Explicit Magic. The Card Changed Before: April

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"Still, we had yet to work for the VIP magic.

You have implied that the card

table, and we knew it was necessary in changed, but in fact, the spectators did
order to placate our clients. Sanders and not actually witness the transformation.
I had been booked as a duo, an arrange- They only inferred that it happened
ment we both enjoyed, since it allowed based on the result and the fact that there
us to perform magic we might not other- appears be only one card involved.
wise have been able to accomplish. As Conversely, causing the face of a card to
such, we took up positions at opposite change as you wave your hand over it is
sides of the table, and Sanders addressed explicit magic. The card changed before
the VIPS, who looked decidedly indif- the spectator's eyes. Most sandwich
ferent. tricks are implicit, but Flipwich is unde-
'"I'm Richard," he said, as they stared niably an explicit effect. There is no
at him blankly, "and over there is my squaring up prior to the change, nor is
partner, Dave," whereupon they turned there any inscrutable handling of the
to face me. Now, normally at this point, cards. The sandwiched card remains in
I would smile and wave, and all atten- full view at all times, then it suddenly
tion would return immediately to changes to another card! What more can
Richard. Unfortunately, this was not to you ask?"
be. For some reason that to this day Set-up: Place any card face up
remains unexplained, my lower lip between two face-down cards. Square
chose this particular moment to just... up the packet and hold it with your right
give out... and a large and painfully evi- hand by the inner right comer, your first
dent drop of drool oozed from my and second fingers beneath, your thumb
mouth, landing with a splat onto some- on top (Fig. 1).
one's plate.
"A numbing silence fell over the
group, who looked at me in horror, and I
turned to Richard in desperation, hoping
that he would find some way to quickly
diffuse the tension. My mistake. Instead,
his face contorted into an expression of
painful glee, he bent slowly at the waist,
then finally collapsed in a fit of uncon-
trolled laughter. Ten seconds... twenty
seconds... thirty seconds went by as we
all looked on mortified, and still, FIG.1
Richard was unable to regain his com-
posure. Every time he tried to get up, he
would catch a glimpse of me, then fall Method: With a gentle squeeze,
back on the floor in a newly rekindled fit spread the three-card packet by pulling
of laughter." your fingers inwards and towards you
while simultaneously pushing your
thumb out towards the audience (Fig. 2).
FLIPWICH Note that the pip at the outer left comer
Acer writes: "There is a difference of the face-up card is now clearly visi-
between implicit and explicit magic. ble.
Dropping a card into a card box, then Position your right second finger on
removing the card, showing it to have top of the three-card spread at the inner
changed into another card is implicit right comer of the face-up card (Fig. 3).
April, 1998 103
Your finger does not overlap the top
card of the packet. Give your wrist a lit-
tle shake as you pull your right second
finger down, causing the two cards
beneath it to flip over (or rather under)
your right forefinger (Fig. 4).


Acer: "This sleight is not difficult to

do, but requires a certain knack. Some of
you will give it a try and get it right from
the get-go. Others may find it a little
awkward. My point is, it does work, and
I've fooled many, many people with it,
including Gabe Kaplan, Reba McEntire,
Joyce Dewitt, Robert Frost, Abraham
Lincoln, Ms. Pac Man, Luke Skywalker
and Robocop.
Naturally, flicking your wrist while
carrying out the Change obscures the
fact that the cards are flipping over at
your fingertips. However, if you prefer,
FIG you may want to try the change without
flicking your wrist. Instead, wave your
left hand over the spread as you perform
Grip the packet with your left hand, the flip-over. Timed properly, this wave
tidying up the spread as you do so (Figs. obscures any movement of the cards.
5 and 6). Finally, with your right hand, Jay Sankey told me that this technique is
slide the face-up card from between the similar, though not identical, to a move
two outside sandwich-cards. Clearly published by Ben Harris in a manuscript
show it on both sides. called Fandango."
104 The Linking Ring
COLOR SCHEME That's probably because even experts in
Effect: The magician says, "We hear mass hypnosis can only pull it off for a
about hypnosis a lot, but we rarely hear couple of seconds. I'll show you what I
about mass hypnosis. That's probably mean."
because even experts in mass hypnosis With your right hand, take the selec-
can only pull it off for a couple of sec- tion back from the spectator, adding: "I
onds. I'll show you what I mean." The just need a couple more cards for this."
magician then sandwiches a freely cho- Reach into your left jacket pocket with
sen, signed card face down between two your left hand and remove the two dou-
indifferent cards. All three cards are red- ble-backers with the two red backs
backed. He continues: "I'm going to uppermost. Drop the selection face up
hypnotize you all in such a way that your onto the two double-backers, holding all
signed card is somehow going to look three cards in a left-hand dealing posi-
different to you. I have no idea how. tion.
Maybe it'll look bigger, or smaller, or Situation Check: The order of the
maybe it will suddenly resemble Abe cards from top to bottom should be:
Vigoda's disembodied head. It affects face-up selection, red/blue card, and
different groups in different ways, but, red/red card.
regardless, here goes." Spread the three-card packet from left
He shakes the packet gently, where- to right (Fig. 1). Notice that your left
upon the sandwiched selection visibly thumb is resting on the inner left comer
becomes blue-backed! It is shown front of the second card and your right first
and back, then removed from the packet, and second fingers are resting on the
and finally reverts to its original, red- face of the bottom card.
backed form. The card is left as a sou-
Acer writes: "I often use this as a fol-
low-up to any routine using a signed
selection. The effect is quick, and can be
delivered in a throwaway fashion, but
the change is so visual that it's worth
doing. You must be familiar with the
Flipwich move, already described."
Requirements: (1) Two double-
backed cards: a red/red double-backer
and a red/blue double-backer.
Set-up: Place the red/red card on the
table, then place the red/blue card on top
of it, blue-side down. Drop both cards as
such into your left jacket pocket, with
the red/red card outermost.
Method: Suppose that you have
already done a trick or two with the
spectator's signed selection. The selec-
tion is handed to a spectator as a sou-
venir and the deck is dropped into your Move your right hand to the right as
left jacket pocket. Say, "You know, it's your left thumb keeps the second card
funny. We hear about hypnosis a lot, but pinned in position so that it does not
we rarely hear about mass hypnosis. move with the other two (Fig. 2).

April, 1998 105

Keep sliding cards # 1 and #3 to the the top of the packet with your right
right until they clear card # 2, then drop hand.
them onto card # 2 and square every- With your left hand, casually spread
thing into left-hand dealing position. the two cards it now holds, showing
Say, "I'm going to hypnotize you all in them to both be red-backed. With your
such a way that your signed card is right hand , give the face-up selection a
somehow going to look different to you. little shake, then turn it face down,
I have no idea how it affects different showing the back to have reverted to its
groups in different ways but regardless, original red form. Drop the two double-
here goes!" backers into your left jacket pocket as
Perform a Double Lift Turnover, as you drop the selection to the table to cap
you apparently flip the selection face the action sequence.
down onto the packet. In reality, flip
both the selection and the red/red dou-
ble-backer beneath it. Consequently, the TIME FLIES
red/red card is now on top. Remove the Effect: The magician borrows a quar-
top (red/red) card and sandwich it face ter from a spectator and holds it on the
down between the other two. Perform palm of his left hand. "Remember this
the Flipwich move, causing the sand- moment, because I'm about to make
wiched card to suddenly and visibly your quarter travel backwards in time."
become blue-backed (Figs. 3 and 4). He picks up the quarter at his right fin-
gertips and drops it into his right pants
FIG.3 pocket. His left hand is now clearly
empty. He continues, "I need a little
help, though." With his right hand, he
pulls back his left sleeve, showing a
watch. He removes the watch, then
waves it counterclockwise over his
closed left fist. Upon opening his fist,
the quarter is seen resting on his palm.
Beyond that, the watch is no longer in
his right hand. Instead it is now back on
his left wrist!
Acer writes: "Very little of my mater-
ial relies on body language, but this cer-
tainly does. It's actually one of my easi-
est routines. With a moderate amount of
rehearsal time, you should be able to
throw it into your performances when-
ever you see fit."
FIG.4 Requirements: (1) An American or
Canadian quarter. (2) Two identical
wristwatches. (3) You must also be
Slide the blue-backer out from wearing a sports jacket or blazer when
between the Other two cards and drop it you do this. The reasons will soon be
onto the packet (blue side up, of course). apparent.
Perform another Double Lift Turnover, Set-up: Strap the watches to your left
showing the face of the spectator's wrist about an inch apart. Naturally, in
selection. Remove the selection from performance, these will be covered by
706 The Linking Ring

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