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11.1 Movements of the Earth, the Moon and the Sun

Rotation of the Earth

1. The _______________ spins on its axis like a spinning top

-This spinning motion is called_________________.

2. An ________________ is an imaginary line that goes through the centre of the

Earth. It links the _________________ pole to the _____________________

3. The Earth rotates from _______________to _______________________.

4. (a) The Earth takes __________________ to make one complete rotation

(b) It takes _________________to make one complete movement round the


- This movement is called a _________________________.

Rotation of the Moon

1. Like the Earth, the ___________________ also rotates on its axis from west
to east.

2. While rotating on its axis, it also ________________ round the earth.

3. The time taken for the Moon to make _______________________________

as the time taken for it to go round the Earth.

- Therefore, from the Earth, we always see the same side of the Moon.

The Effects of the Earth’s rotation.

1. The Sun rises in the _________________ and sets in the

- The Sun appears to move across the sky throughout the day.

2. The length and position of the shadows of objects __________________

throughout the day.

3. __________________________________ is a result of the rotation of the

Earth on its axis.

Movements of the Moon and the Earth around the Sun

1. The ____________________ is the centre of the Solar System.

2. The ______________ and the ________________ rotate on their axes.

At the same time, the Earth with its Moon also go around the Sun.

3. One complete journey around the Sun is known as a


4. The Earth takes _______________________________ to make a complete

revolution around the Sun.

5. The earth goes round the Sun and the Moon goes round the Earth in fixed paths
called ________________________ .

Changes in the lengths and positions of shadows throughout the day

1. The position of the Sun in the sky appears to change as the


2. As the Earth rotates from west to east, the Sun appears to _____________
across the sky from ____________________.

3. This causes the ______________ and ___________________ of shadows of

objects to change throughout the day.

11.2 The occurrence of day and night

1. The rotation of the Earth on its axis takes place_____________________.

However, the position of the Sun is always ____________________.

2. At any one time,

(a) ___________________________ is facing the Sun.

-This part of the Earth receives _________________ and experiences
_______________ (part P of the Earth).

(b) Half of the Earth is facing _______________ from the Sun.

- This part of the Earth _________________________ sunlight and, therefore, is

in_______________. This part, Q, experiences____________________.

3. As the Earth rotates, Q slowly takes the place of P.

-As Q faces the Sun, it experiences ___________ while P experiences night.

4. The Earth takes _________________ to complete one__________________.

- During every 24 hours :-

 Half of the Earth experiences ________________

 Half of the Earth experiences ________________

11.3 Phases of Moon

The Moon reflects sunlight

1. On a clear night, we can see the ___________as a bright object in the sky.

2. The Moon does not ______________________.

- It ______________________ from the Sun to Earth.

- This causes the Moon to __________________ at night.

- The Moon cannot be seen during the day because sunlight is

______________________ than moonlight.

3. The shape of the Moon _______________ from time to time. Sometimes, the
Moon appears _________________________.

-At other times it appears in various shapes of a _____________________.

4. The different shapes of the Moon are called __________________________.

- The four major phases of the Moon are:-

(i) ______________________

(ii) _____________________

(iii) ____________________

(iv) ____________________

5. The Moon completes the cycle of phases ______________ every lunar month.

-The period from one new moon to the next takes about ___________________.

Phases of the Moon

1 (a) Phases of the Moon are caused by the __________________________and
the Earth to the Moon.

(b) These changes occur when the Moon _____________ round the Earth. At
the same time, the Earth and Moon revolve round the ______________.

2. As the Moon is ______________________________, half of the Moon is

____________ while the other half is _________________.

3. From Earth, the Moon can be seen at different angles on different nights.

4. Therefore, __________________ of the Moon are seen on different nights.

5. The shape of the Moon depends on ____________________________ faces

the Earth.

6. In the diagram, the Sun is shining from ____________________.

- The cycle of phases of the Moon progresses in an ___________________


Lunar Calendar

1. The calendar that we use now is the AD calendar that shows the
________________________________ during its movement around the Sun.

2. The calendar constructed based on the Moon phases is known as the


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