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Q. 1. Define 'current' .

Q. 2. State and define the SI unit of current.

Q. 3. Define the term 'electric potential'.

Q. 4. What do you mean by potential difference between two points ?

Q. 5. State and define the SI unit of potential difference.

Q. 6. What do you mean by conventional current ?

Q. 7. What do you mean by high potential and low potential ?

Q. 8. What do you mean by electrical resistance ? State and explain the factors on which it depends.

Q. 9. State and define the SI unit of resistance.

Q. 10. State Ohm's law. What are its limitations ?

Q. 11. What is the mathematical form of Ohm's law ?

Q. 12. Differentiate between ohmic and non-ohmic conductors. State few examples of each.

Q. 13. What do you mean by specific resistance (resistivity) of a material ? What is its SI unit ?

Q. 14. State two examples of each of the following:

1. material whose resistance increases with increase in temperature.

2. material whose resistance decreases with increase in temperature.
3. material whose resistance is not affected by change in temperature.

Q. 15. Name the materials used for making connection wire.Give reason for your answer.

Q. 16. Why and which materials are used for making standard resistors ?

Q. 17. What is an electric cell ? What type of energy conversion takes place in it while in use ?

Q. 18. Define the terms e.m.f. and terminal voltage of an electric cell ? State their unit.

Q. 19. Differentiate between e.m.f. and terminal voltage of a cell.

Q. 20. Difine internal resistance of a cell. What is its unit ?

Q. 21. State and explain the factors on which internal resistance of a cell depends.
Q. 22. Write a relation between e.m.f., terminal voltage and internal resistance of a cell.

Q. 23. Differentiate between series and parallel combination of resistances.

Q. 24: State four factors on which resistance of a conductor depends.

Q 25: A given metallic wire of resistance R is doubled on itself. What will be its new resistance?

Q 26: Bends in a rubber pipe reduce the flow of water through it. How would the bands in a wire affect its electric

Q 27. Calculate resistance between x-y for figure below :-

Q 27. Calculate resistance between c-d for figure below :-

Q 28: In the circuit shown below, calculate the equivalent resistance between the points (i) A and B, (ii) C and D.

Q 29: The V-I graph for a series combination and of a parallel combination of two resistors is as shown in the figure:
Which of the two, A or B, represents the parallel combination? Give a reason for your answer.
Q30: A cell supplies a current of 0.6 A through a 2Ω coil and a current of 0.3 A through on 8Ω coil. Calculate the
e.m.f and internal resistance of the cell.

Q31: A cell of e.m.f 2.0 V and internal resistance 1Ω is connected to the resistors of 3Ω and 6Ω in series. Calculate:
(i) the current drawn from the cell, (ii) the p.d. across each resistor, (iii) the terminal voltage of the cell and (iv) the
voltage drop.

Q32: Two bulbs are marked 100 W, 220 V and 60 W, 110 V. Calculate the ratio of their resistances.



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