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Unit of work: Lent/ Easter Salvation topic: Penance Human person Topic: Loved and
Year Level: 4 Students’ Prior Knowledge: (include faith situations/
Key Understanding: A1 Wondering at the power of love previous lessons/Units)
• This is the first lesson of this unit of work however,
in year 3 students investigate the following human
person topics.
• Christian conscience
Learning Point(s): • Gathered as one
A.1.1 States ways people show love by doing what is good • Gifted by the world
for others. • Loving like Jesus
• Sharing Jesus’ special meal
A1.2 Explains ways love includes forgiveness. 

• Speak from the heart
• Strengthened by the spirit
• Water of life
• Students have an understanding of the sacraments
of baptism, communion, reconciliation and
• Students know the events behind lent/easter and
the resurrection of Jesus

Spiritual and Religious Capabilities (that may potentially be covered in the lesson)
Prudence Justice Fortitude Temperance Faith Hope Charity
eg Right choices eg Right eg Inner strength eg Moderation eg Prayer eg Reconciliation eg Service
Students will relationships Students discuss
discuss and Students will be the act of
reflect on the able to discuss forgiveness and
choices they will and reflect on how and why Jesus
make in order to they will be able himself reflects
show love to other to make positive the importance of
people. relationships with forgiving others.
people in their

General Capabilities (that may potentially be covered in the lesson)

Literacy Numeracy ICT Critical and Ethical Personal and Intercultural
competence creative behaviour Social understanding
thinking competence
Students are able Students will be
to think critically able to reflect on
and creatively events from their
about what they past and think
can do to show about what they
their love to did to show love
others. to others and how
they continue to
do so.

Cross-curriculum priorities (may be addressed in the lesson)

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia Sustainability
histories and cultures
Lesson Objectives (i.e. anticipated outcomes of this lesson, in point form beginning with an action verb)
As a result of this lesson, students will be able to:
• Identify and demonstrate the meaning and significance of showing love for others through class
discussions and watching a YouTube clip.
• Plan, rehearse and perform a role play that displays an example of showing love for other people through
Jesus’ teachings.
• Work collaboratively with their peers in a group situation to plan, rehearse and perform a role play to the

Teacher’s Prior Preparation/Organisation:
 Provision for students at educational risk:

(include Teacher Witness) Choose One from:
• Gifted
• YouTube clip to show the students • Sensory impaired

• Learning difficulty - For a student with a learning

• Discuss with the students that there are different ways for difficulty then it comes to the role play activity they can be
people to show love to each other. The teacher will have placed with a larger group (so a group of 3 instead of 2)
an example prepared to share with the students e.g. so that they can get extra help from their peers and their
Dropping money and someone returning it to them peers can therefore help allocate roles for one another
and explain what to do.

Choose One from:

• ADHD - For a student in the class who has ADHD the
teacher will ensure they keep a close eye on the student
and allocate the student with someone they know they
will work with. It will be best if the student is in a group of
2 because if they are placed in a larger group they may
loose their attention more easily.

• Intellectual disability
• Physical disability
LESSON DELIVERY attach worksheets, examples, marking keys, etc. as relevant
Time Motivation and Introduction: Resources/References
Align these with the segment
5 mins • To begin the lesson the teacher will explain to the students that in where they will be introduced.
today’s lesson “we will be talking about how we show love to others and
the power of love given by God”.
• The teacher will then ask the students what they think the term ‘love’
means when it comes to loving others.
• “What are some ways that God has shown love to us?”
• The teachers will then ask the students to focus their attention to the
board as they will be watching a short YouTube clip. The teacher will
then tell the students “I want you to pay attention to the video clip as I watch?v=6U3LD_6cX-k
will be asking questions afterwards, and I will be selecting people

• After watching the YouTube clip the teacher will ask students various
questions such as:
• What were the messages expressed in the video?
• One student spoke about forgiveness, what do you think she
meant by the term loving and forgiving?
• Think of a moment when you showed love to another person?
• What are some ways we can show love to other people?
• Why is it important to show our love to others?

• The teacher will then ask the students to conduct a think-pair-share with
the person next to them.

• In the think-pair-share students will need to think and discuss a time

they showed love to another person or someone showed love to them.

• Students should then think about and share with the class a time they
may have asked God for forgiveness, and if students are comfortable
with it and it is appropriate they can share it with the class.
mins Lesson Steps (Lesson content, structure, strategies & Key Questions):

• Before moving to the next activity the next activity, the teacher will
explain to the student that Jesus loves us all individually. We are all
sons and daughters of God so we much respect and love each other
just like he has done for us.

• The teacher will explain that students are to get into groups of 2-3.

• Each group will need to plan a role play that demonstrates an example
of showing love to another person through God’s teachings.

• The role play that the students create will be performed in front of the
class which follows the situation given to them. The performance can
range from 1-2 minutes maximum.

• Students will be given 15 minutes to plan and rehearse their role play,
after the 15 minutes over the students will then perform their role play to
the class.

• Students can use materials and items around the classroom to use as
props if needed.
mins Lesson Closure:(Review lesson objectives with students)
• Once students have been given time to plan and rehearse their role
play, each group will be able to take turns at performing their role play to
the class.

• After they have performed the rest of the class will need to discuss how
the power of love was shown in the performance.

• The group who performed can then explain what their idea was behind
the performance.
Transition: (What needs to happen prior to the next lesson?)
• Students will need to put the class room back to the way it was and sit
at their desk patiently and wait for the next instruction.

Assessment: (Were the lesson objectives met? How will they be

• In order for the teacher to assess the students, a checklist will be used.

• Throughout the lesson the teacher will observe the students and fill out
checklist during the lesson, the teacher will also closely observe the
student’s role play performances to assess them.

• On the checklist it will include all the students’ names listed on the side,
next to each name there will be the three lesson objectives that the
teacher implicated for the lesson:

• Identify and demonstrate the meaning and significance of

showing love for others through class discussions and watching a
YouTube clip.
• Plan, rehearse and perform a role play that displays an example
of showing love for other people through Jesus’ teachings.
• Work collaboratively with their peers in a group situation to plan,
rehearse and perform a role play to the class.

• With this checklist the teacher will put a tick if the student successfully
completed the objective, a dot to illustrate that the student had issues
with meeting the objective(s). If the student was not able to complete
the objective the teacher will leave it blank. There will also be a space
for the teacher to add any final comments.

• With this checklist the teacher will put a tick if the student successfully
completed the objective, a dot to illustrate that the student had issues
with meeting the objective(s). If the student was not able to complete
the objective the teacher will leave it blank.
Learning area:

Students’ Objective 1 Objective 2 Objective 3 Teachers

Identify and Plan, rehearse and Work collaboratively
Names demonstrate the perform a role play with their peers in a comments
meaning and that displays an group situation to
significance of example of showing plan, rehearse and
showing love for love for other people perform a role play to
others through class through Jesus’ the class.
discussions and teachings.
watching a YouTube
Amy Adams
Chuck Bass
Emily Bennett
Joshua Clayton
Tim Dyla
Ezra Fitzgerald
Rebecca Huya
Hannah Love
Harry Mondas
Noah Nickleson
Amalia Ollier
Rebecca Smith
Fiona Woods
Lucas Yale
Chloe Zed

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