The Ultimate ESL Teaching Book of Speaking Activities

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The Ultimate Teaching English as

a Second Language book of

Speaking Activities

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The Ultimate Teaching ESL Book of Speaking Activities|

Table of Contents

Speaking activities .......................................................................................................................

There is / there are ...................................................................................................................
Comparative adjectives ............................................................................................................
Present continuous...................................................................................................................
Reflexive pronouns ..................................................................................................................
Deduction and possibility in present .......................................................................................
Yet and already .........................................................................................................................
World map................................................................................................................................
Roleplays ......................................................................................................................................
Jobs vocabulary practice ..........................................................................................................
Phrasal verb practice ................................................................................................................
While and meanwhile...............................................................................................................
Work phrasal verbs ..................................................................................................................
Money .......................................................................................................................................
Business phrasal verbs .............................................................................................................
Had better ................................................................................................................................
Marketing .................................................................................................................................
Media vocabulary practice .......................................................................................................
Roads vocabulary practice .......................................................................................................
Presentation practice ...............................................................................................................
Negotiation practice .................................................................................................................
Deduction and possibility in past .............................................................................................
Problem solving activities ............................................................................................................
The survivor challenge .............................................................................................................
The survivor challenge: food ....................................................................................................
Personality adjectives ...............................................................................................................
Accident vocabulary .................................................................................................................
Which is worse?........................................................................................................................
What makes a person happy? ..................................................................................................
Question activities........................................................................................................................
Gerund versus infinitive ...........................................................................................................
Present perfect continuous ......................................................................................................
Present perfect versus the past ................................................................................................
Second conditional ...................................................................................................................

The Ultimate Teaching ESL Book of Speaking Activities|

Third conditional......................................................................................................................
Used to versus to be used to / to get used to ............................................................................
Did you use to…? Do you think you could get used to…? ........................................................
Wish versus hope .....................................................................................................................
Verb tables ...................................................................................................................................
Common irregular verbs ..........................................................................................................
Irregular verbs advanced .........................................................................................................

The Ultimate Teaching ESL Book of Speaking Activities|

Part One:

Speaking activities

The Ultimate Teaching ESL Book of Speaking Activities|

There is / there are

The Ultimate Teaching ESL Book of Speaking Activities|

Comparative adjectives

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The Ultimate Teaching ESL Book of Speaking Activities|
Present continuous

The Ultimate Teaching ESL Book of Speaking Activities|

Reflexive pronouns

The Ultimate Teaching ESL Book of Speaking Activities|

Deduction and possibility in present

The Ultimate Teaching ESL Book of Speaking Activities|

Yet and already

The Ultimate Teaching ESL Book of Speaking Activities|

World map

Europe and Asia

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The Americas

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Asia and Oceania

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Part II


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Jobs vocabulary practice

Hiring a reporter
You work in a busy newsroom and need to find a new junior reporter. In pairs,
discuss which person is more suitable.

Charlie: 22 years old (intern). He has very little experience but is enthusiastic. He
has potential to be a good journalist but needs training.


o When he has experience he will leave his job for a better one.
o Does not have a background in journalism, studied engineering.

Teresa: 34 years old (mother returning to work). She has a lot of experience and is
an excellent writer but only wants to work part-time.


o Will not be able to manage the job due to family pressures.

o Difficult to accommodate a part-time person into the company.

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Phrasal verb practice

Help, I have a problem!

Student A explains their problem, while Student B offers advice.


o You have gone off going out recently. Not just to discos and pubs but
anywhere. Your mother is worried, she thinks you have agoraphobia. You have
no interest in doing the sports you used to enjoy.

o After a 10 year marriage you are now alone. To stop you feeling lonely you
have taken up eating chocolate. You now weigh over 120kgs. Help please!

o You are innumerate! You can neither add up nor take away. When you were
at school you were sick for a year and never caught up with the other kids in
your maths class. Since then figures terrify you. Your boss doesn’t know
about the problem and he is threatening to fire you because you are supposed
to give a financial presentation but keep making excuses!

o You can’t stop shopping. You set off an hour early on your journey to work
each day to go to the mall. You are now in lots of debt. Your credit cards have
reached their limit and so you have now started shoplifting!

o Your friend got married to her first boyfriend when she was only 22. They
have two children and her husband is kind but she feels she is missing out
on life. She has now developed strong feelings for her husband’s friend. What
should she do?

o Your son wants to give up university and find a job because he has fallen in
love with a girl.

o Your friend’s husband is having a mid-life crisis. They have two children who
they love but he is fed up of his job and wants to take more risks. He now
plans to climb Mount Everest. She wants to support him but the expedition
will cost $10,000 and she is worried about the condition of his heart.

o Your neighbour’s teenage children are always hanging about outside your
front door and sitting on your wall. Sometimes they leave empty bottles lying
around. It’s intimidating.

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While and meanwhile

Wedding planners
Your sister is getting married in seven days in _______________. You need to
arrange the wedding by hiring suppliers and making arrangements with the
following people:

Divide the tasks between you. Each person must be met in person and you can see up
to three people a day.

Name Location

Florist ________________________________

Cake-maker ________________________________

Priest ________________________________

Caterer ________________________________

Limo company ________________________________

Best Man (check he has written a good speech. If not, you write it)__

Wine company ________________________________

Chair coverings ________________________________

Venue ________________________________

Maid-of-Honour Works in__________but lives in_______

Wedding dress shop _________________________________

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Work phrasal verbs

Work problems
You work for a website design company. Your company has just won a contract to
redesign all local government websites. The contract means your company is more
secure but it also means you will be working more hours for no extra pay for at least a


o You want to hire someone else or at least get an intern to deal with the work.
o You are willing to work more hours but want extra pay.
o You want a promotion for the extra responsibility you have to take on.
o If at least some of these demands aren’t met you don’t know how you’ll cope with
the next year.


o You don’t want to hire anyone because you don’t want to make them redundant
in 12 months’ time.
o You want quality work. You don’t think an intern can provide this.
o You are making more money with this contract but when it’s finished, how can
you pay a higher salary?
o You feel the job is rewarding enough. Why do they need a promotion?

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A new business
You have decided to set up a real estate business, but how are you going to market it?

Person A

o Wants to borrow $10,000 from the bank for an advertising campaign.

o You are worried that if this investment isn’t made at the beginning the
business will fail and you will end up bankrupt.
o You don’t want to give away a part of the business to a third party to get a
loan and prefer to deal directly with the bank.

Person B

o You also want $10,000 for marketing but have come up with the idea of
giving away a share of the company to investors, who will give you the
money as an investment.
o The investor wants 40% of the company, you feel this is fair and lower risk
than borrowing from a bank.

Person C

o You have had bad experiences with loans in the past and are still paying off
credit card debts.
o You feel that the best marketing is done through “word of mouth” and you
don’t need a big investment to start a business.
o You also think that interest rates can’t continue to be low.

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Business phrasal verbs

Segway tours
Business owner

You want funding for a new company specialising in Segway tours in your city. The
only problem is there are already two other companies doing the same thing. What
will make you stand out from the competition?

You want a loan from the bank and have set up a meeting with the bank’s business
analyst to get some money for your start up.

Business Analyst

You want to know:

o How much money they want from the bank.

o How much the owners will invest.
o Where they will get their money from.
o Market share of the business.
o Competition.
o Turnover, profit and loss in the next three to five years.
o If they have a backup plan.
o How many customers they plan to get per week, month, and year.
o If they have underestimated the money they need.
o The probability of going bankrupt.

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Had better

You’ve inherited a house

You have just inherited a house from your great aunt. You have $10,000 to spend. Decide
what you can hire other people to do and what you can do yourselves.

o Fitting new windows: $3000

o Getting rid of rubbish: $400
o Fitting a new roof: $2000
o New drains: $800
o Fitting new floors: $2000
o Rebuilding garage: $1000
o Fitting new bathrooms: $2000
o Rewiring electricity: $1000
o Fitting a new kitchen: $5000
o Building a new fireplace: $1000
o Gardening: $1000
o Fitting a new front door: $800
o Painting: $1000
o Fitting a security alarm: $1000

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The crowd sourcing challenge

You wish to start a business by getting funding through a crowd sourcing site such as
Kick Starter.

For this, you must develop one of the following products:

o A children’s game.
o A piece of exercise equipment.
o A new web service (e.g. a dating or recruitment site, a record label or
design company).
o A new food (a new sauce, dessert, drink etc).
o A new household appliance.

Your investors expect a return for their investment, so when doing your

o The initial investment you need.

o Your turnover and profit after two, five and 10 years.
o How you’re going to market your product.
o What staff you’ll need.
o Where you are going to sell your product.
o What gap your market fills.

Each investor has $10,000. They can give it all to the project they like or divide it
between projects based on how likely it is they’ll get a return for their investment.

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Media vocabulary practice

Pitching a new TV show

Channel 6 will commission a new TV show. They have a budget of $100,000 for
everything. Choose a genre and concept for your show and think about the following

o What equipment and people do you need?

o Who are your audience?
o How many viewers do you expect to have?
o Where do you need to film?
o How much will it cost?
o How many episodes will it have?
o Why is your show better than other ones on the market?
o Why should be people watch it?

A Rough Guide to Costs

o Studio: $2000 a day.

o Camera and lighting team: $2000 a day.
o Famous presenter: $2000 per episode.
o Actors: Negotiable depending on how famous they are.
o Filming outside of the country (but on the same continent) $2000 a day.
o Filming in the rest of the world: $3000 a day.
o Special effects/ computer graphics: $5000 per project.
o Director and Scriptwriter: $3000 per project (each).

Now pitch your project……

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Roads vocabulary practice

You are the town planners for the city’s roads. Below is a list of all of the new roads and
equipment the city needs but you have to save $300,000 from the budget. In pairs talk
together about what you must implement and what the city can do without.

Item Cost Kms / units

Hard shoulder 5000 per 500 kms

Flyovers 50,000 Need five

Roundabouts 10,000 Need 50

Tow trucks 20,000 Need 20

Roadside 1000 Need 1000

Speed cameras 1000 Need 1000

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Presentation practice

Make your own TED talk

Your mission is to create your own TED talk. It should be seven-10 minutes long and
like all TED talks be enlightening, surprising, intelligent, based on real data and

To create your TED talk, first consider the following questions:

o What is your favourite TED talk and why?

o What made it a good presentation? The story / the way it was told or both?
o What have your presentations for work / university been about? What went
well? What could have been better?
o What will your TED talk be about?


o The story you’re going to tell.

o What data you’re going to use and how are you going to present it?
o How are you going to start / finish?
o How are you going to keep your audience’s attention?
o What vocabulary / phrases are you going to use?

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Negotiation practice

The Car factory

Student A

You are the factory manager. You need to cut $5 million a year from your budget.

This either means: making 20% of staff redundant or giving everyone a 20% pay cut.

You are also unhappy with the amount of public holidays your country has and you
want your employees to work only half of them.

If your demands aren’t met you are considering moving the factory to Germany
where the pay is higher but there are fewer public holidays and it’s possible that you
could get a subsidy from the government.

Student B

You are a trade union leader for the workers. You are unhappy with the idea of a pay
cut because workers are already not paid well. Also you don’t want to lose 20% of
staff and work through public holidays, but equally you don’t want the factory to
move to Germany.

Student C

You are a local politician. You don’t want workers to lose their jobs, neither do you
want them to work through public holidays because you think it’s unconstitutional –
but equally you don’t want to lose the factory.

You have $5 million that could be used to subsidise the factory over the next five
years. This would save jobs, but this money has already been allocated to hospitals
and sanitation. Also, you don’t see why the government should pay private
businesses to stay in their country.

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Deduction and possibility in past

The case of John Roberts

Ask your class to imagine that they are a jury who have been asked to judge this imaginary
case. Using deduction and possibility in past they must decide what crime Mr Roberts is
guilty of. They must return one of the following verdicts:

a) First degree murder: There was a prior plan to kill the person.
b) Second degree murder: No plan but intended to kill.
c) Voluntary manslaughter: Killing someone by accident but intending to harm them.
d) Involuntary manslaughter: Killing someone by accident e.g. in a traffic accident.
e) Manslaughter in self-defence.

The facts

A retired solider living on the outskirts of town keeps getting burgled by a group of youths.
Every time it happens he calls the police but they never find the criminals. One night the
house is burgled again and Mr Roberts shoots dead one of the burglars with his army
revolver while he is trying to escape through the back door. The burglar was 20.

1) The burglar was shot in the back.

2) Mr Roberts had been burgled so many times he kept a gun by his bed.
3) Mr Roberts had a history of gun misbehaviour including threatening to shoot a
neighbour’s dog.
4) Mr Roberts had served in war and had been diagnosed with post-traumatic stress
5) Mr Roberts admitted that he did mean to shoot his gun, but he did not mean to kill
the burglar.
6) There was no moon that night and it was very dark.
7) The burglar had a long criminal record including robbery and assault.
8) Mr Roberts showed no remorse for what he did.

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Part III

Problem solving activities

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The survivor challenge
You are a contestant on the game show “Survivor” and you have to survive on a
desert island for six weeks. There is food and water on the island but nothing else. All
you have is the swim-suit and sandals you are wearing. Here is a list of things you
may find useful. Choose the eight most useful items and rank them in order of
usefulness. Justify your decisions.

o A box of matches.
o A magnifying glass.
o An axe.
o A bottle of whisky.
o An atlas.
o Some metal knitting needles.
o A needle and thread.
o A nylon tent.
o A transistor radio with batteries.
o Ointment for cuts and burns.
o A saucepan.
o A knife and fork.
o Six safety pins.
o 20 metres of nylon rope.
o A blanket.
o A watch.
o A towel.
o A pencil and paper.

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The survivor challenge: food
You are going to be left on a desert island for five years. The government will supply
your food. You have been given a list of 20 items but you may choose only eight to
make all your meals for the rest of your lives. Select your food and justify your

o Eggs
o Parsnips
o Leeks
o Oranges
o Milk
o Rice
o Beetroot
o Potatoes
o Pasta
o Carrots
o Tomatoes
o Cabbage
o Oil
o Butter
o Sugar
o Salt and pepper
o Chickpeas
o Lentils
o Aubergines
o Apples

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Personality adjectives

Which personality traits are the best to have in:

A life-partner, a boss, a best friend?

And which are the worst?

Rate in order of importance

To be:

o Selfish
o Cheerful
o Witty
o Arrogant
o Assertive
o Calm
o Eccentric
o Funny
o Stubborn
o Open-minded
o Insecure
o Insincere
o Vain
o Loyal
o Wise
o Easy-going
o Giving
o Optimistic
o Conscientious

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Accident vocabulary

Which is worse?
Rate in order of the most disastrous

You’re on your way to the job interview of your life. Unfortunately you have an
accident before you reach your destination. Rate these accidents in order of which
would cause you the most problems and / or embarrassment.

o To fall over in the street and land on your face causing your cheek to swell up
to the size of a kiwi
o To throw up yesterday’s dinner on the bus
o To slip and land in dog poo
o To trip over a stone and dislocate your toe
o To slip on leaves and graze your chin, nose and forehead
o To fall over running for the bus and twist your ankle
o To arrive at your destination without suffering an accident but in the middle
of your interview / meeting suddenly suffer a heavy nosebleed.

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What makes a person happy?
Rate in order of importance

o To own property.
o To live in a free country.
o To have family.
o To be good-looking.
o To earn more than $25,000 a year.
o To have a healthy body.
o To have friends.
o To have a partner.
o To have opportunities to travel.
o To have a good education.

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Part IV

Question activities

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Gerund versus infinitive

Tell us about:

o Somebody you dream of (meet).

o Something that is important (do) before you’re 30.
o A country you are interested in (visit).
o A difficult skill that is possible (learn) in one day.
o Something that is cheap (do) in Valencia on the weekend.
o Something you are thinking of (do) next year.
o Something you’re not very good at (do).
o Somewhere that is dangerous (go) at night in your city.

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Present perfect continuous

How long have you:

o (Be work) at your current job?

o (Be study) English?
o (Be do) a sport / hobby?
o (Be live) in your current flat?
o (Be interested) in history / politics / science / media etc?
o (Be read) your current book?
o (Be watch) your current TV series?
o (Be live) with your parents, husband / wife, flatmates etc?

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Present perfect versus the past

Use past or present perfect with these questions

o How many action films (see) this year? And last year?
o How much coffee (have) this morning?
o Have you ever (be) to Paris? When? Tell me about it.
o What was the last sentence you (say) to me?
o When was the last time you (give) a present?
o How many sweaters (buy) this year? And last year?
o How often (come) to class this month?
o Where (go) last summer? And this summer?

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Second conditional

What would you do if…

o If you can’t live in your country anymore?

o If you suddenly inherit $100,000 from a distant relative?
o If you wake up to find your house on fire?
o If you are president of your country?
o If you win $1 million in the lottery this Christmas?
o If a lion escapes its enclosure at a bio park, while you were there?
o You lose your grandmother’s engagement ring?
o Your car breaks down on a deserted mountaintop in the middle of the
night and you have forgotten your mobile phone?

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Third conditional
What would your life have been like if…

o You had been born 200 years ago? What job would you have done?
o You had been given extraordinary athletic ability? What sport would you have
taken up?
o You have spent 20 hours a week practicing something as a child? What would
it have been?
o Russia had won The Cold War?
o The internet had not been invented? What job would you be doing now?
o Your parents had had 10 children?
o You had been born the son/daughter of the President of the United States?
o You had never learnt to read?

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Used to versus to be used to / to get used to

Did you use to…? Do you think you could get used to…?
o (always work) at night?
o (hate) a particular food when you were a child?
o (live) in the UK or USA?
o (prefer) playing indoors or outdoors when you were a child.
o (live) without the internet?
o (cheat) in exams?
o (drive) on the left?
o (fight) with your brothers and sisters when you were little?
o (have) a favourite TV program when you were a child?
o (not have) a mobile?

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Wish versus hope

o Something you hope to overcome.

o Something you wish you hadn’t given up.
o Something you hope to do in the future.
o Something you wished you hadn’t got rid of
o Something you hope to buy in the future.
o Something you wish you had learnt as a child.
o An activity you wish you didn’t have to do in your English class.
o Your hopes for the world.
o Your wishes for the world.

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Verb tables
Common irregular verbs

Am is are Was, were Been

Become Became Become
Begin Began Begun
Blow Blew Blown
Break Broke Broken
Bring Brought Brought
Build Built Built
Buy Bought Bought
Catch Caught Caught
Choose Chose Chosen
Come Came Come
Cost Cost Cost
Deal with Dealt with Dealt with
Do Did Did
Drink Drank Drunk
Drive Drove Driven
Eat Ate Eaten
Fall Fell Fallen
Feel Felt Felt
Fight Fought Fought
Find Found Found
Fly Flew Flown
Forget Forgot Forgotten
Get Got Got
Give Gave Given
Go Went Gone
Grow Grew Grown
Have Had Had
Hear Heard Heard
Hold Held Held
Hurt Hurt Hurt
Keep Kept Kept
Know Knew Known
Leave Left Left
Lend Lent Lent
Lose Lost Lost
Make Made Made
Mean Meant Meant
Meet Met Met
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Pay Paid Paid
Put Put Put
Quit Quit Quit
Read Read Read
Ring Rang Rung
Rise Rose Risen
Run Ran Run
See Saw Seen
Sell Sold Sold
Send Sent Sent
Set Set Set
Shut Shut Shut
Sleep Slept Slept
Speak Spoke Spoken
Spend Spent Spent
Stand Stood Stood
Steal Stole Stolen
Take Took Taken
Teach Taught Taught
Tell Told Told
Think Thought Thought
Throw Threw Thrown
Understand Understood Understood
Wear Wore Worn
Win Won Won

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Irregular verbs advanced

Bear Bore Born

Bite Bit Bitten
Bid Bid Bid
Bleed Bled Bled
Breed Bred Bred
Draw Drew Drawn
Forbid Forbade Forbidden
Forgive Forgave Forgiven
Freeze Froze Frozen
Hang Hung Hung
Hide Hid Hidden
Lay Laid Laid
Light Lit Lit
Mislead Misled Misled
Misunderstand Misunderstood Misunderstood
Quit Quit Quit
Ride Rode Ridden
Ring Rang Rung
Rise Rose Risen
Show Showed Shown
Shake Shook Shaken
Shine Shone Shone
Shoot Shot Shot
Slide Slid Slid
Spill Spilt Spilt
Spoil Spoilt Spoilt
Spread Spread Spread
Spring Sprang Sprung
Swear Swore Sworn
Swim Swam Swum
Swing Swung Swung
Sweep Swept Swept
Sow Sowed Sown
Wind Wound Wound
Wring Wrung Wrung
Undergo Underwent Undergone

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Additional materials
Found this book useful?
Then check out its accompanying book The Ultimate Teaching English as a Second Language

‘What a great book! Andromeda’s knowledge and experience shines through. She gets
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and confusing text books. Priceless!’ Customer
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found works best.’ J. Velykorodnyy,

The Ultimate ESL Teaching Manual is a complete teaching system starting from complete
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Want to learn to speak Spanish?
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‘This is the BEST Spanish grammar book. I own many Spanish books, what makes this
one different is that she briefly explains how one would use or say the grammar point in
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‘This is so much more useful than the usual language book formats and gives lots of help
with those in between words that help conversation flow more naturally.’ Frosties,

What’s covered in the book

Detailed explanations on all grammar including verb tenses, nouns, adjectives, adverbs,
pronouns, participles and the subjunctive, box-outs highlighting the differences between
English and Spanish grammar and translation lists.

A comprehensive ‘how do you say?’ section covering phrases to use in all types of
conversations including how to talk about feelings and ideas, give and receive advice,
organise an event and even tell a joke.

Buy now from for $5.99-12.99 or for £3.99-9.99.Or for more
information visit our website

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