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The main objective of this study is to determine the impact of

classroom shortage to the Senior High School students.

The researchers determine this by referencing to the following


a. How does the classroom shortage affect the students’ school


b. How does the classroom shortage affect the teachers’ way of


c. What are the students’ perception to the impact of classroom


This research study will focus specifically in Biabas Trade

High School located at Biabas, Ubay, Bohol. The researchers

selected this school because the researchers observed the shortage

of classrooms especially to the Grade XI Senior High School

Students. All other public schools are not included because

including them would be a monumental task that cannot be

completed in the time allotted for this research.

The study will only be limited to the Grade XI senior high

students and teachers in Biabas Trade High School who have been

experiencing classroom shortage. To meet the specific time

interval of our study and for us not to have a hard time on

conducting our study. Data collection will be focused by

interviewing to the Grade XI senior high students and teachers who

have been affected this problem. They are the ones who can
provide the best information regarding to the impact of classroom



The study will help the students the way this problem

affecting their school performance and also their perceptions to the

impact of classroom shortage. This study also will help to the

teachers affected their way of teaching due to lack of classrooms.

The one who can be benefited to our study are:

Students; they could know the significance of its existence

of the friendly atmosphere and good environment of the teaching-

learning process. They also engage the reasons of the impact of the

classroom shortage to their school performance.

Teachers; they also share their own perceptions about their

personal experiences towards the shortage of classroom. They can

also give the students motivational techniques and strategies in

order to make the educational process be productive and

meaningful in spite of the unavailability or lack of classrooms.

Administrators; the principal, the administration and other

related stakeholders have the awareness of the grave concerns of

Biabas Trade High School-Biabas, Ubay, Bohol about the shortage

of classrooms.

Parents; they can also provide the immediate help and

assistance in making the concern easy and comfortable.

Future Researchers; they can develop the study to give

some additional styles and tend to lessen the time, effort and

money in the 21st century age. They may also use the style of

computer assisted learning to minimize the expenses.


School is a place where the teachers and the students are

living in close proximity. It is a place where an individual gets

formal education. It is a place where we can expect to produce

good citizens, where students can have idea about their culture,

tradition, values and ideas.

In school, classroom is performing its role in the form of a

unit of teaching learning process. It is a place where many students

group together in a room for some special purpose. The dictionary

of education tells that classroom is the name of a body where

students have been gathered for the purpose of collective

instruction. Classroom is a place where students from stratum of

society come in close contact with one another, Inamullah et al.


The problem of shortage of classrooms seems to be complex

and worldwide issue, Epri (2016). The effect of this problem

according to Green and Doran (2001) and Burnett (1995) is

overcrowded classrooms, can cause shortage of in instructional

materials and limited storage space for learning resources. Students

attending schools with sufficient learning material are handicapped

in their academic achievements. Ijay (2006) emphasized that social

facilities should be properly maintained and all areas should be

accessible for students learning.

According to Earthman (2002), Harbaugh and Cavanaugh

(2013), due to lack of classrooms directly influence students’ self-

esteem including their learning outcomes and classroom learning.

Regarding to this problem, Rocca (2010) stated that students can’t

concentrate while the teachers having their discussion. Due to this

problem students fail to participate in class. Teachers must find

means to encourage participation to their students regardless of

classroom shortage. Therefore, the learning environment ought to

support learners’ motivation to participate in group or individual

learning activities, Marais (2016).

The impact of this problem can affect students’ positive

knowledge and skills to effective learning activities in school.

Effective learning produces quality education through knowledge

and skills gained. The word effective can be translated as

“something that works well and produces result that were

intended” (Sinclair, 1987). The word learning means “knowledge

or skill that has been gained through studies”. Students gain

knowledge and skills through effective learning, Sinclair (1987).

Initiaz (2014) as well as Khuuabo and Mji (2014) agree that

overcrowded classrooms are unsupportive learning environments,

and may even affect the learners’ physical health. Furthermore,

when learners write test, they need space between them, and if they

do not have enough space they able to copy information to one

another. Thus, learners may gained a higher grades without the

necessary foundation that must be laid in each lower grade. This

also a possible explanation for poor matriculation results in

overcrowded classrooms due to classrooms shortage, Marais


Therefore, Benbow et al. (2007) and KEZI9 News (2012)

emphasized that due to classrooms shortage it affirm the fact that

no individual learner support and no proper assessment can be

given in overcrowded classrooms because there is no time.

Teachers struggle to explain and teach the learning content to their

students. Learners also cannot focus due to noise, disruptive

behavior, lack of space and lack of resources in the classrooms.

The teachers in overcrowded classrooms face enormous challenges

in providing and managing productive learning classroom

environments, where individual support and effective assessment

strategies are crucial, Marais (2016).

Several older studies have already stated the effects of having

shortage of classrooms in terms of the students’ school

performance as well as its effects to the teachers’ way of teaching.

Since the researchers noticed that Biabas Trade High School is

experiencing the problem of shortage of classrooms. Thus,

researchers used different way yet like them, the researchers would

like to determine the impact of classroom shortage to the senior

high school students’ school performance, teachers’ way of

teaching and students perception to the impact of classroom


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