

Good ' n' chea p:

Dick Smith Electronics Fu nction
Generator Kit KAIM D A 24

Review of the IC-~2AT

two-meter lIT p.20


A Modern Am ateur's Delight!
• All HF Band Transceiver / Special attract ions incl ude an elec-
General Coverage Receiver tronic keyer. semi or full b reak-in
• Advanced Circuit Designs rated to 40 WPM. panel selectable
• All Modes Built-In USB, LSB , 500Hz/ FL- 32A CW filter, and volume
FM , AM, CW, RTTY cont rol-t racki ng sid etone. SS B t rans-
m issions are enh anced with an RF
• Superb Frequency Stability one yea r warranty . There's mor e! speech processor and t one cont ro l t o
• Continuous Duty Operation The rC- 751 A's receiver b oasts 105dB produce sp arkli ng clear aud io. PLU S
dynamic range for superb listen ing. there 's a new rubberized tuning
• Crystal Clear Signal Quality The 100% duty cycle transm itter knob for velvet-smoot h t uni ng and a
Midsize Masterpiece! The d e- defies abuse and delivers 100 watts full li ne of accessories and filters.
luxe IC-75IA incl udes more high per- of excep tionally st able and clean RF
RF Power Cont rol. Varies output
formance fe atures and pro fessional out put. Reliabil ity. Qu ality. One
i ndep endent of mfc gai n. ALe and
circuit ry p er cub ic inch t han any year wa rranty. That's ICOM.
sp eech proc essor act ion. En joy
ot her HF t ransceiver. Its smooth-as- All Ba nds, All M odes Included . maximum " t alk p ower" at any d rive
sil k operation and long-term re liabi li - Op erates 160 t hro ugh 10 meters. it's level!
ty produce the ideal cont esting, easily modified for MARS operat io n.
To see the IC- 75I A. cont act your
n x'r ng. mobil ing and portable rig. plus it inclu des general coverage re-
locai lCOM dealer.
Owni ng an IC-75I A truly means ception fro m 100kHz to 30M Hz. No
" Goi ng First Class!" compro mise, no comp arison!
Unsurpassed Quality and 32 T unable Memories. Store
Reliability. Qual ity and Rel iab ility is bot h fre q uency and mode informa-
important to you and it's im portant
to ICOM. ICOM now covers you and
you r investme nt wi t h its excl usive
tion. Use th em to q uick-access your
favorite spots or as 32 preferred fre-
qu ency-remem bering VFOs.
ICOM Ame rica, rnc., 2380-116th Ave NE, Bellevue, WA 98004 Customer Service Hotline ( 06.454-761 9
3150 Premier Drive, Suite 126, Irving, TX 75063 /1777 Phoen ix Parkway, Su ite 201, Atlanta, GA 3Q34S
ICOM CANADA, A Division of ICO M America, rnc.. 3071 - #5 Road, U nit 9, Richmond. B.C. vax 2T4 Canada
All "Ill'd spec i" Cl t>o n l 1'& Ipprollll"'ll& I nd IU tlJ6C1 10 Cl'l l "ll& "";l ho u l nolIC& Of obliOilio n. All ICO M , a d IOS l;gn,l, can lly &II~1'd F C C ' &ll\JIIlio ns liml l,nll SPIJ"OUI &missio.... 751A 187

Desk top or rack mount ed versions
Pulse Of fully regenerated tone d ialing
Full and hatf duplex o perat ion

-, --
.. ----- .
• Half duplex privacy mode
• Internally squelched audio
• Powerful tol l call protection
• Secret toll override code
·* up If down or mulll<ligit access
• Rlngout

I - . ....
--• --,-r-·
• End to end signalling (DTMF standard)
• Auto answer on t st, 2nd, 4th or 8th incoming ring
• Mobile to mobile signalling

- •

• Telephone initiated con trol mode

• Dip switch selectable hybrid compensat ion capacit ance. NOW ANYONE CAN ENJOY FULL DUPLEX!
• Programmable t imoul and mobile activity t imers with unique beeps Marety connect a CSI Model 8XlO to any duplex base (such as the
• Disconnect beep Yaesu FT·27OORH) and presto . .. you have an instant full duplex
• Separate repeat level cont rol mobi le telephone systeml
• Ughtning protection ' Or, the aooo can be connected to any repeater for shared use. A
• Connectors for options rancure caller can selectively call any mobile on the system with
. 1l)-16VDC powered (end to end) regenerated DTMF (standard>, cress (optional) Of two
28 dip switches make all features user programmable and tone sequential (opt ional). Mobiles can even selectively ca ll
selecta ble. eec:h other!
OPTIONS Knowing the correct code, a caller can take COhb 01 of the 8XlO from
8001 ANI code vendat or (up to 1024 access codes) any touch phone and voice communicate with mobiles that are not
8002 1000 call twotoneslgnatling equi pped with touch dialers.
8003 32 catl CTCSS signalling No other du!*x patch offers so much fOf so little.
8004 FCC registered coupler ,
BOOS centralized computer billing sy stem



,. --- [ -,• • -.L --t ---

" "
"f.-=:! ~!!!- J , --
.. l ) ~
• •

A high performance VOX based patch for sImplex systems and for FOf exemplary simplex performance, the CS95OO00ntrol station inter·
operat ion t hrough remotely located repeaters. connect Incorporates a full Y2 second of landllne 10 mobile electronic
Thousands 0 1 Private Pat ch Ill's are in both amateur and corn- voice delay. Voice delay assures compatibility with t he slowest
mereta! use worldwide. Private Patch III enjoys a reputation that is cress Of trunkecl repeater systems.
second to none. Attractively styled to complement any decor.
ON 10 and ctne- powerful feat ures make Private Pat ch III the best
deal going in Vox Simplex phone patches !


- Three simple connections to base radio • Automatic busy signal di sconnect - Ughtnlng protectors
- Simplex operat ion (VOX, of course) - Control interrupt timer - Spare relay position
• Digital " fast VOX" (maintains positive control In simplex mode) • 110VAC supply
- To ll reslrict *
- Three digit access code (eg. 73) - And much more
- Secret toll disable code - Ringout (reverse patCh) OPTIONS: 12 VDC Of 23J VAC power
• selectable tone or pulse d ialing - Ringout inhibit tt channel Is in use FCC registered coupler



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~.T> Yon<:<IU>«, IlC


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- I G
1C-745 IC-04AT
i l ••
• ' ,)"1
-:-.-- ...--
-~ -;z,z;ZJ(')} ~.
~ -;.;;'-.;:'_t;-
-1 ---
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- ':''"
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0 ': -0') ;1I


IC·4AT 1C-751A




TR·2600A TR-751A TH·31AT
TR-3600A TH·41AT


- .- •• •• .-• • • -•

em_A·_- • •• • •_.

..- - • • -
" • , - • -
• 15-4405

AUlitin Amateur Radio s..ptJ • 1325 N. I" U • Austin, T.... 71723 ••121414 2•• t •

2 73 Amafeur Radio . May, 198 7

New MFJ-1274 lets you work VHF and HF packet
with built-in tuning indicator for $169.95 ...
. . . yo u get MFJ 's latest clo ne o fT APR's T NC-2. TAPR's VHF/ HF modem a n d
b u ilt-in t u ni ng indicator that feat u res 20 LEOs for easy precis e tuning

S169 9 5 •
~lFJ- 1270

S139 9 5 • !WI
-• •......• •- •- •

Now you c an join the e x ci tin g world of mac hi ne spcctflc TNC or one wit hout hardware
packet radio on both VHF a n d HF bands with a HOLC as higher speeds come into Widespread use.
precision tuning indicator. " . for a n Incredibl e You ca n also use t he MFJ-1274 or MFJ -1270 as
$ 16 9 .9 5' a n excellent but inexpensive d lgtpeater to link other
You get Mf~.r s top q ualit y r-to m - o f t lu- Illg h ly pac-ket stations.
acclaimed in d ust ry sta ndard TAPH TN(, ·2 , Wt·'v(' Bot h fea t ure AX .2 5 Level 2 Ve rsion 2 software,
made TA PRs m od em selecta ble for bot h VHF a nd ha rd w a re H DLC for full duplex . tru e Data Carrier
H F cpcrauon . added their prectston 20 sq~nlt'nt LEI> Detect for fiF , multiple con nects, 256K EPROM , 16 K
run tng indicator. a TTL sertal port . an ('a:-.i1y RAM (expan d able to 32K with optional EPROM),
replaceable lithium batte-ry for mvmorv back -up and s imple operation , socketed ICs plus much m ore .
put it all in a ne w ca b ine t.
Yo u get an easy-to-read m an u al. a cable lo
If you don't need t he uuung indicator lit" tlu: COIllH'Ct you r tran sce ive r (you h a ve t o add a
co n ve n ie n ce o f a swtn- habh- VH F/ II F modern . dlOllSt· con n e-ctor for you r par ticu lar rad io). a con nector fo r
the affordable MFJ · 1270 for S 13 9 .9 5 . the TTL ser ial por t a n d a power s u pply for 1 10 VAC
All you ner-d 10 o per at e packet ra d io is a operation (you can use 12 VDC for portable, remote
MFJ ,1274 or ~IKI-1270. your ri g . and any honu- or mobile operattonl .
computer w ith a RS -2 3 2 sr-rtal port and te r m in a l Help make history! Joi n the packet radio
program. revol ution no w a n d h elp s pread this exc it ing n e t work
If vou ha ve a Corn m odun- 64, 12H. or VIC 20 vou t h rougho ut t he wor ld. Order t he top quali ty a n d
ran USt' M f~.r s o pt io nal S tarte-r Pa c k 10 gt·t on the a ir a ffordable MFJ -1274 o r MFJ -1 2 70 toda y .
rmmedtau-lv. The Starter Pack Im-ludes illlt'rfal"ing
ca bl e . term inal software on disk o r tape and
co m p le te instructions ...('\"('rythin g you ne -e-d to gel
on packet ra dio . O rder MFJ · 12 8 2 (d is k l or :\lFJ -12H3
(ta pe). $ 19.95. , - - -_.-
- , ~ - -

, -
No w you can tune In
HF. OSCAR and other non-
FM packet stations fastl

T h is MFJ done of t h e TAPH

Un lik e m a c h in e s pectfu- TNCs you n eve-r han ' to
MFJ ·1 2 7 3 , 549.95 t'_m in ~ indicator m akes
worry about yo u r MFJ -1 2 74 or MFJ -1 2 70 tx-conun u
obsolete because you c hange computers or Ix'call"o(' tuning natura l a nd easy ·· it s hows you w hic h
packet radio standards change. You ca n uSt,' an y drrectton to tune. All you have to do is to center a
computer wit h an RS-232 serial port wilh an s ing le LED a nd you 're precisely tu ned in to w ith in
aproprtare termina l program . If pac ket rad io 10 l iz. 20 LE Ds gin high resol u tion and wi d e
s ta ndards c hange. soft w are updat es w ill ht- mack - frequenc y coverage.
available as TA P R releases t h em . The Mfo:J "12 73 lun in g indicator p lu gs in to th e
Also speeds in excess of 56K bauds an" IXls s ih k MFJ ·1 2 70 a nd a ll TNC- Is. TNC-2s a nd clones that
w ith a sui table external mod em! Try that with a have the TAPR tUllin,e: Ind icator co n n ector.

O r de r a n y product from Mf'J and tr y It ..

MFJ .......-Z
To Orde r o r for Yo ur Ne ar e st Dealer
no o b li g at ion. If not sa tis fie d r e tu rn w ithin
30 d a y s for p ro m pt r efund (le ss shi ppi ng ). 800-647-1800 •
• Om- , "·.or UJlt"tl'hli.... "llot,,,, ralll ' ·' · • Add Ca ll 00 J·3 23·5H69 in "Ii""... a nd
8 5_00 , ·a. -h ..t" Pi'lII L!/I"",d I "'I: • ( '; ,11 tor .... ril l I. " MFJ ENTER P RISES, INC. n Ul s itk conune-uta t US A . II e-
fn~' t -;,I. ,I,,!.!_ " ,Tr 10 0 I'r,,<t ... ,. .. II" , 4!H . " , ...... St....·. MS :N7ti:.! 1',-1.·.\ 5:1-4 590 MFJ STKV

" When You Buy, Say 73" 73 AmateurRadio • Ma y, 1987 3

Ed ll orial OffIcH
Pete<botough NH 034M- 1194
p/'I(IoW' 6Q3.S25-Q01
----1Mli OffIcH
Pe1e<t1orough NH 0345&-1194
p/W)I'lfJ ' llOO-22S-S083
Circu lelion Off lc. .
Pet91'!x1roo9h NH 03<l58-1194
phOne ' 603-~20 1

~oons in !he 10rm of menu-
~ ""'" dt. . . . . endIor ph0to-
graphs .,. . 11=,..
and .... be con-
sodered lor possNe pUbl.ca",,". We
NOVICE ENHANCEMENT- ou s technical exam in its slead) many members go out of the ir way can assume no respor'iS'Ddoly tor lou
0< damlgfl to eny maleroal, PIeIlSe en·
WELL, IT WON 'T HUR T for over thirty years now, but I' ve to welcome him to our hobby? close 1 Slsmped. sel'·sddressed en-
never suggested Ihi s was any kind How many invite him to visit the ir velope ...th each submiss>On. Psy·
The Novi ce E n ha nc e me n t menl 10< tile use 01 any unsolicded
of a cure-all for our dropping num- ham shack? How many offer to mater ial . il be made upon accep-
bands will, in my estimation , help tance. A ~ _lie p8Id tor K-
10 attract a few more Novices and bers. A eo-ecce ticket, plus the help him upgrade ? How many c.pIed er10clM lh8I ..-.. D80tn_.
should help considerably 10 im- new Novice bands, will help. I'll even say hello ? What I keep hear- led el8f;lronicaIIy (~ ppn
10310.m or Mel ..... " WG EPUe ')
prove the pe rcentage 01 Novices expect to see a small growth in our ing is that the club members treat
or on dillt . ... IB~toDleASC"
numbers, but as far as having Novices like Untouchables in In- hie. AI oontr'tJuloons should be dor8C!·
who upgrade. ed 10 tile 73 editorial oIliCft, " How to
even a slight effect on America 's dia. Yuccck, a Novice-what's he Wrote for 73" guideitnea are svailable
The Novice ticket was always a doing here?
lo ss of high-tech ca ree r pee- upon reques t. US c itizenl musl in_
kick in the head-forcing new- Probably the brightest side of
Clude tlle,r lIOCial security numbe' Wllh
pie . . . noway. submitted manusetipls
comers 10 use OUf slowest and
If we're goi ng to get back to Novice Enhancement is that the $uIIeoCriptlon lnlonnallotl
most d ifficult means of com muni- ham ind ust ry will start see ing
even the moderate growth ama- Ra1eS: in !he Unrled sw.. and Po$-
cations on our most crowded and sess ionl - One Yee r ( 12 in ulII)
teur radio had from 1946-1963 som e ad ditio n al equ i pment $2".91; Two Y..", (24 _ _) $0015 ..7.
difficult bands. One cou ld ha rdly (17 ye ars) of 11 % per year, we're sales- which I don't begrudge Elsewl>ere : Cenada end U e. ieo--
orc hestrate a better system to de- 139001'1 year~. US fundi Fore;gro
going to have to get serious about them a bit. lurfacemall- $45.OOIlyUronly . US
feat Novices if on e tried . By now you 've heard that the
re b u ild ing the i n fr ast r uct u re funds d'awn on US ~n~ FOfe;gn air
BUI of course what will probably mail-plau elnqu ire, To subscribe. reo
which brought us young newcom- FCC is well on its way toward tak- new Of ch.ange an eddress : Wnle fo
happen is the same as we had ers-c-scnoot radio clubs. Today, ing almost half of our 220-MHz Subsc r,ption Oeparoman t. PO Bo.
thirty years ago when Novice s 931. Farmongd8Ie NY 1173 7. Return
even alter editoria ls and articles in band away so more ord inary pe0- poslege gu..enleed . Fo< .ene. ...
were permitted to use phone from both 73 and QST on the impor- ple can have mobi le radios . After and Cl'\8ng8li of 8ddo ell. ondudlI lh8
eddo_ I8balITom )'OUI' _ recenI
14&-147 MHz-they'll rush lo use tance of getting youngsters into how many yea rs of my warning II$UII III 73 For gil'IlUbIic> ............ in.
the phone allocations, and that's the hobby , many (pe rhaps most) you this wa s coming, it shouldn't dude .,our _ and ado:l_ as wei
all most of ' em will ever use. The as 1tIOMI of g,lI recipients. For q_
ham clubs are still hostile to kids be eve n a small surprise. And nons concerni ng your l ubscription.
two-meter Novice phone alloca- and go out of their way to discour- don 't buy the guilt trip about your call foil f' ee 1·6O().221·S182. To praci
subscript>on orde rs. pllaae call uS lOll
tion was removed when il was age ' em. I'm not jus t blow ing not using the band . The reason lree al 1-llOO-722·179O between 9 em
found that a very high percentage steam-I'm getting leiters from most of us haven't used 220 MHz and .. :30 pm Eas1em I..... or wri1e lo
73 , SubKfJploon Department. PO Boo;
01 Novices used it exclusively and you ng hams reporting their great is because we didn't need to and 9:)1 . Famw g,.... NY 1173 7, 73.-no.
then, when their nonrenewable fr ustrat io n over t he t reat ment there weren 't any big benefits to t _ R8dIo (lSSN 07<15-OllOX) is Pl.G-
Ii:shed monthly by WOE PublI$IIing.
licenses ran out. were gone- th ey' ve gott en f rom their local using ii-so why sho uld we spend W G E C e nte r , Pel e r bo r o ug h NH
forever. 0345&- 1194 Second cl_ poslage
ham clubs. several hundred naro-eamed dol- peid al Pltlerborough NH 03458 and al
Look, I've been pushing for a How is it at your club? When a lars to buy the gear? The hard fact addition el meiling o1f>cn , Canadian
second cle" mal t r"llislfllion number
no-code license (with a more sen- Novice comes to a meeti ng , how of life is that with the small number 9566 , E ...Ii,e conten ts copyrig ht e
of active hams we have left loday, 1987. WGE Publishing . All rights r.

served. No pari of t/IiI publication may
much of two meters is little used be repmled or CIthefwiM ~
ugly Yellow Monkeys over most of the coun try. W111lOu1 pen!'IIIIIOfI ITom !he
publisher . UocrofiIm E~ ­
Hey, it wasn 't all that long ago Illy U ocrof*n. Ann Atbor loll -181 06
that the top two MHz of two meters P_ ..-: Send a1do_ d\iIngeI
10 73 A.....,_ Rad>o . Subscnploon
wa s virtually unused. Hams with Services. PO Bo>< 93 1. Fermingd.81e
longer memories will remem ber NY 11737. Nelil)nally d istr'bul..:l by In-
lernat ionll Ci rculation Diltribulors.
when the publisher of CO pro- A. .d This Now: As you read this. you
w,1I lind your eyes becoming lleavy-
posed giving the two MHz up so it
heavy-hNvy-you c.n h¥dIy k""P
could be a new CB band and thus III8fII open . You.,. 011 .. sleepy. buI
get away from the horrid skip .,ou cen'l Pl9 reading t/IiI ..... pnnt
Though you .... have no rwooIecloOl'
plagu in g eleven meters. We've ..-toelever of reeding !hOI when .,ou
awa.e. you w ,1 find YOU''''' i.... ·
solved that instead by gett ing rid orllbly dra wn 10 l8S Vegu in NoYern-
01 the sunspots- at least for a few ber tor the HemIW9It hamlest. You
won'l Ie&! r"elly whole alliin until you
years. have com e to tile 73boo1h end signed
Dan ~ 4560 lIudon Rtf. Clndnnall. Ohio 452.2 la st year th ere wa s Don a renewal or your 73 sublcr\plion-
_ ~ ~ hestl'l ru n OUl ~ . Rlghl8ller
Stoner 's proposal to take the top you read tIoiI . you wiI be wide ewak_
QSL OF THE MONTH two MHz of six meters and turn it you wiI~WOI_1uIy ~ and
!urn inlo'roedo8I8Iy 10 fHCl Weyrot·. edt-
To enter your OSL , mail it in an envelope to 73 , WGE Center, 70 Ale. into a Citizen's Packet Band . I 1ooiaI-1'OU .... _
no ""'001,_.
of rHdong Ihis-anclI'OU _ IWI
202 N., Peterborough NH 03458, Attn: a SL of the Month. Winners think thi s was more defeated by
mak'ng v8e8100n plans lor KemlWesl
receive a one-year subscription (or extension ) to 73. Entries I'IOt in 10mouOIO , NO'wwake up'
envelopes cannot be accepted. Continued on page 10
4 73Ama/eurRadio · May, 19B7
• enwoo e!

The first comprehensive
• Big multi -color LCD and bac k-lit con -
trols for excellent visibility
• Optional front panel programmable 38-
• Frequency lock switc h
• Digital Channel link (DCl ) option
e High performance GaAs FET front
tone CTeSS encoder includes 97.4 Hz end receiver
220 MHz FM transceiver
TM-3530A-25 watts of 220 MHz FM - TH-31BT/31A optional accessories :
Kenwood stylel Features include TH-31BT/31A • HMC-1 head set with VOX
built-in 7-digit telephone number Kenwood's advanced tech- • SMC -30 speake r microphone
memory, auto dialer, direct frequency nology brings you a new • PB-21 NiCd 180 mAH batt ery
entry and big LCD. All this makes the standard in pocket/handheld • PB-21H NiCd 500 mAH battery
• DC -2l DC-DC converter lor
TM-3530A the most sophisticated transceivers! mobile use
rig on 220 MHz! · 1 watt high, 150 mW low • B1-2 manganese/alkaline battery
• First mobile transceiver with tele- • Super com pact and lightweight case
phone number memory and auto- (aboul8 oz. with P8·211j e EB-2 external C manganesel
dialer (up to 15 seven-digit telephone • Frequency range 220·224,995 MHz alkaline battery ca se
in 5 · kHz steps • SC-S/ST son cases with be lt hook
• 8T Series has butlt-m tone e ru-e prog rammable sub-lone unit
• Frequency range 220-225 MHz • Repeater offset:- 1.6 MHz, rever se, • AJ -3 thread -lac to BNC female
• Automatic repeater offset selection - simplex adapter
a Kenwood exclusive I • Supplied accessories: rubber flex • BC-6 2-pack Quick c harger
• Direct keyboard entry of frequency antenna. earphone, wall c harger, 180 • BC-2 wall c harger for PB-2 1H
• 23-channel m emory lor offset. tre- mAH NiCd battery and wrist strap • RA-9A SlubbyDuk antenna
quency and sub-tone • Quick c han ge, locking battery case • BH-3 be lt hook

e 16-key DTMF pad , w ith audible

• Cente r-stop tu ning - ano t her
Kenwood exclusive!
• New 5-way adju stable mounting
• Unique offset microphone connector
- relieves stress on microphone cord
• HI/lOW pow er switc h (adjustable
lOW power)

TH-JISr WI!h DTMF pad shown.

TM -3530A optional accessories: OptIOnal RA-9A allad1ed
. ru-7 aa-ionc CTeSS encoder • MC-60AlMC-SO/MC-S5 desk rmcs.
• MU-l Del mode m unit • MC-48B extra DTMF mic. with UPIOOWN swnc t
• VS-l voice synthesizer
• PG -2N extra DC cable
• PG -3B DC line noise filte r
• MC-43S UP/DOWN mic.
• MC-55 (8 pin) mobile mic . with lime -out time r
• SP-40 compact mobile speake r
• MB-l0 exira mobile bracket • SP-50B mobile speaker TRIO -KENWOOD COMM UNICATIONS
• CD-l0 call sign dIsplay • SW-200B SWR/ power meter 111 1 West Walnut Sheet
• PS-430 DC power supply • SW-l00B compact SWR/power meter Compton. california 90220
Comple re seroce 1TIitnllo11s ere ava'lable lor <ill rT/O- Kenwood rransceovers and mosr eccesscoes
SpeC",car,ons and p/lces are sub/eer /0 change ....'/hour nonce or ob/Iga/ion
40,15,10, and
6-meter all mode
"Quad Bander"
• Keyboard selection of
frequency, as well as
"traditional" VFO
• 80 m emory channels
store frequency, band.
mode data
• All-mode sq uelch, noise
blanker, RF atlenuator
• Optional genera! coverage
unit, voice synthesizer.
FM unit. IF filters

TR-50 TM-221A/421A
1.2 GHz FM transceiver The compact FM mobile transceivers
The perfect portable • Odd split on memory • TM·221A: 2 m , 4 5 W. with • Famous hIgh performance
for microwave channel 5 e xpanded receiver coveaae Kenwood GaAs FET tren t end.
(138-174 MHz). Modifiable for _ 14 fulH unction memory chan-
mountain-topping! elncludes: Battery set.
MARS or CAP operation ,{MARS nels, 2 channels lor odd spill
charger, external power
or CAP permit reouueo.i ooerauon.
• 1 walt output cable, 16-key DTMF hand • TM- 421A : 70 em. 35 W. The • 16-key DTMF rruc., rruc. hook,
• LCD frequency readout microphone. sleeve urst compact 35 watt 70 cm mountmq bracket. and DC
with S 8. RF power meter antenna with adjustable uansceoer! cable irciuc eo .
• 5 memory channels mount, shoulder strap. • BUill-In Irani panel-selectable • Remote control telephone- style
CTCSS encoder. Decode handset cotron (model AC-l0).

A complere hne or accessoees ,s ava'IaDie 101 these lIa01SC."vers TAIO -KENWOOD COMMUNICATIO NS
Spee,t,callons a""coces S«Ojeel ro ell<lr>ge " " rnour nor,e e o. OO~g<lroon 11 11 W e st W alnut St reet
Complete 5e' v-ce manualS are ",..a,IaOIe tor a ll Tno -l< en NOO(l transce've.s a"" most a<;c eSSO" es Cornoton. Calltorma 90220

nated repeaters found interfering with coordi-

Golden Gigahertz nated repeaters were at fault and had the bur- Jammer Jammed
Contest den of resolving the prob lem. This, of course ,
started another equally intense bailie over LARR Y K ACZ MA RCZYK , ex W3UQW , of
who is a " bona-fide " Irequency coordinator, Manhonoy Ci ty, Pennsylvania, was recently
ICOM AMER ICA AND 73 are proud to an- with little repeater kingdoms sprouting up all fined $1 ,000 lor malicious jamming whiCh was
nounce thai the first Golden Gigahertz Con- over the place . The upshot 01th is story is that mon itored and visually observed by engineers
test will be held from 0001 UTe July 13th the ARRL will now publish in the ARRL Re- from the Langhorne FCC office. Kaczmarczyk
through 2400 UTe July 14t h. The contes t peater Directotyonly those listings that have had surrendered his license for cancellation
frequencies are 1.260-1 .300 GHz. All parter- been subm itted by a bona -fide Frequency Co- some time ago as a result of an FCC case
pan ts will receive a T-shirt and a hat, courtesy ordinator. If you have no idea whether or not against him involving alleged malicious inter-
oIICOM . A "Golden Gigahertz" mounted on a your repeater (you do own one, don't you?) is ference.
plaque will be presented to the winner. Next coordinated or not, look in the Directoryfor the
month in 13we'U print the complete rules and coordinator in your area and ask him; you can
there 'll be a coupon lor you to send in 10 re- also get the list of "approved " coordinators by No 17Now
cei ve your log sheets and your 'r-snirrnar. In sending an SASE to the League at 225 Main
the meantime, get on 1.2 gigs. Street, Newington CT 0611 1, Artentton; Re- THE FCC HAS DISMISSED a petition filed by
peater Directory Editor. the ARRL which sought earl ier access 10 the

SourSale new tz-meter band (18.068- 18. 168 MHz).

Over 60 cou ntries now allow amateur opera-
Buy DXCC tion in the segment, but the current primary
IN A SOUR GRAPES move that prObably had users (government agencieS) say tha t they will
Novices laughing their head s off , ham s at t he IF YOU 'RE A HAM who prides himsell on need the band until July 1, 1989.
recent Wheaton (Illinois) Hamtest displayed owning the latest thing in amateur radio, the
thei r anger over Novice Enhancement by sei l- kind who immediately sells his transceiver
ing off their 22O-MHz gear at giveaway prices, when the new models are announced. then 5L Fete
saying that they would never again operate on have we got a deal lor you! For a mere $ 10
that band , or any other band where Novices million or so, you can own your very own OX- 1987 IS THE 25TH anniversary of the Liberia
were allowed to use a microphone . Of course , CC country! That's right. you get an en tire Radio Amateur Assoc iation (LRAA), and the
savvy Novices were stumbling over each oth- atoll (Palmy ra) complete with its very own call- group has pla nned several events to com-
er trying to get in line to buy the cheap equip- sign (KH5). Of course, since you 'll own the memorate the occasion. Throughout 1987,
ment. For the most part, sentiment seems to country , you can c hange the callsign to lit Liberian hams will use a 5L prefix in place 01
be running in tavceotthe expanded privileges, whatever mood you're in. Jack Wheeler the normal EL (El2XT becomes 5l2XT, etc.j.
althOugh some d iehard (i.e., narrow-minded) KH6CC, speak ing in the WSYI Report , advis- During special 25th-anniversary events, Ihe
hams are dead set against the idea . These es, " The weather on Palmyra is terrible ... it suffix /25 will be tacked on. The Liberian Min-
nonproqressfves will be t urning their collec- rains all 01the time . The clothing will rot right istry of Post and Telecommunications is issu-
tive backs on our most precious resou rce: the off your bac k! It's not a desirable location for a ing a special postage stamp in honer of the
horde of bright-eyed, eecer-to-ieam amateurs permanent installation. That's why the Navy eve nt. Other activities include an International
that are the lifeblood our hobby so badly gave it up so readily after the war." If you are ORP Day, a special OX contest on Liberian
needs. We au should make a special effort to interested, contact Savio Realty in Honolulu. Independence Day (JUly 26), and an empha-
encou rage the Novices we come in contact sis on the Work All Liberia award. To qualify
with to explore the new range of possibilities lor the award , work one station in each of the
now available to them. King Unpinned nine Liberian cou nties (the number in the call
denotes the county) on at least three bands.
ROBER T KING WB8WKA has signed a co n- Send OSLs confirming your contacts and U.S.
Range Wars II sent agreement which ends a battle with the $510 LAAA, PO Box 987, MQrlrovia, Liberia.
FCC tha t has lasted nearly two years. The
IT'S AMAZING TO ME that this hobby can be trouble stemmed from a complaint that King
deregulating with one hand and gening crazi ly alleged ly maliciously interfered with the .041 Dateline Dayton
more complicated with the other. One of the .64 repeater in Detroit. After being indi cted
biggest complications is the problem of coor-
dinated repeaters, which looms larger and
larger each month. The fact of the situation is
with the charges, King agreed to a 14-day
suspension 01his commercial raccteieorcne
license, whi le denying the charges of int erfer-
TION (DARA) is once again offering their ~P­
urar coll ege scholarsh ip program . Any li-
tha t there are just too many repeaters on the ence. The commission then revoked his ama- censed amateur graduating from high school
air: On e esti mate (I think it was Wayne's) teur license based on King 's agreement to the in 1987 is eligible to apply for one of the $ 1,000
projects that we are rapidly approaching the 14'<iay suspension. The revcceucn was over- awards. The scholarships are granted based
one-ham , one-repeater mark . (One fine result turned by an FCC Administrative Law Judge on a combinat ion of financial need and aca-
of this boom is that, while there are more ma- who found that " t he bureau carefully con- demic accomplishment, with consideration
chines to work through, the lim ited number 01 cealed from Mr. King and his counsel its inten- given 10 service to amateur radio and commu-
hams using repealers is spread out over the tion to use Mr. King 's co nsent to the suspen- nity involvement. Applicants are not restricted
inc reased number of repeaters. We end up sion of his commercial rad io license as a basis to those pursuing a baccalaureate degree ;
calling fruitlessly on machine after machine in for see king revocation of his amateur radio those working toward associate or traoezvoca-
search of a OSO.) Folks are getting nasty license." The consent agreement means thai ticnal degrees are also encouraged to apply.
about who has the" right" to occupy a certain the FCC has terminated revocation and sus- All entrfes must be postmarked no later
frequency, so much so that the FCC had to pension proceedings aga inst King; the agree- than May 15, 1987. Winners will be an-
step in recently and declare that ncn-ccordr- ment is not an admission 01 guilt. nounced around June " 1987. For more infor-
73 Amateur Radio • May , 1987 7

matlon and an application form , write to the the grou p was spread out to strategic loca-
DAAA Scholarship Committee, 3 17 Ernst Av- tions throughout the hospital and com muni-
enu e, Dayton OH 45405, cated via two meters.

More Money FBEOK

(FAR) has announced lhat twenty-six scholar- above, F8E, in which the carrier is modulated
ships will be awarded lor the 1987-88 aca- by two or more voice channels (stereo), was
demic year. Any licensed amateur pursuing previously rest rict ed to only the 9O().MHz
full-time stud ies at an accredited college, uni- band . The action is in response to a petition
versity, or technical school is eligible to com- submitted by the Southern Ca liforni a Re-
pete for these awa rds. Most 01 the scholar- peater and Remote Base Associ ation.
ships requi re at lea st a General-class license.
The awards range from $350 to $900, with Israeli Shift
preference given in some cases to specmc
geographical areas. Information and applica- NEW ISRAELI PREFIXES will be showing up
tion forms are ava ilable from FAR SCholar-
on the bands very 5000, according to a story in
ships, 6903 RhOde Island Avenue, College The West/ink Report . Israel' s calls have been
Park MD 20740 . restructured, with the call sign now reflecting
the operator's license class. Novices will hold
Bed Pan Portable calls from the 4Z9AAA-4Z9ZZZ block; class B
cps will retain their 4X4, 4Z4, and 4X6 calls;
class A (up to 1,500 Watts out) amateurs will
MEMBERS OF THE RADIO AMA TEURS OF sport new 4X1 prefi xes.
EAST ERN LONG ISLAN D were recently
asked to provide backup com munications for
Long rsie no's Soulha mpton Hospital while the Exit,SL
facility' s telephone system was being expand-
ed . Organizers Bill Yamka N2DXO and Char- THIS MONTH 'S NEWS came 10 you with help
lie Styler WA2UEG were joined by Richie Sell- from The W5 YI Repol!, West/ink, and TheAR-
ennn N2RL, Susie Yamke N2GYR , Mary RL Letter . Please send your news notes and
Sellentin N2GTK, Rune Pehrson W2VMI, Rod photos to 73 Magazine, WOE Center, Peter-
Swiderski NU2M, and Serge Popper N2DEJ ; borough NH 03458, Atte ntion: QRX .


aST, aSL Bureau, Awards, Low Cost Insurance, Operating Aids,
Government Liaison and More -Much More!
N am e C.II _
I Please send infonnation on your I St reet
I line of ama~ur sntennes to: I City _ _ _ _ __ Pro v./State PC/Zip _
NAME , .. , . . , .. , , , .. , .. , . .

I AODllESS • ..• . . •..•.••.• . .• ..•..•..•. .• . ........ .• I $25 i n U S $33 elsewhere (U.S, ru nd s) Licensed amateurs, or age 65 o r over, upon submitting
proor 01 age, may request the special dues rate 01$20 in the U,S. $28 elsewhere, in U S. l uncls)
II em·············,' ,··,······sr.ut" z. II Persons age 11 and younger may qualIfy lor special rates, wnle lor appllC8l:l(W\.
for pos tal ptJrp0se5. I,11y percent of dues is eu ocaiee to OST ,the balance l or membership.

I THE STANDARD OF PERFORMA NCE I ::::E:- - - _ Expires _

:I (jIfJ~B) :I One Newtronics Place

Bank. No.
The American Radio Relay League
E x pires _

225 Main St Newington, CT. 06111 USA 73

M ineral Wells. Texas 76067 ...269
----------- {SHI 325·1386

73 Amateur Radio · May, 1987

" '"

TS-440S Compact high performance HF transceiver
with general coverage receiver
• Adjustable dial torque
-lOa memory channels
Frequency and mode may be stored in
Kenwood's advanced d igital know-how - Superior receiver dynamic range 10 groups of to channels each. Split tre-
brings Amateurs wortd -wide " t»g - rig" Kenwood DynaMix- high sensitivity direct quencies may be stored in 10 channels
performance in a compact package. We mixing system ensures true 102 dB receiver for repeater operation.
call it " Oig it al DX-citement"-that special dynamic range. (500 Hz bandwidth on 20 m) • TU-8 CTCSS unit (optional)
feeling you get every time you turn the -100% duty cycle transmitter Subtone is memorized when TU- 8 is installed.
power on! Super efficient cooling permit s co ntinuous • Superb Interference reduction
• Covers All Amateur bands key -dow n for periods exceeding one hour. IF shift. tuneable notch filtel, noise blanker,
General coverage receiver tune s from RF input power is rated at 200 W PEP on all-mode squelch. RF attenuator. AIT/XIT.
100 kHz -30 MHz. Easily modified for SSB, 200W DC on CW, AFSK, FM, and 110 and optional utters fight GAM.
HF MARS operation. W DC AM. (The PS-SO power supply is • MC·43S UP/DOWN mic. i nc l uded
needed for contmcous duty. )
• Direct keyboard entry o f frequency
• All modes built-in
and AFSK. Mode
......--====,....." • Computer Interface port
• 5 IF filter functions
• Dual 5SB IF tlltering
A built-in SSB filter is
selection is ve rified in standard. When an
Morse Code. optional 5SB litter
• Built-in automatK: (YK-BBS or YK-BBSN) is
antenna tuner _ installed. dual filtering
(optional) is provided.
Covers 80-10 meters. • vox, full or semi
• VS-1 voice synthe- break-in CW
sizer (optional) • AMTOR compatible

Optional eccessories:
• AT-4 40 Internal auto. antenna tuner (80 m- 10 m) Kenwood takes you
• A1 -250 external auto. tune! (160 m -IOm) from HF to OSCARI
• AT-130 compact mobile antenna tuner (160 m -
10 m) . IF-232C/IC-l0 ievettreneietor and modem
Ie kit . PS-50 heavy duly power supply · PS -4301
PS-JO DC power supply . SP-430 external
speaker . MB-430 mobile mounting bracket
• YK-88Cf88CN 500 Hz/2 70 Hz ON flners · YK-88S1
86SN 2.4 kHz/l.8 kHz SSB flltefs · MC-6OAI8OIB5
desk rmcrconcoes - Me-55 (8P) mobile m ere-
phone . HS-5/6/ 7 headphones · SP-40150B
mobile speakers . MA-5IVp -1 HF 5 band mobile
helical antenna and bumper mount e TL-922A
2 kw PEP linear amplifier · SM-220 staten monitor Camplere servce manuals ....e avai/aOle fOI all TRIO -KENW OO D COM MUNICATIONS
• VS-l voce synthesIZer · SW-100A1200A/2000 rno-Kenwood frllll$Ceivel"S IfIId most eccessoses. 1111 West Walnut Street
SWR/powel meters » TU-8 CTCSS tone unit Speahcalions ana poces are SUOJecf fO change wirtlouf Compton, callforma 90220
• PG-2S extra DC cable. nonce or ~lfon
using it during that lime, it would if we set up our repeaters so they
stay in thai mode until you quit, so can provide a window on our lower
I had lois of great 216mcontacts. bands. The FCC has gotten used
EVER SAY DIE Along in 1971, my WR1AAB re-
pealer was set up so it could wo rk
to this and agrees it' s legal.
It 's a shame that we 're about to
216m or 2110m. I had a ball talking lose a big chunk 01 220, now that
from page 4 coming committee, complete with with South American st at ions we may have the first real use for
repeaters. More than that, lei' s through my repeater. I set up an- the band. The problem, as I men-
worries over interference to TV start se tting up 220 repeaters other lor 2I2Om and was able to tioned ea rlier , is that we have tar
tha n any concern over the loss to wh ich crossband to 20m and 75m , wa lk alm ost anywhere in town too few amateurs to actually use
amateur radio. The scuttling ol lhe so they can ersccver me fun we've and work 20m with my hand-held the freque ncies we've been allot-
FCC ' s try at a re-cede ticket lor us been having. 2m rig . ted . We tend to take the easy path,
left us with few friend s where they How many crossband contacts Back in 1946, I had a ben inter- jamming ourselves up on the low
really count, so we'd better gel have you ever made? I've had a connecting 20m and 75m sta bands and avoiding the extra ex-
used 10 giving up our bands-par- ball with 'em down through the tions, making it possible for those pense and trouble 01 developing
ticularl y in the microwaves. the UHFs.
The only way I can see a major When repeaters got going on
change comi ng about would be if
" The last thing we need on 220 MHz zm. most 6m op e ra t io n soo n
we stopped ou r infighting and ou r ceased. Much of 6m is deserted
pretending that our days 01 fun to greet the Novices are a bunch now . Oh, if the sunspots bring
and games w ill never end. It is some skip back to 6m, we 'll see
l ime 10 get serious about getting of narrow-minded bigoted rednecks. some action, but since there are
our hobby growing again . And I
mean growing at 30-50% a year,
What we do need up there is a very few countries where amateu r
operatio n is perm itted on th is
not 5% . big welcoming committee, band , it won 't be big.
Westlink report ed that some Two meters is fairly well occu-
hams. upon learning that Novices complete with repeaters. " pied, between sideband and re-
would soon be sharing 220 MHz peaters . 220 is sparsely used-a
with them, SOld their rigs in crs- lew repealers, but most of them
gust. Frankly, I think they did ex - yea rs. Back in 1950, I used to in- on a 75m net to work some darned not very active. Heck, lor that mat-
actly rig ht. The last thing we need terconnect2m and BOm RnY sta- good DX . That was quite legal ter,l'd estimate that aboo175% 01
on 220 MHz 10 greet the Novices tions. Back in the early repeater and , by the way-still is. It was a the 2m repeaters are rarely used.
are a bunch of narrow-minded big- days, the Concord (N H) repeater ball getting a ZS or a 5N into a 75 These are more mon uments to
oted rednecks like that. No, what would switch over to 6m for a few round table. I'll never fcrqet it. egos than real services to their
we do need up there is a big we l- minutes every hour. If you started Wecan do the same lor Novices communities.

Th transform your shack into a DX

p()\verhouse, combine the intelligence
or raesus FT·767GX IIF/VII F/UHF
base station and the muscle of our
powerful FL7000 HF ampl ifier.
You'll be amazed at how you ca n
cut through pile-ups. Be heard any-
where In the world.And wake up other-
wi se inactive bands.
The brains of the operation: The
FT·767GX. This intelligent HF/VHFI
UHF base station includes four micro-
processors for unparalleled flexibility
and ease ofope ration.
Features incl ude 160 to 10 meter
transmit, including WARe bands.
Optional plug-in modules for fi-meter; 10 Hz steps. Slow/fast main dial tun- RF clipping speech processor. IF shift
z-metcr and 70-cm operation. Receiver ing. Synthesizer step programming for both receive and transmit (TX
coverage from 100 kHz to 30 MHz. at up to 99.99 kHz per step. Digital side allows you to adjust voice fre-
AM , F~l , 88B, CIY,AF8K modes built in. SWI{ meter. Digital RF power meter. quency response pattern). IF monitor.
len memories that store frequency, Built-in RF preamplifier. Adjustable IF notch filter. Audio low-pass filter.
mode, and CTeSS information drive level from 0 to 100 watts. Blue Built-in antenna tuner with mem-
(optional cress unit for controlled - fluorescent display. Built-in M:, O!)' ofsettings on each band.Separate
access repeaters). Memory check power supply. antenna connectors for each \'HF or
feature for checking memory status Up to 30 minutes continuous UHFoptional unit. Separate beverage
without affec ting operating frequency transmit (100%duty cycle). Full CII" antenna receive input on rear panel.
Dual vl'Os with one-touch split Ire - break-in. Built-in Cwelectronic keyer. Quick tu rnaround time from TX to
quency capability. VFO tracking for Audio peak filter for CW (raesu RX for AMTOR, Packet, and QSKCW
slaved VFO-A /VFO·B operation at a paten t). Owand AM wide/narrow AGe slow/medium /fastloff selec-
constant offset. Digital display in filters.Woodpecker noise blanker. tion . Push-pull MRF422 transistors
On 450, there are a few reo Just where l o b b yi n g a nd welcome Novices to what's leh of ganza and firework s in Taipei ,
peaters and a lot of control links- " buying " leave off, I don't know. 220. You can set up crossband which you'll never forget (October
most of 'em in the major urban I do know thi s man u lacturer repeaters for them. You can work 10th)- we'U have good seals lor
centers . Abo ve that is almost was willing to cover any bet I cared toward gen ing school radio clubs the spectacle.
nothing , being practical about it. to make-they'd already brought going again so we'll have more 2) The food is fantastic . You get
I believe we'd na....e 10 double out a 22().MHz rig for the new youngsters coming into our roo- a first-class America n breakfast
the number of acu....e hams before se rvice . He said t hat he and by. Or you can shrug your shoul- every morning as part of the tour
we'd see much action above 450 anot he r manufact urer we re in ders and carry on, bitching, but pec keqe -c-pru e a major dinner
MHz--or even a reusing of 6m . cahoots on th e project and it doing nothing. party in each city. For the cautious
Hey, back when 2-1 12m and 10m was an accomplished fact . His II you disagree, what do you there are Wendy 's nearby in all
were all we had, back in early partner was very arrogant about think ... and why do you think it? cities. I' ll take l empura.
1946, 10m was a lot more act ive it at the time-wonder how Anyfaets? 3) First-class hotels all the way.
than it is today-even at night. 4) You'll see the latest in elec-
So don't let anyone bu ild up tronics at the consumer electron-
a guilt trip for you because you ic shows-and be able to meet
haven't spent time and money to " Who knows, you might grab bus ine ssmen t o make deals.
get on 220 MHz-or 1296 MHz, J ust o ne small product could
etc . It isn' t your fault --or mine- me at breakfast one morning and pay for your trip a hundred times
that we don't have enough hams over. There are seminars to help
to even begin to use the bands
get me to come up with some new you do business. You 'll never find
allocated to us . How lo ng d id ideas for your business." a better way to meet Asian busi-
you think the manufacturers were nessmen .
going to let all those incredibly 5) Ahhh , the shopping! Few re-
valuable and v irt uall y unused turn wlmout a custom-made suit
freq uenci es sit there gathering he's doing today. The CB crash PICK SIX REASONS or two . Do you want your new cus-
dust? demolished them-which TO GO TO ASIA tom raincoa t to be Burburry or
ltwasbackaround 1971 when a seemed like poetic justice, since WITH WAYNE THIS FAll London Fog design? What mono-
CB manufacturer bragged to me they were prime movers in the 50- gram do you want on your $1 0
that 220 MHz would shortly be a channel CB move, as I recall. And 1) It's lun . You'll get to see (and custom-mac e shirts? Better bring
new CB band . He claimed the EIA that's what killed CB-or at least take pictures) in Japan, Taiwan , an exira bag-I always do . $3
had "bought" the chairman of the badly wounded it . Korea. and Hong Kong-all those Gore-Tex skiing gloves and Mem-
FCC. It did look as if we were so- What can you do? Not muc h fantastic places you read about ber's Only jackets lor $5 at Itewon
ing to lose it, but we got a new about the 220 loss. but you can and see in the movies. You don't in seoul. Bargain furs . CDs from
FCC cha irman and that eased the start working toward gen ing ama- want to miss the Korean Folk ViI- all over the world - oodle s 01
pressure. teur radio growing again . You can lage---orthe Double-Ten extrava- Continued on page 42

turns off amplifier and rematches

tuner circuitry if S\VR rises above
2:1. llands-free automatic band change
when used with f T-767GX, f T-757GX
or IT-9SO. Lithium battery backup
remembers antenna selection and
tuner setti ngs. Dual 2-speed fans
with inde pendent thermal sensors.
Connection to up to four antennas,
including automatic selection via
optional unit. Eight front panel LED
status ind icators. And more.
Get the DX advantage. Just
THEB combine the FT·7fi7GX's brains, the
FL-7000's brawn, and your special
operating knowledge.What an impact
(rated dissipation 290 watts each ) a built-in power supply, automatic you'll make on the world!
operated at 24 volts for excellent inter- tuner and lots of powerful operati ng .... 111

modulation rejection in transmitter. features.

Enhanced C.A.T. system for cxter. There's fast turnaround time for
nal control of transceiver from per' break-in (QSK) CII: Hf packet radio,
sonal computer. (Software for Apple and Al ITOR_Only 70 wat ts excitation jaesu USA
lIe/MAC, Commodore C-64, and fo r full output, and 1200 watts PEP 17210 Edwards Road, Cerritos,CA 90701
(213) 404-2700
I B~I - PC is available through your Yaesu input power. Fully protected push -pull Repair Service: (213) 404-4884
dealer.) There's also data com munica- parallel wideband "notune't ampli- Parts: (21:) 404 ·4847
tion with the FL-7000 linear amplifier fier circuit powered by 47\: 25A DC mesu Cincinnati Service Center
for hands-free amplifier operation. power supply. \aesu's exclusive 'Dt'C" 9070 Gold Park Drive. Hamilton, OH -15GB
The muscle to get you out: The (Direct I'ertical Cooling Heatsink (513) 874-3100
FL-7000. This solid-state amplifier System) with bottom-mounted fa n. Pnees and soccrncauons subject to change
covers 160 to 15 meters, and includes Automatic antenna match ing sensor without notice.

MHz of a band that you yourself

ETTERS don't use and may never use?

Simple. If we lose 220-222 MHz, it
will prove that we are vulnerable-
thai we cannot wage a successful
campaign to protect our spec -
trum . Once "they" know this, no Way"" G,""
from hams? You may find this amateur band from de to light will A SSOCIATE PUB LIS HER
hard to believe, but over a to-veer be safe from the money-monger- Sluat! Norwood
TO S AVE 220
span at maximum utilization, the ing spectrum thieves. The " they"
While many of you might find figures would be into the hun- are all other services , service IIANAGING EDITOR
it hard to believe, fighting to save dreds 01 m illiOflS of dollars. And. users, and all ied businesses that Chns$chmodl KA1MPl
the 220-222-MHz portion of 1-114 many of us freely adm it thai in would profit immeasurably fr om PROOUCTION EDIT OR
Steve Jewell KA 1MPM
mete rs is more th a n keeping many parts of the nation, 420-450 the demise of amateur radio.
2 MHz of spectrum fo r our service. MHz is an underutilized band! It we ever let th is " Pandora' s
Rochard PMno.
What we have here is reaHy an I can hear you saying: " Well, at 8oK" be opened , it won 't be a
all or nothing situation . Here's least two meters is sale . Heck, " hu nt and peck" for a few kHz Robon F1ofe<lCe KA 1PNR
why. there must be a halt-million hams here and a few kHz there . The ASSOCIATES
enemy will make one swift frontal MI~e Bryce WB8VGE
For more years than I can re- on those 10,000 repeaters." 1can
Pe'ry Doollam KW10
member, I have been try ing to get only remind you that even if every attack, and it will be all over. In a John Edw8lds KI2\J
it into the sometimes thick skulls l icensed ham were act ive on flash, amateur radio will cease to BII Gosl>ey KE 7C
Jim Glly WIXU
of American radio amateurs that 2-meter FM-and they're nol-it exist! Th ink I'm crazy? Blowing crm HMna Vf'2'ML
every kilohertz of spectrum that would be nothing compared to the straws in the wind ? For your sake, Or, Marc l.Nvey W AJAJA
Andy MilCAIllSllH W"-SZIB
we have is worth millions of dol- amount of people that land-mobile I hope SO. But, as even Wayne will B,n Pasle,nak WA 61TF
lars to co mpanies who can use it (or any other service eyeing our tell you, in the 25 years I've been Harold P,ice NK6K
to provide other services. bands) might squeeze into that writing for 73 , I have been correct Pele, Pulman KT2B
M Ike 51.,... we.ocO
Forinstance,let's take the 420- same 4 MHz at several grand a far more times than I have been Dr Ralph T8998'I WB800T
4~Hz amateur band. 30 prime pop. wrong . I did call it wrong on no-
MHz of spectrum right where tne What I've said about 420-450 code, but nobody's perfect.
vast ma;crity 01 UHF land-mobile applies 10 the a-meter band and Some of you read ing the pro- DIanna R,lson
radios now operate. Think il you any other-inc luding t he H F posal might be tempted to support
will for a moment in terms of sim- bands. As this is being written , 87-14 because it holds the
ple economics. The basic top-nne word is quietly filtering out from an promise of three secure MHz 01 1.fi03.S25-<l201
land-mobile radio sells for about HF WARC that many Th ird Wor1d spectrum if we give up two MHz l ..aoo- 22S-S083
$3,500 these days. My friends tell nations want hams kicked ott under the current insecure auoca- SAlES MANAGER
Nancy Cil mp a-Mallene
me that it's about the same for a some prime high frequency bands tron plan. I say " nut s" to this
base. An average business wi ll to make way for more interna- proposition . What we wan t, what J,m God,on N I EJ F
probably have at least a half- tional shortwave. If I may quote we demand, the only thing that we
dozen mobiles and one or two
base radios. Then there 's installa-
tion of antennas and other periph-
from the January 15 issue of the
WSYI Report :
" . . . many countries have sub-
hams will settle for is 220-225
MHz being made amateur-excru-
sive. and all others be eamoec!
eral gear. mitted more req uirements than Althou gh the deadline fo r
Ne x t co mes th e s ta nda rd can be handled in the presently comments will have passed by J Im Connell
shared community repeater, allocated frequency bands. AI this the time you read this (unless CHIE F FINANCIAL Of'FICER
which can cost another several point it looks impossible that an extension is obtained), there R.chard Yee
grand . It has to have an antenna these needs can be filled by the is still one th ing thai you can do . BUSINESS MANAGER
Oavid P , RaetI'Ie,
and a duplexer, and it pays a site ITU . There has been some formal It you have a couple of extra aSL
rental lee. Some sites are charg- discussion about developing and ca rds handy. take a few of them Pete' M Gaviomo
ing systems $300-$600 a month ado pii ng a reso lution al this and send them to your congress- NEWSSTAND MAN A GER
or more. There's also the monthly conference that would call for a men. Where you would normally s.m .....
fee to use the radio relay system , future conference 10 completely put a signal report. write instead SYSTEMS MANAGER
and in many places that's based "The FCC's Office 01 Engineering sare B Ph-.
reallocate the high frequency
on whatever the traffic will bear. bands . . .. A highly placed gov- and Technology is trying to steal
Bob Oukalto , Linda O,aw. Susan Allan
Mu ltiply that out by the number ernme nt official (who asked that our ham bands with Docket 87-14.
of repeaters and users that can be he not be named) recently told me Right now they want our 220 A ocl'wI' d Cla'ke . Manager ;
crammed into 30 additional MHz that the HF broadcasters would band. HEll NO-I WON 'T GOI" Sue B Flanagen. Dan e . -.
01 space, and you are talking an- be looking for more spectrum Former California Congress- 0""'.... """'
nual profits into the megabuck since they do nol have enough man James Corman said back
range. So, if you are a business- no w and ' Th e amateur bands in 19 7 9 that nothing gets th e Edltorlll Ollleee
WGE Cenle,
m an involved in two-way land - would be eKtremely vulnerable at at tention of a legislator like a Pel.,boro<.I9h . NH 03458-11904
mobile, wouldn 't you be looking at a future allocations conference.' " aSl card. We know lor a fact 603-S25-<l201
your neighbor with a jaundiCed Most high -frequen cy ham that this method is effective in
eye? Nor is land-mobile the only bands are likely to come under dealing with jammers and foul- Warne Green Enterpfllll8S is I dr'tISoon
user up there. attack because they directly ad- mouths. I wonder what impact oI lnlem l l oonai Oal l G'oup

I'm a broadcaster by profes- join spectrum used by HF broad- several hundred thousand aSl 73 A..... I. II' RMilo (ISSN 071S-08QK)
sion, and we use frequencies in casters. The two primary targets cards reaching Congress might is publl$htld monlhly by WOE P ublish·
ing. Inc . I division 01 Warne Groon
and around the 460-MHz region are likely to be 40 and 20 meters! have on the luture existence of the Enle<p" w e. Inc .. WGE Ce<>lef .~ ­
lor remote pick-up. And, there are The new 1().MHz band might be Otnce of Engineering and Teen- borough NH 03158-11904 Entll'fl ece-
tents ~ 1987 bywGE PublishIng . Inc ,
hundreds if not thousands of other targeted as well. And here it' s nol noIogy? Remember, turn-about is No pan oI lhos po.tblocalion may be I'l!-
potential users out there as well. just gigabucks at stake, it's na- fair play. PfOduce<l wllhOul w,m"n PlHm..soon
So, what is 420 to 450 M Hz wort h tionalistic pride as we ll. Bill Pasternak WA61TF f'om the pub/ishOlr,

to anyone who c an wrestle it away So why fight to save two lousy 735tal1
12 73 Amateur RadiO • May, 1987
Spectrum Repeater/Link
New FL·4 UHF
High Perlonnance Boards & Sub-Assemblies
Helical Resonators These are professional " Commerci al Grade" Units-Designed for
'"wiled In Receiver Extreme Environments ( -30 to 60 0 C.) All Equipment Assembled & Tested.
or FL-4H P,. . .lector Unit

iiiiiiiiiiii.;::~~For 10M, 2M, 220 MHz, & 440 MHz

& Audio Mixer Board
-Improvedl Now Incl udes " aud io mute"
circuit and " Emerge ncy Power 10"
option .
_4 input AF Miker & Local Mic , amp .
- PROM Memory - 250 bits/cha nnel.
- Up to 4 different 10 channelsl
-M any other features , Factory p rogrammed.

Improved SCT410B
CTC100 Rptr. COR Timer/Control Bd.
- ccmpiete solid state control lor rplr. CO R ."Hang" Transmitter Assy.
Timer. " Time-Out" Timer, TX local & remo te Shut-
VHF & UHF Receiver Boards - Includes inputs & OIJtputs for panel controls & SCT110 VHF Xmtr/Exciler Board
lamps .
SCR200A-VHF SCR450A·UHF _10Wta. Output .l ~ Duty Cycle l
• Totally Adv.ncftl ~Ignf
oS Pole Front End FItt . + wide dynamic range-
Reduces ()verIoad, Spurious Resp . & lntermod.
0 Sell$. O.25IlVI12dB SINAO typo
Power Supply Boards
- SCP12 12"VOC C 0.3 A out.
$ - Withstands High VS WR
_True FM lor exe. audio quality
- Desig ned speciflCially for continuous rptr. eervee.
"Very low in " white noise."
- se. -6dB 0 ± 6.S KHz . · 13OdB@ ± 3OKHz. {8 Pole ~ S9u rious - 75 dB . HarmoniCS -60dB.
Crystal + 4 Pole ceramic F1trs. - S CP 5 12 12 VOC C lA& 5 VOC C O. 4 Aout.
_With ,0005% precision grade xtal .
- 'S Meter' , Discriminator & Deviation Mcr. Outputsl (l.l A total rnax. out.) _SA-30 30 Wt. Amp board • He.t si nk, 3 sec . LP
_Ekc. audio quality! Fast squelctl! wlO.OOO5~ Crys- _ S C P 5 1 :l: A -'5 above. b4Jt also wl -12"VOC @0.lA 'Iher & ret. pwr. sensor.
tal. ("'SuPf" SMrp" IF Fltr. alsoallail.) -SA 75 7 5 wt. u n it alao aY8ilable
_ New/3D KHz B. W.IF FiIt~
fO' High S"..eJ P.clret.

Complete Receiver Assemblies

", SCT110 Transmitter Assembly
»s crt ' 0 mounted In shl~1ded hou~ng

L ~
- se me es used on SC R 1000& 2000X
_Revr . Board mOlJnted in shielded housing. - Comple tely assmbld. wlF.T. caps. 50239 conn.
_Completely assembled & tested. wlF .T. caps, - i o. 30, or 75 Wt. unit.
S0239 conn .
JI,::. P'ug.'n
- As used in the SCR l 000I2000 X . Ready to drop into
your systeml I:~, Coding Card sc'r 4108 UHF Transmitter Bd. or Assy.
. UHF gcvr. Assy, Now Available wl Super Sharp FL· _Similar to SCT1 10, l OWls . nom.
4 Helical Resonator s, Greatly reduces 1M & "out of TTC300 TOUCH TONE CONTROLLER _Now Includes " on bfnrd " proportlonsl Xtsl
band" mterterencet Oac.lOllert circuitry for very high . tabillt yl
- High performance. Super versatile Gesign . To con - -BA-40 "OW. UHF AMP. 80. & HEAT SINK
trol any ON/OFF Function at a remote site via DTMF
RadiO Link .
FL-4H - u see new high quality Xlal Controlled Decoder IC.
wlhigh immunity to falsing
oDecodes all 16 digil $
- 3 0 N/OFF Functions per MainCard. Easilye-.pand-
able to any no. of functions wlEkpansiOn Cards.
-ccoes quiCkly field programmable via plug-in Cod-
ing Cards. Many unique 3-digit coOesavailabie. Not
basically 1-digit as with competitlY8 un its .
- Latched or pulsed ~ts. SCAP Aulopalch Board
- Transislor SWItch OIJtpulS can directly trigger solid - Provides all basic autopatch functions
slate Circui t ry or relays. etc. lor any type of control oSecYre 3 DigitAcc:ess; 1 AUk ()n.Oft function. Audio
Receiver Front-End Preselectors function . AGe; &sin';n tmlers; etc. Beautiful Audio!
- Low Power Consumption CMOS Technology. - 0/1 inhibit bd. also allailable
-FL-6: 6HI Q Resonators wit h Lo-Noi. . Translator 5VOC Input. GoId;:JIated connectors . _Write/cal l lor details and a dala sheel
Amp (2M at" 220 MHz)
- FL-4H: 4HI Q Helical Resonators & Lg...Noi M Tr. RPCM Board
Amp.ln ahleld ed houling. (420-4 70 MHz) 1 ••
". - Used wl SCAP board to p rovide " Reverse Patch "
_Provldea t re mendous rejection of " ou l -o f.
, .. .
band " Ilg nall w l out t he usual lossl Can often be and Land-Line Control o f Repeater
" • - tncruoes land-line "answering " circuitry
used inSlead 01large e..pensive callity filters.
- Ektremely helpful at sites with ma ny nearby trans·
" : •
mitters (0 "filter-ou t" these out-er-bend signals. Lightning Arrester For Autopatch
SCP30 HEAVY DUTY 30 AMP - Gas Discharge Tube shunts phone line surg es to
_ 13.8 V DC ou l. 11 5f230 in. 50/60 Hz .
Call or Write for - 30A @ 70% duty , 25A @ , 00% duty.
. Handle s up to 40,000 Amp s!
_The Best device available to protect Autopalch
_ M a ssive 30 lb. Trans fo rm e r & H e a t S inks .
Data Sheets equipmenllrom lightning damage. $17.00 + S/H ,
i S. h.bl. e$pllool l

/$CI~!:!£!.'!!'!!sP!!!!,r!!~~!l£11!!!~~T£~~!·1 ," 73 Amateur Reoo » May.1g87 13

" When You Buy, say 73"
era t ing on the same frequen-
cy. Up to ten different frequen-
cies can be select ed with a back- The TXA5-33 exciter/modulator
lit pushwheel switch on the trout board fo r the 3:J.cm A TV band.
Communications Specialists ' TP·
p anel. To nes are digitall y pro-
TOS tone output switCh module.
grammabl e to any o f th e 38 without t ying up on e o r b oth
CTCSS frequencies. of th e usual 70-em ATV chan-
The units operate on 13.6 V dc nels. The TXA5-33 sells for $ 139. weather is, circle number 211 0 0
( ±2O% ) at less than 25 mAoTone For more lnfcrmatic n about the your Reader Service card .
output level is adjustable to 1.5 V TXA5-33 and other P .C, Electron-
rm s. The user has a choice of a ics products, circle number 209 CSI TONE OUTPUT
6-dB-per-octave ron-ott or flal au- on your Reader Service card. SWITCH MODU LE
dio output. Built-in light senso rs Communication s Specialists,
EP/'s model RFA·16B VHF/UHF rf aulomati c ally ill u m i n a t e the PC WEATHER Inc., is now offering the TP-TOS
amplifier. swi tch at nighl. tone output switch modu le as
Te chn olog y Marketing , In c "
These Mobilecall encoders are an add -on acc esso ry for th eir
has in trod uced a sophistica ted
EPI AF AMPS ava ila ble in two configurations: weather monitoring and analysis TP-38 s ha r ed repeat er t o ne
The ST-109A ($99) is the standard panel. The TP-TOS provides in-
Electron Processing, Inc., has system called PC Weather. PC
unit, and the ST-109B ($129) adds Weather comes complete with its dividual discrete switch outputs
introduced a line of Signal tnten-
a phase-sh ift circ uit lor squelch own anemometer/wind-vane as- for the st an dard 32 tone fre -
sifier'" rf amplifier modules sun-
tail eliminatio n (ST E) whic h is quencies from 67,0 to 203.5 Hz .
able lor almost all receivi ng ap- sembly, two temperature probes,
com pati ble with most Motorola a half-slot PC board, and display The 32 ou tputs can be config-
plications. Available in either MF/
and G E CTCSS syst ems, inctl.Jd. ured to provide ei ther a pull to
HF or VHF/U HF versions, th ey software. This system allows you
ing reed-type decoders. The units to mon itor and d isplay lo ca l logic ground, a pull to logic high,
feature 13 dB gai n with very low
come complete with mounting
weather conditions on an IBM PC/ or to route an audio signal 10 an-
noise figure (typically under 5
bracket and cable assembly. other transmitter, receiver, lape
d B). Model RFA -2 0 ( M F/H F) XTfAT or co mpatible, Features in-
For more information on these clude wind speed , wind direction, recorde r, etc. The TP·TOS is
comes with a pair of SQ.239 fe-
Selectone encoders, circle num- priced at $99.95.
male coaxial connectors. Mooel barometric pressure, inside and
be r 213 on you r Reader Service For more information about the
RFA-16B is equipped with your outside temperatures, and wind-
card . Communications Specialists TP·
choice of " F" connectors or " Mo- chill factor.
The PC Weather d isplay is TO S, circle number 212 on your
torola" co nnectors. Ot her con- 33-CM ATV
background resident and may be Reader Servic e card .
nector styles are available upon EXCITER/MODULATO R
req uest . Both fea ture a built-in accessed at any time, even from
P.C. Electronics has introduced within a spreadsheet or word pro- MFJ·1274 HFNHF
117·V·ac power suppty. Prices
its model TXA5-331·Wan ATV ex- PACKET TNC
start at $29.95. cesser. An cn-ccero alarm wi ll be
citer/modulator board for the 33-
For more information on EPI so u n de d when certa in pro- MFJ Enterprises, Inc., has re-
cm band. Most activity has been
products, circle number 205 on grammable weather conditions leased its latesl TA PR TNC -2
on the zc-cm band until now. By
your Reader Service card . are met. PC Weat her is e xternally clone, tne MFJ-1274, The 1274
also haVing a 33-<:m ATV station,
powered by an ac adapt er and works on VHF, HF, OSCAR , and
hams can run tuff-duplex video
DASH·MOUNTED continues to monitor weather con- other non-FM packet. MFJ ha s
and audio crossband with another
cress ENCODE RS ditions and alarms even when the made the T A P R modem se ·
stat ion on 70 cm . This board
host computer is turned off. lectable for VHF and HF operation
Serectcne Corporation has an- should make it easy to put up a
Th e PC Weather packag e is and ha s added : a 20-segment
nounced a new line 01 CTCS S short-ctstance video link, cross-
priced at $349 .95. Opt ion s in- LED luning indicator, a TTL serial
d ash-mounted Mobilecall- en- band ATV repeater, bu lletin board clude a rain gauge and PC Weath- po rt , a lit hium-battery memo ry
coders that are used lor select- video repeater, or public-service/
er Pro, an en h anced soft ware backup, and a new cabinet. The
ing one 01 several repeaters op- weather-radar vi deo servi ce-
package that provides expanded 1274 interlaces with any compul·
display data and analysis capabili- er with an R5-232 serial port and
ties . Each of these opti ons is appropriate term inal program .
priced at $69.95. The 1274 features AX .25 level
If you really want to let someone 2 Version 2 software, hardware
have it when they ask how th e HoLC lor lull duplex, true data

Selectone's Mobilecall CTCSS encoder. The MFJ-1274 HFNHF packet TNC.

14 73 Amateur Radio · May, 1987
carrier detect for HF, multiple con. and retrieve messages. The KPC-
nects. and 256K EPROM/16K 4 is priced at $329.
RAM . Speeds in excess of 56K For more information about the
baud are possible with a suitable KPC·4, circle number 204 on your
external modem. The 1274 sells Reader Service card.
For more info r mat ion about HAMTRONICS
the MFJ-1274 TNC, circle num- WXSAT CONVERTER
ber 208 00 your Reader Service Hamtronics' CA 137-28 weather
Hamtrcn ic s..., Inc., has intro-
card. satellite converter.
duced the CA 137-28 receiver
converter for reception of weath·
WORLD HAM NET a-meter amplilier. This amplifer
erlax pictu res f ro m sa te llit es
DIRECTORY provides 160 Watts of output from
t ransmitting in the 137-MHz band.
The World Ham Net Directory The CA137-28 tra nslates all sig- 25 warts of input across the entire Larsen 's model A().2170 antenna
by Mike Witowski has been pub- nals rec ei ved in the 136-138· a-meter band. The HL·160V25A duplexer tor 2mnO-Cm.
lished by Tiare Publications. It MHz sat ellite band for re cep- amp can be used for FM, SSB,
lists 300 special-interest ham ra- tion on tu nable 28-30-MHz wide- and CW operation and includes nected to a common dual-band
d io networks by name , operating band FM receivers. To make the an internal GaAsFET preamp . antenna; it also allows separate
frequency , and dayflime. The nets conversion in dial frequency, sub- The Hl· 160V25A is priced at 2m and 70-cm antennas to be
cover a wide range of interests in- tract 108.000 from the trequen- $269.95 . used with a single·port, dual-band
cluding emergency ccmmumca- cy you want to receive. The re- For more informat ion about radio.
none. DXing, missionary work, ce iver uses a low-n o ise Iront Tokyo Hy-Power Labs amplifiers, Gross band isolation is sup-
fore ign servic e, reti rees, airline end to provide sensitivity of less circle number 215 on your Reader pre ssed to -50 dB o r more ,
em ployees, weather watcher s, than 0.2 uV. It operates on 13.6 Service card. perm itting mrerterence-rree si-
traffic hand ling, and more. This V ec at 30 mA oThe CA137-28 is multaneous tra nsmission or re-
book provides amateurs with the available for: $69 wired and test- DSE FIELD STRENGTH ception. Maximum power rating is
chance for new contac ts and ed in a cabinet; $49 in kit form; METER KIT 200 W PEP composite VHF/UH F
SWls with more opportunities for and $39 for a kit to build just the Dick Smith Elect ronics, Inc ., power.
interesting listening. The World PC module. Shipping and han- has ann ounced a new field For more information ab out
Ham Net Directory is priced at dling is extra. st re ng t h meter ki t. The f ie ld the Larsen AD-2f70, circle num-
$9.95 plus $ 1 shipping and han. For more info rmation abo ut st rengt h met er is built on a small ber 207 on your Reade r Service
dling . the CA137-28 co nverter, circle PCB that mou nts directly on the card.
For more information about The number 210 on your Reader Ser- meter terminals. Only the sensitiv-
World Ham Net Directory , circle vice card. ity pot and powe r switch are 011- SOLDERINGJDESOLDERING
number 2 14 on your Reader Ser- board . The telescopic antenna STATION BY SIBEX
vice card . SEBHC JOURNAL mounts via a small right-angle Sibex, Inc ., has relea sed its
bracket which bolt s to the board. model $-2 solderingldesoldering
KANTRON ICS KPc.4 The Society 01 Eight·Bit Heath
The case provides additional sup- station. The $-2 allows any stan.
DUA L-PORT Comput6rists Journal is a month-
port lor the antenna via a grom- dard soldering iron to be tempera-
COMMUNICATOR ly newsletter dedicated to serv-
meted hOle in the case top . The tcre-contronec through the use of
ing the owners of HeathlZenith
The KPC-4 Dual-Pert Commu- DSE field strength meter is priced a separate dc voltage converter.
H-8 and HIZ·8919O computers. Its
nicator i s xen trcnrc s' newest at $39.95 plus $3.50 shipping and The desoldering tool is tempera-
objective is to keep these corn-
packet unit . It features two fully hand ling. ture controlled in the range of
puters alive, well, and productive,
functiona l VHF pa cket ports , For more information about this 4SO-700 ~ F. A vacuum pump is
and to prevent the average HIZ
dig ipeating o n each port, VHF and other DSE product s, circle incorporated into the unit lor effi-
eight-bit machine user from toun-
gateway between ports, and an number 2 16 on your Reader Ser- ci e nt desoJderi ng ; the pu mp
dering in the sea of " Big Blue"
R5-232 computer port . Digipeat- vice card. switch is built into the desoldering
clones. A one-year subscription
ing and gateway operations occur handpiece. The $-2 has holders
is $1 5.
simultaneously white you're con- LARSEN AD-2nO for solderi ng and desoldering
For more information about the
nected on one or both ports. The ANTENNA DUPLEXER tools and has a built·in tip-clean-
SEBHC Journal , please circ le
AS·2321TTl term inal interlacing The new AD·2/70 dual-band an- iog pad. The price of the unit is
number 217 on your Reader Ser-
provides compatibility to all com- tenna coupler has been released $289.95.
vice card .
puters . Stream swi tching pr o- by Larsen Electronics, Inc. The For more information about the
vides lor access to both rad io AD-2f70 allows operation of sepa- Sibex $-2, circle number 206 on
ports , each of wh ich supports rate 2m and zo-cm rad ios con- your Reader Service card.
AX .25 protocol.
The KPC-4 also contains the Tokyo Hy-Power Labs, a sub-
Personal Packet Mailbox'" fea · sidiary of Encomm, mc., has reo
ture, which allows you to leave leased their model Hl·160V25A

.,. .,. •
'. - -- .0
-- - •.
- -

The Kantronics KPC-4 Dual·Port Communicator. The Sibex 5-2 temperature-controlled solderingJdesoldering station.
73AmateurRadio • MaY,1987 15
• Built-In AC Power Supply Superb Design. Un compromised Direct Frequency Entry Via Front
• Built-In Automatic Antenna Ouallty. A 105dB dynamic range re- Keyboard or enjoy the velvet-smooth
ceiver features high RF sensitivity and tuning knob with its professional feel
Tuner steep skirted IF selectivity that cuts and rubberized grip.
• SSB, CW, FM, AM, RTTY QRM like a knife. A 100'1. duty cycle
• Direct Keyboard Entry transm itter includes a large heatsink Special CW Attractions include a
and internal blower. The IC-761 trans- built-in electronic keyer. semi or full
• 16O-lOm/General Coverage ceiver is backed with a full one-year break-in operation rated up to 60
Receiver warranty and [COM's dedicated custom- WPM, CW narrow filters and adjustable
• Passband Tuning plus IF Shift er service with four regional factory sidetone.
• aSK up to 60 WPM service centers. Your operating enjoy-
ment is guaranteed ! Automatic Antenna Tuner covers
The lC7bl ushers in an exciting 160-10 meters. matches 16-150 ohms
new era of amateur radio communi ca- All Bands, All Modes Included. and uses high speed circuits to follow
tions; an era filled with all the Dx'Ing. Ope rates all HF bands, plus it includes rapid band shifts.
contest ing, and multi -mode operati ng general coverage reception from
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" When You Buy, say 73" 73 Amateur Radio • May, 1987 17
n..~ Microwave Modules MMT 50/144 and
'(:I- MMT 50/285 50-MHz Linear Transverters
bv Peter H. Putman K728
Imported by: The PX Shack 52 Stonewyck Drive Belle Mead NJ 08502 Price class: $350

'" I - .. !
I •

- so MH, ....r...oDE

L• •
5O -" ~T ~

~~. • TR.\Ns'o'ERTEFl
- •

I I's been a long lime coming. but Microwave

Modules ltd. of liverpool. England, has
finally brought out the six-meter counterpart to
version scheme , you won 't give up much to
your counterparts on ten meters. I'll touch on
the technical aspects later on, but right now I'll
low direct drive with two-meter radios of up to
15 Walls output (great news for all you folks
who always forgot the 15-dB artenuatcrs and
the two-meter MMT 144128A (reviewed in the take a brief lOOk attne 50/144. blew out the old 50/144 units). PrOVision is
March, 1986, issue). Back then I was im- made through the rear panel 10 adjust the
pressed enough with the MMT 144128 that I The MMT 50/144 input drive level for l ull output. Th is adj ust-
(and many other VHF operators) started bad- Th e layout is similar to the MMT 144128R. ment will accommodate tran sceivers from 150
gering lvars Lauzums of The PX Shack (the with a low-profile extruded aluminum housing rnnuwans to 15 Walls.
U.S. importer) to " gel a version of this on six that forms part of the power amplifier (PA) Provisions have been made for two different
meters!" compartmen t heat sink and affords exceuent antenna connections at 50 MHz, largely due to
Things do move at a cmerent pace in Eng- shielding. The main power switch is located some 01 the a forementioned " badgering" of
land, however. The factory was in the midst 01 on the front panel, along with the VOX dropo ut the U.S. importer and the factory reoresenta-
developmental work on a six-meter transvert- delay adjustment. A series of LEO indicators wee at Dayton. It would appear thai most
er when the big news came out: British ama- make up a bar-graph display to shOw relative ham s in the UK prefer t he fu ll -tr an sceive
teu rs would obtain limited 5O-MHz privileges output power, with lull indication meaning that scheme on VHF frequencies, since most 01
with a power res triction of about 20 W atts and the transverter is running at about 20 Walts. them run solid-state power amplifiers after
7-dB-gain antennas. I'm su re this lit a fire un- Since i·f cove rage is from 144-1 48 MHz, no thei r transverters.
der the designers at Microwave Modules, as bandswitch ing is required for full six-mete r O n this side of the pond , however, we have
word soon came from Ivars: " No problem. The ranging. ou r share 01 high-power ops using all sort s 01
six-meter units will be in by Dayton!" O n the rear of the MMT 50/144 are three complica ted relay-switChing schemes. The
Well , Dayton '86 came and went. So did the coaxial connections and one power/keying answer on the MMT 144128R was si mply to
rest of Ihe summer and the entire Es season, connection using the standard MM 5-pin plug. punch anothe r role in the hOusing and add a
and still no sign of the alleged boxes . About The connection at 144 MHz is tuueensceive. dummy S0-239 connector to be wired as an
November, however, I received word thai with all T-R switching done internally. A rests- option by the end user.
some prototype units were on their way to the tive pad is incorpo rated into the design to at- The solutio n on th e MMT 50/144 is a bit
U.S . Upo n arriving, though, they turned out to more el egan t, with a buil t-in slide switch se-
be 50/144types, with a two-meter i-I instead of lecting either the normal transceive route or
the more conventional 28-M Hz i-t. th e independent 5O-MHz anten na input. This
Why was this? It seems that the tones in
Liverpool suspected that the class B licensees
(VHF only) would be the ones to get the new
. .., switch is acce ssible by removi ng the right side
cover with the unit lacing you. Now you can
run mast-mounted preamp s with two feed-
5O-MHz privilege, and since it stood to reason lines, or an outboard tube amplifier with a
that most of those opera tors had either exist- conventional SPOT relay and keep il simple.
ing rnummcce transceivers or transverters for The separate rece ive input lends itself to an
the two-meter band , a 50-MHz to 144-MHz outboard pr eamp, wh ich, as the test data
co nversion made sense. Photo A Rear panel of the MM T 50/ 144. show s, might be useful in certai n instances.
Ho w eve r- i nitiall y only the class A li- Take a look at the main i·1board. The work-
censees obtained the 5O-M Hz allocation, and manship here is nrst-ctass. with a double-sid-
the y preferred the standard ten-meter i-I ed plated G 10epoxy board used. You'll notice
scheme. (Class B licensees wouldn 't come on

right away the preponderance of torocs. and
board for a few more months .) So much for .. -. I " • .\ this is no accident. The designers ol the MMT
tryi ng to predict the market. It was back to the ." 50/144 wanted to obtain fairly broadba nded
drawing board in Liverpool! performance in both the rec eive and transmit
To make a long story short, my initial expo- • sec tions, eli minat ing the need for criti cal
sure to this new product was with th e MMT alignment or fine-tuning,
5011 44 , and it works su rprisi ng ly well- ' o With th e proximity of telev ision stations on
much so thet. if you pre fer the 5().to- l 44 con- Photo B. Rear panel of the MMT 50/288. chan nel 1 along the coast of Belgium and
18 73AmateurRadio · May, 1987
The Netherlands, there was concern about
possible interference to these services by Specification MMT 50/144 MMT50/28S
the new UK 5O-MHz allocation . Other con-
Minimum Discernible Signal,
cerns were voiced about interference to chan-
1·kHz bandwidth - 124 dBm - 124 d Bm
nels 2 and 3 as well, not to mention the FM
broadcast band.
Mic rowave Mod ules has add ressed this
Signal for l Q-d B SIN
Conversion Gain (dB)
1-dB Compression, output (dB)
.75 uV
+ 10
.8 uV

+ 15
problem by providing extensive filtering in
Dynamic Aange (dB) 124 121
both the AX and TX lines . For example, an
Measured Power Output
incoming 144-MHz TX signal is downconvert-
saturated @ SO Ohms 19W 20W
ed to 50 MHz and immediately passes through
Minim um Drive for full output 500mW .5mW
a low-pass filter after the dual-balanced mixer.
Dc Current Draw 4A @1 3.8 V dc 4A @1 3.8 V dc
After passing the buffer amplifier, it is routed
through a bandpass filter which has reason-
ably tight skirts.
Next, a 2N4427 is used as a pre-driver stage
and is followed by yet another low-pass filter.
• ........-
Finally, the signal passes through driver stage
MAF237 and the fina l amplifier, a pair of
2N6082 devices, before it sees one last low-

pass liller at the antenna jack. That's a lot of
filtering! When was the last time you saw a
six-meter rf amplifier chain with that lineup?
Incidentally, the 2N6082s are run well be-
low their ratings, as a single device has a case
dissipation raling of 65 Watts and delivers 25 i
Watts output al 150 MHz! The two employed
here are set 10 run no more than 20 Walls enotoc. MMT50/144 s-t boero. Note the 15-W Photo D. MMT 501285 i-I board. Note the
output-don't worry about overheating. resistive pad near the upper left comer. switched low-level amplifier stage in the upper
The AX line looks pretty much the same . left comer.
Incoming signals at 50 MHz are routed The rear-panel layout is just like the S0/144
through a high-pass filter and into a pair of with the exception 01 separate 2B-MHz TX and units work. For these tests, I employed both
J310 JFETs operating in parallel. Next in line AX connections. You cannot use transceive H-P 608F and H·P 8662 rf signal generators, a
is a 5O-MHz bandpass filter (the same one connections on ten meters unless you employ Boonton 92 millivoltmeter and H-P 8554-141 T
used in the low-level TX line) and another pair an external relay at this point. spectrum analyzerli-f unit. Power measure-
of J31 0 JFETs, this li me working as a dual-bal- The lineup on the S0128S is also similar, ments were made using the ubiquitous Bird 43
anced AX mixer. You guessed it -another with the exception of lower drive levels at the with 100-W, 25-60-M Hz slug.
bandpass filler follows (this one operating at inpu t port . To accommodate a wide range of I was very Interested in n ansmrtter spectral
144 MHZ), and the signal is then amplified by a users, the factory has provided an on-board purity, and looked at the output spectrum over
2N5109 to provide a sufficient output atlwo amplifier to boost very.Jow signals (5 mW or two bandwidths , centering the signal at
meters and overcome the &-dB transmit pad. less) up to an acceptable level for the TX mixer SO.OOO MHz. Photos G and H are the spectral
I shou ld pause and note here what some section. If you have only this drive available, displays of the MMT 50/28S at 20·MHzfdivi-
readers might already be suspecting : The you 'll need to engage the switch at the rear sen and 2-MHzldivision. while Photos E and F
front-end performance of the MMT 50/144 is left-hand corner of the transverter (as viewed show the MMT 50/1 44 in the same band-
not " hot " in the same sense that the MMT from the front). widths.
144/2BA is with its GaAsFET and diode mixer. The switch is easily seen on the ma in i-f Note that the output of the SOf 144 is excep-
Wh at qualifies the MMT 50/1 44 and the MMT board. The units come configured for a drive tionally clean (for six meters), with a spur at 56
50/2BS in the "high.performance" category is level of 300 mW , which is adjustable using the MHz falling 70 dB belo w the carrier. The 501
the resultant dynamic range available from rear-panel potentiometer, as on the 50/144 _ 2BS has a lew spurs around the center fre-
running low-level AX amplifier and mixer The owner' s manual gives a detailed descrip- quency, with the strongest at 54 MHz falling
stages. However, the sensitivity of the unit is lion of how to set up the transvertee to match about 45 dB below the carrier. There's a rea-
on par with most other 50-MHz equipment your i-f requi rements. son for this and I'll touch on it in a moment. For
currently on the market. The TX and AX lineup is as described on the now, check ou t the numbers in the box .
It's pretty difficult to overload those J310s, 50/144, with the exception 01 the booster am- I've highlighted the 1-dB compression
and even harder to blow them to kingdom plifier in the Iow-level TX line. Incidentally, measurements for a very good reason . They
come in high rf fields. Contrast that with your 2N5109 devices are used here and the circuit are outstanding , and if you 're thinking of
garden variety GaAsFET, which rolls over and is broad banded as well. J31 Os are used in the puttinq a high-performance preamp ahead of
dies when ligh tning strikes SO miles away or AX amplifier and AX mixer stages. and all of this transvert er for weak-signal or scatter
when your dog rubs its back on the carpel in the bandpass, low-pass, and high-pass filters work, you'll appreciate what the designers
the next room . from the 501144 are incorporated as well. An had in mind .
MAF237 is the driver, and a pair of 2N6082s Here's a system that will give a good ac-
The MMT 50/28S produce 20 Watts while loafing along. counting of itself in high-rf environments (e.g.,
Now let's take a look at the MMT 50/28S, Both the SOf1 44 and SO/28S incorporate an during a contest when the band is open). The
which followed its brother over the ocean by AlC circu it, the level of which is not as ad- conversion gain on both units is such that
about two months. It is very similar in appear- justable as on the 144I2BR. 20 Walts is what neither should present an overload condition
ance to the SO/144 . The big difference is the you see and 20 Walls is what you get! I sus- to the ten- or two-meter receivers employed at
bandswitch, which allows coverage of either pect this was done primarily to allow the facto- the i-f frequency. This also means more realis-
the 5O-52-MHz or 52-54-MHz segment. This ry to breathe easier in the more rest rictive UK tic a-meter read ings without an atte nuatcr.
eliminates the need to make any modifica- market. The 2D-Walt power level is ideal for driving
tions to your ten-meter equ ipment to obtain an intermediate solid-state power amplifier in
full coverage and is an option that was not Performance Rating s the 1QO--2t)().Watt class (such as the Mirage
available on the original SOf28. Now it's time to find out just how well the A1015). ff 20 Watts is too much, simply cut
73 Amateur Radio • May, 1987 19


Photo E. Spectral output of the Photo F. Spectral output of the Photo G. Spectral output of the Photo H. Spectral output of the
MMT 50/144 . Each vertical divi· MMT 501144 close in to the carri- MMT 5OI28S. The freq uency test- MMT 501285 close in to the ca rri-
son equa ls 20 MHz. The harmon- er. Each vertical division equals 2 ed is at 50,000 MHz. Each vertical er. Each vertical division equals 2
ic al 100,00 MHz is down - 50 dB MHz. division equals 20 MHz. The har- MHz.
from the carrier. morucet 100.00MHz is down - 55
dB from the carrier.

back on the injection level with the ad justable possible. The power level of 20 Watts m ight pl ied), the manual is weu-wnrten with several
att enuator. Using this Iransverter with a ret- seem a bit light, but the spectral purity makes ceteuec schematics, and the unit is furnished
rode lube power amplifier will easily result in a up for it. in an attractive housing that looks great in the
lull kilowatt 01output ; the drive is a bit light tor Both units will lend themselves nicely to shack . Wel l done , M icrowave Modules!
a grounded-grid system. Such amplifiers will external preamplifiers as the end user sees fit, Now . . . how about 432 , and 1296, and, .. ?
run about 500 to 600 Wafts output with either wit hout unnecessarily degrading rf amplifier For more information abou t Microwave
the 50/144 or the 5O/28S. and mixer pe rformance. ccnnecucns are Modules' e-meter transverters, circle number
I said I'd touch on the spurious performance easy to make (all connectors needed are sup- 201 on your Reader Service card, _
01 the MMT 501285. and lhose disquiet ing
pips either side of the SO.QOO-MHz center fre-
quency . Remember that the local oscillator
(LO) here is runn ing 8122 MHz (22 + 28 .. SO). ICOM IC-1-l2AT Two-Meter HT tCOM America . Inc.
However, having the i-I so close 10 the La 2380·11 6th Ave. NE
frequen cy resu lts in many close-in spurs thai Bellevue WA 98004
are harder to reject! This means sufficient out- by l aze! Hand-Boniakowski WB2MIC Price class: $280
put must be obtained al this frequency while
considerable attenuation must be made of Ihe
The BP·2O is a shell capable of holding she: AA
ha rmonics that touo w rather closely at 44 MHz
and higher.
As you can tell from Photo H , the 44-MHz
M y wile JeanneE recently decided thai she
wanted to obtain a ham jcense. In short
order she passed the NoviCe test and made
batteries or NiCds.
The problem with the shell is that although
spur is down almost 65 dB Irom the carrier- ananqements 10 upgrade to Technician. NiCds can be placed inside by the user, they
not bad . Note also the 46- and 54·MHz spurs In anticipation 01 her passing the exam, we canno t be charged there. ICOM probably
resulting from different mixing products . purchased an HT for use in her car and while guessed correctly that hams, being tinkerers,
These are down 50 and 45 dB from the car- she was away from home. The requiremen ts would buy the shell and go elsewhere lor the
rier , respectively, which is admirable since were lor a radio small enough to fit into a tote NiCds to save money. So ICOM made it diffi-
at least one falls within the sk irts of the band- bag or shirt pocket , with ample features cult to charge them. Now , since when did that
pass l ilter. provid ing reliable access to two-meter re- kind of trick ever stop us?
Consider Ihe de sign 01 the 501144 now, peaters (bolh Pk-equipped and otherwise), The operating times of me battery packs,
with its i-f at 94 MHz. It shouldn't be too hard DTMF tones for linking repeaters, and memo- based on a 1:1:8 ratio 01transmit, receive, and
to filt er any spuriou s products from the LO ryfor ease ofQSYing . standby time, are : BP-21 two hours, BP-22
Ihat willian at 188 MHz-that's 40 MHz high· Alter looking at all the choices , we set- lour and one-nan hours, BP-23 ten hours, and
er tha n the i-f frequency . The La is also run- tled on the ICOM ~2AT. Small it is! The HT is BP-24 eight hours. While these ligures seem
ning 44 MHz higher than Ihe conversion fre- 58 mm wide by 140 mm high by 29 mm to be conservative, I have found thai me BP·
quency, so it's obvious you won't see any deep. ICOM 's ads in the ha m magazines tout 22 is adequate for above-average HT usage.
spurs from that area within the passband . this by showing the radio resting in the palm of All battery packs and the ce-de converter
Pnotcs E and F bear Ih is out. The two spurs a hand. slide cnrc Ihe bottom of the radio and lock
thai are evident at 44 and 56 MHz are down 65 positively, so that there is no chance of ac-
and 70 dB from the ca rrier, which is more than Banery Packs ci de nt al battery rem oval . A small slide
satisfactory . The ads, however, are a bit deceiving , They switch under the PTT bar and LCD backlight
As I said earlier, you 're not giving anything show the IC-IJ2AT with the "optional" slim push-button disengages the positive-locking
up by downconverting to six meters from battery pack (BP-21) that does not come feature.
two-heck, many 01 the best HF receivers standard with the radio . The Bp·21 adds The ~2AT comes with a plug-in wall charger
avai lable today upconvert to about 70 MH z 32 .5 mm 10 the overall length of the radio, supplying 27 rnA of normal charge 10 the stan-
and then downconvert so as to eliminate har- whi le providing 120 mAh at 7.2 V. The stan- dard BP-22 battery. At that rate , it takes ts
mon ics and improve spurious response. From dard battery (BP-22) stands 62 mm tall hours to complete a full charging cycle . With
an engineering standpoint , it wo rks very well . and provides 270 mAh 01 service at 8.4 V. the optional BC-50 desktop charger, at 400
When the unit arrived , I was surprised to find rnA, the task is accomplished in one hour. For
In Conclusion out tnat my HT was taller than those pictured mobile use a de-to-de converter can be pur-
I leel that the wait wa s worth it , especially in the ads. chased to produce 9 .4 V de from 13.8 V cc.
since no other comparable product lor 50 MHz In addit ion to the batteries mentioned This supplies enough power for approximate-
exists on tooav's market. Both the MMT SOl above, ICOM offers the BP-23 (600 mAh at 8.4 ty 1.5 Walts of rf.
28S and MMT 50/144 offer excellent overall V) "for long life with normal power output of
performance with special attention to dynamic 1.6 Watts" The BP-24 (600 mAh at 10.8 V) is Con t rols and Sw itches
ra nge and as clean a signal on transmit as is available for a high power output of 2.6 Watts. Turning to actual radio operation, the IJ2AT
20 73A mateurRadio . May, 1987
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,, .m Ramsey Electronics hilsbeen manufaclLiring electronic
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offers you ten programmab le memory chan- time, and this is another item that cannot be allows for interesting listening in the public
nels with a backlit, green liquid-crystal dis- programmed inlo memory. It would have been service, weather, and other band s. Here in the
play. The display is a pleasure to read both in a sheer joy to be able to program a different snow belt , it's nice 10 have 162.55 NOAA
direct sunlight and in a da rkened ve hicle. The tone lor each of the ten memory channels. weather al your fingertips and within your HT.
green illumination can be turned on by press- Hera in central Vermont, where the New Eng- DilIerentlo-MHz band segments cause the
ing a white button just be low the PIT button land Network links up to 14 repeaters, such a LCD to display a small rectang le(s) or lack of
on the left side of the HT. An in ternal timer feature would be a blessing. same j ust to the left of the actual frequency
keeps the LCD iIIuminaled for a few seconds In addi tio n to the above controls, switches, readoul. For instance, when you're receiving
after this switch is released . and LCD display, lhe lop of the radio features in th e 130-MHz band , no rectangle is dis-
a p owerlvo lume con t rol, a (very) sm a ll played : one is displayed for the 140-MHz
Memory squ elch knob, a BNC female antenna con nec- range: two for the 150-MHz range; three for
The ten memories, unfortunately , do not tor, a TX/battery recha rge light, and a CHK the 160-MHz range: and four lor the 17o-MHz
store repeater ollsets or simplex information momentary push-button swi tch . Th is CHK range.
independe ntly. I find this to be the one major button place s the 1l2AT in reverse -split The transmitter puts out a clean-sounding
drawbac k in the use of the IJ2AT. It seems mode, wh ich is handy for check s 10 see if the signal. Audio (and conven ience whi le mobile)
silly to offer an HT with ten memories and station you 're working is with in simplex reach. can be improved with the addition of an exter-
force the user to reach to the back of the radio The LCD has the typical segmented s-meter na l microphone. ICOM offers various head-
10 set the duplex upfdown/off switch 10 the readout. sets with and without VOX control and the
proper position. IC-HM9 external speaker-microphone. The
The standard repeater o ffset of 600 kHz is Performance Il2AT instruction manual conlains circ uit dia -
programmed into the IJ2AT at the factory for The receiver's sensitivity is good and has grams lor lhose wa nhng to incorporate ctner
all ten memories. II can be changed by lurning been more tha n adequate for use in the moun- rm crcprones or micropncne elements.
t he power off . seltmg the duplex/ simplex tainous terrain of central Vermont. The rece iv- The IC-IJ2AT follows in the footsteps of its
switch to either up or down, holding down the er covers roughly from 130-170 MHz , which big brot bers. the IC·2AT and lhe IC-Q2AT, in
white light (backlit LCD) switch while powering using one line for bolh audio and PTI func-
up the rad io , and changing the LCD readou t of tions. There are two jac ks, one submin iature
0 .60 10 lhe desired new offset . Pressing either and one min iature, on the right side for exter-
me PIT or CHK (more on this later) switc h nal speaker/mike connections. The spacing
places everything back to normal. The ollset between them is the same as on the 2ATI
frequ ency can be set up to 39.995 MHz. 02AT, so an upgrade to a IJ2AT does no/make
There are four up/down slid e switches on some external accessories obsolete.
the lop of the rad io. From left to right lhey are In addition to the up/down/simplex switch
memory channel, 1 MHz, 100 kHz, and 10 on the back of the radio, there is a highflow-
kH z . F requency programm ing is accom- power switch. W ith the stock BP-22 ballery,
pl ished by choosing a memory channel by high power is 1 W , wh ile low power becomes
number (0--9 ) and entering the frequency di- 0 ,1 W .
rectly . The frequency entered is automalically
stored in that memory channel. Manual
There is no 50kHz on/off swncn. as the 10- The instruc tion manual suppli ed with the
kHz switch causes the LCD to inc rement, up IJ2AT is barely adequate . It was written more
or down, in 5-kHz steps. The LCD shows " 0" for the appliance operator than for the ama-
or "5" smaller than the other numerals, at the teur with a need for more informatio n. There is
e xt reme right o f the re adout , to indicate the typ ical information about rig usage plus a
whether it is in e ffec t. This sim plified approach few cau tions about use of stro ng cleani ng
to memory programming eli min ates lhe need agents, avoid ing weather extremes, etc. A
for a separate entry button and/or procedure, most interesting quote is " DO NOT clsassem-
On me side of th e rad io is a frequency-lock ble the transceiver as it may cause trouble."
up/down slide switch that disables the fre- Now, who would do such a thing?
quency-select switches , an impo rtant feature
since the frequency-select switches are so A Dream HT
small. The lock prevents accidental freque ncy The tJ2A T, with only its few ShOrtcomings , is
Changes . an HT-lover' s dream radio. The last time I saw
An internal b attery (good for one to two our 1l2AT was at the Albany, New York, VE
years) prevents memory from being lost d ur- testing session! My wife promptly claimed it
ing pe riod s when the battery pack is being after answering 48 out of 50 quest ions correct-
changed or when the IJ2AT is being hooked up ly. KA1PMS is available da ily for OSOS on
to an external power source--i.e., the dc-dc 145.390 MHz and on the New England Net-
converter. work. On her way out, someone gave her a
The IJ2AT com es with a 16-digit DTMF pad copy of the Ad vanced-crass ARAL manual.
on the trent face and an internal subaudible Who knows? Today a 1l2AT, tomorrow a so-
tone generator for use wit h controlled-access foot tower.
repeaters cr ctner tcne sq uelc h systems using The IJ2AT also makes you wonder just hOw
sta ndard CTCSS tones. The DTMF pad keys small a packet station can be? With a minia-
are very small, but then that's the price you ture GLB battery-powered TNC and a pocket
pay when you buy a micro HT. computer, it would be tough to ge l much
The CTC SS tones are programmed by re- smaller.
moving the battery pack and setti ng a series of ICOM also makes the 1C-1l4AT for the 440-
seven DIP switches located at the bottom o f MHz band. It's only a matter of lime before the
the transceiver. Thirty-eight d ifferent CTCSS complete 2ATf02AT line is duplicated in micro
tones can be set by using the tone-freq uency version. The 1l2AT is an enjoyable radio of,
table supplied with the manual. The ICOM IC-/12A T two-meier HT shown wilh fered at an enjoyable price. Now, how about a
However , on ly one lone can be selected at a standard BP-22 batlery pack. dual-band micro Hr?
22 73 Amateur Radio · May,1987

. . . the ultimate information code

Equipment required: One pair, vocal chords
Transmission medium: Air
Data rate: 200 WPM optimum
Auto-Sync: Insta nt auto speed lock 0 to over
300 WPM
Code: Any language
Output level: o to > 100 db
Power Supply: Draws power from main life support system
Mounting: Completely portable & self-contained
Environment: Ideal, C lass M planet, 72 °F (Sunny, mild ocean breeze etc.)
Adaptable from below O°F to over IOO °F


IN SHORT , you a PC/XT plug-in
were born with the equipment you ca rd for your local
need to comm unica te with human repeater or remote base
speech . You don't need eRrs, Key- that stores actual voice mess- 1\\\\\\\\\1\\\1\1\
boards, Terminals or digital codes . ages for instant recall with a
You just talk! When you want to touch-tone mike . Operation couldn't
leave a message for someone on a be sim pler . Pu nch up the repeater . can't beat voice for 99 % of your
Fancy electronic mailbox, wouldn't hit a couple keys on your pad and Mailbox operational requirements.
you really rather use voice? Who talk . Later. your friend will key- Fifty minutes of high quality
needs all the mysterious miscellane- up , enter the access code and hear speech recording per 10 mllyte in
ous digital st uff just to teU your YOUR VOICE speak the message your PC/XT or clone. Put the AIR·
buddy Fred that "You'll be over you left hours or days before . Isn't MAI L system to work for your
Saturday morning for the antenna that what you wanted in the first group . AIR-MAIL voice board,
party" ? Why bother with any thing place? An easy to use 'Bulletin $895.00 from Microlog Corp. •
but normal speech? That's the con- Board' without the hassle of packet 20270 Goldenrod Lane. German-
clusion we at Microlog came to . So, or RTTYl Sure, packet has its place town. Maryland 20874 . Telephone
we got busy and designed just that , for lengthy programs, but you just (301) 428-3227 .

M'CROlOG -,~
Finally, the unit is powered by a 120-voll
transformer, but provides no line fusing . I in-
Dick Smith Electronics Function Generator Kit stalled a fuse holder on the rear panel and
Dick Smit h Electronics used a .5-A fuse in the hoi line (black wire on
PO Box 2249 the line cord) be fore the power swi tch lor
Redwood City CA 94063 safety.
Aside from these problems, the kit went to-
by Thomas S. Rowinski KAIMDA Pnce class : $70
gelher painlessly. DSE provides more than
enough solder and hookup wire to complete
the kit. I want to stress that the above prob-
board last. Finally, the boards and hardware
A s an electronics technician, I'm always
on the lookout for lest gear for the work-
bench or shac k. When my forty-year-old audio
are installed in the case. Since the timebase
board is used only in the U.S. version, it is not
terns were all minor in nature, and I really
enjoyed putting this kit together. Six hours into
the project, I was ready to insert the chips and
sign al generator finally bit the dust. I decided it mentioned in the manual-it comes wilh its
run the smoke test.
was lime for a new piece of gear to lake its own data sheet.
place . Luckily , I found exactly what I was lOOk- I encountered only a few assembly quirks Test Results
ing for in a friend 's Dick Smith Electronics with my unit. DSE does not provide sockets
My unit fired up and ran on the first try.
catalog: the K·3520 function generator kit. It for the Chips: You are instructed to solder the There were a few bugs present, but it ran. The
was inexpensive ($69.95), att ractive, and had ICs directly to the board . Play it safe : USE first step in calibrating the unit involved set-
pretty decent specs. SOCKETS and do not install the chips unlit
ting the timebase oscillator to 3579.545
The OSE K-3520 boasts a four-d igit LED eve rything else is finished and ready to be kHz. Initially, I could not trim the frequency
frequency display and covers 10 Hz to 170 powered up!
down far enough. Removing the:]9.pF capac;"
kHz in th ree ranges . Th e specs also list DSE also uses a strange way to label resis- tor across the trimmer SOlved this problem.
an output of 2 .5 volts peak 10 peak mto 600 tors: 2k5 means 2.5k Ohms. For whatever rea- The amplitude, offset , and distortion adjust-
Ohms and an amplitude stability of .1 dB. The ments all went off withOut a hitch. (The calibra-
output waveform can be switc hed between tion procedure in the manual is written quite
sine , square, and triangle waves. Consider-
ing the price of the unit , these are impres-
" The K·3520 clearly and olfers two methods 01 calib ra-
tion-for those with and without other lest
sive specs. I couldn' t wait 10 test the assem- function generator equipment.)
bled unit!
kit offers amazing There was a small bit of residual distortion
supe rimposed on the out put 01 the X100
The kit was relatively straightforwa rd and
performance for range. I suspect it was multiplexing noise Irom
the display/driver circuit. Bypassing the main
went together in one very long night. [ would an even more voltage regulator ground to the power cord
definitely call this a two-evening kill I don ' t ground through a .5-mF, 600-volt capacitor
recommend it to beginn ers, although anyone amazing price!" eliminated the distortion.
who has ever home-brewed a project or built a
Finally, the LED frequency display would
kit before shOuld have no problems if he fol- not latch in the X100 range. The manual men-
lOws the mstrucuons carefully. son , the drilling template SUppli ed with the
tions this problem and suggests delaying the
Keep in mind that this is not a Heath-type Iimebase board was incorrect . Put everything
clock pulses with a 100-0hm resistor. I had no
kit. There are no parts layouts scree ned on else together first, then mount the board in a
luck. Through some experimentation, though,
the PC boards, nor are there any step-by- clear spot on the rear panel. On the front pan-
I found that a tsk-onm resistor in the delay
step inst ructions for assembling every piece el , the baton on the range-selector switch was line solved the problem and the display ran
that comes with the kit. Instead , you are in- shorter Ihan the other two switches.
structed to mount groups of components per When mounting the board, insert the switch
So, how did my unit compare with the pub-
each step. You are told to install all the leads only far enough into the PC board to
lished specs? It came quite close. Output was
jumpers first , then the capacitors, then the solder the tips of the leads to the ton pad s. This
2.00 volts p-p and was nat from 10 Hz to 25
resistors, etc. As long as you keep a close eye will just about even out the lenglh of the trent-
kHz, where it began to very slowty dip down a
on the parts layout in the manual and high- panel switches. The trickiest part of the kit
bit. Response was down - 0.91 dB at 95 kHz
light each component after it 's ins talled, involves soldering the display board to the
and - 1.5 dB at 155 kHz . Range extended
you should experience no problems during main board at a 9O-degree angle. An extra pair
Irom 10 Hzto 155kHz.
assembly. of hands here make s the tab much easier .
The kit itself consists of three PC boa rds , Tack-solder the two outside traces first and
the case assembly, and assorted hardware. test-fit the assembly by sliding it into the case.
The large main boa rd is assembled first , the II all is wen, finish soldering the rest 01 the
display board second, and the small timebase traces.

Photo B. Inside view of the completed and

modified kit. Note the fuse hOlderat the upper
left. the trimpot at the lower left, and the by-
pass capacifor at the bottom left behind the
pots . A new frequency-adj usting pot is below
Photo A Front panel of the Dick Smith electronics Function Generator. the visible pot.
24 73 Amateur Radio · MaY,1987
The digital display was accurate to ± one
digit. In typical use, this resulted in a max- ~-- S P EC~LI ZED CO M M U ~CAT I ON S - -'
imum indi cated d isp lay error of 50 Hz at
155 kHz. From a cold start , frequency drift
was - 3 Hz in th e lirst two hours. After
warmup, total drift in eight hours was 1 Hz .
I If you are ACTIVE in FSTV
Power consumption was 6 Watts at 120 volts .
Needless to say, I was impressed with the I SSTV, FAX , OSCAR , PACKET ,
unit's performance . I
Alter using the K-352O for a few weeks ,
~ or COMPUTERS , then you need
I became aware of a few shOrtcomings and
set out to modify the kit. I found that the " SPEC-COM I• "
c lean , open componen t layout , c lea r I Published 10Times
schematics , and deta iled ci rc uit descrip- / Per Year
tion in the manual open up this kit to all
sorts of modif ica tions. An experimenter's ByWBIllQCD
dream! (Serving Amateur Radio Since 19671)
Due to the circuit design, the frequency-
adjustment range is very nonlinear. DSE tries I 48 Pages per issue. Loaded with News, Artic les, Projects , and Ads .

to get around this by providing a coarse-
and fine-adjustment pot. This helps a ntne,
but it still gets touchy in spots. I found that
rep lac ing the 1.Meg linear taper " coarse
I Join our growing membership at the regular 520 per year rate and we will send you 3 back J
adjust" pot with a SOOk.Qhm, reverse-au- I issues (of your c hoice) absolutely " free"l We also have 2 and 3 year discounts at just $38 J
d io taper pot made the un it much eas ier and $56. Foreign surface and air mail subscriptions also available, please write lor I
to adjust. If a reverse audio taper pot is not r, details . Add $2 .00 lor a special 19-year " master art icle index" issue. Allow 2-3 weeks lor I
available in your area, you could use a stan-
dard audio taper wired lor reverse operation .
r your first issue. Special TR&8OC, Commodore 64. Apple, IBM Software Catalog Available!
It still isn 't linear, but it' s much better than
before .
The only drawback is that this mod rais-
P.O. BOX H, [_';0_] i
es the bottom frequency limit from 10 to I LOWDEN , IOWA 52255 I
20 Hz. Since I use my unit for aud io work , IL Credit c.rd Oroers (SiMI edded) ...69 low. Anidettts Ackl4~ Stat. s.... Ta. I
this wa s not a problem . I also repla ced ~

the 4.7k·Ohm resi stor in series with th e

pot with a miniatu re Pc-moum tuk-cnm
linear taper pot . Th is mod ification allows
selling of the un it's h igh.frequency li m-
it anywhere be tween 75 and 400 kHz!
Keep in mind, however, that this is a com-
promise. The higher the top limit, the more
nonlinear the frequency-adjustment range be-
comes .
Wi th these two mods , you can ta il or
the response limits to allow g reate st ad-
justment ease for any given application . I
strongly advise caution when you 're ex -
perimenting above the unit' s rated 1700kHz
limit. Although the output stage in my kit sur-
vived numerous visits beyond 500 kHz, the Build the DSE Function Generator Kitl
output stages in a supposedly " wideband"
amplifier under test did not! Above all, as- ThIS _sent'"
sm e . m angle "nd sq uare ..... ..... 5
poece al les ' & desogn gear p.-oduces • C_-...y _, ..._ 0U'PuI loom 3mY· 2 $V ~ .p.olo
hollow • _ Oft.... (110''''''01) 0U1p<,rf ~I'" ' oc.
semble the kit according to instructions first. 20Hz tc above 170kH z on 3 ranges .....'l h 10..... • SIne _ dlo_n 10 .n. . ll1tl~ 1" . 10lo1l "
Do not make any changes or modifications distortIon and llood envelo pe stabilitv_The b UIlt· no .. l 00lltl.
until you are sure everything is working as
on 4-d'l.lit frequency oounler prow:les e.sy. accu rete
f",quen<:v 5enol>g. The DSE F... nclnn Gene... lor • Sq""" • lrla.,..,. _
• """~;' t ' _ _ droop Of ~
0 .4 u.
Mneo...... bell.. ""'" ,,, .. l i1l'1 1
('V"... .. ""'.. 0UfPu')
1$ ill som ple pro,ect 10< the u pe nenceod k it con-
occ.. lIC"t' • :no
it shOuld! 51 ru1;!Of. ..nd " rllpr...ent s an e -eellftnt " .. tu.. on
lest eq u,pme nt'
• _
~ •... .•t.., __
• ~ con_'CI'IOO' , • • 100V M;
dIgIl 4 .....

1)1 CIIonolJOt09M

11 has been well over th ree months since Order Toll-Free 1-800-332-5373
I assembled my unit, and I am both im- (In Califo rnia call 1-4 15-368 - 1066j tam - 6pm Pacific Tim e
pressed and pleased with its performance. Or....",.j $6 9 9 5 per l", p lus s h,p PfOQ. kandhng 14 OAY MONEY BACK GUAIIANTEE
It is a well-design ed, easy to use, and at-
tractive piece of equipment. The re are many
small touches in its design t hat show the
~~: "' I'~ '"- '" '"" oM" .. '" - DlCK@sM1TH
quality of this kit . All in all, this is a fine piece
of gear. Congratulations to Dick Smith Elec-
t ron ics for coming up wit h a winner. The
, ... "" 'h"",,,,, ups ( i _ I I' SO ......, '" ~ ""
"".." ".",... liSA 114 00 '""'! A<1" I , 5 0 ""',. '''' h'~ "''''9
P.O. BO X 8021 Redwood Ci ty. C A. 94063
C. Mom'. "'.. " . ~ " p .. . . . • "" ••,. , ,. . M•• I '0
K-3520 Junction generator kit offers amaz-
ing performance for an even more amazing
price !.
" When You Buy, Say 73" 73AmaleurRadio • May, 1987 25
Ed Ingber WAMXX
Advanced Computer Controls, Inc.
2356 Walsh AI'ell ue
Santa Clara CA 95051

Repeater Renaissance
Digital audio technology will bring your
m ountaintop monster into the information age.

Ed Ingber WA 6ttXX is the president of Ad- became remotel y programmable . Speech ra the r than on a n optical medium (suc h as a
vanced Computer Co ntrols, Inc. sy nthesis technology was introduced to re- C D). Sto ra ge in com purer memory bring s
peaters at the same lime. with it instant ' ' trac k" select io n and queuing ,

D ig it a l a udio has r e volutioniz ed th e

wo rld o f hi-fi and stereo. II' s even turn-
ing up in the new gene ration of S-mm VCRs .
The new combination of remote program-
m ing a nd speech sy nthesis introd uced a b rand
new capability in amateur repeaters- the
no mechan ica l wear. resistance to harsh env i-
ronme nts . full repeate r fidelity , a nd easy re -
mote recordi ng . In addi tio n you have the
Ultimately, digital transmission schemes will ability to convey information generated by miraculous control capabilities of the micro-
replace today's analog frequency modula- the re peate r (such a s meter readi ngs and other computer!
t ion. which is co mmo n in amateu r and co m- tele metry) a nd info rm at ion loaded by the re -
mercial radio comm unicat io ns systems. That peater o wne r, remot e ly . The repeater was o n H ow A ud io Is Digitized
lime is still o ff in the fut ure , hut digital audio the road to jo ining the info rmation age ... to L ike a ll real-world signals, audio is in-
te chnique s ca n be a pplied to today's r e - becoming an info rmati on cente r. he rently analog. BUI li ke any ana log sig-
pea ter- for remote record ing a nd playback nal . audio can be d ig itized. Thai is, it can
of information Ihroug h the repeate r. Digital Audio For Your Repeater be re p resented as a seque nce of dig ital
D ig it iz ing audio on amateur repea ters fo r " wo rd s " that describe the insta ntaneous am-
History record a nd playback offers a d ifferent set of plitude of the a udio wavefo rm at seque nt ial
Repeate rs fi rst se rved as rel ays for mobile benefits than in the world o f h igh fidelity. points in ti me.
operation . The com m u n icatio ns ran ge at Audi o fide lity is limited by var io us co m po- The larger the digital wo rd representi ng
VHF is lim ited due 10 line -o f-site prcpaga - nen ts in the rad io system. suc h as ine xpensive the amplitude , the g re ate r the re solution,
tio n: the ran ge o f mo bile a nd hand-held sta- mic ro phones and speake rs, and. ultimatel y , which , in aud io terms . translates 10 a bette r
lio ns is furthe r re stricted by low power and the channel space available fo r tra nsmission . signal-to-no ise rat io and a highe r dy namic
relatively poor antennas . Relay ing signals Although radio audio q uality is relatively range . Th is is because a lar ge r d ig it a l
from mobiles and ponables and imercon nect - "low-Ii ." you certainly wa nt to take adva n- " wo rd" offers more possibilit ies for repre-
mg to the phone line (au topa tc hingj we re the tage of the aud io quality you d o ha ve 10 work se nting the amplitude , so that each re prese n-
p ri nci pal fu nctions ofrepcate rs un til (he ear ly w ith. II's im po rta nt nOI to deg rade the q uality tat io n is more accurate . Each analog "sam-
19 80 s . A n het point . repealer cont rol sy ste ms o f the a ud io that you reco rd a nd play hack pte" is round ed off to the close st di gital
th ro ugh you r repeate r . re p rese nta tion. A four-bit word a llows 16
T he benefits o f d ig ital a ud io in repeate r amplitude possibilit ies. w hile a n eight-bi t
., syste ms sp ring from the fact that the audio word allo ws 256 (see F ig. I). At each point in
5 111 ( WAVE time. the audio waveform is "sampled" and
can be sto red in computer memo ry chips.
WITH <4 err
lUllAR 0lCOOl1l6

Track II Contents

"' ,.,.
14 Welcome to Silicon Valley.
This is WA6AXX , Repeater.
P re s s touc htone 3 6 lor inlorma tion about the system.
5 111( WAVE
17 Th is is two twenty fo ur six e ight,
WITH II err 18 From Black Mo untain,
1 1" ( A " UICOOl1l6 19 Ru nning 35 Walts above Cupertino.
20 Pre s s touctrtone 3 710 r autopatch inlo rmatio n.
21 Listen for the Westlink Amateur Radio Ne ws , Monday nights at 7:30, right here.
22 Be s u re to attend the West Valley Radio Club meeting, the lirst and third
". ~
Wed nesdays 01e a ch month at the l os Gatos Red C ross building.
23 There has been a n una utho rized intrusio n. The police have been rouneo . II
Fig. I . Each analog " sample" is rounded off yo u're in the re peate r s ite area, please proceed to the s ite to help investig a te.
to the closest digital representation. Afour-
bit word allows 16 amplitude possibilities ,
while a n eight-hit word allows 256. Fig. 2. Audio " tra cks.:
26 73 Amateur Radio · MaY,1987
ITRK ' 14! TRK' lS I TR K' 16 !

Is-roNE PAGE I TRK' 23 I Fig . 4. voice-recorder/repeater interface.
Thi s is because the hu man voice contains a represents an advanced des ign. All COOECs
Fig. 3. MessaK~ construction with voice- large amou nt of redu ndant informati on . Ot h- are designed to meet o r exceed telephone
recorder track. er than compandi ng, these techniques gener- industry standards, and also happen to mee t
ally degrade the perceptible quality of the or exceed FM repeater audio standards.
" quantized.. - that is. approximated to the audio. re lative to high -resolution waveform
nearest digital representation . encod ing . In t~ratin ~ Digital Aud io

The more frequently the audio signal is Some data compression techniques, such Into a n Amateu r Repeater
sampled, the higher the frequency signal that as CVSO (continuou sly variable slope delt a The most obvious appl ication of digitally
ca n be accurately reproduced . I f a I-kilohe rtz modulation) and AOPCM (adaptivedifferen- recorded audio on a repeater is for its 10
signal is sampled only every few millisec- tial pulse code modulat ion), involve ha rd- messages. In keeping with the goal of maki ng
onds, then there isn ' I enough information ob- ware or so ftware and rely on certain pre- the repeater an information center, the ID can
tai ned to reconstruct the signal accuratel y . dictabl e characte ristics and th e built-in be tagged with information of interest to the
An analog signal needs to be sampled at a redundancy of human speech. These tech- amateur community. If there 's a club meeting
rate at least twice the highest frequency com- niqu es are used in some communica tions sys - late r in the wcek , the 10 can remind use rs of
ponent thai needs to be preserved . All the tems whe re intelligibility, intonation , and the meeti ng. The sched uled speaker for the
frequency components above half the sample naturalness need to be maintained , but where meeti ng can record the ID and quickly pro-
rate should be filtered out before the signal is distortion and sig nal-to- noise ratio can he mote his talk. It is important , however, that
sampled. Otherwise, these signals "wrap compromised. the repeater controller ensure that the an -
arou nd" and appear as " aliases,.. or in-band Other techniques , suc h as l PC (linear pre - nou ncements do I10l interfe re with repeate r
noise and d istortion , which cannot be re- dic tive coding) , ac hieve a high degree of data users.
moved once recorded . compression using extensive digital signal Other repeater messages can be remotely
Compact d isc systems use 16-bit digital processing . Rather than encod ing the voice recorded to contain info rmation of interest to
words sa mpled at 44 .1 K samples pe r second. waveform , lPC involves modeling the hu- users-tail me ssages, bulletin board mes-
This provides for a %-dB dynamic range and man vocal tract . Instead of storing wave- sages , alarm messages, etc. These ca n con-
sig nal-to- no ise ratio , with frequency re- form sa mples, parameters for the human vo- . tain information about meetings, nets , emer-
sponse extending past 20 kH z-quite an im- cal tract model are stored and require much gency situations, etc .
provement over LPs! For your purposes, you less data.
simply want to preserve the full fidel ity of The price paid is encoding complex ity. Voice ~la i l bo x
your amateur repeater when it is digitally Some speech sy nthesize rs are actually digi- A nother obvious application of d igital au-
recording, so that a 50-dB signal-to- noise ra- tal voice playback devices using lPC for dio is in implementing a " voice mailbox ."
tio , I % or so d istortion, and 4·kHz frequency data compression . LPC will probably eve n- Large-scale digi tal audio systems attached to
response will sound identical to the o rigi nal. tually be used in low-bandwidt h d igital voice telephone PBXs provide a company's em-
tra nsmission systems for two-way radio ap- ployees with enh anced communications by
Data Com pree..ion plications . allow ing them to leave digitally recorded
You want to store your audio in as little Whi le data co mp re ssion can preserve vo ice messag es. This helps eliminate the
memory as possible withou t comprom ising " comm unications quality " audio, you don' t " telephone tag , " which so often occurs in an
the audio quality you obtain through you r want you r recorded audio to be simply inte lli- o ffice environment. On amateur repeaters, a
repeater system. That means that you can gible-you want it to sound like the o riginal. user to whom you might like to mention
borrow a simple data compression technique Companded PCM (pulse code modul ation), so methi ng or ask a question may not be
used in the telephone industry ca lled " com- or waveform en coding , offers what you' re around when you arc. A voice mai lbox would
panding ." looking fo r. lei users ex change questions and info rmation
This clever technique let s yoo use fewer Most data-compression techniques work at in non-real-time .
bits to represent each analog sa mple by com- the' ' front end" as part of the recordi ng pro- In addition 10 providing information to
pressing and expanding the signal during the cess. By recording the dig itized waveform users , the repe aler can be made more
analog-to-digital and dig ital-t o-analog con- directly in stead , you retain the option " friend ly" by offering holiday greetings to
version process , Thi s effectively reduces the of data compression using so ftware before users, featuring ce lebrities saying the IDs,
dynamic range needed to represent you r digi- you store the information. In that way , you introducing newcomers , and cong ratulating
tal word . With companding, you can use an can preserve the full fide lity o f the orig inal members o n their good fortunes . If the re-
eight-bit word to achiev e the pe rforma nce of for important, frequently heard recordings, peater 's courtesy tones arc remotely pro-
a non-companded. or linear, 12-bit word . and you can conserve memory for less impor- grammable, d istincti ve sounds can be reco rd-
The analog-to-digital converte r performs tant recordi ngs where you ca n tolerate so me ed to serve as the cou rtesy lone . In some
this compression by va ry ing the qua ntizing degradation. repeater controllers . the courtesy tone can be
step size over the amplitude range . Small The conve rsion of an aud io signal to digital a source of telemetry, or information relati ng
signal voltages are quantized around small words and back to an analog signal using to repeater or equipment status.
step sizes, while larger voltages are encoded compa nded PCM can he done with readil y
Tal ki n~ ( 0 Yourself
around larger step sizes. ava ilable chips called CO OECs (short for
Direct analog-to-digital conversion of the " coder-decoder" ). These chips are used in Perfect audio reproducti on will allow users
audio sig nal, includi ng the usc of compand- most digital telephone syste ms and PBXs. to reco rd a brief transmission so that they
ing, is called waveform encodi ng . Oth er They ' ve been available since the late '70s and can hear how they sound through the re-
techniques exist for compressing the amount ha ve evolved in ease of use and pe rformance . peater. This is usefu l for chec king the audio
of digital data needed to store voice audio. The 2916, a CO DEC chip made by Intel. qua lity of a new mic rophone o r hand -held or
73 Amateur Radio • May, 1987 27
IC-735 List Juns
lC·735 Gen. Cvg Xcvr $999.00 CallS
1C-751A nee . CVQ. xcvr 1649.00 Call s
R7000 Gen . Cvg Rcvr . 1099 .00 Call S
R71 A Gen. Cvg. Rcv•. 949 .00 Call S
Photo A. This Digital Voice Recorder is 11/1/(11' spl'cijically f or repeater use bv Ad vanced
IC·27AJH FM Mobile 25w/45w 429/459 ceas Computer Controls.
IC·28AJH FM Mobile 25w/45w 429/459 Call $
lC-37AFM Mobile 25w 49900 Call $
lC-4 7A 440 Mobile 25w 54900 Call $
IC-Q4AT UHF HT 449.00 Call S High Fidelit y Repeaters
IC-48A UHF 45w 459.00 Ca'i S
IC·38A FM Mobile 25.....- 459,00 Call $ Freedom from surface noise Instant track selection and queuing
IC.Q2AT FM HT 39900 Call $ High dynamic range No mechanical wear
IC'1J2AT Micro HT rr.::" 329 00 Call $ Ultra-low distortion Resistance to harsh environments
No wow or flutter Full repeater fidelity
No deqradaticn Easy remote recording
Synergism with microcomputer

Tahle I . Benef its oflligiwl audio ill hi-fi n . repeaters.

to hear how well messages are getting into even Jo m various voice recorder trac ks to-
the syste m. gether, so that some info nnation needs to
Call S be recorded only o nce (such as the repeat-
cans The Aud io " T ruc k" er' s callsign), but c an be used in mu ltiple
Call S A udio in a vo ice sto rage unit must be orga- messages.
Call $ nized in a way that sepa rates various record- As an example of an 10 message that you
Call $ ings a nd makes them a va ilable for immediate can construct using the tracks recorded in
Call S use o n demand . The s im plest way 10 th ink of Fig . 2. join tracks 14 , 15. and 16 (as shown in
Call S
the unit of sto rage is as an aud io' ' t rac k." the top hal f of Fig . 3). The resulti ng ID play-
Call S
The tra ck is similar to . but differs in impor- back is " Welco me to Silicon Valle y. Th is is
Call $
Call $
ta nt way s from , trac ks o n an eight-t rack cas- WA6AXX , Repeater . Press touchtonc 3 6 for
Call $ sette playe r. In your dig ital recorder. each information about the system." You ca n also
track co nta ins a specific recording . The track use these t rac ks in combination with ot her
is a utomatically made long enough to hold the trac ks in o the r messages. such as add itional
a ud io you've recorded , and no lo nger. By IDs a nd tail messages.
automatically varyin g track length to match Another exam ple of a progammab le mes-
the particular recording length, you don 't sage is the repeater's response to an alarm
waste me mory . Each track is immediately condition (see the bottom halfof Fig . 3) . If an
a va ilable for playback when commanded . intrude r breaks into the repeater building, the
Your mic rocomputer controller can provid e repeater can respond by announci ng a pre-
fo r as ma ny tracks as you 'd like , since they're progra mmed ala rm message.
FT 757GX
si mply logical entities. Us ing the message edito r, you ca n con-
When a track is deleted, its space in memo- st ruct a n alarm message that co nsists of (I)
FT·757 GX Gen. Cvg. xcvr 995.00 Call s
FT·7674 Band New 1895 ,00 Call s ry is freed up to be available the ne xt time you pag ing ton es. to acti vate the contro l opera-
FT·270RH FM Mobile45w 439 ,95 Call s record that track or any othe r track . tors ' selecti ve call d ecoders , a nd (2) a d igi-
FT·29OR All Mode Portable 579,95 Call S tal voice reco rder t rac k that prov ides infor-
FT·23 RITT M,ni HT 29995 CallS "I es.~e Editor mation o n what to do in the event of the
FT-209RH RM Handheld 5.....- 359.95 Call S Sophisticated repea ler com ro llers with intrusion . The result ing ala rm message might
FT-726R All Mode Xcvr 1095.95 Call S remote programming capabilities include a be "[ five-to ne seque ntia l page] . There has
FT-727R 2Mf7OCM HT 479.95 CallS " message editor, " which allows the repeat- been an unauthorized intrusion . The police
FT2700RH 2M/70CM 25w 599.95 Cal! $
e r owner to remotely program the various hav e been notified . If you ' re in the repeater
messages generated by the co nt rolle r. T he site a rea. please proceed 10 the site to help
remote programmi ng can be acco mplished investigate, , -
wi t h tou chtone" com ma nds. The pro-
g rammable messages can co nsist o f Morse Conclusion
code. sy nthesized speech. paging tones , digi- The combina tio n of so phisticated repeater
tal vo ice recorder t rac ks , a nd othe r external co ntrollers and dig ital audio recording tech -
de vices . niques have resulted in another ste p in the
Using the message editor, you ca n co n- amateur repeate r's evolution into an informa-
srruct tbs. tail messages, and bullet in boards lion cente r. And they make operat ing a mod-
that include vo ice recorder tracks. You ca n ern amateur re peater a lot more fun! .
28 73 Amateur Radio · May, 1987
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1 ---------------

[)a l'id C. WoJo n't;: WAJDNM

104 Hun ting Hills Lam'
Media Pit 19063

Packet RATS
WA3DNM's Resume-After- Transmit Scanner
lets your IC- 27A do double duty.

S hortly after joining the growing ra nks of

pecketeers . I di scovered that there was
more packet ace v ity in eastern Penn sylvania
and restart the scan by pressing the SIS (start!
stop scan) button . Thi s. in effect , nullified
my M H capab ilitie s and doomed my
The Solution Is RAT S
Ent er RATS-Resume -After-Tran smit
Scanner. After a session reviewing 555 timer
than first meets the eye . Acti vity is spread digipca ter to only interm ittent , mult i-fre- circuits plus the 27A 's schematic. I disco...•
across 145 .01 •.03 , .05, .07, and.09 MHz, quency capabilities. cred the answer to my prob lem in the form of
so I quickly put the scanning feature on my an eas ily con structed 555 timer circuit. I even
ICOM IC-27A to good use monitoring the The P1o( A I ~'II.)'S T hickens interfaced the RATS without so ldering or
activiry on all channels. My packet station A few months later. I installed a rmm- modifications to the 27A. My RATS lives
consists of an leOM IC·27A rranscei ...er, a mailbox system for the Model 100, writt en in a small plastic box on top of the radio : thus.
Kantronics Packet Communicator II , and a by Dick Roux N IAED. I started discuss- no internal modification to the radio is need-
Radio Shack Model 100 portable computer ing my newfound capabilit ies to store mes- ed . If you usc the component and voltage
acting as a termi nal. sages with sc v cral friends and heard that ...alues shown in the circuit in Fig. I . the
I like to lea...e the radio scanning the five Harry ND2P had only .0 1 cry stals (he has IC-27A will resume memory scan approxi-
active packet frequencies. My favorite com- since spru ng for .0 3 , as well ), and Abe mately 1.5 minutes after the radio ' s last
mand on the Kamronics Packet Communica- N3BBF could reach my station only via a rransrmssion .
tor II is MH (monitor heard) , which lists the digipeater in New JeThCY on 145.05 MHz.
last 18 stations heard . and with this command Bruce still often digipcated through my sta- Const r uct ion
I can determine who has been act i...e most tion to access WB2MNF on .03 and K3PG B There is nothing unusual about the 555
recently . on .05. The only one who did not really care timer circuit. It is a basic and time-proven
After connecti ng with Bruce WA3WUL. (except for academic inte rests ) was Jon design , based upon a circuit found in the
who has extensive packet experience. I found KR3T. who also had an IC-27A and could Radio Shack 555 timer boo k (Engineer 's
out that my station location in Medi a is to be access me directl y . Thus. I needed to co ver Mini-Notebook 555 Timer Ie Circuits _ For-
en vied as a good digipeanng location . Now , I scveral frequenc ies continually . The probl em rest M. Mims III, PIN 276-50 10). When pin
realize that an elevation of 445 feet above sea with the 27A ' s scan loc k-up after transmit 2 of the 555 goes 10 ground , the output goes
le v el may not seem high to hams in the Rock- had to be resolved. high and the normally closed relay contacts
ies. but it is a Mount ' 'Rf erest " to the unfor-
tunate packet operato rs living in this area 's
many rf holes and v alleys. Bruce lives in one
of this area' s deepest ...alleys (Delaware), w I
offered him the use of my station's digipeat- ~IBBON CABU
ing capabilities (DiG I ON)-and with it my A- ~EU " O ST P IN 1~lIl TO
~ AT S
B _FAR RIGH T P IN (~ 5l
reliable access to the Delaware Valley ' s other

packet stations.
C - "'DOU PIN l~ 4)
O-U "D(~ RUII l (H
C" ' C U' T 8OAIlO $CJO( .
, jJ-
Problem Time
1~ • •
I .,eco«
When Bru ce used my digipeater capa-
• • , ,,, '"
bilities, he could co nnect to whome ...cr he o
wanted, through my station , on whichc...er , " ,,R5 · l 75 -Z47
o JII ,
•, •
packet frequen cy he needed . By break- '"

" ,• ~

ing the squelch and causing my radio to
• , "'
•• ". !i)
stop scanning, Bruce had a fi ve-frequency
0 •• •
Unfortunately. the 27A does not resume
scanning after transmitting . So when Bruce T~''00, F ' f\ ~DI
• ca
22 ~ F

. '001.£ ~I"

digipcated through my station. the scanning m • IC· Z1A


stopped and the radio was stranded on the last
tra nsmit frequency until I happened to pass
by the shack, notice the lack of scan acti vity . Fig. 1. Schematic and connecnons f or RATS, the resume-after-transmit scanner.
30 73A mateurRadio · May, 1987
open. After a period of time de termined by Super l:omShack 64 I n stant code
o-acuce mode
the R l /C t combination (which can be adjust- R~p~at~r [ontroll~r /Ouol Remot~/AutDPatch c ontro lled from
ed to suit your needs). the 555 resets. reclos- your H T
cartr l«JeOptton seceete- TX /R;w;:
ing the relay contacts . This closes the SIS
switch, caus ing the rad io to resu me scan ning
the memory channels .

duplexe r
My RATS was constructed using point-
to-point wiring . I used four-conductor , mul - Tur n off the=--- '
ti-ribbon cable to connect RATS to the ra - 2nd Remote or Hnk repeater & Change
d io. After coaling the fo ur wi re ends of all access codes
from an H.T. or
the ribbon cable with enough solde r to make any te teoroner
a tight connection. I
friction-fit the wires I,'-----====:....---~===-..b~'?~~~d-~~-.b,;~~,;;;;;;;;~~
into the top of the necessary circuit board ~ U Q e r Reoealer Controller Dual Remote Base Spec l fl c at l ons
co nnectors o n the radi o' s top board. I rout- - Remotely pro;1'llITlllble ..... ttn Touchtones/ chlll'lf,Je up - H.f , remote suppor ts: YIlllSU fT - 75 717 6 7/980
ed the cable over the 27A circuit board , out to 9 sets of IllX:eSS cooes from H.T . or terecrcret Ken..... ceo T5- 44 0 / 9 40 , tcom IC- 735
the back , and over the top of the heat sink. - S¥nthesl llld speech coostst Ina of hliIJ QUlll lly - 2nd rem ote ccetrot datil supports YIlllSU f T- 727
me111 or renete (lI01tlllld humlll'1 vcce f T- 7676. Kenwoo:l 71 1/ 81 r-e- ue-zsso e-
The top cover can be reinstalled with no diffi - - OUlll Remote teee ( H.F. e, V,H.F. ) TS- 25 30170 ..... 1th RAP I (ccwet ce-o )
culty, and it holds the connecting wi res in - "'ut oplltcn e, Super geceete- Controller - 10 H.f . Memory chllnoel s/enter or recen
place. - Pr ogr llJl1 voice 10 ten messece from your H.T. - Automllt lC US8 /l SB /fM/AM mcoe select
- Autemlltl c vctce Cleek &; ecu v lly ume-s -sceo up/oo.....n , rest. or t oore steps
- MultIple commlll'lds ctlI'I be executed lit once - Contr ol CS- 8 re l8'(/ llltcn / mllSler reset ISl lllus
( up to 16 (ll0lts per commllOO st rl no) - H.F./V .H.F. Monitor only or TX BflIlble meces
- Sub - audi ble tone 6. speed dllll compatlb le - Al l ccntrelreputs e-e voice OYIflrmoo 'ncl uding
" An elevation of 445 - AlllTm clock 6. ecto-exccte commllnd strlnol rreceocv. mcce . SCM stetos . time, outpuls on/ off
- Opt 10I'lll1 eotoooot cartrl d;Je (no disk o- I... e 1"l8EIOOd) - VHf remota, lIS lInk Input, &; reoeete- C&I'l be ecu ve
feet above sea level - Send system conmeocs trcn telephone urer Sus t e m OptIons
SpecIal ClUb f u t ur es
may not seem high to -eeoe-etee rllOOJm ecce prllCt lce. «IV speed ..... Ith
· 8 LIltd'lIOQ Rel8'( OYItr ol ( CS- 8) 179.95
• 3 OPOT 2A reievs. 5 open col lector outputs
VOice r8ldla:::k lifter 8lICh 20 r llOOJm CCde iTOUp!
hams in the Rockies, but - set r:-N speed & pitch from your H. T.
• US8l" defined 2 letter funcUon 0IIITl1l &; stllte
• IlUtomlltlc PTT ren cootrot/meste- li n off ecce
it is a Mount 'RFerest ' to - Input up to 22 vocec .....o-cs 6. l etter s lIS 10 or -ocucoercnos ect c-tcct 12k EPROM Cllrtrllt,J1
men boX I....SS"",.. speed dllll rilles frem H.T. pro;1'llITlmed .....lthyour ce-enete-s 199.95
- Enebl e/ dl S1lO1e up to 50 ; tel. · ·s ....... Ik! ce-os - lC eyped Control for VHF remote . RAP I 1149.95
the unfortunate packet Autopatctl Spect(lcattoos - Super canShlla MllI'N.IIll ( croon Illl er) 115.00

operators living in this - 30 0 roocmone loedllble Autoolll\ numbers

ptcs 10 [mtlTyBnCy Autoollll (QUId::: 1llX:eSS) ( MOO£L CS6 4S-S34 9. 9 5 ( ..... Ir ed end tested) )
-300 Reverse PIltcn cen sllJ'lS uplOllO:ld frcm
area's many rf holes your H.T.IQlWl8f' 1lI1 or dIrected PIlQIl mcces .rctecee cxrnputer mte-rece. dIsk . CIIClI9$ &; mIll'lUIII.
- l ncom l OQ ceue- receives voce mllSSll,jl:l to enter 3 wple;w;: 6. sImplex v erslons ere supp l Ied
and valleys," d111l t axle to setectrve P!JJe II CIl11 slon (0, P. mocle) (some reercres not IlppllCllble ..... hen uslno slm ple;w;: )
- Phone number memory r9lldbllck (1lO:l $ 4,00 shlpplna / ce restcents 1lO:l6~ )
- Ellllbl e/ dl S1lO le 50 e-ee ccoes .......lld ce-o · 's MASHRCARD/YISA./CHECK/M.O./COD
-rull or hIllf ~p \eJo: ( r eoeete- on/off)
- Stor llQe of MCI/Sprlnt IllX:eSS ccoes Engineering Consulting
Proper connections to the rad io are shown - cen WII!tlno ences sw1tchlno to second phone ure 5 8 3 Cand l ew ood St.
in Fig. I. Power for RATS comes from the - r cocmcoes lire receoe-eteo onto the tel / speed dial
Brea, Ca. 9 2621
same e xternal. 12-volt power supply that - Toucntone or dllll pulse mlXBS
- Rever se PIlteh ectwe In 1111 mcoes tel : 714-671 - 2009
powers the radio. although you may want to
get power from inside the radio using two
add itio nal conductors . AwlliLfl.laster Module IC-02ATLIC-04AT/IC2AI Toucbtooe 4 DIgIt
MOOiJle tnetene I nsi de the rene In 15 MIn. Boost !lUdlo to pecoder & on/orr latch
O peration I wett, Low stllrdly drllln/Corrects low audloll OOO's of
50.000 COfIlblnlltloo$
hepW users (Works In other H.T.·stoo) ~
After programming the packet frequencies Used by sence.nre. EmerOll"'Y . ..... hen It needs to be IoucJ1
into the memory (I fi ll the extra memories r ', 'WoWI tha ls loudlll • AUDIO BlASTEa-
with duplicates of .0 1 and .03 since they are
the most active). turning on RATS causes the
\oIl\et. dl"trenc.
Now I Clll hear tl I
Model AB1-S19.95
scanning to stan. Everything appears nor-
mal . except: that now , t .5 minutes after trans-
mitti ng, the 27A will resume scanning . When AUOIO
RATS is active, the SIS switch is di sabled , Toucbtone to 85-232 (300 boud Intlr(. . )
since the relay shorts across the s witch con- Prqllllft vour CXlITIputer In bIlslc to f1etxrtt mul Udlolt "strlnos".
tacts. Turning off RATS will allow normal sound allrms. ObServe CXXlBs • Simple to Install; • 12 VOC
/ eoo;o; IncllXles bllslc Pf"OTam for CMIVIC20/CI26j 1lI11
SIS operatio n.
OJIllputers! "OECOOE-A- PA O" I
MCOll DAP 189.95
lIappy E n d i n~ RadIo unditr conlrol
Now everyone is happy . My radio continu- -,-"""
ally scans its little hean out . digipeating and
collecting or d ispersi ng mai l on all five fre·
quencies. In addition, it st ill monitors all five
"""' "-
Remot a Keyplld Rows 6. Co l umns Controller Plus Two 4 dllllt
frequencies fo r activity . preserving the M H dec:OOel s (on/off)/Wlll CXlntrol frEiQl.llilfltY of IlrlV keyPlld entry
redlo suctlllS the 1(8I'Iwoo:l 795012530 /1C04-AT . E~ to Instal l
function I like so much. The station provides In PIlrllllely .....Ith elllstino k8YPlldlU98 with canShlla 6 4 as III
service to all , without shon -changing any of freq. CXlntroller or w ith Pro Selrcn rotor OYItrol bl»c /A versat i le
those needing a lillie help from thei r friendly boerd f or 1111 r emote CXlntrol eppllClltlons. The l lltctles ffillY be

used for on/off or mcmeotery,
remotely tum
digipcatcr. Now offif!
all can
those beacons
only fill up
that way
thin k ofa to 'REt'>;)TE-A-PAO' 1_' RAP-' $149.95 1
the M H log . •
" When You Buy. Say 73· ' 73 Amateur Radio - May. 1987 31
Gin" SlclUKhlcr K9.~ZG
753 W. Eli::abFlh Dri ve
Crown Point I,"" .J630 7

The Fakeroo
Can this kid really copy RTTY by ear
or is someone pulling the old fakeroo?

t seemed prctty clear that somebody o ut " Sta nd ing orders. " I said. " Visito rs wcl-
I there ..... as after me . But I d idn 't kno w w ho.
and I didn't know why . And I st ill don't .
of CQing or RY ing in Baudot or ASCII. but
nobody ca n act ua lly copy that high-bit. low-
bit stuff. righ t? And if somebody comes along
COOled . Name's G uy. W hat's you rs'! "
The kid tol d me. a llowed his hand to be
I decided I must be on somebody'« hit list .....ho seems as If be's readi ng RTIY solid at shake n withou t co nt ributi ng a nythi ng to the
.....hen this you ng kid showed up in my shack 60.67, or 75 baud, then apo logizes fo r miss- mot ion , b ut neve r looked me in the face .
claimi ng to copy RTI Y by ear. He had to be ing a Icttc r here and there at 100 , he ' s got In That's because his eyes we re scanning the
faking it, o f cou rse , tho ugh I have n' t figu red be pulling you r leg. right? rad io cqu ipmcnt a nd the two Commodorcs o n
out he ...... And because he w as a perfect Bet the rig on it. friend . A nd the farm, if the opera ting ta ble.
st ra nge r, it was clear that somebody else must you own one. It's pretty nea rly a su re thing " E xcuse me a minute while I hang up with
have put him up to it, proba bly to get the you 've got a fake roo o n yo ur hand s. my fr iend ," I said. turni ng the gain back up
laugh on yo urs tru ly . on the two-meter rig . " You a ham'! "
The reason this is so su rpris ing is that I'm The kid shook his head . mumbled that he
such a nice guy , no pun intended . If I were a was wo rki ng on it, and s witc hed his gaze
su rly SOB or a reall y nasty person, I could " I decided I must be on to the transce iver as a udio burst from its
u nde rstand somebody laying in w a it fo r me. spea ke r.
But I'm not. See, I ne ver hog freque ncies,
somebody's hit list when " ... pop a fu se or ge t a landline or what? "
lau gh at lids , ridicule guys with rotten rigs , this young kid showed the radio was ask ing . T hen it went sile nt.
swap Novices my junk fo r the ir goodies , " Sorry ," I said, keying the mike . "Nei-
cheat Silent Key s ' widows out of their hus- up in my shack claiming the r. Co mpany in the shac k. Young visitor
bands ' gear. tune up on top o f Q SOs , o r run a name of Carlos. He's gonna have a call of his
g allo n to work loca l traffic.
to copy RTTY by ear." ow n one of these days ." I held the mike to the
We a ll kno w a lot o f rotten am a teu rs kid 's face , prompted him with, " We' re c ha t-
who can't mak e suc h claims without crossing ting w ith John ac ross to w n, Carlos. Tell him
thei r fingers . And anyone ofthcm would be My fake roo said his na me is Carlos, Carlos hello. "
fai r game fo r a gag aimed at giving him his Ramos . He looked to be about 16, give o r The kid didn't . His face went w hite. He
comeu pp ance by mak ing h im loo k s illy. take. Hc to ld me he ' s aj u nio r in the local hig h s w allowed a cou ple of time s , but d idn ' t say
Hec k, ..... c'd be ha ppy to hel p. But none o f school. a nd sa id he was boning up to t ry fo r anything. I recognized the sympto ms of clas-
these guys is the target o f this apparent ham his ham tic ket. He seemed like a real bright sic mi ke fright , reme mbering its terrors from
scam. I am . kid and a nice one to boot , except he would n' t a lo ng time ago.
I keep aski ng myself. could it be W9PBS , adm it he was pull ing my leg or tel l me w ho " Carlos says hello, " I told the mike . "Lis-
try ing [Q lay o ne on me because I haven 't been was behi nd the gag , ten , Jo hn, I' ll let you go fo r now and catc h
back yet 10 ring out a ll those roto r leads I Carlos materialized in my basement shac k you late r. Have a good o ne. Th is is K9 A ZG
promised to reconnect w he n I had to cut them o ne Sunday afternoon while I lou nged back in shutti ng down . C iao. ,.
last fall to replace the SIOTOl window in his my swivel c hair chatting with a buddy o n the Switching off the rad io , I swung around to
shac k that I acc idently sma shed with an S07? local t wo-mete r mac hi ne . I hea rd footsteps face the kid , waved at the c hai r in fro nt of the
Co uld it maybe be W90DM , st ill sore about beh ind me. swung aro und, and there he was , word-proc essin g equipment at the far e nd o f
the meter I blew in his noise b rid ge that never j ust ins ide the door w a y. He was staring o ve r the operat ing table fro m the rad io gear .
nu lled worth a ho ot a nyway '! Or cou ld my shou lde r at the rad io gear . his eyes shin- "Sit down. Carlos . And relax. You look
W9PLW be behind it, irked because I lost the ing like overvolrcd LE Ds. uptight. "
dang operator's manual a nd schematic he " Hi," I said . c utti ng off the transcei ver' s " I guess I ern. ' the kid sa id, not mo vin g.
loa ned me? I just don' t kno w . aud io and e xte nd ing my hand to sha ke his. " I' ve never been in a .. . uh . . . ham statio n
Any w ay . whoeve r it is , he picked a poor "Come o n in. Pull up a c ha ir." befo re. II's ... uh . .. scary."
way to put me o n. I was n't bo rn yeste rday, " Your.. .uhh ... lady saw me loo kin ' at "Should n't be.:" I said. "This is j usr run -
you kno w . So I didn 't fall for thi s kid claim- your beam outside. " the kid said, sounding of-the-mill gear, nearl y all of it commer-
ing to copy RTIY in his head . e mba rrassed . " She invited me in and se nt me cial. "
Anybody c an recog nize the sound patterns down stairs here ." "It look s so expe nsive;' the kid sa id.
32 73 Amateur Radio • Ma y,1987
" Not really. " I said . " The price of a good " I wasn't fakin ·.': Carlos said. looking The brag-ta pe messa ge ended . and the
used car buys it all. Anyth ing here you don't confused . "I can too copy RITY in my head. RTTY gear began sendi ng nulls. I keyed it off
recognize?" Some. anyway . 1 do bette r wit h pencil and and we nt to work on the boy ag ain.
The boy shoo k his head . sa id he 'd seen the paper. though . because that's how I practice " You ' re good. Carlos . " I sa id . " You' re
separate pi eces of equ ipment in maga- for my ham-ticket exam." very good. "
zine ads, but still found the collection awe- "Uh huh, " ' sa id . " Thanks," the kid said, looking pleased .
some. " They do allow paper and pencil for the "I pract ice a 101 . 1 listen all the time on my
Remembering my own frighte ning fir st Morse , RITY. and ASCII pans of the test. Sky Buddy . "
glimpse of a ham station- W9 NVH . M ilw au- don 't they?" the kid asked . " Sky Buddy?" I said. pouncing . " Aha !
kee . 160-meter A M, kilowatt, 1932-1 knew I pretended not to hear him. mai nta ined my Gotcha! That's an obsolete old tube radio that
where he was coming from . friendly smile. and prodded. "So just be - doesn't even have a product detector. It
" Here: ' 1 sa id, s witching on the low-band tween us girls, Carlos. who scm you? " cou ld n' t possibly pro vide decent RTTY
tran sceiver and getting up from the operating " No body. I told yo u . I wa s walkin ' copy. "
chair. " Sit down. Tune arou nd. Th at's a by . .. .. " I know ." th e kid said , shaking hi s
Kenwood TS-830S. " " Okay. okay," I said, smiling my chum- head sadly... It ain't very good . I can only
Carlos sat down . The Kenwood was on 20, my sm ile. " Tell you what. You move over read RTTY o n 80. It dri fts too bad on
lower sideband . The boy tuned in a RTTY there to that cha ir by the word processor the high er bands. And the bfo jumps freq uen-
signal on 14.086 . sat the re appa rently en- and let me key in some RTTY you ca n copy cy a lot ."
th ralled by the burbling. for me ." That's when I blew it. losing my temper for
1 reac hed in from of him to tu m on the " Not too fast. please. " the boy sa id , mov- the moment. something I almost neve r do
maste r switch powering the monitor and the ing down to the far end of the operating table . because I'm just too nice a guy.
RTTY te rmi nal to hi s right . flip ped o n He picked up a pencil and poised it over a " Listen, kid : ' I sa id , looking around for
the C-64 , pu nched " SY S3276 8 ," the n scratch pad . "I 'm a little nervous. Any way, , some kind of a club to threaten him with.
" RTTY, " into the keyboard . Letters started sta n losing some arou nd 75 baud because I " Drop the act . Tell me who sent you . or I'll
marching across the bottom of the gree n dis- can' t write fast en ough ." beat it out of you!"
play , and completed lines began scrolling " We' re set up for 60, " I sa id . " He re we The boy took off.
upwards. go. •• I cou ld hear his s hoes slapping the floo r,
The boy paid no arremion 10 the monito r. up the stairs. down the hall. There was
He was sta ring vacantly at the transcei ver 's the distant slam of the from door and then
frequency-readout display in from of him . silence .
But his lips moved in appa rent synchroniza- " I craned m y neck The intercom speake r came to life .
tion with the letters fonn ing o n the sc reen 45 " Everyth ing all right?" my wife's voice
degrees to his right . to read what he had asked .
"Hey . " 1 said . " What are you doing? " scrawled. The sly red fox " Sure ." I told her. holding down the talk
" Read ing .. . uh . . . the mai l." the boy button on the bo x. " Why? "
said . "Isn't that what you call it?" routine. Verbatim. The " That boy ." the voice said . " He flew by
" Yes ." I said. " ThaI's what you call it." me and out the door as if he were pursued by
My vo ice sounded brusqu e . even 10 me . "But way I sent it. Even the dcmons .
how can you be readi ng the mail?" typing error. " " There aren 't any demons do wn here. " I
" Did 1 do something wrong? " said . feeling like one . "Just me ."
" That 's RTTY ." 1 said . " You' re copy ing " He sure acted scared ."
it in your head? Baudot by ear?" "Acted is the key word , " I said. " He
The boy nodded . 1 swung the mon itor to face me at the op- was putting you on. And me. too. What a
" ASCII gives me trouble," he said apolo- erating position . knowing the boy cou ldn' t fake roo! Cla imed he ca n copy RTTY in
getica lly . "Capital letters mess me up." see it from whe re he sat. I turned the his head . "
"Whoa . " l said. suddenly sens ing the transceiver mike gain to ze ro to avoid putt ing There was a long pause . Then my wi fe
pu lling of a leg here and realizing it was a signal on the air. Then I keyed into tran smit asked. " Is that ha rd? "
mine. A stra nge kid stumbling into the shack, mode and began pu nching the sly red fox " Yeah," I told her . "Ir's real hard . You
a beaut iful mike-fright act. and a lad read- routine . got a high -school directory up the re?"
ing RTTY in his head . wow! They almost The boy coc ked his ear at the station speak- " Teache r or stude nt? "
got me. er and sta rted to write. I finished, craned my " Student. l need a home address for that
1 looked around for a hidden camera . real- neck to read what he had scrawled. The sly kid. Jun ior class. Name 's Carlos Ramos. "
ized none coul d have been planted he re in my red fox routine . Verbatim . The way 1sent it. " Why?" the vo ice as ked. " You want to
own basement wit hout my knowledge . and Even the typing erro r. scare him some more?"
tried a different tact . " Lucky gue ss, " I told m ysel f, real - " No. Like I sa id . there are n' t any demons
"Okay . kid, " I said stern ly, "The act's izi ng that in the past someone cou ld have down here , " I told her. still feeling like one .
over. Who se nt you? " bothered to copy my red fox messages of- ..I wan t to se nd him a present. "
The boy looked fri ghtened . ten enough to know what pan of it I always " What ki nd of present?" the intercom
.. l to ld you ." he said. speaking all in a mess up . asked .
rush. " 1 was walkin' by and 1 saw you r beam Punching up a brag-tape from disk storage. " A decem ham-band receiver. Second- or
and I stopped to look at it and you r lady made , keyed the transmitter on. The system began th irdhand. Whatever I can pick up for a few
me come in and .. . . • burb ling away . automatically chronicl ing my dollars. And a license manual . "
I d ecid ed to c ha nge my tact ic s . If I age, my accomplishments . my ham history. " Why? " the vo ice demanded.
couldn' t scare anything ou t of him bad-guy my equipment, my family ties. I got up to " The receiver because every kid deserves
style. I' d s witch to the good-guy rou tine look over the boy's shou lder. somethi ng bette r than a worn-out Sky Buddy.
that so much bette r fits my nonnall y sweet H is pencil was raci ng ac ross the paper, And the manual to show this panicular kid
nature. getti ng it all down . Word for word . Pe rfect that RTTY and ASCII aren' t pan of the Ii -
" Sorry . Carlos . " 1 said . frie ndly agai n. "I copy . cense exam . ••
did n't mean to snap at you. You startled me. " O f cou rse, " I to ld myself. " I've se nt " He thinks they are?" my as ked as ked .
We both know you can't copy RIT Y in your that tape over the air a hund red times. The " I' m not sure." I told her. " A real fakeroo
head. Only you we re faking it so well you gagster recorded it and made the kid memo- wo u ld kn ow better . C arl o s .. . ma ybe
shook me up . " rize it. " not. " .
73 Amafeur Radio • May,1 987 33
John UlMartina K3NXU
RDJ BtU 1882
NnII Frudom PA 17349

Semi-Rapid HT Charging
This is the 8 -hour option ICOM didn 't tell y ou
about-and no soldering is required.

Iy one-th ird more than its total curre nt ca- set up to automatically se lect the 45-mA
I f you own an ICOM hand-held, you are
aware that the battery supplied, as well
as those avai lable as options , allows for only
pacity . For example , a NiCd with a capac-
ity of 450 rnA will require a total of 600
charge rate .
By design of the BC-3O/35 , if both the
two types of charg ing capability . The nor- rnA of charge ove r a give n period of time. 25- and 45-mA sw itches are selected si-
mal charge rate requires 15 hours, while the With the battery charg ing at 45 rnA , the lime multa neously , the charge rate becomes 70
rapid rate gets the job do ne in one to two rnA . Now the pieces shou ld all be filli ng
hours. Until now , there was no compromise . together .
If you use your HT from morning to eve- " The semi-rapid
ning , with only eight hours of cha rge time The Act ual Modificatio n
available at night, try the Semi-Rapid Charge charge option requires On the bottom of the BP-4 battery pack,
alte rnat ive. you will notice that there are two squares
What this requires is the BC- 30 or BC-35 no physical modification notched into the plastic case (Fig. 1). You
charger and ICOM 's least expens ive battery will also note that each o f the screw ter-
option, the BP-4 alkaline-battery case. The
to the charger itself, minals is marked . one positive. the other
BP-4 case holds six A A battery cells and but rather to the negative.
is compatible with both se ries of ICOM Cut a small piece of plastic about 1/16-inch
hand-helds. battery case. " thick to fit into the square on the positive side
The semi-rapid charge option requires no ofthe case. O ne drop of glue is all that will be
physical modification to the charger itsel f. necessary to complete the modification. If
but rather to the battery case. There' s no need wou ld be about 14 hou rs (45 x 14 = 630). you ha ve the older style BP-4 battery case ,
to plug in the soldering iron . Chargi ng at ISO rnA would require only fou r wh ich splits in half, separate the two sections
hours (ISO x 4 = 600). For this proj ect, the before gluing to avoid permanently bonding
NiCd Battery Selection rate that we are conce rned with is 70 rnA for the two sides together.
The NiCds needed are read ily available off 8-112 hours. After the piece o f plast ic is glued in-
the shelf (Rad io Shack 23- 125 rechargeable to place, trim the plastic to be smooth and
Enerce ll) . Be sure, however, that you acq uire T he BC-JO and BC-3S C hargers level with the bottom of the case . This is
cells that meet rapid-charge requirements . There are three available cha rge rates necessary to ensure that both sw itches are
Standard NiCds will show a charge rate of when you are using the ICOM cha rge r: 25 , depressed when the battery is inse rted into
approximately 45 rnA for 14 hours. NiCds 45, and 600 rnA . The selection of the proper the charger.
ca pable of rapid charging will also show an charge rate is determined by the notched key
additional fast-charge rate-c-i .e .. ISO mA on the boItomofthe battery pack. The BP-4 is Conclusion
for four hours . This should be plainly pri nt- This modification lets you enter into the
ed on the cell's jacket. What th is is saying world of the semi-rapid charged NiCd. What
is that thi s Ni C d will acce pt a maxi - you now have is a battery pack that should last
mum charging current of 150 rnA. Warning : through an entire day 's use (450 rnA) and one
Never exceed the maximum reco mmend- that will charge to maximum while you sleep.
ed current fo r charging . This will cause
the NiCd to overheat and become severely
damaged .
s-D n+0
P la h"ri
My XYL, Linda WB3EBD, no longer wor-
ries about the HT dying after dinner due to an
undercharged NiCd.
Pl ug Note : To prevent da mage to your bat-
The Charge Rate te ry , be sure 10 re move the N iCd from
The current required to charge a NiCd is the charger afte r eight hours. Remember,
relatively easy to compute . The total amou nt there is no over-cha rge protection on the
of cha rge current required is approximate- Fig. J. The bottom ofthe BP-4 banery pock, BP-4 .•
34 73 Amateur Radio · MaY,1 987
O'h t>r Accessor;t>s - continued: lIegular SALE
Hand-helds Regulllr SALE
GC-S World clock 91.95 8911 IC-2A z-meters. 279.00 249"
IC-2AT with TTP 299.00 25991
e-merer VHF Por /a ble Regular SALE IC-3AT 220 MHz, TTP 339,00 299"
IC-SOS 3/ IOW 6m SSB/CW portable 549,00 489" IC-4AT 440 MHz, TIP 33900 299 91
EX-241 FMunll 55.50 IC-02AT z-eeters..... 365.00 299' 1
LC-IO Leather case 39.SO IC-02ATlHigh Power 399.00 329 91
HF Eq uipm t>n! lIegular SALE VH F/ UHF base multi-modes lIegular SALE IC-03AT lor 220 MHz 449.00 399"
IC-735 Hf Iransceiver/ SW rc vt/mic t 999.00 799" IC-S5ID 80Ws-meter SSB/CW 799,00 719" IC·04AT lor 440 MHz 449,00 3119"
PS-55 External power supply 199.00 17991 EX-l OG FMoption 140.00 126"
AT-ISO Automatic antenna tuner 445.00 34991 IC-u2A z-meters 299.00 269"
BC-IOA Memory back·up.. .. ... .... 9_50 IC-u2AT wllh TIP 329.00 211991
H-32 500 Hz cw litter... .....•.... 66.50 IC-27lA" 25W2 meters ... CLOSEOUT 859.00 699" Accessories lor IC·u2AIT (CAll)
EX·243 Electrcmc keyer urut •. .••.• 56.00 AG·20" Internaillreampillier 64.00
UT-30 Tone encoder 11.50 IC-27lH loOW 2m fMlSSB/ CW 1099.00969" A IC-12AT IW1,2GHz FMHT/balt/cgrmp 459,00 399' \
AG-25 Mast mounted pream pntet.,; 95.00 ·2 5W PEP synth. aircraft HT 599 00 499"
IC-275A 25W 2m fM/SSB/ CW w/ps 1199.00 1049 Acn"Hories for IC )t-"ries Recular
IC-47U " 25W4]0·450.. .. CLOSEOUT 979.00 76991 BP-7 425mah/I12V Nicad Pak - use BC·35 14.25
Bp·1 llOOmah/II.4V N,ud Pak . use Be·35. .. 74.25
AG-I· Mast mounted preampliher .. . 99.SO
IC-47IH " 75W430·450 ... CLOSEOUT 1399.00 999'\ B C-3S Drop 10 desk charger tor all batteries 74,50
BC-16U Wallehargel lor BP7/BPS 20,25
AG-35" Mast mounted prea mphfer 95.00 LC-I I Vinyl case tor Olx using BP-3 2050
I · Preamp $995 with 271A/ 471A/ 471H Purchase I LC-14 Vrn yl case tor Dlx using Bp·7/8
lC-D2AT Leal~ case lor Db models ..... / BP·7I8 54SO
Accessor;t>s common '0 271A/H and 471AjH
IC-74S 9·band scvr wl.1-30 MHz rcvr 1049.00 899" PS-2S Inlernal power supply lor (Aj 115.00 104 91 Acct-"lsor;t>s for IC and IC-O 'i t"ries Rel ul"
PS-35 lntemat power supply 199.00 17991 PS-3S Internal power supply lor (HI BP-2 425mah17.2V Nlead Pak · use BC35 41.00
199.00 179" BP-3 Extra Std. 250 mah/8,4V Nicad Pa k 37.50
EX·241 Marker unil 22.50 SM·6 Desk microphone 44.95
EX·242 FMunit 44.00 Bp·4 Alkaline battery case 15.25
EUIO vece synthesizer 46.00 BP-5 425mah/IO.8V Nlead Pak - use BC35 5S.50
EX-20 tecnenc keyer uRl!.. ..... 56.00 TS-32 CommSpec encode/decoder.... 59.95
fL-45 500 Hz CW hiler (1st IF) 6650 CA·S 5/S·wave telescoping 2m antenna 18,95
UT-15 Eocoder/decoder mtertace..; 14.00 fA- 2 Extra 2m fleXi ble anten na 1150
fU4 270 Hz CW tiller (lst IF) 5100 UT·15S UT ·15S w/TS·32 IOstalled ... .. 92.00
fL-52A 500 Hz CW tiller (2nd If) 108 00 99 01 CP-I Clg, lighter plug/cord for BP3 or Olx 13.00
fl-S3A 250 Hz CW filler (2nd IF) 108,00 9911 VHF/UH F mob ile mul/i-molles Regular SALE CP-IO Battery separation cable w/ cllp 22.50
fl-44A SSB filter (2nd IF) 17800 159" IC-290H 25W2m SSB/FM. TTP mie... 639.00 569 t \ oC-I DC operation pak lor standard models 23.25
IC-490A lOW 430-440 SSB/ fMlCW 699.00 599' \ MB-16o Mobile mtg. bkt lor all HTs 24.50
VHF/UHF/ I.2 CHI FM b gulir SALE LC-2AT Leather case for standard models 54.SO
IC-27A Compact 25W2m fMw!TIP mit 429.00 369' \ RB-I Vinyl waterproot reoo bag 34.95
IC-27H Compact 45W 2mFMw/TIP mic 459.00 399" HH-SS Handheld shoulder strap
HM ·9 Spea ke r microphone
IC·37A Compacl25W220 FM, TTP mic 499.00 439' \ H S-IO Boom microphone/headset 23.25
IC-47A Comllact25W440 FM, TTP mic 549.00 479' \ HS-IOSA Vox umt for HS·IO & Deluxe only 23.25
PS-45 Compact SA po.. . er supply 139.00 1299\ HS-10SB PH umt lOr HS·IO 23.25
UH6/EX·3111 VOICe syntheSlzer 34.99 "L-I 2m 2.3w rnllOw oot amplifier SALE 99.95
IC-751A s.band xcvl!.l·30 MHz tcvr 1649.00 1399 SP- IO Shm-jne external speaker 35,99 SS-32" cemmsoec 32·tone encoder 29.95
PS·35 lntemal no.. . er supply .. .... . 199.00 179" IC-28A 25W2m FM, TTP mic •.. •. •. .. 459.00 399' \
IC-2I1H 45W 2m FM, TTP mie . . .. ... .. 489.00 429' \ Receivers Regular SALE
H -32 500 Hz CW Itltef (1 st Ifl..... 66.50 R ·7lA 100 kHz·30 M Hz. 117YAC ... .. $949,00 799 91
fl ·liJ 250 Hz CW liller (1st IF) 54.SO IC·38A 25W220 FM. TTP mic. .. . .. .. . 489.00 4299\ IIC· II tnfrared remote controller. . . 67.25
91 IC"'8A 25W 440-450 FM. TTP mit . .. . 489.00 429 91
H·S2A 500 Hz CW Iilter (2nd IF) 108.00 99 Fl-32 500 Hz CW filter 66.SO
FU3A 250 Hz CW Iilter (2nd IF)... 108,00 99" H"-14 TTP microphone 55.50 n .sa 250 Hz CW triter (lsi IF) 54 ,50
FL·33 AM Illler 35,25 UT-28 Digital code squelch 37.50 fl ·44A SSB triter (2nd IF) 178.00 159"
H·70 2.8 kHz ide SSBfilt er 52,00 UT-29 Tone squelch decoder 43.00 EX-257 FM unit 42.50
IIC-IO External flequency controller 3925 H " -16 Speaker/microphone 34.00 EX-310 Voice synthesize!... .. ...... 46.00
IC·32OQA 25W 2m/ 440 FMw!TTP 599.00 529 91
Olht>r A.cct"Horih: Regulllr SALE CR-" High stability oscillator xlal 6100
IC-2Iel lGO·15m solid state amp w/ps 199900 1699 UT-23 V oice synthesize!. ........... 34.99 SP·3 Exlern.il spe.ike!. . . .. .. .. . .. .. 61.00
PS-1 5 20Aeuernar power supply. .. . . 169 00 154" AH ·32 2m/ 440 Dual Band antenna 37.00 COO ((1.299) 12V DC epten. .•.. 12.25
PS-30 Systems p/ s . . . /cord. g-pin plug 299,00 269' 1 AHB-32 Twnk·llp mount 34.00 M8-12 Mobile moun!. ... ... 24.50
OPC Opt. cord. specif ~ 2. 4 or G·pin 10.00 Larsen PO ·Ie R oof moun!.. .. . .. ... . 20.00 R·7000 25 MHz·2 GHz scanning rc vr 1099.00 96911
"B MObile mount 73517451751A 24,SO Larsen po-n.. Trunk·lip moun!... . 20.18 RC·1 2 Inlr.ired remere controller .. . 67.25
SP-3 External speaker 61 .00 Larsen PO-.... MagnetIC mounl.. . . 19.63 EX-JlO Voice synthesizer.. ..... .. .. 46.00
SP-7 Small ertemal speaker 49.00 IIp·3010 440 M Hz. lOW fM . xlal conI. 1229.00 1019 TV·R7l1OO ATV unit . 131.95 lI9"
IC· 120 lWI.2 GHzFMMobile 579.00 499 91
CR·64 High stab, ret. xtal {745175 11 63.00 AH ·7l1OO RadlatlOC antenna 89.95 (16)
PP-1 Speaker/ patch 159.25 149" ML-1 2 1.2 G Hz lOW am plifier 379.00 339' \
S" -6 Desk microphone 44.95 IC· l27lA lOW1.2 GHz SSB/CWBase 1229.00 l069
A G-1 2OQ M ast mounted preamplilier 105.00
HOURS. Mon.thru Fri. 9-5:30;Sat. 9-3
S.. ·8 Desk mit . Iwo cables. Sun.. . .. 78.50 Milwaukee WATS line: 1-800-558-G411 answered
S" ·IO ComPl'essor/graph EQ. 8 pin mlC 136.25 12491 PS-25 Internal power supply 11 5.00 1(}491
AH OO lOOW 8·band auto.antenna tuner 445,00 31991 RJlO Voiee synthesizer _.. 46.00 evenings unbl 8:00 pm Monday tnru Thursday.
AT-SOO 50QW9-band auto,antennatuner 559,00 419" TV-1 2OQ ATV Inte rlace unn . . 129 00 lI9" WATS line. are lo r Qu oles & Ordering only,
AH-2 B-band tuner w/ mount & whip 62500 549' 1 UT-1 5S CTCSS encoder/decode r 92.00 use Regularline lor other InfO& SerYlce depL
AH-2A Antenna tuner system, onty . ... 49500 429" RP·12 10 1.2 GHz. lOW FM, 9g eh.synth 1479.00 12119 AUPr~ in Ihis list ale subjecl to chance wilhout nolice,

Order Toll Free: 1-800-558-0411 'nw'scons/nf~8~~~2~~5i"t;·M.t'".,e.)


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WICKLIFFE. Ohio 44092 ORLANDO, Fla . 32803 CLEARWATER. Fla. 33575 LAS VEGAS. Nev. 89106 CHICAGO. Illinois 60630
21940 Eucl id Avenue 621 Commonwealth Ave. 1898 Drew Street 1072 H. Rancho Drive ERICIeSON COMMUNICATIO NS
Phone (216) 585-7388 Phone (305) 8902 38 Phone (813) 461 -4267 Phone (702) 647-3114 5456 N. Milwaukee Avenue
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M()MH~ 12V(· . 28V}
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MRF421 lDOW 22.Sll 51.00
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..." (And the XYl's tool )
The A UTO-KA U.. AIH O. is a DTMF selecllve a iling uni \. II eeeects 10 the
external speakllf jack on yOll" VHF/UHF FM Iranstel vel". scanner. etc. VOlt

- ,
2"6013 >OW 13$·174 11.50 24.00 speakllf remai ns ale nt \lntil someone sends yOll" personal 3-digit Touc h-Tone' CI
2"16014 'Ow 13&-174 13.00 31.00 code That means YO\l (and the XY L!j don't have to lislen to all thecnallilf all the AIJT"
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time Bu! if someone wants to reach 'fO\I theyun, Grut lor famolle$ w,t!l lwo or
MISC. 7RANs/STORS" MODULES more 1IiJms. IChvation 01 e....ge..: y nets, etc.
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$89 95 ~
•• saec
MFlFI3.1 35.00 2"'4427 1.25 j~ to solder 111 YA,C _ lillllIJIY IIId lIII)O
MAFI4.0 " .50 2"'5580 10.00 • Speaker resets automatlally 10 S11en1"$tard!y and leaves red LEO on 10 leI PI\dI tOIlI _ _

MAF1" 35.00 2"'5642 13.75 you kOOlll SOl....... '" ~Ied if you ~ away from The rig
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Add.t"ml l InlOfmat ion on Requelt. '
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nollr>elude d Crnle ' s. Money O' <!efS, BankA""' '' Clfd
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AI50 A ••,lal>l<o F O,B, Culver Crty tl" Cal" AGd 6' Sales TaI .1
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$199,50 S-r AIIIQteour Rcwho hffK~1
4384 KEYSTONE AVEN UE" CULVER CITY. CAL tF. 90230 - PHONE 1213 831·4870

36 73AmateurRadio . May, 1987

ConoOton DistributOo'
A STRON 9 Autry

Eastoom Industries, Ltd .
Irvine, CA 9271 8 430 Signet Dr.
CORPORATION (714) 458-7277 We ston. Ontario . Ca nada M9L2T6


• FOlO-BACK CURRENT LIMITING Protects PtrNer Supply • OUTPUT WlTAGE: 13,8 vee :t 0.05 ~
from excessive current & continuous ShOrted output. (Intema~ Adjustable: 11-1 5 VDC)
• CROWBAR OVERVOLTAGE PROTECTIONon a" Moclels • RIPf'lE: less than 5mv peak to peak (!ull load
except RS-4A. & k1w line)


. RM-A Series
..... C....irIItotl.
Dvty (AMP'S)
Sit, (IH)
Wt. (• • •)
• •
I .-~
RM-3SA 25 5'1. ~ 19 ~ 12\1,

j RM -SO.e. J7
50 5'10 )< 19 x12 % "
RM -35M 25 J5 5'10 x 19 x 12'"
MoontM-3U RM -50M 37
5'10 x 19 x 12Y,
SIl, (IN)
RS-A SERIES MODEL Duly lAmps) (Amps) HxWIO WI (Ibsl
RS ·.A 3 •7 3V.x6V,X9 5
l -~- RS - 7A 5 3V. x6 v,X9 9
R5- 7B 5 7 4 ~ 7% ~ 10+-. I.
.....- RS-1 OA
RS-1 2A
4x7 V,xl OV.
4Vl x8x9
RS -20A 16 20 5x9x1 0Vl 18

s e u xu
6 . 13V,x11 ..

MODEL Conllnuous ICS' Sizi (IN) Shipping

• s-nc_ _ .. """ 1IIe1.. Duly (Amps) lAmps, HxWx 0 WI (Ibl)
RS- 12M 9 12 . V,.8 . 9 13
• $eperete Volt . . """ 1IIe1e<s 20 5.9x 10V, 18
RS-20M 25 35 ss u s u 27
RS-35M J7 50 6 x 13Va x 11
VS-M SERIES • Separate von and Amp Meters
• • cutout Vollage adjustable trom 2-1 5 volts
• Current limit adjustable trom 1.5 amps fo Full load
ConlinUOUI Duty ICS·
(Amps) (Amps) Slz, (IN) Shipping
MODEL . I.lMlCCr 1lMlCG'S¥Dt @13.8V Hx Wx 0 WI (Ibs,
VS -35M
16 9
25 15 7
• 20
5 x 9x lOV,
5 .11 xl 1
MO DEL VS-20M VS-50M J7 22 10 50 6. 13 V•• ll 46
RS-S SERIES • Buin rn speaker
Conlinous ICS· Sin (INI Shipping
MODEL Duty lAmps) Amps H xWx 0 Wlllbil
RS·]S 5 7 4 d Jl.. 10* '0
RS·IOS 7.5 10 4. 7\1,. 10" 11
R5-IOL(for LTR) 7.' 10 4 . 9 . 13 13
RS-llS 9 11 4}l,.a x9 13
20 5x9.10}l, 18

" When You Buy. Say 73"

" 73 Amateur Radio • May, 1987 37
wuuo» Brw:~ Uzmt'roI'I WA4l!ZM
324 S. Rj.~m ill.JDriw
T~mpf~ Terrace FL 33617

Revive A Dying Swan

Haul up your boat-anchor Swan 250 and
give it new life with a home-brew vxo.

There is a maximu m capacity you can shunt

W ith six meters occasionally active and
the dotlar-to-yen ra t io maki ng
Japa nese radios more expensive, some hams
across the crystal before it stops oscillating .
A ISO -ISO split stator will gi ve you more
There is no need to try to cram all thi s
stuff into the original vfo box on the Swan.
Besides, if you did. you might spoil its re-
are looking at old U .S . gear and wondering . tha n you need . Output drops as you increase sale val ue! I buil t it on a 5 ~ x 9 ~ x 3 ~ chas-
The Swan 250 (a.k.a. the Swan too-drifty) is capacity . The range depends mostly on the sis with everything underneath except the
cheap but has not improved with age . At co il, but if you use too large a coil. you get tube. The crystals were two kind s: some
some hamfests, the selle r may include a rope j ust another unstable oscillato r. I wound 30 HC6Us and some old C R IAs left over from
to tie it to you r boat. turns of #28 enameled wire on a 3/8~ slug- World War II . I taped them together , with
h is not a bad design, except for the vfo. tuned ceramic form . ca rdboa rd space rs bet ween the HC 6 Us
which was conceived with incredible opti- Each crystal can be pulled 5 to 8 kHz and (which are 001 flat). and then clamped the
mism . Have you ever built a vfoon 13 .1 MH z thus will cover 30 to 50 kHz at the signal whole bundle to the chassis with a strip o f
that multiplied to 39.3 and was stable enough frequency . If you wa nt a wide range, you will alu minum flashing . Soc kets are a needless
for SSB? Not bloody likel y, as our Aussie have to invest in a number of crystals. I built luxury in a project like th is. Solde r hook-up
chums might say. Well, I loo ked o n it as a my vxo out of thc junk box, but as I have wire to the pins .
challenge, and now and the n I win one. played with radios since 1932, my j unk box A three-w ire power co rd and a matching
may be older and larger than yours . If you length of small coax (such as RG-174 /U)
The Vxo have friends as old as I. they likely have connects to the rear of the Swan with an octal
Although it is terribly difficult to bu ild a suitable crystals lying around. If not. try Jan plug. There is already a hole ma rked "acces-
vfo for these frequencies, it is easy to build a Crystals (PO Box 06017 , Fort Myers FL sory" that is punched for the socket. The
vxo. Vxo? In the 1930s, we called it a rubbe r 33906 ; 813 -936-2397 ). They have thousands coax conti nues to the 6EW6 tripler, and the
crystal. It is a combinat ion oscillator with o f them and would be del ight ed to sell you a outboard rf ge nerator replaces the internal
some of the stability of a crystal and some of few . Exact frequencies are not req uired . vfo and its amplifiers .
the flexibi lity of a self-excited oscillator . Lift one end of CI809 (430 pF) fro m the
(Master oscillator, ECO, vfo, or whatever C ircui t Design transistor buffer and attach it to a tic strip
they called it in your day .) The circuit in Fig . I is almost self-explana- added to the chassis. Connect tilt:center ofthe
There are several designs that work . but the tory . You could build it with transistors ifyou coax to th is and ground the braid . Pick up
one I prefer is de rived from the Colpitis oscil- pre ferred . but the Swan is tube gear, so the regul ated 150 plus from the left end of the
lator. That is the one that uses ca pac itors to voltages are already available. The tube can 6k-Ohm register, which may be mark ed #458
divide the rf for feedbac k. It is what you be any hot pentodc . A 12A U6 is a good or R 1606. (The othe r end is tied to #427 , 400
usually find in a grid-dip oscillato r that uses choice. but I used a 6BH6 with a #47 bu lb in Ohms.) Get the 12.6 V ac for the filament
two- pin (untapped) coils. If you plug in a series w ith the filament. Use what you have from pin 3 of the marke r oscillator if your rig
crystal in place of the coil . it becomes a handy . has o ne. o r from the nearest other source .
Pierce oscillator, and you can vary the fre- A 12-posi tion sw itch will allow for lots of Change R IOI from 47k to lOOk for more
quency a bit wit h the tun ing capacitor. If you crystals . I used a National Velvet vernie r dial drive.
put a co il in series wit h the crystal, you can for the ca pacitor, and the 5: I ratio makes for The Swan 250 has an i-f of 10.7 MH z
move the frequency more . very easy tuning . and uses low-side osci llator injection . To
estimate the highest frequency a given crys-

.!. .!.
... .
-_ ,- ~
tal will tune . multiply the series-resonant
frequency of the crystal by six and add
.!. j,'----i}
10. 7 M Hz . Thus , a 6.575 cry stal will
-, I ..-J •. ~~ .
$[( 1'[ "
~. [~
,~ " ..... ,........

' ''' Sl ~Of.'
........ _'!I!!t tune from approximately 50 . ISO down 10
abo ut 50. 110, depe ndi ng in part on the
SEE Tl ~ ~.
I ., ga in of the ci rcuit and the act ivity of the
-" 11 ,,,,,,,",

' F,! crystal. Some o f th is must be determined
•".....L'~ $"'V[ ~ """.["'0"
$[[ fU T ". '.' 'n
.. f 9 em pirically. which is a fancy way of say ing

~ ;;; ST....,..
C OY'l ~ [ D
"cut and rry . "
• " " 'DOl_"[ $ ' _ fv ''''.

Even if you have 00 interest in this particu-
lar rig, keep the vxo approach in mind. I have
used it successfully on several pieces of gear
Fig. J. The vxo circuit. as far removed as two meters and 160 . •
38 73Amateur Rsdio · May, 1987
For the best buys in town call :
Los Precios Mas Bajos en
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R-7000 , 12 71A , 2 75A1H, 3200A. 4 1 5 A1H . 1 3 5 ,
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See Vall At Suffolk County Radio Club Fl u
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SH VO" " l l IM"RC f lea Market, l ong I. land,
NY Ma y 171t.. Antennas

FT·787GX , FT -980. FT-757GX , FRG-8800
KENWOOD ;:.,.. FT· 726. fRG-9600, FT-271Y77OAH, FT-27OORH
YAESU!COM l and Mob... HfT
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i'" FT .211170 9 RIH IC02AT WII. o n Maxon T,,,nse e,v,,' To Vo ,,' T""" ono n" 'G'''.l Fo r
FT.1903I11 23 IC .03/04AT VUIIi fTC 1123. FTC 1143 r ere on oo e Calls Fro m Mo O,le To ea ,,, S,m p le
To Us e .

T!.4I OSiU , R-5000. R-2000 . TS-9 40 51" T, TIIII·2018 .

ICA2JU 16 ICO.. IC·.. s (........1..100
T........ ... l 1 PRIVA TE PATCH III,
Duplex Bf)()() in stock
TIIII 221 .....4 21i1.. TIIII·257 01ll501II3OA. TR· 75 1i1..
~ SeMc""'....... TH 211311al 8T. TS0 111A.811.... Budwlg ANT. Products
TIIII3 5 3OA. TH20 5i1.T . TH215AT
FLUKE rr Multlmeter
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Tok yo Hy·PowerlTE SYSTEMS
Amplif iers & Nye MBV·A

Ant enn as IN STOCK

Yaesu FTR·2410, Wilson
ICOM IC·RP 3010 (440 MHz)
ICOM IC-Rp 1210 (1.2 GHz)
HT·1 -= ~ •
. . ~

.t). '-.. .'

~ \ Solderintl Co m p u t er I n t e r l a c e s
stocked: M FJ.1 270B.
"';'- Ten-Tee Tuner 229A
~ Station, t,;:" .:-- " -..
MFJ-t2 72, MFJ·1224 . AEA
CP-1 PK·87 , PK-64A, PK-64,
.-~:.,;;,-. MFJ Model s
48 Watts, $68 PM-I , PK-2 3 2 ALPHA A MPLIFIERS 422, 31 3, 989B , & 9410
MIC R O LOG·A AT 1. Air Disk,
SWL. Man e Coach Complete Butternut Antenna
Inventory In Stock !
KPC 2 400, KPC IV Trionyx. Model TR-t OOO, 0·600 MHz IN STOCK
3·S00Z l ong·range Wireless
h i·E . To w,r,
S72B, 6JS6C ~ Telepl\one 10< e _oort in s tod
Hy·G a.ln Towers
12BY7A & I
BEN CHER PADDLES. & Anlen ~s. a"CI •
4·4ooA -r
BALU NS,' - RoI~ ...,11 tie
AEA 144 MHz
wall~:t~ rs &~. ~~ , '~ -
$flI Pped d ll'eor;t to
. IN STOCK '-' .
A EA 220 MHz • yoo FREE 0 1 . . .~
AEA 440 MHz Ele me nt s {gf!:> \ ASTRON POWER SUPPLIES New TEN ·TE C
A NTENN AS In Sl ock '; .. Saxt on Wire & Ca ble Corsal. II ,PARAGON , Century 22 , RX-325

We Slack: AEA, ARRl. Alpha , Amero. Anlenna Specialisls, Asl atie•.Astron ,
B & K B & W Bencher. Bird , Butternut, CDE. CES, Collins, Com munlCatlOfls
Spee.' Conne<:toNl, c cverc-en. c uencrert. oaiwa, bent-on. Digima_, Drake,
"AQul s. Habla E.panol" Commerel.1 Equ ipme nt ETa (Alpha), Eimac, Encomm , HeilSound , Henry , Hustler (Newtro.niCS), H ~.
Gain. loom , Kl M, Kantronics, larsen , MCM (o alwa). MFJ, J .W . Miller, Mlnl-
Products. Mirage. NewtroniCS, Nye Viking, Palomar. AF Products. RadIO
Amate ur Callbook. Rock....e11 Collins, Saxton. Shure, Tele_. Tempo, Ten-Tee.
son. Y_ . We serve
FOR TOP PRICES muniCipalities, Dusi· Tok yo Hi Power, TriotI'fJ' TUBES, W2AU , Wabef, Wi lson , vaesu Ham and
Commercial Radios. VC'Q)n1, Vibrople_, Curt.s, T1i -E_. Wacom Duple _ers,
~onday _F "day 9A ~ t 0 6:30 P~ Tt.lIrS<:lay t08 P. ~ nesses, C,.il De re nsl!.
satu'day & Sunday 10 .... ~ 10 ~ P.M. IF," Pa '~ i"ll) etc . P'ort aDles. mobiles.
Repeaters. Phelps Dodge. Fanon Inlercoms, Scanners , Crystals, RadIO
eases . repeate's . . Publicaliorls.
Sub w ay . : SMT·"Prince St . Sla tion" COMMERCIAL RADIOS .Iock.d & .... Ic.d on pr.ml••••
I N D ·" F " Train·Bwy. Sta tion" ALL
Amateur Radio Courses Given On Our Premises, Call SALES
Bu s : Broadwa y 1r6 to Spring St . Export Order. Shipped Immedl.tely. TELEX 12.1870 .....1 FINAL
p . It. _91t. StAtt. A" . SlaliOtl.
1987 an x c c • SUPERSCAF •
IASuper S ltched-Cepacltor Audio Fillerl
.e. Ha v e a 12BK Apple
lIe/c/GS & AppleWor-k a Tt1 7 .....
" ., •

,. "D'"

("5-005 u s e r- s - s e e below)
Here 1S e cete dblt. for
• SUpE'rSCAF is a n i nno~·ativo: . h igh pE'rfor'
AppleWorks t o It.eep tr-eck of mance a udio fil ter. SUpE'rSCAF inco r po ra tn
you r D XCC , WAC. WAS atetue. §la le-of ·t h e ·a ,. sw;l c h.-d ca paci tor f iller
lech n o logy lo a chie ve u n p r ecede nt ed recei ~er
DX CC database c o n t a in s a ll M'lecti vit y a n d u nwanted ~ igna l a nd noise
coun t rie s, prefixes , I.T .U. & CO r ej ection . Upl'C r a nd lower pa ~ ~ha nd cUIoff
freque n ci e§ are digitall y progrllm mro via
zone a , la titude &. longitude, fronl ·pa ne l thumb wh eel switch es Oi l jn cre-
m en iS of af,proxi mat el y 100H z be-,w l"en 2 00
3 r d . p a r t y stfttus , &. mor-el! a nd 3900 I I ..
Co n t a in s labeled c ate g or ies to Supe rSCAF is a n ea ~y to a ~"", m b le k it which
ca n be- com p leted i n I o r 2 e~·e n i n~ ". The
r e cord c e ll s w orked, date, k ilofea lure~ a ~i!"le PC board a nd m in im al
t im e . QSL s t at us. &. o the r tnto. polnt -to-pm nt w. n n g.
.\'0 IJdjus lme n " or lest eq uipmrnr 1Jrt' requ ired!
WA C d a t a b ase con t a in s c yery
US c ou n t y l S pre 8 d :sheet fil e to , PRODUCT INFORMATION.
ke ep track of 0 XCC/SBD X CC
Bandwidl h 50 10 3700 !h.
t ot ete. An files &130 Swpb;",d AIt~nY .l i " n G, ••,.. l h. n 5 1d 8
e venee te o n " 5 -005 d i s k i n Skirl Slop" Al'p,o¥. 150d!llOctav~
.· i l l ~ , T y pr l a'h Ord~, Ellipl ic. 1
The ' F l y i n g Horse' .dbf •. w k l ••W k s ••dif form ot. Puohond Rrppk
Audio P"w~r Qu'1"'1
Lns ..... nOZd B
1 5 Wall.
- (JJOIG/c.D - $19.9 5 00 .- $2.0 0 Pow~, R"".. i,~_nr. 105·I)(lVAC
sets the standards s~ .C·5? te x lor (J,to ,~ ' 129 ~ ,F\orid.o r..soo.lo:n~
add S, ...JnllUI
Conti nuing ill 66 yell ' tradition , the •• are r e siden ts ). Eigh tJ" n d O" t " . SJ',if'l'i,,& & Handhns ' 7 00 USA & CA~ADA
t h ree ne w Ca ll baoks for 198 7 . o,..~ .....a.Shippins P~. ", Inq oire
Ate xenc er Rc.. Be ll ville , 011.
The N or t h Am erlean ce u eoox lists tn e ~II$ ,
4 4904 . 4 19 -B8 6 - 3 E107 or 5 8 9 -
n am es, and address In f ormati on f OT li cense d
a ma t eurs In all cou n t r ie s fr o m Ca nad a t o 2 167. Vi sli 8. MC, ($ 1.0 0 off
Pan ama In c l ud i n g G r••nlan d , Be rmu d a , and P.O. BOX 785
t ee ca ribbean i slan dS p l us Ha waII an d the ph o ne o rde rs l) ~ .. 286 LON GWOOD, FLA 32750 .. 251
u .s. possessions.
'rne ln lern atlon",' CllltIOOk lists tr..
Im,lteU rI In cou,'lI,I., ou tside Nor t h
AmerlQl . Coverage Includes South Amer ica.
Eur ope, A f rica , Asia, an d t he P.c:lflc: a rea .

T l'le 198 7 Qlll boO k Suppl ement Is I ne w Idea

In c en eoc sc u Pda t es ; It li sts t h e acti vi ty in
bot h th e N orth A me rican and tnternattonar Oldies GET OUT
Callb a o k s. Pu b li shed June 1, 1 9 8 7, this
SU P Ple ment will Inclu d e all t he n ew lice n ses,
a d d ress ch anges , a nd ca ll s ign c:h a n9lls for
t he Prece d i ng 6 mon ths . (But Still Goodies)
Pu blication da te for the 198 7 callbaoks is
December I , 19 86 . see you r oea ler Of Of der
nOW di rectly f rom tne publisher . Don 't miss out on the
cha nce to complete your
D Nortn Ame r lc;an call boo k shack 's reference lib rary
tnc t. s h ipp in g wit hi n USA
Incl . s h ip pi ng t o f o re ign co u nt r ies

o In te rna t io na l Ca ll b ook
$ 2 8.0 0
30.00 with classic issues of 73
cove ring th e fu ll spectrum ~~
in cl. s h ippin g w it h in USA
Incl. sh ipping t o foreig n co u n t r ies
$28.0 0
30.0 0
of amateu r radio , from
Open your eyes and see ;ust how
o ca llboo k Supplement, published J u ne 1st
AMSAT to Zepps. many subjects are covered in the new
inc L. sh ip p in g w it h in USA
Incl. shipping to foreign coun t ries
14 .00
They're invaluable addi- edition of the Consumer Information
tions to any shack-and Catalog. II's free just for the asking and
SPECIAL OFFER so are nearly half of the 200 federal
they' re going fast! publications described inside. Book-
o Bo t h N .A . & Internati ona l ceueooks lets on subjec ts like financial and
Inc l. shipping w it hin USA $53.00 Some issues are available
career planning : eating right, exercis-
...... ..... .
Incl . shipp ing t o f o re ign co u n t r ie s 5 8 .0 0
in ve ry limited quantities. ing, and slaying healthy; housing and
child care; federal benefit programs.
Just about everything you would need
illin OIS res id e nts pleue add 6 ...... tax .
All ~yments must be In U.S . fun ds.
Call to know-. Write today We'll send you the
today to orde r latest edition of the Consumer Informa-
ca II b ao k
...., '."EUR INC. . . 31
tion Catalog, which is updated and
published quarterly It'll be a great

Dept . B
help, you'll see. Just write:
925 Sher wo o d D r., Box 24 7
Lake Blu ff , IL600 4 4 , USA 11- 800- 722- 7790 1 Consumer Information Center
Department TD, Pueblo, Colorado 11009
Te l : (3 1 2 1234~600 ~ ffi
40 73 Amateur Radio . May, 1987
Measure Up With Coaxial Dynamics Model
Above and Beyond
83000A RF Peak Reading Wattmeter
Take a PEAK with Coax ial Dynami cs " N EW" Model 83OO0A , designed
10 measure both FWD/RFL power in CW
and FM systems si m ply and Quickly.
The n with a " FLI P" o f a switch , 25- 550 MHz
measure " PEA K POWER " in most
AM, SSB or pulse systems. Our 800 -1300 MHz
Model83000A features a co m plete se-
lect ion of ptup -In-etements plus a 2
year warrant y. Th is makes the
Model 83000A an investment worth
looking at. So go ahead , take a
" PEA K", you'll like " W AIT" you see!
Contact us for yo ur nearest autho-
rized Coax ial Dynamic s representa-
tive or distributor in our world-wide
sales network.
... -- ---
-- "'~ -


15210Ind ustrial Parkway

Cleve land, Ohio 44135
l.eoo-cOAXIAl Specifications:
Te tex 98-0630 Recervlng rrcee - Narrow band FM, Wille band FM & AM
Service and Depen dability ... a Part of Every Product FleceIvtr circulI - MICrtij) roteSSOf controlled Pll
Frequency synthesized superheterodyne rype
See us at Dayton, booths 400 & 401 with hlgh·!eveldoublE!d balance<! mixef
Receivtr IF - 75OMHz. 45 03MHz. 5 5 MHz jWFMJ
and 455kHz (NFM & AMI
SenSitiVity - NFM - 0.35 uV (12dB SiNAO)
WFM -1.00 uV (12dB SINAO)
AM - 1.00 uV (10dB S/N)
$eIectIvrty - NFM - ~
7.5kHz @ 6dB
The HAZ ER :!: 20kHZ (¥ 7CklB
b ring ing the rotor Wf M- :!: 50lcHz (u 6dB
:!: 250llHz (u 6Ol!B
a nd an te nna down AM - ~ 5 OllHl(u 6dB
the towe r. ~ 10kHz (u 70dB
Number of memory dliJMel- 20 dlaMelS
Stan rate - 5 d\lmels per seceoe
search fate - 6 seconds per MHz
Arrterma C1lM8Clor - Standard BNC type. 5O·ohm
AudiO output POwef -1 watt at less than 10% THO
Povoer requirtmlIIt- 1210 14Vllc it JOD to 500mA
At last a convenient ~=;" SlzeaPd ~-5 4"Wx :!-15"H '1:7 ~ 2 61ls
and safe way t o Options:
Insta ll and mainta in Cradled J!JOt; oontmg b(aC~
Th mobiles ~ w+i!Yl 21t cabll!
your beam.
~ .."'"

Never Climb Your Tower Again!

Are J Ou un comfortable with heights? Has J our doclor advised J"OU not to
dimb? Do )"OUwant to be able 10 inslall or maintain J our beam in several hours
instead of several da) s?
If you answered YES 10 any of these questions then the H AZ ER ls for YOU.
Question: " li n" Are GUJ W ires Handled ? "
Answer: Gu)" wjres can he- mounted on the IIAZ":R or at the l'ery top uf lhe tower. O ne set
nf gu)' .. ireoi i~ us wll )' a ll )'lOu· 1I nrtd o n tow ers up 10 bO '. On reallj- lalllo"ers I~ center- li:u),s
must be discennected .. hill' lo.. er inli: t he H.-\Z":R.


:"1:\j P.O. BO)l 253 , Dept. 7 , Boonville, Mo. 65233
~..>- 816-882-2734 .. 72

" When You Buy, Say 73" 73 Amaieur Radio • MaY,1 987 41
pie with very weak characters, home . You might even be able to

EVER SAY DIE or snow-cue . would buy such

things and smuggle them into the
pay for you r trip. Or perhaps Bei-
jing for three days so you can
U.S. Tsk. climb the Great Wall. There's an
9) The tour usually attracts from electronics show in Singapore-
150-250 e lectr onic s-oriented how aboU1 a couple days there?
!rampage " tour. Yes , you can c ustom design men and their wives. Most are Hey, you only have one lifet ime,
the lour if you want-say, skipping fro m the U.S ., but we 've had so don't let a minor thing like work
them-particularly in Taiwan and Osaka or Hong Kong. This is one groups from Europe and Australia stop you from taking a lew more
Hong Kong. 01 the best travel bargains I'....e join us. Great bunch 01 people- days and storing up memories.
6) Remember. lhe dollar is still seen-which is why cheap ... er. you'll make some good contacts. The tour runs two weeks. start-
powerful in Taiwan, Korea and thrifty me loves it. It's great to go There are usually a dozen or so ing October 3rd from the U.S. and
Hong Kong , so the shopping is to nrst-crass hotels and pay so hams on the tour-and , if you re turning from Hong Kong the
outstanding. Hong Kong is where little. want, you can bring an HT and get 18th. Don't lorget. you gain a day
you buy cameras and electronic Now loo k here . we want no a license in Hong Kong. coming back.
gadgets. cheating on trademark and pub- 10) As long as you' re already in II you 're interested, chec k out
7) I plan on being along. I've lishing rcvemes. so you have 10 Asia, why not extend your trip a the ad on the faCing page and
been there a dozen l imes, so I promise not to stock up on Taiwan lew days? We can arrange a two- send in the coupon or call my 800
know the ropes . This can help il Rolexes and book kncck-ctts. I day extention 10 the Canton Trade number so I can have Commerce
it's your first trip to Asia. can 't imagine why anyone would Fair in China-and yes, they sell Tours send you a brochure. Who
8) Despite the appreciation 01 ever buy a $25 im itat ion Rolex, things there. For instance, you knows , you might grab me at
th e yen , Commerce Tours has even if it keeps better time than won 't believe ca rpet price s- breakfast one morning and get me
been able to hold lhe price down the real th ing and could fool a bring your room measurements to come up with some new ideas
10 a sem i-measly $3130 lor the jeweler. Disgusting . Only pee- and have the carpe t shipped for your bu siness.•

22" .280. FOf a ce<fihcate. MAd. OSL and a LONG ISLANO NY


l6t!l St. F~. 8ayofw>e NJ 01002 , For
' utl he . in fo.matlon , eatl J.tty Sh i'IS kl$
TIla Suffolk County Redio Club Indoor·
Outdoor Eleelronle'5 FII. Markel Will be held
N2EJQ al (20 1)-991'1151 ot(20 1)- 79~54 3, on May 31rom B a .m. 10 2 p.m. er Re public
lodge No. 198 7. 585 B'oadhollo.. Ro.ad


..AY 1_2
~al:v'm u_
lRI. 110), MeIv>IIe. Long 1$I/lnd. New Yort<
is S3 (..o.es and child.an
undIif 12 fr. .), IfIdoOf ....... are $ 10 1lIdl.
The ~. Kenlucky, ARTS d oper. The 6emqi ARC _ hold III annual ~ The Balon Rouga ARC " Ham,", 50" and and OUIdoOf ~ is $1. Includorog one tree
al.1t'I " Run lor the RoMs" under 1tIe call lest on May 2 ~ lhe Bemidji Middll School . La. sme Convention will be held on May 2 admlasion . hl k-In on 14".611145.21 and
W4CN lrom 2400100500 UTC on May I a"" OOginn<ng al 8 e.m. Examswill be g lven. Tal~­ and 3 in the Gym Armory on lila ca mpus at 146 52. For addilional informa lion, call Bill
I,om 1300 to 1700 UTC on May 2. S I.lll!l"Ied in on 146 ,13/.13. FOf ITIOflI inform alion, eee- Louisiana S llIle Uni.ersity. Ba lon Rouge . Sulli.an N2ETG al (516)-689.981 1 in IhtI
freq.....-.:ift 21.125 Novice . 2 132$-1"250
558 , FOf. _'.I""OOIlt_ ce<fJhcat• • MAd
IlIcI BemidP ARC. PO Box 52" . lMmidti MN
56601 . (218)-7S1 ·192O ,
Louisiana . Hou,$-salu. day. 8 • .m. to 3
pm .; Sunday . 8 a m. to 2 p ,m. F.... .."".
IOSL and III SASE .... ARTS Club W4CN . 110ft. VE • •_ 10 Eo".
boCh da.,.,. ~ 9 a .m. LYNCHBUFlGVA
PO Box 7391, louiS ' " KY 010201. No. 10 ROGERSAR Send SASE, 610. dteek tor S4 payable 10 MAY 3
envelope lor Iolde.- Of 9 • 12 lor unlolded (391: AARLNEC to Geotga P""Y WSlVX. 17424
..AY2 Th. lyneh bu' ll ARC . Inc.. Will hold ilS
poslage) , Lady ConSla nc ., G ree nw.1I S p rings LA
The NOflhw9. 1 Arkansas ARC will hold its a nnu al Swapf"sl on M. y 3. beg inning al
70739 Ta+k ~ n on 146 191.79. FOf tTIOf1I infOf'
llh.nnual Hamfes lon May 2, "om8 • .m. to"
malion , $.nd an SASE !o R..:k Pourcia u
9 • .m" on lhe g.ounds 01 Brook.II'. Hogtr
..AY 1-3
p .m ,. in _ Rogers 'Y'ouIh Cenlllf, 315 Wesl Sc!lOol. itIIl outscle at lyno;tlbutg. V"ll'nia.
NVSA.I79 C8st\IS Kin. DOve. Bliton Rouga LA
Ohe 51-. Aogett. ",",,-, T _ are on RI. , .eo Will. Ad.. ion is $1; I8flgatenl
The F _ ARC ... hold its ol5th ..."...
Hlmtesl.-lll'll FM$nO AwporI HQIIday 1m on
a.&IIabie .1 no er..a.ge to oom"""eiaI . x·
hibotof&or $2 NC:h Iot~firstcome. fwsl
"""" pay lJ't'lIIfal ado" ''Jon. plus $2. E...... begin
~ I p.m., Wllh limned wllk~ns. P,.,eg;sle<
May 1-3. n..r. will be demoI ..I••lion!; and
51.....:! T alk~n on 160' 76 01 031.63 FOf lTlOfe by set1<ling a compl.led FOfm 610. copy
Iorums. and FCC exam. -"; 11 be givtln . Talk·in DREXEL Hill PA
inlormalion, conlact Roy Millire n AF5W, 20 14 0' lic.nse. and e heck payable 10 ARRLNEC
on 1"6. 3<l1. ~ . For .ddlhonal inlOf mation, S 181h Sl rool, Rogers AA 127!t6: (501)--636-
10 LAAC Volunlee. Exam• . PO Bo. 201 ,
conlact Glen T. Ca.r.e , F.....no ARC. PO Box
783, FresnoCA93112; (~~I 1.
",. The Del&w... e Counly ARA ... tpOfISOf its
8If'I ........... HamIMl on May 3 II tile Ore. ..
Lync:1lbufg VA 2"!i02 . Mont inlotmal_ can
be otItlIined &flOuI !tIot Swapjest by wnting
H. M~ School. Stet. Aoad and Penn 10 tile duD &I PO Box 0&2"2. lyndlbufg VA
AvtIfIUI . Drex" HII. PennsylYanll (5 m .... 2"502.
..AY 1_3 MAY 2-3
SW of Philadelphia). Doors open al 8 am.
TINt Co<':hlll ARA -";11 hold its 1981 ham",st The BI.... Ridge ARS will S>'Of>SO' ilS 48th Admfssion $3. Indoo. lables Wilh e leclncily
a n,",al Green. ill. Hamles! and Elecl'onics ST IRllNG NJ
on May 1- 3 a t th. club's t••ining lacilily a. ailable by n,s ......aliOnlll S3 pet spaee. Oul·
Flea M.rlce! on M. y 2 and 3 al!he ~ ..AY3
on Soulh Moeon Roed (which inllfWClS At. , door tallgali"ll on a ~fS!-<:QfTlI • •irsl..........:!
90. !nIe ..... _ of _ 9Of'92 junction '" legion Fairg.ound'I in G...n.illl . South baSis. ~ ItIrough Exlta ........ begin &I Th. Tfi.C ou nly RadiO Assoc•• lion will
~. Iiolonon Sstun:l&yarefromla-m $pOf>$Of it$ .nnull Indoor H. ml. IVFlla
SolIna VIII• • Anzona), No ctwge lot tail- 10 •.m . Talk.... on 1"7 ,96138.22" 5. and
gatIfS. T........ on 14fU2 Of 146161.76. FOf 10 5 p.m .• on Sunday !rom I .m. to 3 p.m. 146 ,52, For actvanoad regIIlr~_ and inIOf· Marxel on May 3. fromSa.m 103p.m.. in !tlot
ITIOflI infonnaliOn, caJl Don Morgan W1ACI ~ Ad m;saion is S3SO in a<tvme. and $5 al l!le maliOn. writ. to Hamllll. DCAAA. PO Bo.o: Pas a.'l; Tow n$hip Community C.nl.' in
(602)-"56-5293, Of wril. CAAA, PO Box 1855, gale . Walk ~n am.leu••adio license " .ms 236. S p.inglield PA 19064, Of call Bartla.a Stitl;ng. N.w Jetsey, Dona liOns $3. Tables
Sie". VislaloZ. 86636. givtln. FOf ad.a nc. tickets er add ilional lnlor· N30lG at (215)-535- I6 16. $8 , with pow., $10 , limlled rose....ed lail·
metee. please Mnd an SAS E to Blue Aidge galtng Taik ~n on 1. 7.ll65I.255. 146.25 . and
CEDARBURG WI ARS. PO 8o'Il 8 751. Green.... SC 29608. ..... 975.1"9 975. FOf ITIOflI onIonnaIron. cal
M.. Y 2 suwv~ . Otck F,.".." W2'EUF &I {201 )-m·sgss Of
lEEETWQ.WAY POUCE MA." _PO Box 182. Westfllld NJ 01090
TheOzauk.. Radio Club. Inc .. ... sponsor
its 8Ih lItlllUal Cedafbu'll SwapllSt on May 2. RADIO "ILES TONE The Moultrie Amal. u. Aad io Klub (MARK)
lrom 8 a.rn. to 1 p.m. at the Circl. B Recre- MAY 2-3 h.mlesl wil! be held (new loc:al ion-old Ioca· SA NDWICH Il
ation C.nl.r. Hig hway 80 and County I. The Ba yon..... New J.rsey. OEM AAC will lion) al lINt Moullrie COUnty ....H Fairgrounds. MAY 3
Cedatburg. Wisconsin (20 miles IlOfIf1 01 M ij. oplIfat. W20DV on Ma y 2 and 3 from 1400-- Cadwell Roed . live miles .aal of Sui;;"..,. The Kis hwaukee ARC Will ~SOf the
........). AO"" "I " S2 in~. S3 II 2 100 UTC 10eaonmo&i I00I11le lI>I. ecogo 11I001 Iat from 8 . ,..... 10 3 p .m. on May 3 Nochafge 10 DeKaIb HamIesl on May 3 II !tIot SaiidwiCh
lila door. Four.Joal ........... S3 N<;h. FOf .1lII1OIl4II eleclfif;al1l9il llrio'll ,,'-IIIIJtIl by -.daft , Spece on a hfS!-<:QfTlI. 1Wst.-...d FlI'II'OUndt on Suydam FIoed. juslllOflf1 of
"'" ". ,111 '~OOI •• n\If'I. lila IEEE .... lI>I fnl \'WO-'IrIIy police .adio baSis. Ta/l<.... on.OSS/655 andS2 Tests " RI• . 34 00nati0Il S2 in a<tvme.. S3 et 1tIe
Of mont in!Ofm.liOn. Mnd • butiiMSIHlizl(I sysl.m . It was installed by lha Bayon..... New be giv$ll!Of .maleu. I~. FOf lTIOfe in!Of· gal• . Inside lables $5 each. OUlaide selling
SAS E 10 1981 OAC S wap fesl. 101 E. Clay J ers. y, poIic. dep.art menl in 1933. Suggest· mallon. w.~. 10 MARK, PO Box 79. Su!li.anll ~p aee I, ee Talk·;n on 1"8.52 . ""."5.
Sl raet. Ssukvill. WI 53080. Of call ("1 4)-264· e d f. a q u.ne i.. ' 3,8 70. 1 .210, 14 .27 0 , 6 195 1, or call Ve. non E. J ack K9SWY a l 146 ,13J,73. FOf liC: ~ets . wriltto KARC. Box
3211 . 146,520 . 1"".830114 5 ,"30. and 222 ,6801 (217)-12&1596 , 2&1. Sycamont Il60178.

42 73 Amateur Radio . May, 1987

You 'll See Next Year's New Products
On Display:
You still can book in to the October
It's the best way to keep pace w ith th e explosive consu me r electronics
marketplace .
T he Japan Elec t ro nics S how-The Korea Elect r o n ics Show-The
Taiwa n Elect r o nics Show-The Ca n to n T rad e Fair-T he Singa po re
Electronics Show

All for Only $3,130

, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --
.................. FRO M : Commerce Tours In te rna tional Inc .
TO : Businesspeople and Entrepre neurs

Here's Two Weeks That Can

Change Your Business ...
You 'll d iscover the new p roducts being developed, lea rn w hat new
product s you should develop ... the new markets and the new sou rces
[plus. grea t shoppl ngf
Join the 198 7 Far East Elect ronics Techn ology Tour to Ja pan , Korea ,
Taiw an and Hong Kong- p lus optiona l extensions to Singapore,
Canton and Beiji ng. Remember the date: Octobe r 3- 18, 1987.
Your m ost practical opportun ity to meet Asian small businessmen is
at the Consume r Electronics Shows in October at Osaka . Seou l,
Ta ipei, Hong Kong and Singa po re-plus the famous Canto n Trade
Fair . Here you' ll see Next Yea r's new products on display .
ALSO AVA ILABLETO YOU : We 've arranged special seminars to help you do bu siness -plus
• The Japa n Tec hnology Updates Sem inar visits to factories and research facilities and business meetings with
• Korea Business O pportun ities Seminar Asian com panies.
• Ta iwa n Business Opportun ities Seminar The price? $3,1 30 fo r West Coast departu re - slightly diffe ren t for
• China Busin ess Opportunities Seminar othe r US, Canadian and European cities. This incl udes first class ha te!
• Singapore Business Opport unities Seminar accommodations, sum ptious American breakfast s, four group
• Visits 10 Factories and Researc h Faci lities d in ners, transportation to/from show grounds, airport/hotel transfers
• Business Meet in gs w ith Forei gn Com panies a nd bu siness programs. Semi na rs a re extra.
In addition to bu siness, you wi ll enjoy the surprisingly low cost
You will be traveling with the most Asian shopping . Few return from these tours (w hich we 've been
o rga nizing for over 10 yea rs] w ithout a custom-made suit or two, a
successful electronics industry min ia ture cassette or CD playe r and a stack of Compact Disc s, most of
executives in America , taking w hich are u navai lable in the US.
From 150 to 300 successfu l America n small business men go on
advantage of Commerce Tours these tours , so you '11 make plenty of good US business contacts as well
International's once-a-year as Asian , plus have fu n w it h these interesting people at the breakfasts
and d inner part ies .
discount package.
IM PORTA NT: You s ho uld fill in the coupon below as soon as
possible. Commerce Tours International Inc. has been
,--- - - - - - - - --------,
organizing the Far East Electronics Technology Tour for 10 years I Plea s e fill in Ihi s co u po n and ma il lt in t oda y! I
and our experience is that the reservations come early in the Yes , I'm book ing a re se rvation for the Fa r Ea st Elect ron ics Tou r . I
year. Remember that the 1987 Asian Electronics Shows will open I Please send m e more info rmati on .
up many new product arenas that will hit I NAME I
the American market in January 1988.
Don 't wait until the trade magazines I ADORE. I
report what's happening in Asia I C ITY ST AT E ZIP I
90 days after these important annual I SEND TO : Commerce Tours Internationa l I
I NE Mar keting Offices I
Asian electronics exhibitions . I 70 Rte. 202 N I
I Peterborough, N H 03458 I
It will be the best 53,000 you'l l spend this year. L!0~aste, Service Call !.:..BOO.8.J3-6700 .:..:.' Ext .~03_ _ _ _ ... 263-l
" When You Buy, Say 73" 73 Amateur Radio • May, 198? 43
The HO IIHade " (Joe KIROG . Bob The S1. Joa~h County ARPS AWIllope.ate
WIGWU . III\d Norm.n WA1IVB) WIW hold
. 001 .5
~0 1 0 . 0 ~ '"
1025 9. 5
13921 .5 m,
." spel;lIl-evenl atatlOn!l on tol.y 16 /rom 1200-

2400 UTe foam Cent....... J.IicI'lI9In. IOc:eIe-
!Mil' Spring TPlJilt. Sweplesl: on Mey 9 althe
Deerfiekl. N.w H.mpshlre . F. "gtOU"lll
. 01 5. 0
. 0 1S.5


13915 .5
t ; 906 .5 .m
~ ."
m brall tolo:l'loglil'l'l S81l)i c .. it....... Bor1l'oday
Ad.. Ilion . 52 per perKIn. inclulll"'ll sea.. .02 1. 5 '-" 139 92 .5 Rn!lCII
". and 10 kick uti tollChogan Week ""'rrCIei.·
."ll co mm• •.:i. 1 de.I.... P.ollli ben.111 . 025. 0 use m l j 991 .5 ~ m slal_.nd calIsigns .... be used Frequen-
Shrine'S' Bu.ns HospItal. Talk·in on 146.4OJ 6970. 0 ~ ."
' .37 5 .0
'" ."
Ci..: 3.930. 1,230. 14 .250. 2 1,350. and
6995 .5 ~ , .,85 . 0
147.00. For a map Of into, send an SASE to
WA1IVB. RFD Box 51, West Baldwin ME
6991 . 5 ~
'" "]89. 5
1U OO. 0
'2 "...".. 28.550. To recei"" a cerl ilicate. pie...... send
OSL and SASE to lynn Noms KB8AET, 535

1;01. 5 isa hrl ..,
E M_Sl'eeI. BurrQall toll 49030.
""'" 7306 .5
1 J 09 . 5
IU O]. 5
.m'" m
FUM INGTON NJ '-" ' . " 0. 0 .~

73 _6.5
7]65 . 0

t "50 .0 use ." CADIlLAC "I
The Che'fYV'lIe R"peat&r Association WIll 7372 . 5
7 375 . 0
om ".
20931. 5
20992 . 5
209 9• •5

." The We""uk" ARAWi ll hold ill 27th .nnu·

hokl ils annual hamfeston May 9. I.om B a.rn
cent.'" H'llll '"
." '" '"
." aI S wap and SIlOP OR May 18. lrom 9 a ,m, 10 2
10 4 p.m., .' Hunten:k>n
FIemmglon . New Jervy. 200 IAdoOf 1abIft
School .

tailIJat'"ll FCC e x _ given. T..k...... on

1~S2. 147 17SI 3Th. Forlurtherll'llof'ma100n
731)2 .5
7393 .0
Yar l ed
lTTf/Cfj ...
20998 .5
2 H60.0

'2 ." p.m., II tile W• • 1ord Civic " ' _ at lhe june.
bond U,S 131 and 13th $I """moonisS3.
Talk..... OR 1~ 17, For .... '.......... ions and
more inlonnallon. l':aIl John Craddod< KX8Z
or fltMfVatioR•. caIIBiII lnkrole K2NJ . t (20 1f- .t (6 16f-791'5491, Of Wflt. the We xau k""
78&--4080 or Don MllLIk NR2H al (20 1)-782· ARA, PO Box 163. Ce dlilac MI496(11 .
1114 ,
..AV9-10 .....V 1S-11
M..Y 16
MA Y ' The 0008lllbo,0 ARC . . oper.,. K.HY The Nonheast VHF Associatoon'" ~
On tolay 9 IroRl 0900 10 1600 IociII COT The L_ & CLark AC 'NIl sponsor oIS Iwsl
trom 0000 l1TC on May 9100530 UTe on tolay 101" the 13th an...... Eastern VHF!UHF CoA-
annUlI Ha mlest on May 18 II Ille Lew;s &
(1400-2 100 UTe). the lake Cou nty, IRinoil. 10 10celebfale ~s Inrernaloonal aao Fee,...... I..e nee on May 15--11 al R;.,.;er College, in
Radio Amataur Civ il Eme.gency Se.vice CI••k Commun~y College campus. H'llhway
Freq ue ncie s , 7.245 phone a nd 10 mele'S Nashua . New He mpshire. To p.&-re gisl".,
(RACES). in coope.allon with Troop 11273 of 61·11 I in Godf.ey. lII inoil . No admillion f"" ,
phone Cerl ilic.'efor S ASE vii N4EKG. 1615 sand $ 14 10 David Knight KA 1DT, 15 Oakdale
TlSltng lor •• classes II 1 p ,m. T..k...... on
the Northeasl Illinois Cou ncil of the Boy East 23n:I Sir"". Owemboro KY 42303 AYilflUil . Nashua NH 03062 be/or" May . ,
Scouts d "'-ice. _ be celeb<at>ng the 145 230. For more intomlatoon , call HIlrOICI
Regisl.alion at the Ooor is $20. A special 'Ill-
KC9GL at (6 1 8~ 1 909 . 01 _ l.ilwiI &
US, Atrrry'. FOtl Shendan Cenlenniel ( 1881- iI1f'abon,... of SIO is .......... lor any /nl.
1987). ContIflUOUS oper..oon _ be ... the low .. EDlNAOH CLark Radoo Club. PO Bcuc 553. GodI...,. Il
I..... an. . -. Inrecogn~iondthe newVHFI
end d the 20m Ganef.. phone band . on- the- "AV 10 UHF pnY'Ilegoe8 lor Novice-dllSl licensees, •
hour ope.aliOn in the new NoviceI'Tech, 10m The Medina 2 Male r Grou P. Inc., will epon- s p&Cia l lealure 01 this yaar'. ronle rance i.
phone band, ami locally on 2m 146 ,550 SOf Ihe Medina County Ha mf" t on May 10. hall--pO<':l regist.ation ($7) for Novices. M.ke COLORADO SPAlmoS CO
phone and 145 010 padcel. The callsign lot from 8 a .m. 10 2 p .m.. al the Medina Counly . 11 check. p.y.ble 10 Easte rn VHF/UHF MAVl e
the spec 'al .... m _oon 'NIl be W9F1JL For Commu nily Ce nler. 7~ Lltayen. Roa4. Cclnlet.. c. , For IT10fII inIonnatoon. conI.Id The PiIlee Peak Radoo.o.mar- ·uocia-
a OOO I. I.... ,lOIatWe ee<1fhcIle . send 0Sl ~ Medon&, Ohio. Donabons. '" at the door. S3 in l.ilwiI D. CoIMIs WIGXf. PubIO;lIy Churnan. bon _ hokllll 1987 SwIlPtesl on Iby 16.
9 .,2 SASEC39C)lo the lakeCounIyRACES . -...os. Vendor1;' 1 _. $6 dOnaloon. Out- Eastern VHF/UHF/SHF eon,.,... IC9 . 10 Mar· IroRl 8 :30 a .m 10 4 p.m .. .. 11lle R..... ic Hils
Inc.. POBo. 624. tolu"ll.'.'" Il60060. Dead- door lie. ""'"""', lG-tool apace. '" donalioo, shall Ter. _ , Wa~ MA OI118: (6 11}-358- Mall al Palmer Pa"" a"ll Aeademy Blvd in
line lot certacares Os July 4 Talk·in on 141 .631.03. For mor a inlormalioo , 2654(6 to 10 p,m. EST). COlOra do S p.ings, Coforado , Admis l ion ill
send an SASE to Medina H. mtasl Commil. fr.... Table renlal is $ll in advance Of $ 10 at
DANVtLLE IL lee. PO Box~. Med.... QH «258. or o;aII Ih. cIoor. YE t"sling o n l It .. . Tal k·;n on
.. AY, (218}-169-3033or (2 16f-725-«92 baNo.ell 10
"AY 15--11 1~31'.91_ For II'lIom'IalJon or nI""-.ations,
Thl Ve.m lllo n C o u nly ARA , Inc . • o f L m ,and 5p.m. call AI ~t.lW at (303.-.1 3-1660. Of WAla
Th. R~heSle. ARA will l ponSO' Ille
Danville. _inoiI. _ hold ... ~ on Mey 9 PPRM S wapleat. PO Bcuc 16521 . Cc*lrldo
Rochest.. Hamtest a nd C<:>mwI" Show on
althe Tollon 579 Civic Center. from 10 • .m SPnngsC080935,
BETHLEHEM CT 200TH Ma y 15_ 17 a l Ihe Mo nroe County Fa ir·
unlll 2 p.m . r .ee admIssion. Cha'ge 10'
MAY 10 .. grou nd•. oorne' 01Eut Henrien. Road (Ria,
auetOoned item l Os 10% 01$100 or less. Any ARMED FORCES D'" Y TEST
The Hen Houee G""lI ARC wi. ceIotbrale 15A) a"ll C.l kins Road . R~ h ••' e, . New
~11'!'IIl wet $100. $10 nal tee . No charge ~ ..AY 1$_11
lhe 200Ih birlhOay of Be1IIlehem, Cclnnect>- York. Show 1'IOunI: Friday. outdoor lIN ........
111 m is nol lOkI. For funhe< informal00n .
f;UI. I!'om May 10 on ()pooratoon 'Nlllakl pilei kilt-12 noon: Satu",,"y. IAdoOf lIN mart<ilt- The 38lII ....uaI Armed Foron Day eo...-
pIeaM conI.Id Rod Pru«t WD9HXG or ClInI
on 10, 15, 20. and "ll meIeI'I and on Novice 7 Lm . 10 5:30 pm.. . . 1'Iibil hili opel 8'30 munocatoon TISI_ be c:onOucIild I!'om 1300
Har1lIy N9EVT on the 1~ . 'l2J .62 repeater in
CW $end one piMtage IIIf'lll only . no .... e m. 10 530 p.m.: Sunday. indoor lIN ....... UTe on May 16 to0245UTC on May t1. The
o.tMI8.I_ .
velopel, For more inform.tion. centect kat_1 .,m, to 2 p.m .. e. hlb~ h.... open-9 Ira dltio nai milllary·lo·amaleur crOllband
Wl FHP. the club prelident , e.m.tc 1:30 p.m , Aegi.lralion: $6 in advance . operalion a "ll broadca.1 of lila Secretary 01
$7 at the gale. children under 12 ""mined Defense m.. ssage arelhe ta.atured n'llhlighls
1I'eil, Outdoor flea ......... spal;e. $5 plus reg- and include oper.tionl in CW , $S8. and
The An'tMfIIad ARC d the DuIu1fw'Supett. PROOlICTS INDUSTRIAL EXPO ialration . Indoor Ilea martc......., $ 16 Md'1 in RTTY. SpecIIII COfI .I.. ,IOI...... OSLI ... be
or ... . wiI pi nI Sw..,tesl: '81 on t.lay 9. MAY 14-1' ldv_onIy, pIuI reogoaranon . Mak<l checkS _arOed 10 -.hid c:onIIICtI .."" ..., d the
IroRl 10 • .m , 10 3 p .m ,. at the Fnt Unoted The Tn.crty ARC _ operate spec Ial • •enl peyable to Rochesl. Ha mlesl and SilnCl 10 parlocip.atong III drtary radoo lIat"""" , ~
Meth od i., C h urch (th e c o pp er·dome d Rochesl'" Hllmfest_ Ticketl . 114 Croydon who receMl a"lleccu ..,ely copy tile AI'1Tlild
Slalion WNPA on tol. y 14- 18 !rom Pasco.
c hu.ch), Ioceted at 230 Eall S kyline Pa""way W.l hington . in conjunClion wilh Prodl.lCli Road, Roc hesler NY 1"'610, Amaleyr axa m. Forees Oay CW and/or RTTY m"sage will
in Dufuth. Minnesota. Admissioo will be $4. Indu ltrial Exposillon 'S1. Oaily OptIralion on Saturday. Pre-reg-ill'alioo is required .nd r~ivil. spe<:ial cornmemor.ti.... clflltielt.
Wllh 4-.1001 t.bles llO'ng lor $5, Amateur lrom IlllJO-02OO UTC will be on 20- and eo. musl be lUbmmed nolalerthan May 8 . $end P.rtl.:lp.llnll .. lmary Slalion . : AIR,
Iicef-. ex_ ' " beheld" 9 • .m, For IT10fII bu.in...· . ized SASE 10 .. G. d.81ie<;k 2Q.t5ll'lInlo. Systems Groo.cI. Andf'OlwI AF8 .
inII;ImWo:ln. p6ease contao::l Ron c.nson
BR. 5128 wyommg SI..... Dutu1tI tolN 55804:
K' met.. Ganef... phone~. FOfa ce<1r1it;at:e ,
send 0Sl and SASE 10 TCARC. PO Bcuc 13. KW2X. 59 Bay KnoI RoRd. Rocr..sl'" NY wasll,ngton DC : NAV. HQ N.vy.tolar ine
RichIe"ll WA993S2 14622. pay "'35 on the day of the . . .m. COr... tolARS Radio Statoon. Cheltenham
(2 18)-525-6860. The c:omact per-. lot lhe Talk-in on 146 .281.88. For rlIOfil inlotm.ahon . MD: NPL. Navat Comm , SIe.. San OiegoCA:
.m.laur eums Os Eddy lonnslrom N9DHG, contact Roc heste. ARA. Rochesta. Hamfeal. AAE. HFIMAAS Aad io Fac ility, Fori Sam
2026 Ba"e. Avanue. SyperiQ' WI 54880: ~Qt(EN ARROW OK 300 Wlllte Spruce Boulevard. Roc hesler NY Houlton TX: NMH . Coal Guard Radio Sta.,
(71 5f-392·2.,5. ..AY 15-11 1"823: (116}42" 118ot Alexandria VA; NlJ . MarineCOrpa Air Sta.• EI
The 8loI<en AtfOIw and Tulsa ARC. wiI Toro CA; NMN . Co8st Guard Comm . Sta- .
HIND£NBUAG 50TH sponaor !be 1987 G<een CwnIry KamIesI PonamouIh YA; WAR. HO Atrrry MARS Rad;o
M"Y I- IO on M. y 15-11 at the Vo-Tech Southeasl WOONSOCKET RI Sta., Fort Meade MO; NAM . N..... Comm.
The Jers ey Sho ,e AAS will oper.te Campus. 4600 S Clh'o1I. 8<01<... AtfOIw. Old. ....V 16 ....... tolaster Slalion LANT , Norfolk VA; NPO.
W2DOR in Lakehursl. New Jersey. I!'om 1700 homa ( I 11th SI S, a"ll 129th E. AY1!.l. Ent".· The RI Amaleur FM Repealer SaNice, Inc ., Naval Comm, St." S tockton CA.
UTC on M.y 9 10 1800 UTC on Ma y 10, 10 tainmem F.iday from &-10 p.rn. Flea marl<et will hold its a nnual Spring Fie. Markel and Mdllary . tations w~1 Iranlmrt on the Ir..
Comm&mOfale lhe 50Ih anniYerNry of lhe and deeier ... hibll. open 1fom 9--5 on Satu'· Auction on May 16. from I:? noon to 5 p ,m.. qUilflCiea lisled in Table 1 and ... annouRC8
CQSh d the .. ~ Hindentlurg. F,~ day ancllrom9-1 on Sunday . Pf'&-<ilgoIl,abon at !he ~ Lagioln Fumount Pos18!i. the specrfic ......eur band !fOlQUilRCY being
... be around 3 .875, 7.215, 1• .375. 21.42$. is '" eeo;h. maxmum of $12 per~. 1110 River Sli'il9l. WOOf...-.keL RI'lod!a Island. ..101 """" ed .
and 28~ phone ~ 3.706 CW A QOfflo Of SS eeo;h ........ <b:Ir. Flee mart<ilt tablIoIare Adm ••ion is free. $p«eIare SS.-ctl. Talk· AactMng T_, A 1().m;nute tunong cal
mernoDfaM ce<1i1icale wol be available 10 SS in IdvIRce Of $1.50" theOoor. FOf rlIOfil in on .34J ,lM and ,52. Fa< lurthe< inlormalion, will precede ellCh tr.nsmission , The CW
U.S . I tatiool lor $1 .nd to OX stations for 3 inlormation, call Ron Gamel N5WX . , (918)- contact Rick Fa irweather K1KVI. Box 591, brOlt<lc.st will be Iranl mlhed al :?5 wpm be-
IRC". QSL to JSAAS . PO Box 295. Tom. 663-0385 , or write Green Country Ha mlest, He rris ville RI 02830: (401)-568.os66 from ginning at 0300 UTC on May 11. The RTTY
RMlrNJ0875<l , PO Box 4910 . TUlle 0K 74159 1-9p,m , I>n:Mdc.ast will begin ..I 0345 UTC on tolay 17

44 73AmateurRadio · May. 1987

at a fraction of the cost
of comparable unltsl
LNG -(*)
6M ,2M,220 $880 $630
UHF $980 $730 ONLY $49! oFM EXCIlERS:
(Also available for co m merc ia l bands!) WIR( GITU " D Kill only $68 . Wit $10&6.
TC IlO_ , tal oven ..aIIable
FEATURES: 2W conI UpIO 3 W ",termlttenl.
- Very l ow Noise : 0.1d8 VHF. 0.8d 8 UHF
' U 5 1 f or 10M. 6 ... . 2 M, I SD-H4 , 220 MH,.
-High Gain: 13·20d8, oeceocoz on freq
' U " 5 1 10 . uhf.
· Wlde Dynami c Ran ge: to resist overload

· Sta ble : new-type o ust-gat e GaAs FEr ' IIHF '" UHF lINEAAAMPlifiERS. For FM Of SSB. Po-..er
• Si>eOfytunon,.ange_ed 76-30. • 6-56.lJ1·150.
150- 112 . 21 0.2 30. 4(lO.UO. cw 800-960 1>4H.l . IeYelsfrom 10 10 "5 WatIS. Se'O'e<"..-leIs. k,ls Ma"I"'.
at S 78.


, SH ECTIYITY TH"'T C",/rj· t BE BEAt! Both 8 ~ .1" GaAs FET
111te< & cerarnoc: Me<'.... > IClOdB at t t2l<Hl HelICal
reson~IOI' IrOnl end to combal oesense & "'Ie<mod, PREAMP
oF luller·p.ool ' Que ICll , "'ulomal,c fre quency CO<1\fol. Unbelievably
_ a t e $pkt amplllle<
-el[,t,~ , E"'SY ·T U~E TII",/rjSMITTER . uP re zow output
U Low Price · ··
SOW ... !lh _loonaI Pill
GaAs FEY Preamp
ONLY $19/klt.
SI mIlar to LNG.
except designed
$34 Wlr~.tt'" . AI ....IR2 2 0 FM RCVRS
for 2M. 150 ·174 . Of 2 20 MHl ,
for lo w eost & , mall , lI e OnlySIS"Wx l ·5IS"Lx 0.151.011 se<l5. 8-pole dal & 10 pole ceramIC ,·1 lIIlers .
314 "H. Easily mounts ,n many eenes. IIeIocal res.onalOf fnonl end lor e .cepllOf\iJl seleCllvlty.
• SfIe<;,fy , ...... ,ange *-ed ' 25-35 . 35-55. 55-90. 90- > 100<16 M :l: 12l<HI (besl . . ._ ~"l Autler·

120. 120- 150. 150-200, 2(10.210. 01 4QO.5(l(J MHz prool~. IIIFC"ackS ~ .mtrs. XlaI o.oen
av...l. KII$1 38 , ...1I $ 198
oR.. 5 1 FM RCVR. same as eocve bc t UHF. Tuned I.ne
l,OOlend . 0,2uVse<>s<li.,ty. Kf\oolyS138 . ...1I$198.
LNS-(*) oR76 VHF fM ACVA tor 10M. 6 M. 2 1.1, 220. IIIsabove. bur.
wlOAFC or lIel.res. KIts oNy $98 10 $11 8
' TD·2 DTMf DECODERICO~TROllER kll ""Iy $18. IN-LINE 'A 110 VHF AM RCVl'l 'Of IIHf ....cra" or IIllrn banOS or
f ull 16 dill Is . 5 l uncl lon•. loll call ...trIClo. , p.ogram· UHF. KIt oo ly $98 ,
mabie . ,",uc h mo" . G.eal 1o• • e ie<:tl v. calIIn. 100!
. "'P· l IIIUTOPIIITCH k'i oNy $ 78. R.v• •• • palch '" plio... NOW-FCC TYPE ACCEPTED TRANSMITTERS,
· AP·2 Simple. Aut_tell . Usewllhlllbr:lve HIGH-BAND AND UHF. CAll FOR DETAILS.
$79 ...IrHItHted
caas FET Preamp With features similar to LNG
series. except a utomatically ' witch.' o llt
dunn, tJ"anam lt . Use WIth base or mobile

-.- ---

tra nsce Ivers UP t o 25W. Tow er WItt;. "'-tdwar.
• $pec"y lUning . ange deS<'ed 120-17 5 . 200- 240 , or
400-500 MHI.
Kit wIth C. ...
Kit _ C. ..
•3 .......
,... ,..
I. .... '
. ••...
• • .>0

' CWIO kll . nPw ..... proce $48

HRA .(*)
W......,. . - '" .......
o .
o .
F"lId 1 " 0 & 1 _. I~. !he"",",s'
' COR-2 kil . $38 lIIudoo m"e<. IoCalllpilr amp!11_ . laol &
llme-out I........
' COR·3 kll . $48. ", In COUflesy beep ,
Wlred.lea ..


_... ......

o .
o .
.. 0


Low-noise preamps
or $64 UHF
with helical resonators
_. -'.-. .-. ---... .
for \IH~
KII $19
o. , ,
. u ,..
.u·,... •••
Cln bl III""... Wlrld$U9
red ue. int.rmod & e ro..· ba nd mterterence in
cntlcai econcancos.
",II" , ,,,,. Iv. e......
..... I.anc:_ .
bandl ..·n .
. ..>0
,U,.. .:10 ..'

' 1010 ·2 0 2 FSK DUIII MODULA TOR kll $38 , R..-. uP 10
1200 baud dlgltal or packet .adoO loognats thrOugh any
1 10 2W out ,
~P .. ·s ,u,.. o .

• SpecIfy I...... ."".e _ed 143-1 50. 150- 158. 158· ..._ .... 10
FI.I transrnllte<. 16 2. 16 2·1 74 . 21 3-233. 4 20-" 50. " 50-" 65. or " 6 5-" 75

""' "'. Kit $19

o .

. >1-<1..

-------------- -------
' 0 0
' OE·2 0 2 FSK OATIII DEMOOULIII TOR kll $ 38 W1,adS139 ,"-

I HAMTRONICS, INC. I e Order by phone or mall e Add $3 S&H per order

I 65·DMoul Rd.; Hilton NY 14468-9535 I (Electronic answering service evenings & weekends)
I 0 High quality equi pme nt at reas onable prices surely
appeals to me; but I wan t m ore details before I buy! Rush
my copy of the 40-page Hamtronlcs ca ta log by return fi rst

I class mall . I enclose $1 ($ 2 for overseas ai r mal l).

I Name _
I Address - -- - - - - - --- _
I C;ty
L StatelZIP I ()
and "'ill bo I.ansmitted I t 60 ",pm USiOll17(). W4QOR , loca ted nort hsk:l. lboa' d Navlt Ai, ac'oss from lhe We sl Texas Fai,g,ounds . Road . Param us . N.", J ersay. sene•• $5,
Hz shlll
Bolt> b<oadeasts . . be ll'a nsmllle<! 1I'om
St.tion Memphis. Mitli ngton . Tennessee. "'ill
ope<1lle '" recognotoon 01 Armed FOfCeS Day
on Ma y 16 from 1300-2300 UTC. Freq.-
Talk-in on I'" 'epeat.... Regist.s tion ba-
ll"'I al 8 a m. For more inIomloItion . ooncact
y ~ N500Xat(915)698 1606 orW. K.
~. Amat_ -=--
buyars I... Tailgaling only. Bnng you. own
.xan'WIaIions , Talk-
in on 146.191.19 and ,52. For more inlOfnIa.
the JoIowong sw oons on the . '-<1 f~
cies ' ME . HFIMAR$ RedIO F.,;iIIIly. Fort sam ~,558-1.230. 1".280.21.310 :l: 10 kHZ); W. . . . W85Z00 at (915)-613-1332 (no colo lion . c:ontacIJ,m KK2U. ..... Berl<shire Road.
Houston TX (" .0 165, 6$880 . 9.9900); MG, CW-21 ' ''5. 28 1.. 5: t"652, Speciat 'ed. Ie<;t calls, ple-lse), Rdgewood NJ 01.50; (201)-«5·285-5 mllhts
HFIMARS RadIO Fac il ,ty. P'.s idiO of San ",hite . Ind blue c.rtihcal.. "'ill be ava ilable 10 ~"
F.anciscoCA (" ,0215. 7.3095 . 13.99045); AIR. lhose who ""'OR " Whiskey Fou. Old 0U$ly BIRMINGHAM A1.
204!>\tI1ntormal>on Syslems Group. AndreM Rebel ." No SASE f9QUIf*l' c.Ya I'd in the M..Y 16-17 WRIGHTSTOWN PA
An Fore- Base. Wash'ngton DC (6.9955. caRlOok shoukl OSL 10 MIIIIary Club StIItoon The Bwmongrwn ARC _ spon8Of 1\:1 80m>- MAY 17
13.9975); NAM. Nlval Communicalion ........ W400R . PO So_ 54278 . Na .a1 Ai. StaliOn. ingHam!esl '871Alabama AARL State Con- The Wa.rmiftllter ARC ",~I sponsor ~s 13111
Maste< Stalion LANT. Nor1ol~ VA (".0050. Ma rnplllS. Milli ngton TN 36054. pi"owiding I. . ..nloon On May 16 a nd 17, beginning a t 9 a. m annu. 1 Hamlest on May 17. beginning al 7
7.3930. H .•OOO) : NAV. HO Na vy·Ma . in. qu.ncy and ccntect num ber. Requests lor botll days. • t tile Boutwell Audltorillm. 1930 a. .m,. at tile Middlelown G'ange Fai' ll'ounds.
Corps MARS RaDio Sl_tiOn. Cheltenham 1.10 addilional information on the Armad Forces 8t h ..wen'" North. Birmingham. Alabama Iocatad on Panna P.... RoIId in Wrigh- . ..
{1.3725. 1• .3895): NPG . Naval ~ Day a.ant s .1 W"OOR . NAS Me mp h is . AdM nion ill S4 PI' Pll"OIl. """"" 12 ITea PannsyIY...... Don.liOn ia 53 per parson
lion St abon. Sloo;l<ton CA (.. 01110. 1 ,3650. should be direo;llCl 10, Station CUSlodiaft- _ acc:ompanoecl by an - . . (admISSIOn ia (XYls and clwkl.en ITeal· Indoor sp.- _
139755): WAR, HO Army MARS Radio StII· S an 1o . Chi.f Pa"y O ',"ce, Bob Oonan good lor boIlI days). Amate ur licen.. exams 8- 1001 tables and 00"'1' a.ailable a l $5 each
tion . FO.I Mllde MD (•. 0285 . 6 .9 975 . KA..FAL (90 1)·872·200 7: S p.clal E.e nl. lIi.en . Taik·in on 146 ,880. Fo' mo.e in/o'm.. (p'e-registratiOn onf~). UnlImited outdoor 8-
1" ,<l.O35) NCO -Sa'lIaanl Ma io ' Jim Morr ill tion. <:all Dan Morgan KB4MOI. BirmingHa .... /oOl spacn IVlilebIa at $5 aach (no Of&'
SubmlMion of T_ Enl....: Tranacnp. WQ.f$MW (901)-363-0T78; or M ~~ary Club test Cr.-man. II (205 )-822-.52" 2. or "'nI. <1911"alion) , Tal~-in on 1" 7.6 91.09 and
lions 01 the CW and RTTY ~ lem SWion W4OOR!Nawy-Marwle COfps MARS BARC. PO Box 603. 6imW>gham At. 35201 . 1~52. For inIormatoon and regos!'II_.
shoukl be submmed " . ,_ .ed," No II· 51aloon NNNtN IF. Bldg N-tllO. NAS ...... contact F.ankCharlIon KA3FBP. 1" 79 Kings.
templ should be made 10 COfTtICl possibla phis : (901)-612·5 I34 Y.. KIMA W" ley Ori.., Wl rmins te r PA 1897.; (215)-875-
t. ansmlssiOn . rrors . Tile lime. lrequency.
and callsign o/Ihat mililary stalion copied . as
__ as the name. callsogn . and mdo'ess lit the
MAY 18
The Y~;ma
M" Y 16- 17
ARC ... sponsor Iha Cent•• "'" DA1.TOMIIlIA
Washinglon Slata HamIest on May 1&-11 at
II1dMcluaoI submrltltlg the entry . must be indI- The CharIesIon AAS _ operlle speoaI- Ca'llra! WashIngIOn StIIte F...-grounds. 10111 MAY 17
catOKl on the ~ contaonirlg lhat test me&-
..,. _ nt station W.... USN on Armed Fol"CI'5
Oay. Ml y 16. from lhe dec k 01 llIe airc'al1
S t,..t and East Notl Hill BMI , Hours ' Satu.·
da~. 9-5; Sunday. doors open et 7 am . Ad·
The Nort hern Be"'sh". ARC will sponsor
a II.a ma....t on May 11. slarting at ds",n. at
Ent...... musl be postma.ked 1'0 tata' Ihan ca rri. , USS Yor.,o",,, eV· lo . located in mission $5 aach. p,e-regislraloon due by May tile Oallon"mencan Lagion Fiald on Rta. 9 .
May 23 and su bmitted to the ' especli¥& mili- CIwIes1on. South Carohna. Operatoonwill be 2 , loCs 0/ \.IbIe$' No Chargt 10 d.... y eec- DeIIon. ~. Ad.-sion ill $ 1 PI'
tary com ma ndS as follo",s : AIR (A. med
"om lOOG-2200 UTC on 29350. 1" 250. \fOAic$-faIalad items only ConttlCl W1AO Pll"OIl . Women and ~ .. , Idm¢Iad ITea
F_ Day T• • 2Oo'5lSGiOOJM . Andrews 7250. and 3 850 , Special OSL cards ... be There III no charge 101' selling spICI. For fu, ·
(Y. ~lma AAC. PO Box 9:>11. YakIma WA
AFB DC 20331 ·6~5J; AAE. MG . WAR sent 10 I II COf1!lrmed contacts sending an 9tl909) to .as.rve • la ble . Con llllnment tile, inlormatiOn. call (.. I 3)-458-&045:> (days) or
(A, ma d Fo,ces Diy Test, Commande'.
S ASE to S pecial Ewent SlatlOn. 346 Pa"'dale ....1.9. limit 10 ite ms . 100 0I aale p' ice. ARRL {.13)·" 58·82tl1 (. .. nings), 0' ... ,il" to III"
USAISC. AnN, AS..QPS-OA. Fori Huac hUC. Drive. Charleslon SC 29401 , VE testing saturday II 1:30 p.m. Talk-in on No.III.", Be ,k s hi. a ARC . PO Bo > 591 ,
J,Z 65613-5000): NAM. NAV. NPG (AtrMod
146 2SI. es WiIiar,_,MAO I281.
Foo'CIIt Day Test. N.....a1 Communoc:atoon Unot.
Washonglon DC 20391'5161 ). OLD WESTBURY NY
MAY 16_17 P ..R.. MUSNJ
Tile Key C iIy ARC will hold itS a nnua l "Fly- MAY 17 M.. Y 11
W400R ARMED FORCES DAY illlDrive4n Hamlest" on May 16 and 11 a t tlla Tile Bergen ARA ", ~I sponsor its Spring UMARC ",'II sponsor IIIe " RRL Long ISland
M.. Y 16 AbiIefle Mun;c;peI Airport. Ih... IfIIIes SOUIh Hamfest on May 17. rrom 8 a .m. to" p.m.. II Ham/_on May 11. begin""", II 9a.m.• a11ha
Fo-r Ih. Sill consecullv. yaar. s tatIOn 0/ 1020 on Loop 322. jusl east 0/ I(Mn and flar9an comrnunrty CoIega. 400 Paramus ,.... Vorl< InstJ[Ul. 0/ T..... oolog,. RIa 15111

" The RC-850 Repeater

. QCC _~
. : j •• ... still the leader of the pack! "
a u tod ial s lots meet eve ryone's n eed s . with up to
3 5 digit s tor age for personal MCl / Sprint codes .
The RC-8 50 con troller offe rs your grou p the m ost
advanced repeater control technology available The easy-to-use m allbox lets you include phone
a nywhere. Through ongotng hardware a n d numbers , times, or frequ encies in m essages . The
software en h a n cemen ts, even our first cu s tom ers con tr oller is so s m a rt , ifII leave you a message If
enjoy new features that keep it ahead of the pack. you miss a reverse patch or a n alarm.
With the '8 50, you r repeater becomes fully Selective call capab ilities range from cress and
remotely programmable, From com man d codes two-tone to display paging, so you can alwa ys be
to the repeater's operating s chedule, virtu ally a vail able without h aving to listen. Voice
everyth in g can be eastly ch a nged. Touch-Tone response telemetry lets you remotely m eter you r
programm in g from you r radio or the phone with s ite. Its con tin u ous m ea surements with storage
synthesized voice readba ck, or programming of updated min and max: readings let you find ou t
from your h ome computer via modem or pa cket. how cold it gets. how high the refl ected p ower
reads . . . and when.
The a u topatc h supports local and radio-linked
remote phone lines , exten d ing your patch Individual u ser a ccess codes, with callstgn ID.
coverage to m atch you r RF coverage. You d on't offer secu re a ccess to selected functions to
even n eed a phone line at your site! The 250 com p letely prevent hors eplay.
The Industry's top-of-the-line controller. n ow
acc =t better than ever. for your repeater.

2356 Wals ll Aw. nu., $anta CIa 'a, California 95051

(408) 727·3330 .,

46 73 Amateur Radio . May, 19B7

No<tharn Blvd.. Old Weslbu' Y, Na '" York (bIt KNOXVILLE IL gi. en . Tal ~· in
On 147 831.03 , 146 ,52, a nd KANKAKEE IL
39 NOl1h . Roula 4%. OOI1h on Glan Cove MAY 17 146 .94 , For advance "ckelS or lurlt>e, ,n' or- MAY 17
Ro«I . 2mllnlO2!>A..I ,;gM I mIleIOSfle ), The Kno. County Re . Inc ,. .... hOld Its ma tioo. contact Con Spangl&r W9I-INO. 235 The K.... kak A, ea Rad IO Socottty "" II
~al adml$SlOfl. $3 I'I.am$ must buy a Soulhwoocl Onw. Wabaltl IN <16992; (2 19r
beket:.....-..s . <;tIiId,en, and ,-.....rtMI_ I."" annual Knox: County HamlHl on May 11.
beglAl'llng al 7 a.m .. a lthe Kno. County Fa,,- sea,-
sponsor the Kank ..."" Ham"'" on
May 11.'rom a a .m. to 4 p. m.. .lI the Kan...·
Selle,,' ca, """,a. $5: outdoor tallgallng. no g roundS in Kno,vllle. III",OIS, ARRLNE u.s l- kee Counly Fa " lI'ounds . L,m,ted ne a mar~et
.eservahons needed . Ta lk·in On 146 ,251 .85. ing ",ill be given near lhe ham'ltSl s it". Talk-in table s , Admission $2 ,50 in adv a nce , $3 a t lhe
For 'urthe' ;n'ormah(H' . call Ha nk We "". BLUEFIELD WV
on 1<17,001' 1<16.<10 and 1<10 52 . For t_ .85- door. Tal~-in on 146 .34J.94 . Mo.-e In'onnall()f'l
WBV.lW -' .... at (5 16) ' 8' nn MAY 17
arvlll()f'lS . Pfll4&gistratl()f'l 01 lesllnO. and from KARS. do F.ank DaICanlon KA9PWW,
""ance lickets . contact K. " h L Walson The East RNIIt ARC. Inc.. .... hold \tie BIueo- RR _1 . Boo: 36 1. C - . - IL 60922: t815}-
WB9I( HL. 119 South Clleny 5 t'eel.f3. Ga les-- held Hlmles! on May 11. from 9 a .m . unhl 932-6703 (altlN S p.m . CST) 0.- 1815}-937.
OLD 8RIDGE NJ bu rg IL 61<1 01· 4 5 21 ; (30 9)·3 42·38 85 3 p. m " atlha Bluefield Ree.eahon Cent",. 1/2 2452 (berore 5 p m. CST).
MAY 17 (evenings), mile oorthoI U,5 . 460, nea. the V"gimafWesl
Virginia Slate line. W al k ~ n e..ms al 9 a .m.
Tr.e IargHlIO'Idoof eotnpIIIet and rwn'est
ATHENSOH ($-4 .25 I... ' or III e .ams e. capl NOVICe ) PAGE DISTRICT WORKS HC
in central New Jersey . the 08AA annuallesl~
II B1uetJ8ld Slate Co"ege, Blueheld, West MAY 11
val .... be heoId on May 17. Ileg;ntwlg at 8 MAY 17
VirgInIa. i n 11>8 ',fS! bulldrng on the righl Ifter The ham ,I<l0O ope, alors 01 Unl()f'l EIect' IC
a.m " al Old Bridge C'VIC Center Arena . COl· The Athen s Coun ty ARA ", ill ho ld its
ente'ing 'he campus. Co . "" II op<l. ale s pecllll-eva nl . t,lIlon KA'
trel Road and H>gh",ay S 16. Old Bridge, "I "", 8th ann ua l Ha m!esl On May 17. lrom 8 a. m,
AWS on Ma y 17. !,om 1900-2400 UTC . 10
Je,MY. (Euy access_Rt". 9 10 H'lIh",ay 10 3 p .m.. at ee City Reerelhon Cente. on
516£. 3/<1 .... 10 Civic Cent.. ' $eIMI : in- QOmnwmo.-a'e the many years at 09lH11"'"
East State SIr_. Admossion .... be Sot lor RANDOLPH OH
door $12. tallgat"'ll $8. ~ $S (...... $1 1/ a rt"">ed by !he P109" Doslnc1 Works Head-
each pe<oon llIIend lnglndoor space ........ MAY 11 quail.... whoch *Qope<>ed in the 1920s and
lick.. is bOught in ""a...:.) Table admItS able by ad'Iranced 'I?st,all()f'l only (Conlact Th. Po" a ge ARC "" II hold its a nnua l lUst CI08e<l In Feb'uary. 1987. Frequencoes
one , XY L. kid, undttr 12 I...., Exa m. glv" n;
pre-regist,ation P''''''''ed. Walk·in reg istra·
Wa n Jone s N80 0 L, 17 Be' kley O' ive . Athens
OH 45701; 6 14-593-787 1,)License e..mina-
Poflaga Ha m!. " on Ma y 17, 'rom
8 a .m. to 4 ",ill be 3.950, 7230. and 14 235 t QRM, Fo.- a
p.rn., 11 lhe POfIa ge County Fa i.g,ounds. epeciaI8·112 . 11" certecere. send a 9 . 12·
lion at 9 a.m .. tesl"'!l a l 10 . Talk~n on 7. 121 hans .... be offered It all lowell. ( MI~ eom- Iocaledon Ale .... bel e en Interstale 76 I nd SASE 139< poala\l8J ...-.th )'OUf log .... mber 10
7 .n. For more informahon or 10 ma k. flI'SlIf. pleled Form 6 10 afld I Chec k lor $4.35 Rte :>:>4 .. RandolpIl. QrNo. TOCI<elS are 13 .. KAlAWS . 24' Tapeslry Onve, Sl LOUIS MO
vatlOf"lS (check payable 10 OBRA). contact payable 10 ARRUVEC 10 Jof'In COrn."M
Chris Mohr N2OHN. 50 Ha m. on Place. Pa rlin
NJ 06859; (20 1)·727·1769.
NC 8V. Exam Coo.d,nalor . 10 1 Coventry
_Ince Ind 13 50 I I I"" gal" Insoda dtSPlay
taDles ("" Ih Chi") a re sa. and oulSld& Ilea
Lana . Athen s OH 45701 ,) Talk' ln On 146.341 ma,ket s pace is $3 pe, space . Tal k·;n on
.94, Fo.- ge..... a1 in'o.-mahoo . ",rile 10 Ca rl J . 144 .7911 45.39 For lable reservalion a nd ad- SOUTHING TON CT
Denbo-. KA&lXG. 63 Morris A""flUe. Athens MAY 17
d~1Oft8l ..lormatoon. cotIl8C'I ~ SoIactc
ASEGWEIl AWARD DAY OI-U5701. KJ30f8. 9971 0<ag00'Ial Road , Mantua QI-1 The SoulhonglOn AAA .... hold lIS 4th an-
MAY 17 nual Flaa M..... eI on May 11. from 91. m . 10 2
....255; ( 2 1 6r 2 7~ .-o
Th" Prlnc" Ed",a'd Island ARA "" II cele- WABASH IN p.m.. al Soulhlngton Na tlOflal Gua,d Armory.
b'a'e Abeg"'e it "''''a ' d Cay on May 17 some- "'AY17 590 WOOd.uff S t, eel. SouthIngton , Conflll'Ctl'
......... in lhe wilds at PEI.• 'rom 1200 UTC to The WilbIs/l County ARC WIll hold liS 19th CHICAGQ ll cut , Admission is $2 , Table!; sa in _ anca.
8W'O"lfnaIety ‫סס‬oo UTC. Modes: SS8 and ........... Hamllsl . begonnong 115:30 I "I ., on MAY 11 $ 10 at Ir.e door. Two pe<sorl!I admlrtlHl ""'"
CW only. Recom...... lded fr~: CW- Ma y 11 a t the Wl bash Counly 4-H Fai,· 1""- Chicago ARC .... hold Il$ ......... MIfIi. each !.able purchased Cut-dl da le lor tables
21 100. 1<1~. 7100. 3100: 558--2 1300 . grounds (Sla~ Road 13) ln Wabash. IndIa na Ham'esta ll()f'lon Ma y 11. 'rom 9 a .m. 103 • May 11. .... ctaases of e . ams _ be !I""'"
1<1 .250. 7.200, 3.800. For mo,e in'ormation Donatiofls a re $4 a l the door and $3.5<1 in p.m .. al Norl h Pa,k Vil lage, 5801 N PUlask i. t,om 10 •. m.10 2 p. m. To pre-'egISler. "'flte to
and rulM. contact Oave 5mil h VE ICIK. Box ad vance, Advlnce ,eservahon s a'e , eque s t- ChICago. ill inOIS, Admm ion $ l . Hall table $3 . Vinc en t C al a nd, a, 44 Matthe", s 5t ' e e l .
529. Kel'\Slt'!lton. Pnnce Edw. rd Island . COB ed Inside tables are $10 , Un~"""ed outdoor Iu~ lable $5 (admots one 1eI\ef) For into. caM Soul~onglon CT Q64.89 Ta!k-Inon 14628188
1MO: l!102Hl3S-<l2<16 (a ltllt 220ll UTe), nea·mlrkel space . Amaleu' 'adio e ..ms 0.- 145 600 . For I"""'" ..Iorma l""'. cal CheI

"The Digital Voice Recorder

echos your thoughts"
ACC's Digital Voice Reco rd er a llows you to
remotely record your voice over th e a ir u sing
digita l s torage in its huge m emory a rray. - a bou t your system , club, meetings, a nd
PCM recording results in the h igh est possible special even ts . And you ca n m ake your
fidelity, so you 're proud of how it s ou n ds on repeater the friendliest around . With its
yo u r repeater. no -compromise high quality PCM digital
audio processing, even famous celebrities can
The DVR's voice mailbox gives you r repea ter sou n d like they're live at you r repeater s ite!
u s ers com pu ter bulletin-board like capabi lity
fro m a ny radio with a mtc a n d Tou ch-Tone The DVR connects easily to your RC-850 or
pad. With mes sages s tored in voice, your u s ers RC-85 con troller. And one DVR can support
d on't n eed s pecia l gear to enjoy the latest in u p to t hree repeaters for a cost effective
com m u n ication s techn ology (from a nywh ere) . ins ta lla tio n .
Your repeater's IDs and other messages can The Digital Voi ce Recorder is the neatest thing
consist of remotely recorded DVR a u dio tra ck s to happen to repeaters s ince ACC's repeater
which ca n provide tnfonnaUon to yo u r u sers con troller s . Request ou r a u d io d emonstration
tape s o you ca n hear It for yourself,

ace oe-e-eec
ConIrOIS. no::

~ =========== 2356 Wa ls h Ave nue , Sa nta C~ ra , CaMo.ni a 95051

(4G8) 727·333Q
.. 144

73 AmafeurRadio • May, 1987 47

'" 162


, • ' _ SI.I'l\' ~
....) .llEl«)£lI • .\lA ' lI!STUlI

Amateur. Business 5 . ....TS940S
,_ .
.- - '0
Mar ine. and SWL
Ma)Or Credit Cards
~~ y~ .

•... _--
- ---
_ ..,._u
-We ship UPS-
Most Major Brands

-c-seies & Service-

Radios. Ant. Books
IC·75U .......·

TM2 5 10

»- -
"'Ol.I.. _ "
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..._ _ . .. • c...".
N' .•

and Accesscoes
ICOM, Kenwood. Yaesu
~ and Many More!! !f.;.3~ ...._

- -
.>t _
._:':'"-. ,...-- ...... . ,'"
n ·757Glt ."", •••'....

. . .. UIO _
IC.o3AT ".....,.. MAYU MA Y 30
II:I7:m!I The Quebec P' OVInclal Ha mF... wIN be The C&ntral MIChOgan Amat8<J' Repea1ef
I '1-- ...... n ·167Gll ..._ -
-" hllId on May 24. begoworog;ll 9 a m.. ;II IIle As1Ioci.aIion ... spot\SOI' Ita 13l1'o annual Ha ....

TrKy Curlong Club . AdmiMron $4. T~: f1ISl on May Xl.IfOmS • .m unlJl l p .m.• t llle

I 1I:I7:m!I ' outdoo< $6 . indoor $6 . L,mlled qua nt Ity; Midland CommuMy ee"lfH ,n Moland. Moct>-
TH·21 5A

.. --
.........'UO'....... ........
--- - -
. -..,.
ple_ .....-vtI 0010<. M.y 15. For mora inlo<-
malion. wflle to Sorel·Tracy ARC. PO eo•
19an. Adm>ssion is $4 . Ta bles sa and $4 .
Amat"u, rad'o I,cense e 'ams given. Talk_in

- _.
AUTH~IZED 533. Sorel cc J3P 5N6 Ca nad a on 1-41.00/. 60 . For mor e inlo<mahon. contac1

.-- ........
.,"" " - '-

~ .-~


--- ruu

MAY 24_25
CMARA Hamlftt. PO eo. 61. Modland MI
-486-40 {Pie.... S ASE) . (511)"Ul·9228
(e.".IQSaI'ld _endS)

.•... - _.~

28360 South River Rd. _. . _

_"':" -:.);. _ u
..... :u Too Ma"n Cou nty ARC wIll ope,ale W6SG
f, om 1500 UTC on Ma y 24 until 0300 UTC on
Mt. Clemens, MI 48045 BENCH TESTED May 2S to commemorale the SOI h annivef·
","",Iously _nN ...... . _ *"'Y of IIle Gold&n Ga.. Bridge Suggnled
The ARCS and Skaneateles lions Club
3 13 · 4 6 9 -4 6 5 6 1'l'Quencllt. · CW-3 ,100. 7,100. 1-4 050 .
21.100; ll/lO" 3.900.1.250. 1-4275.21.350
... lIIlOI'l9O'" 1t>e lSI Sl<_eles ....... and
;t ORM . nd inte<esl . For . 8P'C'-' 0Sl card. Computer Feet on May Xl. ' rom 8 a m 10 5
AMERITRON . BUTTERNUT . LARSEN . W£Ll I NYE VIKING . MIRAGE I KANTRONICS p,m,. at Allyn Arena. Jordan end Aus tIn Sts. in
eend an SASE (' 10 Dueiness) ...1" QSL card
andcontac:I number to MAAC . PO Bo. 1231 . S ka ne ale les. New VOrl< . 25 miles weSI o'
Sy,acuse on U,S Ate , 20. Admission ... $2 ,50
San Aafael CA 94901.
K.A litH .t 628-9346 bet..een 5 aI'ld 'lI p.m. or TUCKERTON WIRELESS TOWER 15TH in adv,nc'. 13 at the 98te Outdoor lie.
Mnd an SASE 10 Southonglon AAA. PO eo. YAY 23-24 markell$ S250 in advance. $3 .. 1t>e 981'
Indoor lIN .......81 (80l0oi tebIe) • sa in ad-
873. SouthongIon CT 060489 The Old aarn.v ARC 01 Sou1hem OCean COHSTlTUTlON 200TH
YAY 25 vanoa. $10., lhe 981e. Kids 12 aI'ld uncle<
County. N.... Jeorwy. and t"'- Tucktlflon HIS-
ITee. d ",~ h anendee. Adva nce lickets by May
tcineal Society ... Msponsor the operallOn of Amata ur radio celebrales the blC8fltenn'a!
TAYLORMO 16. Walk·in VE license e xams given ($-4.35
s pecia l-eve nl s la tKIn KT2W. f, om 0001 UTC of the Conslitulion of the United S tates. ste-
MAY 11 payable 10 W5YINEC) a t I I am . Talk·in on
on May n through 2359 UTC on May 2-4. to hons in Wash ington . O,C .. a nd Philadelphia.
1-4 70011 4640 end « 2 3 For ftlMfVations
The Wesl" n Illinois ARC will hokll1s see- com..-norale Hilt 75th anniwBary of ee Penn!lytv...... .... ceIebf. .. IIle "'"'1I'llI 01
or more inlor.....I_ . caN Hanll Bry,nl .1
ond annuilI Tn.$tate S""Plest on May 17 on start of c:onstrue100n of 1t>e TueI<ll<1OI'l W. . _ CXlnSl~utoonal corq_. WuhongIon _
13 15~n68. Of _10 Sl<aneataIIoS Ham-
COflIU"Cbon WllI'I ~ .... "pohs(ud less T _. Frequencies: CW-160-10. SO _ ... tNl NN3Sl(1t>e~Ins1~ ....1
lest. -49 EILlllbeth 51",,1'1. Skanuteles NY
by C ~ -488 allIle Expmll hental Aircnf1 kHI up in CW bands; phol, 1.850. 3.890. .nd W3 0 0 S (Ihe Oe pl. 01 Stat,). TIla
AMociation The event wi.
be held .1 Haerr 7.2 50 . 1-4 .280. 2 1,380. 28 ,-480. 1-44 ,220. Ph ~ a"eiptll. s1atoon .. ~I be K3MTK. S1atoons
13 1$2 ,

Field. s ix miles west of Quincy. lIhnOlS, in 146.52. loca l repealers . and Olhers , S pecia l .. ill be on Ihe air during the day end evening
hylor. Missouri (at the junction of Rles . 61 QS L Ilia KT2W. send SAS E. , I.rling a t 1500 UTC . somewhere in the lower
. nd 24). Gene<allldmouion beg1na ,t9 am third 01 the 20-. 40-. aI'ld 1S--meler POItiollS 01 JEFFEAS<* DAVIS' B' OAY
VEC . xams lor .. ~ dr ...... be 1t>e General ~ . O!her $ 1 _ may IO"l YAY 30-:Jl
QIi¥«l. Tall<.", on 147,03 , For rTlor8 inIorma- and ... iOenIlfy ~ • CXlnSl~ut_
CARROU COUNTY 150TH The Con'Ide"1e S'!Inal Asaoc:ial_ of
toon. _ to The Wes"," I.noie ARC. PO ...toons. FOf WashlngIon conI8CIS. send •
MAY 23-24 . 30-:11 South MossiHoppi _ operet" a s.pec1a!·....e.ll
eo. 3132. Ounicy IL6230 1. ' 10 SAS E wrth yourOS Lcard to NN 3SI. Com·
Th. C.rroll Counly ARC .. ill ope , a te S1"toon on May 30-3 1 10 celebrate J , ffe<son
municalion' E. hibihon , National Museum o! Oav,s ' birlhdey , OperaliOn t,mes ",ill be 1800
K3PZN From 1300-01 00 UTC on May 23. 2-4. American History . Smithsoni.n Instilution,
andXl. and lrom 1300--1900 UTC on May 31. UTC Saturd. y to 1900 UTC Sunday . The Ire-
SA MUEL YORS E DAY Washington DC 20560. FOf Phila delph'. quencies pl"nned .re 2 1,150. 2 1,350.
YAY 23 in oaleobi'aloon of carrol Cc:u11y', Sasfl'1ican- contacta. Hnd til.... 10 WB2 YEH . 1258 28150 . 2 8 .350. 50 .150. 14.1 50 . • nd
tennoal , ()perahOn'" CIC:CUf in IIle lowe< SO
The Bay ArM AAS ... ~Ie epecialo Wa lnul Ava nue . Pa nnu uke n NJ 08109 Q21SO OSl .... W A. JenrayKMCRT. PO
kHz allIle Gene<al phone bands. For an 8-112 W nle .'Corw!I1ubon'. on the _ 01 your
_ _oon KM3I on May 23. to 000T0/!l8W.1O- eo. 1123. GuFlpon MS 39S02-0923.
x 11 ce<lfficllte . Mnd 0Sl and SASE 10 C",·
ral. the .nn-.ary of Samuel Morae 's Ii<et en-..elope in l""lower lotll comer.
roll County ARC. PO eo. 2099. Westmins ter
broadcast From Was"ington. DC. 10 a eru-
M0 211 51.
more. M.ryl.nd Operation ",ill be CW on 40.
20. and 15 mel.... 25 kHI up !Tom the low SIOUX CITY HE NEW INGTON CT
end aI _ band. :t 5 kK>. For • ~ YAY 21-31 MAY 31
oral..... c:er1rhcale. Mnd log intormatoon and WEST FRIENDSHIP YO The 3IlOO Club aI'ld 1t>e SooIand ARA _ The t... ... q1onAmal Radoo I allill'. . . .
8. 10 SASE 10 BAARS. PO 60x 80S. p..". YAY 24 ooIaboral"'!l on Hamboree,g 10be I'>ek:I M. y hold cts Ioul'lh annualllH rkel on May 3 1.
_ MO. The Ma ryland FM Associ,hon ""n hold 29-31 al the Marine Inn in south S40u. City. !Tom 9 •.m. 10 2 P,m t N_ington High
ilS a nn ua l Ha m!esl on May 24. I, om 8 •. rn. to Nebraska. Several &e m,na, s will be featured . SChool , Willa'd Avenue (RIe, 173>. Newing.
3 p .m.• at Howa' d County Fairg,ounOa. Wesl Conve ntion admiSSion ... $5, For conve ntIOn 1on. Connecticul. Admission ia $2 at I"" door.
YAY 23
Frienclsl'lIp, Maryland (1:10. Xl miles _ I of ..-;jlstra tion . ..Tite 10 Oicl< Pitner W'FlO . InOoor tables $850 ($10 ,It" May n}. teiIgal.
BaltlmClf'l , Donahon 13. Inside tabIetI by 2931 P*ceSlreet. S40uxCity 1A 5 110-4. AN ing .. $5 . Ama...... racloo . 'ams ... be aI·
The Oumam FM A"""""'MIOn ... hold ita advance registtatoon $1. III tl'Kt GOOf $10 . """"Mt~_$4 MCh. Forteble ~ ...., Talk.", on 1-46.52. 1.... 8511015015. Of
.......... ham_ on May 23. !Tom 8 . ,m. unt ~ 4 iI ....Pable. T.U..", on 1-48 ,18/.76. 222 ,18/ _. _ to ..... SmoIh WIf'EX. 3S29 Oooogl" 223 .24122-4 .&01 , FOf e x.m onlormaloon or labia
pm .. . t the lowe< rear deck 01 1t>e South 223.76. or « 9 .1/«4 1. For tables or inlo<· Street. Sioux City IA 5110-4, E.ams WlII be tMe<V.toons. oontac:1 Lee And,ew KA 1KRP .
Squ.re Mall in Ourllam, NOrlh Catol,n• . Tail: malion. conlact J Im CWord N3FBV, 7<16 1 g tven Sunday morning at the Ma..ne, send 23 Grov e SHeet, West HarlfOfd CT 06110;
gating ie Iree. FCC exams given, TaJk·in on Terry SHee" Fl. Meade MD 20155: (30 110 $4.25 and 'fOUr requeet 'Of • Form 6 10 10 {203j.S23-04S3, Enclose an S AS E lor replyor
1-41 ,8251.225 , 61+47$2 W'FZO. Talk.... on .31/.97. con.i,mation ,

48 73Amateur Radio • May. 1987

• Z
• IC-1271A Base Station coder/ decooer. tc- rszs The IC-RPI210 com pletes your
internal AC p ower su p- 1.2GHz system. It features a fie ld
• IC-12AT Handheld p ly. AC-1200 preampli- programmable ( 198 chann el. DIP
fier and the lV- 1200 TV switch), high st ab ility Pll, repeater
• NEWl IC-1200 Mobile int erface access to
• IC-RP 1210 Repeater uni t . CTCSS,
t hree-
Explore 1.2GHz with lCOM. Only digit
ICO M offe rs t he mo st co m p let e li ne of OTMF
ham gear for 1.2G Hz... t he IC-1271A full- decoder
feat ured base station tra nsceive r. the The IC-12AT handheld covers for contro l
le-12AT handheld. the new 1C-1 2oo from 1260-J299.990M Hz, has ten me m- o f special
mobile and the IC·RPI21 0 repeater. ory channels , memory scan, program functions,
So. get away from the crowd and be a scan and programmable offset. It al so 10 watts ,
p ioneer on 1.2GHz. features an LCD read out. RIT and select-
VXO, 32 built-i n tones and a DTMF pad . ab le hang
The IC-1271A 1240-I300M Hz base
station t ransce iver feat ures 10 watts of
RF out p ut power, 32 memories, scan-
The new IC-1200 I.2GHz mo b ile
transceiver has 2 1 memory channels,
ti me and I
JO'er. I:: : : : : : ;:: : ;::l
ning and multi-mode operation includ- scannin g, an HM-14 up/down scanni ng
in g ATV {amat eur rv i mlc. RIT, large LCD readout and 10
A variety o f options are availabl e watts power out put . Accessories in-
for the IC- 1271 A inclu ding t he IC-EX31O
voice synt hesizer. UT-1 55 CTeSS en-
cl ude t he PS-45 sll m-line external
p ower supply. ICOM
ICO M AmElfica, rnc.. Z38Q- 11Sth Avenue NE, Bellevue, WA 98004 Customer Sttrtk:e HotHn. (
3150 Premier Drive, Suite 126, Irving. TX 75063 / 17n Phoen ix Parkway, Suite 201 , Atlllllta, 3Q349
ICOM CAN ADA, A Division d ICOM America, tnc.. 3)71 - ~ Road, Unit 9, RiCh mond, B.C. vex 2T4 Canada.
.. ~ _ ,.... . .... ,""",""'" are ..aroximat• .-.d s<J!llec;t to ch~ . ,1tlOuI nobce Of obhg.atlOn. !'oJ1lCOM _ lIgtl,ficantIy • • ceeCI FCC regul8~ .""""0 ~...-sionI. 12GHl:l87

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Wood bridge, ....'rg<"1,1 22191
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Store H ou ~
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F 10 a m,-8 p m,
Sat tu a.m.c- s c m
Or der Hours, M·F 9 a m.. 7 p m
sat to a m, -4p", , "


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COD loe: S?35
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W" 'II <'"'1'1 ~OO , Older wll~ $ ' SPECIAL
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Yo u'll find us i n Dayton, Oh io, April 24·26 CUSHCRA FT
AJ3"".~IO-Is.-2Om ~17<)5

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~ 3 H)- I S · 2Om V," , uI
2 1 ~WB SS8/fl~ 2m !looole'
292 'IS
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ARX- 2B 2m Ringo Ranger 36 SO
421 8Jl2mBoomer 1039S
lO-4CO ........",1{)n 1119S
sell ·s u p portl ng 10 ...."
1S-4C04-..n15m 12'S 9S HB UO ""Iw! ""lh Ilisr 209 'IS
• 40--2CO 2·o\ome<'Il 4()rn 2'96 9S HBU 8 48-teel . ,l n ILlse 21995
or,...- Cusncrall modelS .... ,1IIl4e C4ll HBl Sfi Sfi-leer ""n ILlse 3-49 95
HDBX40 H'Oner 1_ " ,ln ILlse 2S9 95
Kl M
n :l4A 4·. 1emen1 10-lS-2Om
~ T:l4 U 6-*""", 10-- IS-20m
", IlDBX 46 H,gh<!r load .. ,10 ILlse
olner 8 X. HBl_ HOBX
339 9S
,n s/«"
S T·20T
2'm- 1U 1l.......,2m '" Gu,.el toldo'o-er 10"" ' "
2m HT 2.... 16LB~ 16-~rlm '"
F ~2'SS8 'ill- "" 25G
FUSs.- s.- -Ietl _4SG
432-3OlBX3O-e1e U O "' H,
f't>or~ l.n masl S' '" orner SI_ .1 S'_ ShOng5
f ,oergl" . maSl l '
'"'''' FOIrJltW/fS stoppN r'et gM ",",C
10" ~j9/1et .."I 01 'ne lloelr <es
S IlI1ll hi SKtiOtls,
20G Sr,."o", Sect"'" 39 95
Cl-l3 3,"""" T'1CanclBum
1A-l3 3·........, IO-IS-2OIrl
'" ss 25GSr,-.nl s.c:""" _9 95

• Pr031I eoemenr Ia-IS·2Om 465 9S _SG S""'OI" Secnon 11095
ii','. FT 757GX
,-~' ~ Hf _lranscetver with
P'oS7 lO-12-IS-17'~Om 46S 9S Coml'Ie1e Towe r P."hll". '
.v: ·· G~ne
. ial CO'te! BlIe Receiv~ .
~' "
Pro 61 , 0-12-15-11-20-40m 51995
45 G
HUSTL ER ee- c.l C-
se c.l C-
, 6-lllV IO-1J(lrn VertltlIl ..",,)Om
S-ftIV 10--_ V,"ouI
128 95
IDe <)5 f~" 1JoK04O" ~ flIO _ _. nwJ
4-BTV 10·40mV'''0Cl01 819S SKI"",_ Nw_ _ Shtt/t. 9Ul' lJr..-oets
(;6-440 _~ O MHl ll. se Ve'Tl cal 99 9S 9~~ ...,~_ r~mOuclr "'" ",IIfbNJI lJi" n ,

G1- 144 2-"'"'e' Bas! verlOClOI I ' S 9S 9U~ dnchors, caDIft c/imp" 1~, mD ItS
(;6-1U81m!laseV.'toca! 879S A,. a""'l 'ub'lIlulrons ant! custom
'1 0 -""'0 ,2 ",...,,
B\I' I fluMpor "'tIlIn,
11 SO
14 9S
""'9'" f_
l'*9!'l WllfCI 1JoK""
FOB _ . ,II._ S!HfJ(J«!

1,l0 ll1lf !lESI)IU, TOIlS 5t1neJ,arC !>upor H Y·GAIN TO WERS

, 0 ..MI 5!11!r..- 1195 1795 HG3 1SS 37-1ftl1.i1l CAll
,> :t-,',- 2{) mel.., IS 50 21 8S HGS2SS SHeel lall ou
. N EW FT 767GX :lO , nC.Ome," r$ 1795 2595
NEW FT -727R
,All MOde r ranseever
FM 240 zm. 25- watl 1S me'"" 1995 36 95
HGS_HO s.- ·leell h'Onor loaC
HG1()HO 6(J-leelloign... lo.Jd
•, 2nlf 440 MHZ' Dual 6artd Hi
~. . ....'. . ..\oilh t AT SySle!Jr HY·GAIN A NTENNAS
Or. . H ~-G.trn _
INJ Hy.a.n
. Hy-G.trn ""lenni
_...c '-"
...:,' .'
NEW FT23 i73 -Pal mate
_~ 2m / 44 0 M H z MIni Handheh;1s ... "
- FRG 8800 •

3915 TH 10 ~ 1-'" 10- IS-2Qm
3935 THSn~ 5-"'" 10-IS'2Om
39S5 [ .plore, 14 'O- IS-l0m
"035 J-! Iemenl ~·m e l .. lln m
2085 8-e1emenl 2·"""r..-lle.lm
IrH s/loUll"'l1 "" ~

W:l6 J6 " " _ s.-900

• General Coverage Receiver 214S14 ...,.....112 -.....er!lum CAU WISI 51-'-'IoIN 9?'100
B"B6llum ~
••• •• • •
CAll l "'~ s.- leel l "'0.... lui 1S7S 00
.' AH made 150k Hz·30MHz V2S 2-.....e< VerTouI C4ll
S/lltJII<ng"" mc_ SfbW«/ ""reI

- • •fC _"!. t
V_S UO OIHI V~'ht.ll' C4LL
r'l)ffl rdC/fn m 'W~ rou """"'"
... ,. PARAGON HF Transceiver
4V4 "1rH M lSI JG2m ()oI-gl.l1i1i 12 50 CA BLE BY SAXTO N
• & General Coverage Receiver
UR5{ " l U -I 50 518 "'''' "'CIum 39 <)5
Il UTTE~ " Uf HF6V 10--8OnIv.l 11995
IIIl~13 11 Spec
11GB U f .,..,, 95'llo S_
2'9" ' f!

-: -,. --
6UnE~IlUT Hf ~B eee llNm 189 95 8 .. "e ROtIlor 2118 6 n l 17"lr
BU nE ~ "Uf 21,4CVS 2m 42 1S ,",," ·8 gs 'll Sl'Heid 13"11

..n . t : --
VOCOM SiB· ... .... 2m Hatl(l held 15 95
C llble wllve Ha rd li"e CALL
T <:
~ ~ "_ · :lII
" ·_--
. ,- ­
a Cu,tcu".16TIlT .,sr S995 lllno. lloro1lors ....a.DOo , ~,

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, , FRG 9600 _ ,.
.' ., S<:aOtling Receiyer ' ~, ACCESSORY RX'325 Sho rt Wave Receiver
Mobile HF Antenna s
CliShCr<lll .0.144201 2O-ole
C~snc "'t .lOPI P;Jck~
KlM ~m - 1 4C "m ' 4 ·~I " C "C "I ..
16 9S
Hy 'Gaon ...., IV
Hy -G.oin h,n-..,sler fi X
Hy'G.oI. Heavy-dull 300
10' £0,-905 MHZ FM/ AM/SSB PACKAGES ~ lM 43S-18C 18·~e Ci,c PtIl.r I I I 19 h npro ~ R 500 EIe-.t. II(IIl ~ O l al or 199 95
Cali lor Ie n-Iec Prices ~l '"' 2m - 22C ?1 - ..eC"c2m 10900 ~ en pr o ~1I s.- oo " mrM .......r

8 ~ 3A 2m A m ~ , t oeo 2-30 120 9S 1JI1L: .. n d P rIC" Qu o In !l1;JCl<lcn",.ne S19S161.95 Pm",,", 3:>0 " Il'a l.g!>1set <;.e 9 ~ 831SPPl.2S9s" ...r 1 25
BIOI61m"""",,",lO·IIiO 249 95 Pfooom 2:.0 SQIl PIIOneIIfll". 72 90 83 1SP I05ON,c" .. ptr,9 095
•• W 8~ I 1Y1'" N IlG8 2 50
8XlI6 2m ~ 3O ·lliO 21995 DAIWA PtocGm .~ ~ p/'IIlIIes ~ SO
37S6-llOSIIJOIICoo.S..1C/l 2'S95 2'900 50139 B"C 2 'i'l
0101010--100 AIrlpklr Oo-~ 29'195 Pfocom400~ ."' l<. H %
L4-21l6!>~ lm oIsnp , 2 ... iii) OU' 12'S <)5 3~ S-posoroon eo.. S.'1dl 2'S 95
01010" UHf Atnpt ~ c(1I''''lICkirS 29'195 l'rocom 4IitI1WIllded ~ 31 XI 3112 BOle ~GS9 I 3S
l 4-2OJS~""'Amp ..,mpr.Amp 1.<)5 42'S 1 kW lOW PlIss f,1Iet 29 9S
B215 1m 4 mp 2,n, 150nur
~10 1 S 6 m A m p lO in 1500UI
W3 J-pnsi non Coa, S.. ,r<~
595 6· pns,roon Goa , SwoTCO
2S 95
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All ".l~d 'P<'<jfiulOons .'~ .p~o.i""'e.,...j ... b1ea '0 e " _ .. " ....... , nobee Of obli.... iOn A1llCO 'ol ~diOt "",ifico...,!, e"eed ra: 'rcuWions ~m;lIn. "9Unous ~mi...io... ...H31
you just have to remember the and XMOOEM protocol lor file
specifications 01 the signals you tra nsfers, and it has a full-featured
TTY LOOP are dealing with. Please be sure
to let us all know when you are
screen editor, I am told. There al-
so are user-defined macros thai
"connected." can hOld stat ion 10 information,
CO, OBF, orthe like .
Marc I. Leavey, M.D. WA3AJR get to mention ATTY l oop in your The AEA PK-232 John feels that the combination
6JennyLane correspondence. A. George Newlon , Jr., DDS 01 the Apple lie and MODEM
Pikesville MD2r208 WB2VUN 01 Skaneateles, New MGR , coupled with a good de-
VHF/HF Packet Operation York, is look ing lor the best " black modulator (he used the Theta-
YAAP A l etter from Roge r Owen box" to hook his TS-43OS 10 his 777), is excellent for gelling onto
In honor of the month , " MAY" WD8DJA poi nts up one possible Apple II Plus computer to get on ATTY, as well as tanoune commu-
I tell yo u about a little item I problem when you're trying to gel ATTY. Besl? Boy , have I dealt nicati on . H e does sound a s
j us t rece ived ? J ohn Langner a modern SSB transmitter onto wilhthat one before. let me goout IhOugh he 's lound a winner.
WB20SZ of Chelmsford. Massa- ATTY. Aoger details his problems on a wire, though, and mention MOD EM MGA is available Irom
chusells, has written a " simple" with putting an AEA Pakratt (PK- the AEA PK-232 th is month . I am MGA Software (Suite 101, 305 So.
AnY program tor the Atari ST. In 64) onto ATTY with his Kenwood looking at one, and it is lovely! Stale College Blvd., Anaheim CA
a bit, you'll see why I put the word 5305. I will try to tell you all more about 92806) for $49 .99 plus $3 ship-
" si m ple" i n quote s . Anywa y, Roger' s f irst problem was a it as I have fun with it; but for now, ping and handling, according to
John notes that there is an Alan bum chip in the Pakratl, which ap- if suffic es to say that if you can run the company. They do not adver-
Microcomputer Network, which pa rently took quite a whi le to clear a modem from your computer, tise in amateur rad io maqazines.
gets together on Sundays at 1600 up between his local dealer and you can run this one. And run it on so if you do contact them, be sure
UTe on 14.325 MHz (moved a tad A EA . He finally retrieved his on ATTY, CW , packet, and even to let them know thai readers of
for CRM if need be). Th is might be Pakratl, and although he says it AMTOA. It looks like Ihe mach ine 73 's RTTY loop are aware oltheir
a good place to start il you are work s l ine on VHF packet , he for all season s. I don't know if it existence , and that advertiSing in
interested in pulling an Atari on leels that it "isn't worth a 'hoot' truly is the " best," but it certainly 73 mighl not be a bad idea!
the air. when I try to copy ATTY signals on must be one of the finest.
The program, called Yel Anoth- HF." Acc ord ing to A oger , his Watch here for my future Hassle-free RTTY
er ATTY Program (YAAP). is tar Pakratl does have the HF modem thoughts on this one .. . soon! In Anyone who writes me on note-
from " simple." Featuring both paper headed " T EXA S TUA-
Murray (five-level) and ASC II op- KEY " and punctualed by a picture
eration; a split-screen display; a of an armadillo at the bottom can 't
time and date status line; built-in
"While operation on VHF vs. HF be all bad , so let me turn 10 a note
ca, RYRY, and Quick Brown Fox packet may look the same, the rf side I received from Paul Johnston
messages; editing; a type-ahead KA5FVI of Austin, Texas. Paul is
buffer; printer output; and the abit- of the picture is quite different. rr another ham look ing to get onto
ity 10 transfer data to an d Irom disk ATTY " with as little hassle as pes-
files , this program Clearly classes sible. Do you have a free silver
with many other systems' full-fea- installed. He describes his 530S the meantime, look through Ihe platter?"
tured programs. as with " all 'bells and whistles' August, 1986, packet issue 01 73, I me ntion Paul's letter separate-
YAAP is set up to use an exter- and has a 500- Hz CW filter in- and you might want to peruse the ly because he raises a common
nal te rminal unit (demod ulator, stalled: no SSB filter, however." survey artic le in Ihe March , 1987, point . He says he feels no need for
modem, or _ [fill in your lavarite Well , Aoger, that may just be the issue of OST, which gives a cap- a computer, unless it might help
tenn)). The serial port connector problem . sule description of just about ev- him in this venture . And one of the
on the back 01the ST is used (with Wh ile operation on VHF VS. HF eryt hing on the market. I would be things he especially would like to
standard pin ass ignments used) packet may look the same, the rf interesled in what you come up do is rece ive digital communica-
and the ATS line is used to key t he side of the picture is qui te differ- with. Be sure to let us know. tions, on a vari ety of modes, and
transmitter. ent. On VHF, the standard tones store them for later review. Well, I
The split screen I mentioned used renew the Bell 202 fermat, MOOEMMGR would say that a computer would
provides for an upper segment for with tones at 1,200 Hz and 2,200 The Apple lie is one comput er be the best way to go!
received date, a status line across Hz . The center frequency, if you that I have seen more questions There are several options . You
the middle, and a transmitted data will, is 1,700 Hz and you r radio about than answers . John Aigsby could stay cheap, with a IUlly soft-
segment across the bottom . On must be able to pass the frequen- N0FAC of Northglenn, Colorado, ware-based systemaroundaC-64
the very last line, a mini he lp line is cies above and below the cent er, pa sses along his impression of or CoCo, or you could use almost
provided . All input is through the so as to pass the mark and space one Apple communications pro- any computer capable of commu-
keyboard , with the lunction keys tones. On HF, however, Bell 103 gram, MODEM MGA. nicating with a modem and saving
serving to select various program tones are used, with a cente r Ire- John says that MODEM MGA is th ing s t o disk a nd i nte rface
options. quency of about 2, 125 Hz, and a versatile program that can be through one 01 the more versatile
A copy 01th is program may be tone pa irs of 2,025 Hz and 2,225 used on Apple 11 + . lie, lie, or en- ATTY -modems , su ch a s t he
obt ai ned b y send ing a blank Hz. Now, yo ur rig is equipped hanced li e comp ute rs , under Pakratt mentioned above or the
diskette and $1 to the Atari Micro- with a CW filter, which is set up to DOS 3.3 or ProOOS, and that it Kantronics KAM or UTU .
co mpute r N et w o rk , cIa John pass tones in the range of 450 to supports most serial and mod em My own bias is to get the best
Adams KC5FW, 17106 Ha ppy 950 H z. You see the problem? cards. An INSTAl l prog ram at- you ca n afford. If you want to get
Hollow, Sa n Ant onio TX 78232. You can't get the correct tones lows the preselection of options your feet wet, go ahead and wan-
That's quite a bargain lor a buck! through that CW filter. such as 80/4O-Column d isplay, der around the bands with a son -
Oh, by the way, John also tells me My suggestion would be either split screen, menu display, and ware sys tem. many have been
that the Network has a newsletter, to invest in an SSB fitte r, which control keys . mentioned here in the past. But
infonnation about which may be would pass the requ ired tones, The net result of this is that once when you want to get serious, I
obta ined fr om Gil Freder ick or to switch the CW filte r out al- the program is configured, you suspect that you' ll wa nt to go
VE4AG , 130 Maureen Street , together and let the modem fil- can apparently boot and run it for a lull-featured modulator/de-
Winn ipeg MB A3K 1M2, Canada . ter the audio lor you . You have w i th a m i nim um of fiddl ing modulator that can support all the
Good luck, Atarians, and don 't for- f i ne equipment t he re , A oger : around. It supports disk transfer modes you will want to cover.
73AmateurRadio • MaY,1987 53
You may do well to read that 470 in disguise) and has a prce- the tones you need, or both, may have not sent an SASE, right?"
review article, too, and be sure to lem. John says that a 1DO-mWsig- be outsi de of the filter and be Right. With the amount of mail
let us all hear from you as to how nal is requ ired to saturate the lim- attenuated. I receive, I do apprec iate the
you make out. iter, so that signals buried in the Although I wrote Heathkit about considerati on, as do most au-
noise just don't hack it . He asks if the HD-3030, they were unwilling thors, of your including a sell-ad-
Info Needed there is any way to increase the to part with any information. I have dressed , stamped envelope with
Turning to harder topics, Rob- sensitivity of the unit. not heard much from readers ei- any letter you wish me to answer
ert G. Unger WB3DTB 01 Naza- Well , John, the obvious answer ther on the unit. Why? Readers? personally. Of course, letters of
reth, Pennsylvan ia, needs some is to put an audio preamp between general interest will continue to
i nfo rmatio n about a Teletype' the rece iver and terminal unit, but All For Now li nd their way into th is column,
Model 32 he is working on. Bob I don't think that is a realistic an- You are a vocal lot, RTTYers, SASE or not.
wants to hook up the 32 via the swer because you will end up with and, as always , I enJOy your letters The reprint list is alive and
terminal strip in the back and as much noise as signal. I don't and questions. Those of you who well, with a sheet detailing what 's
needs the pinouts. I've got to beg know what kind of receiver you are have sent me E-mail via Compu- available for an SASE t o the
off on this one. I don't have any using, but filtering may be the an- Serve or Delphi have found re- above address. I hope to have
documentation for the Model 32. swer you are looking for . sponses in your mailboxes within some new wrinkles in the list by
Certa inly some of our readers do, Ideally , you should have a days-sometimes hours . Letters summer. You might drag your feet
though, and I will be happy to pass bandpass large enough to accom- take a bit longer, but I think I am sending a request until then, un-
along the information to Bob- modate the signal you are receiv- finally caught up. less yo u rea lly are lookin g for
and to the rest of the gang if oneor ing, and no larger. This will clearfy If you have sent me a letter and something now.
more of you would send it to me. change from CW to various RTTY more than a month has gone by, Whether written, via USPS to
OK? Thanks. or packet modes ; one filter, which there is a good chance that either the above address, or by E-mail
may be perfect for one mode , just it has gone astray or it has some- via CompuServe (75036,2501)
Increasing HD-3030 Sensitivity will not do it all. Typica lly, if you how insinuated itself into one of or Delphi (MARCWA3AJR) , I do
An old friend , John Davison are using too wide a filter , you will the piles of papers in my office. At enjoy your letters. questions, and
W~ZFN of Kirkwood , Missouri, be including all kinds of extrane- any rate, please feel free to ring co mme nts . I hope t o have a
dropped me a line the other day. ous junk, which will serve only to my chimes with a reminder. few real fir eball s fo r you over
An old 6800 buddy, he has just damp down the signal you are As one of you wr ote, though , " I th e summer , just t he thing to
o btai ned a Heathkit HD-3030 looking for. Conversely , if you are guess the reason no response has lig ht up th e skies , courtesy of
(which he says is really a Flesher using too narrow of a filter, one of appea red in my mailbox is that I RTTYLoop.

knowledge, Bill is the only ham wind gust speed and time , wind
doing his own predictions and chill, and rainfall start and stop
K6K> PACKET making them available along with
the report on current conditions.
" A local forecast is also provid-
For those who don't have a local ed upon connect. The forecast is
weather node, when you connect based mo st ly on th e Nat ional
Harold Price NK6K mated 30,000 TNCs in the world. to one, you get a report 01 local Weather Se rv ice foreca st, al-
1211 Ford Avenue 1986 was the year that mult i- weather cond itions. When you thOugh J tend to deviate occasion-
Redondo Beach CA 90278 mode TNC s hit it big , and a 2400- connect to KB6CYS, you get a re- ally from theirs based on whal I've
baud TNC didn't. It was also a pen on several weather parame- seen happen in this area along
THE YEAR IN REVIEW year when the hoped-for commer- ters, plus a few lines of text giving with the info from the weather
Well , here it is, my first year's c ial 9 .6K and 19.2K modem s Bill's prediction of the weather for computer. J have caught several
anniversary writ ing a c olumn didn't appear. Rumors indicate the next 24 hours. Bill forecasts storms so far this year that the
for 73 Magazine . Things have that high-speed modems will be twice a day as time perm its. His NWS did not forecast. I also 'blow
worked o ut prett y much a s I On display at Dayton this year . description of his system follows: it' occasionally when I deviate.
thought they would . I promised Let's hope so. The JA$-1 space- " The system consi sts 01 two " I try to change the forecast
Perry Donham that the only COl- craft was launched in 1986; Phase Apple lie computers, a TNC-1 with twice daily when my time permits.
umn that would be on time was the 3C was delayed until 1987. OED firmware, and a Heathkit 10- Other neat gimmicks are in the
first one, and that 's been true ['tis 4001 weather computer with a works for this system , such as
true-eds.l . I still don't agree with PACKET APPLICATIONS custom interface card to latch weather-related files, weather his-
everyth ing Wayne says. And one I'm always interested in what data for a four-port parallel inter- tory, conversion charts, etc."
prediction that didn't take much people are doing wit h packet. face in the Apple . One of the Ap- Because Bill is forecasting for
smarts-packet is still growing. Placi ng applications on the net- ples runs a data acquisition pro- his immediate (small) area, he is
We've shared 148,410 bytes of work is as interesting as building gram written in Basic that reads sometimes able to best the profes-
NK6K > Packet (before editing) in the network itself. A couple of in- the data from the weather comput - sional forecast, which is usually
11 columns (there was no packet teresting things have popped up er and stores the intormation as reporting on averaged conditions
column in the August gala packet in California recently. If there are variables. This info is displayed on for a much larger area. An ama-
issue). Your input is solicited. any interesting packet applica- the monitor and is also held for teur network of weather stations
In the May 86 column, written in tions in your area, write in or output to the TNC. could prove useful for VHF propa-
February 86, I included a cap- send me a packet message at " The info sent to the TNC when gation pred ict ions, especially in
sule history of amateur packet NK6K @NK6K. someone co nnects co nsists of our coastal region where dueting
development up to that time . Most wind speed and direction, temper- is common.
of the work mentioned as under Weather ature, dew point, barometric pres-
development is either complet- The first interesting application sure, rate of change and riselfall White Pages
ed or contin uing . The TCP/IP soft- I' ll d iscuss th is month is the of pressure, maximum and mini- The second application th is
ware development in New Jer- weather node run by Bill Hutchins mum temperatures , lotal rainfall monlh is the " white pages" pro-
sey has expanded to other areas KB6CYS in Cypress, California. since midnight, and total rainfall gram written by Eric W illiams
of the country. The Texas soft- There are other weather-report- for the month. I also have dis- WD6CMU in EI Cerrito CA. His
ware (TEXNET) is up and run- ing systems connected to TNCs played locally the average wind documentation describes it best:
ni ng . Th ere are now an estt- around the count ry, but to my direction over past hou r, peak " WP stands for 'white pages'
54 73 Amateur Radio • May, 1987
The World $5.00

Sl"" X v ~

W2NSD/1 - ,--
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ma p doesn' t even come close!
Now you can get the highest q uality QSL cards without 73 M agazi ne offers read ers o ur O X M ap o f the W o rld for the
spending a fortune! We put these cards on o ur press as filler absu rdly low price o f only S5 .00, sh ipping and handling incl uded.
between jobs; it gives the pressmen something to do and Your ham shack will be incomplete without this giant, 95().
lets us print QSLs for yo u at a n absurdly low p rice. square-inch, u p-to -date ma p . It' s p rin ted in c lassic black and
Not that we skim p: All three sty les are produced on heavy, w hite, permi tti ng you to colo r th e coun t ries in a fter yo u've QSL'd
glossy stoc k , in two colors (blue globe o r satellite with black t hem.
type]. At these prices. yo u can start the new year out right Save yourself the hu m ili atio n of n ever having heard of M cDon-
by QSLing all those disappointed hams who've been wait- a ld Island [w hat's the p refix?l , Jan M ayen (p refU:?1 or Kure Island
ing for yo ur card. Tell 'em the card was printed by Wayne! (p refu:?l. Ord er now... .

Code Tapes
From 73s Library
We 've had so many phone ca lls (rom
people wanting our famous 73 code - 111, Magic of Ham Radio , by Jero ld Swank W8HXR , begins with a brief history ofamateur radio
ta pes tha t we 've decided to bring and Jerry ' s invol veme nt in it . Part 2 details many of ham radio' s he roic momenls. Hamdon ' s close ties
them back! with the continent of Antarct ica are the subject of Part 3. In Part 4 Ihe strange and humorou s sides of
ham life get their due. And what of the future? Part 5 pee n inlo the crystal ball. Onl y S4.95 .
5 wpm- This is the beginning tape. tak-
ing you through the 26 letters, to num- - 111, Conl, sl Cookbook , by Bill Zachary N60P. One: of ham radio' s winninge!>l contesters lets you
bers and necessary punctuation, co m- in on the tips and techniques of the Big Guns . You 'llleam which d uping method to use , find OUI wha l
plete wi th pract ice every step of the equipment you 'll need, and discover the secret o f buildin g a pileup. Includes separate chapters on DX
wa y. The ease of learning gives confi- and domes tic contes ts. $5.95 while they last !
dence e ven to the fa int of hea rt.

6 + wpm· This is the practice ta pe fo r

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Code Tapes
13 + wpm-Code gro ups again , at a Genesis
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starts sending you plain language at o n-
ly 13 per. You 'll ne ed this extra margin 55.00
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20 + w p m -Congratulations! O kay, the
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this far, so don 't quit now . Go for the
Extra class license. We send the code
faster tha n 20 per. It 's like w earing lead
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you 'll wonder w hy the exami ne r is
sendi ng so slow ly!
" When You Buy, say 73" 73 Amateur Radio • Ma y. 1987 55

and is a directory system for pack-

et radio manboxes. II allows re- R : 87 0J 12/ ~ 6 48 @, WB6K AJ nr ee , So . Cal i f. I: 4 341 0 :KR5 S F:14 5. 3 6 /14 , 109
mote query and updating of a R:B7e1 3 11 /l90 5z. {l,UD9 DHI Ce d a rbu r g , WI 1, 3604 0 :KR55 ~·:1 4.109 /1 45 .09
R: 870J09 /0657 @, lil IiAB Bou lder, Co , ' : 20 28 0 : KR5S
database that lists the users of R:B70309 /0B5 3z @:~ 3I W I Balto /Wash . :9986 0 ,KR5 S F,14.l09 /22 1,01
A U -compa ti ble mailboxes and R : 87 0J0 9/ el628 z @: W3 I WI Ba lto /Wa sh .,947 0 : KR5S F: 14 5 .05 /2 2 1 .01 / 14 5 .0l
their home BBS. To use the pro- R:87 e130 6/ l 74 6 z t! : WB7DCH Enumcl a w , WA C, CN9 7 . :11 3 0,KR5 S
gram, a message is sent to 'WP' R : 8 7e130 6 /164 )z tl : W9ZRX * * * IndyGate * * * ' :1 74 5 2
at WD6CMU . The message can R: 8 7 0 J06 / l 64 lz t!:KR5S S e don a, Az. ' :4 8 73 O: KR5S F: 1 45 .01 / l 4 .lA9
have several lines (a single mes-
sage can contain several queries Fig. t , Headers in the la'es' proposed stsraera format.
and updates), but each line must
have one of the following formats: make it possible to have almost The first AEA TNCs used the ers would not be, smpcrtant thinqs
any piece of inlormation (lal/1ong. ent ire des ign . The first Kantron- with limited demand, things lor
< callsign > OTH?
area code , etc .) present in the ics TNCs used the software . which a large guaranteed market
< callsign> OTH c mauoox >
header while ma intaining read · TAPR was abte to prove, with does not (yet) exist.
DE < callsign> @ c manocx »
ability. The format was not order- the 2,500 kits that it made and TAPR pays for tools and sup-
" The first form is a query and dependent, so that the local sysop sold , that there was sutncrent plies, and reimburses communi-
will return the home BBS of the could have items in any order he interest in packet radio in the am- cations and travel costs; it does
person with the given callsign. wanted (see Fig. 1). ate ur co mmunity to justify the not pay salaries. The only TAPA
The second form adds or changes Much 01 the western and mid- expenditu re of cash by main- person paid for labor is the woman
the entry for the given callsign , western U.S., Canada, and pan of stream amateur manufacturers. wh o answers the phones and
storing his home mailbox with his the East Coast have switched to From that " guaranteed market " picks up the mail. TAPR also pays
callsign. The third form provides a that format . All 01 California has base has come the new R&D for packaging and distribution 01
return address for the requested switched, mak ing more programs we've seen from sources other kits-lor example , the K9NG
information. If the message does like WP possible. than TAPA. 9600-baud modem .
not contain a line of the third form, I won't bore you with the de- TAPA also standardized a user TAPR can get involved a little or
the WP program will try to get the tails here; the form at is on ccmou- interlace . Though more sui ted for a lot, depending on the desi res of
return address from the forward- Serve's HAMNET lorum , and it human users than for computer- those involved. On one end of the
ing headers. This will work as long has made the rounds through to-compu ter interlace , the TAPR scale is a TAPR project like the
as the manccxee in the forward the forwarding BBS system. It is command set provided " interop- PSK modem. Spearheaded by
path use the (@:calll format for c a ll e d the V E3GYOJW31WI J erability" across manufacturers' Tom Clark W31WI , the PSK
forwarding headers. W B6KAJ INK6KJWB6VM H pro- products. That made it possible to modem, suitable for use with JAg.
"Replies will be sent to the orig- posal. W0ALI reported at the re- develop standard BBS software 1 and terrestrial work , was done
inating station at the metteox cent TAPA meeti ng that he and and resulted in the W0 RlI mes- entirety under TAPA's auspices.
specified as described above . The WA 7MBl had agreed on using sage-forwarding system. All development hardware was
reply will be generated a few min- that fermat in their BBS software Even hardware that wa s no t paid for by TAPA, and the product
utes after the message is received and will hard-code the order 01 the derived from TAPR hardware will be killed and distributed under
at WD6CMU. Currently, the WP first lew fields. ma intained compatibility with the TAPA 's name.
program is run every 15 minutes, The WB6YMH BBS takes ad- old standard. Such hardware (lor On the other end of the scale is
so that is the maximum wait for a vantage of the standard header example, the AEA PK-232) is now the WlJALlN E3GVQJet al BSS
reply . Of course , queries sent lormat in a different way. A user- providing a bridge between the project. TAPA assisted in that
from oth er rnenocxes will have to selecta ble optio n causes mes o old 1983 standards and future project by paying mo re th an
make their way through the for- sages to be displayed with all 01 standards. The newer PK-232 $ 1,000 in communications cost
warding system, as will the reply ." the headers stripped out, except AOMs con tain a new computer-to- between the developers . Bu t
Like several other lists of users, for the header from the originating computer interfac e suitabte for TAPA's name doesn't appear on
it is only useful if a large number station. This allows BBS sysops to use with the TCPIIP network son- top, just down somewhere in the
of users are listed. If you have a manage and gather stat istics on ware. TAPA 's goal of seeding the credits. TAPA had no more say
similar system in your area or if the network, while not showering market and getting things started than anyone else in the direction
someone is maintaining a list and the user with unwanted bytes. has been mel. the project took.
distributing it, I hope you 'll add Although TAPR "gave away" TAPR is looking for similar ways
your name and home BBS . TAPR MEETING rights to the TNC -1, they (or I to help turn a little money and hard
The 1987 general membership should say we since I' m a mem- work into benefit lor the packet
HEADER WARS meeting of Tucson Amateur Pack - ber) sold the rights to their next community at large. If you have a
In the February COlumn, I re- et Rad io wa s held in late Febru- effort, the TNC-2, on a different hot project, but it's on the back
poned on the header wars. Head- ary in Tucson, Arizona . If you are basis. The rights to the TNC-2- burner because you can' t afford
ers are lines tha t each forwarding new to packet, you may not know on which the MFJ-1270, the GLB (or find) a particular part, or you
BBS adds to the front of a mes- about TAPA. TN C2, the AEA PK-80, the PAC- have one done and would like help
sage as it is passed through that In 1983 , TAPA, a nonprofit A&D COM TNC-2oo, and others are documenting and distributing it
stat ion . Headers can be useful, as club, came Oul with a kit-based based-were sold for $5 ,000 worldwide, con tact TAPA at PO
shown by the WP program dis- term ina l node contr oller that plus royahies of $5 to S3 per unit Boll: 22888, Tucson AZ. 85734.
cussed above. In that example, could easily be assembled and on a sliding scale . This was done The TAPA meetings usually at-
the program can automatically re- put on the air. Included were all lor two reasons . One was to pay tract the lead ing edge of packet
turn a message to the originator. 01 the hardware, software, and off the debt accumulated dur- developers. Among those presen t
The scheme works only if th e documentation needed , and it ing t he T NC-1 days-TNC ·1s were W0RlI of BBS fame, KA9Q
header is a standard format . was the first au-to-one pac kage . were sold at cost; the cabinets of TCP/IP fame, and W61XU of
Picking the standard format is TA PA sold the rights to manu- were sold below cost. The other NETROM lame.
what the header wa rs are all facture TN Cs using this design- was to raise money for luture An interesting non-human at-
about. The war has cooled down a includ ing the negatives of the development. tendee was the world 's smallest
bit; almost everyone is tired of dis- circuit board and silk screen, the TAPA is actively seeking new TNG-2. Bui lt by the Packet Radio
cussi ng the topic. machine-readable source cod e, prciects to support with this mon- User's Group club in Japan, it
One 01 the last proposals to be and the manual-to all comers ey. We 're primarily interested in consisted of two boards, each
made was a scheme that would for $500 . things that the large manufactur- two inches by three inches. The
56 73 Amateur Radio · May, 1987
Electrical 1.5 1.2 - 44 lBX .-..
• Band Width 1240-1300 MHz 1.4
12'BOOM ...-
19 ..

Better than 1.5 to 1 1.3
• • --e
18 Z

Fee d Im p
50 O hms
4:1 Rigid Coax
~ '2
Mechanical 1.1
• Beam Len gth 12' 4"
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• M ast. 2" O. D.
• Wind load 1 sq . ft. FREQUENCY (MHz)

Mirage Communications Equipment, Inc.

P.O. Box 1000
Morgan Hill, CA 95037
(408) 779-7363

boards were four-layer and were being " broadcast" and detected feet of the way we send data is that eri ng system for packet in our
built using surtace-rnount tech- by the bad guys . asynchronous (start/stop mode) area. A preliminary run shOwed
nology. The board was all CMOS This shielding, and Ihe cost of data from a terminal is translated thai 2.6 million characters were
and included all the elements of gett ing the shielding certified, is into a continuous bit-synchronous sent on 145.36 in the LA area dur-
a standa rd TNC·2 . The TNC-2 expensi ve. The Tempest TNC , data stream . The synchronous in g the 24-hour period e ndi ng
software ROM was in a surface. with its forward error correction data is more suitable for certain Su nd ay morn ing 3/8/87 . Not
mount socket. The boards mount- feature and its suitability for con- types of data-encryption devices. counting transmitter key·up delay
ed less than 1" apart. I have little nection 10 an external encryption Al pointed out that here was an (i.e., just the character transmis-
doubtlhat you could lake the elec- device , seus for $5 ,000. Com - example of a project in which as sio n t ime), th at's 299 minutes
tronics from one of the shirt-pock- pared to other similar devices, this much as $1 million in develop- used, or about 20% channel uti-
et HTs and place it and the PRUG is cheap . ment costs had been saved by us- lization. Packets were heard from
TNC-2 in a standard HT volume. The ir TN C ha s bee n on Air ing technology that amateur radio 81 different stations- 145.36 is a
Also present was the world's Force One and has been used for operators had developed. Several BBS frequency .
most ex p e ns ive TN C- 2 - th e White House communications. It of the audience members ex- On 145.01 , during the fOllowing
" Tempest" TNC, being shown by has been used in other high-level pressed a wish that this informa- 24 hours, 1.3 million characters
AI Danis K6HGF fro m Hadron, government applicat ions: aboul tion would find its way to the FCC were heard from 196 st atio ns.
Inc . Tempest is a govern ment 200 are already in the field . for the 220 docket. This is not as predominantly BBS
standard for shielding a device The majOr features of the TNC- as 145.36.
like a computer so that rf generat- 2 that make it useful in this appli- A FEW STATS There are eight frequencies in
ed by the computer is not radiat- cation are the automatic retry of As usual, I' m out of space but active use in this area. We're Ql>
ed. This is not for TVI protection, unacknowledged data and formal have more to say. WB6YMH and iog to gather state on all of them .
but rather to keep the data from of the transmitted c ata. A side et- I are working on a stalistics-gath- More on this topic next month.•

was probably the most foolproof wear out his welcome . WONS re-
scheme ever devised for running mained on the air only as long
UN ! a bootleg station.
Broadcast bootleggers face a
as the flakes were falling, and the
enti re operation was disbanded
st ran ge pa rado x. On the one after a few winters. " I grew up,"
hand, they want their signals to be the pirate's pirate lold me recent-
John Edwards Kf2U force down the throats of potential heard tar and wide. The more at- ly. Grown up , but certai nly not
78-5686th Street inductees, prefer the easy way out lention they gather, the better. On forgotten.
G/endale N Y 11385 and award themselves their own the other hand, they don't want to Unfortunately, as far as radio
t ickets. And with the FCC and attract so much attention that they pirates go, Tom was a rare and
PIRACY ON THE AAAl being what they are these invite a visit from the guys in the intelligent exception. Most boot-
HERTZIAN WAVES days (shambles?), they know the truck wil h the funny antennas. leg stations I've heard recently
WeH , yo-ho-ho. Shiver me tim- chances of being caught are ex- And therein existed the beauty of are of an astoniShingly poor cal-
bers and avast ye transmissions, ceedingly slim. Tom's scheme. iber. Lousy music, lousy talk , and
matey! 'Tis time to talk about a Now, don't get me wrong. I'm " The idea is togo on the air only lousy signal quality are hallmarks
subject near and dear 10 all hams' not endorsing any of this: nor am I during raging snowstorms," Tom of the pirate stations of the 80s.
hearts-radio piracy. waving a disapproving finger. Be- told me at the time. " That way, the What on earth has happened
Who among us has not, al one ing a tan-minded journali st, I'm FCC isn't going to be able to track to the broadcast pirate? Drugs?
poi nt or anothe r, con templated merely pointing out that such ac- you down. No four-wheel drive for Booze ? Heavy metal ? Morse
the pleasures of running an illicit code? Darned if I know. The main
radio station? Who among us has problem is that these newcom-
never " accidentally" slipped his
vtc into a subband reserved tor
" Who among us can look into ers are committi ng the pirate's
most unpardonable sin-they're
the exclusive use of higher-class the mirror each and every morning, boring.
licensees? Who among us can Th e ham radio pi rate sce ne
look into the mirror each and ev- wi th a face covered by Gillette Foamy, isn' t much brighter. Pirates on our
ery morning, with a face covered
by Gillette Foamy, and say, " I am
and say, 'I am truly an honest own band s co nsist primarily of
Colombian Jrug traders, wealthy
trUly an honest and law-abiding and law-abiding ham '?" sea-going air-heads , and those fa·
ham"? Judg ing from the people I mous South American Bible traf-
know, not very many. fickers ("The psalms are on the
Radio bootlegging and piracy tivity exists , and these days prob- the candy company , right ? Be- way , .Jose!"]. On the whole, a
(there's a subtle difference be- ably in unprecedented numbers. sides, the rotten weather gives pretty sordid lot.
tween these two arts. but don't Act ua ll y, som e of my besl you a captive audi ence." Tom I think it's up to the FCC and
ask me to explain il) are the deep fr iends have been bootleggers. was a broadcasting genius. AAAL to clean up this mess. It's
and dirty little secrets of our hob- For instance, back in the rete 70s, So, two or three times every lime we urged the mighty powers
by. Most hams are like the minis- I knew Tom , a computer science winter , WONS ("snow" spelled in Washington and Newington to
ter who preaches sobriety from major at a leading Long Island uni- backwards) would hil the stormy get us a t etter class of pirates.
the pUlpit, but sips glasses of versity. Tom, like most radio pi- air. And it was a fine station. Great Perhaps we could ask the Feds to
sherry in the study. " Kill those rates, had a bit of an ego problem classic rock mixed in with snappy set aside a portion of one of our
damn bootleggers," shout the pi- in that he loved the sound of his chatter, frequen t time check s, more useless bands (20 melers?)
ous , who then go and dabble in own voice more than anything and well-prepared news reports for the exclusive use of bootleg-
some foreign territory OX. Yum! else in the world . His school had a were WONS trademarks. Heck, gers. Direct competition may be
I think piracy and bootlegging campus FM station, but Tom pre- the station even provided weather just the ticket 10 improve the quali-
are especially rampant among our ferred running his own show. He and trallic reports tor those stuck ty of these stations.
callow yOUlh, what's left of 'em. never much bothered with th e in the elements. On the other hand, maybe we
Kids, not seeing any sense in crowd t hat con gregated at th e Unlike most bootleg operators, should just ship 'em all to Siberia,
learning that silly binary code we school's station, forTom had what Tom was smart enough not to a place with lots of WONS.•
58 73AmateurRadio . May, 1987
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July 1, 1986 , the Ministry of For- lood , nine transceivers and their
ei gn Affairs granted permission sneers. mononanders and crank-

x lor the ope ration. Th e only reo

maininq stumbling block was the
writt en pe rmission from the Holy
up towe rs, wire , and three electri-
cal generators.

Community that ru ns MI. Athos. The Greeks Intervene

Chad Harris VP2ML and other Italian amateurs pro- The monks had always been very Within a matter of days, Ihe
PO Box 4881 posed that the investigation be reluctant to issue such permis- months of careful preparations
Santa Rosa CA 95402 conducted trom a spo t remo te sian , and more than one promi- began to unravel. The local Greek
Irom sources of man-made electri- nent OXer walked away from MI. amateurs, still hot under the collar
A LMO ST ATHOS ca l interference, a spot surround- Ath os without written authoriza- about the disputed Mt. Athas op-
In Aug ust of last year, four Ital- ed by water, and one not too near tion from the monks. eration by Frank Tu rek OK7F T
ian DXers failed in their attempt to the tropics. " After careful ex ami- earlier in the year, felt that the Ital-
stage a majOr DXpedition from M I. nation and evalu ation , we have The Monks Agree ians obtained their MI. Athos op-
Athas. Thanks to Tony Privitera reached the conclusion that only This much-coveted document erating permission by Iraudulent
f0/J for furnish ing the information the H alkid iki Peninsula , at it s finally arrived on July 29 (onty two means. Almost as soon as the
for this report Mount AlhOS $VI extremity of Mount Athos, can weeks before the planned starting Greeks received Meo's leiter ex -
A lies at the tip of a roc ky peninsu- gua rantee good statistical dat a," dale). The Holy Synod authori zed plaining the Italians' plans, RAAG
la in north eastern Greec e. More the proposal read! " entry into Mt. Athos with your mem bers were arguing in front of
than a thousand mo nks live on the Although labeled a " scientific vehicle, to utilize the agreed fre- government officials that the ital-
Holy Mountain , with little electrici- expedition," the group's proposal quencies" IAllfreq uencies listed ians we re out lor pecuniary gain
ty and with only donkeys for specifically mentioned operation were amateur allocations.) They and personal gtory, and not scien-
transportation . The lown can be on amateur frequencies Irom 160 had it! wnnen perm ission to con. tific progress.
reached only by ferry boat. Wom- meters through 432 MH z, and duct a OXpedition on MI. Athas' The tactic worked, and on Au-
en , long hair, musical i nst r u- " e x c h a n g e o f r a d i o si g na l The last hurdle surmounted , the gust 4 , only three days before
me nts, smoking, dogs. whistling, strengths and levels 01 co mpre- DXpedition was on. Or SO they the team was sched uled to drive
and mov ie cam eras are prohibit- hen sion. " In other words , a signal thought . to Mt Ath as, the Italian Embas-
ed . The country has been very report. There was no question that Wh ile waiting for official permis- sy in Athens rece ived an official
rare on the ham bands in recen t this was a OXpedition, although sion from the Greek authorities, rote prOhibiting all radio " emis-
years, due 10 the reluctance of the that word does not appear in the Mea invited a Greek Mt. Al hos sions" from Mt. Athas, and spe-
monks to issue permission lor vis- proposal. The proposal also sug- DXped ilion veteran to jo in the cifically those on any am ateur
iting amateurs. What few opera- gests operation from the top of the trip. Manos SV 11W had operated frequency.
tions have made contacts from mountain, 7 km from the nearest ISVfA in 1980-8 1, but this time he The reason given lor the revo-
Mt. Athos have been surro unded monastery, to avoid disturbing the balked at the 1/8 share of the cation of the previously granted
by controversy. The latest attem pt "spirituality and the ascetic life" costs he was asked to provid e, As perm ission was co ncern that the
to activate Ml. Athos was no ex- 01the monks. a linal cou rtesy to the local ama- operation should be for " the prog-
ception. The group' s proposal won favor teu rs, Meo wrot e to the president ress of SCience and the good of
with the Un iversity 01 Palermo . of the Greek amateur radio soci- Humanity and nol for a profit or
Propagatio n Study And , with the official backing of ety, the RAAG , describing the personal interest."
The Italian " Almost Athos " OX- t he university, the It alian ama- operation. Meo sent this leiter on Pino 10DUD immediately flew to
pediticn began with a proposa l leurs started assembling the nec- the sa me day he got the final per- Athens to try to mend the broken
from Prof. Meo Furino 10EA to the essary permits from Greece and mission lro m the monks, so he fences and regain the ir hard-won
Un iversity of Pale rm o 10 do a MI. Athas. made an honest effort to keep the permission. Through the help of
study of ionospheric propaga tion. The Greek Ministry 01Transport Greeks informed . the Italian Embassy, he was abte
His idea was to make a bunch of and Telecommunications issued With time ru nning short. the nat- to meet some low-level officials,
radio contacts at the bottom of the a temporary permit 10 operate a tans started packing their van with and based upon this progress, the
sunspot cycle in orde r to map radio amateur station to Ill ER, more than 3,500 pounds of gear, rest ot the team left Rome on
Changes in the ionosphere. Meo 10DUD,I0QPY, and 101J . The n on includi ng cam ping equipmen t and August 8.
Pino's efforts to reach decision-
level officia ls failed, however, and
th e Mi nistry 0 1 T ra nspo rt and
Telecom m unications mod ified
the Italians ' operating permit to
specifically excrcde Ml. Athas .
" Activity from Mt. Athos must be
limited only by listening to radio
messages." The Ministry further
restricted the Italian license by
sta tin g t hat repre sentatives 01
RAAG be present at all amateur
The van with all the equipment
arrived after its long drive and
ferry trip, and the Italians elected
to set up their station near Our-
anopolis, on ly 3/4 mile from the
Mt . Athos border (see Photo B).
101J/SV made a few contacts from
Photo B. A tnbander and a e-eie- this spot, but eventually the oper-
ment, 4o-meter beam look out ation ceased, and the crew head-
PhOto A. Tony 101J operating ISVonly 3/4 mile from M t. AthOs (phOto by over Mt. Athos $VlA (photo by ed ba ck to It aly, having spent
10ER). 10ER). more than $12 ,000 in their unsuc-
60 73AmaleurRadio . May, 1987
15 SUCCESS MANUALS that could solve roblems once and for all!

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SSG. $100 S300 or IIIOfI, . .e kl,. IGeallar I mb,liOUI CiRIe tile lIIIIIlIIIt ,.. . . ordenll9
inl tantly h' Tned Into a n enlt. pol,t llg fa mily o per,oled hu. I...."-
I+om_leF1, I P...·lIme 0/ lull , 10nl, $6,95)

IL Il(IW IlEAl. EmTf W M.UE YOU" fOllTUlIE .•. --_

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Buy Any 210 5 Sl 'CCESS MA.\ lJALS And c« f ree! Any
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Any 6 10 10 SL:Cn:ss ~ A.'"UA l.S And Cd Free! Any
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ro'" l ucc.q· lonl, $6,95) _ a I (l _ S _ . . . . " ....,

"When You Buy. Say 73" 73 Amateur Radio .. May. 1987 61

cesstut attempt to activate Mt. Manos' permission was a fake , numerous missent OSLs. many 01 operating from Athos with this
Athos. and there was no lile with such a cont ain ing Green Stamps (U.S. attack on the Italian nxceoucn.
Interestingly , t he Italians did serial number! $1 bill). There is one ray 01 hope, row-
visit Mt. Athas , but without thei r This could mean that the Mt. This latest episode will not en- ever. A resident monk has been
radios. Along with unlruitful at- Athas filing system leaves some- courage the monks to grant ama- taking a 60-mile ferry ride each
tempt s to get perm ission to op- thing to be desired or that on e teur radio permission soon, The week to stud y lor his amateur ra-
erat e, the Italian s used the op- of the lew accredited ope rations obvious infighting amo ng the oro license . Unfortunately , the
po rtunity to check the Mt. Athos from Mt. Athos wa s, in fact, il- hams and the accusations of u- monk did not show up lor the test
files. They were look ing for the legal . Further , the monks sug- nancial gain backed up by the last Ian; maybe he'll try again this
file copy of the permission Manos gested that they thought radio missent OSLs provide powerful spring. Even if he gets his license,
SV11W received when he oper- amateurs were a constant source incentives to continue to proh ibit however, he will still need pe-rms-
ated Irom Mt. Athas. Msgr. Dam- 01 irritation into their quiet lives, amateur rad io operation on Mt. sion from the Holy Commu nity
askinos, General Secretary 01 and that the hams were in it for the Athos. The Greeks have dealt a to operate from Amos. Only time
t he Ho ly eprstasv. stated that money. The latter was based on de ath blow to their own chances will tell. .

Seemed no one really knew what an old OST article written by Fred

RP to do with the metal envelope-

leave it float or ground it. Later
on , RCA redes igned the tube, us-
Sutter W80BW in 1939. The arti-
cle was one Irom the aSL series
transm itter that W80BW de-
ing a glass envelope. This glass signed. Using one 6L6 . it had an
tube was named 6l6G . Then RCA output 01 about 40 watts. Photo A
Mike Bryce WBBVG£ As years go, 1936 was a lot bet- moved the plate connection to shows my small creat ion . The
2225 Mayflower NW ter than mos t. Th e electronics the lop 0 1 the tube and the 807 transmi tter was built in about
Massillon OH 44646 world was just starting to cook. was born. three hours. It worked , sort of.
Th e coun try was slowly coming The 807 was a real rock-crush- Jerry Felts NR5A10 read about
THE 6L6 SPECIAL out of the Great Depression. Ge n- er . Runni ng an 807 w ith 600 my little circuit and sent in his ver-
Since I started doing this cor- eral Electric Company, in 1935, volts on the plate could turn out sion. I moottiec it aga in and the
umn in October, many 01you have developed the idea of a metal re- 60 Wails input all day long . But result is shown in Fig. 1. A 6L6
asked for small projects to bu ild. ceiving tube . RCA was licensed to the days of the 807 were num- crystal-controlled oscillator is the
This time I have a rea l treat for all produce these tubes lor the home bered; it was to be replaced by basic circuit. I changed the output
the readers who like the smell 01 market. the 6146. However , the 6L6 was circuit by using a pi-network, Also,
molten sold er. But oetore I get At t he same t ime , RCA was given a new life in the world of I added a voltage divider to help
things started, I'll give you some busy worki ng on a revolutionary television as the 6L06, a ho rizon- keep the screen voltaqe stable
history. The projec t this month is a tube desi gn that would offer hig h tal output tube , during key-down. The final design
little rig I call the " 6L6 Special." In power, high gain, and low signal The 6L06 was used in several is shown in Photo B.
a past column I made mention that d isto rt io n- with lots o f ou tpu t desi gns for kW ham amplifiers. I used an 8 " It 10" It 3" alu-
I use a small 6L6 transmitter from power. Between RCA and Gener- Running 1,100 volts on the plate, minum chassis for the transrmner.
lime to time. WeH , there was quite al Electric, it seemed natural to these tubes would just scream ! It makes it rather nice to be able 10
a bit 01 interest in my lillie rig . So incorporate this new concept in Output power was nearly 800 go inside the chassis and wire up
much, in fact, that I got tired of the newly developed metal en- Walls. I wonder how they kept a project lor a change. You will
running down to the quick print velo pe. After the smoke cleared, them in their sockets. notice a second tube on the same
shop for copies of the sche matic . the 6L6 was born in the spring The 6L 6, now called the 6L6GC, chassis. More on that one later.
of 1936. was revived for hi-fi audio use and
A Bit of History The tube was designed for au- is still in use in this market. Not Scouring the Junk Bo.
Now l or the history lesson . dio use , but it could crank out bad lor an idea that was started 50 Dig up the soldering " gun" and
Looking back to 1986, there was more than 35 Watts 01 po wer years ago. the chassis punches. We "re going
one small anniversary that went when used as a crystal oscill ator . to bu ild a radio . Before the drill
unnoticed 10 most 01 the world. However, the metal tube was not Early Stages of the 6L6 Special meets the metal, you should have
The 6L6tumed 50 years old. the answer to the world' s troubles. As a dare lrom the local radio all the paris on hand. If you have
club, I built a 6L6 transmitter from been following th ese columns,

Photo B. Here it is, the 6L6 Special. A crystal-controlled 6L6 transmitter.

PhotoA. My first6L6 transmitter ins /ailed in a oox the size of a OSL card. Output of 12 Watts on 80 me ters.
62 73 Amateur Radio • May. 1987
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3 12/298·UNK· 312/298-5465 1'1986 M. Bohnhoff Produf,tio... ..28I

" When You Buy. Say 73" 73 Ama reurRadio • May. 1987 63
Photo D. Mounting details of the pi-network.

Photo C. Pi-network of the transmitter. The large tube is the 6L6, while
At key-down the vollage falls to
the smaller one is the 5U4 .
YOU'll remember that I have never strips hold the components . At Atlhis time you may notice that I
yet been stopped by lack 01 parts. runs were done with RG-58IU ca- have not included a parts list for
This project will be the test 01 part ble . At this power rever. RG-174 the transmitter. You have to use
procurement. could be used also. Pay close at- what you have on hand. For exam-
My junk box yielded only a small tention to the voltage rating of the ple, the plate transformer I used is
amount of what I needed . I had to parts. We are not working on solid a one-shot critter. tl it goes up in
turn my shopping list over to Perry state here. smoke, I'll never be able to get
W8AU , who is lOCally known as This brings up a very important another one .
" Fat her Rad io." Rumor has it point. Use caution when working The COil used in tile pi-network
that , as a young boy , Perry helped on this transmitter. Lethal voft- came from Perry 's ju nk box .
Marconi wire up his antennas. A ages are present when the line Looks like 48 turns, 1 inch in di-
strong denial comes from him on cord is plugged in. Discharge all ameter, 3 inches long. Tapped
tha t SUbject. However, he was power-supply capacitors before about halfway for 40 meters.
able to pull out trom his junk working on this unit. Use common Making Ad justments
box all the parts needed for the sense. It sure is no fun to get
transmitter. zapped with 450 volts. Alter the supply is buill and test-
To call Perry 's junk box a While I used the chassis that ed, linish up with tile oscillator cir-
Photo E. Close-up of the chassis. cuit. Double-check your work for
mere junk box is like c alli ng was on hand, teet tree to use a
Low-voltage supply mounted on errors before plugging in the unit.
the OE2 a boat! Perry has the smaller or larger chassis. I put the
the edge of the chassis. Then plug it in and turn it on. After
only three-floor walk-in junk box plate supply on the same chassis.
I know ot . Ann , Perry's wile, is It need not be so; you could place allowing it to warm up for a tew
always glad to see me with my the supply in a second chassis rectifiers tor the supply ; you 'll minutes, install a crystal and key
shopping list , as I always reave and use a cord to connect the two miss the warm glOw ot the SU4, the unit up. QuiCkly adjust the
with a handful of parts. That opens units together. though . My junk box supplied tune capacitor for a dip in plate
up a few empty holes on the I used a 5U4 as a rectifier lor a dual-section capacitor for the current. Adjust the lOad capacitor
shelves. which Perry promptly the plate supply. Why did I do supply. It is 40 uF at 550 volts. for an increase in current. Again,
fills back up. A sincere " thank that? Well, I was a driven man; A 12-henry choke at 80 mA helps re-dip the oscillator. You should
you, "Perry. I wanted to. Fig. 2 shows the smooth ou l t h e output Irom see about 12 Watts output on 80
The circuit is built using point- power supply that is in my unit. the 5U4. Under no-load condi- meters and somewhere near 10
to-point wiring . Small terminal Sure , it's fine to use solid-state tions. the supply runs 450 volts. Walts on 40 meters,
While listening on a receiver,
retune the oscillator for the best-
sounding CW tone . Remember
all you nave here is an oscilla-
."••'.' .. ou' tor; trying to get too much power

.. - • -• ..- out will cause the transmitter to
Chirp. Using Ohm's Law (remem-
ber him), I calculated the input
. .... 1- •••• .....- --
.".' ...
" -
power to be 24,3 Walls. So,I neve

I------+~.,. - 1
about 51% efficiency. which is not

,- ..... too bad .

The loading capacitor is a bit

. .. . . .DC
" 0 ..-
l small on 80 meters and will not
load the unit lIery heavy. II you
.".' have crystals lor 160 meters, you
will have to change the coil in the
pi-network and increase the vat-
ues of both capacitors.
While I'm on the subject of the
Fig, 1. SChematic of the 6L6 Special, pi-network, be sure to include the
64 73AmateurRadio . May, 1987
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• WEFA X FROM GOE S SATELLITES Switch All Your Antennas
MUlTlFAX d isplays the full picture on the monitor as il is be-
$20.1 5
Antenna , Antenna 2
ing recorded . Meanwhile , memory is lilted with l ine-gra in
data so that any quarter or sixteen th cttne picture may be
viewed in grea ter detail. All da ta or any view may be saved
on disk .
fj;1 $35.50
2 Position
MUlTlFAX IS adap table to a varie ty ct tacs tmne tr ansmis- \ on-on Coupler
sions and comp uter clock rates since sweep speed s are key-

•••• G
•••• '-~~
board adjustable.

$52 .00
Picture synchronization is auto matic when l rame sync is I .•.•
RF_ ~r
' OS
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MUlTlFAX will run on the IBM ' " PC and IBM '" PC co mpati-
(injects DC (inside your
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Hard cop ies are ob tained by using your Prin t Screen
prog ram . This system operates from 1.5 to 180 MHz and handles 1250 RF wans,
Data entry to th e co mp uter is via its game porI. Use our antenna swi tc hing kit and el iminate exces s coax runs.
Price is $49 .00 (US) lor MULTIFAX on disk with Instru ctions With th is kit and a single run 01 coax, you can switch be tween
and interl ac e circu it in formation.
you r antennas remotely. Use to add an antenna at modest cost,
M ULTIFAX was writt en by an author ol " W EFAX PIctures on
Your IB M PC " publi shed in th e Ju ne 19 85 issue 01" OST". or change array direction .
Other types and combinations ot relays are available .
Elmer W. Schwittek, K2LAF Please call or write us for more information, and save on your
429 N. Country Club D ri v e , Atlant is, FL 33462 coa x run sl
30 day MONEY BACK GUARANTEE on al l products
IBM "~J ISI~'~( l l r "<!''''''; '' k ot IIlM Cor p "..198 Unadilla/Reyco/lnline Is now a mvrsrcn ot ANTENNA'S ETC.
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" When You Buy, Say 73 " 73 Amateur Radio • May,1987 65

rt choke on the output. Should the
coupl ing capacitor s ho rt, t he

.. -',--, - - _....
choke will short the plate supply to
ground, blowing the fuse and thus
keeping the plate supply voltage ,
oft the antenna .
• ,...
A Challenge
That 's about it. I built the unit
shown i n the photographs in ~ !
'"---' .•.
~ r - ...-
aboutlhree evenings. Most of the
time was for the metal work on the
, use an old Collins 75A4 for
~, .r :,..."
a receiver when I use the unit. To
keep from having to throw a doz-
en switc hes to go from trans-
mit to receive, I installed an an-
tenna relay to move the antenna
and mute the receiver. The re-
lay that I used requires 12 volts to
operate, so , built a small tz-vcn
supply into the transmitter. A
front -mounted switch operated
the relay. Nothing hi-tech, but it
works line .
t hope this transmitter has your Fig. 2. Schematic of the high-vohage {X1W9r supply and the low-voltage supply. Relay is used for receiver
interest piqued. To hang a carrot muting and antenna switching.
down in Iron t 01 your nose, I'm
going to be running a small con- No contacts are allowed before Oh my, I forgot to tell you about Keep sending your comments,
test. Here goes. Build your own May 1, 1987. Number 4: Power the award. I will make available to letters, and photos 10 me. I always
vers ion of the 616 spec ial and must be no greater than 10 Watts all builders a special C RP Worked enjoy reading your activities in
work all 50 states using a tube output. All States Award for using the CRP operation and plan to print
that's 50 years old. Contacts may be on all bands. 616 Special. You can work your upas much,as I can .
Sounds easy, doesn 't it? Ah However, Ollicial Observer re- way up to all 50 states with stick- That's about au me space this
yes . there is a kicker (actually ports will not count as states ers for 30, 40, 45, and 50 states. month. Even if you don't build the
several). Number 1: Your trans- worked! I think after you hit 20 rna- The C AP ARCI will handle the 6L6 special , that' s how the hams
mitter must be cvstej-ccmrcuec. ters . you 'll have a real ch irper! awards via me. As a special b0- of yesterday did things . One can
using no more than five crys- Photocopies of CSL cards or a nus, I'll keep an up-to-dale list learn a lot from the past. because
ta ls per band . Number 2: You signed statement from you and here in the CRP column lor all when you get right down to it. that
must send in a photograph 01 your local club officers will be line the world to see. So, do I have ham t ic ket is but a license to
your completed unit. Number 3: for the award . any takers? learn.•

with a love for humanity. In their really started on 146.76 MHz.

own way. they have both dedicat- which was simplex. And .76 devel-

OOKINGWEST ed their lives to serving it. ]

Burt had known me a lon g
oped into a very avi d si mplex
channe l. For some, it became a
l ime ... Irom when he used to way of life in the same way that
come over 10 the TV staten. Alter 145.35 was a way of life in the old
Bill Pasternak WA6fTF relay communication does not he was here. he decided that he AM days. Much the same way that
28197 Robin Avenue end there. I 'll pick up my interview was going to have a repeater. He the repeaters are today. There is a
Saugus CA 91350 with Art by asking about the off- literally built a copy of K6MYK. personality, a character to each
spring that his first repeater Many things were identical. .. like c han nel ... whether it's a re-
INTERVIEW WITH spawned. the same type 01 con trol svs- peater pair or a simplex channel.
A LEGEND: PART II tem ... but he improved on it be- So .76 developed along these
Last month I began an intr~ 73: It's well-known here in Cauter- cause we would sit and discuss it. lines. A lot of its users were c0n-
auction of the one individual most nia that K6MYK kind 01fathered a I guess' feel like the grandfather verts from the AM group to FM,
respons ible for the repea ters number of other repeaters. Tell us of his machine . He in turn got a and that was the frequency to use.
that you and I both enjoy daily. about this ... how about the very remote-control license fo r t he 73: Did .76 actually become a so-
His name is Arth ur M . Gentry famous WA6TDD? original site on Mt. Wilson. and we ciety of its own?
W6MEP. an<Jin the 1950s he put Gentry : As you know , the have cooperated over the years to Gentry: Yes it did, but .35 was the
on the air what was to become WA6TDD repeater was one of this day. WA6TDD was born right same way. The old .35 group on
the grandfather of the modern them . I guess it came about alter here in this garage! AM would get together for parties
amateur repealer. I covered the Burt Weiner K600K came to live 73: This brings us to something and T-hunts. I was a hunt-master
development of relay technology with us. (Note : Art and his wife else peculiar to southern Califor- and a member of that group as
in the southwest. the emergence Millie K6JJN have provided nia . Simplex .. . specurcauv well as being involved in repeater
of Art 's K6MYK rep eater. and hQmesformany chi/drenoverthe 146.76 simplex. There have been activities. It was sort of a combo
the eventual shift to FM in re- years. Many had a thirst for the many stories about .76 over the group. This was th e "aimptex
pealer opera/ion. But. the story kind of knowledge that only an Art yea rs . Can you help sepa rate channel" that the repeater people
of W6MEP 's involvement in the Gentrycouldsupply.Artand Millie some of the fact from the fantasy? went over to: .76 simplex is still
development of the concept of are a pair of warm-hean ed people Gentry: FM in southern California that way.
66 73 Amateur Radio · May, 1987
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" Whe n You Buy, Say 73 " 73 Amateur Radio - May. 19B? 67
73: Is that why there has never growth of remote-bases came the younger man, I would be in there associations: TASMA and 220-
been a successful wide-area .161 need to have inlerference-free figh ting or doing what I can. SMA. ) By this time the SCRA's
.76 repeater in Los Angeles? channels. 73 : You have done a lot of fight- repeater owne r membe rship was
Gentry : This is because of the Also, another aspect that ma ny ing for other people over the very small. Possibly because the
traditions involved . Even today may no t understand is a co n- years. You helped to open re- SCRA had galien invotved in a
you will hear people say, " I' ve cept . . .one that says that while I peater councils here in California bailie over .76 simplex and a re-
been on .76 since the day it might not have a transmitter on to users as well as repeater own- peater that wanted to use the .161
opened and I Ihink that I have a the air every moment of the day, ers. Why? .76 pair. In reality, they had no
right 10 stay there ." That's the way that channel pair is still busy. This Gentry; Let' s say this. I am a re- way to go except to get in and
that they feel. pair is busy right now. It' s bu sy peater owner, but way back in the fight, and I must say that they did
Now, because of the then over- monitoring the downlink, and if I beg in ning I felt that everybody an admirable job. However, that
populatiOn on .76, the early FMers turn the link on, I need a clear should be able to use a repealer. had an adverse effect, since here
needed to go somewhere else. I channel. Why should it be exclusive ? was a group 01 repeater owners
think that people next went to .94 People have said that they can It's fine if somebody wants to involved in a big dispute that, in
because it was one of the stan- tune across the enti re 450-MHz have it private . I have my own pri- reality, they didn't want to be in-
dard " 6Q.kHz channels." I wasn 't band and never hear anything . vate system on UHF in addition to volved in. Tha t probably drove
involved in choosing that fre- That's true, but only because they the open z-rneter machine, but away a part of the membeestup.
quency, and I don't remember all don 't kn ow where to list en or this does not mean that I do not AnyhoW. before Ihat I had be-
the deta ils. But, a great many of what's reall y going on a given stronJly bel ieve in open-channel come the representative 01 the
the commercial FM people be- channel or what a given channel operatiOn. I've had many battles simplex people to the SCRA , and I
came involved in .94, and at this pair is used tor. I think that in the with other hams who claim that took the floor at the very first meet-
point many of the famed pioneer futu re, the privilege of that type of open-c ha nnel mach ines are no ing and tried 10 state that the orga-
California remote-bases we re spectrum usage has to be protect- good. Well , in a sense of the word, nization had to t hink about all
born . 50, .94 became thede facto ed because there will come a time they are plagued with problems, users ot 2 meters . .. and , I was
channel of those people who sort of laughed at because every-
wanted to operate remote-con- one there was a repeater owner.
trolled statiOns. So many of them had not yet
This brought on a kind of "com-
" The next time you key up your learned that the power lies in the
petition " between the two modes favorite system, you might want to multi tude 01 the people. You see,
of operation . . . that is, simplex each lime a new station comes
versus remote base . If t he re- pause a moment and give thanks to erne an open-channel repeater,
motes came onto .76, the .zsers there is a vote of approval for that
wou ld j am t hem. II the .76ers the man who made it all possible. " repeater, lor its use of that pair 01
showed up on .94, the remotes trequences. Therein lies the seat
would do the same. Actually, it of power, if you will, in the whole
was nothing more than the two when un informed people may say but I am hoping to l ind solutions! I matte r of vol un ta ry freq uency
groups trying to settle their dif- tha t there is nothing on this or that have no idea what they may be, coordination.
ferences and run their operations channel pair . . . and I or my sys- but I do know that they will come 73: Art, here 's a real sticky one .
without interference. Through the tem is going to use it . If that were from a better educatiOn 01 users. Do repeater owners then fear their
years, people learned to negotiate to happen and if I tound that I When users know and understand users?
and it was all settled pretty well. could no longer control my re- better . . . when we get rules and Gentry: l et me answer it this way .
73 : Even tho ug h yo u yourself pealer, I would be forced to shut regulation s that help us to police Probably the basic altitude of
were already a repeater and re- it down. our bands . .. then . nearly everyone who gets in-
mole-base ow ner , did n 't you 73: How does a repeat er owner The FCC says that we are self- volved wi th putt ing up a re-
eventually become the spokes- handle a situation like this? policing . That's the wrong ter- peater-be it an individual or a
man for a-meter FM simplex to the Gentry: This is something that minology. We are not self-polic- small group-is that they know
Cal ifornia repeater wor1d? has to be explained and writte n ing . We have no police powers. their problems; they want to solve
Ge ntry: Sometime in Ihe early about at every opportunity. It' s a The FCC does not give us any . their problems and do not want to
1960s, the old California Amateu r mailer of education, of e:w:plaining Rather, we are self-regulating. We loo k elsewhere. Many don't ac-
Re lay Counc il (refe rred to as that some 01 this stuff does not help set our own rules. And, we cept ou tside help; many lose sight
CARe) was born . The owners of come easily. can enforce our rules, but we 01 the tact that they are using a
eu repeaters and remote-bases People put out a lot of time and cannot police. That 's the FCC' s pair of frequencies that everyone
were invited to )Din. Most of them money to make repeaters pos- responSibility. else is ent itled to use . It's only by
did , and t was a member of that sible. In my opinion, we have to But back to the question . . . 1 the grace 01 all the users of Ihe
council for a good many yea rs. get through to t he ARRl and think that we can date the start of ba nd that repeater owne rs can
They held meetings all ove r the thro ugh th em to the FC C and the change to when Bob Thorn- have a pair ollrequencies that are
state . But , I think this was really make them understand that there burg WB6JPI became president ded icated to a repeater .
the beginning of any sort of orga- is a need lor a band that is ex- of the old Southern California Re- 73: What about the future?
nized voluntary frequency coord i- clusively for control systems. Re- peater Assoc iation .. . the SCRA. Gent ry : I sincerely hope t hat
nat ion in the nation. At least it was peater owners need some pro- (Note: When the CARC was dis- more 01 the users become in-
in California. tection in the FCC rules so that solved, though not disbanded, it volved in organizations such as
In southern Califo rnia, t his when the average amateur goes gave birth to three offspring of its TASMA, 220-SMA, and the like,
was definitely the beginning of out and purchases a new piece of own. One was the Northern Ama- and that they will become better
any type of coordination ... equ ipment he knows that there is teur Relay Council. In the south , educated about the problems we
through the sou thern Cal ifornia a sectiOn 01 the band that he can- the Southern California Repeater all have regard ing what it takes to
repre sentatives to the co uncil. not use . Association and the Sou thern run a repealer.
Southern Cal ifornia had not yet A lot 01 a-meter machines are California Repeater and Remote You can hear new people come
gone for all-band coordin atio n at now con trolled on 220 MHz. Think Base Association took root. SCRA on the air every day. They walk
the lime as a general rule . Ott. 01 the chaos that can occur if 220 coordinated 2 meters and 1·1/4 into a radio store and a guy sells
they had on 450 MHz ... early ... gels as bUSy as 2 meters is now! I meters until 1979, when it gave them something . But, nobody ev-
lo ng befor e coo rdi nati o n any- feel quite strongly that this may way to the current 2-meter and 1- ertells him what the score is or the
where else ... because with the well happen, and ill were a much 1/4-meter spectrum management re sponsibilities that come with

68 73Amateur Radio . May, 1987

that new radio. Again, this is a amateur rep ea ter p ioneer A r t I •
place where the ARRL and the Gentry W6MEP and numerous
other ham magazines shOuld step
in. Somebody is going to have to
other conversations between us
over the yea rs . , have tried to
step into this void and take the keep from paraphrasing Art 's re- Thesolution to most interference. intermod. and desense
lead . I' ve been an ARRL member sponses, although so me were problems in AMATEUR and COMMERCIAL systems .
since 1938 , and I wish that they very long and required editing '" _
. 40 to 1000 Mhz · tuned 10 your frequ ency
would do it. to be included in this mini·series. -~~=-.-;-- -
5 large helical resonators
I guess I be lieve that some- , sincerely hope that you enjoyed - ,.."....- - - l ow nOise - High overload resistance
- 8 dB gam - uttsna te relection) 80 dB
body could step in and become meeting the man who definite- • 10 to t 5 vens OC operation
the c ha mpi o n of all of the se ly deserves the title of " Grand- - sne . 1,6 x 2. 6 x 4 . 7 5 ~ exc. connectors
people and educate them. Pos- father of the Modern Amateur • FANTASTIC REJECTION !
si bly , t his is the next ste p for Repeater." Typica l rejec tion: Price · CAl l bipolar w/RCA lacks
our repeater and spectrum man- I consider myself very lucky to :t600 Kh z@144 Mhz: -2&1B Connector options: BeN $5. UHF 56.
:tl .6 Mhz@220 Mhz:- 40d B N $1 0
agement groups. It's analogous be ab le to calf A rt a personal
:t5 M/'Iz@450M hz : - 5OdB SUPER Han GaAs Fel ootoo $20
to buying a boat and then learn- friend, a man who made me wel-
ing to sail it through proper in- come on the radio almost on the
struction or gelling a d river's li- day I moved to Los Angeles many
cense 10 take a car on the street years ago. I only hope that some
or freeway . We do this for our day our great service will S 88 fit to
own personal protection and that bestow on W6MEP the accolades
of society . II' s the same for re- he deserves. ID-l
peaters. There has to be this ed u- In the meantime, the next time
cation, or all of these people whO you key up your favorite sys -
have gone out and bought chan- tem, you might want to pause • For IJanstelYefS and repe.illers - AMATEUR and CO MMERCIAL
nelized radios could eventually be a moment and gi ve tha nks to • AuTomalll; operaT'l>Il • illluSlable Speed and .amphtude
• SIIliIII S'l e . easy mstauatcn • 7 to 15 von s DC
left holding the bag for a lot of the man who made it a/1 possi- • 8 seiectebie . reprog r" mm.able messaqes • eat~ up TO 2 min long
equ ipment tha t t hey have pur- ble. Or, be tter y e t , look up • Wifed. leiTed , and programmed WIth yotIr messa.oels )
Model 11).1 - $4g 95 Model 10-2 w12 10 10 n'lII'IUle timer - $69 95
chased, but that might be unus- W6MEP in the cencook and drop We 0 11. a compol".". lone 0 1 tf.nsn"U• •nd ,,,,:<,._ SUi!>1'
able if chaos breaks out. him a OSL card tlUJt expresses a nd .ynlheS'Z'" 'Of amal...... and comme<o,.1 UN ,
ReQ uest OUf ..... olt_1oo Allo w S2 lor UPS ah,pp"'fI ' "'_$r.,.,. ,<1 I " a VISA oNIcom~
your appreciation .
What you have read the past And, for this month, that's it
t wo months is an abbreviat ed from those of us who work and
version of more than two hours write the late shift in the City of
of a taoo-recorded interview with Angels. •

Ask About Dayton Specials

ON IBM Xl'" •
LEGES ON TH E 10M, 220 MHZ, and 1265 MHz AMATEUR

BANDS. Here's Just a sample of some of the things Madi-
TOA FULL640K OF AAM . FLIP TOP so n can provide to get you started:
CASE. K8XT (AT LOOK ALIKE) KEY· Ten Meter Novice Package
BOARD. 150 WATT POWER sue- Study .bt. tlla;
PLY WITH ALL THE POWER NEED- ARRL Tuoeln the Wo rld book and tape s _ 51 0.00
ED TO RUN EXTRA DRIVES AND Gordon West Code Practice oecmstcr & Key 120.00
'~'~'~ M""' .~.~' ~'
SYSTEM #3 $999.00 Cusheralt Ringo AR·10 Veri leal $39.00
MOTHEABOARD WITH BIOS AND Cushcralt 1().3 CO three-element beam $99.00
uPGIWlEFAOlltoK r OA AAJ.&oOIl 1102 00 FIRST 256K OF RAM. UPGRAD- Create 7-elemeots 00 ez-rcct boom $469.00
t.FGAAOI: FAOll 2Wl TO ~AAJ. &oOIl 1 11) 00 ABLE TO A FULL 640K OF RAM. KLM 1Ckneter. &elemeot beam .......•.... ..•...•.. . $252.00
FLIP TOP CASE. K8XT (AT LOOK Equipment foIo T~ MIt.,.:
SYSTEM 112 $699 • 00 ALIKE) KEYBOARD. 150 WAIT Clev Chaonel AR-3300 teooffleter transcel"er: 100 WIll a loput;
AM. FM , sse, CW covers 28.(100.29.999 MHz $499.00
TOAFULL 640KOFRAM.FUPTOP POSITE OUTPUTS. MULTI 110 Betden 8214 RG-8loam dielectric, low·loss 45$1100t
BOARD. 150 WATT POWER SUP· PORTS. ONE PARALLEL POAT, Am~eool PL·259, sU"er·pllt8d 5125 e..
OUTPUT. FLOPPY DISK DRIVES OS 00 360K Kenwood TR-50. • . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Calilor Prlce
PI.EASf: lNCU.OE lDOlI OF 0l'I0EII FOR Keowood, Hell,ICOM, and other mikes I " all able
$1 = holG .."
SIl l "I(lANO HAHOLN3CKUlGES~~ .50. t,IA.1llUUlol l IO\. l - ..._ ;::,/ ) \
CAAAOIAN OAtlERS. "CIO 1710D IN us FUNDS. MICHIGAN RESIOE,,"S C.I u. for.,...ce In ohooaln" equlpm.nt and pulli n" 100000 her . oompl.t.
, .
E:3 ?..;. novle••Iallon 10 meet." your neede. W. ean mlllc.•• ··paekag . " d••1for you
HAL.TRONIX, INC. lx,.. . _ . . 175 th.t Inelud.. . verylhln" you will need lrom Ih. "round up . No qu..Uon 100 .Im·
pie or 100 complle. ted lor your fn-nd • • 1 M.:lltlOn.
P.o . BOX 1101 DEPT. N ~ J " HAL·· POUelt:& MASTEIlC.O. AO_ " ISA -COO
12t171 DtX-TOLEDO HWY 121»-I«l EST -..s. HAAOU> c .NOWlANO AM Pflcee F06 _ .. on. n . ' ceoI _ _ .., __ 0I>tIjeet 10 ......-0......._ _ lee. out>tM:I
1O _ _ . UM<l _ _ prlCe_ llno. ....._ T_' _ _ "'" lUtIfeC!to _ l..
SOUTHGATE, MICH. 48 195 PHONE 313 281·1773 WIlZXH

"When You Buy, Say 73 " 73A mateurRadio - May,1987 69

yielded some good transatlantic On each scheduled JD ope-at-
connects. Ed used a Yaesu HT ing day, the command station in

AMSATS with home- bre w amplifi er ru n-

ning 30 Walls lo r the uplink. The
Tokyo would uplink the necessary
software to the on-board comput-
receive system incorporaled a er . The computer would remain on
home-brew GaAsFET preamp to a even when the transmitter was off
Andy MacAllister WASZIB by Jim G3AU H was shown in the Microwave Modules 70<:m con- until the following day when the
2310 Romayor Coulf March issue.) After verifying that verter and a Kenwood T$-430S satellite would be commanded in-
Pearlancl TX 77581 the tape recorder was running and HF rig . Other equipment included to recharge mode O.
the computer was ready, I tu ned me G3RU H m ode m , a TA P A For one orbit on February 26th ,
ITWQRKS! up t he a-meter tran sm itt er on TNC·2, and a Radio Shack Mod el FO-12 was in mode JA, but was
How about a two-way packet 145.890 MHz (F M/PSK) and tried 100 com p u ter. The ante nnas later commanded to JD. Passes
aso with West Germany using to connect. w ere homemade , with 12 ele- with short acquisition lime and low
VHF and UHF and only one pack- It worked ! A fter a lew path tests, men ts on 2 meters and 19 ele. antenna elevations, as seen from
et digipeater? Irs been done! Ed KA9LNV connected to my eta- ments on 70 cm . Tokyo, were not used by me com-
In last month's column, I had ten. and the first U .S. digital Fuji Two days later, more players mand station lor satellite software
nothing new to report on mode aSOcommenced. were on the scene on bolh sides of changes. On February 28th, the
J D (digital), but since then thi ngs I was quite surprised to find any- lhe Atlantic . Over here, Tom Clark first good pass apparently was
have ch anged d rastically. T he one on JO, but also delig hted to W31W I and Bill WB7QKK were on missed, or the progra mming
digital mode on Fuji·OSCAR 12 make con tact. Ed had connected th e air. In Eu ro pe , Jim M ill er could not be uplinked. The on-
has been activated wit h many to hi mself on a pass earlier in the G3RUH and others , inclUding board clock was about two hours,
firsts occurring both here and day and was just w aiting fo r some- ON1KVH and HB9XJ, had their or one orbit , behind.
overseas. one else to show up. A portion of systems on line with successtut The most difficult part of the
On February 2 4th , Peter our contact is shown in Fig . 1. JO operation. The first verified experimental schedule is the five
DB20S in Hannover. West Ger- Note th a t the conversation is transatlantic aso goes to W31WI minutes on lollowed by live min-
many, found the JD transmitter mixed in with the satelli te teleme- and G3RUH. Close behind were utes off. II is rather dillicult to get
active w ith PS K (ph a se- s hift try. Th is may appear confusing, KA9lNV, ON 6UG , and DB20 5 . a good packet conversation go-
keyed) tele metry . He tested on e 01 but actually is not as bad as trying Although I have no word yet from ing in such a short time. Also,
the lour 2-meter uplink frequen- to carry on a terrestrial packet Japan , it is likely that activity the satellite is not lunctioning at
cies and then connected 10 him- a s o while someone else is ac- has been increasing in the Pacific lull potential. The ava ilable pow-
self via the satellite. cessing a bulletin board on the as wen. er will never be enough for con-
News of this success spre ad. same frequency. tinuous bulletin-board-in-the-sky
On the 26th, at 2000 UTe , the first The system on my end included The Catch operation.
successful West Germany to Bel- a Yaesu FT-901 OM lor reception, Some have called mode JO a With rotors to turn, Doppler shift
gi um JO aso occ urred with a vaesu FT-902 OM lor tran smit , fa ilure si nce it cannot be operated to counter. typing to contend with,
DB20S and Freddy O N6UG. The the FTV-901R transverter for 2- con tinuously. The power avail- and many other items to watcn.
contact was relatively short, but meter and 70<:m conversion, and able from the solar panels is not this JD stuff is hard work. It makes
there was enough time to ex - the FV-90 1 OM synthesized vtc lor enough to run Ihe on-board com- for a great experiment, though.
change names, aTHs . and re- receiver frequency control. I also puter, a megabyte 01 memory, Just working around the several
gards, and to marvel at the quality had a 2-meter power amplifier, a and a 1-Wa tt transmitter all at the pitfalls has been quite a tantaue-
of the ccnnecucn between Han- Hamtronics zo-c m preamp, the same lime. The satelli te's s-Ame- ing challenge 10 many prospective
n over and Gh ent . A lillie over G3R UH-style FO- 12 mod em , a hour battery plays a very impor- JD operators.
three hours later, th e first state- G LB TN C-2A , and my h eavily tant rote. During darkness and JO
side JO con tact took place. modified TA&-BO Modell comput- operation, it provides the extra Wha t It Takes
On FD-12 orbit number 2466, I er. The antennas included a KLM power to the system. Sufficienl To work mode JD, you 'll need
found the JO transponder not only 2M-22C lor the uplink and a recharge time must be allowed to an FM z-merer transmit system
ON , but loud with the 435.91Q.- Cushcraft 416TB for the 70<:m avoid dangerously low battery with 100 Watts erp (effective radi-
MHz (SSBfPSK) beacon sending downlink. voltage and possible battery dam- ated power). You can do this with
telemetry. (An earlie r example of Wi th KA9L NV up in Colum- age. An experiment al schedule 100 Watts to a ground·plane an-
FO·1 2 telemet ry ca n be seen in bus, Indiana, th ings w eren 't quite derived for the late-Febru ary JO lenna or 10 Walls to a 10-dB-gain
the February HAMSATS column; as complicated, but the system activity included a five-minu te onl beam antenna. Almost any a-rne-
the PSK packet modem designed was quite tunctlcnat and later off cycle imbedded in a two-hour ter·FM rig can be used il it is capa-
on/off cycle imbedded in a one- ble 01 putting cut rI on one of the
day on/off cycle. lour available uplink frequencies :

Pholo A. Ed KA9LNV, avid satellite chaser, AMSA T supporter, and PhofO B. WA5ZIB-fhe other half offhe first U.S. Fu/i...QSCAR 12 mode-
packet enthusiast. JD OSO with KA9LNV.
70 73 AmateurRadio · May, 1987
The Small Business Borrower's Bible"
ally prepares th e loan appl ic at io n lor you nne-by-nne ... the " proper" way.
All properl y prepared appl icat ion s are processed faster...no red tape!
Gu aranteed oans...Direct oans ...an mme late oans are aval a e now .
Mosl m.n .nd wom.n "'''(NISly ,n ."""10 In ".I1,ng I"",or own bus ,ness ... ehg'ble 10 .pply - including lhose who .I,.ady own. bus'nen .nd need
taptl.llnl lor o.p.nt'on . or 10 sl.y .110.1 . evon ,t l"",yYO been 1Ia1ly .,Iu.ed by b....... nd lu.ned down oltow"""o! Vot, too m.ny neyo, qu.loly . I ,mply
bec.use they do not know how 10 " P'opef1 y~ p'0~'o lhe lo.n .ppheallOfl._

In o<<l... ro I>eIp lho5e poopIe Sl ill 1"". . '. lno. . " "0 •••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••
<IeC"r,. : GUAIIAIO , n _I : • GUAIIAlO lI l ' l •
appIy,ng lor 1 _ quatanlee<l an<l
d"ec1 loan. f,1I ""1 Ih.". loan appIo.
cal""'. lhe ·" '9 "1 .... ~ .. "". Dusu>ess • m."''''''''''''''''''''9'''''°'' ana
b ... ,n•• s go. ..",m.,,, 10."" ·..'.. "".. m_.
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:• m. "..... _ . M . Ou .~pt. '0" " •
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: 10< " 0.,. - .M m..n ,I , au :
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Ils "e d a comp,e " e ns " e , easy to· 0, 1 0 U m . 1 n.... I .... . .. . 8". ,".... l o.>" ,0... "_ 0 "gh' • • '1'1" ""'" . ,,<l you m.. to ar'~." • •
IoIow semonar man ual The BuSIness c o m _ " tI : . .. ~, ,..... '"''' ''' 'I ' 0' • ,.... : • ' ..<.. ,... , .... ' ... "" . mO..... . ')1 "" ... ,
U 1 . CC O.. "tanl. ,V"'O' 'u" •
()poon:undy S<Oel<erS. loans Manual.
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0 g ... 'd"'-
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'''''1.""'• •O"'.c.,·.... I
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SI.I. ,.,
Pt09'.'os.... $I""""' '''''~ g .... .... ,..." . " " 0"«' g... ... " ...,.,.., ' ..... f'(> . 0""'''9 , 0.. I
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II><! loo:;~ _S. I"" b'9 e..POt.·
/lOtI s, nt)f lor Iffe 1mI<' guy 01 smaA' '0 '''. C... "Ou., . . n o "g" ' " '' on ' ''''' " 9 hl '00<110 OIl' a'''''' Q '. " ...All TO
comoan.oes · -'f; l1""e, ,,m.,,, ,. oc' .... "...... mvc" "0 '"0·'.''' 'o.n . ""' 0. " I FIneocIel F.-.dom Publi.".,.
lIO W. 5 Ih S I . OOPI . AA. 1
Wln.ton·S. I.m, He 21101

@ 1985

" When YOl.{ Buy, say 73 " 73 Amateur Radio • May, 1987 71


Photo C. UaSA T-OSCAR 90SL available from the University of Surrey
Photo D. UoSAT-OSCAR 11 OSL , a /so from the University of Surrey.
UoSAT Unit for a reception report.

145 .85 , 145 .87 , 145 .89 . or of OEX. The PSK modulator and Tom Clark of AMSAT (the Rad io supplied in kit fo rm , and will in-
145.91 . o ther circui ts by Lyle Johnson Amateur Satellite Corporation) al- clude the three PC boards and all
For reception a beam antenna WA7GXD of TAPR (the T ucso n so are integrated into this design. requi red parts except the enclo-
would be best but isn't a necesst- Area Packet Radio group) and This new TAPR modem will be sure. The TAPR phone number is
Iy , since the downlink signal is (602)-746- 1166.
quite strong. Its " sense" is right. Finally, you will need a TNC.
hand circular, the opposite of the WA51I B>WA:5 1I B1 The FQ-12 modem interfac es with
analog, or JA , downlink. The two only a few wires but requ ires cut-
modes share the same receive an- BJ 1J AS>BEACON 1 ting one PCB track inside the
tenna but have separate transmit- JAS - l M0 8 7 /02 / 26 2 3141100 TNC. Most TAPR-style TNCs will
ters and antennas for the down- T.I.m.tr y Inf ormati onl allow easy bypassing 01 the inter-
links. I use a simple Hamtronics *00<I . t l I50I ar ~ .ll ~ u r re n t - 1.91' <N-4 l mA nal modem. All that is left to add is
bipolar preamp in the shack with *01<2nd );b~t t .r y ~urr .nt • 3 . 8 I ' <N-528I mA a terminal or computer with an
*0 2 < 3rd )lb~t t .r y vo l taoe • N/1000' 21.0 v
excellent results, but a GaAsFET R5-232 port and communications
1 2 7 1b a t depth of dis~har oe - < N -~0)/1 89 AH
preamp at the antenna would be software.
better. " CONNEC TE D to KA9LNV Too many things require atten-
The rad io must be capable 01 tion during each JD pass to allow
SSB recepncn on 435.910 MHz . BJ IJ AS >BEACONI for casual note-taking. Hard copy

The easiest way 10do this is with a J AS- l RA 8 7 /02 / 2 6 231 431 18 or memory storage is best , but a
257 558 7 07 7 13 768 870 S90 .b• ••3 3 54
70-em receive converter. Com- simple alternative is to record the
646 002 SSS 6 3 0 619 616 617 b 17 b ••
mercially made units are available
f ro m Advanced Receiver Re-
722 7 10 7 2 2 7 16 758 677 926
0 10 III 100 000 100 000 001 t ••
••• ••• •••
,., ••• rec eived audio on a q uality cas-
sette deck. It can be played back
search, Hamtronics, and Micro- later through your system. These
wave Modules. WAS ZIB >KA9LNV1 methods wilt help keep your log
Any good HF receiver o r trans- HOW COPY straight and allow for later study 01
ceiver should complete the down- the telemetry that was received
link system as long as its frequen- during your packet contact.
JAS -I RA 8 7/02/ 26 2 3143 152
cy can be controlled digitally from
an external source. Neither of my
2 27 574 7 05 7 10 7 66 8 79 8 9 0 .b'
• • 3 35'
••, When you get all the pieces to-
gether for FUji'S digital mode. you

,.. ••• •••

646 002 586 6 30 619 616 61b b17 b ••
rigs has this feature. II is neces-
sary to use the external '110 since it
222 7 1 1 7 2 2 7 15 7 :57 67b 9 2 6
010 III 100 000 100 000 001
• 11 •••
will have an impressive array 01
wires and boxes. To make contact
uses extensive digital circuitry for with another station via the satel-
tuning. The appropriate up/down lite, do not include a " via" in your
control lines were brought out to a 8 J I JAS> BEACON I contact request . If you were to see
Two bas ic modem designs
JAS-I RA 8 7 /0 2 / 2b 23 143 156
2 2 3 577 7 0 5 7 10 766 8 79 890 .b3 35' .,,, .., my call between the frames 01
telemetry, just send: C WASZIB.
have provided the necessary
functions lor successful JD opera-
646 002 ~ 630 bl9 bl6 bib b1 7
722 7 1 1 722 7 15 7 57 6 7 7 925
••• ••• •••
The satellite will simply transmit
all valid frames without any modi-
tion. T he lirst documented design 010 111 100 000 100 000 001 t •• 111 fication. Later, you w ill see furthe r
available was introduced by Jim WASZI8 >KA9LNIJI schedule changes and software
Miller G3RUH . Its construction , TN X FOR CONNECT upgrades as the satellite con-
calibration, and uses are fully de- trollers in Japan learn more about
scribed in the February. 1987. is- BJ lJAS >BEACONI FD-12's impressive capabilities .
sue of Ham Radio . Complete k its
are available Irom Radio Kit. PO
Box 973, Pelham NH 03076.
JAS -I RA 8 7 /02 / 2 b 2 31441 04
21 0 583 7 0 S 709 7 b S 878 89 1 ... ..,
••3 36•
b4b 002 58b 629 61 9 61b bi b b t7 eee

The other design has just re-

722 7 11 7 2 2 7 1 b 7 5 8 b 78 9 2b
010 III 100 000 100 000 001
••• ••• •••
'.t t., •••
AMSAT.QSCAR 10 is still in a
period 01 low solar illu minat ion .
cently been announced for sale. It Continue to avoid all use of A O-1 0
is based on the PSK demodulator un til early May when once again
by Fujio Yamashita JS1 UKR. Fig. 1. A portion of the first U.S. Fuji·OSCAR 12 mode-JD 050 between the sun angle will provide sum-
shown in the August. 1986. issue WASZIB and KA9LNV. ciani power for transponder activi-
72 73AmateurRadio . May, 1987
Amateur Radio a Computers
6102 Delond IkxJd • R...Shlng, M I Aa.tlJ
=::II , --. z
(313) 659-1776 ,~ I O] -.m.. • Wo rldwid e Pre ss Ph ot os
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"T1 • M ilitary & Gov't FAX a:
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:II • Marine Info rmatio n ou.
Termlnel pt'ograms lor
popular computers; "T1
SorIwore l(onITonlcs SOftware
r- .....
MRA-TOR S'M. 100
- ~

H·89 00.... HamIel( a:

ODX-.64 Amlooolt o
Superto p
.- 111 a:

Copies all s peeds and IOC·s . UNIVERSAL AMATEUR RADIO, INC.

Positive/ Negativ e, R· UL-R p.~ 1280 Aida Drive ... 1001
Au t omat ic Manual. Li ne/Gray ~~ Reynoldsburg. Otlio 43068
...., PHONE: (614) 866·4267

Fin l:it.log ,nd interferenee tip sheel DlI 'Iqun\.

Nomoi No.
~" pll••
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~1 1 10 I, p< Ntor 8l10l'll 99lJ
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'" I ~I I1 J NI"""'.. e. I••• 99lJ
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.llI l ltt
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• COYefs 100 M Ht to 199.999 M Hz in 1 ~ Hl s teP' wil tl
cMlhf.rltd 11 40
1 1 0~
RGl it l U1ll ,1. SIlK Obi
!Iold •• 991l Lo* L ..
IIG I41B IUT.I"" ISo I ..
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Artw , ""01 501J9
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'l'Iumbw~1 d ial . ACCUfltCy . 1- 1 Pilf1 po:tr t o m il-
lion at a ll lnoQuencift · Int.. ~1 FM adjustable Irom
RG1 1 1 IU~I8' ~~ ~ .. lltIl~...,
f!\;Ulf!J II. >1lK lltIl ~
IIGI I6Y.> '~_ "'~ Soot •• ""
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cepit tOM'S or woIce ' Spurs and noise at leul eo dB
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1I11i " 1 _ e - r
1116" s..... """Oll ""
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SO 0I'tms . Operl les on 12 Vde . .... Am p . ...... ,I. DIe 11: 1122 1 1lw 622w 19118 11 G ROUND WIRE - STRAN DED
lor immedi. te ~ j .. ery . $4299!> delive<ed · Adlkln !C161'O li H . 1i 1'O &....."' O'fJ .. 00 J6 ......... """ ; , 'orll
~ 1...llable to edend f,eq ra nge. add i n' ~ . SII0p0r0a l l oo - IOO ll / Caoo U oo / COO 11 00 "", (j(, 6 w .. _ Oll",.. Ofd l~
nile ,esolul ioo , AM. and a p•.c: ISiO!l 120 dB .Uen...-
lor . Ca ll or w,lle lor de loit Is . PhOOI in you . QrOeI as C d;; Vr Wfll tl ' o r co m ple t e p ric e l iSI, Nem ara 32·pat;je Oa bre & cce eec to r s erec uon G Uld tl
'u, COO stli pmelll. i s av a ilab le at no c h arg e w il h o rd e rs o f $50 .00 o r m or e. Of at a co st 0 1$4.00 i n d iv id ual ly.

VANGUARD LABS (305) 8 93 - 39 24 • Tel ax 6915317

Jamaic;II A YB., H o llis . N Y 11"23
1Qi6.-23 12240 N.E. 14A.e., No. M ia m i, F l 33161 .. 50 24.Hr. FAX (30 5)89S - 8118
~ (1 18f .f68. 2120 Mon.- Thurs,

"'!L.::~~ f ULL C O YER .. GE , " L L . ..... P S , .. U TO M .._ ~TF;lte,.s
Tl G 5 U EC T ,O '" .. it" PRO YE '" W • • t • • , . , • • ,
, ••'. d T.... _ 180;. C
0;11 0 "" "' 0 M O U"'T S L OP ER S
' .. "d W,•• , For most Ham Rigs Irorn:
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AIlT _
Polarotors · Ui<.h Antenna..
Update Your System
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" (N T 5 _ R E$ "" C TED A REA ' · p .........d ... I _I .. Best Prices On Trade-in CW· SSB· AM
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SE "'D f U L L PR 'C E '" OR lOP PEL ' N US A (C • ••d. ,. S 5 .0 0
. ,,, ••PO Cj .r VI S A. " ASC " R D .
860 Dora Strt'l't Hedfurd , TX 76022
.. .. ER E Il P Ii'. . N ..... .... E . D Ph 1_3 0 8 _1 3 0 _8 3 3 3
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I • • _ 10 .... _ • • K ' , ... t
WEST[A N ( L( C T RO N I C S 81 7-268-1-1.\9 Telepho ne: (305) 683·9587 .. 58
0 . .. . " T ......... . N _ • • • • 880.. 7

ty. If there is cooperation with the MHz beacon is activated simulta- Surrey, GU2 5XH , England. If vations to determine the ir con -
can lor suspended operation, you neously with the 145.825-MHz you request a QSL lor your recep- dition.
increase the chances for future beacon. The team at the Universi- tion report 01 either satellite, be There has been little word on
activity, Check the AMSAT nets ty of Surrey will appreciate recep- cer tain to include a sell-a d- the status 01 eithe r Radio 9 or Ra-
lor updates. tion reports Irom listeners. Your dressed envelope with sufficient dio 10. The extreme cold during
UoSAT-QSCAR 9 and UoSAT· card will ensu re that better ser- IRCs or British postage lor the re- January caused a backlog on the
OSCAR 11 continue in g ood vices are provided on a continuing turn trip. Soviet launch schedule, but if
heal th . On Wednesdays, UTC, basis . Radio 5 and Radio 7 may stilt things go well, there may be new
the digipeater on UI> 11 is activat- listen on 145.825 MHz FM be operational , but due to the satellites about the time you read
ed for a short period during each and report to the UoSAT Unit, poor battery cond itions on both mese words. Monitor the AMSAT
pass. On Sundays, between ()()()() Attention: Martin Sweeting, Uni· satellites, you will have to look nets for the latest news of tnese
UTC and 1200 UTC, the 435.025- versus of Surrey, Guildlord, to the nets and your own ooser- pend ing launches.•

infamous Thanksgiving t rope at department , I was able to

opening)! procure one of each lor the ulti-
BOVE AND BEYOND Got a personal computer sitting
around doing nothing? Get on
ma te review : Drag 'em up the
mountain and see if they make it!
packet. TNCs abound! Hop up on Photo A is a shot of the units. In-
220 and get away from the crowd deed , they make a nice tidy pack-
Peter H. Putman KT2B lew months back in 73 made on 145 MHz . age , and this is accomplished in a
3353 Fields/one Drive mention 0 1 the dollar value of Want to see what the weather unique way: The front end, low-
Doylestown PA 18901 the various amateur allocations will really be like tomo rrow? Pick level TX , and mi croprocessor
if placed in the hands of com- up a satelli te converter and see stages are encased in a sepa rate
TRY SOMETHING NEW mercial interests. Don't take it what you're missing. housing that either (1) snaps onto
As most of you know by now, lightly! How do you think the Elec- Tired of working repeaters on 2 a neat-smepcwer-emouner com-
Me FCC has finally resolved (in tronic Privacy Act of 1986 came meters? Flip that switch marked bination lor instant mobile use
eir own mind) the question of about? " USB" or " CW," get a horizontal- with 25 Walls on 2 and 10 Watts
what to do with 220 MHz?" In " What's the point?" you ask. ly polarized beam, move down to on 6 or (2) snaps onto a battery
their own uniq ue fashion, they've The point is-try to break out 144.200, and start calling ca. Ev- case containing nine C cells to
proposed (as this is being written 0 1 th e rut. II you 've thumbed er work a-meter SSB mobile? 6- provide 2.5 Watts of r1 output on
in early March) to cut the band by through 73 and the other mag- meter FM mobile? either band,
40 % , cram all of the week-srqner azines thinking, " Gee- it migh t Of course, I coutd go on and on. If you really want to find out
moo nbou ncefpa cketllin kfFM fre- be fun to try OSCAR or listen to The point is-we have a wealth 01 how good your hilltop location is,
peater operations into me remain- sat ellite tran smissions," don 't spectrum space just beckoning to try a couple of these with some
ing 60% , and wash their hands 01 think any more . Whip out that us. As the impact of Novice En- portable antennas such as a
it once and lor all. wallet or checkbook-call the hancement becomes lelt, it is in- quagi or collapsible beam (Tonna
This is definitely one of those 800 number-put your order in cumbent that we retain these makes a nice one for 144 MHz).
" the operation was a success, but for a 70<:m muttimode or trans- higher Irequencies for the future Think of it-two independent, self-
the patient died " situatio ns. In vener. amplifier, and antenna . when we will really need them. But contained stations for 6 and 2
fact, as many of you read this, the Try operating a little on 50 MHz we must get on now and encour- wit h ante nnas and the thing
deadline lor reply comments has with a borrowed rig before you age activity, otherwise the 220- weighing about 30 pounds includ-
come and gone (unless an exten- say, " The band's too quiet" or MHz situation will just happen ing the masts! Both radios ope r-
sion has been granted), and , in " I'll get TVl complaint s" or " How aga in and aga in. ate CW/USB/LSBfFM, and both
fact, the dissect ion ot 220 will be- far can you work on 6 meters , Come on-make 1987 the year have ten memories, dual vtc's. an
come reality. anyway?" you'U try some new piece 01equ ip- easy-to-read LCD display, and the
The proposal (NPAM 87-14) is The TH·31AT I reviewed last ment on a new band . Check out ever-present AIT control. labeled
so well detailed , it indicates that ye ar c ost me all 0 1 $225 for the reviews in 73. II buildinq'a CLARIFIER.
the commission has virtually de- the radio , two batteries, charg- your th ing, there are plenty of I plan to haul these up a few
cided the question, regard less of er, external antenna adapter, places with kits to get you up and peaks for as many of the summer
any input frcrn the amateur com- and ctqarette lighter cord. With it , running. And, of course, you can contests as time permits-possi-
munity. What scares me is the I've worked through repeaters in never spend enough time ex- bly even with outboard amplifiers
word ing to " give the Amateur Set- New Hampsh ire , New York , perimenting with antennas . if I can bring a bigger power
vice an Exclusive allocation at South Carolina, Chicago, and Ari- can you? source. 11 should be fun , so look
222- 225 MHz," which indicates zona while on business trips , and for a review sometime in the late
that the jury has delivered the ver- the whOle thing slips in my shirt FUN THINGS TO DO summer.
dict, the judge has mandated the pocket. Now that I've had a miserable How about you? Ever try moun-
sentence, and the only thing we Got a VCA ? A camera? How l ime trying to operate portable taintopping before, even il only
can hope is that the rope breaks come you haven't tried ATV yet? during winter contests, it's time with a hand-held? At least one
on the gallows. There 's certainly enough equip- to p l an the su mmer co ntest summer contest recognizes the
Regard less of the o utc o me ment available to get you on in a schedule . The problem has al- efforts of QRP and portable sta-
of this NPRM, the situation didn't hurry at the right price . ways been one of portability -be- tions (CO WIN VHF WPX) with a
have to come about. All it would Want to really work hard for a ing able to bring the "most" in a trophy if you are high-scorer in
have taken is a bit more act iv- con tact? Try mountaintopping on station with the "least" in weight. your category . Even if you're
ity o n everyone's part to e n- 902 or 1296 MHz with high-gain Up until now. that meant 2· and not into contesting, take a walk
hance the status 01 220 MHz in antennas and a few Walts of e-meter mu ltimodes with linear up some hill nearby or hike into
the commission' s eyes. Honest- power. transvert ers lor each band . II a rare grid square and put it on
ly now-how many of you own Think working hallway around shoutdn't surprise you, then, that the air with your lillIe station. It'll
at least one piece of 220 -MHz the world on 20 meters is fun? the ads for veeeu's new FT-290R require a bit more operating skill
gear? Probably a hand-held if How about halfway across the and FT-690A MKII series caug ht on your part, but I guarantee it'll
anyth ing. U.S. with 2 Walts on 23 cm (as my eye. be more lun than sitting home
The lead editorial publis hed a was done dur ing the now- Aided by our ever-loving edttort- rag-<:hewing on 146.52 MHz sim-
74 73 Amateur RadiO · May, 1987
plex. If you want to bring the com- fied catlle wire for an eo-meter
puter along , then go portable dipole until Ray showed me how
packet . That should keep you he did it!
quite busy! Beyond all else, Ray found the
real value of amateu r radio : mak-
MAILBOX DEPARTMENT ing friends. Boy, did he! Ray was
Some interesti ng correspon- an active member 01 the Water-
dence has crossed my desk in re- town Radio Club, many of whose
cent weeks , and I'll pass it along. members I had only raa-cnewec
Walt W ern er W2TT of Tin ton with from time to time on the 10 flO
Falls, New Jersey, writes in to dis- repea ler in Watertown while pass-
cuss the " Watts 'N SWR" article ing through. It was an honor lor
from October, 1984 . Boy, old arti- them to be his pallbearers, and I
cles never die! He expresses in- was privileged to meet them. He
tere st in constructing an swr was also act ive on the Carrier
bridge using five sections of 1/8- Net on 75 meters, and puttered
wavelength transmission lines , around on 160 as wen. Besides
based on a circuit in the Decem- that, he found time to remodel his
ber, 1986, RF Design . Walt goes house, pursue his rockhoundi ng,
on to inquire if I'd be interested in The Yaesu FT-290R MKII and FT-690R MKff transceivers configured for and make his own clothes-Ihe
manufacturing a prototype of portable operation (left) and mobile ooereuon (right). KT2B will soon be envy of any tailor.
such a design on a printed circuit hauling these revolutionary rigs up into the hills to do a comprehensive I only hope that other hams
board. review. w ho were l uc ky 10 have met
Well, my experience with PCB him wil l have some of that enthu-
design hasn 't gotten that ta r, spond ac cordingly to switched to share their information with siasm kindled in them as well (or
Walt, but there might be a read- values 01 allenuation at the 28- you (albeit at a price). I will try rekindled as the case may be).
er who'd have more on the ball MHz input. to update the listing of clubs This is the legacy that Ray left to
in this area. I don't think I've fab- I'd also like to thank th e fol- and news letters as I c an dur- amateur radio : Try to find some-
ricated a PCB in about a year lowing fo lks for adding me to ing the yea r, and hopefully the en- thing different every week to do
(lime problems , mostly) and their mailing lists: Gene Shea tire December column will be a with ham radio . It wouldn't hurt
haven't had a chance to review KB7Q of Montana, who pubhsh- compendium of such material for if you made a few friends along
the article you 've mentioned. How es t he 2 Me ter EME Bulletin futu re refe rence. Drop the m a the way, either. My condolences
about it, folks? Anyone willing to ($15/ye ar, 41 7 Stau daher Street. note and let them know you're go out to his wife Louise and chil-
give Walt a hand in trying to fab- Bozeman MT 59715), and Charles interested! dren Mark and Shawn. He will be
ricate such a coupler for 144 Osborne WD4MBK , who pub- missed .
MHz shou ld drop him a line at lishes an interesting compendium REMEM B ERED
131 Woo dla nd Man or , Ti nton of general and technical informa- ADDENDU M
The various magazines regu -
Falls NJ 07724. tion periodically, called the South- larly note the passi ng of amateurs Just as I was getting ready 10
Ross Forbes WB6GFJ writes in eastern VHF Society Newsletter Irom the scene. Some were ce- send this month's column via the
fO mention a problem common ($5fyear, 881 Lakeshore Drive, lebrities; others just another guy modem to Peterborough, an ex-
to T5-43OS owners using tra ns- Berkeley Lake GA 30316-3041). or gal down the block . I'd like cellent directory of e-merer activi-
verters: nonlinear outp ut power Charles has been the source of to take a mi nute to remember ty , repeaters, and OX listings ar-
control. The only way to vary the much useful information lately, someone important to me ... my rived from Harry Schools KA3B .
output of the T5-430S is by us- especially regarding the KLM uncle, Raymond Putman N2FYC, This is a very thorough listing of
ing the CMlAIER con trol, but gen- balun problem and ways to cor- whose life was claimed by can- virtually anything and anybody
erally full output is reached when rect it. cer on February 19, 198 7 , at pertaining to the 5O-MHz band,
the control is at about half set- The Southern California Six age 64. Ray had only been li- and lists nets, newsletters, an ex-
ting. Ross ment ions that he 'd Meter Club NeWSletter (PO Box censed for four years , but quick- tensive repeater di rectory, bea-
like to be able to throttl e back 448, Cypress CA 90630) arrives ly rose from Novice to Advanced cons, 5O-MHz awards (and rules),
the output of his MMT 432128S faithf ully each month from th e in that time period . He was into and major con tests, to name just a
for OSCAR work as needed . The West Coast and contains some every thing-2- met e r FM , HF few categories! Obviously, Harry
only easy way to do this reliably interesting stories, including the SSB , t el et ype , antennas , and put a lot of time into this directory.
is to use a stepped attenuator al- club's monthly transmitter hunts. even computer operations. Some If you are a serious e-merer opera-
ter the XVRm OUT connection on (Boy. would the FT- 690 R be of the zacrowc will remember him tor , you should have a copy. For
the 8-pin DIN plug before it goes to good lor thall) And finally , the as part of the infamo us "SCOAE " furthe r info rmation, write Harry at
the 28-MH z input on the MMT folks in Woodlands, Texas, have gang at Dayto n th e pa st tw o 1606 S. Newkirk Street, Philadel-
432/288. gollen t heir name straightened years. phia PA 19145.
Such pads are easily found at out and have formed the Gulf I 'lt remember him for one Also , news has come via Roger
flea markets-I bought two for $5 Coast Microwave Society (PO main reason : Ray rekindled a lot Cox WB0DG F and the Midwest
at such a flea market two years Box 7853, Th e Wood lands TX of enthusiasm in me for amateur VHF Report of some strong 144-
ago. Both offer a total of 30 dB in 77387) wi th the inten t of pro- radio that had been sort of dor- MHz Es openings in February (!Il)
switched steps of 2, 4, 8 , and 16 moting activity on and above mant over the years. II's quite re- from California to Kansas and Ne-
dB. The switches can be ganged 432 MHz. freshing to see somebody dive in braska. (And you were waiting for
to cre ate interme diate values. Now, look carefully . See all of with so much enthusiasm at an the summerl) Other openi ngs oc-
With such a system, you then set those names I jus t mentio ned? age when many other hams are curred from California to Oklaho-
the CARRIER control to its lull clock- Besides them, there are probably content to sit arou nd grum bling ma and Texas about the same
wise setting and leave it there. Al- hundreds 01 other clubs I don't about the QRM on 75 meters. lime. The point? Keep those re-
so set the ",I(: GAIN control to its know about that exist to promote a Here was a lellow who loved to ceivers on the calling frequen-
normal selling and leave it un- segment or mode in the V HFI work with his hands, and in short cies-even in the dead of winter.
touched . The MMT 432128 S is a UHFfSHF/EHF spectrum . T he order was constructi ng antenna You never know what will show
very linear device down to about above groups are active; they tuners and keyers from scratch . I up. Until nex t month , see you
- l Ck1Bm input levels and will re- publish, and best of all , they'd like didn't know you could use electri- Above and Beyondt .

73 Amateur Radio • May, 1987 75

Orbit Number
0 1 May 1987
NOAA-1 0
Eq . CrossIng Time (UTC) 0050.85 00 11.20
Long itude Asc. Node (Oeg. W.) 146.18 69.45
Dr. Ralph E Taggart WB800T ers and even te-on systems with Nodal Period (Min.) 102.0851 101 .2979
602 S. Jefferson standard or moderately enhanced Frequency (MHZ) 137.62 137.5
Mason M/48854 graphics capabilities (i.e.• eGA
These orbital parameters are projected two months in advance
and EGA standards) may have
WSH SCAN CONVER TER due to deadl ine considerations. Accumulated errors due to un-
sufficient resolu tion, but they tend
compensated orbital decay and othe r anomalies result in expec-
This month I am going to spend 10 be color-oriented and you can-
tation of errors up to two minutes and possibly as many degrees
some lime discussing the WSH not spend a lot of lime looking at
in terms of the crossing data and possible small changes in the
scan converte r sinc e I get quite a false-color images.
ind icated period . Users requiring precision tracking data should
bit of mail from readers who want What you realty want is a decent
rely on more current sources.
to know what m the world I am monochrome display with at least
ta lking about. In covering th is 16 grayscale steps per pixel. It
ground, I will also address some is tar easier to add false-color Table 1. TlROSINOAA orbital predict data .
general problems in using com- capability to a good monochrome
puters for scan conversion. display than to try 10 persuade a base , and co mp ute r interface added with a single connector
First. the WSH part is easy-it a-corer display to do the job! functions. The circuit uses 32K of if you have an AGB (8-<:olor) or
refers to the third edition of the The key around the spatial ' stat ic RAM (a single 43256 or lou r AGBI (1 &color) computer monitor
Weamer SatelMe Handbook pub- tonat resolution dilemma is to use 6264s) and produces a 256-line available.
lished by your faithless columni st. a ded icated display circuit, com- image with 256 pixelsJIine and 16-
It costs $1 2 .SO plus $1 postage in piete w ith its own RAM, that could step grayscale coding . Features tor the RAM
the U.S. and $2 elsewhere. That care less about the graphics cap- The video circuits include age, While the WSH converter board
takes care of this mo nth 's plug! abili ties of the computer it is con- video pre-fittannq, full-wave de- provides all of the circuits for 256 x
Now to the scan converter part . nected to! The computer and its tection , and post-detection filter- 256 display on a standard TV
There are two basic approaches RAM will be used to sample and ing. The umebese circuits involve monitor (or TV set if an rf modula-
to building a digi tal scan convert- store incoming image data. but a crystal osci llator and phase- tor is used) and alt of the required
er. You can construct a dedicated you will not depend on the com. locked loop for compatibility with satellite signal cncutts. what can
un il with either hard-wir ed or bunt- puter to display the image-that's both " live" and tape-recorded be accomplished at what level of
in microprocessor control or you a job for the external display imagery . The keynote s 0 1 the difficulty is a matter of what com-
can build a unit around an existing board. design are simplicity of construc- puter you have it hooked up to.
microcomputer. The latter is usu- Since any computer system is tion and setup and low cost. If you have a 64K 8·bit system ,
ally a desirable alternative be- going to requ ire additional video Only 14 ic e are used; Ihe total you realty don't have that much
cause you save yourself a lot of processing and umenase circu its. compo nent costto Sluff the board more available RAM than is re-
effort and get the fleX ibility of easy these can be added to the exte r- will range from $60 to $75 (mail quired for the basic disptay (32K).
software changes should yo u nal display circuit. This results in a order. depending upon supplier so you are basically restricted to
wish to experimen t. single ha rdware add-on that, with and memory option selected), and sampling 256 pixels from 256
The nicest option would be to proper interfacing and software , the entire board can be checked lines. Essenti ally the computer
require noth ing but a computer should work with any comp uter! out with nothing more elaborate sampling must match the display
and some software, but that pre- That is exactly what the WSH than a logic probe and multimeter. capabiliti es. Although there are
senrs many problems. There are scan converter is-an external Connection 10 a host computer is some high.resolutiOn tricks that
quite high-priced (by th e stan- board Ihat provid es all the display. not required for board set up. you can do in real time. your pei-
dards I will be talking about later) satellite video processing, time. False-color capability can be mary display options are mainly
com puter options thai can gener· centered on sampting to produce
ate a sufficien tly high resolution a full-frame display at an effective
image with enough grayscale resolution of 256 x 256 .
value s for each pixel to be quite It more memory is available ,
acceptable. Unfortunately, such a you can sample the picture at a
system would be applicable only higher resolution than the display,
to those with the cash to purchase but it lakes quue a bit more memo-
a similar computer. ry to be truly useful. Doubl ing your
Even if you wanted to spend the resolution to 512 x 512 in AAM
money for t he c omp ute r, you requires four times me memory
would still require some additional since you must double the origina l
hardware to provide satellite sig- 32K just 10 get twice as many
nal processing, AiD conversion,
and some sort of timeba se. You
wou ld also require software. Un-
. _-~

- ..- pixelslline and then double that to
get the 51 2 lines! This means that
the RAM requ ired for image stor-
less you can write your own, you age would be 128K (4 x 32K). and
will find that there lends to be less you cannot do this with a comput-
softwa re ava ilable lor expensive er with only 128K of RAM avail-
c omputer configurati ons and able-some of the comp uter
what there is tends to cost more- memory has to be allocated 10
u'e called free -market economics! software, variable storage , and
Le ss exp ensiv e compu te rs Photo A. The default full-frame display of a METEOR 2· 15 pass obta in- other aspects of the operating
have a larger user base . which able with any CoCo model using the 1~lpm mode . MiChiga n and the system .
transrates to more programmers, Great Lakes are near the center 01the image, the East Coast is angling If you have a 128K system , it
but here we run into other prob- upward in the lower right, and most of the upper halfof the picture shows hardly pays to increase just the
lems. Low-end personal comput- Ontario and Quebec. pixel Of line count-you would be
76 73 Amateur Radio • May, 1987
Early. hard·to-hod, and modern ALL ELECTROniCS CORP.
tubes. Also t.ansformers, capect-
tors arid parts lor lube equIpment.
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BOZ EMAN, MT 597 15 (406) 586-1 190
Eu< ..... O I[ H Ul rN ,9 IS _1SJ _4094

" When You Buy, say 73 " 73 Amaleur Radio • May.1987 n

Photo B. A medium-resolution quad trom a METEOR 2-15 pass. The Photo C. A high-resolution quadrant from the METEOR pass in Photo A.
area covered here is about 1/4 ot the full frame with an effective resolu- The white circle at the right is Lake Manicouagan (1 ,024)( 768 effective
tion of 512)( 512. Lake Superior lies along the lower left of the image. resolution).

be tter 011 to use the additional for a hardware AlD. The 110 capa- converter so you can do some and manual NOAA APT, N(). and
memory to store more pictures or bility 01 the serial and cassette writing or work Rn y . II the PC tzc-iom displays, plus inversion
store 6- or B-bit pillel data to give ports provides all the other major were the center of the display and complementing 01 displayed
ycursen options for image-con- control and status liD, and the system , I would soon be justifying images, grayscale, etc.
trast processing. I will talk more data bus is accessible through the another one just to avoid the con- The CoCo 3/128 program is
about that in luture columns. cartridge port. flicts . There are jobs the PC can designed lor the 128K CoCo 3 and
If you have a lot of available Using the CoCo , you need only do that other less capable sys- has basically the same features
RAM (256K or more), then you are a single chip for the interface to tems just can't, but scan conver- as the previous program with the
in a position to store far more the compu ter. Inte rfacing to any sion isn't one of them. added benefit that images can be
detailed images than the display other computer is not a mon u- For $1 00 to $300, dependi ng saved in digital form on cassette .
can handle. With such a high- mental task, but it is more com- upon the model, you can buy a The CoCo 3/512 program for
resolution image in memory, you plicated. In fact , the WSH has a COCO and dedicate it to the job of tile CoCo 3 with 512K of RAM is
can sample the stored image to far more complicated interface for making satellite pictures. That is the real powerhouse of the trio .
create your basic full-frame image the CoCo than is actually re- about on par with what you would White the previous programs are
on the 256 1I 256 display or you quired, but that approach was expect to spend on 110 boards limited to sampling pictures to
can display selected quadrants taken to provide a thorough tutori- for the PC, but now there is no match the display format , the
of the image in memory to get the al for those insisti ng on interfaci ng conflict. If you want to use a PC 512K version samples 1,024
advantages of higher resolution. to other computers! or any other mid- to high-end com- pixe ls/line and 768 lines-essen-
The display is still 256 1I 256, Aside from the " What is the puter, be my guest. It will work tially lull resolution. This image
but you can use this display as a WS H scan converte r?" ques- line, providing someone will write in memory is sampled to provide
"window" to achieve higher effec- lions, number two in popularity the software, but you will have a the default full-frame display , and
tive resolution at the expense of is " I want to use my PC lor the $100 saddle on a $10 norse . the results look identical to those
the area of image covered by the scan converter. How do I do it?" One seeming advantage of a obtained with the previous
display. I will show you some actu- Actually, lor a PC, you can suo- PC is the fact that you can save programs.
al examptes of this before I qui t for stitute the name 01 almost any pictures to disk. About ten 32K Once a picture is in memory,
this month. computer-cit it has been out there images will lit on a standard PC however, there are two additional
on the market, I have been asked disk, but each high-resolution pic- display modes. The medium-reso-
The CoCo-A Good Choice about it! ture (discussed below) requires lution option lets you look at any
Alt houg h the display doesn't Well, folks, I'll lei you in on a more storage than is available on 1/4 quadrant 01 the image (there
care what kind of computer it is secret. 1have a PC in the satenne a standard lIoppy. You could cram are nine that overlap) with an
connected to, for the WSH project station , but I never gave more two or three of them on an AT disk, effective resolution 01512 1I 512.
I chose the Radio Shack Color than a passing thought to using it but that kind 01 system is really From any medium-resolut ion
Computer (CoCo). There were for scan conversion. The reason is beginning to escalate in the cost quad, you can select anyone 01
lots of reasons for that choice. twctoid-cconntct and cost. The department! An Inexpensive nine possible h igh-resolution
They include low cost, long-term PC is a real workhorse , doing a CoCo with pictures stored on old- quads, each producing an ef-
support from the manufacture r, a wide variety 01 jobs from word pro- fashioned audio tape begins to fective resolution of 1,024 x 768!
good history of retaining compati- cessing to CAD. That' s the real look pretty attractive! You can shift freely from one
bility as mode ls are upgraded, problem with it. There are innu- mode to the other and examine
and inexpensive and readily avail- merable applications programs Available CoCo Software any parts 01 the picture down to a
able assembly-language pro- for the machine and too many Three versions of software are level that is equivalent to a good
gramming tools. ways to use it already. presently available lor the CoCo, FAX system!
Additionally, the CoCo has a Once you begin to scan-convert depending upon the model you Both the COCO 31128 and 31512
t reme ndo us range 01 I/O re- pictures, particularly if you hook have. The CoCo 1/2 program is programs are available on
sources that come as standard into the hundreds of pictures each available on cassette and sup- EPROM and both programs are
equipment. The joystick ports can day on WEFAX, you are going to port s the CoCo models 1 and 2. included. No matter which model
be prog rammed to provi de the want to watch pictures. The last This program displays lull-lrame you start with, your software
needed AID conversion 01 the thing you need is to have to decide images in the 256 1I 256 format acquisitions are complete!
video signal , eliminating the need if you want to unhook the scan and includes automatic WEFAX So thai is the WSH scan con-
78 73 Amateur Radio • May , 1987
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Post Otnce Box S 400 Linco ln. M A Of 773
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Please have yo ur mailing label Gaithersburg, MD 20877
/617 l 259-0 125 ~
in front of you. as well as your (301) 840-5471
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Kit . . .... . ..•...... $59.9 5 -
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SOURCE f o r

NEW... 2 meter squared SSB mobile $45,"
·Bug Catchers· . .. still the best HF mobile High qua lity roller inductor used in 1 KW
antenna 250 watt & lkw si zes 80·10meters HF transmitter; 21 non- linear turns of
(we pay shipping on above Items) 0.25 " silver-plated ribbon which terms
Call f or ot her ante nnas avauabte-e 4.75"Lx3.63" dia coil . approx. 21 UH .
bot h commercia l and amateur Fiberglass end- plates: shaft 1" LxO .375"
dia . Ola 8.75x4x5, 3 tbs sn . Harris #938-
119 0 3 Alief Clodine Rd #500
Houst o n, Texas 77082
Pri~U f .D.'. UIlII , 0, • VISA . MASTER CARD A~ullled ,
7 13·879 ·776 4 AlIDW lor S~jpplnl • Wfn , lor 1.'.11 Call1llll SlIpplllll. nt
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t elex 16 6 8 72 MCON UT

" When You Buy. Say 73"

.... 181
1016 E. lUlU .... 10. nes . liM .... OH IO ' 45107

73 AmateurRadio • May . 1987

-'''' 79
verter. You will see lots of ex- frame display of a METEOR 2-15 about 1/4 01 the full frame with an embayments around the lake that
amples from it in future columns pass that woul d be obtained with ettectlve resol ution 01512 x 512. are visib le in the VHRR shot are
(not to mention this month!). It pro- any coco model using the 120- Lake Superior , with a pretty cloud also seen here , includi ng the
vides a heck of a lot of display Ipm mode . Michigan and the plume across its center, lies along hook-shaped internal embayment
power for very modest bucks and Great Lakes are near the center 01 the lower left of the image. on the right side . Remember that
otters plenty of flexibility for trying the image, the East Coast is an- Note the band of heavy lake- th is feature is about 45 miles
new trick s-some of which' will gling upward in the lower right, eHect snow along the north shore across!
cover in upcom ing months. and most of the upper half of the of the lake, extending east to the If you have the January VHRR
picture shows Ontario and Que- west shore of Thunder Bay. The shot in front of you , follow down
Pictures of the Month bec . Lake Michigan is almost pronounced white ellipse north 01 and to the left 01 the lake and you
This month I am doing pictures cloud-free, a bit 9f southern Lake the lake is ice- and snow-covered will see three parallel white arcs .
because the completion of testing Huron shows th rough, while Su- Lake Nipagon. James Bay and the These represent three strips of
for the COCO 3/5 12 program co- per ior , Eri e , and On tario are sout he rnmost portions of Hud- forest clear-cutting. Now move to
incid ed with the launch of a new socked in! son's Bay are hang ing in on the the left of the lake in this month's
Sovi et MET EOR spacec raft , Note the clouds following the upper right. image, almost to the left edge of
providing a marvelous change of the display. The two clear-cut
pace lrom the WEFAX schedule! strips that are quite close to one
METEOR 2-15 was launched on "If you want to use a PC another appear as one broad are ,
January 5, 1987, and as this is primarily due to a small patch 01
being written (early February) the or any other mid- to high-end overlying cloud cover, bu t the
spacecraft is providing supe rb im- computer, be my guest. " third strip is clearly resolved .
agery, passing overhead near By the way , the vert ical black
noon each day with transmissions stripe at the far right, flanked by
on 137.85 MHz. East Coast approximately 100 Any portio n of the full frame can two white stripes, is part 01 the
Sun angles are perfect and all miles offs hore. The 51. Lawrence be ex amined at this resolution or alternating 13 white and 13 black
of the Midwestern and East Coast River/Sea way (ice- and snow- you can flip back to the full-frame stripes that make up the METEOR
snow provides excellent potential covered) shows as an angled format in a moment. The party is audible line sync pulse.
fOf recognition of ground features. white streak near the right edge not over yet for there is still one This is not HRPT, but I think
All in all, it's a very good chance about halfway up. Right on the more resolution level available. most of you will not argue that it is
to show what the WSH scan con- edge of the display above the 51. Photo C shows a high-resolu- a displ ay system worthy of serious
verter can do with polar imagery. Lawrence is a little white circle-- tion quadrant (about 1/4 of a me- consi de ra tio n-even if it does
By way of background , all the our old friend Lake Manicouagan dium-resolution quad or 1/16 of use only a CoCo! In future col-
pictures were received using the that we will look at more closely in the full -frame image) from the umns, I will be showing you still
WSH " Zappe r" omnidirectional amomenl. METEOR pass in Photo A. The other things that you can do with
an tenna , the Hamtronics GaAs- II this were all the WSH system white circle at the right is Lake the system-as if this were not
FET preamp reviewed in an ear- could do, most fol ks would be Manicouagan in high resolution eno ugh!
lier column, and a Regency MX- quite happy. If you have a 512 K (1 ,024 x 768 effective resolution). Next month I will discuss some
5000 scan ner r e c e i v e r . A ll CoCo, however, the fun is just There was a VHRR image of the approaches to automatic taping of
pictures were automatically tape- beginn ing ! lake in the January column. You satellite signals so you can get
recorded using the system to be Photo B shows a medium-reso- might find it interesting to get out pictures like these while eaming
described i n nex t month 's lution quad from a METEOR 2-15 a magnifying glass and compare enough to convince the spouse
column. pass the day prior to the one in this image with the one from Janu- tha t you really can afford some
Photo A shows the default full- Photo A. The area cove red here is ary. Virtually all of the tributary new weather satellite hardware.•

help of a downconverter. P.C. ATV operators caught wind

Electronics will have reduced spe- of it and gobbled a lot of them
cials on ATV downconverters this up for S4 to $7 each , so it is doubt-
year at Dayton (or by mail order) . ful if you co uld find them t o-
Wyman Research in Waldron, In- day, except maybe at hamfests.
diana , also has some economical- (You might also look around in
Mike Stone WB0QCD wife's surprise, removed the set ly priced ATV ccwnccnverte r a Radio Shack surplus barrel
PO Box H from its case, located the UHF TV " kits" (contact W9NTP). or have the store manager call
Lowden fA 52255 tuner, put a signal on the air at Wh at abo ut a little gadget that Ft. Wor t h to see if t he re is
439.25 MHz, and tweaked it ever perhaps is not qui te as sensitive any stock lell in the warehouse
CHEAP AND EASY FSTV so slightly. Now when I tune up on on receive (preamps are easy to that ca n be special-ordered .]
I have been promising to show UHF at the bottom end of channel bu ild Of cheap to buy) but thai Other similar devices are avail-
you a way to get On FSTV receive 14, I can see my direct picture. tunes both the ATV and the com- able , howeve r, through pa rts
for just a few dollars so you can We put it on my four-by-48-e1e- me rc ial UHF TV band in one specialty houses for abou t $12
tune and watch all the local action. ment Jaybeam an tenna sys tem sweep? Interested? Read on! to $ 15. They may have other than
This month's column fulfills that (hardline and mast-mounted pre- The March/April 1985 issue of Mitsumi factory names, but gen-
promise . amp, of course) and received The Spec-Com Journal ran an ar- erally they are all pretty much
Some of the newer TV sets with KAIBVI 25 miles away at near ticle by Dr. Clyde Miller W84AOH the same.
individualthumbwheel setti ng TV close-ctrcuu WI TH NO DOWN- on using surplus UHF TV tuners The device fits in the palm of
c ha nnel tun ers will indeed go CONVERTER! The prob lem in do- padd ed down to receive ATV fre- your hand, is nearl y square, and
down into the ATV band around ing that. though, is that TV sets quencies . He used a Radio Shack comes in a shiny chrome-like cas-
439 MHz. My wife, Rose KA0SUT. were not designed to go down into Mitsumi UES-A56F UHF-TV tuner ing. It has ten or more pins stick-
recently gave me a little Emerson that part of the world , and Ihey (catalog 12n-220). These neat ing out one side to be connected
"mini-TV" (1.5-inch BNI screen). start falling off in sensitivity dra- little devices sat around for a into the TV set, one or two pins out
Henry Ruh KB9FO was down for matically (or they physically just lew yea rs at $24.95; but in 1985, the other side for AFC, and a male
the weekend (ealing ail my birth- won 't go any lower in freque ncy). the decision was made to close RCA jack for a UHF TV antenna
day cake) and immediately, to my Eventually you will need the them out. input. A few resistors and a couple
80 73AmateurRadio . May, 1987
P.C. ELE CTRON ICS 2522 S. PA XSON LN. ARCAD IA CA 91006 @l a) 447-4 565
TOM W60 RG MARYANN WB6YSS Compuserve 7240 5,1207



T ( 10 .1 "' T"
4 10 H C !,1H Z

"t: .
aec I TV",E
• •
" I:' ' C· .... 1

,-.- (.
p , EL E Cl RO NIC S

• Sensitive UHF GaAsfet tuneable downconverter lor receiving Any Tech class or higher amateur can get on ATV. " you have a
• Two frequency 1 watt p.e.c. transmitter. 1 crystal included camera you used with a VCR or SSTV & a TV set. your cost will just
• Crystal locked 4.5 mHz broadcast standard sound subcarrier be the Te7D and antenna system. If you are working the AMSAT
• to pin VHS color camera and RCA phone jack video inputs satellites you can use the same 70Cm antennas on ATV.
• PTl (push to look) TIA switching DX wit h TC70·1 s and KlM 440-27 an tennas line 01 sight and
• Transmit video monitor ou tputs to camera and phono jack snow free is about 22 mil es, 7 miles with t he 440-6 normally used
• Small attractive shielded cabinet · 7 x 7 x 2.5" l or portable uses like parades, races, search & rescue, dam age
• Requires 13.8vdc @ 5oo rna + color camera current accessment , etc. Get 50 walls p.e.p. with the Mirage 024N or
0 1010N-ATV amp lor greater OX or punching thru obstacles.
Just plug in your came ra o r VCR composite video and audio, 70Cm The TC70-1 has l ull bandwidth for color, sound, like broadcast.
antenna, 12 to 14 vdc, and you are ready to transmit live action You ca n s how the sh ack, home v ideo tapes,co mput er
color or black and white pictures and sound to other amateurs. programs,repeat SS TV, weather radar, or even Space Sh uttle
Sensitive downconverter tunes who le 420-450 mHz band down to video if you have a hom e sate llite receiver. Se e the AR RL
channel 3 . Specify 439.25, 434 .0, or 426.25 mHz t ransmit Handbook chap!. 20 & 7 lor more into & R epeater Directory for
frequency. Extra transmit crystal add $1 5. local ATV repeaters.
Transmitting equipm'!lnl sold only to licensed rad o amateurs verified in the
Callbook lor legal purposes. If recently licensed or upgraded. send copy of
license Re<;ai ving downconvorters availablo 10 an starting at $59 (TVC-2G).
50 WATT WITH D24N.ATV •••• $499
All prices In c lu de UPS surface s hip p ing In c o nt. USA


. '
• ~ ~ '(),..
TV 'ET 00
TC70·1 .. ,$299
ATV T ra nsc eive r Mira g e D24N..... $219 KlM 440· 27 14d bd $107
Astra n RS20M... $129 (oP!JOf\al) all rrode 70an ami) Kl M 440·14 11dbd $77
TV CAMEAA 13.8 wle 20A Power SuPIl1y 13.8O'de 9 amps@ SO wa ~ s RF KlM 440-6 8dbd $62

HAMS! Call or w rite for full line ATV c ata log ....downconverters start at only $59

" When You Buy, Say 73" 73 Amate ur Radio · May, 1987 81

01capacuors. along with a Sk pol

that would vary the dc voltage (.9
V oc was 430 MHZ). is usually all
that is needed to get it going.
One advantage 01 this device
over a l ixed downconverter is that
you can tune the ATV band and
then slide on up through the com-
mercial UHF TV channels (420-
884 MHz) as well. Once built and
preamped , the device made a
good ATV receiver that could fit
inside a home-brew transceiver
cabinet . Dale WA4BDX of Shelby,
North Caro lina, won l irst place in
the Charlotte, Nor th Carolina, Photo A. Dale WA4BDX of Shel·
" AS" Hamlest get-together in by. North Carolina. and his award-
March 01 1983 using this UHF·TV winning UHF-TV tuner for ATV.
tuner device in his ATV rig (see
Photo A). Photo B. W4TOY's home-brew ATVtransceiver using the UE5-A56F TV
Write to Or. Clyde WB4AOH at By the way . t here are now 13 tuner.
3701 Frederica Street . Owens- ATV repeater or remote transmit-
boro KY 4230 1 lor more details. ter systems in the country using too many years ago, belore radio 2-m et er VHF frequen c ies and
Ask him to send you a photocopy this OX antenna field as well . Th e amateurs got permission to oper- UHF antenna polarizations used
of the W4lUB Skeleton Sial UHF conversion list is growing as ATV ate the band . , , by the ATV gang acros s the coun-
Antenna as well. Include a buck or groups are learning by others' ex- try . More than 1,000 registered
two lor his time and trouble and an amples that you CAN have your Find ing Local Activ ity US ATVS members are listed,
SASE or return postage. cake (OX) and eat it (omnidirec· The mail I am getting from read- along with dozens 01 neat "in-
tional repeaters) too! ers is unexpectedly heavy! My shac k" operator photos. It also
Long.Distance Fast·Scan TV Several Midwesl ern and East sec retary Patti and I are trying to includes my lirst three ATV col-
Some of you have remarked Coast ATV repeater groups are answer all of it as it comes in and um ns on the basics of getting
that you were amazed that tast- giving second thought to return- fill yo ur requests at onc e. My started on ATV.
sca n TV signals could travel so far ing to the H-plane antenna rad ia- apologies if I don 't get back 10 you
when band conditions were good . tion pattern s so as not to miss out qui ckly on personal questions. Dayton ATV Workshops
In March . I mentioned Ihe great on these te rri fic OX band an - Most mail has been 01 the "in- I'd like to remind you of the ATV
Thanksg iving weekend contact wor kshop sessions that will be
between Paul Nees KtJlWA i n held this year at Th e Ramada
Burtington, Iowa. and Ed W3POS North, 4079 Little York Road . in
in Erie, Pennsylvania (578 miles).
"Put Up the highest stacked Dayton. 112 mile south of 1-70 and
That, as far as I've heard, is the multi-elem en t, hardline-fed, mast- 1-75. (Last month, the wrong motet
'1 USA FSTV OX land-distance was mentioned as the ATV meet-
record. mounted-preamplified antenna ing plac a.] Come on over to our
It is not all that hard to break, as suite Friday night and/or Saturday
during that opening it was just a
system that your pocketbook can aflernoon/evening and talk ATV
matter 01 getting people on the air afford and y ou'll be surprised at just and bring your VHS videotapes 01
to accomplish the contact. Maybe local ATV activity and photos of
some 01 you old-timers have in-- how fa r UHF fas t-scan TV will travel. " OX con tacts!
deed worKed two-way FSTV con- Formal programs will be con--
lacts much farther than thaI. We 'd ducted at 7 p.m. each night, with
like to hear from you . Include hancements- 2O-dB loss on be- quiring about acti vity in my area " John Beanland G3BVUIIN 1 from
specifics such as callsigns, dis- ing cross-polari zed is hard to over- type. Might I suggest an invalu - Spectrum International being the
lances worked, P-signal reports, come, although not impo ssible, able beginning locator that will be- featured speaker o n Saturday
dates, etc. Tracy Monson N9AEP in Moline, co me a use ful add ition to your night. I'm hoping that we'll be on
Spec-Com Journal has already Indiana , and Don Miller W9NTP in tech nical library? The USA TVS the air th rough the Dayton W6BI
published ATV's l irst official OX Waldron both saw or got into one No rth American A TV Directory (vertical) ATV repeate r system (or
Award Roster and continues to as- of the Pittsburgh vertical repeater ($6.95 ppd. from the add ress at on si mplex) a t 439 .2 5 MHz ;
semble new contacts lor publica- systems that Thanksgiving week- the beginning of this column) lists 147.450 simplex is the place to
lion. To get on the honor roll. sub- end , atthough it was reported that mor e tha n 11 0 ARRL and monitor on a-meter FM .
mi t you r best two-way contacts no one was around to take advan- USATVS registered ATV repeater Yes, there will be ATV mobiles
ove r 200 miles. Leading the pack tage of it. and remote transmitt er systems in floating around. I might be riding
is a land/water contact between Put up the highest stacked mul- the U.S. and Canada, including over with Henry KB9FO in his
Fl oridian WA 4GRK and Te xan ti-element , ha rd line-Ied. mast- the inpuUoutput frequencies they Bronco with 100 Watts and hori-
W5VOS held on May 30, 1966, mountec-creamouneo ant enna operate on, who sponsors them. zontal polarization lo r the trip.
with an average P2 picture some system that your pocketbook can and other such information. Once we get out of Chicago, we
937 rnnee. It will be hard to sur- afford and you 'll be surprised at It con tains an up-to-date ATV should be able to see some FSTV
pass that accomplishment. Red just how far UHF fast-scan TV will club or organized group directory, signals (there aren't any to watch
and Frank used 100-Watt amplifi- travel. Unless you have a moun- showing more than 70 American in the Windy City anymore),
era and modest horizontally polar- tain in front of you, you can go fas t-scan TV clubs, when they Look out Findlay or Indy Group ;
ized beam antenna systems. Can- hu ndreds 01 miles. Fast-scan TV meet, what Irequency they hang we will be passing through on
trary to old thought, most of the is usually thought of as a line-of- out on, and how best to contact Thursday on 144.340! See you at
coun try is horizontal lor better, sig ht co mmunications m od e . them. Also, there is a large, lull- W60RG ' s Sat urd ay afte rnoo n
lower noise level, simplex action. They wrote the test on that theory page map of the U.S. that depicts ATV meeti ng, too.•
82 73AmareurRadiO . May, 1967
HF / VHF Terminal Node Controller
$124.95 $159.95
The TNC-220 is a new, lo w-cost Packe t The TNC-220 has the familiar TAPR
Terminal Node Controller evolved from command set and AX.25leve12 Version
the Pac -Comm TNe·200 (TAPR TNC-2). 2 protocol running o n a 2 ·80 processor
It uses more large scale integrated cir- • T wo ra dio ports with 32k bytes of EP ROM and 16k bytes
cuits and fewer components to provide • 7910 single-chip modem of ba tt e ry-bac ke d RAM . A 2ilog 8530
greater functionality, re lia bility and • 300 and 1200 bauds sec performs all packet HDLC in
sensitivity with reduced size a nd cost. hardware . The terminal port can select
The single-chip modern used for both 300 • En ha nced command set either RS·232 or ITL for your C ·64/128,
baud HF and 1200 baud VHF operation • Multi-color s ta t us LED's VIC·20 or other TIL c omp ute r . Five
has two radio ports . Sv.ritching between • Supports RS -232 and large, color-coded LED's clearly indicate
ports is done e ntirely in software and no s ta tus at a glance. The power switc h is
cable changing, no switch setting and no TTL computers now located o n the front panel. The
retuning is required! The HF port ha s an • Active HF bandpass filter TNC -220 is enclosed in a rugged ex-
acti ve bandpass filte r and provide s either • T uning indica to r option truded aluminum cabinet with an attrac-
FSK or AFSK keying. Anoptional tuning • 12 volt DC operation tive two-tone blue front panel. All indi-
indica tor slides inside the cabinet. A cators and controls have large, clear
standard modem disconnect header will • Premium quali ty case labels.
connect accessory high-speed or satellite • 6" w x 2" h x 7" d Tech Line (813) 874-2980
modems . Write For Free Packet Catalog


Pac -C omm P ac k e t Rad io S ys tems , 3652 W e s t Cypres s St. , Tampa , FL 33607 _."


This unique device sounds a two second beep alar m when someone connects to you r station. II
a lso turn s on a LED " CALL LITE" to lei you know thai a connec t has occurred while you we re
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• Installs in minures-cS easy connections
• Net a kit. requlres M) t\SSE..\ IBLY
• Mou nts inside the TXC .
• Works with any TAPR TXC-,2 for mat -~lFJ 1270, PAC·COM TXC200, AEA PK·80, ETC. I S inc~
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Ad d S2.00 for Ship ping a nd Ha nd ling 2 YEAR WARRA NTEE we've been supplying quality
crysta ls since 1965 -
For more in formation . long before the flood of
wri te or ca ll: T ra n s C o m, In c, cheap imports.
703· 13 Ann oreno Drive
Ad d iso n , Illin ois 60 101 we're still supplying qua lity
Vioal~aAlrT Card aettplod (3 12\ 543-9055 .,. 181
crystals with
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1691 ·lY (N) 137_5 MHz GET THIS
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GAIN: 20dB
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Fl_ Myers, FL 33906
VISA (813) 936-2397
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FREE (Except Fkrida)

" When You BUY, Say 73" 73AmateurRadio • May,1987 83
R.S .• .... R. $ .#
..,. A.S .• .... R.S." ..,.
'", OE'
ACE Communocations
"6S ,,,
DentronlCS ..
Dock Smoth EIect. OOICS

Larsen Electronics, Inc
The laset Press
Madison Electronoes
Ross [),s1nbut,ng
SeiecIone COI'poraloon
.. . n
Advanced COmputer Dick S,Mh ElectlonlCS
"" "cr "
... Controls , Inc.
Advanced Compute' " '"raa Dig lt,e .
fGE ,lnc.
Magg'Ofe Electronics
Ma_com , Inc. .........
Back Issues ......
Moving , .. _- ..... ..
__. 79
Conlrols, Inc.
EighUand (}ala
eo ece
MFJ Enterprises . Inc
MFJ EnterprlSeS , loc , ..3 SU bSCfiphons - - - - - .... . ___ 17
Uncle Wayne 's Bookshel\/9S 65

All ElectronICS
Amateur ElectronIC Supply
Eneomm , Inc
Eleclron P'DCeSSlng, Inc, .
'"as Mochigan Racj;o _
Me a Control SpecIaltIes ..

$oF Nnaleu. Radoo SeIvces _.. 36
Sobe• . roc.. .. 15
. ..
'" "nloQue Electron,c Supply Engineefl ng ConsUltIng
zs '" MlCrolog CorP . . •
M,dland Technologi es . . ..... n '"'" Slloj' ki ElectrOl1tC$ _
SOCilJly of Eight·B'1 Heath

Associated Rad io . ... 96
" Fai r Rad Io Sales
Financial Freedom Publishers
" '"
"0 M"acleRod 79 Compurerisrs Jou rnal. .. t 5
te Astron Corp .
"ushn Amateur Radio Supply
a "" Fo~·Tango
GL8 Elect.onics
M" agefKLM
lr,4,SSIOfl Consulting "U,. ""
Spec-eomJouma/ .
Specl.um CommuAlCatoont
.. "
53 Ban,., & W<lbamson
BlIrry Electronics Cotp ,
"cs n
GIe<l Marlin Eng'~lng
H J . TIleIIer Corp JSommer
Electric Co, .
" '"
.. . 92
80 Missouri RadIO Center
Molron Electronics
M ult lla~ .. ... ... .
.. . . 6S
"3 Speetrum tnternahonat ,
Success BUSIness Pubhshers .

" .. 77
n '"
>30 Nel·Te<:h Labs, Inc. , et n Techmcal Systems Group , se "
'"'" M. BohnhOf! Productions . .. . 63
n '" H , Stewart Designs

Buckmaster Publ ishing
Cable o.stnbutors . 36
Ha~ Troni .

The Ham Statoon " '"

50 Nemal EIe<:l rOnics .
Northeast Electronics
. .. 73
79 ','"". Tech noloqy Marke tIng . Inc. ..
Tesas Comm Cenler . ss "
CSC InternatlORal
Cleveland InstItute 83
Hamtrooics. Inc.
'"ter O.",.,,,,~

OrIOn Hi· T8CIl , " ,,.

Tlare Pubbcaloont
Talal Electronic Concepts

28' Coa~Plus se Home Business Opportul'll1ies as " za P.C. Electronics.
.. 8 1 Tra ns.com .... ... . 83 "
Coa xial DynamIcs, at HusHef , Inc, .. aos P,C. Erectrcmcs .. , •
" Colorado Comm . Center '" ICOM America , Inc.
. .. 8
zs The PX Shack .. " '" Tri·H Communicat ions .. ,
UnadIlla/Antennas Etc.
.. 9S
Com West RadIO Systems .. .. 36 Gov , II , 16, 87
'" eee-cerren " '56
83 Unad,lla/Antennas Elc.
Commerce TOU~ • !COM Amefica, Inc, on Pall)mar Engoneef'S UIIlry Electronoc:s se
" " 'DO 78

Comrnunicatoont Specoah5ls.
Communicahons SpecIalists
Compul er Suppl ies of
InternatlOf\8l RadIO
Jan Crystals

....... .. 83
" " " 0
RadIOAmateur Callbook . Inc.
The Radio Works , .. . ... . ..

'"48 "
Unlvel'Sa1 Amat_ RadIO
Vanguafd Labs
Western Electronics ..... .... .73

Pete rborough • JEC Electronics Ramsey ElectroniCS at W91NN Antennas

" Computer Trader ,


", 272 Jun's Electronics

.. 73
ee RF Connechon
" '"'"
Vaesu ElectronICS ..
CoY, 1Il
Kamronoc:s rs RF Enterpnses Vaesu Electronoc:s
" Connect Systems, Inc.
DaIWa ElectronIC Corporation 97
Ket rwood S. 6, 9, 99 . Gov. IV '" RF Pafl So'Westcom
97 10 . 11

263 Dent,on n
'" The Lanz Company rs EngIneerIng 36 • PINse correspond -..en m. comp.",.,-Go<ectly

D lleOMI
• General Coverage HF Transceiver • Pocket-Sized
FT·787 gee. 100 kH z-29.999 MHz 2MeterHT
P.O. Box 4405 TR 1.6 MHz-29.999 MHz
• HFNHFIUHF Base Station/ • TX·140-150 MHz,
220 N. Fulton Ave. • MicroprocessorControlled RC 139-174 MHz
• Plug·in Modules t or
EVlnsvllle,lN 47710 Dig ital PPl Synthesizer. 10Hz • 10 Memories and
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Resolution a LCD Re ado u t
Siore Hours • Loaded with Features ' .62 High Capacity Memories
MON·FRI: 9AM ·8PM • Dual Bullt·ln VFO's
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CENTRAL TIME · 2w or o pl . 5w
WARRANTY SERVICE CENTER FOR: • memory and band ac an

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84 73 Amateur Radio · Ma y, 1987
New PK·232 Breakthrough

Six Digital Modes - Including Weather FAX

1900 25f£37 3BA-4
A new so ftware enhancemen t
makes t he AEA PK·232 t he o nly
amateur data controller to offer
six transmit/receive modes in a
si ngle unit.

• Morse Code
• Baudot (RTTY)
• Packet
• Weather FAX

$ 3 199~MATEaR N ET
$3 79.95 A EA RETA IL

Yo ur ho me co mputer (or even a simple terminal) status and mode ind ication. The 240 page manual
can be used tor radio data communication in six includes a "quick st art" sec tion for easy connec-
different modes. Any RS·232 compatible com- tion and complete documentation including
puter or terminal can be connected directly to the schematics. Two identical back panel radio ports
PK·232. whic h interfaces with you r transceiver. mean either you r VHF or HF radio can be selected
The only program needed is a simple terminal pro- with a front pane l switch. Other back panel co n-
gram, like those used with telephone modems, nections inc lude external modem disconnect,
allowing the computer to be used as a data t er- FSK and Scope Outputs, CW keyi ng jacks, and
minal. All sig nal processing, protocol, and RS-232 t erm inal inte rface.
decoding software is in ROM in the PK·232. The RS-232 connector is also used for attac hing
The PK·232 also includes a no compromise any Epson graphics compatible parallel printer for
VHF/HF/CW modem with an eight po le bandpass prin ti ng Weat her Fax. Weather maps and satelli te
filter, four pole discrim inator, and 5 pole post photos, like the one in th is ad, can be printed in
detection low pass filter. Experienced H F your shack.
Packeteers are reporting the PK-232 to have the Contact your local AEA dealer today for more
best Packet modem available. in format ion about th e one unit th at gives you six
Operation of the PK-232 is a breeze, with modes for one low price, the PK-232.
twenty-one front panel indicators for constant

Brings you the Breakthrough

2OO6·'96th 51. 5W
Lynnwood, WA 98036
''When You Buy. Say 73" 73 Amateur Radio • May,1987 85


On the 24th of this month, hams should celebrate a 143rd
anniversary. On May 24, 1844, Sam Morse ended years 01 living
hand-to-mouth on his income as an artist, reaching a payoff to his
NOTES FROM FN42 14th, it is Independence Day in experiments with the new-fangled notion that electricity traveled
73 Int er nat io n a l welcomes Israe l, in Paraguay on the 15th, along wires . He sent the world's firs t telegraph message along 40
Chang Han Dong of Shanghai as and forthe Hashemite Kingdom of miles of wire between Baltimore and Washington. His words:
Jordan it is on the 25th , so send " What hath God wrought? "
our latest foreign correspondent.
The People 's Republic of China is greet ings to King Hussein I The effects on the world were not exactly instantaneous. Ten
certainty the largest nation now (Alhussein Ibn Tarat JY1) , Queen years later, Senator Gwin (California) was still trying. unsuccess-
represented here. in terms both 01 Noor AJhussein JY1NH, and es- fully , 10 convince the U.S. Congress of the marvelous communi-
people (1,034,907,000-1984 es- pecially to Her Royal Highness cations potential of the Pony Express. Private enlerprise came
l i ma t e) a nd s ize (3 .6 9 1, 52 1 Princess Raya JY2RBH, who will through , hOwever, and in 1860, the country marveled at the
square mIles) , and Shanghai is be celebrating her first birthday. speed with which Uncaln's inaugural address reached au the
the largest city. II is not difficult to way from Mississippi to California. Relays of horses got it there in
ROUNDUP only seven days and seven hours.
predict tnat the nation will show
tremendous growth in the ham B r az i l. Don't forget World The Pony ElI:press headed for the history books a year later.
radio field (perhaps the greatest Te lecommunications Day , and Telegraphy finally triumphed with the 1861 open ing of a 3,595-
percentage of growth by any na. the XVIl IITU Contest, sponsored mile cable between New YorX and San Francisco.
lion) in the com ing 13 years. We by LABRA (U ga de Amad ores
hope the courtesy subscription to Brasileiros de Radio Em issa o),
73 Amateur Rad iO thai we send to 0000 UTC, Saturday, May 16 10 Greece via New York. The Hel- George was on a trip to visit rela-
new correspondents w ill help that 2400 UTC, Sunday, May 17. The lenic Amateur Radio Association tives in San Marino. Now that 's
grOWlh. We th ink it wilt do more object is for amateurs around the (HARA) was founded in New YorX the way to improve communica-
tha n another new export anyway: wor1d to contact other amateurs In about a year ago, for the purpose tions between countries!
the China Central Television net- as many different ITU zones as o f prom ot ing amateur radio The verese Chapter of the As-
wo rk has announced that il will be possible , in order to enable their among the Greeks living in the SOCiazione Radioamatori Italiano
importing Marcus Welby, M.D., country to win the ITU Plaque, Un ited States-and to improve (ARI) has created the "varese-
Family Affair. ColumbO, and Star which rema ins with the country. communication among them . For The Province of the Seven lakes"
Trek lor regular prime-time show- Only on the 160-, 80-, 40-, 20- , 15-, more information, write HARA , worldwide ham and SWl award
ing. Read th is column's China and to-meter bands. Details Irom PO Box 657, Fresh Meadows NY for the t .a tc 144 MHz bands, CW ,
news in the May , 2000 , edition your local club. 11365.
of 73 to find out which shows the Czechosl ovakia v ia Canada. Ifaly , George A . lucchi
greatest rat e of growth , hams Marvin Hlavac OK3CAW 01 Ed- W6NVN , aham for5 1 years , had a
or t he nat ion ' s es ti mated 400 monton writes 01 the OK3KII radio aso with well-known Tony cec-
mill ion TV viewers! It should be club he " grew up in" in Bratislava coli T77C in Northern Italy, and
interesting! (see photo). With their location on two weeks later hand-delivered
May lO is Mothers Day-Dia de a hill , with monobano yagis lor 14, hi s QSL card . (See photos.)
las Madres, Fete des Meres, and 21 , and 28 MHz and wire anten-
MUllertag-except in the Central nas for the low bands, they made
African Republi c, where it is on about 50,000 csos during 1984 --
May 28; it is Constitution Day in and 1985, more than half of them
Japan (3rd) and Norway (17th ), with the USA. Laco OK3CEI is the
National Day in Cameroon (20th) c hief operator; ot hers include
and Tanzan ia (26th). May 13th is Roman OK3CDV, Miro OK3CTM ,
Joan of Arc day in France, the Pr iemisel OK3CVM , Jura j
16th is Discovery Day for the Cay- OK3CNJ , Ivan OK3Ua , Vict or
man Islands, and it is Victoria Day OK3CLI , and Richard Ol8CTA The Varese-" Province ofthe Sev-
in Canada on May 18 . On th e (jun ior op callslgn). en Lakes " Award. T77C (le ft) and W6NVN.

L to R, Roman OK3CDV, Miro OK3CTM, Laco OK3CEf, and Ivan Lobik .

me and his inverted V.
86 73 Amateur Radio . May, 1987
• All Mode Operation: FM, SSB, Outpacing the Competition. The Two Venlons to Fit Your Needs.
CW, Packet IC-275 includes d ual VFOs, 99 t unable The 25 watt 1C-275A includes a built-
full funct ion memories. tru e passband in AC supply. The 100 watt IC275H
• Wldeband Reception (from tun ing. crystal resonant notch fi lter. uses an o ptional external AC supp ly.
138 to 174MHz) noise blanker. built-in SWR bridge. Both units are the same size as the
semi or full CW b reak-in. multifunction ultra compact IC-735 HF rig. and are
• Packet Compatible (with front met er. velvet-s mooth tu ning kno b and DC cord intercha ngeab le. You can
panel DATA switch) an easy-to-read ambe r LCD read out alternate t hei r fixe d or mobile use!
• 2-Meter Transceiver with the with variable backl ight.
The Matching 100M IC-475 UHF
features of an HF Four Scanning Modes. Full spec- Transceiver is also jam-packed with
• DDS (Direct DIgital trum , programmab le limits. mode scan de luxe mu ltimode featu res, and it's
Synthesizer) and mem ory scan with selectable t he ultima te OSCAR mate for the
lock-out Iscans 99 memories in five IC-275. Two versions. t he 25 watt
When you'r e ready to experience seconds tl, 1C-475A and the 75 watt IC475H, are
all the multi mode exdtement 2 meters An FM'ers Dream Rig. Separate
available to suit your needs.
offers today's amateur, you 're ready knobs for ba nd tuning and memory Exdtln. New Options include a
for the glamorous new IC-275, Its selection. Standard repeater sp lits tone squelch u ni t. speec h synthesize r.
FM capabilities are unlimited, Its bu ilt-in; odd sp lits program mable. ln- a n OSCAR module t hat a llows tracking
wldeband receiver coverage (138 to eludes 32 built-in subaud ible tones, with a co mp ani on IC-475 . FL-83 500Hz
174MHz, Tx 140.1 to 150MHz) In- and actual sub audible frequency is IO.749IM Hz CW filter and an AG-25
cludes public services and NOAA disp layed. Unit su pplied with HM-1 2 mast mounted preamp.
weather bands, plus CAP and MARS, up/ d own scanning mic and DC cord.
and Its SSB/CW operations are an
OSCAR enthusiast's and VHF nx'ers It's Packet Ready with rear con-
delight. No other VHF transceiver Is nector for audio input/output and
comparable to the IC-275 In features,
performance. reliability and ease of
front panel data switch that red uces
switching t ime to less t han 5 ms and
mutes the mtc.
ICOM Am erica. tnc., 2300-116th Aile PIlE. Bellevue, WA 98004 Customer Servk::e HotAne (206}454-7619
3150 Premier Dr ive. Suite 126, Irving. TX 75063
ICOM CANADA, A Divi sion of ICO M America, Inc., 3J71 - #5 Road, Unit 9. Richmond, B.C. V6X 214 Canada
All Slalad ~lica1l0nl are approo;imal. and subjecl to ChoangB ....11'lOut OOlOC. Of obIigelion. AU 100M ,ltd"" S1ll",ficanll)' • • QIled FCC regu" lions ~mrt"'(l spurious emiuions 2751286
- •

SSB, AnY. lor contacts made on 01 the WIA in 1925. He was re- thinking of taking a radio on their
and after January " 198 5. No re- sponsible for enlisting the aid 01 trip to VK8, this has just had a
pealer contacts : dupes are valid All Traeger VK5AXNK8XT in de- frequency shih 10 146.350 in and
pr ov id ing mode an d date ar e veloping the lamous pedal radio, 146.950 out.) A high percentage
changed. Valid contacts are those with the hrst successful on-air ex- of The Alice amateurs concen-
made with members of th e Varese periment being cond ucted be- trate on the higher bands, with 6
ARt Chapter " that in add ition to tween a nursing home in The Alice meters being very active during
the repo rt will furni sh a prog res- to Hermannsburg Mission , aboul the last year Of so, so il is not
sive number," For HF: Europea n 100 miles west ot The Alice . surprising that HF contacts are
stations will need 15 contacts plus To prove that the tran smission few and far between.
5 contacts (or stations heard) 01 worked , the story goes tha t The Under the editorship of Jeff
stations sited on lake s shore; sta- Rev , John and Alf drove into the Tong VK8TJ , the first club news
tions outside of Europe : 5 con- Queensland city of Clonc urry in sheet, The Centre Conductor ,
tacts plus 3 contacts (or stations early November of 1928 on Mel- has just been pub lished by the
heard) of lakes shore sited ste- bourne Cup Day to publicize a bet - ASARC . In this issue , he states
tions. For VHF: 30 c ontacts pl us 5 ter mode l 01their innovation. The that plans are under way lor the
c ontacts of stations sited on lakes ideal place to set up was in front of const ruction of a fully steeracie
shore . Requests, with 10 lACs or the local hotel, and , as a local 9-meter parabolic dish for use
the equivalen t in Lire . 10 : AR t horse wa s runn ing in the Me l- with upcom ing seteunes and
v arese. POB 26, 21100 Varese . bourne Cup, a crowd soon gath- moonbource work. Cha ng Han Dong.
Italy. ered to see if the results of Ihe Packet Radio. Packel radio
race could be obtained quickly . A was ina ugurated in Alice Springs other Chinese young people , I
Iransmission 01 over 2,500 mi les on May 14. 1986. when VK8RP knew nothing about amateur radio
was heard, the local horse won, and VK8TJ established a link us- commun icat ion . Befo re 1949
and when the crowd that had gath- ing a TAPR TNG-2 and a PK-64 , there were some amateur stations
ered adjourned 10 celebrate, the Quickly to follow on-line were in China, but amateur radio was
two men were ien with the set VK8s TM, BB, and ZND, also us- called off from then on.
AUSTRALIA knowing that they had succeeded ing PK-64 TNCs . The protocol When BY1PK was set up, there
Jim Joyce VK3 YJ in their venture. chosen by The Alice amateurs for were several magazine articles as
44 Wren St reet Amateur Radio Today. The Al- the local standard is AX.25 level 2 a result , about amateur radio corn-
Altona 30 18 ice Springs Amateur Radio Club version 2, in order to conform 10 munication , one atter another.
Australia has approximately 25 active mem- Ihe Region 3 desig nated stan- They exerted a great influence on
bers and c la im s t o have the dard , as well as to have compati- me . I got 10 kn ow elementary
VK8- THE TERRITORIANS highest membership-per-head 01 bility with tile upcom ing amateur knowledge about an amateur sta-
The Northern Territory covers tote r population of any place in satellite capabilities of JA5-1 and tion from these articles, and was
an area 01 51 9,788 square miles, Australia. Of the 25, eight have AMSAT11 1.c. interested in becoming a ham .
with us two main ci ti es, Alice satellite capabili ties , When AO-10 As all of the amateurs now on Before long. an amateur station
Springs and Darwin, being 1,000 was in prime operating position , packet in Alice Springs are also was set up in Shanghai (my city) . I
miles apart. Much 01 this "cut- as many as six could be on at the active on OSCAR , Ihe network will was very happy then. In 1985,
back" area has suu to leel Ihe same time. be able to extend beyond its phys- Sha nghai' s second amateur eta-
louch of civilization. Alice Springs amateurs supply ical isolat ion . If you are interested non was set up, too. It' s callsign is
Alice Springs. Immortalized by communicalions for the annual in trying out an OSCA R packet BY4AOM .
Nevil Shute's novel, A Town Like Camel Cup Race, a nostalgic re- link with The Alice or if you have There are no private amateur
Alice , as well as by me Iilm 01the minder of tne time when we had any information to contribute, the stations in China , so I have joined
same name, is not Ihe lrontier Afghan camel drivers with up to group will be very pleased to hea r a collective stat ion; now I am a
town that it was 40 years ago. To- 900 camels in the camel train from you . Write Rick VK8RP , 44 member of BY4AOM . This is an
day " The Alice," as il is known to which carried most of the goods Memorial Avenue , Alice Springs, outsta nding amate ur station :
most Australians, is the stopping- into and oul of the vast center of N.T., 5750 , Australia. " ADM " means "Able Old Men."
over point l or cou ntl ess th ou- Austral ia . This wa s before the The re are about 20 members, and
sands of to urist s (parti c ularly adve nt 01 the Ghan Train (named the average age is about 65. They
Americans and Japanese) went- aher them) from Adelaide to The often work from morning till deep
ing 10 see our "Red Centre," with Alice, which put them out of busi- night, even to the morning as
the main attraction being Ayres ness.
Rock , Another attraction at The Alice
This area is steeped in history is t he annual Hen ley-on-Todd
regard ing o ld-li me radio and boat race , This race is held " in"

telegraph, with the old overland the Todd River, which is dry lor
telegraph station a place to visit. years on end . The boats consist of Chang Han Dong (BY4AOMj ,
Here you can see depicted in pno- light bortcrtuess canvas-wrapped Institute of Estuarine & Coastal

los the hardships thal lhose hardy names: the propulsion is six or Resea rch
men and women went through 10 eight people who have pu lled the East China Normal University
build a telegraph line from Ade- boats up around their waists. Rep- Shanghai 200062
laide, at the bottom 01 Australia, to resen ting vari ous charities or oth- China
Darwin, at the lop. It had to go er organizations. the teams run Becoming A Ham. In 1982, the
through 2,000 miles 01the ha rsh- like mad down Ihe dry river bed 10 first amateur stalion, BY1PK, was
est dry, desolate conditions that the cheers of loca ls and tourists set up in Peking, P.R C. (People 's
can be laced anywhere. who line the bank of the river, Republic 01 China) . It was a very
The grave 01 the lounder 01 the many with an 807 in one hand and important year for Chinese ama-
Fl ying Do ctor Se rvice , The a barbecued chop or sausage in teurs and me . At that time , I was a
Reverend John Flynn, is located the other. st udent in Shang hai JiaoTong
at The Alice. The Rev. John, bei ng Mosl radio traffic is via the local Un iversity (SJTU).
an amateur , was made a member a-meter repeater . (Fo r those Prior to 1982, as was true of East China Normal University.
88 73 Ama reur Radio · May, 1987

apply their minds and lea rning to friends, and make the small extra land, Luxembourq , Swe de n,
Peking BY1PK , the work. investment necessary. Switzerland , t he UK, Un ited
BY1QH I hope to make more new Look for Israel i stations be- Stales, Uruguay and West Ger-
Shanghai BY4AA, frie nd s in 1987 and exchange tween 14.105 and 14.108. 4Z4ZB many).
BY4AOM expe riences with others. in Jerusalem leaves his TNC on Private lines. In order to elimi-
Fulou BY50A, 14.1 075 MHz all day Friday so he nate unwanted interference and
BYSGA can be contacted or used as a re- occasional intermod, the Haifa re-
Xinjiang BYMA lay, and the rest of the week it's peater on 145.625 needs a 192.8-
C hanCu BY8AA on VHF , serving as a digipeater Hz subaudible tone tagged to your
NanKing BY4NA on 144.675 MHz,the Region One signal to access it. The Jerusalem
HangZou BY5HZ IARU Packet Channel . 4X60J repeater on 145.625 will have fol-
SuZou BY4SZ is active with bulletin board on HF , lowed suil by the time you read
and is working on an Input/output this. This one tone will be untver-
Ron Gang 4Z4MK that will be linked to VHF. The sal for all of our repea ters. A Haifa
Table 1. A mate ur s ta tions i n Kibbutz Urim IARY has authorized two digi- amateur has devised a simple
China. 85 530, Negev MPO peaters . with ot her private sta- tone generator built around a
Israel tions already serving this purpose DTMF chip and a 4550kHz minia-
young men do . They are really The Ann ual Is rael Am ateur on 145.675 MHz . Country-wide ture i-I crystal filler that is added
A DM ! Radio Club social evening (last hookup is already a reality, and easily to all rigs . So don 't lorget
It is co mmon knowl edg e that December) in Tel Aviv was the soon , if conditions permit , you to have a Pl generator on your
China is a developing cou ntry, biggest yet , with 650 attending. sho uld be able to co ntact an 2-meter rig before you get here ;
and its electronic industry is also Doubtlessly more than part ly re- Israeli cecxeteer on HF, be linked and it also will be fun to bring
developing. Therefore, we are not sponsible was a raffle that radio into local VHF, and make instant some packet equipment. Then , if
able to buy station eq uipment lor clubs the world ove r co uld be contact with any Israeli pa cket you have any roo m left in your
amateur rad io and must make it proud of . For two months, mem- station . The possibilities are mind- s u it c a se, bring along some
up by ourselves . We made a re- bers of a small dedi cated group of boggling, and it doubtlessly will be clothes!
ceiver, antenna . and so on . Be- hams had been making pests 01 amusing in a few years to look Mail boK on Mt. Cannel. The
sides , we have two transceivers. themselves going arou nd to ham- back and read what's written here W4FQM/4X RnY repeater on Mt.
one a secondhand rig; they were a involved businesses and others, toda y. Carmel, near Haifa, has recent ly
prese nt to us from our friends uv- and made sure that word leaked Ea sl er Re c iprocal L icense. received a new addition : a mail-
ing abroad. On Sundays I often go out about their successes . Nearly I wrote earlier that you had to box given by the donor 01 the re-
10 the staucn to ope rate with my 200 prizes were raffled off: station appear in person to get your recip- peater, Ed Webb W4FQM . The
friends. We go there by bus or by acce ssorie s, co mputi ng gear , rocal license when visiting here . unit is an Info-Tech M·700A with
bike. and il lakes a lot of time. te xt iles , a rti facts , e lectr o n ic Now you can save precious time 64K memory, 48 for the mailbox
about one and one half hours. equipment, a year's towing ser- by writing several months before and 16 for bullet ins, one of the
In order to help more and more vice, and the grand prize , a round- you come to Ahron Kirschner most popular of which is 4X4FU 's
people 10 understand amateur ra- trip to london with two weeks 4X4AT, IARC, 80K 4099, 6 1 040 DX Bulletin , which he updates
d io , we cond ucted a t ra ining accommodation! Ticket sales for Tel Aviv, Israel, and request the several limes a week .
cou rse for secondary school stu- the drawi ngs were overwhelming , Ministry of Communications form By accessing the machine and
dents . The content included ele- and the IARC treasury became to fill out. Return this completed entering the right request. you can
mentary knowledge of amateur ri cher b y a few thou sand form along with a photocopy of see printed out on the screen in-
radio, English, making a radio re- shekels-which will guarantee your license, callsign, and list 01 structions on how to make full use
cei ver, and operating a statio n; better IARC membership services equipment you plan to bring, and 01 all of the repeater's facilities,
CW , SSB, etc . In addition, we are in 1987. the IARU will deal with the red and also how to link up the Haifa
going to set up an amateur station There were eKhibitor's stands tape and send you the reciprocal FM repeat er on R0 with the Upper
network in Shanghai and another in the lobby of tne Be ssarabia license (provided , of course, you Gali lee machine on R3.
st ation , B Y4A Y , speci ally for House showing the latest gear, are a national of a country Israel At all times of the night and day
young men . lAY must mean " Able and a dem onstration of three has a reciprocal agreement with , you can hear the teletype tones
Youth"!-Ed .j We are going to de- packet stations. This was a hit, n a m e l y , Au stralia , Au str ia , when your rig 's scanner stops at
sign a kind of rece iver that is nol showi ng how me ssages were Canada, Chile, Costa Rica , Hot- 145.300 MHz. Just a year and a
expensive . but is easy to be made moved at the lightning speed of
and to be used by the begi nner. 1200 baud , and how the station in
Since 1982 , 17 am ateur sta- the middle set its elf up as a nnECTED TOlX1SK , lX6IR , lZ1R)
tions have been set up in China digipeater, relaying mes sages,
(p .R .C.). The y are d istributed untouched by human hands. IB 'lemonstr ati on - Digipe.tll" mail Bar: rn.
mainly in Peking , Shanghai, and Pac ke t in Israel . This eKciting
FuZou regions. (See Table 1.) new mode is catching on by leaps
They are permitted to operate on and bounds, and is so hard to
all amateur bands. Usually they keep track 01that by the time you
are worked in CW and SSB. The read this it doubtless will be out of
Shan ghai station al so work s date. We are still in the infancy
SSTV, ATV, and OSCAR satellite . stage, but an excrc ercn is ju st
Now there are some hundreds around the corner . As of now
of amateurs joining in the acuw (January) there are 20 stations
ty- sec ondary sc hool st udents
and elementa ry school students;
equipped with packet and at least
twice that number contemplated
ot hers are tea c he rs , wo r kers , fo r th e i mmed iate future . AI·
army men, students in univers ity, though masses of amateurs here
and so on . Great advances have still think of packet as just a glori.
been made in amateur radio 01 fied form of RnY, it's only a mat- Three packet stations demonstrating digipeater, mailbox, and file trens-
China, and more and more sta- ter of time before they see what fer operations at the annual/ARC socia! evening: 4Z9CBD (left) and
tions will be set up as amateurs this actually is, get envious 01their 4Z4RJ.
90 73Amareur RadiQ. May,1987
OPTOelectronics in c


SIZE:4 " Hx3.5 " Wx 1 " D



# A C·120 0
N120 0 H 1.2 GHZ
Small enough to fit into a shirt pocket, our new 1.2 GHz and 1.3 GHz. 8 digit frequency counters are not toyst
They can actually out perform units many times their size and price' Included are rechargeable Ni-Cad batteries
installed inside the unit for hours of portable. cordless operation. The batteries are easily recharged using the AC
adapter/charger supplied with the unit.
The excellent sensitMty of the 1200H makes it ideal for use with the telescoping RF pick-Up antenna;
accurately and easily measure transmit frequencies trom handheld. fixed. or mobile radios such as: Police,
firefighters. Ham. taxi. car telephone. aircraft. marine. etc. May be used for counter surveillance. locating hidden
"bug" transmitters. Use with grid dip oscHlatorwhen designing and tuning antennas. May be used with a probe
for measuring clock frequencies in computers. various digital circuitry or oscillators. Can be built into t ransmit-
ters. signal generators and other devices to accurately monitor frequency.
The size. price and performance of these new instruments make them indispensible for recrotciaos. engineers.
schools. Hams. caers. electronic hobbyists. short wave listeners. law enforcement personnel and many others.

#,200HKC Mod~1 1200H in kit rom 1-' 200 MHz counter complete including
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1.3 GHZ
instructions , , S " .95 6 1J OOH
6 1Z00HC Model 1200H lactOfY assembled 1·1200 MHz counter. tested and
calibrated, complete including Ni-Cad batteries and AC adapter/battr-ry
cnarqer "."., , " , SI37.50
# I J OOHC Modd l300H factOfy a:ssembled 1-1300 MHz counter. tesrec and
calibrated, complf'te includIng Ni-Cad eenenes and AC adapter/battery
charger , " ", ,$150 .00

6 TA·. OOS Tf'lescopng RF piCk-up antlffir'la with BNC ceo-ect or , $12.00
#P·I00 Probe. direct connection 50 ohm, BNC connector .. , $18.00
NCC·70 Carrying case, black vinyl with zipper oper1ing. Will hold a coenter and
eccesscoes , ", S'O.CKJ


FLA (305) 771·2050
1-800-327-5912 l!I
DPTD.'.ctranica inc IL ~. ,I AVAILABLE NOWI
5821 N.E. 14th Avenue Orders to US and Canada add 5% of totallS2 min.• S10 maxI
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 33334 Aorida residents add 5% sales tax. COD fee 52.
half ago when Ed sent the RnY
repeater ov e r this way, you PANIA OF THE REEF AWARD
wouldn ' t have imagined tha t
All contacts, any ecce. any band , except WARO Net contacts
dig ital commun icat ions cou ld
orcontes1 contacts are eligible. a SLs not required; send certified
c atch o n so test . I , f or one,
list to Award Custodian, Vicki Shaw ZL 1OC , PO Box 2088,
couldn't imagine what you would
wnakatan e . N.Z., with sufficient lACs for mailing you the ce rtm-
need a Rny repeater for on 2
cate .
meters, but now , with the ad-
OX stations woO< six resident ZL WARO members from June 1,
dition of the mailbox and its man i-
1969, 10 date ; VK and ZL work 12 resident members. eroorse-
fold uses, I see how nearsighted
ment seals available for each six additional contacts (OX) or 12
I really wa s! Digital and space
contacts (VK, ZL) , with contact s with overseas members of
communications are no longer
WARO eligible for counting towa rds seals AFTE A having logged
mod es of the future ; they are here
at least three ZL con tacts, for each endorsement.
and now. Fig. 1. The WARD badge.
OX listeners must list 10 contacts heard with WARO members
Ned time: 4Z4ZS 's first Israel--
since January 1, 1979. List full log details with callsigns of both
to-space fwO.way amateur 050, end of May 30 to June 1 at wan-
stations concerned. Endorsement s for each additional five con-
the resultant publicity, and the ga nui , on the west coast of North
tact s. VK and ZL: 20 con tacts for the basic award; addit ional 10s
mail response to the IARC. Island about 200 mi les north of
for endorsement seals.
Wellington. If interested , contact
11 interested: ZL YLs may be found each month on International
the Conference Secretary, PO
YL Day (the 6th of each month), on 14.288 either in a s o or
Box 7058, SI. Joh ns , Wanganui.
calling CO YL every hour on the hour. Propagation permilling ,
WARD SILVER ANNIVERSARY and with the recent slight improvement [wrttten in February),
signals shou ld be able to be heard on occasion. The YLs also
March marked the 25th anniver-
opera te on 18 and 80 meters on these days.
sary of the NZ WARO, the Wom-
NEW ZEAL AND en' s Amateur Rad io Operato rs
D.J. (Des) Chapman ZL2VR Club in New Zealand , which was
459 Kennedy Road formed at the 35th NZA RT conler- the addition o f se pa rate ne ts introduced. The artracnve certifi-
Napier ence in 19 6 1 when T he lma for the North and South Islands cate features "Pania olthe Reef ,"
NewZealand Souper ZL2JO (now a Silent Key) and CW , they have conttn- with seals added for extra YL con-
suggested a ZL-YL ci ub to a small ued each month to the presenl. tacts after the basic award (see
NZART CONFERENCE IN MAY group of YL operators. As many ZL-YL o pera to rs as "Pania of the Reef Award" side-
If you are in New Zealand this The idea was met with enthu- possib le were con tacted, and the bar). Pania is a young Maori maid-
month, the an nual NZART C0n- siasm, national YL nets were be- ina ugural meeting was held en in a legend. Lured by the siren
ference will be held over the week- gun on July 11, 1961, and with March 10, 1962, at Brents Hotel in voices of the Sea People, she
AOIorua , wi th pledge 01 support swam out to meet them, and when
received from tho se unab le to be she endeavored to return to her
there in pe rso n . ZL 1s prese nt lover, she was transformed into
were Florence Voss AXP, Judith the reef which lies beyond the
The XP·706·US Holland AWM , Celia Reed ALK , breakwater at Napier and bears
Multi6a Janelle Barker ANA , Vicki Shaw
DC, Enid Rosen, and, of course,
her name .
Besid es th e WA RO Aw ard ,
Antenna ZL2JO. WARO organ izes an annual BO-
WARO was honored to have me ter contest for the Thelma
amongslthe foundation members Souper Memorial Trophy, in April.
a few YLs who, like ZL2JO, had This is open to OMs as well as
bee n on the air since the early YLs, with the former competing
3Os. Notable was Myrt le Earl and for certificates; the trophy goes to
ZL4GR , New Zealand 's first li- the WARO m ember with the
censed YL operator (OZ3AG), highest score.
now a Silent Key , who was a tady In 1981, WARO adopted a flow-
of renown and active in amateur er emblem and included it in a
In the final radio for over 50 years , and the badge now worn by members (see
recipient of the first special WARO Fig . 1). It is " the MI. Cook lily" -
analysis quality is Award in 1980 "to the Grand YL of wh ich really is the giant mountain
less expensive ZLAmateur Radio." buttercup (Ranunculus Lyallii) . It
The WARO's objective is " to grows up to three feet tall, with
The ~lli4 ue design ul lhe XI'-706 -US ante nna sys l"'" giv,," y<1u MONO IiAND PER· prom ot e and encourage friend- leaves that are bowl-shaped to
FORMANCE in • Muh;h.o nd beam Til<' anl"n"" USES NO TRAPS 01 k...Jing coill lhal ship and interest in radio amongst hold rain or mountain dew, with
rob pow"•• nd li",it bandw;dlh Som ...... Anl"nnao u.., lhe FUU ~rfatt • ..,., "',he
doo....... lson ALL bands .
Women Radio Amateurs." Th is flowers about 2-112" in diameter.
aim has been fulfilled, since the It also has its own callsign, ZL2YL,
Ou, <'0"'''';''''''''''0
uw only lh" fir>esl ",.l..-ial, inlu'''' . hal y<>Ur in...nl ..... nl williaM present day membe rship is com- used on special occasions, such
lor y"aro_Our Iy.!ern u.... a [),;,ubl" ,,,,,'a ngulo, bonm , CAST alu minu m . km" n!
m"unl ing h,.,·kels. all I lain le.. hardware. nd a high power ha lun. posed of 121 ZL me mbers, 37 as du r ing t he Marc h Ju bil ee
associate members, and 60 OX Award.
M.-.hwod pe,form.a""" on a M III/l""1td beam ia you .. when you .......... up 10 Som r.
the laat beam you ' 11 ha~ to buy W" bel,",,, Som...... iI your boosr 'n'''''no .... Iue w ..... members, for a total of 218 . These If you are interested in WARO or
compared 10 tho: conslrvction .nd pnfonnan« of ",her muhi and """""'"-nd .nl"nna figures mirror a steady gain that is the awards, wri te the president,
still continui ng, as well as world· Jea nne Gi lcr est ZL2BOo , 20
wide recog nition. The first over- Voge l S t ree t , H awe ra , N ew
seas m e m b er was M i ld r ed Zealand, or the secretary, Anne
K9HRH, a Silent Key now since McMaster ZL3VR, Greens Road,
1969. R.o . 1, Kaiapol , South Island ,
In 1969, the WARO Award was N.Z .•
92 73AmaleurRadio . May, 1987


are a!
We just struck gold with a miniature, high qual -
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ARTER'N'BUY Box 20 15 . Peabod y MA 0 1960 .

ETARY CHIPS for the Commodore
64/ 128 etc.• etc. l ow prices: 6526/
65 10 - $9 . 95,65 81- $ 12 .85 .
WANTED: Old Western Electr ic , 656 7-$1 4 .75 . 82S 100/ P lA-
RC A , T e l e f u n k e n . M c i n t o s h . $12.85 , 8701-$7.25. and many.
Marantz, Dynaco, Tannoy, Altec- many others. Ask about user group.!
MILITARY TECHNICAL MANUALS ham-radio gear. Published twiCe a
lor old and obsolete equ ipment. 60- tubes , amplifiers, speakers. Maury quanti ty p ricing ... Just rele ased
month. Ad s quickly cncurate-cnc
page catalog, $3. Military Technical long wait lor results . SASE for sam-
cere, 11122 Atwell, Ho usto n TX from Australia, " The Commodore
Man ual Service, 2286 Senasac ple copy. $ 12 for one year (24 is- 77096; (713)· 728-4343. BN B4 79 Diagnosticia n," a lami nated Chart
Ave. , Long Beac h CA 90815 . sues). PO Bo x 2057, Glen Ellyn IL for diagnosing faulty IC s . $6 .95
BNB045 601~2057.BN 84 12
lEARN CODE on your IBM PC (or 1',1' ... . HO Power Supply tor me e-
compatible). Commodore e-64f128, 64 $29.95 ... Want us to fix your
MARINE RADIO: Marconi Canada or Macintosh . CODE-PRO takes you computer? We will send Federal Ex-
OS L CARDS- Look good with top
C H· 12 5 s y n t he si z e d A M/SS B quality printing . Choose standard from no know ledge to proficient press the same day you call, pay lor
transceiver, 22 channels on 4, 8, and designs or fully customized cards. copy. Spec ify computer. $ 10 plus $2 return postece. fix your computer
12 MHz, 125 Walls, 12 V de. Never Beller cards mea n more returns to s&h. Trio Technology, Dept. 86 1, PO within 72 hours l or a low flat rate of
used , l ist $ 1,995, ask ing $ 1,495. Stu Box 40 2 , Pa lm Bay Fl 32906 . $59 .95 . . . Call toll Iree (800)-642-
yo u. F r ee b roc h u re , s a m p l es.
Norwood, 70 Ate. 202 North , Peter- Stamps appreciated. ChesterQSLs , BN B490 7634 (outside N Y) o r (91 4)·356-
borough NH 03458. BNB047 Dept. A, 3 10 Commercial. Emporia 313 1; Kasara MiCrosystems . lnc .• 33
TEN-TEC . now shipplng new boxed Murray Hill Drive, SpOng Valley NY
KS66801 . BNB434
OSLs to order. Variety of styles, co- USA-made, latest 1987 factory med- 109n. BNB529
ors, card stock. W4BPD osts. PO YA ESU OWNERS- Hu nd red s of
ers. n.
Corsair cent ury 22. Argosy II
Drawer OX, Cordova se 29039. transceivers. Titan linear amplifier, DE FOREST AUDION UV nickel
modific ations and improvements for
BN B260 229A 2-kW antenna tuner, acces- base, $1,500 plus shipping, certi fied
your rig. Select the bes t from 14
sories and antennas. For the best f und s . J oh n Broll ey , 12 25 l o s
years of genuine top- rated Fcx-Tan-
THE DX 'ERS MAGAZINE. Up-to- Ten-Tec deal. write or phone Hwy . Pueblos , l os Alamos NM 8 7544 .
dale, informative. interesting. C0m-
go Newslellers by using our ne w 32-
44 1, cue NC 28763; (70 4)-52 4- a NB530
page Cumulative Index. Only $5
piled and edited by Gus Browning 7519. BN8494
postpaid (cash or check) with 54 re-
W4BPO, exec Honor Ron certifi- REAL-TIME HFWEFAX MAPS on a
ba te certificate creditable to wa rd
cate 2-4 . Send lor free sample and POST CARD QSl KIT- Converts dot- ma tri x pri nter. Av ailable l or
newsletter purch ases. Includes fa-
subscription information today. PO post cards, photos to Q SLs! Stamp Commodo re. IBM , Apple , Ata ri, and
mous Fox-Tango Filter and Accee-
Drawer OX, Cordova se 29039. brings circul ar. K-K l abels , PO Box CoCo. see Ma rch 86 OST Magazine
sories Lists . Milt Lo wens N4M L (Ed i-
BNB261 4 12. Troy NY 12181 -04 12. BN8498 for circuit details . Kit $28 .15. Assem-
tor) . Box 15944 . W. Palm Beach Fl
ble d $39 .95 . Soltware-Apple ,
IMRA - lnternatiOnal M issiOn RadiO 33416; (305)-683-9587. BNB«8 CITIZEN BAND OPERATORS! JOin Atari. and Commodore $ 10. IBM-
Association . Forty countries. 800 the newest club around . Club cere- $15 plus $2.50 Shipping. For info ,
members. Assists miSSionaries with TOWER CLIMBING SAFETY
nts incl ude power and mod ulation send large SASE. A & A Engineer-
equipment loaned, weekday net. BELTS a nd accesso r i es. Fr ee
mods, a CB trader sheet, ofI iciaI ing, 252 1 W . La Palma t K, Anaheim
14 .280 MHz , 2-3 p.m. Ea st ern . specs. A vatar Mag net s W9JVF .
number. CBs and accessories at dis- C A 9280 1; (714}-952-2114. BNB531
Brother Bernard Frey , 1 Pryer Manor 1147 N. Emerson 117, Ind ianapolis IN
counted prices. send $2 l or lntorma-
Road , larchmont NY 10 5 3 8 . 46219-2929. BNB458
tion and postage to CB Operators 01 QSl s, QSl•• RU SPR INT ust,•.
aNB326 FI ND OUT what else you can hear America , Attn: W . Thomas , 11 Collin Quantities of 100, 200. 300, or more.
Avenue , Uniontown PA 154 0 1. Full color Old Glory and Uberty. Also
RADIO TRANSCRIPTION DISCS on your general<OVerage transceiv-
BNB503 Parchment, Golden Eagle, and oth-
W A NTED . Any size , s peed . er or receiver. JOin a shortwave radio
listening club. Complete information ers. SASE appreciated. Rte . 1, Box
W7FIZ-WG, Box 724, Red mond APPLE II + /c /e MORSE CODE
on major North American c lubs and 363 -73 , Sp r i ng Hill KS 66083 .
WA 98073-0724. BNB347 pROGRAM. Me nus, 3 1 modes , les-
sample ne wsletter $1 . Association of BNB532
son plans, graphics. word proces-
XEROX MEMORYWRITER - parts, North American Radio Clubs, PO
assemblies. boards, manuals. Free Box 462 , Northfield M N 55057 .
see. 1-100 wpm , etc. Write LARES- YOUR TICKET OR UPGRADE via
CO , PO Box 2018, 1200 Ring Road , compu ter . Co m plet e N o v i c e
help with eervce Pfoblems. W6NTH. aN.....
Calumet City IL 60409; (312)-891- course-theory, code, OSOs, more.
Box 250, Benton AR 72015; (501)-
" H A M L O G " COMPUTER p ro - 3279. BN B507 Complele code course - Novice.
776-0920. BN8404
grams . 17 modules auto-logs, sorts Gene ral, Extra. Fo r IBM , R ad io
HAM TRADER YELLOW SHEETS , 7-band WAs/DXCC. Full-feature ed- HOME·BREW PROJECTS lIST . Shack, Commodore. Also great lor
in our 24th year. Buy. swap. sell SASE WB2EUF. PO Bo _ 708, East exa mi ne rs . S A S E l or d eta il s :
iting. Apple $ 14,95 . IBM or CP/ M
Hampton NY 11937. BNB509 J ERlS , Incorporate d, PO B o x
1 - - --------- - --,
Barter ' N' Buy aQvertising must pertam 10 ham radio products or services.
11935. Bedlord VA 24523. BNB541

PEREASY . Subli minal eeeseue .

1 D lnc:liviclual (nonc::om mef"clal)....•................... 25Cper word I $10 . l earn Morse code in 1 hour.
QSl CARDS. Choose from 6 beauti-
O Commerclal 60Cper word l ui new design s or custom printed
Amazing new easy technique . $10.
I Prepayment required. Count only the words in lhe felC/. Your address is I Bot h $1 7. Money-back g uarantee .
from your art . Write fer tree samples.
'r96. 73 cannot venfy advertising claims and cannot be held responsible Sandoliar Press, PO Box 30726 ,
Bahr , Dept. 73, 2549 Tempte, Palm
I !Of d aims made by the advertiser. liability wilt be limited to making any I Bay Fl 32905. BNB517
SantaBartlaraCA93130. BN 8547
necessary corrections in the 1'I9111 ava,lable issue. Please print clearty or
S AVE $1.50 SHI PPING on 87--88
I type (double-spaced). I OX AWARDS. Need in fo on any OX ARRl Repeater Directory. send $5
awards, es pecially lesser known to tal. All ARRl titles available for
I I o nes . Che ck inco mi ng ca rds fo r book price plus $1 shipping. Mar-
stic kers or award notices. Directory shall Hill Enterprises, Inc .• Marshall
I I planned for m id-198 7. Ted Meli- H ill. Bradford NH 03221. BN B548
nosky K2BV, 525 Foster St reet,
I I South Win dsor C T 06074·2936. FOR SALE: Bra nd new Ten-Tee
BNB526 25 10 satellite station , $400 . Jim
I I N1EJF, PO Bo x 110 1, Hillsboro NH
TRS-80 4P /KANTRONICS UTU 03244; (603)-478-3262. BNB 551
I No discounts or commissions are available. Copy must be received in I RTTY. Split-screen, 10 user keys,
Peterborough by the fifth of the second month preceding the cover date. l ile transfer. Runs in Mod 4 (80 char.) THE COMMUNICATION POST :
I Make checks payable to 13 Magazine and send 10: Hope Curriet", 73 I mode. $30 to COM MPRO RTTY, clo Buy, sell, trade- ham, shortwave,
L Magazine, WOE Center, P et~h NH 03458. ~
KB6IC. 3711 Gayle Avenue , Omaha and other eleclroniC gear. Technical
NE68123. BNB527 artiCles, prOjects. Send large SASE
94 73 Amateur Radio • May, 19 87
2 m and 70 cm FM compact • TM -221A receives from 138- • 14 full -function memory channels
mobile transceivers 173.995 MHz . This includes the store freq uency, repeater offset,
weather channels! Transmit range sub- tone frequencies, and repeater
The all-new TM-221A and TM -421A is 144-148 M Hz. Mod ifiabl e for MARS rever se information. Repeater offset
FM transceivers represent the " New and CAP operation. (MARS o r CAP on 2 m is automatically selected .
Generation" in Amateur radio equip- permit required.) There are two channels for "odd
ment. The superior Kenwood GaAs • The TM-421A covers 438-449 .995 split" operation.
FET front end receiver; reliable and MHz. (SpeClfrcallons guaranteed lOT Amateur • Programmable band scanning.
clean RF amplifier circuits, and new build use only) • Memory scan with memory
features all add up to an outstand- • Built-in front panel selection of 38 channel lock-out.
ing value for mobile FM stations ! CTCSS tones. TSU-5 programmable • Super compact :
The optional RC-lO handset/control decoder optional. approx. 1-1/2"Hx5-1f2"Wx 7"0.
unit is an exciting new accessory • Simplified front panel controls • New amber LCD display.
that will increase your mobile makes operating a snap! • Microphone test function on low
operating enjoyment! .16 key DTMF hand mic.. mic. hook, power.
• TM-221A provides 45 W. TM-421A mounting bracket, and DC power • High quality, top-mounted speaker.
is the first 35 W 70 em mobile! cable included . • Rugged die-cast chassis and
Both models have adjustable 5 W • Packet radio compatible! heat sink .
low power. • Kenwood non-volatile operating
• Selectable frequency steps system. AU functions remain Intact
lor Quick and even when lithium battery
RC-l0 Remote Controller
easy csv back -up fails. (Lithium cell
Optionaltelephone-style handset
memory back -up-
rem ote controller RC· 10 is specially
est. life 5 yrs.) d esigned for mobile convenience
and safely. All front panel contro ls
(except DC power and RF o utput
selection) are controllable from the
RC-l0. One RC- 10 can be attached
to either or both TM-221A and
TM -4 21A with the o ptional PG-4G
cable. When both transceivers are
connected to the RC-l0 , cross
band, full duplex repeater opera-
tio n is possible. (A control operator
is needed for repeater

Optional Accessories :
• RC· lO Moltr-funcnon handsel remote controller antenna tuner (200 W PEP) . SWT·2 c ompact
• PG·4G Exira control cable. allows TM -22tAl 70 em antenna tuner (200 W PEP) • SP-40 Com-
TM·421A lull duplex ope ration . PS -50 /PS -430 Pilei mob ile speaker . SP-SO B Mobile speaker
DC power supplies . TSU -5 Proqtanunable CTeSS • PG-2N Extra DC cab le . PG -3B DC line noise
oecooee SW-1 00A Compact SWRlpow erl~ olt tiller . MC·60A, MC -SO, MC·S5 Base station mICS,
meier (\.8 -1 50 MHl) • SW-100 B Compact SWAt
powerrvon meier 1140-450 MHl) . SW- 200A SWAt
power meter (1.8- 150 MHl) • SW-20 0B SWRlpower
meter (140· 450 MHl ) . SWT-l Compact 2 m
• MC·55 (8-pln) Mobile rtsc. with gooseneck and
tune -out trrner e MA-40 00 Dual band antenna with
duplexer (mount not supplied) . MB -201 Exira
momre mount
Spec"lCar,om;"no prICes suo/eer /0 chilnge ...,r/>our IIOIlCe or olJhg<JI 'on 1111 West Walnut Stree t
Comolere :;f!I" .. c e m"l'IUdls a'e a" ",liItlle lor dH r'IO- l\ell...ood Uallsce'..ers and maSf accesscees corerco. Calofomra 90220

TS940S -o x...._ ··


z FT-757GX """...,.EO"
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• 1OO'IlI Duty C)'l» PRICE'



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" WhM You Buy, Say 3 " 73 AmaleurRadio • May, 1987 95
for sample copy . 24 issues , $9.95 NEW , UNI QUE LOGGING AND HEATH 10-MHZ SCOPE, all xtstor. LARGE VARIAC UNITS: 5KVA, 40
per year. Box 1771 Grand Forks NO CONTEST PROGRAMS for th e fact . assembled, 10-4530, $150; Mo- Amp, $135. Also 15A, 2KVA, $45,
58206-1771 . BNB554 Commodore C-128. Fast, general- torola TU-576 rl generator for two- HP-606A 50 kHz- 65 MHz , superb
ized sort and print. SASE for de- way FM , $ 100; Heat h IG-57 TV alig nme nt g ener ato r, w/m anual
VHS VIDEO CASSETT ES. $29,95 scription; $24.95 for the package. sweep/ma rker gen. w/all cables, $200. HP -6 28A 15- 21 -GHz mi-
total price lor a box of 10 delivered Dave Kirk KY3J, 1914 Yardley Road, manu al, etc. All transistor, xlal mark- crowave gen. $475. HP-43OC power
anywhere in continental U.S, Call lor Yardley PA 19067. BNB559 ers, $ 1 0 0 ; M o t or ol a M ot r a c meter, $15. Joe Cohen, 200 Wood·
24-hour order info. KB6MT (714)· U41LHT-3400A w/extender, all ca- side, Winthrop MA 02152; (61 7}-846-
990-9622. BNB555 NJ - NJ-NJ-NJ - NJ - NJ - NJ - bles, mike, head, etc. on 49 MHz, 6312. BNB567
NJ -FINALL Y l i A ha m- SWL- $50; Regency synthesized scanner,
" COMMO DORE C·128" specific CB-scanner store in N.J. Discount K·500, en-en. memory, like new, RECEIVER SPECIALISTS: Have
ham programs. SATRAK128 tracks grand opening prices. Top perform- $125; aircraft scanner, $20; Ramsey unusual Wandel-Goltermann wide-
up to 8 satellites simultaneously in ing radio systems lor every budget. 0-1200 YOM, new in box, $15. All rang e r ece iver wllest generator
real-time . C128R TTY RTTY pro- New to-meier and VHF/UH F rigs. work ing in exc. con do Add UPS. built-in. T his is the BMW of Eu-
gram for user port RTTY (example , ARRL, Amphenol, Astatic, Astron , SASE for info, T. E. McLaughlin, PO ropean electronics, amazing quality.
MFJ·1228) devices, Send SASE for Azden, B&W, Bilal, Belden 9913, Box 41 1, Mango FL 34262; (B13}- due to high prices, cost $5,000, al-
additional information on above to: Butternut. Clear Channel, KlM, 6B1-970geve. only, BNB563 most unknown in USA. This special
Reid Brister WA4UPD , 14303 177th Larsen, MFJ , Mirage, Mil Spec ca. unit 10 kHz-36 MHz lor sale $200.
Avenue SE, Renton WA 98056. 73 MAGAZINE COMPLETE SET ,
bles, much more , Open M-F 10 most in binders. Make offer for com- SASE lor pictu res and data. Joe Co-
Phone (206)-235-0676. BNB556 a.m .-9 p.m., Sat. 10 a.m.-7 p.m. hen, 200 Woodside, Winthrop MA
plete set or complete year. No indio
Buy and sell used gear and have vid ual months. KBWLP Estate. Stu 02152. BNB568
qualified repair facility . Abaris Sys- Stephens K8SJ, 1407 Holi yrood ,
your old packs , AA/$1.45 eac h.
tern s. 276 Oriental PI" Lyndhurst NJ Sandusky OH 44870. BNB564 CAN YOU GET ON THE CLASS-
AAAI$1.45 each . 2N 270M wltabs 07071 ; (201)-939-0015. BNB560
(replaces 2N 250AA in ICOM 2AT/ ROOM NET? Come to 7.238 at 1200
THE OX BULLETIN gives you com-
4AT BP3 packs) $1.85 each , Pack of UTC daily or 21.395 later in the day.
ATARI 8·BIT PID DISKS for trade, prehensive, up-to-date OX informa-
7 2N 270AA wired for your BP3 case If you can't work WB2JKJ and
ham, games, utility. SASE - Jerry tion and much more. SASE or call for
$14.95 each. 2N 450A wltabs (used the Crew at Junior High SChool 22
Callam, 10 Avalon Road, Mount Ver- samples. Box 4233W, Santa Rosa
in ICOM BP2IBP5 , Tempo $4, Yae- on Manhallan's Lower East Side ,
non OH 43050. BNB561 CA 95402; (707}-523-1001. BNB565
su FT-207R/208R) $2.40 each . Sub you may be shut out of our QSL Of
C wltabs $2.60 each. Add $2 S&HI NEW RECHARGEABLE N1Cds The Week Award contest. Send a
order. Cunard Associates, R.D. 6, PERFORATEDENCLOSURES 17x "AAA" size $1.75, "AA" size 500 card today via the Gal/book .
Box 104 , Bedford PA 15522. 8,5 x 7,5 deep with gray paint and 17 mAh ten for $1 0, "C" or "0" size $3, BNB570
BNB557 x 8.5 x 11 deep with iridite linish. SAFT Charger model
Unpainted blank front panel. Ap- CC-1 $1 1.6O, Raymond Pa, TV and satellne Descrambllng
HAM RADIO REPAIR. all makes, all proximately 50 each. $10 and $15, Richard, 26557 Hass. All New 61h Ednlon! ., 192
mooers. Robert Hall Electronics. PO respectively . Quantity discount Dept. 73, De ar born 100 pages of theory and working schematics , 13cable and
Box 8363, San Francisco CA 94128; available. K"IFO (816)-252-9436. H e ig h t s M I 48 127 . 7 satellite systems. Includes bypasses. Best reference
available $14.95 EXpe(i.men!s_willlYi!l~jp~r. rue-cos
(408)-729-8200, BNB558 BNB562 BNB566 $9.95. C~ TV· Funchon, bidirectional and security sys-
tems $12.95, MDSlMMDS tiandbQok, For hackers. $9.95.
Build satellite SystemlLUnl1~. $12.95, Any 3 for
VI SA-MC $26.00. New Winter '87 product catalog $ 1.
8012 CONSE R B O X 4327
Met hod El i ~ ina t es the 10 - 13 WPM Pl ateau

BUY - SELL - TRADE I NS T R UC T IO N NOW or e ese c

64. ao th m~ thods t~ach the en ti r e ALP HAB ET,

i n 39 TRl ALs a t 20 VPM.
Specif y Audio Ta p es lfive c a s s e t t e s l,
flopp y Di s k 0 < Co~pu~e r Cassette .
$ 19 .9 5 (IL . RES . inc l ude SI sale s t ax)
.-77 TSG. P.O. BOX 7,ASHLEY, IL6280B _ _~



en Top Ovality • Lew prioes

Write for Informa~on


o P.O. BOX 8 76

, -- 201-678·COAX ORDER LINE

BELD EN 9913 Low L"", . . . . .. . 18S/SOO fl, Or .lll / fl .
BELDEN 82)7 RO" , .. , .. 14~/SOO ft . Or .32/ft .
BELDEN nl4 RO" 149/SOOfl. or .H/ft.
UO-2ID N~YP<'MalcCabloEIId SUO
1)0·21 0 Fil1cdror9913Cabl. n7~
PL-H9 UHF PIU8hil ••r) SUS

438 VIII.y Ad.
W• • t Orl lllll, NJ 07052 :E:
... 28S

. 2 0 1.878-2829
Call 91 3/381 -5900 7 MllliOft TUB!S
Includes all current. ob-
solete. antique, narc-tc-unc
SEN e $2 FOR CATALOG receiving. transmitllng. indus-
PRICES. Major brands in stock
Uftlt, Eleclronics near. s .-78
96 73 Amateur Radio • May, 1987 P.O. 80K 213, Elizabeth, N.J. 01206
cushcraft RG-213IU l826n I e.ldeon 9!U3
RG-8IU 18231) I RG-&'U (8214)
_ .a
_.•_••...0. I 0.42 f1,
_.........••.•.•.•.. 0 .32 10.35
RG·8X (92!>8) I RG-11 AIU (826 1) 0 19 10.31

~/KLM , 8UTTERNUT B C RG-58AIlJ (82!>9) I RG·59JU (8241) 0 ,13 / 0.1 4

450 ohm l.ode' Hne 0.10

~ A.1III••I"•••
sene. 12 g • . 114 g.,
sne-cee. 14 g., ..,
, O, 12 / 0.10 It.
0, 10

Std. (6·22. 2·181 I Hvy Diy (6-18, 2·16) O. 19 / 0 ,35
Othe,s in Slock!

......r ~ ALLIANCE MFJ
H BX«l I H OBX40
HBX48 I H DB Xol8._
«exse I BX6ot _
_.._ .._ _ S lli18.oo I 249.00
265.oo l325,oo
_ _.._ .._..__335.oo I 310.00
TOd;iIy's besll_ buy! Frei g ht add ltionel.

25G I 4SG ..._ ••_.
T8-3 ae.';ng _.._ _ _
..__._.._ Sol8.oo / 109.00
_ _ 49 ,95
Full line 01 Rot>n accessories. Frei g ht .dchlion.1.
FK254lI I F K2S58 S869.oo l92ll.oo
FK2588 I FK45« 919 ,00 1 1119.oo
FK455-t I FK45&o! , 121900 1 136900


The TelexlHy ·g aio CD 45 II. Ham
IV, T2X, and HDR·300 are our top
Fo ld-ove, s shipped Ff'lEIGHT PAEPAI D,
snees 10 % h ighe r In weste,n sl ates.
eene••. Excellen l part s avallablll!y Fo' crank-up. se U,.uppOfting l owe, s we lec om mend
a nd manufacturer support. HYil aln's senee The HO·31SS, H G·52SS, HG·504 H D,
We alllO oller KMlpro fotorl . , HO·70H D ' ep' ese nl " l op dra we'" quality.
Our choice 101' OSCAR aH11 <010' REBATES UNTIL 1130/1l81 Shipped I , elg ht p.epaid!
system•. Call for pricing'
ANDREW "EllAX, NYLON ;wPPO AT ROPE, ETC. _ CAlLI EleCl lic a lly tran_'ent ouy syslems in Sloc k!

W! Coaxial Switches
MOon _
PAT, No, 59-0003603


CS·201 CS·201G C5-401 CS·401G CS-.
2 PotltiOn 2 PosiliOn 4 PosItion 4 Po!Illion 4 Position
1,30Hz BOO MHz 800 MHz 15GHz
PHONE REMOTE is an interlace between
Frequency: 500 MHz
,,,.. elK: type
your home base station and your home teie-
phone "nail allows operation o f your home
leollliion :
.. 60 de - ec ee
..5O<:Ie "'"
.. 5O<:Ie .. 60<:Ie
base station from any touch tone telephone ~RmIng : 2 ,5 kW PEP 2.5 kW PEP 25kWPEP 2,5 kW PEP 500WPEP
using the touch tone pac! 10 control PUSH·
,.wow lkWCW lkWCW l kWCW escwcw
TOl"AlK. PHONE REMOTE wom w ilh any .......Ionl.on: All mo<MM less than 0.2 <:l8
t ransceiver, HF, VHF or UHF. ACTIVITY and
PUSH.f01ALK timers are P!O¥'ided In case
the te!ephooe connection is lost . All opera-
tional features are switch pmgrammable.
Electronics Corporation
1908A Del Amo Bl vd. • Torrance, CA 90501
DAIWA (213) 212-6057 • (213) 212-6058
_« « P.o. Bo~ «l15
-. » Spec ificahons subjllCllochllnge wilhou l nolice, · AU moclels an<llypes not ,ep,esenled
- - - -
Winter $pri1lll5. FL 32103
Telephone (305) 295·8094
Jim Gray W1XU
73 Staff


W o,. I•••,.'.'°0''''-
" Nothi ng match•• the KRP·SOOO
NEW FOR 1987 GMT • •
~lUKA It) zu
lor toter performance and nlue. Not GE , not e"en Motorol• ." ~ R <; 'N T 'N ~ 1_,_ .1-,,_
RF pe rformance real l y coun ts EnJOY h igh perfo rm anc e opera -
~U'T nUI~
," '" 20 " " ", I"

~(J 'On r,
In tough repe aler envuon- tion w it h rern ot e o . o qram rn abrr-
C~ N . l ZO/'ll "
'-., 4IJ

', 0
'" '0
2tl "
2U ",
I; l"

men ts . SU tne K R P - 5000

rece i ve r g ives you 7 helical
Ill' sequenna t tone pag ing .
au topa tch, reverse autope rch.
' ''<;''',''0

"."'." .' 1, -0 '-.,'" lc) 10

resoua to rs 12-poles of IF ZOO-number au tocrat. rem o te
, APA" '"
20 20
filtering and a pre cts e squetcn se runq. sta tus In pu ts, "IJ ,I, ''0 .. (] r '.
Sc hm itt tr igger squelc h w it h coonot o utputs, and nero-
" E~ t C D

PHllOpP" .U '" " " "

'0 .' 0
automanc threshold sw.tcn- prog rammab le Mo rse me ssages ," ," "0 20
" " " "
mq The transmitter g ives "'U TH AORIC.
r , r ,

yo u clea n T MOS FET po wer Call or w rit e for t h e f ull U." R !II ar
See us at Dayton
performance story . . and "'EST CD.S T M, ,' '' 0
in 211 W :!fJ
the super value price,
Booths 106 , 107 and 108 CENTRAL UNITED STATES TO:
Micro Co n lrol Sp e cialties ALA'KA .' 0 i"
" r,
lJ E lm ParI. GroV<'laM M A U1634 A R<;' '' T1 ''~

" "
'6'7' 37?·:J.4 42
TELEX: ~ 4932256 KEN DECOM
. UST RAl l.
" '"
"() ,'11 .c au ',{J
', 'I
', 0
'" ," ," '""
FAX k 6 73737304
ENC,. ND .'.11 ', (I ~O "

The fir st choice in

H . ... "
" '" .!() 1IJ ',{) -',I, W '" , 20
Transmi tter s - Recei vers
'ND I ~

Repe aters
, .P."
..U ICO 2() 20 ', 0 :on
Repea ter Controllers "" 40
" " " '0
Po wer Amplifiers P"' ' '''''' I '
',() i,O '" !O
VO ice M ail Systems
'" 211
'" '" " "
," :0
SOU T "A ' R l e~

U •• R !l , "
u.s~. !() .' 0 W an ," '" '" "
. USTR.ll.
>; ! O ..0 " " Ml
" "
C." . l l O/'l' " !I I
i I) :0 W
Fonta na CA f'" p<iec,. C....... M.rconi, Inc., 7 1119 SW 1 .." . . ..0 2Q 20 "
Complele line.-rCO M. M" "ge . KLM .
La,,"n. A>lron. B & w . Ove, 4000 ele<lron-
8lh S.......,I, Mi.mi n . 33144, I f>4-ll44.\ " .....A"
I :, 2"
! l)
.' 11
'" "0 ," "
k pr od""!> fo' lhe hobby;.. . AI", CB "od Preston ID ,. . ." zo ,,, ;!O "0 ," .'n
!>u,i..." "'di'», Se,~ing y'''' from a 60XI ;q, Ross WB7BYZ ha, ,he large'l S1""~ of ama' ..EXICD
'" 211 '0
.'. f)

W 20
fl. "Ofe. f·.. n l f:le<:l l"Oll i<':o , ll41 ~ S in••

" ""' r hnl CA 92335, 812-7710.

leur goa, in lhe In,er mountain We' l aral ,he P"' l 'PPI "., t ,
zc '" W

'" '"
he<ll"'iee, . Call me for all y' ...r ham need, ~ U .RTD RICO ~II !II W
R.... Oi.. ribulio~, 7lI So. Sla'e, Prnl.. n II) , "
1IJ163, 85Z-08..'O.
SOU'" A'Rle ...
San Jose CA U. • . • . R
lAST COAST eo ," ', (j
," ." u '"
.' {]
Bay Area', .."'e" . ma'eu, ,adio 'lo,e !'Ie'"
& used amaleur radi" ...1", & ....",. . We Derry Nfl
! 11
feature Ken"'ood. [COM. A,Jon. Yac,u. Se,~ing ,he h.m "","munity "'illl ne'" .00
Ten-Tee. San"", & m.ny mOfe. Sh."", R. · u>e<l "'luipmc n' . We "ock oral ",.. ice n"'" Between April 29t h and May 3rd e xpect an un settled t o ac ti ve geomagnellc
dio, I nc.• 1775,0. S. Wineh"'l"r Bh'd" major Ii...,,,AEA. A'non. B& W. Cu,IIe,a fl.
field and poor Io no sp heric propagati on. Be alert lor extremes o f weather and
Camph<1I CA 9SOOll, 371l-6665. E""on\m . Hy-C.ai n, lIu, det. [COM, Ken-
geologic upsets s uc h as vo lcan ic eruption s and earthq uak es o n May 1, 14 ,
"'000. KLM , La"en. Mir.go. Mo.l ey:
boo.,h , ",,,,,, . "abl. atld ""nllC<.'W", Bo,i- and 30. Please note that expected con d it io n s may vary from pred icted date s
Ne w Castle OF: ne" hou" Mon,- Sal. In- ~. Thur<day 10-9, by as much as two day s In either direction ; most likely earlie r rath er than
Factor)' aOlhori'.ed de.l.,' Yae, u. 100M. tat er.
CI....,.;J Sun.l lloliday, . Ri •• nddl EIcet.on.
Ten·Te<. KDK . Ken",ood. AEA. Kantroo-
ie<, 8 Lon donderry Road , Derry ro.-H
ie•• Sanle<. Full Ii .. of ""..""ric> , !'Io ..I",
OJO.V1, 4J4--~37 1.
In in Dela"" "' , One mil. off 1·95. [)e!a_
...... Amoteo. Supply, 71 Meado.. R....d.
:"'rw C..tle Of: 197Z0, 3211-7728. Lynd hur st NJ
." MO, M wm ,"0
'" '"
Finally. ham "t". in NJ, loc.ted 114 m,le 1 2
Miami FL
-""Jlh "r Rt . 3. II """ M-F 10 a .m. - 9 p. m ..
s.'urday 9 a .m._7 p.m, Vi..IMC, Aba.;,;
c... Marroni. I...·. P,....,,,,ned eon"nu nica- Sy"'."'" Z76 Or ionllli ~, Lyndhurst 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
'i"", equipmenl. W. do "'pain;. Seod SASE NJ 07071. 9.\9..flO1 ~ .
DEAU:RS 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Your company name and mes'"ge can contain up 10 25 words for as lillie as $ 199 F-P P P P P P P
yearly (prepaid), or $50 for three months (prepa id) . No mention of mail-order
business or area code permined . Directory te~1 and payme nt must reach us 60 days 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
in advance of publicalion , For example, advertising for the Augusl '87 iss" e must P P-F F F-G G G G-F
be in our hands by J"ne 1st. Mailto 73 Anwleur Radio . WGE Cenler. Peterbor-
ough. NH 03458, A TIN: Hope Currie r. 24F-P 25 26 27 28 29 30
31 P P F-P F-P P P P
98 73AmateurRadio. May, 198 7
a real field day with.
Wi aeso's FT·757GXIII, you to mode. IF notch filter. 10 memo operation for up to 30 minutes.
can enjoy full-featured HF per- ories. And VFO to VFO scan. Computer Aided Trans-
formance just about anywhere. Plus you get an iambic elec- ceiver (CAT) System for corn-
On vacation. During field tronic keyer.Woodpecker noise puter control via optional
day. On the road. Or in your blanker. 600·Hz CW filter. AM interface (software is available
shack. and FM modes. AF speech pro- from your Yaesu dealer).
Because the fT.757GX/Il cessor. And 25·kHz marker Of course, the FT·757GXIII
packs all its HF performance generator. All at noextra charge. offers the kinds of options
into one highly compact, action- Three microprocessors. you'd expect from Yaesu, too.
ready case. Acase so small, Dual VFOs. Single-button VFOI Including standard and heavy-
iteven fits under airplane seats. memory swap. Receive cov- duty power supplies, auto-
Of course, you've probably erage from 500 kHz to 30 MHz. matic antenna tuner, and more.
noticed a similarity to its pre- Transmit coverage from 10 So no matter where you
decessor, the FT·757GX.That's to 160 meters, including WARC work the OX, take along Yaesu's
purely intentional. And now its bands. All-mode coverage FT·757GX/II.The full-featured
performance is even better. (LSB, USB, C\V, AM and FM). HF rig you'll have a real field
With new features like memo 100·watt RF output. day with.
ory storage of operating mode. QSK operation. Massive
Slow/fast tuning selection. Auto- heatsink and duct-flow cooling
matic step-change according system for continuous RTTY


Yaesu USA 17210 Edwards Road, Cerritos, CA 90701 (213) 404-2700. Repair Service: (213) 404 ·4884. Parts:(213) 404·4847. ~ 1 6~
YaeSD Cincinnati Service Center 9070 Gold Park Drive, Hamilton, OH 45011 (513) 874-3100.
2 m/70 em FM Dual Bander
• Non-votatrle operating system.
Even after memory back up cell dies.
all operating features remain intact'
No re-prog ram m ing or "boar d-
A Kenwood original just got betterl
Kenwood was the first to develop a swap ping" necessary !
2 m170 em mobile radio In a single, • Programmable band scan and
compact package. Since then, memory scan with memory chan-
other companies have imitated the netleek-cut.
concept, but still have not done it • large, illuminated LCD display
the " Kenwood way:' The all·new and main knob. For excellent vistbil-
• New compact size! Only 5.9" W x ity In d irect sunlight or darkness.
TW-4100A Is more compact, more 1.97" H x 7. 8 7" D and weighs les s
powerful . and packed with more • Selectable frequency step for
than 4 pounds t quick and easy asv.
features than ever before! With • Proven high performance
many new features and accesso- • Voice synthesizer VS-2 option .
Kenwood GaAs FET front end
ries, and backed by Kenwood's receiver. Optional accessories:
experience, the all-new Kenwood • Easy to operate! Only 3 knobs and • PS-SO/PS -430 DC power su pplies
Dual Bander is light years ahead 8 keys on the front panel. • MU-1 DCl m odem unIt · TU-7 CTCSS en-
of the rest! • Separate antenna ports for VHF ccoer « VS-2 Voice synthesizer e SW-100B
• Selectable full duplex cross band SWR/PowerNoi t meter 140-450 MHz for
and UHF. Minunizes loss and
mob ae use » SW-200B SWRtPower m eter
("telephone style") operation. increases reliabili ty and performance! 101 base station us e 140-450 MHz. 0- 200 W
Remote base or cross band repeater ·10 memory channels. Lithium battery in 2 ranges · SWT-1/SWT-2 2 m and 70 cm
function possible (8 control operator backs up memory. Store frequency, antenna tuner . SP-40 Compact speaker
is needed lor remote or repeater offset, subtone. Two channels store • SP-50B Mobile speaker . PG - 2N Extra
operation"). the transmit and receive frequencies DC cable . PG-3B DC norse Mer . MC-60A.
. 45 watts on 2 m. 35 watts on independ ently for odd split or MC-80, MC-8S Base station mICS. • MC-55
70 em . 5 watts (adjustable) low. cross band operation. (B-pin) Mobil e m icroph one . MA-4000
• Fre q ue nc y coverage: 142-149 MHz
(allows operation on certain
MARS and CAP frequencies) and
• Front penet-setectable CTCSS
tone (when optional TU- 7 is
I Dua l ba nd mobile antenna
with duorexer (mount not
Included) . MS-11 Extra
mobile mount
440-449.995 MHz.

• Digital Channel Link (DCl) option. TRIO -KENWOOD CO M MUNICATIO NS
1111 We st Walnut Street
'pjellse crec « FCC te<Julavons on repeafer o"erarron Compton. cauoma 90220
Mino r modrr,ca llon nec essary lor l epealer o"eta flOn.
S"ec,l,ca frons and "rices subl ecr fO cha nge .... rmoul no tIce o r obl'gar,on
Com" lere service manuals ate ava'la ble tor all Trio -Ken WOOd transce Ive rs and mosr eccessoees

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