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Oral Communication Rubric

1 2 3 4
Clarity/Coherence Demonstrated
Uses high degree of
Communicates in a clear, coherent manner, using a structure and 20% little Somewhat uses
clarity/coherenc clarity/coherenc
clarity/coherenc clarity/coherence
style appropriate to the purpose, the subject matter, and the e to e to
e to to communicate
intended audience communicate communicate
communicate purpose/ideas
purpose/ ideas purpose/ideas
Interactive Strategies
Limited Some use of Advanced use
Demonstrates an understanding of appropriate speaking behaviour, 10% Interactive
interactive interactive of interactive
using a variety of speaking strategies and adapting them to suit strategies used
strategies used strategies strategies
the purpose and audience (Speaking with audience, not at them)
Non-Verbal Cues Non-verbal cues
Few/no non- Most non-verbal
Uses a variety of non-verbal cues, including facial expression, 10% Some non-verbal used to
verbal cues cues used
gestures, and eye contact, and use them in oral communications to cues used enhance
used successfully
help convey meaning product
Visual Aids / Media Little/no visual Some visual aids
Visual aids used Visual aids used
Includes and references a variety of visual aids to support and 10% aids used; Aids used; somewhat
to support to enhance
distracted from appropriately
enhance oral presentations / Includes resources in presentation product product
product used
Purpose / Appropriate Language Advanced
Identifies and creates a purpose for presenting information to an 10% Purpose is clear purpose for
Limited purpose Some purpose
and uses product and
audience, and determine how the intended audience might react to found in and appropriate
appropriate language
the information. (Application, “So what” question answered) product language used
language enhances
Content Limited
Includes content ideas, and is able to link these within a 40% understanding/ Some Substantial Complete
meaningful context that relates to both what was taught in class information not understanding understanding understanding
and is found in the real world. appropriate
Comments: Final

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