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Read the table below. Fill in the blanks.

Baca jadual di bawah. Isikan tempat kosong dalam petikan yang diberi.

This is what Shamira does from Monday to Friday.....

6.00 a.m. Wakes up.
6.30 a.m. Has breakfast with her family.
7.00 a.m. Goes to school by bus.
2.00 p.m. Comes home and eats lunch.
5.00 p.m. Plays badminton with her sister.
7.00 p.m. Has dinner and does homework.
10.00 p.m. Goes to bed.

On schooling days, Shamira _______________________________ (1) at

6 o’clock in the morning. At 6.30 a.m., she has


After that, she __________________________________ by bus (3).

At 2 o’clock in the afternoon, she comes home

________________________________________(4). In the evening, she plays

_______________________________________________(5). At 7o’clock, she

has dinner and does her homework. Later, she goes to bed.

(10 marks)
Match the pictures with the correct sentences.
Suaikan gambar dengan ayat yang betul.

_____________________________________ _____________________________________

_____________________________________ _____________________________________

_____________________________________ _____________________________________

_____________________________________ _____________________________________

_____________________________________ _____________________________________

_____________________________________ _____________________________________

I have breakfast in the morning. I cycle to the park in the evening.

I pray in the morning. I wake up in the morning.

I learn at school in the morning. I brush my teeth and bathe early in the morning.

(10 marks)
Rearrange the words and write the sentences.
Susun perkataan dan tulis ayat yang betul.

1. buffaloes / eat / Zebras / grass. / and


2. saw / many / Yulleh / the / in / ostriches / safari.


3. must / chat / I / not / strangers. / with


4. visited / grandparents / Zarif / in / village. / the / his


5. twenty-one / to / Taman Indah. / Bus / goes / number


(10 marks)
Fill in the blanks with the given words.
Isikan tempat kosong dengan perkataan yang diberikan.

hop feeds buys bathes waddle

Farah _________________________ her cats fish and

2. Simon _________________________ his pet dog once a


The ducks __________________________ towards the

The rabbits __________________________ around in
the garden.

Zi Liang __________________________ two hamsters
from the pet shop.

(10 marks)
Match the questions with the correct answers. Write in the space given.
Padankan soalan dengan jawapan yang betul. Tuliskan jawapam di dalam ruang yang

1. Where did Ashwini go last Sunday?


2. How did she go there?


3. What did she see there?


4. What was the crocodile doing?


5. Where was the cheetah?


The cheetah was sleeping on the tree.

She went there by car.

L ast Sunday. Ashwini went to the safari.

She saw many wild animals in the safari.

The crocodile was swimming in the river.

(10 marks)
Yulleh is my friend. He is nine years old. He is in Year 3 Jati. He wakes up at 6
o’clock in the morning. Then he brushes his teeth and takes a bath. After that, he
puts on his school uniform. Then he combs his hair. Then he prays. After that, he
eats his breakfast. He usually eats bread and friend eggs. Then, he goes to school
by car. At school he cleans his classroom with his friends. The he learns with his
friends. During recess, he eats in the canteen. In the afternoon, he goes home.

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