Re Lesson Plan Part C

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Unit of work: Salvation topic: Human person Topic:
Beautiful World, Beautiful Me Baptism Christian response through Baptism
Year Level: Year 2 Students’ Prior Knowledge: (include faith
situations/previous lessons/Units)
Key Understanding:
C1. Christians celebrate the special action and words of the Rite
- This lesson will follow the focus of Jesus and how he
of Baptism
encourages people to appreciate the beauty of all of
God’s creation, and how God lives within those who
are Baptised to help them show further love for
Learning Point(s): creation from section B
C1.1 Explains the significance of the water in the Sacrament of - In Year 1, students in the salvation topic of Baptism
Baptism focused on how Baptism is a way that people of faith
C1.2 Identifies the special action and words of the Rite of become members of God’s family, how it’s human
Baptism nature to want to belong to different groups and that
Jesus wants his followers to show love for these

Spiritual and Religious Capabilities (that may potentially be covered in the lesson)
Prudence Justice Fortitude Temperance Faith Hope Charity
eg Right choices eg Right eg Inner strength eg Moderation eg Prayer eg Reconciliation eg Service
General Capabilities (that may potentially be covered in the lesson)
Literacy Numeracy ICT Critical and Ethical Personal and Intercultural
competence creative behaviour Social understanding
thinking competence

Cross-curriculum priorities (may be addressed in the lesson)

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Asia and Australia’s engagement with Sustainability
histories and cultures Asia
Lesson Objectives (i.e. anticipated outcomes of this lesson, in point form beginning with an action verb)
As a result of this lesson, students will be able to:
 Using Padlet, explain the purpose of water in the Sacrament of Baptism
 Using Padlet, identify two important actions that take place in a Baptism
 Using Padlet, identify at least two uses people have for water that is necessary for survival

Teacher’s Prior Preparation/Organisation: Provision for students at educational risk:

(include Teacher Witness) Choose One from:
• Gifted
- Materials for the Godly Play: • Sensory impaired
• Learning difficulty
o White felt or cloth
An enabling prompt for students could be to make at least 1 contributions
o A doll and basket to the class Padelt for each objective.
o White blanket or garment
o Large bowl of water (Baptismal font)
o Small pitcher of water Choose One from:
o Perfumed oil • Intellectual disability
o Large candle (Paschal candle) • Physical disability
o Small candle and holder or container (not plastic)
with sand to hold lighted candle Make a squishy ball (similar to a stress ball) for the child to fiddle with
whilst sitting down.
o Matches
o Small hand towel
- Practice Godly Play script (Appendix 1)
- Charge student and teacher iPads
- Make sure interactive whiteboard is working
- Create Padlet for class
LESSON DELIVERY attach worksheets, examples, marking keys, etc. as relevant
Time Motivation and Introduction:
Align these with the segment
5mins - Gather the class on the mat in a circle and make sure all can see the teacher where they will be introduced.
too (teacher shall sit on the mat for this session)
o Start a discussion about water and its purpose/ importance in our
 Have a cup of water ready and demonstrate pouring it into Cup of water and a bowl
a basin ready for the Godly play later on
 “What can you tell me about water?”
 “Who needs water?” (plants, animals, human life)
 Explain water to be the source of life
 “What do we use water for in our everyday lives to
survive?” (quench thirst, clean things, cool down
(swimming), helping things grow etc.)
 “We said water is life-giving for a variety of reasons, well
in Baptism, water is used to communicate that the person
being baptised is receiving the life of God: God comes to
live in them.”

Godly Play script (Appendix 1)

15mins Lesson Steps (Lesson content, structure, strategies & Key Questions):
Godly Play materials:
- Godly Play: Baptism
 White felt or cloth
 A doll and basket
o Draw considerable attention to the two features of pouring water
 White blanket or
over the person’s head, and the words ‘NAME, I baptise you in the
name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.’
 Large bowl of water
(Baptismal font)
 Small pitcher of water
 Perfumed oil
 Large candle (Paschal
 Small candle and
holder or container (not
plastic) with sand to
hold lighted candle
 Matches
 Small hand towel
Lesson Closure:(Review lesson objectives with students)
- Start discussion water and its purpose in Baptism after the Godly play
o All students will have their iPads with them for a Padlet Interactive whiteboard
discussion: (these will Teacher iPad
be sittings behind the students so that they are not distracted during Student iPads
the start and the Godly play)
o The interactive whiteboard will reflect everyone’s answers in the
class Padlet

o “We said that water gives life earlier, and that it’s necessary for
plants, animals and human life to survive every day.”
o “What were some of the things we said that we needed water for to
 Suggestions: quench thirst, grow things etc.
 Students will write in Padlet and then teacher will choose
some students to elaborate to the class
o “Considering where Jesus and the others lived in Israel, a very hot
place very far away from the ocean or any huge water resources,
what do you think they would’ve liked most about water?”
o “What is Baptism about? What does the water symbolise?”
 Students will write in Padlet and then teacher will choose
some students to elaborate to the class
 *At this age, the children need only to be aware of the
life-giving aspect of water and be aware of the Baptism
ritual (not necessarily the small details)
 Suggestions: Baptism is about entering into God’s family/
The water is God giving life to those entering into His
family through living within them/ We cannot survive
without water in our life, and similarly the absence of God
in our lives doesn’t make for a happy healthy lifestyle
o “What were two important things that happen in a Baptism?”
 Suggestions: Pouring water over the person’s head, and
the priest saying ‘NAME, I baptise you in the name of the
Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit
 Students will write in Padlet and then teacher will choose
some students to elaborate to the class

Transition: (What needs to happen prior to the next lesson?)

- Students will put iPads away and sit back on the mat for the next lesson

Assessment: (Were the lesson objectives met? How will they be

Rubric (Appendix 2)
- Checklist form of assessment
o Refer to Appendix 2
APPENDIX 1: Baptism Godly Play Script
Babic, M. (n.d.). Godly play script. Retrieved from

Baptism Godly Play

Adapted from KWL Chapter 11
You will need:

 white felt or cloth

 a doll and basket
 a white blanket or garment
 large bowl of water for the baptismal font
 small pitcher of water
 perfumed oil
 large candle for the Paschal candle
 small candle and holder or container (not plastic) with sand to hold lighted candle
 matches
 small hand towel

Children are seated in a semi-circle ready to listen to the story. When the children are settled, go to
the shelf and carry the materials as you would the Bible. Place these beside you.

Begin by spreading out the white cloth in front of you. Smooth it out and say:
Jesus told his friends to baptise people in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

Pick up the bowl of water and pitcher. Place on white cloth and say:
In Baptism we use water – water cleans and renews, water keeps us alive. Jesus was baptised in water.

Pick up the large candle and place on white cloth.Light the candle as you say:
This is the Easter candle. Jesus said “I am the Light of the World”.

Put small container of oil on white cloth saying:

This is perfumed oil – that heals and strengthens, oil that kings, queens, priests and prophets were anointed with
to strengthen them for their special work.

Pick up baby doll and say:

Today I’ll use this baby doll to show what happens in Baptism. It’s not always babies that are baptised.
Sometimes people are older when they are baptised.
The priest meets everyone at the entrance to the church. He asks the parents “What name do you give your
child?” We’d better give this baby a name. Look up and say, What name will we give this child? Take the first
name suggested, and say clearly and distinctly:

(N………………), the Christian community welcomes you with great joy. In its name, I claim you for Christ, our
Saviour. The priest makes the sign of the cross on the baby’s forehead and invites the parents and godparents to
do the same.

Make the Sign of the Cross on the doll’s head and invite two or three children to do this also. Gently place the baby back
in the basket and continue. The people listen to the Word of God (point to the Bible in the prayer place), say some
prayers and gather around the font of water.

Move large bowl of water in front of you and pick up the doll again. Fill small pitcher of water from the large bowl
(baptismal font). Pour water three times over the doll’s head as you say clearly and distinctly:
(N………………), I baptise you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

Put some oil on your finger, make a cross on the doll’s head and say:
God our Father anoints you with the oil of Chrism. May you live always as a member of his body.

Wipe the doll’s forehead with towel and pick up white garment. Put it over the doll as you say:
(N………………), you are clothed in Christ. See in this white garment the sign of your Christian dignity.

Put doll back in basket. Pick up Easter candle, hold near doll and say:
The baby is given a candle that is lit from the Easter candle (Paschal candle). The priest asks the parents and
godparents to help the child “to live always as a child of the light”.

Finally pick the doll up, cradling it and say:

When babies are born, they become part of a family. When a person is baptised, that person becomes part of the

Put doll back in basket and pause for a moment or two before engaging children with some of the ‘I wonders’.
Carefully pack story materials into storage box and put on shelf. Ensure that children are watching so they know how to
pack the materials away and where to find them.
APPENDIX 2: Assessment Checklist

● = Needs assistance

✔ = Good

✔✔ = Excellent

Student Names: Using Padlet, explain Using Padlet, Using Padlet, identify Comments:
the purpose of water in identify two at least two uses
the Sacrament of important actions people have for water
Baptism that take place in a that is necessary for
Baptism survival

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