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Unit of work: Lent/ Easter Salvation topic: Penance Human person Topic: Loved and
Year Level: 4 Students’ Prior Knowledge: (include faith situations/
Key Understanding: C1 Christian Response previous lessons/Units)
• From previous lessons on this unit of work students
understand the importance of showing love for
others and various ways we can do so.
• Students understand why Jesus expresses the
Learning Point(s): importance of forgiveness and can identify some
C1.1 Explains ways in which Jesus showed he had the examples of hoe Jesus does this.
power to forgive sins. • Students have an understanding that reconciliation
is a time where we go to church and confess our
sins and ask for forgives and be cleansed of our
past wrong doings.
Spiritual and Religious Capabilities (that may potentially be covered in the lesson)
Prudence Justice Fortitude Temperance Faith Hope Charity
eg Right choices eg Right eg Inner strength eg Moderation eg Prayer eg Reconciliation eg Service
relationships Students
investigate ways
that Jesus
forgiveness to his
followers by
looking at bible

General Capabilities (that may potentially be covered in the lesson)

Literacy Numeracy ICT Critical and Ethical Personal and Intercultural
Students read competence creative behaviour Social understanding
and interpret Students use the thinking competence
various scriptures book creator app Students need to
and students also on their iPad to think c critically
create their own create a short and creatively to
text based on the story based on interpret the
scriptures. the bible scriptures which
scriptures. will also lead
students to create
a text based on
one of the

Cross-curriculum priorities (may be addressed in the lesson)

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia Sustainability
histories and cultures

Lesson Objectives (i.e. anticipated outcomes of this lesson, in point form beginning with an action verb)
As a result of this lesson, students will be able to:
• Identify the ways Jesus forgave his people reading and interpreting scriptures from the bible.

• Demonstrate an understanding of the ways Jesus forgave his people based on a scripture from the bible
by creating a short story of the event(s).

• Work collaboratively with their peers to create and illustrate a short story on a scripture of their choice.
Teacher’s Prior Preparation/Organisation:
 Provision for students at educational risk:
(include Teacher Witness) Choose One from:
The teacher will have the following scriptures prepared for • Gifted - To extend a student(s) learning the student(s)
the lesson: can explain their interpretation of the scripture at the back
of their short story.
• Jesus cures the paralysed man 

[Luke 5:17-26] • Sensory impaired

• Learning difficulty - To enable a student(s) learning the

teacher can supply the students with a basic explanation
• Jesus forgave those who killed him 
 of the events of the scripture so the students are able ti
[Luke 23:33-34] interpret the text more effectively.

• Jesus forgave the thief who was dying on 
 Choose One from:
• ADHD - Students are put into groups for the activity so
the cross next to him [Luke 23:39-43] the student with ADHD will be able to get help from their
peers and can work collaboratively to understand and
create their short story based on the scripture. The
• Jesus forgave Zacchaeus [Luke 19:1-10]. student can also be given a specific role in the group that
is easy for them to manage but also still participate in the
group and not get distracted.
• The stories should be shared briefly with the class
• Intellectual disability
before commencing the lesson, the teacher should • Physical disability
be able to reinterpret these texts in a way students
LESSON DELIVERY attach worksheets, examples, marking keys, etc. as relevant
Time Motivation and Introduction: Resources/References
Align these with the segment
10 • The teacher will read the following scriptures to the class. where they will be introduced.
mins • Jesus cures the paralysed man 

[Luke 5:17-26] - This will be shown through a YouTube clip
• Jesus forgave those who killed him 

[Luke 23:33-34]
• Jesus forgave the thief who was dying on 

the cross next to him [Luke 23:39-43]

• Jesus forgave Zacchaeus [Luke 19:1-10].

• After reading each scripture the teacher will need to reinterpret each
text so that the students are able to understand what each scripture

• “Between these scripture stories, what is a similarity between them?”

• “Why do you think Jesus chose to forgive these people?”

• “How would the people have felt after they were forgiven by Jesus?”

Lesson Steps (Lesson content, structure, strategies & Key Questions):

• For the next activity students will need their iPads and the app ‘Book
Creator’ downloaded onto it.

• Students will then need to get into groups of 2-3 Book creator app

• In their groups students then need need to choose a scripture that was
read to the class.

• Once the students have chosen a scripture story students then need to
use the book creator app to create a short story, this can be done in a
picture book form.

• The students will be able to create their short story to demonstrate their
own interpretation of the text however, the story must still reflect the
scripture which means the students can not write about what ever they
please or make up the series of events.

• Students will be able to use their iPads to look at the scripture from the
bible to help them with their story. Students can also use quotes from
the scripture to assist them in creating their book.

• Roles must be distributed evenly between the groups e.g. one person is
the scribe and one gets/makes the images.

Lesson Closure:(Review lesson objectives with students)

• At the end of the lesson, groups can take turns at reflecting on the
scripture the used to create their short story to the class.

• The groups can then show the rest of the class what they have created
and what they interpreted from the story.

Transition: (What needs to happen prior to the next lesson?)

• Students will need to ensure they have their name on their work and
airdrop their short stories to the teacher.

• Students will then need to put their iPads away face down on their
desks, and sit and wait patiently at their desks for the next instruction.
Assessment: (Were the lesson objectives met? How will they be
• In order for the teacher to assess the students, a checklist will be used.

• Throughout the lesson the teacher will observe the students and fill out
checklist during the lesson, the teacher will also use the students’ work
samples to assess the students.

• On the checklist it will include all the students’ names listed on the side,
next to each name there will be the three lesson objectives that the
teacher implicated for the lesson:

• Identify the ways Jesus forgave his people reading and

interpreting scriptures from the bible.
• Demonstrate an understanding of the ways Jesus forgave his
people based on a scripture from the bible by creating a short
story of the event(s).
• Work collaboratively with their peers to create and illustrate a
short story on a scripture of their choice.

• With this checklist the teacher will put a tick if the student successfully
completed the objective, a dot to illustrate that the student had issues
with meeting the objective(s). If the student was not able to complete
the objective the teacher will leave it blank. There will also be a space
for the teacher to add any final comments.

• With this checklist the teacher will put a tick if the student successfully
completed the objective, a dot to illustrate that the student had issues
with meeting the objective(s). If the student was not able to complete
the objective the teacher will leave it blank.
Learning area:

Students’ Objective 1 Objective 2 Objective 3 Teachers

Identify the ways Demonstrate an Work collaboratively
Names Jesus forgave his understanding of the with their peers to comments
people reading and ways Jesus forgave create and illustrate a
interpreting scriptures his people based on a short story on a
from the bible. scripture from the scripture of their
bible by creating a choice.
short story of the

Amy Adams
Chuck Bass
Emily Bennett
Joshua Clayton
Tim Dyla
Ezra Fitzgerald
Rebecca Huya
Hannah Love
Harry Mondas
Noah Nickleson
Amalia Ollier
Rebecca Smith
Fiona Woods
Lucas Yale
Chloe Zed

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