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Carly Dye November 28, 2017

Shoals Elementary School Second Grade

Reading/Language Arts

Instructional Objectives/Student Outcomes

 1. Students will read aloud fluently and with expression.

 2. Students will be able to identify words that help them visualize things in a story

and what they visualized in the given story.


 ELA.2.1- Read on-level prose and poetry orally with accuracy, appropriate rate,

and expression in successive readings.

National Standards

 Read grade-level text orally with accuracy, appropriate rate, and expression on

successive readings.

Management Framework

Overall Time- One Hour

Time Frame- 10 minutes- Introduce story and reading with expression

30 minutes- Read story aloud

10 minutes- Discuss the story

10 minutes- Discuss what can be visualized in the story


Teacher/student led discussion, teacher modeling/demonstrating, and group practice

Introduction/Lesson Set

I will be introducing the weekly story with students and discussing reading with

expression. (Half Chicken in reading text) I will discuss reading aloud requiring a voice

that will make the person at the back of the room hear you. I will ask open-ended

questions about reading with expression and ask to give examples of reading with

expression from the sentences I write on the board. I will also ask students questions

about visualizing.

Question: What is reading with expression?

How do we know to read with different expressions?

How would you read the following sentences?

 I love going to the park with my best friend Bella!

 Do you know what Landon’s favorite color is?
 I don’t know how much longer I can wait on summer break!

What are words in a story that make you see what they are talking about in

your head?

What are some examples of those words?

Body and Transitions

 Model reading with expression before students read using textbook and examples.
 Tell students to watch for any of the descriptive words I put on the smart board.

(Words students previously told me helped the visualize things.)

 Call on students individually to read either a paragraph or two to three sentences

of the story with expression.

 Discuss the story aloud with students
Questions: Why might this story have so much use of expression?
(Answers will vary)
Why is the expression used in the story important?
 Discuss visualizing in the story
Questions: What did the story make you visualize?

What words did the story use to make you visualize those things?
Why was visualizing in this story important?


I will quickly review reading with expression and visualizing parts of the story. I will

answer any questions the students have regarding these topics.


Diagnostic: When introducing the lesson I will be asking questions about reading with

expression and visualizing to gather their understanding of the topics. (Objective 1 and 2)

Formative: I will be listening to see if students are reading with expression throughout

the story. (Objective 1)

Summative: I will be discussing reading with expression and its importance at the end of

the story. I will also be discussing what the students could visualize in the story.

(Objective 1 and 2)


 Reading books
 Smart board

Extended Activity

If Student Finishes Early

Since we are reading the story aloud together and having group discussion, students will

not have a chance to get ahead of each other.

If Lesson Finishes Early

If the lesson finishes early I will continue practicing reading with expression with the

students by letting them come up with a story aloud that we can all visualize.

If Technology Fails

The only technology being used will be the smart board. If it fails, I will write on the

white board instead.

Differentiated Instruction

Learning Differences Sensory Differences

I will be modeling reading with
expression as well as giving examples
on the board.
Attention Differences Behavioral Differences
Students with attention differences will
be kept on task by not knowing who
will be reading aloud next.
Motivational Differences Ability Differences

Physical Differences Cultural Differences

Communication Differences Enrichment

Student with hearing impairment will
have an interpreter in the room to sign
what I am saying.

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