Aliza Robinson - Cilr 610 - Content-Area Literacy Unit Plan 1

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Social Responsibility &

Aliza Robinson
CILR 610
Content Standards List
Week 1

● H3.1.1- Describe the neighborhood around their school.

Week 2

● H3.1.2- Compare and/or contrast their daily lives with those of their parents or
● H3.1.2a- Discuss the daily routines and occupations of parents or guardians.

Week 3

● H3.1.3- Identify and describe occupations in the community that help people
Reading Literature
RL.1.1- Ask and answer questions about key details in a text.
RL.1.2- Retell stories, including key details, and demonstrate understanding of their central message.
RL.1.7- Use illustrations and details in a story to describe its characters, setting, or events.
RL.1.10- With prompting and support, read prose and poetry of appropriate complexity for grade1.
Reading Informational Text
RI.1.1- Ask and answer questions about key details in a text.
RI.1.2- Identify the main topic and retell key details in a text.
RI.1.4- Ask and answer questions to help determine or clarify the meaning of words and phrases of a text.
RI.1.6- Distinguish between information provided by pictures or other illustrations and information provided by the words in a text.
RI.1.10- With prompting and support, read informational texts appropriately complex for grade 1.
Reading Foundational Skills
RF.1.1- Demonstrate understanding of the organization and basic features of print.
RF.1.3- Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words.
RF.1.4- Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension.
CCSS cont.
W.1.2- Write informative/explanatory texts in which they name a topic, supply some facts about the topic, and provide some sense
of closure.
W.1.7-Participate in shared research and writing projects
W.1.8-With guidance and support from adults, recall information from experiences or gather information from provided sources to
answer a question.
Speaking and Listening
SL.1.1- Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners about grade 1 topics and texts with peers and adults in
small and larger groups.
SL.1.4- Describe people, places, things, and events with relevant details, expressing ideas and feelings clearly.
SL.1.5- Add drawings or other visual displays to descriptions when appropriate to clarify ideas, thoughts, and feelings.
SL.1.6-Produce complete sentences when appropriate to task and situation.
Multimedia Text Sets
Week 1 Week 2 & 3
● BrainPopJr- Reading Maps ● My Mom is a Firefighter- Lois Grambling ● Jobs- Susan Canizares
s/ ● The Jobs We Do- Anna Bardaus
● BrainPopJr- Rural, Suburban, Urban ● Clothesline Clues to Jobs People Do- Kathryn Heling ● A Day with Firefighters- Jan Kottke
s/ ● A Day with Police Officers- Jan Kottke
● Me On the Map- Joan Sweeney ● A Day with Paramedics- Jan Kottke
● Neighborhoods & Communities- Catherine Tamblyn ● My Dad’s a Hero- Jewel Armstrong
● Welcome to My Neighborhood!- Quiara Hudes ● BrainPopJr- Community Helpers
● Taking a Walk / Caminando- Rebecca Emberley
● Google Trek
Week 1 NEPF-1.1, 1.3, 1.4, 2.4, 3.1, 3.3, 3.4, 4.3, 5.3
H3.1.1 Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5

Neighborhood Introduction GoogelTrek Introduction GoogleTrek Exploration Me on the Map Neighborhoods &
Communities Main Idea
1.TW introduce the topic of 1.TW review the Google Trek 1.Review the information from
our neighborhood by 1.TW review the discussion through our neighborhood, the Spin on KWL chart, ask 1.TW review the Spin on KWL
showing pictures of places in about our neighborhood. and how it works. for volunteers to add or and answer any wonderings.
I Do the neighborhood. 2.TW present the Google 2. TW introduce the move information. 2.TW introduce Shrink a Text
2.TW introduce the Spin on Trek and explain how to “neighborhood map” page, 2.TW model how to do and model using the text
KWL poster. navigate it. and model how to fill in the Sketch in Chunks for the from yesterday’s lesson.
information while asking book Me on the Map. 2.TW introduce
questions. Neighborhoods and

1.TW write example “What I 1.SW get an iPad with a 1.WGW practice filling out one 1.WGW discuss the “What 1.TW read Neighborhoods
think I know” on a sticky note partner and TW walk class section of the map using the you think you know” section and Communities while
and post it. through the neighborhood trek. and move any sticky notes if students listen for an
2.TW ask student volunteers using Google Trek. 2. SW practice asking a necessary. Volunteers may understanding of the main
We for examples. 2.WGW practice filling out question about the trek with a add information if needed. idea.
Do one Topic/Subtopic. partner. 2.WGW discuss the main
idea, SW share a sentence
about the main idea with a

1.SW each write at least one 1.SW work with a partner to 1.SW work independently to fill 1.TW read Me on the Map 1.SW work independently to
“what I think I know” on a tour the neighborhood using out the neighborhood map while students complete write a sentence for Shrink a
sticky note and put on the Google Trek on iPads and and posting questions on their Sketch in Chunks Text and include an
You board. complete their map with sticky notes. independently. illustration.
Do 2.Students will watch Topic/Subtopic page using 2.SW participate in a Timed 2.SW share their sketches in
BrainPopJr Rural, Suburban, the various points on the Pair Share to share their their groups through Team
Urban video on iPads. trek. questions. Interview.
Week 2 NEPF-1.1, 1.3, 1.4, 2.4, 3.1, 3.3, 3.4, 4.3, 5.3
H3.1.2 Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5

Parent Life Introduction Parents at Home Parents and Fun Parents and Us

1.TW discuss jobs and the life 1.TW discuss parents at 1.TW discuss what parents 1.TW discuss how parents
of adults with students. home and what they do. do for fun with class. help their children.
2.TW introduce the interview 2.TW review the interview 2.TW review the interview 2.WGW have volunteers
I Do sheets and discuss the life of sheets and discuss the life of sheets and discuss what share how their parents help
parents with students. parents with students. parents do for fun with them and providing details.
3.TW read My Mom is 3.TW review Prezi and how students. 3.TW review Prezi and how
Firefighter. to use it. 3.TW review Prezi and how we’re going to use it today.
4.TW introduce Prezi and we’re going to use it today.
how to use it. 1.SW work on finishing their
Prezis independently.
2.TW model how to present
1.SW locate their parent’s job 1.SW locate what their 1.SW locate what their 1.SW choose three ways their
the information using an
on the interview sheet. SW parents do on the interview parents do for fun on the parent helps them. SW share
example Prezi.
share a sentence with a sheet. SW share a sentence interview sheet. SW share a their three ideas with a
3. SW practice presenting
We Do partner explaining what their with a partner explaining sentence with a partner partner using the RallyRobin
their Prezi with a partner.
parent does. what their parent does at explaining what their parent routine.
4.SW present their Prezi to
home on a daily basis. does for fun.
the class (small groups if
tight on time).

1.SW work independently to 1.SW work independently to 1.SW work independently to 1.SW work independently to
write their parent’s job title write the title and a sentence write the title and sentences write the title and sentences
and a sentence/illustration explaining what their parent explaining what their parent explaining how their parent
explaining what they do. does at home. does for fun. helps them.
You Do 2.SW work independently to 2.SW work independently to 2.SW work independently to 2.SW work independently to
add information to their add information to their add information to their add information to their
Parent Prezi. (Teacher is Parent Prezi. (Teacher is Parent Prezi. (Teacher is Parent Prezi. (Teacher is
walking around to assist) walking around to assist) walking around to assist) walking around to assist)
Week 3 NEPF-1.1, 1.3, 1.4, 2.4, 3.1, 3.3, 3.4, 4.3, 5.3
H3.1.3 Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5

Community Helpers Community Helper Details Community Helper Facts Community Helper Posters
1.TW review community 1.TW review community 1.TW introduce the posters
1.TW introduce community helpers with students. helpers with students. (blank) that are to be used to
helpers through the 2.TW model Boxes and 2.TW model Gather Up present the cummunity
BrainPopJr video- Community Bullets using A Day with Facts using A Day with helpers.
I Do Helpers, WGW discuss Firefighters and handout. Firefighters and handout. 2.TW share expectations for
community helpers we know. poster and share an
2.TW model using Talk Like example.
an Expert by using the 3. TW model Reread and 1.TW review expectations for
vocabulary from A Day with Sketch with More Detail. the poster with students.
Firefighters. 2.SW work independently to
finish their posters from
3.TW model using
1.WGW practice using Talk 1.WGW practice using Boxes 1.WGW practice using Gather 1.WGW read A Day with
Act-it-to-Storytell-it with the
Like an Expert by using the and Bullets, students will Up Facts, students will use Firefighters and students will
example poster.
vocabulary from A Day with use information from their information from their own give the teacher suggestions
We Do Firefighters. own texts to give a heading texts to give fact examples for the example poster.
4. SW practice their
presentations with a partner.
and one detail. on their own community
5.SW present their posters
using the
1.SW receive an assigned 1.SW work independently to 1.SW work independently to 1.SW work independently on
book on a specific community complete their Boxes and complete Gather Up Facts their poster, adding a title,
helper and read with a Bullets using their own texts. using their own texts about information, facts, and an
partner for an understanding. 2.SW share one piece of their community helper.. illustration.
You 2.Partners will share information about their 2.SW share one cool fact 2.SW read their texts one
Do important information with the community helper with their about their community more time to Reread and
class using Talk Like an table using Timed helper with their table using Sketch with More Detail.
Expert. RoundRobin. RoundRobin.
Content Strategies
All of these strategies were taken from The Reading Strategies Book by Jennifer Serravallo.
Spin on KWL
Before reading, talk or write about what you know for sure, what you think you know, and what you wonder. The, read getting
ready to learn new information. I used this to introduce the topic of our neighborhood, because I want to see what
misconceptions my students have about this topic.
First, find the topic-what the whole section or chapter is mostly about. Next, find a subtopic or a smaller part of the topic.
Finally, list the details that you learned that connect to the topic and subtopic. I used this strategy to aid in the concept of
main idea and supporting details. I want my students to be able to find the important details within a text when reading.
Ask Questions
Wonder and question as you read, and work to actively answer your questions. Collect all the questions and answers as you
go. Based on all of the questions and answers, think “What does it seem like the text is mostly about?” I always tell my
students that good readers ask questions when reading, this strategy simply gives them more time to practice this skill.
Sketch in Chunks
Stop after every paragraph or short section. Think, “What am I picturing?” Draw a quick sketch. At the end of the article, look
back over your sketches. I chose this activity because first graders love telling you every detail when retelling a story or text.
This strategy will hopefully help them to quickly find important information only and use it in their sketches.
Shrink a Text
Read a chunk of text with your partner. Decide together what the main idea of the text is-try to shrink everything you just read
into one sentence. This one was chosen much like Sketch in Chunks. I am hoping this strategy will help my students find
important information to utilize.
Content Strategies Cont.
Talk Like an Expert
Talk like a scientist or expert when you’re reading nonfiction. Look carefully at the picture to remember what the author is
teaching. Think about the words you’d use to read the page. Use those words when you’re reading to yourself or with a
partner. I am hoping this strategy will help my students pay attention to important vocabulary within the text. Near the end of
the school year we will focus on this skill, so this will hopefully give them some practice.
Boxes & Bullets
Draw a box and several bullets beneath it on a sticky note or in a notebook. As you read, think about the information you just
read. Ask yourself, “does this sentence say what this part is mostly about (box), or is this a detail (bullet)? Write or mentally
place the information you read on the graphic organizer as you learn it. Boxes & Bullets will help my students analyze the
information they read and utilize only the key pieces of information.
Gather Up Facts
After reading a part of a book, it’s important to go back to recall what you read. Gather up facts by listing them. You can start
with, “In this page, I learned that…” This is more of a fun activity where my students will be able to pull interesting facts they
found, that aren’t guided by me. I am interested in seeing what my students find.
Reread and Sketch with More Detail
Read the text. Sketch a picture based on the information you remember. Go back and reread the text. Try to add more detail
to your picture based on the detail you read in the text. Repeat until you think you have all the important information
represented in your drawing. My first graders love to read, but they don’t always catch all of the information. This strategy will
help them take a second look at the text and any information they may have missed the first time around.
Pause on a page. Use your face, body, and voice to bring the book to life. Add words to explain what you’re doing. Even
though this strategy was originally invented for acting out stories while reading, I thought it would be a cool idea to utilize for
their community helper presentations.

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