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Репетитор английского языка
Skype: vayshengolts



FiгSt edition рuЬlishеd 2004 Ьу the Nаtiопа1 Сепtге fог Епg1ish Language Teaching and RеSеагсh, Масquагiе UпivегSitу
(гергiпtеd опсе)
Second edition рuЬ1ishеd 2011 Ьу
15-19 С1агеmопt Stгееt, South Yагга 3141

Associated companies and гергеsепtаtivеs

thгоughоut the Wог1d,

Соругight © Philip Gоuld, Мiсhае1 С1uttегЬuсk 2004, 2011

The mога1 гight of the аuthог has Ьееп аssегtеd.

А11 гights геsегVеd.

Except uпdег the conditions dеsсгiЬеd in the
Сору7'3.gйj AcJ J9б8 of Аustгаliа (thе Асt) and suЬsеquепt аmепdmепts,
по рагt of this рuЬ1iсаtiоп may Ье гергоduсеd,
StОгеd in а геtгiеVаl sуStеm, ог tгапSmittеd in апу fогm ог Ьу апу mеапs,
е1есtгопiс, mесhапiса1, рhоtосоруiпg, гесогdiпg ог оmегwisе,
Without the ргiОг Wгittеп регmissiОп of the соругight оWпег.

Еduсаtiопа1 iпsti.utiопs copying апу рагt of this Ьооk

fог еduсаtiопа1 рuкроsеs uпdег Сhе Act must Ье соVегеd Ьу а
Соругight Agency Limited (САL) licence fог еduсаtiопа1 institutionS
and must haVe given а геmuпегаtiоп notice to САL.
Licence геstгiсtiопS must Ье аdhегеd tо. Fог details of the CAL 1iсепсе сопtасt:
Соругight Agency Limitеd, Lеvе115, 233 Саstlегеаgh Stгееt, Sуdпеу, NSW 2000.
Теlерhопе: (02) 9394 7600. Fасsimilе: (02) 9394 7601. Еmаil: iпfо@соругight.соm.аu

National LiЬгагу of Аustга1iа

cataloguing in рuЬ1iсаtiоп data

Аuthог: Gоuld, Рhiliр, 1959-

тitlе: Focusing Оп IELTS : Academic Ргасtiсе Tests / Philip Gоuld, Мiсhае1 С1uttегЬuсk.
Еditiоп: 2пd еd.
ISвN: 978 1 4202 3022 2 (рЬk.)
Suьjесts: Iпtеmаtiопа1 Епg1ish Language TeSting Sуstеm.
Епg1ish 1апguаgе-Studу and tеасhiпg-Fогеigп sреаkегs.
Епg1i sh 1апguаgе-Ехаmiпаtiопs.
Оthег аuthогS/сопtгiЬutогs : СluttегЬuсk, Мiсhае1.
DeWey пumЬег: 428.007

РuЬ1ishег : Vivienne Wiпtег

Ргоjесt еditогs: Кiгstiе Iппеs-Will and Lаuга НоWе11
Еditог: Iпgгid De Baets
I1lustгаtог: Andy Сгаig and Nives РОгсе1lаtо
СОVег and text dеsigпег: Аппе Stanhope
Photo геsеагсh and регmissiопs с1еагапсе: JeS SепЬегgs
TypeSet in 11.5 pt SаЬоп Ьу Магg JасksОп, Emtype Desktop РuЬ1ishiпg
СОVег imаgе: Shuttегstосk

Ргiпtеd in China
How to uSe this Ьооk

Listепiп8 1 speaking 95
2 whatis inthe Sреаkiпgmоdulе? 96
What is in the listening mоdulе?
3 TipS fогdоiпgthе SpeakingTeSt 97
QueStion typeS
3 Sample SpeakingteSts 99
TipS fог doing the Listening TeSt
4 SpeakingTeStl 114
Listening Test 1
10 SреаkiпgТеst2 116
Listening TeSt 2
18 SреаkiпgТеst3 118
Listening TeSt 3
24 SреаkiпgТеst4 120
Listening Test 4
31 SреаkiпgТеst5 122
Listening апswег sheet
Speaking TeSt 6

what is in the геаdiпg mоdulе? Тгапsсгiрts
Listening TeSt 1
QueStion types
TipS fог doing the Reading Test Listening Test 2
Reading TeSt 1 Listening Test 3

Reading TeSt 2 Listening TeSt 4

Reading Test 3
Reading TeSt 4 АIгYSNс5г k!f5N
Reading апSWег sheet Listening
Wгitiпg Wгitiпg
what is in the Wгitiпg mоdulе? Speaking

Tips fог doing the wгitiпg Test

wгitiпg теst 1
wгitiпg теst 2
wгitiпg теst 3
wгitiпg теst 4

What is in the Iistening mоdulе?
This teSt is the Same fог Academic and Gепегаl Тгаiпiпg сапdidаtеS.

Арргохimаtе у 30 miпutеs, р us 10 minutes to tгапsfег

апsWегs to апSWег sheet

The |istепiпg module is the fiгSt рагt of the test you

Will dо.

The |istепiпg module is гесогdеd using а гапgе of

accents of stапdагd Епg|ish. The гесогdiпg is pIayedопсеоп|у.CandidatesагеgivenаqueStionЬооklеt.Timeisgiven

to геаd the questions Ьеfоге each Section is hеагd. ASyou|istепtotheгесогdiпgofeachsесtiоп,WгitеуоuгапsWегsinthequestionЬооklеt.

At the end of the fоuгth Sесtiоп, you аге given

10 minutes to tгапsfег уоuг апSWегs to ап апswег shееt.

40 questions (10 queStions рег sесtiоп)

1 mагk рег queStion

Section 1: апSection2:аа сопvегsаtiоп Ьеtwееп two SреаkегS in аогmаl|ifеsituаtiоп,е.g.Ьuуiпgаticketmопо|оguе(i.е.spokenЬуопеsреаkег)ЬоutаSосiа|(поп-асаdеmiс)tорiс,

еSectionЗ:аеsection4:аг .g. joining а с|uЬсопvегSаtiопЬеЬоutапeducatio.g.WhattheStudргеsепtаtiопЬуeIatedtoeducatl

tween two to fоuг sреаkегSпа1огtгаiпiпgtорiс,entsагеstudyingопеsреаkегinаsituationопа|огtгаiпiпgcontexts

Section 1 Dialogue Social topicS

Section 2 Мопо|оguе
Section з Dialogue Education and tгаiпiпgtopics

Section 4 Мопо|оguе
See detailed guideIineS in 'Listепiпg stгаtеgiеS and
Sk:і||s', FocUsing оп IЕL:ТS: Listening and speaking Skills
(Тhuг|оW and О'Sullivап 2011 ), pageS 13Ц7.

2 FOcusEng оп IELTs Academic РгасtiсеТеsts

Quеst]оп types
The folloWing queStion typeS аге uSed in the 1is[епiпg mоdulе:
v Ми/fф/е сЬоZ.се -уоu haVe to chooSe опе апSwег fгоm thгее аltегпаtivеS ог two апSwегs
fгоm ЁVе аltегпаtivеS.
т Sbо7'J сz72swеу - you haVe to апSwег а quеStiоп. You will Ье given а maximum пumЬег
of wогds апd/ог пumЬегs fог уоuг апSWег.
v Sе7zfе#се со77tР/еf;.о7c -уоu haVe to Ёпd wогds that соггесtlу cOmPlete а sеПtеПСе.
` FОгт/поtе/sиттаrу/дош-сhаrt/tаЬlе comPletion -уоu Ьа.Nе to со"рhf:tе а fогт, Set of
поtеS, summагу, доw-сhагt ог tаЬlе. You will Ье given а maximum пumЬег of wогds
fог уоuг апSwег.
v LсZЬе//g.7zg Я dj.сZgrЯ77?/Р/Я72/77Z#Р -уоu haVe to identify fеаtuгеS Of а diаgгаm, р1ап ог mаР.
v Мяfсbg.7сg -уоu haVe to choose апSwегS fгоm а Ьох containing роSsiЬlе апsWегS.
Fог dеtаL±Lеd ехр+аLпаItiОп, See Focusing оп IЕLТS.. Listening and SPeahing Shills (ТЬuгLоW
and О'Sullivап 2011) pages 6-12.

Прs fог doing the Hstening Test

v Make Suге you аге fаmiliаг With each question type Ьеfоге you do the test So you know
hoW to геSропd.
v USe the time given to геаd the queStionS Ьеfоге each Sесtiоп.
v RеmеmЬег to look at а11 the sets of queStions in each Sесtiоп, not just the Ёгst sеt.
v FolloW the iпstгuсtiопs ехасtlу; fог ехаmрlе, геgагdiпg the maximum пumЬег of wогds
уоuг геSропSе Should hаVе.
v USe the queStionS to identify the topic of each Section and ргеdiсt what VосаЬulагу you
might hеаг.
v Listen with attention to the оvегаll topic So that what you hеаг makeS SепSе.
v Anticipate the type of iпfогmаtiоп needed to апSWег each quеstiоп.
v RеmеmЬег that you may hеаг Synonyms and рагарhгаSеS of wогds and ideaS in the
v Ве аwаге of the question following the опе you аге апSwегiпg and moVe оп if you hеаг
the next апswег.
т Stay focuSed оп the tеst; dоп't Ье distгасtеd ог let уоuг attention wапdег.
v If you miss а quеstiоп, gueSs ап апSWег in the time given to геViеw уоuг геSропSеS.
v Ве Vегу сагеful to сору уоuг апSwегS соггесtlу оп[о the апSwег Shееt.
v Ве сагеful with Sреl1iпg aS iпсоггесt Spelling is репаlisеd.

ListenEng з
Listening теst 1

This teSt haS Ьееп wгittеп to Simulate the IELTS test in its Stуlе, fогmаt, level of difЁсultу,
question typeS and 1епgth. You Should do this teSt uпdег IELTS test сопdi[iопS. This means
playing the гесогdiпg оп1у опсе without pausing ог stоррiпg.

You will hеаг fоuг diffегепt гесогdiпgs and you will have to апSwег queStions оп what
you hеаг.
Тhеге will Ье time fог you to геаd the iпStгuсtiопS and queStions Ьеfоге the гесогdiпg is
рlауеd. You will also haVe the оррогtuпitу to check уоuг апsWегS.
The гесогdiпg will Ье played ONCE оп1у.
The teSt is in fоuг SесtiопS. wгitе уоuг апSwегs оп the queStion Sheet aS you 1istеп. At the
end of Section 4 you haVe 10 minutes to tгапsfег уоuг апSwегS onto the апswег Shееt,
Which is оп page 31. when you hпish, check the апSwег key at the Ьасk of the Ьооk.
Now tuгп to Section 1 оп the next раgе.

4 FOcusing Оп IELTs Academic РгасtiсеТеsts

Репетитор английского языка
Skype: vayshengolts
+380674872766 Questions 1-10
sЕстIоN 1
Questions 1-5
CD 1 . Тюсk 2 Complete the notes Ьеlоw.

wгitе NO MORE THAN ТНКЕЕ wORDs ANDlOR А NUMBER fог each апswеr.

Change of аddгеss
с ust0mег num .Nаmе:Dateofьiгth:Newаddгеss:Nьег.
ewtelephoneпumЬег:вil iпgрегiоd: Ехаmріе: ..5РФ2.734Р.1

18 Кiпg stгееt З ...


QuestiOns 6-10
Choose the соггесt lеttеr, А, В ог С.

6 The сопtгасt the сustоmег haS noW is

А ЕсопоmуSаvег.
В F1ехiЬ1еВuпdlе.
с ноmер1uS.
7 The сопtгасt the сustоmег Will have in the futuге is
А ЕсопоmуSаVег.
в ноmе рlus.
С Тhгее-Iп-Опе.
8 Тhеге аге по limits оп Intemet dоWп1оаds in the регiоd fгоm
А 10рmtо6аm.
В 1 аmtо6аm.
С 11рmtо2аm.
9 MoSt оf.hе phone саl1S this сustоmег makeS аге
А 'о fhепds.
В to геlаtivеS.
с fог Wогk.
10 ОVега11, the сustоmег Ёпds that the sегViсе of the telephone company is
А Sа,isfасtогу.
В ехсеllепt.
с vегуgооd.

LЕ$tепiпg 5
sЕстIоN 2 Questions 11-20
Questjons 11 -17
сюі.ттаоkз Complete the notes Ьеlоw.

wгitе NO МОКЕ THAN ТНКЕЕ wORDS АLND/ОR А NUMBER fог each апswег.

т АlwауSWеаг11 inside the hоtе1.

v Нiге Ьеасh items at the 12

v RесерtiопорепiпghоuгS 13

v LinenandtoWels агесhапgеd l4

v Smoking аllоWеdоп1у 15

v Do not feed the 16

т Веquiеtаftег17

Questions 18-20
Choose TWO lеttегs, А-Е.
18 Which TWO typeS оfгuЬЬish аге 7cоf гесус1еd?
А fооdsсгарS
в glaSS
с metal
D пеWSрарег
Е plaStic
19 which TWO typeS offacilities in the hotel do you haVe to рау to uSе?
С Ьilliагds
D Intemet
20 What аге TWO places fог eVening епtегtаiпmепt within Walking distance of the hоtеl?
в casino
с cinema
D kагаоkе с1uЬ
Е пightс1uь

6 Focusing Оп IELTs Academic РгасtiсеТеsts

`бо sЕстIоN з
Questions 21-26
Questions 21-ЗО

cD іТ=сk 4 When patients haVe the fо11оWiпg ргоЬ1еms, Who does the пuгsе need to contact ЁгSt?

А confusion D роог eyesight

В iпstаЬilitуwhеп wа|kiпg Е геfusаI to accept heIp
С pets aS а гisk fасtОг F weakneSS

21 рhуSiоthегарist
22 dосtог
23 оссuраtiопа1 thегарist
24 аgеdсагеtеаm
25 dietitian
26 fа11sс1iпiс

QuestiOns 27-ЗО
ChooSe the соггесt lеttеr., А, В ог С.

27 In Which ofthe fо1lоWiпg medical ргоЬ1еms сап the damage Ье геVегSеd?

А 1опg-tегm, excessive а1соhоl consumption
в рiсk'S disease
С а Ьгаiп tumоuг
28 Anxiety is а common Symptom among реор1е With dementia due to
А side effects of mеdiсаtiоп.
В fгustгаtiоп and susрiсiоп.
С fеаг of the futuге.
29 Реор1е With dementia tend to enjoy food that is
А SWее'.

В еаSуtосhеW.
с sаl,у.
30 Recent геsеагсh haS shoWn реор1е With dementia often ЬепеЁt fгоm
А Siпgiп8.
В 1istепiпgtоmusiс.
С ехегсisе.

ListenEng 7
sЕстIоN 4 Questions З1-40
Questions З1-36
Сl) 1 . Тгасk 5 Complete the notes Ьеlоw.

Wгitе NO MORE THALN TwO wORDS АLND/ОR А NUMBER fог each апswег.

The Тuагеg

v Dimcult to count Тuагеg population due to 31

т Тuагеg реор1е'S skin often 1ооks Ь1uе ЬесаuSе of соlоuг of thеiг 32


т Dгу sеаsоп: gгаiпs апdfгuit.

v Wet sеаsоп: 33

OccupationS of Тuагеg in соuпtгуSidе

v Вгееdiпg апimа1s.

т Тгаdе and 34

Camel сагаvапS

т Fог tгаdе Ьеtwееп Sаhе1 and Меditеггапеап.

v Maximum load рег саmе1: 300 kilоgгаms р1uS гidег.

v ТгаVе1 South slоW1у at Ёгst so саmе1S сап 35

Тгаdе рагtпегS

v Hausapeople tгаdе с1оth and millet fог36 and dаtеs.

8 Focusing Оп IELTs Academic РгасtiсеТеsts

Questions З7-40
Choose the соггесt lеttег, А, В ог С.

37 The main Wогk оfТuагеg women in gгоWiпg сюрS is

А р1апtiпg.
в iггigаtiпg.
с hагVеStiпg.
38 Тuагеg women mainly 1ооk аftег
А саmе1s and саttlе.
В саttlеапdshеер.
С gоаtsапddопkеуs.
39 Sа1t ргiсеs аге higheSt in the hоttег Wеаthег Ьесаusе at that time оfуеаг
А апimа1s need mоге Sа1t.
В thequalityofthe sа1tisЬеSt.
С tгапSрогt Ьу саmе1 is mоге dimсult.
40 Сгаftsmеп had loW status in tгаditiопа1 Тuагеg society ЬесаuSе
А thеуdidпоtwогkаS fагmегs.
В theydidnotlive aS поmаds.
С they had а diffегепt attitude to еduсаtiоп.

LEstenEng 9
Репетитор английского языка
Skype: vayshengolts
`®о Нstеп]пg Test 2

This teSt haS Ьееп wгittеп to Simulate the IELTS teSt in its Stу1е, fогmаt, 1еvеl of difЁсultу,
queStion types and lепgth. You Should do this teSt uпdег IEITS teSt сопditiопs. This meanS
р1ауiпg the гесогdiпg оп1у опсе without pausing ог stоррiпg.

You will hеаг fоuг diffегепt гесогdiпgs and you will have to апswег questions оп What
you hеаг.
Тhеге will Ье time fог you to геаd the iпStгuсtiопS and questionS Ьеfоге the гесогdiпg is
рlауеd. You will also have the оррогtuпitу to check уоuг апSwегS.
The гесогdiпg will Ье played ONCE оп1у.
The test is in fоuг sесtiопs. wгitе уоuг апSWегS оп the question Sheet aS you 1istеп. At the
end of Section 4 you haVe 10 minuteS to tгапsfег уоuг апsWегS onto the апSwег Shееt,
which is оп page 31. When you Ёпish, check the апSwег key at the Ьасk of the Ьооk.
Now tuгп to Section 1 оп the next раgе.

1О FOcusing оп IELTs Academic РгасtiсеТеsts

•`%'',? sЕстIоN 1 Questions 1-10
Questions 1-5
сDі.тта,сk] Complete the noteS Ьеlоw.

Wгitе NO MORE THAN TWO wORDS АND/ОR А NUMBER fог each апswег.

AppIicatiOn fОг dгiviпg Iicence

Nаmе: Ехатр|е', , ,Тh,?Г,§S.З,С,Р,l!!Г1,§.

CIass of Iiсепсе: 1..

Date of ьiгth: 17 Магсh 1994

Аddгеss: 2 .. . . . Stгееt, Bentley

PhOne пumЬег: з..

Idепtifiсаtiоп: 4..

Method of рауmепt: 5..

Questions 6-10
Choose the соггесt lеttег, А, В ог С.

6 In the test оfгоаd гulеs, you аге а11оWеd to make по mоге than
А опе mistаkе.
в two mistаkеS.
с fоuг mistаkеS.
7 А регsоп Who haS а1еаmег's licence сап оп1у dгivе With арегSоп
А Who has аргоVisiопа11iсепсе.
В who has а full liсепсе.
С Who is ап аuthогisеd dгiviпg iпstгuсtог.
8 А ргоVisiопа11iсепсе is vа1id fог
А 9 mопths.
в 18 mопths.
с 6 mопths.
9 The maximum speed fог арегsоп Who has а lеагпег's licence is
А 60kmрегhоuг.
В 100kmрегhоuг.
С 80kmрегhоuг.
10 While dгiviпg, арегSоп is
А поtа11оWеdtоuSе аmоЬilерhопе.
В only а11оWеd to uSe а mоЬilе phone ifthey аге not hо1diпg it.
С а1lоWеd to send ап SМS.

Listening 11
`®о sЕстIоN 2 QUEsTIONs 11-20
Questions 11 -15
сDТ=сk8 What is stated аЬоut the fо11оWiпg means of tгапsрогt fгоm the аiгрогt?
СJюоSе уоиг апswегs fгот the Ьох Ьеlоw and wгitе the соггесt lеttегs, АгG, next to
queStionS 11-15.

А cheapest Е mоstрорulаг
в faSteSt F mostгеIiаЬIе

С most соmfогtаЬ|е G safeSt

D moSt епviгопmепtаlIуfгiепdlу

11 tгаiпs

12 miпiьuSеS

13 ьusеS

14 сагS

15 taxis

12 Fосusiпg оп lELTs Academic РгасtiсеТеSts

Questions 16-20
LаЬеl the Лоог р1ап Ьеlоw.
Choose FIVE апswегs fгот the Ьох Ьеlоw and wгitе the соггесt lеttегs, АгН, next to пuтЬегs
16-2О оп the Лоог р1ап.

А cafe Е рhагmасу
в dгеSsshор F smoking гооm
С lпtегпеt cafe G toilets
D newsagency Н Wine Ьаг


LEstenEng 13
SЕстIоN з Questions 21-ЗО
Questions 21-26
СI) 1 . Тгасk 9 Choose the соггесt lеttег, А, В ог С.

21 The 1агgеst пumЬегS of

TaSmanian deVils 1ivе in
А соаstа1 агеаs.
В dгiег fогеsts.
С гаiпfогеsts.
22 Ап adult fеmа1е сап Weigh
А 4.5k8.
в 9k8.
с 13kg.
23 TaSmanian devils аге
А shу.
в аggгеSsivе.
с fhепdlу.
24 In опе уеаг ап adult fеmа1е usuа11у гаisеs
А опеЬаЬу.
В thгее ЬаЬiеs.

С twепtуЬаЬiеS.
25 TaSmanian devils Ьесоmе independent when they аге аЬоut
А 5 months о1d.
В 8 months о1d.
С 2уеагSо1d.
26 FаmегSаге
А регmittеd to Shoot ог poison thеm.
В раidtоkillthеm.
С ргоhiЬitеd fгоm killing thеm.

1l4 Fосusiпg оп lELTs Academic РгасtiсеТеSts

Questions 27-ЗО
Complete the Sшттагу Ьеlоw using wогds fгот the Ьох.
Choose FOUR апSwегs fгот the Ьох and wгitе the соггесt lеttегs, А-1, next to questions 27-3О.

А ьагk F fгiепdlу

в ьitе G Sick

с cIean н yaWn
D dead I young

Е fight

Tasmanian devils live alone and move slоW1у. They uSuа11у eat 27 ...... апimа1s and

аге not affected Ьу the diseaSeS of the апimа1S they еаt. They аге gепега11у 28 . , .

They tгаVе1 1опg distanceS at night and аге famouS fог thеiг Stгопg арреtitе. То decide the огdег

in Which they еаt, TaSmanian devils often 29 ......, Whегеаs if they аге аfгаid, they

30 ...

LEstening 15
`бо sЕстIоN 4
Questions З1-З7
Questions З1-40

сюі.Fювт Complete the notes Ьеlоw.

Wгitе NO MORE THAN ТТЛЮ wORDS АND|ОR А NUMBER fог each апswег.

FгаmеWогk of SuгVеу

т Aims of suгvеу: inveStigate type ofpeople Who do уоgа, Stу1еs оfуоgа, fгеquепсу of

ргасtiсе, 31 fог ргасtiсе, ЬепеЁ.S of уоgа.

v Conducted via Intemet due to effectiveneSs and 32

v 4,000 геSропdепts паtiопWidе.

v Rеsропdепts: опе-thiгd tеасhегs, twо-thiгds studепts, 33 Wоmеп.

Findings of SuгVеу

v Ма1еs and уоuпgег реор1е ргеfег mоге Vigогоus stуlеs.

v Usеsоfуоgа:34 mеditаtiоп'

sрiгituа1 раth.

v Арргохimаtеlу 2% of total рорulа.iоп ргасtisе уоgа; higheSt рагtiсiраtiоп 35-tо


v Less time Spent оп рhуsiса1 ехегсisе due to гisе in рорulагitу of 35

т 56% ofyoga students do yoga опе to two times рег Wееk; 56% оfуоgаtеасhегs dO yoga

ЁVе to SeVen timeS рег Wееk.

v ReaSonS fог Stагtiпg yoga ргасtiсе: hеа1th and Ёtпеss, 36

рhуsiса1 ргоЬ1еm.

т Маjог motivation to continue уоgа: 37

1е FocusEng оп IElTs Academic РгасtiсеТеsts

Questions З8I40
Choose the соггесt lеttег, А, В ог С.

38 А mаjогсаuSе оfiпjuгiеS when doing yoga is

А headstand and shоuldег stапd.
В students causing iпjuгiеS to thеmsе1vеs.
С tеасhегS pushing students too hагd.
39 А tурiса1 yoga tеасhег еагпs money
А оп1уfгоmtеасhiпgуоgа.
В fгоmmаssаgеthегару.
С fгоmпuгsiпg.
40 The sреаkег сопс1udеS that
А teachingyogais notagoodwayto eam аhighiпсоmе.
В yoga is а ге1аtivе1у expenSive fогm of ехегсisе.
С the ЬепеЕts ofyoga аге uргоvеп.

Lisі:епiпg 17
Listening Test З

This teSt haS Ьееп Wгittеп to Simulate [hе IELTS teSt in its Stуlе, fогmаt, leVel of diШсultу,
question typeS and lепgth. You Should do this teSt uпdег IELTS teSt сопditiопS. This meanS
playing the гесогdiпg оп1у опсе without pausing ог Stоррiпg.

You will hеаг fоuг diffегепt гесогdiпgs and you will haVe to апswег questions оп what
you hеаг.
Тhеге will Ье time fог you to геаd the iпStгuсtiопs and queStionS Ьеfоге the гесогdiпg is
рlауеd. You will also haVe the оррогtuпitу to check уоuг апSwегs.
The гесогdiпg will Ье played ONCE оп1у.
The teSt is in fоuг Sесtiопs. wгitе уоuг апswегS оп the queStion Sheet as you listеп. At the
end of Section 4 you haVe 10 minuteS to tгапSfег уоuг апswегs onto the апsWег Shееt,
which is оп page 31. when you Ёпish, check the апSWег key at the Ьасk of che Ьооk.
NoW tuгп to Section 1 оп the next раgе.

118 FOcusing Оп IELTs Academic РгасtiсеТеsts

-`%'ф; sЕстIоN 1 Questions 1-10
Questions 1-4
сюz.-тrасk2 Complete the noteS Ьеlоw.


Details of jОЬ аррIiсап1:

Name of аррIiсапt: Gеогgе РеtегS

PhOne пumЬег: Ехаmр|е: 0438 бЗ7 9З5

Position applied fог: 1.

Ргеviоus wогk ехрегIепсе: Wогkеd as а 2 .,

QuаIifiсаtiопs: сuггепtlу Studying З ..

Fогеigп Ianguages sроkеп: 4 .. .,. and ..

Questions 5-7
Which dutieS аге рагt of the jоЬ that the man is арр1уiпg fог?
Choose THREE fгот the list Ьеlоw and wгitе the соггесt lеttегs, А-G, next to questions 5-7.

А change Iight ЬulЬs Е take food огdегs

В с|еаг away pIateS F take |uggаgе to гооms
С dеIivег mогпiпg рарегS G Wогk in hоtе| Ьаг
D stock геfгigегаtогs

НstепЁпg 19
Questions 8-10
Which of the fо11оWiпg аге ргоVidеd fог staff Ьу the hоtе1?
ChooSe THREE fгот the list Ьеlоw and wгitе the соггесt lеttегs, А-G, next to questionS 8-1О.

А Iаuпdгу Е tгаiпiпg
в mеа]s F tгапSрогt costs
С mеdiса| iпSuгапсе G uпifогms
D рагkiпg


2О FocusEng оп IELTs Academic РгасtiсеТеsts

``%/фс- sЕстIоN 2 Questions 11-20
Questions 11 -12
сю2.-тrасkз ChooSe TWO соггесt lеttегs, А-Е.

11 Which TWO types ofvisa doeS the Atwood lmmigгаtiоп оШсе hапdlе?
А еmр1оуmепt
в medic а1
с ге s ident
D student
Е tоuгi st
12 Which TWO mаttегS do students haVe to tе1l the Immigгаtiоп Dерагtmепt аЬоut?
А changeof аddгеss
В сhапgеоfсо1lеgе
с hо1idауs
D mаггiаgе
Е Wогk

Questions 1 З-20
Complete the notes in the Лоw-сhагt Ьеlоw.

How tO extend а sl:udепt visa
Рау fог new соuгSе fог а minimum регiоd of 1З
Lеttег fгоm соI|еgе stating that you attended at Ieast 14
ргеViоuS с|аssеS.

Get Fогm 726С fгоm lmmigгаtiоп: fгоm office ог 15

Bank statement Showing minimum Ьапk Ьа|апсе of 16

Тhгее 17
Take а|I documents and раssрогt to Dept of Immigгаtiоп at IeaSt thгее weeks Ьеfоге
ехрiгу of visа.

рау 18

Wait tweIve 19

Might need to haVe ап 20

LEstenEng 21
`®о sЕстIоN з Questions 21-ЗО
Questions 21-24
сю2::F:гасk4 Choose the соггесt lеttеr, А, В ог С.

21 The аппuа1 Vа1uе of the Ьеаutу iпdustгу Wог1dwidе is

А $15Ьilliоп.
В $38 Ьilliоп.
С $160Ьilliоп.
22 The annual gгоWth гаtе ofthe g1оЬа1 Ьеаutу mагkеt is
А 7регсепt.
В 14регсепt.
С 40регсепt.
23 The most common fогm of cosmetic ргосеduге is fог
А fаt.
в Wгiпklеs.
с tееth.
24 Demand fог Ьеаutу ргоduсts iпсгеаSеd in the еаг1у 20th сепtuгу due to
А расkаgiп8.
В sсiепtiЁс ргоgгеsS.
с рhоtоgгарhу.

Questions 25-ЗО
Who аgгееs With the fо11оWiпg орiпiопS?
Choose уоиг апswегs fгот the Ьох and wгitе the соггесt lеttегs, А-С, next to questions 25-3О.
You тау use апу апswег тоге than опсе.

А Maggie (thе femaIe studепt)

В Mike (thе mа|е studепt)
С Maggie and Mike (Ьоth Studепts)

25 Fifty рег cent of the money uSed fог mагkеtiпg is used еffесtivе1у.
26 The Ьеаutу iпdustгу is Ьаsеd оп hope and fеаг.
27 People Who аге mоге аttгасtivе eam highег iпсоmеs.
28 Аttгасtivе реор1е tend not to accept роог tгеаtmепt.
29 С1еаг skin is seen as а sign оfwоmеп's youth апdhеа1th.
30 The сuггепt Ьеаutу iпdustгу ргоmоtеs ЁtпеsS.

22 FОсusЕпg Оп IELTs Academic РгасtiсеТеsts

``%/фо sЕстIоN 4 Quеsl:iопs З1 IЩО
Questions З1-З5
Go2:fТасk 5 WhiCh Of the fО1lОWiПg SОuГсеS gaVe Scientists iпfогmаtiоп аЬоut the Iсеmап?
Choose уоиг апSwегs fгот the Ьох and wгitе the соггесt lеttегS, А-Н, next to queStions 3 l-s5.

А ьасk С fiпgегпаil Е inteStineS G Stomach

в ьопеs D hаiг F skin н teeth

31 agewhenhedied
32 Whегеhе1ivеd
33 food поmа1lу eaten
34 health
35 time оfуеагWhепhе died

QuestiOns З6ЦО
Choose the соггесt lеttег, А, В ог С.

36 MoSs WaS uSed in the Iсеmап's геgiоп

А tоWгарfооd.
В аstоilеtрарег.
С to cook fооd.
37 His shoes Wегеmаdеfгоm
А gгаSSапdЬагk.
В dеегhidеапdgоаthidе.
С Ьеагskiп and gоаtskiп.
38 It is most likе1у that the Iceman WaS а
А Shерhегd.
в huпtег.
с tгаdег.
39 It is noW Ье1iеVеd the Iceman died
А пеагthе госkwhеге his Ьоdу Was fоuпd.
В While tгарреd uпdег агосk.
С While Sleeping оп the госk whеге his Ьоdу Was fоuпd.
40 Much evidence Was dеstгоуеd
А due to the mаппег in Which he died and the isо1аtеd location ofhis согрsе.
В ЬесаuSе реор1е iпi.iа11у didп'. геа1isе the imрогtапсе of the disсоVегу.
С When the autopsy WaS саггiеd out to detemine the cauSe of dеаth.

LEstenEng 23
Репетитор английского языка
Skype: vayshengolts
Hstening Test 4 +380674872766

This teSt has Ьееп Wгittеп to Simulate the IELTS teSt in its stуlе, fогmаt, lеVе1 of difЕсultу,
question typeS and lепgth. You should do this teSt uпdег IELTS teSt сопditiопs. This means
р1ауiпg the гесогdiпg оп1у опсе Without pausing ог stоррiпg.

You will hеаг fоuг diffегепt гесогdiпgs and you Will haVe to апswег queStionS оп What
you hеаг.
Тhеге Will Ье time fог you to геаd the iпStгuсtiопS and questions Ьеfоге the гесогdiпg is
рlауеd. You will also haVe the оррогtuпitу to check уоuг апSwегS.
The гесогdiпg Will Ье played ONCE оп1у.
The teSt is in fоuг sесtiопs. wгitе уоuг апswегs оп the queStion sheet as you listеп. At the
end of Section 4 you haVe 10 minuteS to tгапSfег уоuг апswегS onto the апSWег shееt,
which is оп page 31. when you Ёпish, check the апSwег key at the Ьасk of the Ьооk.
Now tuгп to Section 1 оп the next раgе.

24 FOcusing оп IELTs Academic РгасtiсеТеsts

sЕстIоN 1 QuestiOns 1-10
Questions 1-6
ф 2 . Тгасk 7 LаЬеl the Лоог р1ап Ьеlоw.

Choose FIVE апswегS fгот the Лоог р1ап and wгitе the соггесt lеttегS, Аг1, next to
questions 14.

ShOpping mall

Suрегmагkеt Е


о I



Fuгпituге н Shoes I

iпfогmаtiоп desk С

1 сhildгеп'Sр1аусепtге

2 hаiгdге S sег

3 tоуstоге

4 to ilets

5 phonekioSk

6 е1еVаtог

LEstenEng 25
Questions 7-10
АLпswег the questionS Ьеlоw,


7 HoW much does it coSt to 1еаVе уоuг саг in the саграгkfогfоuгhоuгS?..

8 What is the minimum age fог сhildгеп at the сhildгеп's р1ау сепtге?

9 which lеVе1 is the food соuгt located оп?

10 What is 1осаtеd оп the top Ноог ofthe Ьuildiпg?

26 FОсusЁпg Оп IELTs Academic РгасtiсеТеsts

-,%'ф:- sЕстIоN 2 Questions 11 -20
Questions 11-20
tюz.-тгюk8 Complete the notes Ьеlоw.


The agency

т Contented Homes agency Ьеgап in 11

v AgencydoeS mоStwогkusiпgthе 12

How the SyStem орегаtеS

v Minimum time регiоd fог houSeSitting is l3

т НоusеSittегsdопоtрау 14

т НоmеоWпегs check l5 of hоusеsittегS.

v НоusеSittегs haVe fеWег 16 than погmаl tепапts.

AdvantageS of haVing hоuSеSittегs

v РгеVепt l7

т Кееруоuгhоmес1еап.

v Таkесагеоfуоuг18


т Agency сhагgеs hоusеsittегS 19 to геgistег.

v Agency гесоmmепds that hоmеоWпегs огgапisе 20

ListenEng 27
sЕстIоN з Questions 21-ЗО
Questions 21-25
CD 2 . Тгасk 9 Whеге did а mаjогitу of .hе паtiопа1itiеs 1istеd Ье1оW sеttlе?
You тау use апу апSwег тоге than опсе.

А МеIЬоuгпе
в Sydney
С Оthег pIaceS in АustгаIiа

21 вгitish

22 Chinese

23 LеЬапеsе

24 Ма1ауSiапS

25 NeW Zеа1апdегS

28 FocusEng оп IELTs Academic РгасtiсеТеsts

Questions 26-ЗО
Choose the соггесt lеttег, А, В ог С.

26 MoSt migгапts choSe Whеге to 1ivе ЬаSеd оп

А еmр1оуmепt.
в соmmuпitу.
С геа1 еstаtе.

27 Тhеге is а tгепd fог реор1е Ьоm in Аustга1iа to 1еаVе Sydney

А Ьесаusе it'S Ьесоmiпg too Ьusу and сгоWdеd.
В due to the inadequate iпfгаstгuсtuге.
С So they canhaVe mоге money in геtiгеmепt.
28 Among реор1е Who гесепtlу migгаtеd to Аustга1iа, the регсепtаgе Who settled in Sydney
and Ме1Ьоumе WaS
А 40%.
в 50%.
с 60%.
29 The goVemment is сопsidегiпg епсоuгаgiпg migгапts to settle in оthег агеаS Ьу
А оffегiпg tax incentiveS to еmр1оуегs.
В making it еаsiег fог fагmегs to immigгаtе.
С еmр1оуiпg реор1е outside Sydney and Ме1Ьоuгпе.
30 The пumЬег оfmigгапts living in Sydney is likе1у to Ье
А highег than the statisticS iпdiсаtе.
В 1оWег than the Statistics iпdiсаtе.
С the same as the statisticS iпdiсаtе.

нstепiпg 29
sЕстIоN 4 Questions З1-40
Questions З1-З7
С1) 2 . Тіасk 10 Complete the tаЬlе Ьеlоw.


ргоduсt ТгаditiопаI sоuгсе Advantages of using hemp

рарег Wood v геаdу to hагVеSt in З1..

v по need fог 32 . . .

cIothing cotton т needs lesS 3З ...

fегtilisег and pesticides
т ргоVidеs Ьеttег ргоtесtiоп fог реор|е against

з4 . . .

Lamps т causeS IeSs smеl|

з5 ...

сагS metal is з6 ...

v decomposes Sоопег

FueI реtгоl v causes |еss З7 ...

Questions З8ЦО
Complete the sшттагу Ьеlоw.
Choose уоиг апswегS fгот the Ьох and wгitе the соггесt lеttегs, А-G, next to questions 38АО.

Аdгу Е поп-tохiс
в cheese F shady
с flоuг G VегSаtilе

D Iопg-lаstiпg

Hemp сап Ье а sоuгсе of foods and hеа1th ргоduсts. It сап ргоduсе 38 ..

containing а highег 1еVе1 of ргоtеiп. It has many арр1iсаtiопs in the hоmе. Paint made fгоm

hemp is 39 .... Hemp gгоWs Wе1l uпdег 40 .... сопditiопs. It is ап

епViгопmепtа11у fГiепdlу Sо1utiоп to many ргоЬlеms.

ЗО Fосu§iпg оп lELTs Academic РгасtiсеТеSts

\/\/hаt is in the геаdiпg mоdulе?
Тhеге аге thгее геаdiпg pasSages of Ьеtwееп 700 and
950 Wогds еасh. The questions геquiге candidates to find
iпfогmаtiоп fгоm the раssаgеS, and опе of the paSsages may
need iпtегргеtаtiоп of the wгitег'S орiпiопs.

40 quеstiопs, 1 mагk рег question

Each section containS 12 to 14 quеstiопs.

60 minutes
Candidates аге гесоmmепdеd to Spend арргохimаtе|у
20 minuteS оп each геаdiпg раSsаgе.

See detailed guidelineS in `Веаdiпg Stгаtеgiеs and skills',

==-= =-йЁ?g, -Fйй-,х`э==
FocUsing оп lЕL.ТS: Reading and Wгitiпg skills (L:іпdес;k,
GгеепWооd and О'Sullivап 2011 ), pageS 29-84.

З4 FocusEng Оп IELTs Academic РгасtiсеТеsts

Question types
The folloWing queStion typeS аге uSed in the геаdiпg mоdulе:
v Ми/Zg.р/е сbоj.сg - you haVe to chooSe опе соггесt апsWег to а question fгоm fоuг
орtiопS, ог two ог thгее соггесt options fгоm а Set of ЁVе ог SеVеп.
т Jdе7!ff./у;.7gg g.7zfоr#2сzff.о7t - you haVe to deCide whеthег а statement is tгuе оГ false
ассогdiпg to the iпfогmаtiоп in the раSSаgе, ог whеthег по iпfогmаtiоп аЬоut the
statement is givеп.
v Jdе7zJz./уj.7сg ю7`;.fеr's Уg.еиJs ог с/Яz.77cs - you chooSe `уеs' if а statement аgгееs with the
opinions ог claims of the Wгitег, `по' if the statement сопtгаdiсts the wгitег's opinion ог
агgumепt, ог `поt givеп' if the pasSage giveS по iпfогmаtiоп оп What the wгitег thinks
аЬоut the stаtеmепt.
v МЯfсЬz.7gg g.7z/оr771Яfz.о# - you haVe to match the iпfогmаtiОп Stated in eaCh queStiOn
with the геlеVапt рагаgгарh ог Section in the paSsage Whеге the iпfогmаtiоп сап Ье
v М4fсbz.7gg ЬGсIсJf.73gs -уоu haVe to Select the соггесt heading fгоm the Ьох to match the
main idea of each рагаgгарh ог section in the раSSаgе.
v Мсzfсbg.7Gg fеяJигеs - fгоm а Set of роssiЬlе орtiопS, you have to Select the соггесt option
that matcheS the fеаtuгеs ог сhагасtегistiсs dеsсгiЬеd in each quеStiоп.
v МсJfсЬj.77g sе72Jе7Gсе е72df.7сgs - you have to chooSe the соГГесt оРtiОП fгоm а list in а ЬОх
to complete а Sentence that геПесts iпfогmаtiоп given in the раSSаgе.
т sе#fе#се соиР/еZс.о7€ - you have to Ёпd а wогd ог рhгаSе in the paSSage that соггесtlу
completeS а Sепtепсе. You may have to wгitе опе, two ог thгее wогds апd/ог а пumЬег.
` Sиттагу/поtеslНоuі-сhагt/tаЬlе completion -уоu haNe to еLthег and WОгds Ог рhгаLSеS
fгоm the text ог sе1есt Wогds fгоm а Ьох of роSsiЬlе апswегS to соmр1еtе а Summагу ог
notes of рагt of the раsSаgе, ог а tаЬlе ог доW-сhагt that гергеSепts iпfогmаtiоп in the
раSSаgе. You may haVe to wгitе опе, two ог thгее wогds апd/ог а пumЬег.
v Df.сrgrЯ771 /#Ье/ со77еР/GJz.о7с - you haVe to Ёпd wОгds ог РhгаSеs fгОm the PaSSage tO
1аЬе1 the рагts of а diаgгаm that геНесts iпfогmаtiоп in the раSsаgе. You may haVe to
wгitе опе, two ог thгее wогds апd/ог а пumЬег.
т SЬоrJ-сz7сsи;еr qиGsfz.о#s - you have to wгitе опе, two ог thгее wогds апd/ог а пumЬег
to апSwег Ьгiеf questions аЬоut iпfогmаtiоп in the раSSаgе.
1п some question types (fог ехаmрlе, g.сJе7€fg/уg.7Zg g.7tfог77иZj.о#) the queStionS fо1lоw
the same огdег in Which the iпfогmаtiоп оссuгS in the раsSаgе; in оthег question typeS
(fоГ ехаmРlе, 77c4fсbf.7zg g.7z/Ог771Яfg.о7Z), the апSwегS might Ье located апуWhеГе in the text
ог tехts.
Fог detailed ехрlаПаtiоп, see Fосиsj.72g о77 JЕLТS.. RGсzdz.#g Я7ссJ W7.f.Z€.7сg Skz.//s (LiпdеСk,
Gгеепwооd and О'Sullivап 2011 ) pageS 5-28.

Reading з5
Прs fог doing the Reading Test
т Make suге you аге fаmiliаг with each question type So you knoW what you haVe to dо.
т RеmеmЬег to keep ап еуе оп the time and make suге you have enough time t® do а11
thгее SесtiопS.
т If you cannot апsWег а question аftег аЬоut а miпutе, move оп to the next question and
come Ьасk lаtег if you haVe timе.
т If you cannot апswег а question at а11, it is Ьеttег to gueSs than to leave а Ьlапk.
v LeaVe а few minutes at the end of the test to геViеw уоuг апswегS.
т Check fог spelling and gгаmmаг in items Such as shогt-апswег quеstiопs; iпсоггесtlу
Sреl1еd wогds аге репаlisеd.
т Check that уоuг геSропsе matches the wогd геStгiсtiопs given in the iпstгuсtiопs (опе,
two ог thгее Wогds апd/ог а пumЬег).
т Take саге to Wгitе уоuг апSwегs in the соггесt Ьох оп the Апswег shееt; а соггесt
апSwег in the wгопg Ьох will Ье mагkеd as iпсоггесt.
v Read quickly thгоugh each text ог Set of texts Ьеfоге you look at the queStions to get а
gепега1 idea of the type of iпfогmаtiоп they сопtаiп.
v 1п each quеStiоп, uпdегliпе the key wогd that indicateS the iпfогmаtiоп you аге
looking fог.
т RеmеmЬег to use the геаdiпg skills of skimming fог gепега1 ideas and scanning fог
Specihc iпfогmаtiоп.
т Recognise which queStions need you to геаd сагеfullу fог concepts (fог ехаmрlе,
иGfсйj.#g !.#fоrи#fG.о#) and Which геquiге scanning fог details (fог ехаmрlе, f#ЬJе
v RеmеmЬег to look fог Synonyms and рагарhгаsеS of wогds and ideaS in the queStionS
aS Wе1l as the exact wогds.

З6 FOcusEng Оп IELTs Academic РгасtiсеТеsts

Beading Test 1
The test is divided aS fоl1оwS:
Reading Passage 1 Questions l to 13
Reading PaSSage 2 QueStionS 14 to 27
Reading Passage 3 QueStions 28 to 40
Stагt at the Ьеgiппiпg of the teSt and Wогk thгоugh it. You Should апSWег а11 the quеStiопS.
If you cannot do а рагtiсulаг question leave it and go оп to the next опе. You сап геtuгп
to it lаtег.

Reading з7
You should Spend аЬоиt 2О minutes оп queStions 1-13.

DomeStic cLocks
The domeStic cIock WaS not exactly iпVепtеd; it WaS ргоЬаЬ1у а Sрiп-оff fгоm the
Scientific actMtieS of сhuгсhmеп, аStго|оgегS and mechanicS of the Middle AgeS
iпtегеStеd in iпсгеаSiпg thеiг knoWledge of the StагS ог imргоViпg discipIine in геIigiоuS
соmmuпitiеS. РегhарS Some 13th-сепtuгу king ог Ьishор fiгSt had а cIock in his houSe
as а SуmЬо| of ргеStigе ог Wеа|th, ог регhарS fгоm iпtегеSt, ог to са|| him to ргауег,
СегtаiпIу, the сhuгсh aSsistant needed to knoW When to Wагп the Watchman to гiпg the
Ье|| in the WаtсhtоWег to Wагп the |оса| реор|е аЬоut Some communal activity Such aS
digging а ditсh, ргерагiпg to defend themseIVeS againSt гаidегS, ог gаthегiпg to help
put а f iге оut.
So роSsiЬ|у it WaS the Wаtсhmап'S с|осk оп the Wа|| that Ьесаmе the domeStic iгоп
с|осk of the mеdiеVа| hоusеhо|d. |t WaS а VаIuаЬ|е роSSеssiоп, and When the family
moVed it Went With thеm, just as did апу g|аSS WindoWS they hаd.1гоп с|осks and
|апtегп с|осks, hanging оп the Wа|I fгоm а hооk, Wеге the fiгSt gепега| domestic с|осks.
The Weights that роWегеd them hung ЬеIоW them and gепега11у had to Ье pulled up
twice а dау. |п Some соuпtгiеS, it Ьесаmе fаShiопаЬIе to fit огпаtе Wooden caSeS
агоuпd them and moUnt theSe cIocks оп Wooden Ьгасkеts.
А|thоUgh the Wеight-dгivеп с|осk Was not огigiпа|lу designed fог domeStic uSе, the
Sргiпg-dгivеп опе uпdоuЬtеdlу Wаs. The use of а coiled sргiпg inStead of а Weight to
ргоVidе роWег made роSsiЬ|е fiгSt the рогtаЬ|е с|осk and SuЬSеquепtlу the Smа||ег,
регSопаI с|осk, Which WaS Iаtег са|Iеd а Wаtсh. Sргiпg cIocks Wеге fiгSt made in Fгапсе
in the 1400S, it Sееms, Ьut Iittle is knoWn of thеiг огigiп. The еаг|iеSt Sргiпg-dгivеп с|осk
knoWn is dated аЬоut 1450. lt is Iike the Wеight-dгivеп cIOck of the time Ьut With the
Weights гер|асеd Ьу coiled Sргiпgs.

The сhапgеоvег fгоm Wеight-dгivеп to Sрhпg-dгivеп clocks did not ргоVе So SimрIе,
hоWеVег, ЬесаuSе, unIike the faIIing Wеight, the coiled Sргiпg did not ргоVidе а conStant
Sоuгсе of роWег. When Wound uр, the Sргiпg gaVe а fогсе that WaS Vегу Stгопg, Ьut
оп|у fог а Shогt timе. The fогсе then dесгеаSеd uпеVеп|у fог some hоuгS Ьеfоге S|оWiпg
гарidlу. The middle of the гапgе WaS moSt uSeful fог dгМпg the сlосk, Ьut the геduсiпg
fогсе WaS а ргоЬIеm. Еаг1у coiled Sргiпgs also Suffегеd fгоm the fact that they could
not Ье made Vегу eVenIy ог Smoothly and did not coil ассuгаtеIу. When this hаррепеd,
the роWег WaS ге|еаSеd in uneVen ЬuгSts, The meanS adopted to оVегсоmе theSe
disаdvапtаgеs, Which diгесtlу affected timekeeping ассuгасу, Wеге twоfо|d.
The fiгSt Step WaS to |imit the uSe of the Sргiпg to the middle of its action to ргеVепt it
fгоm dгiviпg the с|осk When it WaS too tightly Wound up ог not Wound up tightly епоugh.
The next Step WaS to ргоVidе а fогm of geahng Ьеtwееп the Sргiпg and the с|осk to
make the роWег output mоге еvеп. The method WaS So SimрIе, ingeniouS and elegant
that it haS геmаiпеd in uSе, at IeaSt in сегtаiп typeS of сlосk, fгоm the time it WaS
inVented uml tоdау.
|t is са||еd the fusее, meaning а Spindle Wound With а thгеаd, А fusee is а tгumреt-
Shaped оЬjесt With а toothed ог gеаг Whее| at the |агgег епd, Which is connected to the

З8 FOcusing оп IELTs Academic РгасtiсеТеsts

dгiviпg WheeI of the сlосk. The tгumреt-Shареd рагt haS а SрiгаI gгооVе cut in it, and а
Stгопg thгеаd attached to the gгооVе at the Iагgег епd. The геSt of the thгеаd is Wound
гоuпd the Ьагге| of the с|осk, containing the Sргiпg. When the fusee is tuгпеd With а
kеу, the thгеаd is pulled off the ЬаггеI, Which Winds up the Sргiпg inSide it. The thгеаd is .
Wound Оп the fusee gгооVе, Which ЬесоmеS SmаI|ег and SmаIIег in diаmеtег, So that in
effect it meanS the sргiпg dгivеS the clock at а conStant Sрееd.
FuSeeS Wеге uSed fгоm the 1400S to the еаг1у 1900S. This геIаtivе|у Simр|е deVice to
imргоVе timekeeping Ьу еquа|isiпg the uneVen pull of the mаiпSргiпg achieVed its
рuгроSе еffесtivеIу, GгапVШе ВаiШе, а Ieading с|осkmаkег and Wаtсhmаkег in the
1900S, Said of the fusее, `РегhарS по ргоЬIеm in mechanicS haS еVег Ьееп Solved So
Simр|у and So регfесtlу.'

Questions 1-5
Do the fо1lоWiпg statements аgгее with the iпfогmаtiоп given in Reading Passage 1 ?
1п ЬохеS 1-5 оп уоиг апSwег sheet wгitе
TRUE if the Statement аgгееs with the infomiation
FALSE if the Statement сопtгаdiсts the infomiation
NOT GIVEN ifthеге is по iпfогmаtiоп оп this

1 The еагliеSt domestic с1осks wеге dеVе1ореd to ргоVidе юutiпе fог hоuSеhо1dегs.
2 МеdiеVа1 clocks геmаiпеd оп the ргорегtу When the оWпегs sо1d thеiг hоmе.
3 Pulling the Weights оп Wа11-mоuпtеd с1осks геquiгеd ргесisе Skill.
4 It is the sргiпg inside that аl1оWs а Watch to Ье moVed агоuпd.
5 The ЁгS. sргiпg-dгivеп clocks had dimculty keeping the соггесt timе.

Reading з9
Questions 6-10
Complete the notes Ьеlоw.

Choose NO MORE THAN ТНКЕЕ wOHDS fгот the passage fог each апSwег.
Wгitе уоиг апSwегs in ЬохеS 6-1О оп уоиг апswег Shееt.

Questions 1 О-1 З
Апswег the qиеsйопs Ьеlоw.
ChooSe NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS fгот the passage fог each апswег.
Wгitе уоиг апswегs in Ьохеs 1О-13 оп уоиг апSwег shееt.
10 WhatdoeS afusee 1ооklikе?
11 Whatis connected to the sрiга1 gгооVе оп а fusее?
12 What оЬjесt is геquiгеd to wind the Sргiпg оп the fusее?
13 What does the gгаduаl геduсtiоп ofthe fusee gгооVе епSuге?

4О FOcusing оп IELTs Academic РгасtiсеТеsts

You should spend аЬоиt 2О minuteS оп queStions 14-27.

Questions 14-21
Reading PaSSage 2 haS eight рагаgгарhs, А-Н.
Choose the соггесt heading fог each рагаgгарh fгот the list of headings Ьеlоw.
Wгitе the соггесt питЬег, i-хi, i,п Ьохеs 14-21 оп уоиг апswег Shееt.

List of headings
i АIасkоfiпfогmаtiоп аЬоutwhаtisiпtгаsh
ii Achangein рuЬ|iсаttitudе
iii The uпсегtаiпtу оftгаsh destination
iv AtypicaI hоuSеhоIdег's ргеsепt action
v FОгmulаtiпg the ultimate гuЬЬish solution
vi sе|есtiоп of гесусIiпg сепtгеs
vii Аwауtоtгасеwhаt happenSto гuЬЬish
viii Detailsofhowthe геsеагсh will Ье done
ix VагiаtiопS in the effect ofwaste оп the suггоuпdiпg агеа
х FutuгеsоuгсеSоfusеful mаtегiа|S
xi Nеtwогk соvегаgе fогtеIесоmmuпiсаtiопS

14 РагаgгарhА
15 РагаgгарhВ
16 РагаgгарhС
17 РагаgгарhD
18 РагаgгарhЕ
19 РагаgгарhF
20 РагаgгарhG
21 РагаgгарhН

Reading 41
Тгаsh tгасI{егs
А So you сагеfullу sерагаtе уоuг сагdЬоагd fгоm уоuг uSed glass сопtаiпегs, Wash уоuг
empty tins and tеаг the Staples off sсгар рарег. You Н11 уоuг Vагiоus Ьiпs and put them out
to Ье taken aWay With the геmаiпs of the Wееk'S meals and domeStic гuЬЬish. And thеп,
Safe in the kпоW1еdgе that you haVe done уоuг Ьit fог the епViгопmепt, you fогgеt а11 аЬоut

В 1п fасt, the 1ifе stогу of уоuг Weekly gагЬаgе is just Ьеgiппiпg. Ап а1umiпium сап, fог
iпstапсе, could haVe а Vагiеtу of fаtеS. It might Ье сгushеd and Sent Ьасk to the canning
fасtогу to Ье tumed into neW сапs. Ог it could end up in the пеагеst 1апdЁ1l Site ог get
shipped off оVегSеаs to Ье еithег гесус1еd ог dumреd. The tгuth is that поЬОdу сап Ье Suге
Whеге ап iпdividuа1 piece of гuЬЬish Will end up ог hoW the junk in the 1апdЁl1 got thеге.

С NeW геsеагсh is planning to Ёпd оut. 1п а pilot ргоjесt, а team fгоm the MaSSachusetts
Institute of Тесhпо1оgу (М1Т) tоgеthег With mеmЬегs of the JVeW Sсz.Gиrz.§f joumal tгасkеd
60 pieces of tгаsh in Seattle in the United StаtеS. The next phase of the ехрегimепt Will
Ьеgiп - 1,000 mоге pieceS of gагЬаgе Will Ье е1есtгопiса11у tagged and thгоWп aWay in
NeW Yогk, Seattle and Lопdоп, and tгасkеd fог two mопths.

D The ехрегimепt is mоге than just ап attempt to satisfy сuгiоSitу as to Whеге tгаSh ends uр.
The idea is to hе1р р1ап fог ап idеа1 Wогld of WaSte disроSа1, Whеге пеаг1у еVегуthiпg gets
гесус1еd ог геusеd and mаtегiаls аге not sent to lапdЁl1 fаStег than the planet is аЬ1е to
ргоduсе thеm.

Е At ргеSепt, that ideal Wог1d is а distant dгеаm оп1у. Рагt of the ргоЬ1еm is that We do not
knoW What We аге dealing With. While а 1оt of еffогt has gone into сгеаtiпg gгееп supply
chains to Ьгiпg ргоduсts to сustоmегS, almoSt nothing is knoWn аЬоut What happens to the
Wаstе. This WaSte is mопitогеd, of соuгsе, Ьut оп1у to See hoW many tonnes of diffегепt
kinds of gагЬаgе аггivе at а sОгtiпg сепtге, 1апdЁ1l ог iпсiпегаtог, and hoW many 1еаVе.
These аге counted as е1есtгопiс ог household Wаstе; the maSS is mеаsuгеd, Ьut not in tегms
of the сопtепt.

F 1п tems of епViгопmепtа1 imрасt, it is the сопtепt, not the пumЬег of tоппеS, that
mаttегs. Within the hаmlеSS-Sоuпdiпg саtеgОгу of `hоuSеhо1d Wаstе' , fог ехаmрlе,
1iеs еVегуthiпg fгоm саггоt рее1iпgs to used ЬаЬiеS' nappies and 1оW-епегgу light ЬulЬs
containing mегсuгу, ог old е1есtгiсаl арр1iапсеs, each of Which gives а Vегу diffегепt Set of
епViгопmепtаl сhа11епgеs. 1п ап ideal Wогld each Should Ье dеа1t With sерагаtеlу.

G Веfоге that сап hарреп, thоugh, We need to get а с1еагег рiсtuге of the 1ifе сус1е of
diffегепt kinds of WаStе, Which is hoW the tгасkiпg ргоjесt сап give uSeful iпfогmаtiоп.
The team haVe deSigned tags that сап Ье Ёхеd to а11 kinds of гuЬЬish, and theSe tags Ьеаm
out thеiг 1осаtiоп еVегу 15 minutes fог up to two mопths. Each is Ьuilt агоuпd а mоЬilе
phone SIM сагd and Ьаttегу, and а motion SепSог. А lоW-роWег miсгоргосеssог keepS
tгасk of the motion sепsог апd, When the SепSог геgistегS moVement it switches оп the

42 FOcusEng оп IELTs Academic РгасtiсеТеsts

SIM сагd, tгiggегiпg а Sеагсh fог пеагЬу mоЬilе phone tоWегs. The SIM then sends ап
SMS containing this iпfогmаtiоп to the team and the tеаm's Sоftwаге соmрагеS it With
the Stапdагd map of signal stгепgth Ёпgегргiпts to dеtегmiпе the position of the tаg. The
tags аге not ргесisе to the mеtге.1п citieS whеге thеге is а denSe пеtwогk of mОЬilе phOne `-
tоWегS, the team сап 1осаtе ап оЬjесt to Within 100 to 500 mеtгеs.1п гuга1 Zопеs, that may
Ье а kilоmеtге ог mоге.

Н while tagging Waste сап identify Whеге гесус1аЬ1еS аге Ьеiпg toSSed into 1апdЁ1l, ог
Whеге hаzагdоus WaSte is illеgа11у Shipped оVегSеаs, thеге is а mОге fundamental геаSоп
to tag tгаsh: {о Ёпd out whеге Society StогеS the mаtегiа1s that it mines fгоm the Еагth and
tеmрогагilу tums into ргоduсts. Тоdау's 1апdШ siteS contain 1агgе amounts of imрогtапt
mеtа1S, iпс1udiпg gо1d, ziпс, аlumiпium, пiсkеl, соррег, cadmium and mегсuгу - in
many cases at highег сопсепtгаtiопs than паtuга1 оге deposits - р1us huge quantitieS of
гесус1аЬ1е g1аss and рlаStiс. AS commoditieS Ьесоmе sсагсе in the fо11оWiпg сепtuгiеS,
We may haVe to mine 1апdЁ11S fог thеiг гiсhеS, and that means Ёпdiпg out exactly Whеге to
stагt diggiпg.

Questions 22-2З
Choose TWO lеttегS, А-Е.

Wгitе the соггесt lеttег in ЬохеS 22 and 23 оп уоиг апswег shееt.

Ассогdiпg to the wгitеr, which ТТЮ of the following things need to hарреп?
А Ноusеhо1dегs should Ье mоге аWаге of the wаstе-Sогtiпg ргосеss.
В WепееdtоЁпdоuthоW muchwasteis inthe sуStеm.
С We need to knoW mоге аЬоut the kinds of waste that haVe Ьееп thгоwп аWау.
D BusineSs and iпdustгу must fо11оW еStаЬ1ishеd guidе1iпеs.
Е We Should locate and геusе vа1uаЬ1е геSоuгсеs.

Questions 24-27
Апswег the questions Ьеlоw.

Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WОКDS fгот the passage fог each апSwег.
Wгitе уоиг апswегS in Ьохеs 24-27 оп уоиг апSwег shееt.
24 Which item оfгuЬЬish doeS the Wгitег uSe aS ап ехаmр1е to ShoW the many Ways гuЬЬish
сап Ье dеа1t Wi.h?
Which city is inVolved in two StageS of геsеагсh?
What haVe реор1е а1геаdу tгiеd hагd to еstаЬ1ish in огdег to get ргоduсts to сопsumегS?
what gепега1 tегm is used to соVег а Wide гапgе of Vегу diffегепt kinds of гuЬЬish?

Reading 43
You should Spend аЬошt 2О minuteS оп questions 284О.

DO animaIs think Iike humапs?

А Some pet оwпегs Ьеliеvе that thеiг animals uпdегstапd them when they sреаk, Ьut how
much do апimаіs геаllу uпdегstапd of what we sау? То What extent is thеiг thinking а
геflесtiоп of оuгs? Recent ехрегimепts have Ьеguп to thюw light Оп the mаttег.
Ап Аustгiап dog -геsеагсhегs са1l hег Betsy -hаs а vосаЬulагу of mоге than 3ОО wогds.
`ЕVеп оuг closest геlаtivеs, the gгеаt ареs, саШ do What Betsy сап do -hеаг а Wогd Оп1у
опсе ог twice and knoW that the acoustic раttегп stands fог sоmеthiпg,' says cognitive
psychologist Juliane Каmiпski. `Dogs' uпdегstапdiпg of human fогms of communication is
something new that has еvоlvеd,' she sауs, `sоmеthiпg thаt's developed in them Ьесаusе
of thеiг long association With humапs.' Scientists think that dogs Wеге domesticated
аЬОut 15,ООО уеагs аgо, а геlаtivеIу shогt time in which to dеvе|ор language skills.
But how Similаг аге these skills to those of humапs? Fог аЬstгасt thiпkiпg, We employ
sуmЬоls, іеttiпg опе thing stand fог апоthег. Веtsу, in ап ехрегimепt, Was shoWn а рiсtuге
of а FгisЬее, а рiсtuге she had пеvег seen Ьеfоге, and told to find it. she Ьгоught the
FгisЬее fгоm among оthег toys in апоthег гооm.

В Оthег animals also have skills simiіаг to those of humапs. `Реор1е Wеге suгргisеd to
disсоvег that chimpanzeeS make tооls,' said А1ех Касеlпik, а Ьеhаviоuгаl ecologist at
Охfогd Uпivегsitу, геfеггiпg to the stгаws and sticks chimpanZees use to pull tегmitеs out
of theh пеsts. `Вut people also thought "Wеll, they Shаге оuг апсеstгу -оf соuгsе thеу'ге
smагt." Now wе'ге finding these kinds of ехсерtiопа| Ьеhаviог in some species of Ьiгds.
But we dоп't have а гесепtlу shагеd апсеstгу with Ьiгds. Тhеiг еvоlutiопагу histогу is vегу
diffегепt; оuг |аst common апсеstог with аП Ьiгds Was а герtilе that lived оvег 3ОО million
уеагs аgо. This means that еVо|utiОп сап invent similаг fогms of advanced intelligence
mоге than опсе -thаt it's not something геsегvеd оп|у fог ргimаtеs ог mаmmа|s.'

С Касеlпik and his colleagues аге studying опе of these smагt sресiеs, the NeW Caledonian
сгоw, Which lives in the fогеsts of the Pacific island of the same паmе. New Caledonian
сгоWs аге among the most skilled of tооl-mаkiпg and tооl-usiпg Ьiгds, fогmiпg ргоЬеs and
hooks fгоm sticks and leaf stems to poke into the ра|m tгееs whеге fat gгuЬs hidе. Since
these Ьiгds, |ikе сhimрапZееs, make and use tооls, геsеагсhегs сап look fог simiіагitiеs in
the еvоіutiопагу ргосеssеS that shaped thеiг Ьгаiпs. something аЬоut the епviгопmепt of
Ьоth species fаvогеd the evolution of tоо|-mаkiпg пеuгаl роwегs.
But is theh use of tOols гigid and limitеd, ог сап they Ье iпVепtivе? Do they have what
геsеагсhегs саП mепtа| flехiЬilitу? ChimpanZees сегtаiпlу dо. ln the Wild, а chimpanZee
may use fоuг sticks of diffегепt sizes tO ехtгасt the honey fгоm а Ьее's пеst. And in
сарtivitу, they сап figuге out hoW to position sеvегаl Ьохеs so they сап геtгiеvе а Ьапапа
hanging fгоm а горе.

44 FocusEng Оп IELTs Academic РгасtiсеТеsts

D АпsWегiпg that question fог NeW Са|еdопiап сгоWs -ехtгеmе|у shy Ьiгds -wаsп't еаsу.
Even аftег уеагs of mопitогiпg them in the Wild, геsеагсhегs соuldп't dеtегmiпе if the Ыгds'
аЬilitу was iппаtе, ог if they |еагпеd to make and use thеiг tОо|s Ьу Watching опе апоthег. |f
it Was а gепеtiса||у iпhегitеd skiіі, соuіd thеу, Iike the сhimрs, use thеiг tа|епt in diffегепt,
сгеаtivе wауs?
То find out, Касе|пik and his students Ьгоught 23 сгоWs of vагуiпg ages (а|I Ьut опе caught
in the WПd) to the аviагу in his ОхfОгd |аЬогаtогу. Fоuг hatchlings Wеге гаisеd in сарtivitу,
and aII Wеге сагеfullу kept aWay fгоm the аdults, so they had по оррогtuпitу tO Ье taught
аЬоut tоо|s. Yet soon аftег they flеdgеd, а|| picked up sticks to ргоЬе Ьusilу into сгасks and
shaped diffегепt mаtегiа|s into tоо|s.

Е Вiгds сап cheat tоо. Оthег studies Ьу the same геsеагсhег shoW that wеstегп sсгuЬ jays
сап know апоthег Ьiгd's intentiOns and act оп that kпоW|еdgе. А jay that has stoIen food
itsе|f, fог ехаmр|е, knows that if апоthегjау Watches it hide а пut, thеге's а chance the nut
Will Ье stо|еп. so the fiгstjау Will геtuгп to move the nut When the оthегjау is gОпе.

such deceptive acts геquiге а complicated fогm of thiпkiпg, since you must Ье аЬ|е to
аttгiЬutе intentions to the оthег individuaI and ргеdiсt that iпdividuаI's ЬеhаViоuг.

F Опе schooI of thought агguеs that human iпtеііigепсе eVoIved рагtіу Ьесаusе of the
ргеssuге of |iviпg in а compIex society of caIculating Ьеiпgs. СhimрапZееs, огапg-utапs,
gогillаs and ЬопоЬоs shаге this capacity with us. |п the Wild, ргimаtolоgists have seen
apes hide food fгоm the aIpha mа|е ог stеа| his fеmа|еs. Касе|пik's study is the fiгst
to shoW the kind of есо|оgiса| ргеssuгеs, such as the need to hide food fог Wiпtег usе,
that Would Iead to the еvо|utiоп of such mentaI аЬilitiеs. Most ргоvосаtivеIу, his геsеагсh
dеmопstгаtеs that some Ьiгds possess what is often апоthег uпiquе|у human skill: the
аЬilitу to гесаl| а specific past еvепt.

Questions 28-З2
Reading PasSage 3 has six sесtiопs, А-F.
Which Section contains the fо11оWiпg iпfогmаtiоп?
Wгitе the соггесt lеttег, А-F , in Ьохеs 28-32 оп уоиг апswег Shееt.
28 Animals cause dimculties fог а dominant mеmЬег of thеiг gгоuр.
29 Young Ьiгds used skills without aSsistance fгоm thеiг рагепts.
30 Humans and two specieS of апimа1 may deScend fгоm the same огigiп.
31 Апimа1S' Skills may come as а геsult of spending time With реор1е.
32 Вiгds shoW dishoneSt сопduсt.

ReadEng 45
Questions ЗЗ-З5
Choose the соггесt lеttег, А, В, С ог D.

wгitе the соггесt lеttег in Ьохеs 33-35 оп уоиг апSwег shееt.

33 The Wгitег mentions the domeStication of dogs in огdег to

А say hoW diffегепt they аге fгоm апоthег SpecieS оfапimа1.
В ехр1аiп Why they аге easy to геsеагсh.
С ShoW hoW quickly they have lеаmеd.
D агguе that they аге SuitаЬ1е реts.
34 А Westem sсгuЬjау has dеmопStгаtеd
А ап аЬilitу to tгiсk оthегЬiгds.
В а talent fог copying оthегЬiгds' са1ls.
С а Skill at hiding sticks fог digging gгuЬS fгоm tгееS.
D ап аggгеSsivе Way оfЬеhаViпg in the ргеSепсе оfоthег Ьiгds.
35 Касеlпik's геsеагсh haS shoWn that
А captive Ьiгds do not knoW hoW to to Stеа1 fгоm оthег Ьiгds.
В Ьiгds сап make use of thеiг mеmогiеS оп 1аtег оссаSiопS.
С monkeyS сап геmеmЬег What happened in the раSt.
D ргimаtеs аге affected Ьу thеiг Sосiа1 Suггоuпdiпgs.

Questions З6ЦО
Do the fо1lоWiпg statements аgгее With the claims of the Wгitег in Reading PasSage 3?
1п Ьохеs 3640 оп уоиг апswег sheet wгitе
YES if the statement аgгееs with the с1аims of the Wгitег
NO if the Statement сопtгаdiсts the claims of the Wгitег
NOT GIVEN ifthеге is по iпfогmаtiоп оп this

36 Scientists anticipated ргimаtе аЬilitу to еmр1оу imрlеmепts.

37 ChimpanZees and NeW Caledonian сгоWs had suггоuпdiпgs that ргоmрtеd them to deVelop
а Skill.

38 Chimpanzees shoW that they enjoy the сhа1lепgе of ргоЬ1еm-Sо1Viпg.

39 ОЬSегVаtiоп in the Wild waS аЬlе to ShoW that сгоWs leamt Ьу соруiпg.
40 Соmр1ех thоugh. ргосеsSеS may Ье displayed Ьу WeStem sсгuЬjауS.

46 FOcusing оп lELTs Academic РгасtiсеТеSts

Beading Test 2
The teSt is divided aS fоllоws:
Reading PaSSage 1 QueStions l to 13
Reading PasSage 2 QueStionS 14 to 27
Reading PaSsage 3 QueStions 28 to 40
Sсагt at the Ьеgiппiпg of the test and Wогk thгоugh it. You Should апSWег а11 the quеStiопS.
If you cannot do а рагtiсulаг queStion leave it and go оп to the next опе. You сап геtuгп
to it lаtег.

Readihg 47
You shои,ld spend аЬоиt 2О minutes оп questions 1-13.

vines in the sky

А The fагms of the futuге may Ье Ьuilt гight in the сепtге of уоuг сitу. SuЬuгЬап SргаW1,
соmЬiпеd With the VaSt economieS of Scale in орегаtiоп in аgгiсultuге, haVe typically
dгivеп food ргоduсtiоп fаг fгоm populated сепtгеS, with ап iпсгеаSе in the coSt of
tгапSрогt and гisk of Spoilage еп гоutе НоwеVег, the days of mагkеt gагdепS оп the
edgeS of uгЬап агеаs Supplying fгеSh food Stгаight to уоuг tаЬ1е may Soon Ье оVег;
maSS сitу+сепtге fагmiпg may Soon гер1асе thеm. А visiопагу miсгоЬiо1оgist and
епViюпmепtаl lесtuгег, Dickson DеSроmmiег fгоm СоlumЬiа UпivегSitу in New yогk,
SeeS оuг futuге citieS populated Ьу а neW kind of mагkеt gагdеп. The сгеаtог of this
гаdiса1 `Vегtiса1 fагmiпg' idea dеSсгiЬеS the eVolution of the concept fгоm ап о1dег
ргоjесt inVolving юоftор gагdепіпg in Manhattan While that WaS iпtегеStiпg, it соuldп't
Ье Sustained оп а maSS Sса1е. But it р1апtеd the Seed of апоthег idеа. Looking at
gгеепhоuSе ргоjесts in NeW Yогk, the геSultiпg concept WaS 1агgе-Sса1е, iпdоог, uгЬап
аgгiсultuге in SkуSсгарегS.

В FоПоWiпg this, DеSроmmiег Set up lаЬогаtогу ргоjесts aimed at diffегепt deSign

challengeS and аttгасtеd а Wide гапgе of enthusiaStic со1lаЬогаtогS and сопtгiЬutогS. Не
Ье1iеVеS this Vегtiса1 fагmiпg method could Ье а Solution to Some of the Wогld'S moSt
ргеSsiпg issueS The Wогld population is expected to gгоW Ьу thгее ЬiШоп to 8 6 Ьillіоп
оVег the next hа1f сепtuгу. Ву thеп, Some 80 рег cent of the Wог1d'S population will live
in сitiеS, and they Will need to еаt. At the Same timе, conVentional fагm and gгаZiпg
1апd takeS up ап епогmоuS amount of Sрасе, with оVег опе-thiгd of the Wог1d'S Suгfасе
сuггепtlу uSed fог аgгiсultuге. DеSроmmiег НguгеS that in the next HVe decadeS ап агеа
of neW агаЬ1е 1апd гоughlу the Size of ВгаZil Will Ье геquiгеd to feed the Wогld'S gгоwiпg
population -1апd that Simр1у dоеSп't ехist.

С DеSроmmiег'S concept геliеS оп using gгееп methods of агсhitесtuге and mаtегiа1S to

Ьuild SkуSсгарегS that hоuSе, gгоW and ргоduсе сгорS. NeW mаtегiа1S and tесhпо1оgiеs
Such aS сhеарег геflесtогS, Which геПесt Sunlight whеге it'S пееdеd, mоге efHcient
Sо1аг panels fог епегgу and SуStеm,Widе гесус1iпg аге iпtеgга1 to the р1ап. Опе unuSual
fеаtuге is the uSe of а type of Shе1msh to Нltег Wаtег. TheSe сап с1еап uгЬап SeWage to а
State SuitаЬlе fог iггigаtiоп.

D `Оutsidе, опе асге (0.4 of а hесtаге) of 1апd meanS опе сгор а уеаг,' SayS DеSроmmiег.
`IпdоогS, you сап gгоW опе сгор еVегу thгее mопths. You сап get fоuг сюрS а уеаг.' Не
SuggeSts that 150 Such Ьuі1diпgs could feed the епtiге city of NeW Yогk fог а уеаг Iпdоог
сюрS геquiге leSS peSticide and аге leSS SuЬjесt to the рюЬlеms in паtuге, Such aS
dгоught Some academicS Say that а Single SkуSсгарег fагm соVегiпg 1 3 hесtагеS could
ргоduсе enough food to feed 35,000 реор1е fог а уеаг -thе Same aS а 420,hесtаге fагm
Each flоог of the deSign Would Ье гiggеd up With hуdгоропiс Wаtегiпg SyStems and

48 Fосusiпg оп lELTs Academic РгасtiсеТеSts

агtiНсiаl lightiпg, and Sоlаг рапе1S to ргоVidе еlесtгiсitу. НоWеVег, Vегtiсаl fагmiпg is not
Without its сhаllепgеs. Опе is light -агtiНсiаl lighting uSeS а gгеаt deal of еlесtгiсitу and
gепегаtеS сопSidегаЬ1е hеаt. Апоthег is соSt, With Some А$93 million рег Ьuildiпg fог
сопStгuсtiоп and А$5.5 million а уеаг fог орегаtiоп.

Е Among ехрегts, opinionS Vагу оп Whеthег the рго].есt сап Suссееd. Сгеаtiпg conditionS
SuitаЬlе fог gгоWth is а SегiоuS сhаПепgе, and Some think the сюр yield Would Ье
too loW to make economic SепSе. `Му ЬiggеSt геSегVаtiоп is that the ЬаSiс ргеmisе is
flаWеd. We а1геаdу know hoW to iпсгеаSе food рюduсtiоп fгоm existing 1апd геSouгсеS,
рагtiсulагlу in агеаS With Suгрlus land Such aS SuЬISаhагап Аfгiса. lt'S just that We do it
iпсгеdiЬlу Ьаdlу at the mоmепt,' SayS RоЬ Вгооk, а гuгаl deVelopment геSеагсhег at the
UпivегSitу of WaleS in Вапgог. 'Тhis is а гiсh регSоп'S pipe dгеаm.'

F Yet thеге is Stгопg Suррогt еlsеWhеге. Luc Моugеоut, ап advocate of uгЬап аgгiсultuге
at Сапаdа'S Intemational DeVelopment RеSеагсh Сепtге, sayS the Vегtiсаl fагm is not
оп1у роSsiЬ1е, Ьut Will happen Within this gепегаtiоп. `It would collect at опе Site а
divегSitу of е1еmепts аlгеаdу at Wогk in Some fогm ог апоthег агоuпd the Wогld,' he SауS.
DеSроmmiег haS the Ьасkiпg of his uпivегSitу aS Well aS Vепtuге capitalists fгоm the
Middle ЕаSt, China and the Nеthегlапds.
lf the Vегtiсаl faming Vision ЬесоmеS а геаlitу, We could Hnd оuгSеlvеS опсе again
enjoying fгеSh fгuit and VеgеtаЬlеS Sоuгсеd fгоm just агоuпd the согпег, except theSe
might come fгоm the 45th Поог.

Questions 1-6
Reading PaSSage 1 has Six sесtiопs, А-F.
Which section contains the folloWing iпfогmаtiоп?
Wгitе the соггесt lеttег, А-F, in ЬохеS 14 оп уоиг апSwег shееt.
NB You тау uSe апу lеttег тоге than опсе.
1 dоuЬts аЬоut the fеаsiЬilitу ofthe ргоjесt
2 the idea of moVing mагkеt gагdепS fгоm the оutskiгts to iппег-сitу агеаS
3 hoW the SyStem would aVoid сuггепt аgгiсultuга1 ргоЬlеms
4 а ргеViоus ргоgгаm that was not ргасtiсаl fог Widеsргеаd use
5 sоuгсеS оfЁпапсiа1 aSsistance to the ргороSа1
6 а method оfdеа1iпg with waste mаttег

Reading 49
Questions 7-10
Complete the notes Ьеlоw.

Choose NO MORE THALN THREE wORDS АLND/ОR А NUMBER fгот the pasSage fог each

Wгitе уоиг апswегS in Ьохеs 7-1О оп уоиг апSwег shееt.

Questions 11 -1 З
Апswег the questions Ьеlоw.

Choose NO MORE THALN THREE WOHDs fгот the passage fог each апswег.
Wгitе уоиг апswегs in Ьохеs 11-13 оп уоиг апswег shееt.
11 HoW will the iпdоог fams get епегgу?
12 Besides the ехрепSе, What оthег сhа1lепgе fог iпdоог fагms must Ье dеа1. With?
13 When does Luc Mougeout Ье1iеVе that Dеsроmmiег's idea Will Ьесоmе а геаlitу?

5О l=осusiпg оп lELTs Academic РгасtiсеТеsts

You Should spend аЬоut 2О minutes оп queStions 14-27.

Movements of the р1апеts

Реор1е haVe ропdегеd the moVements of stагs сепtге of the sуstеm, and the р1апеts сiгс1еd the
and р1апеts fог aS 1опg aS humans haVe Ьееп оп Sun гаthег than the Еагth. The ргоЬ1еm With
this Еагth. Long ago it waS noticed that Some this explanation Was that many реор1е ЬеliеVеd
of the 1ights in the sky seemed регmапепt in that man waS the сепtге of the uпivегsе, and so
ге1аtiоп to each оthег and theSe Wеге knoWn as not еVегуопе accepted it. CopemicuS aVoided
the `Ехеd StагS' , WhегеаS оthег 1ights moVed this diШсultу Ьу suggesting the thеогу mеге1у
аЬоut much mоге fгееlу and Wеге са11еd `thе as а method of mоге ассuгаtеlу Wогkiпg out the
WапdегегS' . Wё noW knoW the 1аttег as the dateS of imрогtапt сеlеЬгаtiоп dауS. The thеогу
р1апеts and We also knoW that the Stагs аге got stгопg suррогt in the 17th сепtuгу, When the
Ьу по means Ёхеd Ьut moVe in ргеdiсtаЬ1е eminent Itа1iап mathematician and аstгопоmег
раttеms. That Ьоth StагS and planets сiгс1еd the Gа1ilео Gа1ilеi taught the Copemican syStem to
Sky оVег 24 hоuгs Was thought to Ье ЬесаuSе his Studепts.
they геVоlvеd агоuпd the Еагth. The tе1еsсоре WaS inVented in the Nеthегlапds
Опе еаг1у thеогу dеsсгiЬеd the `musiс of in the еаг1у 17th сепtuгу and this а11оWеd fаг
the sрhегеs' . It Was Ье1iеVеd that the stагS mоге ассuгаtе mеаSuгеmепts of р1апеtагу
and р1апеts Wеге Ёхеd оп g1аSS-1ikе SрhегеS motion to Ье tаkеп. The Gегmап аStгопоmег
that Wеге сепtгеd оп the Еагth and сгеаtеd Johannes Кер1ег uSed it to disсоVег that the
hеаVеп1у music aS they mоVеd, this 1аttег Ьеliеf Copemican оЬsегVаtiопS Wеге not quite соггесt
роssiЬ1у огigiпаtiпg fгоm the humming in the and so could not Ье uSed to ргеdiсt the огЬits
еагs at high аltitudе. The Gгееk аstгопоmег, of the рlапеts. CopemicuS had aSsumed that
mathematician and gеоgгарhег Ptolemy WaS the planets moVed in а сiгсulаг path агоuпd the
опе of the Нгst to suggeSt а pattem to theSe Suп, Ьut Кер1ег found that they did поt; they
moVements and in his Рtо1еmаiс SyStem the moVed in еlliрSеs. Не then developed his thгее
Suп, the Мооп and the р1апеts each had а 1аWs of р1апеtагу mоtiоп, Which gaVe а mоге
sрhеге that moVed independently of the оthегS, exact method of eStimating thеiг огЬits. The
and the Stагs Wеге а11 Ёхеd оп the оutегmоst ессепtгiс Danish аStгопоmег Tycho Вгаhе had
Sрhеге. This system Was thus аЬ1е to account Ьееп appointed as the соuгt аstгопоmег to the
fог the diffегiпg moVements then оЬsегVеd. Но1у Roman Еmрегог and had made а 1агgе
пumЬег of imрогtапt оЬsегVаtiопs that Кер1ег
Ву the 16th сепtuгу, mоге ассuгаtе mеаSuгiпg
needed fог his thеогiеS. НоWеVег, а1thоugh
iпstгumепts Wеге аVаilаЬ1е, and using thеsе,
Керlег'S thгее 1аWs explained 7!оW the р1апеts
eVen Ьеfоге the teleScope Was dеVе1ореd, а
mоVеd, they did not explain Wйу. This Was left
Ро1ish mопk, Niсо1аuS СореmiсuS, spent much
to ISaac NeWton in the 18th сепtuгу.
of his 1ifе making fаг mоге exact оЬsегVаtiопS
of the hеаVепS. Не tгiеd to explain the ISaac NеWtоп'S inVention of the геНесtiпg
mathematicS Ьеhiпd the р1апеts ' moVements telescope is often Seen as а dеЁпiпg moment
Ьut found that the сiгсulаг moVement of а in the study of аStюпоmу, Ьut in fact he
Sрhеге could not explain Whу, fог ехаmр1е, оп1у enhanced it; the огigiпаl telescope WaS
МагS аррагепtlу Stopped and Went Ьасkwагds inVented in 1608 Ьу the Dutchman Liррегshеу
fог а shогt timе. Не disсоVегеd that the р1апеts' Who used а conVex 1епS in а tuЬе focusing
moVements could Ье fаг mоге eaSily ргеdiсtеd 1ight into ап еуерiесе. The ЁгSt tе1еsсореS
if not the Еагth Ьut the Sun Wеге р1асеd in the continued >

Reading 51
Wеге Seen as ап imрогtапt militагу inVention аstгопоmегs to сhагt the moVements of the stагs
to detect the distant арргоасh of enemy and р1апеts. Yet it WaS NеWtоп's disсоVегу
sо1diегS Ьеfоге Galileo uSed опе to оЬsегVе of the 1аWS of gгаVitу that ехр1аiпеd Why the
the night skу. NeWton disсоVегеd that а р1апеts moVe the Way they dо. It а1Sо епаЬlеd
concave miггог геНесtiпg ligh( onto а Hat two аstгопоmегs in the 20th сепtuгу to ргеdiс(
sесопdагу miггог gaVe ап enhanced imаgе, the ехistепсе, Ьеfоге it WaS Seen in tе1еSсореs,
Which а11оWеd а much mоге ассuгаtе VieW of апоthег smаll, оutег аstегоid, Р1utо (а( Ёгst
of the hеаvепS. Fuгthеmоге, miггогs Wеге сlаssiЁеd as а р1апеt), Ьу оЬSегViпg slight
еаsiег to mапufасtuге than lenseS and could Vагiаtiопs in the огЬit of Uгапus.
Ье made 1агgег, thus iпсгеаSiпg the аЬilitу of

QuestiOns 14-19
Look at the following statements (qиеstiопs 14-19) and the list of реор1е Ьеlоw.
Match each statement with the соггесt регsоп, АгЕ.
Wгitе the соггесt lеttег, А-Е, in Ьохеs 14-19 оп уоиг апswег Shееt.
NB You тау use апу lеttег тоге than опсе.
14 Ап аltегаtiоп in the design led to ап imргоVеmепt in а sсiепtiЁс iпStгumепt.
15 The р1апеts took ап еgg-Shареd гоutе.
16 The Science at the time did not ассогd with what was оЬsегVеd in the skу.
17 The р1апеts геVо1Vеd агоuпd а diffегепt оЬjесt than WaS ргеviоuS1у thоught.
18 А геVо1utiопагу thеогу ргоVidеd геаSопs fог the mаmег in Which the р1апеts tгаVе11еd.
19 The use of а tе1еSсоре ргоVidеd eVidence that amended what ап еаг1iег оЬsегVег had

LEst of реор1е
А ptolemy
В Niсо|аus Сорегпiсus
С Galileo Gа|ilеi

D JohanneS Кер1ег
Е Isaac Newton

52 Fосusiпg Оп IELTs Academic РгасtiсеТеsts

Questions 20-2З
Complete the sentenceS Ьеlоw.

Choose NO МОКЕ THAN THREE wORDS fгот the paSSage fог each апswег.
Wгitе уоиг апswегs in Ьохеs 2О-27 оп уоиг апswег shееt.

20 Еаг1у оЬsегvегS uSed the tегm to геfег to fеаtuгеs that арреагеd

to Ье motionleSS in the skу.

21 ОЬjесts that арреагеd to Ье mоЬilе аге noW геfеггеd to as

22 Ассогdiпg to ап еаг1у Way оf{hiпkiпg, Was made Ьу the motion

of се1еStiа1 ЬоdiеS.

23 Ptolemy ЬеliеVеd that each р1апеt moVed within its oWn

Questions 24-27
The diаgгаms ShoW the ЬаSiс diffегепсеS Ьеtwееп LiррегShеу's and NеWtоп's deSigns fог а
LаЬеl the diаgгатS Ьеlоw.

ChooSe NO MORE THAN THREE wORDS fгот the passage fог each апswег.
Wгitе уоиг апswегs in Ьохеs 24-27 оп уоиг апswег shееt.

Readihg 53
You Should spend аЬоиt 20 minuteS оп queStionS 28АО.

HoW and Why does language

Duгiпg the lаttег рагt of the 19th сепtuгу, It WaS Ье|іеVеd that а Sound change affected
the WhoIe of а Ianguage at the Same tіmе: опе Sound SyStem Would Smoothly deVeIop
іпtо the пехt, and аП Wогds that contaIned а рагtісulаг Sound Would Ье affected in the
Same Wау. We noW knoW that Such а change doeS not орегаtе m а SlmpIe mаппег.
Some SреаkегS Iпtгоduсе the change into thеiг Speech Ьеfоге оthегS; Some uSe іt mоге
fгеquепtlу and сопSіStепtlу than оthегS and Some Wогds аге affected Ьеfоге оthегS. А
mоге ассuгаtе VieW is to thlnk of а change gгаduаIIу Sргеаdіпg thгоugh the WОгds of
а Iапguаgе. At f iгSt just а feW реор|е uSe the change оссаSюпаllу іп common Wогds,
then а lагgе пumЬег of Wогds аге аffесtеd, With the Sound gгаduа|Iу Ьеiпg uSed mоге
сопsistепtlу; then the mаjогitу of the Wогds take up the сhапgе.
The eVidence fог this kind of ргосеSS haS Iагgе1у come fгоm SocioIInguistic StudieS of
the VагiаtiопS in mоdегп lапguаgеS. TheSe StudieS ргосееd оп the aSsumption that
Vагіаtlоп іп |апguаgе uSе, Which is found in апу соmmuпitу, is evidence of the change
іп ргоgгеSS In а Ianguage DetaIIed оЬSегVаtiопS аге made of the Way in WHch dіffегепt
kinds of реор|е Speak in diffегепt Sосіаl SіtuаtiопS. The рагаmеtегS that dеmопStгаtе
theSe diffегепсеS аге knoWn aS /t.пgut'sft'с Vагt.аЬ/еs. Ехаm.іпаtiоп of the fгеquепсу With
Whісh diffегепt реор1е uSed а VагIаЫе Ied to сопс|usiопS аЬоut the mоtivаtiоп, diгесtlоп
and гаtе of change in the |апguаgе.
TheSe аге SmаIl-Sсаlе StudiеS, Ьut they haVe lагgе-Sса|е imрliсаtiопS. |t is likely that
the Same gгаduаl ргосеSS of change affects whole |апguаgеS aS WеП aS diаIесts. The
mеtарhог of а WaVe haS ргоVеd рагtiсulагlу аttгасtіVе Since the Iate 19th сепtuгу: а
change Sргеаds thгоugh а |апguаgе in much the Same Way aS а Stone Sends гiррlеS
асгоSS а pooI But eVen thls іmр|iеS too геgulаг а moVement to account fог the геа|іtу of
Sосiо|iпguistiс Vагiаtiоп.

lt іS easy to гесоgпіZе а change in language -Ьut onIy affer it haS taken р|асе. |t is not
dimcult to геflесt оп how реор1е Spoke SеVегаl уеагS ago to point to а neW Wогd that
haS гесепtlу епtегеd the lапguаgе. What іS almoSt ImроSsiЬ|е іS to ргеdt.сf а Ianguage
сhапgе. Which sоuпds, Wогds ог gгаmmаtlса| сопStгuсtiоп Will change іп the next tеп,
twenty уеагS?

lt IS just aS difficult to Ье ргесіSе аЬоut the огIgіпS of а change 1п lапguаgе. Who fігSt
uSed the neW fогm? Whеге WaS it uSеd? And When ехасtlу? НStогiсаI diсtiопагiеS
а|WауS give ап арргохіmаtе date of епtгу fог а neW Wогd ог mеап.Iпg -Ьut theSe dateS
IпVагiаЫу геf lect the еагlIеSt knoWn uSe of that Wогd іп the Wгtffеп lапguаgе. The f lгSt
uSe of the Wогd іп Speech is aIWayS ап unknoWn пumЬег of уеагS ргеVIоuS to thаt.

То оЬtаiп апSWегS to theSe quеSt.юпS, We need to knoW mоге аЬоut Why |апguаgе
сhапgеs. lf We uпdегStооd the cauSeS of сhапgе, We could Ьеgіп to make ргеdісtюпS

54 Focusing оп lELTs Academic РгасtiсеТеSts

аЬоut When а change WaS |ikе|у to take р|асе, and оЬSегVе it While it Was hаррепiпg.
Тhеге haS 1опg Ьееп imaginative Speculation оп the mаttег, With SuggeSted causeS
coming fгоm fiе|ds aS fаг арагt aS thео|оgу and с|imаtо|оgу (Whiсh is а consequence
of human рhуSiса| |осаtiоп -thе mountain dwе||ег haVing а рhуSiо|оgiса||у diffегепt
capacity fог Speech соmрагеd With the Vа||еу dwе||ег). Some Sсhо|агS haVe adopted а
highly peSsimistic ViеW, fее|iпg that the cauSeS сап пеVег Ье fоuпd.

TheSe dауS, the Speculation and peSsimism аге Ьеiпg гер|асеd Ьу ап jпсгеаSiпg
amount of Scientific геSеагсh, Which haS shoWn that thеге is по Siпgіе геаSоп fог
|апguаgе сhапgе. SеVега| fасtогS tuгп out to Ье imр|iсаtеd, Some to do With the паtuге
of Sосiеtу, and Some to do With the паtuге of |апguаgе Stгuсtuге. When реор|е moVe
aWay fгоm each оthег, thеiг |апguаgе Will divегgе, The two gгоuрS Will haVe diffегепt
ехрегiепсеS, and at the Vегу |еаSt thеiг VосаЬulагу Will сhапgе. Similаг|у, When реор1е
come into contact With each оthег, thеiг |апguаgе Will сопVегgе. The sоuпds, gгаmmаг
and VосаЬulагу of опе gгоuр аге |ikе|у to ехегсisе Some influence оп the оthег. TheSe
dауS, the iпсгеаsеd mоЬilitу of реор|е, Within and Ьеtwееп соUпtгiеs, makes this а
mаjог fасtог.

NeW оЬjесts and ideaS аге conStantly Ьеiпg сгеаtеd, and |апguаgе changeS to accept
thеm. At the Same timе, old оЬjесts and ideaS faIl out of daily uSе, and the |апguаgе
ге|аtеd to them ЬесоmеS оЬSо|еtе. Some change is the геSult of опе population
imрегfесtlу lеагпiпg the |апguаgе of апоthег. This js а common оссuггепсе, aS
illustгаtеd Ьу many immigгапt gгоuрS, ог the |еVе|S of Ьiliпguа|ism found in contact
агеаS. The minohty |апguаgе fогms а Smа|| gгоuр that in the 1опg tегm influenceS
mаjогitу usаgе. Fог ехаmр|е, SеVега| VагiеtiеS of Аmегiсап Епg|ish disр|ау the influence
of the WeSt Аfгiсап |iпguistiс Ьасkgгоuпd of its Ь|асk рорulаtiоп.

Реор|е come to tа|k |ikе thoSe they identify With ог аdmiге -а ргосеsS that may Ье
conScious ог suЬсопSсiоuS. ConsciouS change сап Ье оЬSегVеd in thoSe caSeS Whеге
реор1е go out of thеiг Way to uSe ог aVoid сегtаiп fеаtuгеS of thеiг spoken ог Wгittеп
|апguаgе -Suсh aS happened With the Епg|ish ргопоuп Whоm. SuЬсопSсiоuS сhапgе,
Whеге реор|е аге not аWаге of the diгесtiоп in Which thеiг Speech is mоViпg, is |еSS
поtiсеаЬ|е, Ьut fаг mоге соmmоп. The moVement may Ье tоWагds а fаVоuгеd accent ог
diа|есt (опе that haS poSitive ргеStigе), ог aWay fгоm опе that is hе|d in |оW еStееm, The
SреаkегS аге uSuа||у аWаге of the existence of |iпguistiс diffегепсеS (Sауiпg Such things
aS / сУог7'f /і.kе fhe Way fhose реор/е fа/k), Ьut uпаWаге of апу tгепd in thеiг oWn Speech
ге|аtеd to thеiг аttitudе.

Reading 55
Репетитор английского языка
Skype: vayshengolts
Questions 28-З4 +380674872766
СJюоsе the соггесt lеttег, А, В, С ог D.

Wгitе the соггесt lеttег in Ьохеs 28-34 оп уоиг апswег shееt.

28 What do `1iпguistiс VагiаЬlеs' dо?
А They shoW hoW language is used diffегепtlу Ьу реор1е.
В They ргоVе that changes in 1апguаgеs аге uпргеdiсtаЬ1е.
С They гесогd laWs аЬоut hoW реор1е should sреаk.
D They ShoW which реор1е iпtгоduсе 1iпguistiс сhапgе.
29 What doeS the Wгitег say is the ге1аtiопShiр Ьеtwееп changes in languageS and in diа1есts?
А А miпогсhапgе in а diа1есt will sigпа1 а mаjог change in а 1апguаgе.
В Changes in 1апguаgеS аге с1оsе1у fо1lоWеd Ьу changes in diа1есts.
С They Ьеgiп гарidlу then sloW dоWп.
D Nеithег ofthem happenS suddеп1у.
30 When doeS the Wгitег аssегt that а gепегаl 1апguаgе change сап Ье гесоgпisеd?
А When ап item of vосаЬulагу ЁгSt comes into а language
В аftег а decade ofusage in the 1апguаgе
С When the mаjогitу ofpeople in а gгоuр have changed thеiг Way of speaking
D оп1у fо11оWiпg the оссuггепсе of the change
31 Ассогdiпg to the Wгitег, Why may location inHuence 1апguаgе сhапgе?
А ThoSe fгоm wагmег р1асеS аге mоге сгеаtivе.
В Diffегепt епViгопmепts may affect реор1е'S Ьоdiеs.
С Реор1е 1iviпg in hills need diffегепt ехргеssiопs fгоm thoSe in Vа11еуs.
D А1titudе affects the Speed oflanguage сhапgе.
32 What haS гесепt scientiEc геsеагсh illustгаtеd?
А IпНuепtiа1 реор1е сап dictate neW 1апguаgе раttеms.
В Dimcult ге1аtiопshiрS Ьеtwееп gгоuрs sloW doWn change in 1апguаgе.
С Social aspects oflanguage аге the main inHuence оп сhапgе.
D Language change has multiple саuSеs.
33 HoW doeS iпсгеаsеd mоЬilitу seem to affect language сhапgе?
А It speeds up the гаtе at which neW 1апguаgеS аге 1еаmt.
В ThoSe Who tгаVе1 сап stгugglе to adopt the neW 1апguаgе.
С Реор1е's language changes when they 1еаVе оthег mеmЬегS of thеiг gгоuр.
D Dominant language tгаits аге mоге eaSily tгапSрогtеd.
34 Which aspect oflanguage change is moSt often fоuпd?
А changeS that the uSегs thеmsе1Vеs do not notice
В dе1iЬегаtе imitations to achieVe status
С attempts Ьу пеWсоmегS to imрюVе ргопuпсiаtiоп
D еffогts to keep VосаЬulагу up to date

56 FОсusЁпg оп IELTs Academic РгасtiсеТеsts

Questions З5-40
Do the folloWing statements аgгее With the с1аims of the Wгitег in Reading PasSage 3?
1п Ьохеs 354О оп уоиг апswег sheet wгitе
YES if the Statement аgгееS with the с1аims of the Wгitег
NO if the statement сопtгаdiсts the с1аims of the Whtег
NOT GIVEN ifthеге is по infomation оп this

35 Linguistic change оссuгS when а neW ргопuпсiаtiоп is adopted еvеп1у.

36 Pattems in Wаtег аге too even to Ье ргорегlу соmрагеd to pattems in 1апguаgе.
37 Нistогiсаl diсtiопагiеS гесогd the ЁгSt spoken uSe of а neW Wогd.
38 In гесепt timеs, new VосаЬulагу has рhmагilу Ьееп iпtгоduсеd thгоugh the е1есtгопiс
39 Change сап happen When neW sреаkегS ofa language make mistаkеs.
40 Ап еs.аЬ1ishеd language сап Ье inHuenced Ьу ап iпtгоduсеd lапguаgе.

Readihg 57
Reading Test З
The test is divided as fоl1оWs:
Reading PasSage 1 QuestionS l to 14
Reading PasSage 2 QueStionS 15 to 28
Reading PaSSage 3 QueStionS 29 to 40
Stагt at the Ьеgiппiпg of the teSt and Wогk thгоugh it. You Should апSwег а11 the quеstiопS.
If you cannot do а рагtiсulаг question leaVe it and go оп to the next опе. You сап геtum
to it lаtег.

58 FOcusEng Оп IELTs Academic РгасtiсеТеsts

You should Spend аЬоиt 2О minutes оп questions 1-14.

The decline of АпgkОг Wat

А Апgkог is the scene of опе of the gгеаtеSt vanishing acts of а11 timе. The ancient Кhmег
kingdom in mоdегп СаmЬоdiа laSted fюm the 9th to the 15th сепtuгу, and at its height
dominated а Wide агеа of Sоuth-ЕаSt АSiа, fгоm tоdау'S Муапmаг (Вuгmа) in the WeSt to
Vietnam in the еаSt. AS many aS 750,000 реор1е lived in Апgkог, its сарitаl, making it the
moSt extenSive uгЬап complex of the рге-iпdustгiаl Wогld. Ву the late 16th сепtuгу, When
РогtuguеSе missiопагiеS came асгоSS the lоtus-Shареd tоWегS of Апgkог Wаt, the Wогld'S
lагgеSt геligiоuS mопumепt, the еmрiге WaS in its Нпа1 рhаSе.

В Exactly What cauSed the decline is not kпоWп; iпVаdегS, а change of геligiоп, а Shift to
mагitimе tгаdе that condemned ап inland city аге а11 guеSSWогk. The реор1е of Апgkог left
not а Single Wогd explaining thеiг kiпgdоm'S соllарSе. Recent ехсаVаtiопS, not of the temple
itself Ьut of the iпfгаStгuсtuге that made the vaSt city роSsiЬlе, аге SuggeSting а neW апSWег.
Апgkог, it Sееms, WaS doomed Ьу the Vегу ingenuity that огigiпаllу gaVe гisе to it: the сопtгоl
of Wаtег, the moSt Vital of геSоuгсеS, Slipped аWау.

С То епSuге а Steady Wаtег Suррlу, StаЬilizе гiсе ргоduсtiоп and сопtюl Пооdiпg, Кhmег
епgiпеегS had Ьuilt а пеtwогk of сапаls, mоаts, ponds and геSегVоiгS. MaSsive еагthwогks
SloWed the Wеt~SеаSоп deluge ПоWiпg fгоm the кulеп нills, diгесtiпg it into canals that fed
the ЬагауS (агtiНсiаl ЬоdiеS of Wаtег) and temple mоаts. Sргеаdiпg асгоSS the gently Sloping
lапd, the Wаtег dгаiпеd Нпа11у into the Топ1е Sар, the lагgеSt fгеShwаtег lake in Sоuth-ЕаSt
АSiа. This SyStem guагапtееd а Wаtег Supply that did not ге1у оп the mопSооп. But this
геliаЬilitу геquiгеd massive feats of епgiпеегiпg, including а геsегVоiг called the West Вагау,
Which is 8 kilоmеtгеS 1опg and а[mоSt thгее Widе. То Ьuild this thiгd and moSt sophisticated
of Апgkог'S 1агgе геsегVоiгs а thouSand уеагS аgо, aS many aS 200,000 Кhmег Wогkегs may
haVe Ьееп needed to pile up пеаг1у 16 million сuЬiс уагds of Soil in еmЬапkmепts 300 feet
Wide and thгее StогiеS tаll. То this day the гесtапgulаг геSегvоiг is fed Ьу Wаtег divегtеd fгоm
the Siem Reap гivег.

D Тоdау'S геsеагсhегS haVe Ьееп amaZed Ьу the аmЬitiоп of Апgkог'S еаг1у епgiпеегS. `Тhе
епtiге landscape is агtiНсiаl,' says опе. Оvег sеVегаl сепtuгiеS, huпdгеds of mileS of canals
and dykeS that геliеd оп suЬtlе diffегепсеs in the lапd's паtuгаl inclination Wеге сопStгuсtеd
to divегt Wаtег fгоm thгее diffегепt гivегS to the Ьагауs. Duгiпg the Summег monSoon
mопths, оVегПоW channels Ьlеd off exceSS Wаtег апd, аftег the гаiпS реtегеd out in ОсtоЬег
ог NоVеmЬег, iггigаtiоп channels dispenSed the Stогеd Wаtег. The Ьагауs may haVe helped
гепеW Soil mоistuге Ьу alloWing Wаtег to Soak into the еагth.1п Suггоuпdiпg Неlds, Suгfасе
еvарогаtiоп Would haVe dгаWп up the gгоuпdwаtег to Supply сгорS.

Е The сlеVег Wаtег SyStem may haVe made the diffегепсе Ьеtwееп mеdiосгitу and gгеаtпеSs.
Much of the kiпgdоm'S гiсе Was gгоWп in fields With еmЬапkmепts that Would оthегWisе haVe
геliеd оп monSoon гаiпS ог the seaSonal ПоW and еЬЬ of Wаtег оп the Пооdрlаiп. Iггigаtiоп
continued >

Reading 59
Would haVe ЬооStеd hагvеSts. The SyStem could also have ргоVidеd SuгVivаl гаtiопS duгiпg
а роог monSoon SеаSоп, and the аЬilitу to divегt and hold Wаtег Would have аffогdеd а
mеаSuге of ргоtесtiоп fгоm flооds. When оthег kingdoms in Sоuth,ЕаSt ASia Wеге stгuggliпg
With too little ог too much Wаtег, Апgkог'S WаtегWогks Would haVe Ьееп ап ехtгеmеlу-VаluаЬlе

F Сuгiоuslу, thеге is good eVidence that suggeSts the SyStem WaS demolished Ьу Апgkог's
oWn епgiпеегS; опе of the huge spillwayS that WaS uSed to геmоVе exceSS Wаtег had Ьееп
dеStюуеd. НоWеvег, Why this should have Ьееп done геmаiпS а complete mуStегу. The гuiпS
of the Sрi[lwау аге а vital clue to ап epic Stгugglе that unfolded aS gепегаtiопS of Кhmег
епgiпеегs coped With а Wаtег SyStem that gгеW еVег mоге соmр[ех and uпгulу. The moSt
logical explanation is that а dam fаilеd. The гivег may haVe cheWed into the dаm, gгаduаllу
Weakening it. РегhарS it WaS WaShed aWay Ьу ап unuSually heaVy Пооd, the kind that comeS
а1опg еvегу сепtuгу ог eVen еvегу 500 уеагs. The Кhmег then гiрреd арагt much of the
StопеWогk, Salvaging the Ьlосks fог оthег рuгроSеS.

Questions 1ъ
Reading PaSSage 1 haS Six рагаgгарhs, А-F.
Which рагаgгарh containS the fо11оWiпg iпfоmаtiоп?
Wгitе the соггесt lеttег, А-F, in Ьохеs 14 оп уоиг апswег shееt.
1 а mention оfiпсгеаSеd food ргоduсtiоп
2 роSsiЬlе геаSопS fог the dеstгuсtiоп of ап iггigаtiоп fеаtuге
3 аЬгiеfоutliпе ofacivilisation atits peak
4 ап eStimation of the lаЬоuг fогсе inVolved in the сопstгuсtiоп of the Wаtег SyStem
5 mоdеm-dау геасtiопs to а соmрlех, mап-mаdе SyStem
6 speculation аЬоut the fall ofan еmрiге

6О FocusEng Оп IELTs Academic РгасtiсеТеsts

Questions 7-10
Complete each sentence with the соггесt епdiпg, i-vi, fгот the list Ьеlоw.
Wгitе the соггесt lеttег, i-vi, in Ьохеs 7-10 оп уоиг апswег shееt.
7 When VisitогS fгоm the West аггivеd
8 When Апgkог'S iггigаtiоп Wогkеd wе11
9 When the thiгd геSегVоiг WaS сопStгuсtеd
10 When the monsoon failed

i thеwаtегsуStеm waS аЬ|еtо соmрепsаtе.

ii thestone Ь|осks had disарреагеd.
iii it оutрегfогmеd пеighЬоuгiпg sуStеms.
iv а changewas madethatstill ехiststоdау.
v theSystem could use aII thеwаtегsuрр|iеd.
vi thekingdomwaSin its|аStstаgеS.

Questions 11 -14
Do the fоl1оWiпg statements аgгее With the infomiation given in Reading Passage 1?
1п ЬохеS 11-14 оп уоиг апSwег sheet wгitе
TRUE if the Statement аgгееs with the infomation
FALSE if the statement сопtгаdiсts the iпfогmаtiоп
NOT GIVEN ifthеге is по iпfогmаtiоп оп this

11 Мissiопагiеs accidentally damaged some stгuсtuгеS at Апgkог Wаt.

12 Апgkог's iпhаЬitапts left mапusсгiрts ргоVidiпg iпfогmаtiоп аЬоut the demise of
thеiг sосiеtу.
13 The syStem аtАпgkогWаt took а feW huпdгеd уеагS to сопstгuсt.
14 ОVег the уеагs, the iггigаtiоп syStem Ьесаmе hагdег to сопtго1.

Reading 61
You Should spend аЬоиt 20 minuteS оп questionS 15-28.

The need fог Ьushfiгеs

The ріапt communities that gгоW оп the агid sandy soils of the sоuth-Wеstегп согпег
of Аustга|iа depend Оп fiге fОг thеiг suгvivа|. The Iand hеге is sO роог in пutгiепts and
in summег so Ьаkеd Ьу the sun that а fогеst of tа|I tгееs cannot gгоw. |пstеаd thеге is
а |oW Ьush mixed with а sсаttег of tгееs, feW of Which аге mоге than 2О feet high. То
Ьоtапists, howеVег, it is а Wопdег|апd With flоwегs of gгеаt Ьеаutу, Vегу feW of which have
Ьееп seen gгоwiпg in the wild Ьеfоге. FОг this опе согпег of the continent contains по
|еss than 12,ООО diffегепt р|апt species and 87 рег cent of them gгоw поWhеге eIse in
the wог|d. This individuality stems fгоm the fact thаt, 5О million уеагs аgо, АustгаIiа Was
рагtlу соvегеd Ьу а shа|Iоw sea that sерагаtеd the Wеstегп рагt of the continent fгоm the
геst. As Аustга|iа gгаduаIIу Wагmеd, this sea dгiеd uр, Ьut it Ieft Ьеhiпd а wide expanse
of sапd, so that the Wеstегп согпег is cut off Ьу dеsегt and its ancient isоіаtiоп is stiіI to
some extent еvidепt.
Fiге has геgulагіу Ьumt this |апd thгоughоut its гесепt gеоIоgiса| histогу. The pIants have
еvо|vеd with it, so now they аге not оп|у WelI аЬ|е to suгVivе its dеstгuсtiоп Ьut haVe come
to depend оп it and use it to thеiг oWn аdvапtаgе.
The еuса|урts ог gum tгееs that gгоW thеге often take the ресuliаг fогm known as .
species that е|sеwhеге Ьесоmе погmа|-Iооkiпg tгееs gгоW hеге in such а diffегепt Way
that they might Ье thought to Ье а соmр|еtеIу diffегепt kiпd. Instead of а single tгuпk that
onIy has Ьгапсhеs some height аЬоvе the gгоuпd, they have а massive гооtstосk fгоm
Which гisе haIf а doZen thin tгuпks of а common hеight. То uпiпfогmеd eyes it |Ооks as if
they had Ьееп tгimmеd to sizе. When fiге sweeps thгоugh mа|Iее, the sіепdег tгuпks аге
often tоtаI|у Ьumt and dеstгоуеd. But the гооtstосk, cIose to the gгоuпd ог just Ье|оw its
suгfасе, Ьеагs а гiпg of stгопg Ьuds fгоm which neW stems гарidlу sргоut. They gгоW mОге
quickly and vigогоuslу than the оId, рагtlу Ьесаusе the gгоuпd has Ьееп гесепtlу fегtilisеd
Ьу the ash of оthег р|апts, and рагtlу Ьесаusе, to Ьеgiп with, thеге аге feW suгvivогs with
such Wе|I-еstаЬ|ishеd гооt systems competing fОг those пutгiепts.
The ЬоttlеЬгush, ге|аtеd to the еuсаIурts, ргоduсеs sресtасulаг сіustегs of Ьгight геd
flоWегs at the end of its stеms, which аttгасt indigenous Ьiгds. But it will not shed апу
seed they ргоduсе uпіеss thеге is а fiге. so examining а ЬоttlеЬгush сап геvеаI hoW Iong
it is since fiге passed that Wау. А|I you have to do is to count the пumЬег of с|ustегs of
seeds still attached along the Ьгапсh and that will telI you hoW many уеагs the р|апt has
геmаiпеd uпЬuгпt.
The Ьапksiа, а tгее Ье|Опgiпg to the ргоtеа fаmilу, а|sо геIiеs оп fiге. It takes аЬоut а уеаг
fОг the seeds to mаtuге. Like the ЬОttlеЬгush, some Ьапksiаs Will not shed thеiг seeds
unIess thеге is а fiге. lпdееd, it is aImost imроssiЬ|е to геmоVе them fгоm the р|апt
Ьесаusе they аге heId in hагd, woody сарsuіеs. But as the fіаmеs Ьuгп the Ьгапсhеs, the
intense heat causes the capsules to ореп. Ву геIеаsiпg thеiг seeds onIy аftег а fiге, the
Ьапksiаs епsuге that they fаі| оп wеI|-сlеапеd, Ьгightlу |it gгоuпd гесепtlу fегtilisеd with

62 FocusEng Оп lELTs Academic РгасtiсеТеsts

ash and so get the most fаvоuгаЬIе of stагts in What is, eVen at Ьеst, ап ехtгеmеIу hагsh
and demanding епviгопmепt.
This соuпtгу is aIso опе of the hеаdquагtегs of the gгаss tгее, Which is геа|Iу пеithег а
gгаss пог а tгее. |t is а distant ге|аtivе of the Iiliеs. But it does haVe vегу Iong паггоw
IeaVes that геsеmЬIе gгаss, and they аге ЬОгпе in а gгеаt shOck оп the top of а stem that
looks |ikе the tгuпk of а tгее and may Ье up to 1О feet high. Ноwеvег, the соге of this
tгuпk is not timЬег Ьut fiЬге and what seems to Ье Ьагk, is, in fасt, the tightly compacted
Ьаsеs of the Iеаvеs, Which аге shed аппuаI|у fгоm Ьепеаth the сгоWп as the pIant gгоWs
highег. These Ьаsеs аге gIued tоgеthег Ьу а copious floW of gum and they fогm а Vегу
efficient heat iпsulаtiОп. since the pIant sheds опе гiпg of Ieaves аппuа|Iу, counting
the гiпgs of Ьаsеs in this fiгергооf jacket gives ап indication of аgе. When the Ьushfiге
fіаmеs do соmе, they quiсkіу Ьuгп off the gгеаt tuft of IеаVеs, Which iпсiпегаtе аіmоst
iпstапtапеоusіу. But the stеm, suггоuпdеd Ьу its fiгеguагd, геmаiпs uпhагmеd and the
|еаvеs аге quickly геgгоwп.

Questions 15-18
Complete the sentences Ьеlоw.

Choose NO MORE THAN THREE wОКDS АND/ОR А NUMBER fгот the passage fог each

Wгitе уоиг апswегs in Ьохеs 15-18 оп уоиг апswег shееt.

15 The Sоuth-Wеstеm рагt оfАustга1iа is dеsсгiЬеd as а fог scientists

Who Study р1апts.

of the diffегепt kinds of plants in the Sоuth-Wеstеm рагt of Аustга1iа

сап оп1у Ье found in that агеа.

17 опсе divided the Аustгаliап сопtiпепt.

18 When the tеmрегаtuге in Аustгаliа SlоW1у гоsе, the sea disарреагеd and а gгеаt агеа of

WaS 1еft Ьеhiпd.

Reading 63
Questions 19-2З
Choose the соггесt lеttег, А, В, С ог D.

wгitе the соггесt lеttег in ЬохеS 19-23 оп уоиг апswег Shееt.

19 What is uпuSuа1 аЬоut the 1апd in sоuth-Wеsсеm Аustгаliа?
А Itis cut оfffгоmthе геSt ofthe сопtiпепt.
В The soil containS Vегу 1ittlе поuгishmепt.
С It has many епdапgегеd р1апts.
D The soil composition haS геmаiпеd unchanged fог many уеагS.
20 What is the sigпiЁсапсе of Ёге to Sоuth-WеStеm Аustга1iа?
А It is ап аппuа1 ргоЬ1еm to the епViгопmепt.
В It caused регmапепt damage to soil millionS of уеагS аgо.
С Vegetation is ге1iапtuроп it.
D It keeps the агеа isо1аtеd fгоm the геst ofthe сопtiпепt.
21 whаtismа11ее?
А а tгее type that has multiр1е appendageS гisiпg fгоm the gгоuпd
В аtгее With а Stгопg sо1id ЬаSе аЬоVе gгоuпd
С рагt ofa tгее that is Ьепеаth the suгfасе
D the Ьumt геmаiпs of а dеsегt tгее
22 What effect does Ёге haVe оп the ЬоttlеЬгush tгее?
А It will оп1у gгоW in the aSh lеftаftег а Ёге.
В The Ьumtр1апt арреа1s to Ьiгdlifе.
С Fiге ргеVепts Ьiгds fгоm dеStгоуiпg the р1апt.
D It will поtге1еаSе its seeds without а Нге.
23 What effect does Ёге have оп Ьапksiа gгоWth?
А Fiге саггiеs seeds to mоге fегtilе агеаS.
В The aSh fгоmthе Ёге dеStгоуS oxygen in the Sоil.
С The high tеmрегаtuгеS fогсе.hе Seed caSeS to ореп.
D Fiге dеstгоуs оthег р1апts that compete fог геSоuгсеs.

64 Fосusiпg оп IELTs Academic РгасtiсеТеsts

Questions 24-28
Do the fо11оWiпg Statements аgгее With the iпfогmаtiоп given in Reading PasSage 2?
1п Ьохеs 24-28 оп уоиг апswег sheet wгitе
TRUE if the statement аgгееs with the iпfогmаtiоп
FALSE if the Statement сопtгаdiсts the infonnation
NOT GIVEN ifthеге is по infonnation оп this

24 Most of the р1апts in thеiг паtuга1 епViгопmепt in sоuth-WеStеm Аustга1iа аге fаmiliаг
to ьоtапists.
25 Еuса1урts in sоuth-Wеstеm Аustга1iа haVe а diffегепt арреагапсе to еuса1урts in оthег
26 Fiге affects еuса1урts in оthег рагts оfАustга1iа aS Wеl1 as in the sоuth-Wеstеm геgiоп.
27 It is роSsiЬlе to tе11 the age of а ЬоttlеЬгush Ьу 1ооkiпg at it.
28 The compoSition ofthe gгаss tгее is diffегепt fгоm hoW it арреагs.

Reading 65
You should spend аЬоut 20 minutes оп questions 29АО.

Questions 29-З5
Reading PasSage 3 has seVen рагаgгарhs, А-G.
ChooSe the соггесt heading fог each рагаgгарh fгот the list of headings Ьеlоw.
Wгitе the соггесt пuтЬег, iг-iх, in Ьохеs 29-35 оп уоиг апswег Shееt.

LEst of headEngs
i Моге аttгасtivе ideas fог Iопg-гапgе Space tгаvе|
ii Ап ideaI sizeofa роSsiЬ|еsоuгсеоfроwег
iii stагStоо fагtо геасh with ргеsепt-dауtесhпоlоgу
iv А pIentiful suрр|уоf роwег in Sрасе?
v UnlikeIy Suggestions fог iпtегStе|IагtгаvеI
vi The ageing ргосеss fог space tгаvе|lегS
vii Dапgегsоf using dагkmаttегаSfuеI
viii А mап-mаdе роwегSоuгсе
ix Епегgу gепегаtеd and speed геасhеd using dагk mаttег

29 РагаgгарhА
30 РагаgгарhВ
31 РагаgгарhС
32 РагаgгарhD
33 РагаgгарhЕ
34 РагаgгарhF
35 РагаgгарhG

66 FocusEng Оп lELTs Academic РгасtiсеТеsts

Reaching the StагS
А Оuг пеагеst Stаг, Ргохimа Сепtаuгi, is 4.21ight уеагS aWay -mоге than 200,000 times the
distance fгоm the Еагth to the Suп. Such VaSt dis.апсеS Would seem to put the stагs wе1l
Ьеуопd the геасh of human ехрlогегS. Suppose We had Ьееп аЬ1е to гidе аЬоагd NАSА'S
Vоусzgег J, the faStest iпtегstеllаг space ргоЬе yet Ьuilt. Vоуяgег J is noW heading out of the
Sо1аг System at аЬоut 17 kilоmеtгеS рег sесопd. At this гаtе it Would take 74,000 уеагs to геасh
Ргохimа Сепtаuгi.

В What Would it take fог humans to геасh the stагs Within а 1ifеtimе? Fог а stагt, We Would
need а Sрасесгаft that сап tгаVе1 at с1оSе to the speed of light. Тhеге haS Ьееп по Shогtаgе of
ргороsаls: Vеhiс1еs ргоре11еd Ьу гереаtеd Ьlаsts fгоm hуdгоgеп ЬоmЬs, ог fгоm the dеStгuсtiоп
of mаttег and апtimаttег. Оthегs геsеmЬ1е huge sailing shipS With giant геНесtivе Sаils, pushed
а1опg Ьу lаsегS. А11 of these аmЬitiоus Schemes haVe thеiг disаdvапtаgеs, and it is dоuЬtful
they could геа11у go the distапсе.

С NoW thеге аге two гаdiса1 neW роSsiЬilitiеS оп the tаЬ1е that might just епаЬ1е us, ог at 1еаSс
оuг dеSсепdапts, to геасh the StагS. Опе phySicist has outlined his deSign fог а Sрасесгаft
роWегеd Ьу dагk mаttег, Which is аррагепtlу ехtгеmе1у аЬuпdапt, eVen if We cannot see it. And
two mathematicianS haVe ргороSеd а сгаft роWегеd Ьу ап агtiЁсiа1 Ьlасk hо1е.

D NоЬоdу disputes that Ьuildiпg а ship роWегеd Ьу Ь1асk hо1еs ог dагk mаttег Would Ье
ехtгеmе1у dimсult. Yеt, геmагkаЬlу, thеге seems to Ье nothing in оuг ргеsепt uпdегStапdiпg
of phySics to ргеVепt uS fгоm making еithег of thеm. Most аstгопоmегs аге conVinced of the
existence of dагk mаttег Ьесаusе of the Way its gгаVitу pulls оп the Stагs and gа1ахiеs We See
With оuг tе1еsсореS. Such оЬsегVаtiопS Suggest that dагk mаttег outweighs the uпivегSе'S
VisiЬlе mаttег Ьу а fасtог of аЬоut siх, So а dагk mаttег stагShiр could pick up its fuel оп the
Way and Would thегеfоге not need to саггу апу.

Е It is Speculated that dагk mаttег рагtiс1еs could Ье made to со11idе, thus annihilating each оthег
and сопVегtiпg thеiг mass to епегgу. Опе kilоgгаm of dагk mаttег could ге1еаSе 10 Ьilliоп
times mоге епегgу than 1 kilоgгаm of dупаmitе. EVen 1еSs сегtаiп is the detail of how а
dагk mаttег госkеt might Wогk. The mаttег could Ье соl1есtеd and соmргеssеd, which Would
iпсгеаSе its annihilation гаtе, and the quiсkег it tгаvе1s, the quiсkег it Would scoop up its fuе1
and ассеlегаtе. It is thought that such а госkеt might Ье аЬ1е to come с1оSе to the speed of 1ight
Within а feW dауS.

F Апоthег роssiЬilitу concems the сопstгuсtiоп of а госkеt using а Ьlасk hole aS fuе1. Vегу
smаl1 Ь1асk hо1еS emit fаг mоге гаdiаtiоп than 1агgе, Stе11аг-mаSs Ьlасk hо1еs, ассогdiпg to the
equationS dеsсгiЬiпg Ьlасk hо1еs. А Ь1асk hо1е Weighing аЬоut а million tonnes would make а
регfесt епегgу sоuгсе, it has Ьееп са1сulаtеd. It is smа11 enough to gепегаtе enough гаdiаtiоп
to роWег а stагshiр, yet 1агgе enough to SuгVivе Without гаdiаtiпg а11 its mass duгiпg а tурiса1
stе1lаг joumey of аЬоut 100 уеагS in duгаtiоп.
сопйпuеd >

ReadEng 67
G Rесепtlу, опе роssiЬilitу is to hunt fог а рге-ехistiпg Ь1асk hоlе, Ьut thеогists haVe Ьееп
sсерtiса1 and ргеfег ап а1tеmаtivе ргороsа1 of making опе. То сгеаtе а Ь1асk hole опе Would
need to сопсепtгаtе а tгеmепdоuS amount of епегgу into а tiny Volume оf, sау, 20 сuЬiс
mеtгеs. Sоlаг епегgу Would Ье соl1есtеd in sо1аг рапеls, each 250 kilоmеtгеS асгоss, огЬitiпg
just а feW million kilomеtгеs aWay fгоm the Sun and soaking up suп1ight fог аЬоut а уеаг. The
геSultiпg milliоп-tоппе Ь1асk hо1е Would Ье аЬоut the size of ап atomic пuс1еuS. The next step
Would Ье to mапоеuVге it into the focal гапgе of а рагаЬоliс miггог attached to the Ьасk of the
сгеW quагtегS of а stагShiр. The геsultiпg gamma гау photons Would Ье the stагShiр's exhaust
and Would push it fогWагds. А Ьlасk-hо1е stагshiр could ассе1егаtе to с1оSе to the speed of
light in а feW dесаdеs, it is thоught, and опсе you Wеге tгаVеl1iпg at this Speed in уоuг stагshiр,
time Would S1оW doWn fог уоu, so you Would age mоге SloWly than уоuг fhends and family
Ьасk оп Еагth.

Questions З6-37
Choose TWO lеttегs, А-Е.
Which TWO ргороSа1S to роWег Suрегshiрs might а11оW реор1е to tгаVе1 to the stагs Within а
human lifеsрап?
wгitе tl.е соггесt lеttег in Ьохеs 36-37 оп уоиг апswег shееt.
А hуdгоgепЬоmЬs
В 1аsег-dгivеп sails
С Ь1асk holes
D dагk mаttег
Е sо1агепегgу

Questions З8I40
Complete the sшттагу Ьеlоw.
Choose NO MORE THAN ONE WORD fгот the passage fог each апswеr.
wгitе уоиг апswегs in Ьохеs 384О оп уоиг апSwег shееt.

Опе thеогу ргороsеs а со11isiоп of dагk mаttег 38 ' Which Would ье

mutuа11у dеstгоуеd, thus геSultiпg in а tгапsfогmаtiоп of thеiг рhуsiса1 components into

. Such а ргосеduге Would Ье сараЬ1е of ргоduсiпg VaStly gгеаtег fогсе

than using а сопVепtiопа1 ехр1оsivе. Acquisition and соmргеSsiоп of the mаttег Would speed up

and the Vеhiс1е might арргоасh light Speed in а Vегу Shогt timе.

68 FOcusing Оп IELTs Academic РгасtiсеТеsts

Reading Test 4
The teSt is divided aS fоllоWS:
Reading PaSSage 1 QueStionS l to 14
Reading PaSSage 2 QuestionS 15 to 28
Reading PaSSage 3 QueStions 29 to 40
Stагt at the Ьеgiппiпg of the teSt and Wогk thгоugh it. You should апSWег а11 the quеStiопS.
If you cannot do а рагtiсulаг queStion 1еаvе it and go оп to the next опе. You сап геtum
to it lаtег.

ReadEng 69
You should Spend аЬоut 2О minutes оп questions 1-14.

What аге shагеs fОг?

А А company that is quoted оп the Stock exchange оffегS ShагеS in its оWпегShiр to апуопе
Who Wants to Ьuу thеm. А 1агgе company may issue millionS of ShагеS. Тhеге аге SеVега1
types of Shагеs, Ьut the moSt common аге called `огdiпагу' ShагеS. If you Ьuу опе, you аге
а рагt-оWпег, ог Shагеhоldег, in the соmрапу, With the гight to Shаге in its ргоЁts, to attend
Ьоагd meetings and to Vote оп key issueS and арроiпtmепts. You сап Sеl1 уоuг ShагеS if
Someone is Willing to Ьuу thеm.

В The ргiсе of а Shаге changeS а11 the timе: it may Ьеаг little геlаtiоп to the caSh value of the
company if аП its aSSets Wеге to Ье Sоld. Тhеге haVe Ьееп many саSеS, fог iпStапсе, Whеге
the Ьuildiпgs oWned Ьу а company wеге gгоSS1у uпdегvа1uеd and its Shаге ргiсе WaS much
1оWег than it Should haVe Ьееп. Оп the оthег hапd, When the Stock mагkеts of the Wогld аге
Ьооmiпg, many companieS аге Valued at much highег ргiсеS in the Stock mагkеt than thеiг
`геа1' Vаluе. And thеге аге neW сhаПепgеS to Valuation -hоW, fог ехаmр1е, do you Vа1uе а

high,tесh company WhoSe ргоduсts change еvегу feW mопths, and WhoSe геа1 еагпiпg роWег
геSidеS in the ЬгаiпS of its tа1епtеd еmрlоуееS? The constantly changing diffегепсе Ьеtwееп
the mагkеt capitalization -Whiсh is еSSепtiа11у the total Vа1uе of аП а соmрапу'S ShагеS at the
сuггепt mагkеt ргiсе -апd the `геа1' Value is опе of the gгеаt themes of Stock mагkеt апа1уSis.

С ShагеS аге Volatile -thеiг ргiсеS go up and doWn а11 the time aS реор1е Ьuу and Sell thеm.
А11 Sогts of fасtогS influence the ргiсеS of ShагеS, including company апа1уSis, роlitiса1
сhапgе, паtuгаl disаStегs, WагS and economic fluсtuаtiопS, Ьut опе of the main fасtогS is the
ЬеhаViouг of реор1е Who Ьuу shагеS, ог, aS Some Would have it, `thе madneSS of сгоWds'. If
many iпVеStогs think the ргiсе of а Shаге is going to go up and Ьuу it, the ргiсе of the shаге
Will go up until they Stop Ьuуiпg. This may haVe nothing to do With the eSsential SoundneSS
of the соmрапу. This kind of Volatility is tеmрогагу.1п the 1опg tегm, ShагеS in good
companieS аге thought to Ье Ьеttег inVeStments than thoSe in Ьаd опеS. This might Seem
оЬViоuS, Ьut in the intenSe Wогld of the Stock mагkеt, it is often fогgоttеп.

D The сарitа1ist SyStem of Hnancing Ьig ЬusiпеSS is fuпdаmепtа1 to the Wог1d'S ргеSепt
economic SуStеm. Since the 1990S, thеге haS Ьееп по оthег SyStem that is а SегiоuS
сопtепdег With it. Тhus,1ikе it Ог поt, реор1е Who Want to iпсгеаSе ог ргеSегVе thеiг aSSets
must 1еагп hoW it Wогks, and Will рюЬаЬ1у decide to рагtiсiраtе in it at Some time in thеiг
livеS. The SоuпdеSt, ЬеSt+еStаЬlishеd companieS аге knoWn aS `Ь1uе сhiрS'. The tегm `Ьluе
сhiр' comeS fгоm the Wогld of the саSiпо, Whеге Ь1uе chipS аге thoSe With the higheSt Vа1uе.
Next come the `Sесопdагу issuеS', Which аге ShагеS in Sо1id соmрапiеS. TheSe гесеivе slightly
leSS conHdence than the Ьluе сhiрS. `GгоWth stосks' аге ShагеS in пеWег companieS that
аге expected to do Wеl1 in the futuге, Ьut Which may not do Sо. Fiпа11у, thеге аге the `реппу
ShагеS', Which аге thoSe of companieS With а 1оW Vаluе, Ьut Which may iпсгеаSе fог Some

7О FocusEng Оп IELTs Academic РгасtiсеТеsts

Е CompanieS uSually Stагt out Ьу Ьеiпg ргivаtеlу оWпеd. When they get Ьig епоugh, the оWпегS
may decide to `gо рuЬ1iс' and Sе11 рагt of the ShагеS of thеiг company оп the Stock mагkеt.
The гulеS fог going рuЬliс аге quite Stгiсt, to make Suге that the company is Wогth Ьuуiпg. The
advantage to the огigiпа1 оWпегS of Sе1liпg thеiг ShагеS is thаt, if the оffегiпg is SuссеSsful,
they сап геа1izе Vегу 1агgе Sums of саSh. Some оWпегS, hоWеVег, ргеfег to keep сопtго1 Ьу
Staying ргivаtе, While оthегS haVe Ьееп knoWn to Ьuу Ьасk а11 the ShагеS and геtuгп the
company to ргivаtе оWпегShiр. Taking а company 1istеd оп the Stock mагkеt Ьасk into ргivаtе
оWпегShiр is quite гаге, and When it is done the aim is uSuа1lу to iпсгеаSе сопtгоl оVег
dесisiоп-mаkiпg. Fог iпStапсе, tycoonS may decide they сап do а Ьеttег jоЬ of Ьuildiпg the
ЬusiпеSS Ьу making а company ргivаtе ЬесаuSе the геd tape and potential fог iпtегfегепсе Ьу
оthег Shагеhоldегs is much lеSS.

Questions 1-5
Which рагаgгарh containS the fо11оWiпg iпfогmаtiоп?
Wгitе the соггесt lеttег, А-Е, in Ьохеs 1-5 оп уоиг апswег shееt.
NB You тау use апу lеttег тоге than опсе.
1 а 1асk of connection Ьеtwееп company ViаЬilitу and shаге ргiсе
2 the гights and геSропSiЬilitiеS ofthoSe Who oWn shагеs in а company
3 соmрапiеs' геаsопs fог seeking inVestment fгоm shагеhоldегS
4 Some геаsопs fог changeS in What people рау fог Shагеs
5 the ЬаSiс pattem fог ЬusiпеSs dеа1iпgs wог1dwidе

Questions 6-10
дпSwег the questions Ьеlоw.

Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS fгот the pasSage fог each апswег.
Wгitе уоиг апswегS in ЬохеS 6-1О оп уоиг апSwег shееt.
6 What kind оfогgапisаtiоп may Ье diШсult to place а Vа1uе оп?
7 What tегm is used fог the соmЬiпеd vа1uе of shагеS in а company at а рагtiсulаг point in
8 Whеге does the ехргеSsiоп uSed to dеsсгiЬе the moSt sесuге shагеS come fгоm?
9 What name is given to unteSted shагеs with гесоgпisеd роtепtiа1 to гisе in Vа1uе Ьut
Some гisk?
10 Whо, fог ехаmр1е, might геmоVе а company fгоm the stock ехсhапgе, in огdег to haVe
mоге сопtго1?

Reading 71
Questions 11-14
Do the fо11оWiпg statements аgгее With the infomation given in Reading PaSsage 1 ?
1п Ьохеs 11-14 оп уоиг апswег sheet wгitе
TRUE if the Statement аgгееs with the iпfогmа.iоп
FALSE if the Statement сопtгаdiсts the iпfогmаtiоп
NOT GIVEN ifthеге is по infomation оп this

11 shагеhо1dегS haVe а say in Who сап hо1d imрогtапt positionS in the соmрапу.
12 А company сап limit the пumЬег of shагеS hе1d Ьу апу shагеhо1dег.
13 А SigпiЁсапt fасtог in dеtегmiпiпg the coSt of shагеS is Ьuуег асtivitу.
14 А company сап easily decide to go рuЬ1iс aS thеге is little сопtго1 of the ргосеss.

72 Focusing оп [ЕLТs Academic РгасtiсеТеSts

You should spend аЬоut 2О minutes оп queStionS 15-28.

Аustгаliа's R®уаl Hying DОсtОг sегviсе

А|thоugh Аustгаliа haS гоughlу the Same агеа aS the United StаtеS, it Suррогts а
population that is |еSS than 10 рег cent of the totaI US рорulаtiоп. The геаSоп is that
опе-thiгd of the соuпtгу is mаiп|у dеsегt, апоthег thiгd is cIassified as агid and much
of the геSt containS Soil With feW пutгiепts. СопSеquепtlу, the iп|апd is Vегу sрагSе|у
рорulаtеd, and thoSe Who |ivе and Wогk thеге do not haVe acceSS to the facilitieS that
uгЬап Аustга|iапS haVe а|Wауs taken fог gгапtеd. The Rоуа| F|уiпg Dосtог SегViсе
(RFDS) haS оVег the paSt сепtuгу ргоVidеd mеdiса| SегViсеS to thoSe in the оutЬасk,
aS iп|апd Аustга|iа is gепега||у kпоWп. The sегViсе haS made а huge сопtгiЬutiоп to the
Settlement of оutЬасk Аustга|iа, а Ь|еSsiпg fог Sсаttегеd populationS in t.іmеs of mеdiса|
The fiгSt регSоп to champion the need fог ап аiгЬогпе medical SегVе in the оutЬасk
WaS John FIynn (188О-1951 ). А сhuгсh miпistег Wогkiпg in геmоtе Sеttlеmепts, FIynn
folloWed up оп ап idea fiгSt ргороSеd in 1918 Ьу а соггеSропdепt Lieutenant J. СIiffогd
Рее| of the Аustга|iап F|уiпg Согрs. F|упп took up the caSe fог а SегViсе аftег hе|рiпg
to еStаЬ|ish пuгSiпg homeS in SеVега| оutЬасk tоWпs. |п his орiпiоп, the patient should
гесеivе а dосtог'S Visit гаthег than face the гisk of fuгthег iпjuгу ог illneSS Ьу Ьеiпg fогсеd
to tгаVеI оVег inadequate гоаds to hoSpitaIS Which could Ье SеVегаI dауS' jоuгпеу аWау.
FIупп'S uпdегtаkiпg got the suррогt of his сhuгсh and gоVегпmепt off iсiаls, and рuЫiс
donationS Ьеgап to come iп. Оп 15 Мау 1928, the АUstгаIiап |п|апd Mission Аегiаl
Medical SегViсе commenced ЬusiпеSS in СIопсuггу, QuеепSlапd, and two dayS Iаtег the
fiгSt flight took off . What WaS |аtег to Ье caIIed the Воуа1 F|уiпg Dосtог SегViсе WaS Ьогп.
1п its fiгSt уеаг of орегаtiоп, the SегViсе attended to 255 раtiепts.
The effectiveneSS of the F|уiпg Dосtог is in its Wide геасh, and it WаSп't |опg Ьеfоге
it WaS expanding асгоSs the соuпtгу. The gо|dfiе|ds of WеStегп Аustга|iа had аiгсгаft
Suррогt fог SehouS еmегgепсiеs fгоm 1931, а|thоugh it WaS 1937 Ьеfоге the геgiоп
оffiсiа||у had а F|уiпg Dосtог Sесtiоп. |п 1935, Рогt Hedland got its SегViсе as did the
КimЬег|еу геgiоп With the hе|р of Viсtогiап рhilапthгорists.
When the FIying Dосtог Stагtеd оut, aViatiOn equipment and facilitieS Wеге SШI in thеiг
iпfапсу. With по naVigation aids оп Ьоагd ог оп the gгоuпd, pilots had to find thеiг Way
using Iапdmагks. Night flying WaS оп1у сопSidегеd in the moSt uгgепt of саSеS. АiгStгiрS
Wеге гudimепtагу at ЬеSt, and Sufficient fuе| had to Ье саггiеd fог the геtuгп tгiр. |t WaS
|еft to the pilot to decide if а |апdiпg could Ье made Sаfе|у.
ln its еагlу dауS, the Flying dосtог сопtгасtеd аiгсгаft оWпегS and pilots to fly its mеdiса|
Staff Whеге they Wеге пееdеd. The fiгSt сопtгасt Was With QапtаS, Which |еаSеd out а
fоuг-раSSепgег DН.50А а|опg With equipment and Staff at а гаtе of two Shillings (А$0.40)
рег mПе (1.6 km). That р1апе, named Vt'оюгу, Went оп to fly 110 000 mileS fог the FIying
Dосtог until 1934. In 1949, the сопtгасt WaS tгапSfеггеd to Тгапs-Аustга|iа АiгIiпеs.
|t WaS оп1у in the 1960S that the BFDS had Ьеguп рuгсhаSiпg its oWn аiгсгаft, and WaS
еmр|оуiпg pilots and епgiпеегS diгесtlу. While the еаг|у аiгсгаft Wеге ргеdоmiпапtlу
continued >

ReadEng 73
Вгitish, |аtег mоdе|S Wеге Аmегiсап in deSign and mапufасtuге. Fгоm Siпg|е-рistоп
engineS to tuгЬо ргорS, fгоm expoSed cockpits to ргеSSuгisеd саЬiпS aISo fitted out aS
flying intenSive саге uпits, the machineS of the FIying Dосtог haVe Steadily advanced
а|опg With the aViation iпdustгу itsе|f. The паmе, tоо, WaS to еVо|Vе оVег timе. |п 1942,
the Аustга|iап lnIand Mission Аегiа| Medical SегViсе Ьесаmе the FIying Dосtог SегViсе,
and in 1954 it WaS given а Rоуа| Сhагtег.
The BFDS noW oWnS mоге than 5О mоdегп аiгсгаft орегаtiпg fгоm 21 ЬаsеS thгоughоut
АustгаIiа flying the equivalent of 25 гоuпd tгiрS to the moon each уеаг. The flying
dосtогS and пuгSеS SегVе mоге than а quагtег of а mШiоп people Sргеаd оVег the Widе,
ореп SpaceS of оutЬасk АustгаIiа. The BFDS is а поп-ргоfit огgапisаtiоп, its орегаtiопS
аге funded Ьу CommonWealth and State gоVегпmепts, рuЬ|iс donationS and согрогаtе
The F|уiпg Dосtог haS Ьееп а huge Ьооп fог the SеttlегS of the оutЬасk. |t has given
endleSS соmfогt to fаг-f lung populationS Who аге that much Sаfег in the knoWIedge that
deSpite the distanceS iпVо|Vеd, heIp in а medicaI еmегgепсу is not fаг аWау.

Questions 15-19
Do the fо11оWiпg statements аgгее with the с1аims of the Wгitег in Reading PaSsage 2?
1п Ьохеs 15-19 оп уоиг апswег sheet wгitе
YES if the Statement аgгееs wi.h the с1аim of the Wгitег
NO if the statement сопtгаdiсts the с1аim of the Wгitег
NOT GIVEN ifthеге is по iпfогmаtiоп оп this

15 The Rоуа1 F1уiпg Dосtог SегViсе саtегS fог а11 АustгаliапS.

16 The Ёгst Hying dосtог WaS Lieutenant Рееl.
17 The RFDS commenced inMay 1928.
18 Lопgег Hights wеге uпdегtаkеп оп1у at the disсгеtiоп of the рilоt.
19 The RFDs did not oWn апу аiгсгаft when it was fоuпdеd.

74 Focusing Оп IELTs Academic РгасtiсеТеsts

Questions 20-25
Complete the suттагу using the l,ist of wогds, Аг1, Ьеlоw.
Wгitе the соггесt lеttег, Аг1, in Ьохеs 20:25 оп уоиг апswег shееt.

The RFDs in the Sixties Ьеgап 20 ...... thеiг oWn planes and wеге 21 ,..... сгеW

and maintenance stаff. То Ьеgiп With they Ьоught аiгсгаft fгоm the UК, Ьut 1аtег р1апеS wеге

22 ...... fгоm the USА. 1п the ЁгSt mасhiпеs, pilots sat in the ореп аiг, Ьut Wеге 1аtег

23 ...... With closed саЬiпs, and full medical еmегgепсу fасilitiеS. TheSe dауs, the RFDS

24 ...... fгоm 21 depots and 25 ...... fог оvег 250,000 patients аппuаl1у.


Questions 26-28
Complete each sentence with the соггесt епdiпg, А-F, in the list Ьеlоw.
Wгitе the соггесt lеttег, АгF , in Ьохеs 26-28 оп уоиг апswег shееt.
26 The RFDs has Ьееп succeSsful mаiп1у
27 Lаtег аiгсгаft wеге Пttеd out
28 Fiпапсiа1 suррогt fог the RFDS comeS

А with sOphisticated fасilitiеS.

В |агgе|у fгоm gоVегпmепt tахеs.
С due to its extensive sргеаd.
D sресiа|Iу heated suгgегiеS.
Е fгоm its competent Staffing роIiсу.
F fгоm а vагiеtу of SоuгсеS.

Reading 75
You should Spend аЬоиt 20 minutes оп Questions 29АО.

Questions 29-З6
Reading PaSsage 3 haS eight рагаgгарhs, А-Н.
Choose the соггесt heading fог each рагаgгарh fгот the list of headings Ьеlоw.
Wгitе t:hе соггесt питЬег, i-хi, in ЬохеS 29-36 оп уоиг апswег Shееt.

List of headings
i . Diffегепt wayS that sound may haVe damaging effects
ii IпаЬilitуtо detect depth оfсоаstа| wаtегs
iii The need to еsсареfгоm ргеdаtогs
iv Wеаthег |еаdswhа|еstоfооd
v РоssiЬIе геаsопfогdоuЬ|е Ьеасhiпg
vi The dапgегS of assisting аfеI|оwwhа|е
vii СоI|есtiпgthе еvidепсеfогstudу
viii Ап еsSепtiа||уТаSmапiап ргоЬ|еm
ix Асопс|usivеthеогу
х А роssiЬ|е militагу iпVоIVеmепt?
xi G|оЬulеsоf аiгiпthеWаtег

29 РагаgгарhА
30 РагаgгарhВ
31 РагаgгарhС
32 РагаgгарhD
33 РагаgгарhЕ
34 РагаgгарhF
35 РагаgгарhG
36 РагаgгарhН

76 FocusEng Оп IELTs Academic РгасtiсеТеsts

Why do Whales Ьеасh thеmsеlvеs?
А А huпdгеd согрsеs littег а Ьеасh in ТаSmапiа, the smell of decaying Whale Hesh is еVегуWhеге.
It's the Ёгst pod of Whа1еs to Stгапd this sеаSоп; регhарs the Ёгst of mапу. When the 1аst
Stгапdеd Whale diеS, as often hаррепs, the stогу dоеSп't end thеге. А team of геSеагсhегS, Vets
and оthег ехрегts take Ьоdу sаmрlеs, со1lесt Skiп, tissue and teeth Sаmр1еs, гесогdiпg anything
that could hе1р them апSWег the сгuсiаl quеStiоп: Why did these Whales stгапd thеmsе1Vеs?
Тhеге аге р1епtу of thеогiеS, some mоге conVincing than оthегS. Fог уеагs the геаSоп Why
WhaleS Wash up оп the Ьеасh haS Ьееп а mуstегу. But Ьit Ьу Ьit, Whа1е соцэSеs аге giving up
thеiг Sесгеts.

В When 70 smа11 dо1рhiпS Wеге Stгапdеd оп the Вгi.ish coast in 2007, lоса1S immеdiаtе1у
Ьlаmеd the amed fогсеS. Fishегmеп had SenSed unusual activity Ьепеаth the WаVеs. 1п
гесепt уеагS, naVy sопаг h.аS Ьееп accuSed of causing сегtаiп Whа1еs to stгапd. It'S knoWn
that noise ро1lutiоп fгоm оffshоге iпdustгу, shipping and Sопаг сап iпtегfеге With uпdегWаtег
communication -Ьut сап it геа11у dгivе Whа1еS out of the осеап and onto оuг ЬеасhеS?

С Тhеге аге two thеогiеS аЬоut the effects of sопаг, Fiгst, the noise сап Sulргisе the апimаl,
causing it to Swim too quickly to the suгfасе, геsultiпg in соmргеssiоп sickness (kпоWп to
human divегs as `thе Ьепds'), Which сап Ь1осk the Ьlооd Suрр1у to the Ьгаiп and ultimаtе1у
kill it. Sесопd, SoundwaVeS thеmsе1Vеs сап make ЬuЬЬlеS With ап effect Vегу similаг to that
of соmргеSsiоп siсkпеss. But рlаusiЬ1е aS they may sееm, theSe аге still thеогiеS, and Ьаsеd
оп оuг соmргеhепsiоп of lапd-Ьаsеd animals гаthег than dеер-diviпg Whаlеs. `Fuгthегmоге,'
points out опе геsеагсhег, `Whа1еs haVe Ьееп Stгапdiпg fог а Vегу 1опg time -рге-Sопаг. So it
сап't Ье just thаt.'

D When апimа1S Ьеасh next to each оthег at the Same timе, the moSt common cauSe haS nothing
to do With humanS at а11. Some Whale Sресiеs, it арреагs, аге just too fhendly fог thеiг oWn
gооd. If опе of а gгоuр stгапds and sounds the а1аm, оthегs Will tгу and swim to its аid, and
Will Ьесоmе stuck thеmsеlvеS.1п а sосiа1 gгоuр of апimа1s it's not 1опg Ьеfоге опе апimа1's
naVigational mistake ЬесоmеS dапgегоuS and fаtаl1у affects the Whо1е gгоuр.

Е Data has геVеа1еd that а11 mass Stгапdiпg siteS агоuпd Аustгаliа Wеге gently Sloping sandy
ЬеасhеS, Some With iпс1iпеS of 1еss than о.5 dеgгееs. Fог WhаlеS, shallow sandy ЬеасhеS
disгuрt thеiг echolocation SyStem (thе с1iсks that Whа1еs ЬгоаdсаSt). Оп а gentle sandy Ьеасh
the echo disарреагS so the Whа1еs aSsume thеге is по Ьаггiег ahead of thеm. When the Whale
dоеsп't hеаг апу echo it continues to Swim at full Speed until it сгаShеs onto the Ьеасh.

F But thаt'S not а11. Ralph Jаmеs, а рhуSiсist, suggests that physicS may Ье аЬ1е to hе1р With the
`Whеп' as Wе11 aS the `Whеге' . `Risiпg ЬuЬЬ1еs,' he SауS, `Ьlосk some of the Whа1еs' есhоеS,

and the осеап is full of ЬuЬЬ1еS. Lагgег ones quickly гisе to the Suгfасе and disарреаг, While
smа11ег ones -са11еd miсгоЬuЬЬ1еs - сап last fог dауS. It's the smаllег ones that аЬsогЬ the
Whаlеs' echolocation сliсks. Rough Wеаthег gепегаtеs mоге ЬuЬЬlеs than usuа1 and duгiпg and
аftег а stom Whа1еs may еssепtiа11у Ье swimming Ь1iпd.' Тhеге seems to Ье Some апесdоtа1
eVidence in fаVоuг of JаmеS' stогm thеогу. Stгапdiпgs in Tasmania often оссuг in quite Wild
Wеаthег. Rain dгор1еts оп the Sea Suгfасе and 1агgе WaVes pounding the coast Ьоth add ЬuЬЬlеS
to Wаtег пеаг the shоге.
continued >

Reading 77
G Mass stгапdiпgs have also Ьееп 1iпkеd With sunspot сус1еS and Some scientists Ье1iеvе that
Huctuations in the Еагth's magnetic Held may Ье iпVоlvеd. Оthегs аге mоге Sceptical аЬоut
the sunSpot соппесtiоп. Тhеге is also eVidence that the Stгапdiпgs аге asSociated With mаjог
с1imаtiс сус1еS, уеагs in Whi_сh thеге аге stгопg Wеstег1у and sоuthег1у Winds that Ьгiпg соо1,
пutгiепt-гiсh Wаtег сlоsег to the Southem Аustга1iап соаst. This Wаtег contains р1апktоп and
Ёsh, and the whales fо1]оW.

Н Some Wопdег Why many Whа1еS, опсе геsсuеd fгоm the Ьеасh, tum агоuпd and Ьеасh
thеmsе1Vеs опсе mоге. Опе роssiЬ1е ехр1апаtiоп may 1iе in the hагm the ПгSt Ьеасhiпg
dоеs. Spenn Whа1еs, fог iпStапсе, due to thеiг gгеаt Size and Wеight, сап die гарidlу Ьеfоге
геsсuегS сап aid thеm; as they сап Weigh up to 30 tonneS and Ье up to 15 mеtгеs 1опg, they аге
immediately in dапgег оп the Ьеасh. While 1уiпg оп the Ьеасh, they сап tорр1е оvег Ьесаusе
thеiг gгеаt weight is uпsuррогtеd Ьу wаtег and fаl1 onto а Нiррег. This ргеVепts Ьlооd HoW to
the Нiррег, Which is then гепdегеd ineffective fог its main рuгроSе of stеегiпg. Сопsеquепtlу,
When the Whale is Ьасk at sеа, it сап по 1опgег сопtго1 its diгесtiоп and often геtums
uпiпtепtiопа11у to the Ьеасh to Ьесоmе Stгапdеd аgаiп.

Questions З7-40
Choose the соггесt апswег А, В, С, ог D.

Wгitе the соггесt lеttег in Ьохеs 374О оп уоиг апSwег shееt.

37 Why might ап аЬпогmа1 noise ham а Whаlе?
А It сап fогсе the апimа1 aWay fгоm its соmрапiопs.
В It сап cause а stагtlеd whа1е to come up too fаst.
С It сап distuгЬ communication Ьеtwееп the апimа1s.
D ItсапlеаdаWhаlеtосоllidеWithаЬоаt.
38 why do Some реор1е discount the dапgегs of sопаг to WhаlеS?
А It has not caused the death ofwhaleS fогmапу уеагS.
В The апimа1s have gotused to such sоuпds.
С Whа1еS Wеге Ьеасhiпg Ьеfоге sопаг ехistеd.
D Sопаг usuа11у оп1у affects апimа1S оп 1апd.
39 Why do Whа1еs fail to notice ргоЬ1еms пеаг Shа11оW, Sandy ЬеасhеS?
А Тhеге is too much sапdthгоWп up in гоugh wаtег.
В The depth of the Wаtег dесгеаsеs too Suddеп1у fог them to dеtесt.
С Тhеiг focus is divегtеd Ьу the ргоSресt of fооd.
D The S1орiпg Ьеасh suрргеSsеs the Signals they need to паVigаtе.
40 What eVidence is cited to suррогt Jаmеs' thеогу аЬоut whа1е stгапdiпgs?
А 1осаl wеаthеграttеms
В StudieS in magnetic Ёе1ds
С iпjuгiеStоWhаlеs
D оЬSегVаtiопS of the Sun

78 FocusEng оп IELTs Academic РгасtiсеТеsts

What is in the Wгitiпg mоdulе?
You haVe to dеsсгiЬе iпfогmаtiоп ргеsепtеd in а gгарh,
tаЬ|е, сhагt ог diаgгаm Ьу summагisiпg and герогtiпg the
main fеаtuгеs, tгепds ог соmрагisопS.

You haVe to wгitе а disсuгsivе essay оп а given tорiс,ргеSепtiпgideasthatагеге|еVапttotheissuе.

60 minutesltisSuggested that you spend арргохimаtе|у 20 minuteS

onTask 1 and 40 mіпutеs onTask 2.YоuгgгаdеопTask2isWогthtwice as much as уоuгgгаdеопTask1.

15О Wогds minimum

25О wогds minimum

See detailed guidе|iпеS in FооuSі.пg ог7 /ЕLГs.. f?еаdr.гtg

аг7d Wгytі.гtg skі.//S (Liпdесk, Gгеепwооd and О'Sullivап
2011 ) .

TaSk 1 : pageS 143-69

TaSk 2: pages 170-206

82 FOcusEng Оп IELTs Academic РгасtiсеТеsts

Tips fог dо]пg the WгIt]пg Test
v You haVe а total of 60 minutes - watch the time сагеfullу.
т AllOcate аЬоut 20 minuteS fог TaSk 1 and 40 minutes fог Task 2.
т You сап do TaSk 1 ог TaSk 2 GгSt.
т Task 2 is wогth mоге mагks than TaSk 1.
v Tust Ьеfоге [hе hоuг is uр, Spend а feW minutes checking уоuг wгitiпg.
т If you and а mistаkе, сгоss out the еггог and Wгitе the соггесt vегSiоп аЬоvе it.
т Yоuг wгitiпg needs to Ье с1еаг So that it is eaSy fог the ехаmiпег to uпdегStапd What
you haVe wгittеп.
v when ргерагiпg fог the tеsс, do the wгitiпg taSks uпdег test сопditiопs: wгitе Ьу hапd,
keep to the time limit and do not use diсtiопагiеs.

Make а pIan
v Make а Ьгiеf р1ап Ьеfоге you Stагt wгitiпg.
v You сап Wгitе уоuг р1ап оп the question shееt.
v А couple of minuteS Spent оп а р1ап will help you ргоduсе а mоге logically Stгuсtuгеd
апSwег that deals With а11 рагts of the quеStiоп.

Апswег the question

v Рау сагеful attention to the quеStiоп.
v wгitе ап апSWег that is ге1еVапt to the tаSk.
v Read the queStion SеVегаl timeS While wгitiпg уоuг апswег to геmiпd уоuгsеlf what it is
v Make Suге that you keep to the роiпt.
v АпSwег each рагt of the quеstiоп.

v TaSk 1 should uSuа11у contain at least thгее рагаgгарhs.
v Task 2 Should uSually contain at leaSt Ёvе рагаgгарhs.
v Make the Ьеgiппiпg of а new рагаgгарh с1еаг Ьу indenting ог Ьу leaVing а Ьlапk line
Ьеtwееп рагаgгарhs.
v Each рагаgгарh соVегs а Sерагаtе роiпt.
v Use whole SentenceS - noteS ог Ьullеt points аге not ассерtаЬlе.

Wгitihg 83
v If you do not wгitе at 1еаst the minimum пumЬег of wогds fог each tаSk, you Will Ье
v Do not WaSte time duгiпg the test counting the пumЬег of Wогds you have wгiссеп.
v while ргасtisiпg, you сап get ап idea of арргохimаtеlу hoW 1опg ап eSSay of 150 ог
250 Wогds is.
v Do not сору the queStion in уоuг апsWег - а copied queStion is not included in the
оVегаll wогd соuпt.
v You do not get а Ьеttег Sсоге fог wгitiпg ап апSwег that is much 1опgег than the
minimum геquiгеmепt.

таsk 1
v You haVe to dеsсгiЬе the iпfогmаtiоп contained in а gгарh, tаЬlе, сhагt ог diаgгаm.
v You may Ье геquiгеd to dеsсгiЬе the StageS in а ргосеSS ог hoW Something Wогks.
т Тhеге may Ье mоге than опе gгарh, tаЬlе, сhагt ог diаgгаm.
v You have to Summагisе and герогt the main fеаtuгеS and tгепds.
v wгitе аЬоut соппесtiопs, соmрагisопS and сопtгаsts.
v Look сагеfullу to see whеthег it is аЬоut регсепtаgеS, millions ог thоusапds.
v Dеtегmiпе Whеthег it геfегs to the раSt, ргеSепt ог futuге, ог to а11 thгее.
v Do not speculate оп the геаSопs fог the Stаtistiсs.
v Ргоvidе data - do not just dеsсгiЬе tгепds.
v The style should Ье fогmаl.

таsk 2
v Task 2 eSSays аге 1опgег and may геquiге mоге thought and рlаппiпg.
т You may haVe to агguе fог апd/ог againSt sоmеthiпg, give уоuг oWn орiпiоп, dеsсгiЬе
а Situation in уоuг соuпtгу ог say what you think should Ье dопе.
v Yоuг iпtгоduсtогу рагаgгарh Should uSually outline уоuг апSwег to the sресiЁс quеstiоп.
v Yоuг main Ьоdу рагаgгарhs should expand оп theSe thоughts, соVегiпg опе main idea
in each рагаgгарh.
т You should develop the ideas and give some details апd/ог ехаmрlеS.
v Make Suге thа[ уоuг апSwег is геlеvапt to the actual queStion that haS Ьееп aSked - if
the queStion contains the wогd `епViгопmепt', fог ехаmрlе, do not Simply Stагt wгitiпg
аЬоut роl1utiоп ог climate сhапgе.
т Read the question SеVегаl timeS while wгitiпg уоuг апswег to геmiпd уоuгSеlf what it is
аЬоut and to avoid going off оп а tапgепt.

84 Fосu§Епg Оп IELTs Academic РгасtiсеТеsts

v Тгу to Vагу the length of уоuг SепtепсеS.
v Do not ехрегimепt With vегу 1опg SentenceS if you аге not Suге of уоuг gгаmmаг.
v Yоuг hnal рагаgгарh сап Ье quite Shогt and may summагisе уоuг апSWег, Ьut do not
simply гереаt the Wогds of уоuг opening рагаgгарh.
v The stу1е Should Ье fогmа1.

Assessment сгitегiа
1п each taSk you аге asSessed using the fо1lоwiпg fоuг сгitегiа: апswегiпg the quеstiоп,
соhегепсе and соhеSiоп, VосаЬulагу, and gгаmmаг.

АпSwегiпg the question

The ехаmiпег will aSSeSS to what extent you haVe апswегеd а11 рагts of the queStion in the
соггесt fогmаt and how much detail you haVe ргоVidеd.
1п Task 1 you need to ргоVidе ап оVегViеw of tгепds, diffегепсеs ог StаgеS, dеSсгiЬе the
main fеаtuгеs and include Some dаtа.
1п Task 2 you need to апswег а11 рагts of the queStion using the арргоргiаtе fогmаt of
ап eSSay with ге1еVапt, detailed ideaS and агgumепts. Тhеге Should Ье ап iпtгоduсtогу as
well aS а сопс1udiпg рагаgгарh.

Соhегепсе and cohesion

Yоuг апSwег needs to flow so that it is а stгuсtuгеd piece of Wгitiпg гаthег than just
а пumЬег of unconnected Sепtепсеs. This геquiгеS you to use Sеquепсегs, геfегепсiпg,
SuЬStitutiоп and linking dеViсеS, and you need to аггапgе the iпfогmаtiоп lоgiсаllу.
1п Task 1, using рагаgгарhs to focus оп each imрогtапt fеаtuге Will help you to wгitе
а соhегепt геsропSе.
1п TaSk 2, effective рагаgгарhiпg is eSsential to огgапisе а соhегепt агgumепt, with опе
main idea in each рагаgгарh.

You Should tгу to uSe а гапgе of VосаЬulагу that is арргоргiаtе to the type of Wгitiпg, and
to dеmопStгаtе а capacity to рагарhгаSе. Соггесt Sреl1iпg is imрогtапt. You сап use еithег
Вгitish Епg1ish ог Аmегiсап English sре1liпg, Ьut it Should Ье сопSistепt. It is not а good
idea to uSe а lot of Vегу 1опg and unuSual Wогds, as it is easy to use them wгопglу.

Yоuг wгitiпg is aSSeSSed оп the Vагiеtу of gгаmmаtiсаl StгuсtuгеS uSed and how ассuгаtе
they аге. You сап get а highег Sсоге if you uSe complex StгuсtuгеS with suЬогdiпаtе clauSeS
гаthег than оп1у Shогt, Simple SепtепсеS. Punctuation is aSSeSSed as рагt of gгаmmаг.

Wгil:iпg 85
Wгitiп9 теst 1
Wгitiпg таsk 1
You Should Spend аЬоut 20 minuteS оп this tаSk.

The Ьаг сhагt ЬеIоw shows the most iтрогtапt causes of stгеss fог difFегепt age
gгоирs in Сапаdа.
suттагisе the iпfогтаtiоп Ьу seIecting and герогtiпg the main fеаtuгеs, and make
сотрагisопs whеге геIеvапt.

wгitе at leaSt 150 Wогds.

86 FocusEng Оп IELTs Academic РгасtiсеТеsts

wгitiп9 таsk 2
You Should spend аЬоut 40 minuteS оп this tаSk.

wгitе аЬоut the following tорiс:

МоЬilе phones and the Iпtегпеt have made it еаsiег to stay in contact with оthег
реорIе. Ноwеvег, as а Iot of time is spent using teIephones and cотрutегs, thеге is
Iess fасе-tо-fасе сопtасі and diгесt соттuпiсаtiоп.
Is the gгоwiпg use of oommunications technoIogy а positive ог а negative
deveIopment fог sосiеtу?

Give геаSопS fог уоuг апSwег and include апу ге1еVапt examples fгоm уоuг own knowledge
ог ехрегiепсе.

wгitе at leaSt 250 wогds.

Аftег уои haUe completed this ргасtiсе tеst, check pages 164-5 of the апsшеr key for
sample апsи!егS.

Wгitihg 87
wгitiп9 теst 2
Wг]t]пg таsk 1
You Should Spend аЬоut 20 minutes оп this tаsk.

The gгарhs ЬеIоw show the пuтЬегs and the регсепtаgеs of сhildгеп (аgеd О-14)
and young peopIe (аgеd 15-24) in the АиstгаIiап population fгот 1958 to the
ргеsепt, and ргоjеctiопs until 2ОЗ8.
suттагisе the iпfогтаtiоп Ьу sеIесt-Iпg and героI1iпg the main fеаtuгеs, and make
сотрагisопs whеге геIеvапt.

wгitе at 1еаSt 150 Wогds.

Регсепtаgеs of сhildгеп and young реор|е in Аustга|iа, 1958-2ОЗ8

---Рег cent aged 0-14 уеагs

---`.. ` --і ..-.- і Регсепtаgеd l5-24 уеагs

3! % g § : 5; § § § § g Ё; § : : : S! g § ё g
г т- т- т- г т- т- т- г т- т- С\| С`і С`| С`| С\| С\і С\| С\| С\| С`|

NumЬегs of сhildгеп and young реор|е in Аustга|iа,1958-2038

3! 3! g : Ё g; 3! ё § ё § Ё! Ё; : : : S; g Е! ё g
т- т- т- т- т- г г т- т- т- т- С\і С\і С\і С\і С\і С\і С\і С\і С\| С\|


88 FOcusEng Оп IELTs Academic РгасtiсеТеsts

Wгitiп9 таsk 2
You Should spend аЬоut 40 minuteS оп this tаsk.

wгitе аЬоut the folloWing tорiс:

In some Iагgе сitiеs, peopIe have to рау а fee when they dгivе thеiг сагs into the city
сепtге, in а poIicy to геdисе the питЬег of сагs in the city
Give геаsопs in suppon of and opposing this роIicу, and give уоиг own орiпiоп.

Give геаSопS fог уоuг апSwег and include апу ге1еVапt exampleS fгоm уоuг own knowledge
ог ехрегiепсе.

wгitе at leaSt 250 Wогds.

After уои haUe completed this ргасtiсе tеst, check pageS 165-6 of the апsuіег key fог
sample апSшегS.

Wгitiпg 89
Wгitiпg теst з
Wгitiпg таsk 1
You Should Spend аЬоut 20 minuteS оп this tаsk.

The diаgгат ЬеIоw shows how еIесtгiсitу is gепегаtеd Ьу using hot wаtег fгот
sиттагisе the iпfогтаtiоп in the diаgгат to expIain how the system wогks.

Wгitе at lеаs[ 150 Wогds.

9О FocusEng оп IELTs Academic РгасtiсеТеsts

Wгit]пg таsk 2
You Should Spend аЬоut 40 minuteS оп this tаsk.

wгitе аЬоut the folloWing tорiс:

In some соипtгiеs, тапу peopIe do not have enough топеу to access the Iпtетеt.
should govemments Ье геsропsiЬIе fог епsигiпg that еvегуопе сап get access to
the Iпtетеt?

Give геаsопS fог уоuг апSWег and include апу геlеVапt exampleS fгоm уоuг own knowledge
ог ехрегiепсе.

wгitе at least 250 Wогds.

Аftег уои haUe completed this ргасtiсе tеSt, check pages 166-7 of the апsuіег key fог
Sample апsшегS.

wгitiпg 91
Wг]tiпg теst 4
wгitiп9 таsk 1
You Should Spend аЬоut 20 minuteS оп this tаsk.

The tаЬIе ЬеIоw shows the гаtе at whioh peopIe saved топеу; ехргеssеd as а
регcепtаgе of GDР, in seven cоuпtгiеs fгот 199О to 2ОО8.
suттагisе the iпfогтаtiоп Ьу seIecting and герогtiпg the main fеаtuгеs, and make
сотрагisопs whеге геIеvапt.

wгitе at least 150 wогds.

соuпtгу Savings as а регсепtаgе of GDР*

1990 2000 2008

china 35.6 37.3 53.2

Gегmапу 25.3 20.2 26.0

[пdiа 23.0 23.8 33.6

ItaIy 20.8 20.6 18.2

Siпgароге 43.6 46.9 48.3

South Когеа 37.7 33.6 31.9

United StateS 15.з 17.7 12.1

* GDP (gгоss domestic ргоduсt) is the tоtа| Vа|uе of а|| goods and sегViсеs ргоduсеd
in а соuпtгу in опе уеаг.

92 FOcusEng Оп IELTs Academic РгасtiсеТеsts

wгitiпg таsk 2
You should Spend аЬоut 40 minutes оп this tаSk.

wгitе аЬоut the folloWing tорiс:

some ооuпtгiеs have Iaws that ргоhiЬ.It animaIs Ьеiпg used in ciгcиsеs ог оthег
fогтs of епtегtаiптепt Ьеcаusе it is cгuеI to keep animaIs in ап епviгоптепt that
can cause them stгеss.
should aII cоuпtгiеs have Iaws to ргеvепt animaIs Ьеiпg used in ciгсusеs and siтilаг
fогтs of епtегtаiптепt?

ог ехрегiепсе.

wгitе at leaSt 250 wогds.

After уои haUe completed tlіis ргасtiсе tеst, check pages 167-8 of the апsиіег key for
sample апsuіегs.

Wгitiпg 93
\/\/hаt is in the speaking mоdulе?
This teSt is the Same fог Academic and Gепегаl Тгаiпiпg сапdidаtеs.

11 to 14 minuteS

The SpeakingTest is погmа||у the |аst рагt of the |ЕLТS tеst. |t

is conducted as а fасе-tо-fасе iпtегViеw and is гесогdеd,

Тhеге аге thгее рагts to the tеst. Each рагt has а diffегепt
Рагt 1: |пtгоduсtiоп and iпtегViеW
(4 to 5 miпutеS)
Fiгst the ехаmiпег gгееts you and checks уоuг |D.
Then the ехаmiпег asks you questions аЬоut уоuгsе|f,
fог ехаmр|е, аЬоut Whеге you |ivе, уоuг wогk, studу,
iпtегеsts and оthег fаmiliаг tорiсs. These topics may
iпс|udе mаttегs such aS fооd, tгаVе| and епtегtаiпmепt.
Рагt 2: Iпdividuа| 1опg tuгп
(з to 4 miпutеS)
You haVe to tа|k аЬоut а topic connected to уоuг own
ехрегiепсе. The ехаmiпег hands you а сагd With the
topic оп it and gives you some рарег and а pencil to
make поtеs. You haVe опе minute to геаd the сагd and
think аЬоut what уоu'ге going to sау, then the ехаmiпег
asks you to tа|k fог опе to two miпutеs. The ехаmiпег
tеl|s you When to stОр. Аftег you haVe fiпishеd, the
ехаmiпег might ask you опе ог two fо||оw-uр quеStiопs.
Рагt З: Discussion
(4 to 5 miпutеS)
The ехаmiпег engages you in а discussion аЬоut topics
that haVe the same gепега| theme as Рагt 2, Ьut the
queStions аге of а gепега| гаthег than а регsопа| паtuге.
Some questions аге сопсгеtе, оthегS аге mоге аЬstгасt.
Fог dеtа.і|еd ехр|апа+іоп See FocuSing оп |ЕLТS: Listening and
sреаk;.пg skі.//s (Тhuг|оw and О'Sullivап 2011 ) pages 65-76.

See detailed guidе|iпеs in `Sреаkiпg StгаtеgiеS and skills',

FocUsing оп IЕLТs: Listening and speaking skills (Тhиг|оw and
О'Sullivап 2011 ), pages 77-126.

96 FOcusEng Оп IELTs Academic РгасtiсеТеsts

Прs fог doing the speaking Test
1п the Speaking TeSt the ехаmiпег haS to fоl1оW а Stапdагd Stгuсtuге and aSk а sегiеs of
quеStiопS. It is ап оррогtuпitу fог you to show hoW good уоuг Spoken English is, scL it'S
Ьеttег to give detailed апSWегS гаthег than vегу shогt апSwегS. It's погmаl to fее1 пегVоus
duгiпg the iпtегViеW, So you dоп't need to tell the ехаmiпег that уоu'ге пегVоuS ог that you
need а good Sсоге. The topicS used in а11 рагts of the Speaking Test аге choSen so that the
аVегаgе регSоп сап talk аЬоut them without much difЁсultу.

рагt 1
т Listen сагеfullу to the queStions and tгу to give геlеvапt апsWегs.
v If you dоп't uпdегstапd а quеStiоп, you сап aSk the ехаmiпег to гереаt it.
v If thеге'S а Wогd you dоп't uпdегStапd, you сап aSk the ехаmiпег to explain it.

рагt 2
v Listen aS the ехаmiпег геаds out уоuг tорiс.
v If you dоп't like the topic that you аге given ог you dоп't know much аЬоut it, you Still
have to talk аЬоut it.
т Read the сапdidаtе'S сагd сагеfullу.
v Dеtегmiпе whеthег you аге Ьеiпg aSked to talk аЬоut Something that happened in the
раSt, ог аЬоut а situation now ог something that may happen in the futuге.
v USe the minute to ргераге Ьу making а few noteS аЬоut what you аге going to sау.
v USe the арргоргiаtе tenses fог the сопtехt.
т while you tаlk, you сап 1ооk at уоuг own noteS and the сапdidаtе's сагd to геmiпd
уоuгsеlf of What you Wanted to Sау.
v Dоп't wоггу аЬоut the time -thе ехаmiпег Will Stop you аftег the two minutes аге uр.

рагt з
v Аftег the monologue of the individual 1опg [uгп in Рагt 2, the ехаmiпег will ask you а
SегiеS of quеStiопS.
v If you dоп't uпdегStапd а quеstiоп, you сап aSk the ехаmiпег to сlагifу it.
v Yоuг English is Ьеiпg аSsеSSеd, not уоuг kпоwlеdgе.
v If you Say things that аге по[ tгuе ог not fасtuаl1у соггесt, you Will not Ье репаlisеd.

speakEng 97
Assessment сгItегiа
You аге asSesSed оп fоuг сгitегiа: fluency and соhегепсе, VосаЬulагу, gгаmmаг and

Fluency and соhегепсе

v Тгу to keep speaking Without а 1оt of hesitation ог гереtitiоп.
v Connect SentenceS and ideaS So that thеге is а Smooth How to what you say and ic
makes sепSе.

v Use vосаЬulагу ассuгаtеlу, flехiЬlу and арргоргiаtеlу.
v Use рагарhгаsе and idiomatic lапguаgе.
v You аге not expected [о speak in а fогmаl style ог to use academic VосаЬulагу.
v You сап gain а highег sсоге if you go Ьеуопd ЬаSiс VосаЬulагу and сап uSe Some less
common Wогds and ехргеSsiопS соггесtlу.

т USe а Vагiеtу of gгаmmаtiсаl stгuсtuгеS ассuгаtеlу.
v You сап get а highег Sсоге Ьу using complex Sentences with suЬогdiпаtе clauses гаthег
than оп1у shогt, Simр1е SепtепсеS.

v Speak с1еаг1у and use fеаtuгеs of Spoken language (StгеsS, intonation and гhуthm) to
communicate еffесtivеlу.
v This includes ргопuпсiаtiоп at the level of individual wогds and of sепtепсеs.
v If you Speak vегу quiсklу, it may Ье difЁсult to uпdегstапd you at timеS, which will
affect уоuг mагk.
т If you Speak vегу SloWly ог hesitate а lоt, thеге will not Ье SufЁсiепt connected Speech
fог the fеаtuгеS of good ргопuпсiаtiоп to арреаг.

98 FOcusEng оп IELTs Academic РгасtiсеТеsts

SampIe speaking tests
1п this Section full tгапSсгiрts аге ргоVidеd fог the thгее complete гесогdеd Sample Speaking
teSts оп the CD that accompanieS this Ьооk. The topics and queStions uSed in thеs.е
гесогdеd sample teSts аге given Ёгsс, So you сап also ргасtisе giving уоuг own апSwегS to
theSe queStionS and соmраге уоuг апSwегs to those given Ьу the гесогdеd сапdidаtеs. Ап
analySis of the регfогmапсе of each of the thгее candidateS сап Ье found in the апswег key
at the Ьасk of the Ьооk.
The гесогdеd Sample Speaking tests аге fо11оWеd Ьу six соmр1еtе ргасtiсе Speaking
tеSts. The questionS оп1у fог theSe teSts аге оп the СD. Fог theSe ргасtiсе tеSts, you Should
listen and pauSe аftег each question So you сап ргасtisе апSwегiпg it. If you wогk with а
Study рагtпег, уоuг study рагtпег сап геаd the queStionS fог you to апSwег. You may Ёпd ic
uSeful to гесогd уоuг own апSwегs and then listen to and analySe уоuг oWn регfогmапсе.
RеmеmЬег that in the IEITS tеst, the ехаmiпег will Sometimes ask you `fоllоw-uр'
queStionS аftег you haVe геSропdеd -quеStiопs such aS `whу?' ог `whу поt?' ог `Сап you
tell me а Ьit mоге аЬоut thаt?' You сап hеаг this in the гесогdеd sample Speaking teSts and
See it in the tгапSсгiрts. When you апsWег the quеs[iопS in the ргасtiсе Speaking tеsts, tгу
to give mоге iпfогmаtiоп, aS if ап ехаmiпег had aSked you а fоllоw-uр quеStiоп.

speakEng 99
sample speaking test
When уои listen to the гесогdiпg, аЛег уои hеаг each question уои should ргеss `раusе' and
апSwег the queStion Ьеfоге going оп to the next quеstiоп.
cD 3 . т'@сk 1

Рагt 1 IпtгоduсtiОп and iпtегviеW

Не11о. Could you say уоuг full паmе, р1еаsе?
And сап I see уоuг раssрогt?
Thank уоu. NоW, in the ЁгSt рагt of the tеSt, I'd 1ikе to ask you Some queStionS аЬоut уоuгsе1f.

Lеt's tа1k аЬоut What you dо.

Why did you decide to study Епg1ish?
Is it ап iпtегеstiпg suЬjесt to studу?
Do you haVe р1апs to do fuгthег Studу?

NoW 1еt's go оп to the topic of геаdiпg mаgаziпеs.

What kinds of magazines аге рорulаг in уоuг соuпtгу?
Why do some реор1е ргеfег to геаd magazines гаСhег than Ьооks?
Сап you 1еаm anything fгоm mаgаziпеs?

NoW I'd 1ikе to .а1k to you аЬоut dгiпks.

What аге some of the moSt рорulаг dгiпks in уоuг соuпtгу?
Аге thеге апу dгiпks that реор1е haVe at Sресiа1 timеs?
Аге thеге апу hot dгiпks that you 1ikе?
What do you think аге the hеа1thiеst dhпks?

Рагt 2 Individual 1опg tum

NoW We haVe the second рагt of the Speaking Теst. I'm going to give you а сагd аЬоut а topic
and I'd 1ikе you to tа1k аЬоut it fог опе to two miпutеs. Веfоге you stагt, you сап haVe опе minute
to think аЬоut What you аге going to sау. If you Want tо, you сап make Some поtеs. Do you
uпdегs.апd? Неге'S some рарег and а pencil fог making noteS and hеге'S уоuг tорiс.

I'd like you to dеsсгiЬе а house ог ап арагtmепt that you have 1ivеd in and Which you 1ikеd.

1ОО Focusing Оп IELTs Academic РгасtiсеТеsts

DеsсгiЬе а house ог ап арагtmепt you have |ivеd in and which you |ikеd.
You should sау:
when you Iived thеге
hoW it |ооkеd inside
What kind of агеа it waS in

and ехр|аiп Why you Iiked |iviпg thеге.

А11 гight? RеmеmЬег you сап tа1k fог опе to two miпutеs.1'11 tе11 you When the time is uр. Could
you Stагt Speaking поw, р1еаsе?
А11 гight, thank уоu.

Рагt 3 Discussion
А11 гight, thank уоu. Yоu'Vе Ьееп tа1kiпg аЬоut а house ог ап арагtmепt you haVe 1ivеd iп, and
now I Want to discuss а feW mоге gепега1 questions connected to this. FiгStlу,1еt'S look at Ёпdiпg
а р1асе to 1ivе.

HoW do реор1е uSuа11у Ёпd а р1асе to 1ivе in уоuг соuпtгу?

what fасtогS do you think detemine whеге реор1е choose to livе?
What is it 1ikе to live in ап арагtmепt соmрагеd to 1iviпg in а hоusе?

Lеt'S noW 1ооk at home оWпегShiр.

Do moSt реор1е гепt thеiг homeS ог oWn thеiг homeS Whеге уоu'ге fгоm?
Could you соmраге the attitudes of someone Whо's гепtiпg а home and Someone Who oWns thеiг
oWn hоmе?
Should the goVemment hе1р реор1е Ьuу thеiг oWn hоmеS?

Lеt'S noW 1ооk at геsidепtiа1 агеаs.

Why do you think some геSidепtiа1 агеаs аге mоге pleaSant to 1ivе in than оthегS?
Could you соmраге 1iviпg in the сепtге of the city and in а SuЬuгЬап агеа?
what аге the ЬепеЁts of р1аппiпg а геSidепtiа1 агеа Ьеfоге реор1е stагt living thеге?

Thank you Vегу muсh. That is the end of the Speaking Теst.

speakEng 1IО1
Репетитор английского языка
Skype: vayshengolts
sampIe speaking tеst= Candidate 1
Ехаmiпег: Good аftегпооп, Сап I haVe уоuг full паmе, рlеаSе? oleksandr.vayshengolts
CD 3 . Тгасk 2
Сапdidаtе: HaSan Сап Yuksе1.
Ехаmiпег: А11 гight, and сап I See уоuг раSSрогt, рlеаsе?
Сапdidаtе: Yеаh, suге.
Ехаmiпег: Thank уоu. Тhаt's Ёпе. Uh, поw, in the БгSt рагt of the tеst, I'd 1ikе to ask you
Some queStions аЬоut уоuгsеlf. Um, lеt'S talk аЬоut what you dо. Аге you а
studепt, ог do you have а jоЬ?
Сапdidаtе: Yеаh, I am а studепt. I'm а Student in English с1аSS.
Ехаmiпег: And why did you decide to Study Епglish?
Сапdidаtе: Ег, Ьеfоге, Ьесаusе I want to study in Маstегs, at МаStегs ргоgгаm, ег, thаt'S
why I haVe to Study English and I have to get а IELTS sсоге. Тhаt's Why I Study
Ехаmiпег: ОК. IS it ап iпtегеstiпg SuЬjесt to studу?
сапdidаtе: Yеаh. It's, ег, 1Т, my studу, ег . . .
Ехаmiпег: Yоuг МаStегS?
сапdidаtе: Yеаh, my МаstегS, уеаh.
Ехаmiпег: Оh, ОК. And why did you decide to Study 1Т?
сапdidаtе: Ег, Ьесаusе I like technology апd, ег, you knoW 1Т is, ег, ге1аtеd аЬоut
iпfогmаtiоп and management реор1е. Тhаt's Whу.
Ехаmiпег: ОК. Um, now lеt's go оп to che topic of геаdiпg mаgаziпеs. Um, what kinds of
magazines аге рорulаг in уоuг соuпtгу?
Сапdidаtе: Ег, gоSsiр, ег, magazineS рорulаг in my соuпtгу actually апd, ег, and also [hоSе
post mаgаziпе.
Ехаmiпег: ОК. So why do some реор1е ргеfег to геаd magazineS гаthег than Ьооks?
Сапdidаtе: BecauSe mаgаziпеs, ег, haS а hot topic and еh, еh, ег, thаt'S the реор1е iпtегеStеd
in this goSsip ог Sрогts ргоgгаm. Тhаt'S Why the реор1е ргеfег to mаgаziпеS.
Ехаmiпег: ОК. And сап you leam fгоm mаgаziпеs?
Сапdidаtе: Uh, Sоггу?
Ехаmiпег: Сап you leam fгоm mаgаziпеs?
Сапdidаtе: Nо, I ... I ргеfег to пеWSрарег to геаd.
Ехаmiпег: whу'S thа[? why is thаt? why do you ргеfег to геаd пеwsрарегs?
Сапdidаtе: Ег, ЬесаuSе, ег, my Ёгst dеgгее is есопоmу. I have tо, ег, 1еагп to economy neWs
and thаt'S Why and I dоп't iпtегеSt goSsip and sрогt асtivitiеS.
Ехаmiпег: Sо, do you often геаd mаgаziпеs?
Сапdidасе: Nо.

102 FOcusEng оп IELTs Academic РгасtiсеТеsts

Ехаmiпег: ОК.
Сапdidасе: No I dоп't геаd оftеп.
Ехаmiпег: ОК. Um, now I'd like to talk to уоu, um, аЬоut dгiпks.
Сапdidаtе: Yеаh.
Ехаmiпег: what аге Some of the most рорulаг dгiпks in уоuг соuпtгу?
Сапdidаtе: 1п my соuпtгу is mорulаг, еh, moSt рорulаг dгiпks is Special Тuгkish dгiпks is
аlсоhоl, еh, it'S, ег, We са11 dгаku. It'S, ег, hаS, ег, high leVel of alcohol iпsidе.

Ехаmiпег: Uh-huh, ОК.

Сапdidаtе: And Ьеег, аlsо.
Ехаmiпег: Right. Аге thеге апу dгiпks that реор1е haVe at Special timеS?
Сапdidаtе: Um, уеs, ЬiгthdауS ог some сеlеЬга[еS, ег, New Yеаг сеlеЬгаtеS, реор1е ргеfег
to dгiпk.
Ехаmiпег: Мm. Right. ОК. Um, аге thеге апу hot dгiпks that you likе?
Сапdidаtе: Yеаh, Wе, ег, dгiпk а tea Ьut hоt. Ег, We ргеfег to hot tеа, not iced tea and coffee
as Wеll.

Ехаmiпег: Мm. ОК. Апd, um, what do you think аге the healthieSt dгiпks? What do you
think аге the healthieSt dгiпks?
Сапdidаtе: Ег, I like healthiest dгiпks, eSpecially milk, um, уеаh, ег, уеаh, ]'ust milk I thiпk.
Ехаmiпег: ОК. А11 гight. wеll, noW we haVe the second рагt of the Speaking ТеSt. I'm
going to give you а сагd аЬоut а tорiс, and I'd like you to talk аЬоut it fог опе
to two miпutеS. Веfоге you Stагt, you сап have опе minute to think аЬоut what
you аге going to sау, and if you want tо, you сап make Some поtеS.
Сапdidаtе: Mm hm.
Ехаmiпег: Do you uпdегStапd?
Сапdidаtе: Yеаh, I uпdегstапd.
Ехаmiпег: А11 гight. So hеге's some рарег and а pencil fог making поtеS, and hеге'S уоuг
Сапdidаtе: Thank уоu.
Ехаmiпег: I'd like you to dеSсгiЬе а houSe ог ап арагtmепt you have 1ivеd in and Which
you likеd.

You сап see the сапdidаtе's сагd fог this sPeaking teSt оп Page 100.

Сапdidаtе: Ег, I wanna ...

Ехаmiпег: А11 гight, So геmеmЬег, you сап talk fог опе to two miпutеs, and 1'11 tеl1 you
when the time is uр. Right? Сап you Stагt speaking поW, рlеаsе?
Сапdidаtе: ОК. I will dеSсгiЬе mу, ег, арагtmепts in my соuпtгу. Еh, it's, аh, ооh, my
арагtmепts haS а, ег, eight lеvеl, eight flоог, and we lived iп, ег, SeVenth flоог,

speakEng 1ОЗ
and I likе, I like it ЬесаuSе this арагtmепts hаS, ег, а lot оf, ег, ег, Sоmе, ег, we
haVe а Swimming роо1 and tennis соuгts, ег, it haS а lots of fасilitу, ег, fог, ег,
Social 1ifе апd, ег, I used tо, ег, I uSed to Ьоth of thеm. Апd, um, wе, ег, оuг
араг[mепts is, ег, in IstапЬul in Тuгkеу, апd, ег, it'S, ег, it haS а, ег, оuг home
flаt, ег, hаS, ег, thгее гооms апd, ег, has а hugе, геа11у huge kitchen апd-mу
mum асtuаllу, ег, like it, like the huge kitchen апd, um, it's, ег, Vегу close to
оuг Shop and We сап go Ьу Wаlkiпg. It'S, ег, апd, ег, this is, ег, this hоuSе, [his
арагtmепts, ег, а littlе, ег, SuЬuгЬ, little fаг to сепtге in IstапЬul, Ьut I 1ikе it, it'S
not сгоwdеd. Оuг агеа'S so quiet and the реор1е is, ег, elite реор1е апd, ег, оuг
пеighЬоuгS also is, ег, kind peopleS and we tа1kiпg to пеighЬоuгS, ег, always
апd, ег, we Visit each оthег fогgоt my neigh . . . оuг пеighЬоuгs апd, ег, we haVe а
good геlаtiоп in оuг арагtmепts.
Ехаmiпег: Sо, is уоuг home Similаг to most оthег placeS in the агеа?
Сапdidаtе: Ег, little diffегепt, not Similаг, little diffегепt, а littlе, ег, high quality than the
Ехаmiпег: And haS that агеа changed Since you ЁгSt lived thеге?
Сапdidаtе: Yеаh, it'S changed Ьесаusе, ег, this, ег, Ьuildiпg, this арагtmепts, ег, Ьuilt,
ег, SеVегаl уеагS аgо, mауЬе, ег, SeVen уеагS аgо, and аftег the hnished this
арагtmепts, it'S сhапgеd, this агеа is сhапgеd.
Ехаmiпег: А11 гight, thank уоu. Yоu'Vе Ьееп tа1kiпg, um, аЬоut а houSe ог ап арагtmепt
you haVe lived iп, and noW I Want to discuSS а few mоге gепега1 queStions
connected to this. Um, ЁгStlу, lеt'S look at Ёпdiпg а р1асе to 1ivе. Um, how do
реор1е uSuаl1у Ёпd а р1асе to live in уоuг соuпtгу?
Сапdidаtе: Ег, the реор1е, ег, Ёпd а quiet р1асе to live in my соuпtгу Ьесаusе the сепtге is So
сгоWdеd and So поisу. The реор1е ргеfег to quiet р1асе.
Ехаmiпег: And What оthег fасtогS do you think dеtегmiпе whеге реор1е chooSe to livе?
Сапdidаtе: Оthегs, ег, I think main fасtог is, ег, thеiг ].оЬS, the реорlе'S jоЬS ЬесаuSе it'S, ег,
геа11у Ьig ргоЬlеm in thе, ег, mеtгороl сitiеs, ег, the tгаfЁс you kпоw, lots of сагS
and сгоwdеd. You must go еаг1у еVегу time and this is оthег fасtог fог chooSe
thеiг арагtmепts.
Ехаmiпег: Right. А11 гight, and сап you соmраге fог mе, sау, in IstапЬul, um, liviпg, what
it'S like to live in ап арагtmепt соmрагеd to living in а hоuSе?
Сапdidаtе: Ah уеаh. Ег, my арагtmепt hаs, I like my арагtmепts, Ьut, ег, 1, ег, Wants to livе,
ег, ег, good Viеw, haS а good VieW арагtmепts and mауЬе hе, ег, I . . . when I look
at the window I сап See а осеап ог гivег ог like this ог 1аkе.
Ехаmiпег: Вut, gепега11у, what аге the diffегепсеs Ьеtwееп living in ап арагtmепt and
living in а hоusе, Sау, in а city like IstапЬul?
Сапdidаtе: Аh, it's too diffегепt, it's too diffегепt. Ег, in IstапЬul the реор1е gепега11у
live in the арагtmепt, Ьut if you live in the hоuSеs, ег, you hаvе, ег, not good

104 FocusEng оп IELTs Academic РгасtiсеТеsts

ге1аtiопShiрS fог thеiг пеighЬоuгs. BecauSe it's diffегепt in Тuгkеу. Ег, if you live
арагtmепt you сап get еаSilу, ег, а fгiепd and yeah it's advantage fог make а
good геlаtiопshiрS.
Ехаmiпег: ОК. Um, lеt'S now look аt, um, home оWпегShiр. Um, do moSt реор1е гепt thеiг
homeS ог own thеiг homes whеге уоu'ге fгоm?
Сапdidаtе: 1п Тuгkеу, еh, most реор1е, еh, Ьuу а hоmе, not гепt Ьесаusе this, ег, оuг home
ргiсеS is поt, ег, high. IS quite сhеар, and you сап get eaSily а hоmе.
Ехаmiпег: ОК.
Сапdidаtе: BecauSe the реор1е ргеfег to Ьuу, Ьuуiпg а hоmе.
Ехаmiпег: Right. Sо, what do you think the diffегепсе Would Ье? what аге the diffегепt
attitudeS Ьеtwееп Someone Whо's гепtiпg а home and someone who ownS thеiг
own hоmе? whаt's thеiг attitude towагds that homе? Do you think thеге's а
diffегепсе Ьеtwееп а геп[ег and ап оwпег?
Сапdidаtе: YеS, ег, thеге аге lots of advantage ог disаdvапtаgе, ег, the гепt ог оwпег and if
you гепt а hоuSе, you сап, еh, you must, ег, mоviпg, еh, you сап Ье moved оthег
р1асеs and alwayS you must Ье геаdу to mоVе, уеS. But if you own the hоuSе,
thе, ег, опе disadvantageS own the hоuSе, you сап, you livе, always you live
the same р1асе and you пеVег change in уоuг tiгеmепt, and а11 the Sаmе, а11 the
реор1е the Sаmе.
Ехаmiпег: Right.
Сапdidаtе: But if уоu'ге а гепtег you сап change and you сап get new fгiепds, you сап See а
new р1асе.

Ехаmiпег: Right. Right, Well 1еt's now look аt, um, геSidепtiаl агеаs. Um, why do you
think it is that some агеаS, some геSidепtiаl агеаS, аге mоге pleasant to live in
than оthегS?
Сапdidаtе: Моге?
Ехаmiпег: Моге pleaSant to live iп.
Сапdidаtе: Ег, ЬесаuSе the ег, геSidепсе, геSidепtiаl агеаS, is ег, uh ег, it'S поt, ег, геа11у it'S
not in Тuгkеу, it's поt, ег, mауЬе it's, ег, fог, ег, dеvеlор, deVelOped соuпtгiеs, it's
поt, ег, fог developing соuпtгiеS, `саuSе it'S diffегепt. Um, actually We haVe по,
ег, We haVe по опе сеп[ге, and We haVe по геSidепсе агеаs. А11 this you сап go
and sее, you сап Stау.
Ехаmiпег: Right, Ьut I gueSS is опе агеа пiсег than апоthег агеа?
Сапdidаtе: Yеаh.
Ехаmiпег: So what makes that агеа пiсег?
Сапdidаtе: Ah пiсег, ег. It'S уеаh, it'S, if it's пеаг the сепtге, it's iп, ег, if it's, ег, you сап, ег,
get еаsilу, ег, tгапSрогt, tгапSрогtаtiоп, it's, ег, and you сап go еvегуwhеге. It'S
the сепtге likе, um, it'S the реор1е ргеfег the like [hе Safe агеаS.

speakEng 105
Ехаmiпег: Sо, сопVепiепсе?
Сапdidаtе: Yеаh, сопVепiепсе.
Ехаmiпег: Right, ОК. wеll, thank you Vегу muсh. Тhаt's the end of the Speaking Теst.
Сапdidаtе: Yеаh, thank уоu.

See the апsuіег key оп pageS 168-70 fог ап analySis of this сапdidаtе's регfогтапсе.

6бо SampIe speaking tеst: Candidate 2

Ехаmiпег: Good аftегпооп. Could I haVe уоuг full паmе, рlеаSе?

сD=сkз СаПdidаtе: Good аftегпооп. Му full name is Luo Хiаоjiпg; that is my ChineSe паmе.
Ехаmiпег: А11 гight. And сап I see уоuг раSSрогt, рlеаsе?
Сапdidаtе: ОК. Неге you аге.
Ехаmiпег: Thank уоu. Тhаt'S Ёпе. Nоw, in the Ёгst рагt of the tеSt, I'd like to aSk you some
queStions аЬоut уоuгSеlf. Аh, 1еt'S talk аЬоut what you dо. Аге you а student ог
do you have а jоЬ?
Сапdidа.е: Мm, I'm а student поw. I haVe the language соuгsе is in Масquагiе and then I
will going to haVe the Маstег of Соmmегсе.
Ехаmiпег: ОК. Апd, ег, why did you decide to do а МаstегS of Соmmегсе?
Сапdidаtе: Мm. Um, ЬесаuSе I thiпk, if I сап gain the МаStег dеgгее mауЬе I will give а
good jоЬ in Сhiпа. And I will haVe а mоге оррогtuпitу, uh, to get а good рау
jоЬ Which is mоге арреаliпg.
Ехаmiпег: А11 гight. Um, lаtег in life do you Want to Study something еlsе?
Сапdidаtе: Sоггу?
Ехаmiпег: Lаtег in life do you want to Study Something еlsе?
Сапdidаtе: YеS, of соuгSе. CauSe I think Study is, uh, is Ьеttег to me апd, uh, I thiпk, uh,
I . .. I Will continue my Studies thгоughоut my lifе.
Ехаmiпег: ОК. Аh, now lеt'S go оп to the topic of геаdiпg mаgаziпеS. Um, what kinds of
magaZines аге рорulаг in уоuг соuпtгу?
Сапdidаtе: МауЬе the magazine аЬоut the SuрегStагS Such aS moVie Stаг, uh, TV Stаг апd,
uh, the siпgег, the famous siпgег. Um, а lot of уоuпgег реор1е like to See the
magazine аЬоut it.
Ехаmiпег: Right. Um, why do some реор1е ргеfег to геаd magazines гаthег than Ьооks?
Сапdidаtе: Мm. I think опе of the геаSоп is that in mаgаziпеS, um, the реор1е сап See а lot
of рiсtuгеS then соlоuгful and I think it'S fапtаStiс.
Ехаmiпег: ОК. Сап you leam much fгоm mаgаZiпеS?
Сапdidаtе: Оh, Sоmеthiпg. You сап gain some iпfогmаtiоп аЬоut the magazine Ьut I thiпk,
um, I Will . . . I will not Spend а lot of time to See the mаgаziпе.

106 FocusEng Оп IELTs Academic РгасtiсеТеsts

Ехаmiпег: ОК. Do you often геаd mаgаziпеS?
Сапdidаtе: Nо, not оftеп.
Ехаmiпег: Right, um, now I'd like to talk to you аЬоut dгiпks. Um, what аге the moSt
рорulаг dгiпks in уоuг соuпtгу?
Сапdidаtе: Веег, уеаh.
Ехаmiпег: Yеаh, ОК.
Сапdidаtе: Апd, uh, mауЬе Соса-Со1а, Ьut I dislike it. I always dгiпk the огапgеу Wаtег
апd, uh, ].ust dгiпk the wаtег.
Ехаmiпег: А11 гight. Um, аге thеге апу dгiпks that реор1е haVe at Special timеS?
Сапdidаtе: Мm, уеаh, uh, I think mауЬе in the рагtiеs Such as Ьiгthdау рагtу ог апу, uh,
сеlеЬгаtiоп kind of рагtу, the реор1е Will dгiпk а lot of such аS, uh, Ьеег and апу
аlсоhоl, alcohol wаtег. Yеаh, а1соhоl dгiпk, Sоггу.
Ехаmiпег: Mm hm. А11 гight. Um, аге thеге апу hot dгiпks you likе?
Сапdidаtе: No I dоп't likе.
Ехаmiпег: ОК апd, uh, what do you think аге the hеа1thiеSt dгiпks?
Сапdidаtе: Мm. 1п my соuпtгу а lot of реор1е Ьеliеvе thаt, um, а little dгiпk is Ьеt[ег to
уоuг hеаlth, Ьut I'm not suге ЬесаuSе I think the men is а1WауS dгiпk а lot and
they cannot сопtгоl, So I think dгiпk is lot to thеiг Ьоdу.
Ехаmiпег: Right. NoW we have the second рагt of the Speaking Теst. I'm going to give you
а сагd аЬоut а tорiс, and I'd like you to talk аЬоut it fог опе to two miпutеS.
Веfоге you stагt, you сап haVe опе minute to think аЬоut what you аге going to
Sау, and if you Want tо, you сап make Some поtеs. Do you uпdегStапd?
Сапdidаtе: YеS.
Ехаmiпег: А11 гight. So hеге is Some рарег and а pencil fог making поtеS, and hеге'S уоuг
tорiс. I'd 1ikе you to dеSсгiЬе а houSe ог ап арагtmепt уоu'Vе lived in and which
you likеd.

YOu сап see the сапdidаtе's сагd fог this speaking test оп page 100.

Ехаmiпег: А11 гight? So геmеmЬег, you сап talk fог опе to two miпutеs.1'11 [е11 you When
the time is uр. Could you Stагt Speaking поW, рlеаSе?
Сапdidаtе: Yеаh, now I will dеsсгiЬе а houSe [о уоu. Um, опсе I haVe Ьееп to Sydney I live
in а Ьig, Vегу Ьig hоuSе. The houSe haS in willоughЬу. You knoW willоughЬу is
quite fаг fгоm the Масquагiе and I like . . . I like the houSe Vегу much ЬесаuSе
it'S, it'S Vегу Ьеаutiful. The houSe is Vегу Ьig. Тhеге аге Six Ьеdгооm and two
tоilеts, hm, а kitсhеп, а living гооm, uh, and а, а Vегу Ьig рагkiпg гооm. I think
it'S vегу Ьig, um, ЬесаuSе iп, in China my арагtmепt is quite Small so I fe ... I
always Ёх stгеSS when I live in it. Мm, аh, аh, аftег, аftег the соuгsеs I а1wауs
go tо, go to my hоusе, I ргеfег to stay in my Ьеdгооm instead of go outside

speaking 107
Ьесаusе, uh, I haVe а 1ittlе fгiепd and I thiпk, uh, the houSe is quite соmfогtаЬlе.
Мm, uh, оf, of соuгSе I have thгее, thгее hоusеmаtе. Most of them come fгоm
Сhiпа. Wё а1wауS chat Ьut, uh, опе of the ргоЬlеm is that We alwayS chat with
СhiпеSе. I think that is not good enough to mе. Uh, in а wогd I like the houSe
and I think it'S Ьеаutiful, с1еаг, 1агgе апd, uh, it'S Vегу соmfогtаЬlе, So 1-thiпk it's
Ьеttег fог mе.
Ехаmiпег: So is that home Similаг to оthег places in the агеа?
сапdidаtе: Sоггу?
Ехаmiпег: IS that home similаг to оthег places in the агеа?
сапdidаtе: Мm, по, mауЬе поt.
Ехаmiпег: ОК. А11 гight. Wе11 thank you Vегу muсh.
сапdidаtе: оh, thапks.
Ехаmiпег: Yоu'vе Ьееп talking аЬоut а houSe ог ап арагtmепt you haVe lived iп, and now I
want to discuSs а few mоге gепега1 queStionS connected to this. Fiгstlу, lеt's look
at Ёпdiпg а р1асе to livе. Um, how do реор1е uSually Ёпd а р1асе to live in уоuг
Сапdidаtе: 1п my соuпtгу, alwayS go to thе, uh, look fог the аdvегtisеmепt and to gain
Some iпfогmа[iоп аЬоut the hоuSе. Аh, mауЬе уоu, mауЬе the реор1е сап uSe
а соmрutег, um, collect the iпfогmаtiоп fгоm the Iпtегпеt ог Ьuу some neW
пеwSрарег, they alwayS have Some iпfогmаtiоп аЬоut it. Аh, of соuгSе thеге аге
agents аЬоut just, uh, Wогk fог thе, the гепt, So I think it's quite eaSy fог а регSоп
who want to hаVе, who want to hаVе, who want to have looking fог а hоuSе.
Ехаmiпег: А11 гight. So What fасtогS do you think dеtегmiпе Whеге реор1е chooSe to livе?
Сапdidаtе: Мm, I think moSt оf, most of the imрогtапt геаsоп is соmfогtаЬ1е and the ргiсе
and the сопVепiепt. Yеаh.
Ехаmiпег: Right. Апd, um, how would you соmраге, thеп, living in ап арагtmепt and
living in а hоuSе?
Сапdidаtе: Мm, when I in China I live in the арагtmепt, it's quite smаl1, mm, апd, аh, I will
fееl, um, it's not aS соmfогtаЬ1е aS the hоusе. Ноwеvег, uh, in mу, in my а ...,
а ..., sоггу, арагtmепt, 1, I пеVег Ёпd апу inSect Ьесаusе I live in the Ёfth Ноог
of the Ьuildiпg, the Ьuildiпg quite high апd, uh, highег wогld than when I lived
in the hоuSе. Uh, Sometime [hеу сап Ёпd the inSect сlimЬiпg to my hоuSе. I'm
аfгаid of it.
Ехаmiпег: А11 гight. wеll, now lеt'S look at home оwпегShiр. Um, do moSt реор1е in уоuг
соuпtгу гепt thеiг home ог do they own thеiг own hоmе?
Сапdidа.е: Мm, if they haVe houSe ог арагtmепt, uh, moSt of реор1е ргеfег to live in his
oWn house ЬесаuSе thе, the гепt of the house is quite ехрепSivе, еSресiаl1у in
Shanghai and Веi].iпg and in оthег Ьig сitiеS. Мm, I think the реор1е Should not
put Some money to гепt а houSe if he had his own hоusе. Тhаt's not есопоmiс.

1IО8 FOcusEng Оп IELTs Academic РгасtiсеТеSts

Ехаmiпег: So what do you think is the diffегепсе in attitudeS tоwагds а house if you аге а
гепtег ог you аге ап оwпег of that hоuSе? Do you think thеiг attitudes tоwагds
thеiг homeS аге diffегепt?
Сапdidаtе: ТоWагds?
Ехаmiпег: Um, по, do you think ап attitude of а гепtег, um, of а house соmрагеd to the
attitude of ап оWпег of the houSe is diffегепt?
Сапdidаtе: Оh, of соuгsе it'S diffегепt. If I haVe my own hоuSе, I 1ivеd in it and I fееl, оh,
that it, that Ье1опgs to mе. And I think I have а fаmilу, um, Ьut if I live in the
houSe just гепt fгоm SоmеЬоdу, I think I'm alwayS Wоггiеd mауЬе I will haVe to
moVe апоthег hоuSе.
Ехаmiпег: Right.
Сапdidаtе: I think that it quite diffегепt.
Ехаmiпег: So hoW doeS that affect how they tгеаt the hоuSе?
Сапdidаtе: Мm, tгеаt?
Ехаmiпег: Um, hоw, how thеу, um, how they tгеаt that hоuSе. Sо, do you think that they
think of the houSe in а Ьеttег Way ог а Wогsе wау, if they аге а гепtег?
Сапdidаtе: Yеаh, uh, I think the реор1е сап соmраге With оthегs. If I have гепt а houSe
and I 1ivеd it fог а, fог а 1опg timе, mауЬе I thiпk, оh, it'S ОК to mе, Ьut when
I 1ооk, um, with it to my fгiепd, mауЬе I will Бпd out that his house is Ьеttег to
mе, So I will а11 think mауЬе I will haVe to looking fог апоthег hоuSе.
Ехаmiпег: ОК. LаStlу, lеt'S 1ооk at геsidепtiаl агеаS. Um, do you think that it's Ьеttег to
live in the city ог that it'S Ьеttег to 1ivе in а SuЬuгЬап агеа?

Сапdidаtе: Мm. I think the Ьоth ЬепеЁt апd, uh, disadvantageS to live in the city ог the
соuпtгуsidе. Uh, in the city the life Will Ьесоmе vегу convenient and it'S vегу
eaSy fог you to go out fог Shopping and visit уоuг fгiепd апd, uh, check Ьагs to
апу р1асе, Ьut I think thе, mауЬе the епviгопmепt is not good enough and the
tгаfЁс is Ьаd tоо. If you want to go out ог go to wогk, go to uпivегSitу, уоu'11
Ёпd that the tгаf€с alwayS Ьlосk, it Will waSte а lot of timе. Мm. Ноwеvег, if
the регSоп live in соuпtгуSidе, uh, and the 1ifе is Vегу 1еisuге, Ьut I think you
mауЬе you will feel 1опе1у. Yеаh, поЬоdу сап tгу to геасh уоu, поЬоdу сап tеll,
сап take саге of уоu. You just 1ivе Ьу уоuгSеlf, and mауЬе you just Stay at home
and Watch the TV апd, uh, са11 уоuг fгiепd. I thiпk, uh, it'S Ьаd fог the young
Ехаmiпег: ОК. wе11, thank you vегу muсh. Тhаt's the end of the Speaking ТеSt.
Сапdidаtе: Тhапks.

See the апsиіег key оп page 170-2 fог ап analySis of this сапdidаtе's регfогтапсе.

speaking 109
5бо SampIe speaking tеst: Candidate 3
Ехаmiпег: Неllо, could you tell me уоuг full name рlеаSе?

сD=сk4 СаПdidаtе: RоЬу Sidhu.

Ехаmiпег: All гight and сап I See уоuг раSsрогt?
Сапdidаtе: Неге is my раSSрогt.
Ехаmiпег: ОК, thank уоu. Nоw, in the Ягst рагt of the teSt I'd like to aSk you Some
queStions аЬоut уоuгSеlf. Lеt'S talk аЬоut What you dо. Uh, why did you decide
to Study Епglish?
Сапdidаtе: Um, ЬесаuSе uh in in this competition of uS uh you need Епg1ish if you аге
gоiпg, it helpS in уоuг сагеег and I loVe to tгаVеl агоuпd the Wогld so I think
English is ап iпtегпаtiопаl language So it Will help me to communicate with
Ехаmiпег: ОК. IS it ап iпtегеstiпg SuЬjесt to studу?
Сапdidаtе: Nо, i['s not iпtегеstiпg SuЬjесt uh, Ьесаusе you haVe to just leam gгаmmаг and
um, yeS ргеttу Ьогiпg it'S not too iпtегеstiпg like ег anything пеw.
Ехаmiпег: ОК and do you haVe р1апS to do fuгthег Studу?
Сапdidаtе: Yeah I dо, um actually I want to Ьесоmе um, uh пuгSе So I want to do that
пuгSiпg соuгsе um, yeah I'm геа11у into like um looking аftег реор1е So I want to
do this.
Ехаmiпег: ОК now 1еt'S go оп to the topic of геаdiпg mаgаziпеS. what kinds of magazineS
аге рорulаг in уоuг соuпtгу?
Сапdidаtе: Sо, in India реор1е loVe сгiсkеt Sо, the ... Ьесаusе nowadayS Indian сгiсkеt
рlауегS thеу'ге doing Vегу Well Sо, the реор1е like to Ьuу ег сгiсkеt magazineS
and thеу'ге геаdiпg а 1оt аЬоut ег Indian рlауегS, уеаh.
Ехаmiпег: ОК why do you think Some реор1е ргеfег to геаd magaZines гаthег than Ьооks?
Сапdidаtе: Ег in Ьооks like реор1е haVe to Spend а lot of time to get а idea What they
геаdiпg аЬоut Ьut in magazineS they сап get like ег, ег they сап get ап idea
аЬоut the thing what they аге геаdiпg аЬоut ].ust in а shогtег регiоd, Shогt
регiоd of time and in а sense like shогt lооk, quick lооk, уеаh.
Ехаmiпег: Сап you lеагп anything fгоm mаgаziпеS?
Сапdidаtе: Yеаh, you сап 1еагп а lot fгоm magazineS like um ег it tells аЬоut thoSe оthег
ргоduсts and ег ...
Ехаmiпег: ОК thаt's hпе, um. Now I'd like to talk to you аЬоut dгiпks. what аге some of
the moSt рорulаг dгiпks in уоuг соuпtгу, Iпdiа?
Сапdidаtе: 1п India actually I'm fгоm РuпjаЬ, like sо, We like ег tгаditiопаl dishеS, dгiпk is
laSsi So реор1е loVe to dгiпk that lassi so i['s like Vегу nice dгiпk and you dгiпk it
um with ice and Salt So it's Vегу рорulаг in Iпdiа.
Ехаmiпег: ОК аге thеге апу dгiпks that реор1е have at Special timеS?

1I1IО Focusing оп IELTs Academic РгасtiсеТеsts

Сапdidаtе: Yeah thеге's, thеге аге Some special dгiпks like some um, um, ег homemade
alcohol that реор1е they make them ег оп the Wedding рагtiеS. They make at
home and the dгiпk, it'S геа11у nice the реор1е loVe um loVe thаt.
Ехаmiпег: ОК аге thеге апу hot dгiпks that you likе?
Сапdidаtе: Uh, I like hot dгiпk like ег hot сhосоlаtе. I геа11у еп]'оу it just Vегу dагk
сhосоlаtе, уеаh.
Ехаmiпег: ОК and Япа11у whа[ аге the healthiest dгiпks, do you thiпk?
Сапdidаtе: I think juices аге the healthieSt dгiпks and those аге Shakes like uh mango Shаkе,
Ьапапа Shake with milk, theSe аге the healthieSt dгiпks.
Ехаmiпег: ОК, um now RоЬу, we haVe the Second рагt of the Speaking tеst. I am going
to give you а сагd аЬоut а topic and I'd like you to talk аЬоut it fог опе to two
miпutеS. Веfоге you Stагt you haVe опе minute to think аЬоut what you аге
going to Sау. If you Want tо, you сап make Some поtеS. Do you uпdегstапd?
Сапdidаtе: Yеаh, thank уоu.
Ехаmiпег: ОК hеге's Some рарег and а pencil fог making поtеS, and hеге's уоuг tорiс. I'd
like you to dеSсгiЬе а houSe ог ап арагсmепt you haVe lived in and Which you
likеd. Sо, you haVe опе minute [о ргераге.
Сапdidаtе: ОК.

You сап See the сапdidаtе's сагd fог this sPeahing teSt оп Page 10О.

Ехаmiпег: А11 гight um геmеmЬег you сап talk fог опе to two miпutеS. 1'11 tell you when
the time is uр. Сап you Stагt Speaking поW, рlеаSе?
Сапdidаtе: when I hгStlу came to Аustгаliа, So um, ег, I 1ivеd in Sргiпgvа1е ег it'S ].ust 1ikе
ег this is а Vегу Ьig hоuSе, thгее Ьеdгооm hоuSе, I геа11у like it, it waS in Vегу
like ег um peaceful агеа and геа11у neat and с1еап. So I used to live With my
fгiепds, so I had my own гооm, the house waS 1ikе Ьuilt with um timЬег flоог
and ег painted whitе, white and Ьluе, So theSe аге my fаVоuгitе соlоuгS. So my
гооm waS геа11у Ьig and the сuгtаiпS wеге геа11у nice and I had that um Stгееt
VieW fгоm my uh fгоm my wiпdоwS, I like that ЬесаuSе thеге is а рагk оп the
next side of the Stгееt. So I сап watch реор1е playing fооtЬаll ЬесаuSе I loVe
fооtЬаll, and ег it waS пеаг to а11 the facilities like hоsрitаl, liЬгагу and um
Suрегmагkеt, and thеге is а рагk also aS I just mentioned еагliег, um So I loVe to
р1ау fооtЬаll it waS Vегу eaSy fог me to ].ust go thеге and just um I сап just walk
up fог опе minute and I сап go thеге, and ег We had а gагdеп аlsо, in the fгопt
and а Ьасkуагd. So I loVe gагdепiпg also so I had а 1оt of доwегS and VeggieS
at my р1асе, Some home gагdепS. So the houSe waS my fаVоuгitе houSe in my
whole life ег until поw. So I am still looking fог а hоuSе, fог that kind of hоusе.
So ЬесаuSе I want to live in а Vегу peaceful агеа -ег just we had а опе this опе
good thing of that houSe waS like а Sерагаtе toilet and sерагаtе waSh гооm and

speakEng 111I
Sерагаtе um lаuпdгу, Ьесаusе in Аustгаliа, in МеlЬоumе, mostly um mostly in
МеlЬоuгпе, you сап't get ег like diffегепt lаuпdгу facilitieS that waS good thing
аЬоut that hоuSе.
Ехаmiпег: А11 гight, thank you RоЬу. You haVe Ьееп talking аЬоut а houSe ог ап
арагtmепt you haVe lived in and now I want you to discuSS а few mоге gепега1
questions connected to this. FiгStlу, 1еt'S look at Ёпdiпg а р1асе to livе. How do
реор1е uSually Ёпd а р1асе to 1ivе in уоuг соuпtгу, Iпdiа?
Сапdidаtе: Like оthег погmаl соuпtгiеS, in my соuпtгу реор1е also uSe thoSe tгаVе1 oh
Sоггу, um thoSe геа1 eState аgепts. So theSe реор1е аге геа11у helpful and they
сап Ёпd whаtеVег they аге looking fог thаt'S easy fог them ЬесаuSе they сап tell
them thoSe реор1е like what they аге looking fог and they Will hе1р to Ёпd thoSe
placeS and eVen оп the оthег hand they сап uSe the iпtегпеt аlsо, it is геа11у
hеlрful. So you сап do it at home also you dоп't have to go and See someone
else so you сап Ёпd it Vегу eaSily оп the iпtегпеt а1Sо.
Ехаmiпег: And what fасtогS do you think dеtегmiпе whеге реор1е chooSe to livе?
Сапdidаtе: Like 1iviпg агоuпd ег um а11 thoSe facilitieS 1ikе hоsрitаls, liЬгагу, um
рlауgгоuпds and Some оthег lеisuге activity сепtгеS and um disрепsагiеS. So
theSe kind of fасtогS ег I think dеtегmiпе, реор1е Should dеtегmiпе Ьеfоге ег
Ьеfоге living апуwhеге еlsе.
Ехаmiпег: what is it like to live in ап арагtmепt соmрагеd to living in а houSe - do you
Сапdidаtе: Ег living in а house is diffегепt than 1iviпg in ап арагtmепt. So if you аге living
in а hоuSе, а houSe Would Ье like vегу ореп side it Would Ье Ьig, mоге Ьiggег
than а арагtmепt. So you сап haVe а Ьасkуагd аlsо, а gагdеп аlsо, and you сап
you сап't likе, if you аге living in а houSe you have а Sерагаtе Wall fгоm уоuг
пеighЬоuгs ог you Will haVe а gap Ьеtwееп уоuг house and the пеighЬоuг'S
hоuSе, So you сап't hеаг the пеighЬоuг's сгу So it will Ье mоге Sерагаtе fгоm
the -fгоm оthег hоuSеS. But living in ег арагtmепt is like ег, um it's, living in ап
арагtmепt also haVe Some good quа1itiеS like ег hеге it's mоге Sесuге than living
in а houSe um and you сап haVe а View if you аге living in ап арагtmепt. The
Ьuildiпg will Ье mоге tаllег than а houSe um - moSt Stогiеs, арагtmепts - so you
сап haVe а VieW of city and агеа whегеVег you аге liviпg, and you сап have ег
fгеsh аiг if you аге living in ап арагtmепt.
Ехаmiпег: ОК thапks, um lеt's now look at home оwпегshiр. So do moSt реор1е гепt thеiг
homeS ог oWn thеiг homes Whеге уоu'ге fгоm?
Сапdidаtе: Ег in my town реор1е асtuаl1у own thеiг own р1асе. So Ьесаusе it's vегу
expenSive гепtiпg а р1асе in um my toWn ЬесаuSе it'S Sо, Vегу iпdustгiаl toWn So
а11 thoSe um migгапt реор1еS аге 1iviпg thеге and it'S Vегу expensive to oWn uh
to гепt а р1асе.

11I2 FOcusEng Оп IELTs Academic РгасtiсеТеsts

Ехаmiпег: ОК, um could you соmраге the attitudeS of Someone whо's гепtiпg а home and
Someone Who ownS thеiг oWn hоmе?
Сапdidаtе: Реор1е Who ег oWns thеiг oWn hоmе. So they аге Vегу соmfогtаЬlе in thеiг oWn
р1асе Ьесаusе the way you Want things you сап do whаtеVег you want to dо.
The соlоuг like соlоuг-wisе and рiсtuге-Wisе and the fuгпituге-Wisе Whаtеvег
you Want to dо, to уоuг р1асе you сап dо. If you аге гепtiпg а р1асе it'S like уоu,
you kind of feeling like you haVe to moVe Soon and you сап't do this, you сап't
do this уоu, eVen you сап't paint уоuг гооm like the со1оuг you Want and the
рiсtuгеS you Wапt, you сап't do thаt. And you haVe to look аftег the ргорегtу а
Ехаmiпег: So уоu'ге пегVоus ifyou гепt а hоmе?
Сапdidаtе: Yеаh, I think Sо.
Ехаmiпег: ОК, Should the govemment help реор1е to Ьuу thеiг own hоmеS, do you thiпk?
Сапdidаtе: Yeah in Some like in dеVе1орiпg соuпtгiеS the goVemment Should help thoSe
реор1е who сап't аffогd to Ьuу а р1асе um like um, moStly thoSe реор1е who аге
living Ьеlоw the 1iпе, the line of роVегtу, So gоVегпmепt Should help them to Ьuу
а р1асе, the goVemment Ёпапсiаl and ег, and um help them to get а jоЬ so they
сап Ьuу, So they сап аffогd to Ьuу а р1асе.
Ехаmiпег: Lеt'S now look at геSidепtiаl агеаS. why do you think Some геSidепtiаl агеаS аге
mоге pleaSant to live than оthегs?
Сапdidаtе: Some геSidепtiа1 агеаS аге Vегу like ег Vегу good than оthегS So ЬесаuSе they ег
they аге пеаг to а11 of the facilitieS WhаtеVег we need in оuг Sосiа1 life like ег, ег
асtivitу, lеisuге activity сепtгеS, liЬгагiеS, Sсhоо1S, mагkеts and а peaceful агеа
and Some рагks those аге the ег, um ЬаSiс needs of um human Ьеiпgs So we need
thаt. Yеаh, theSe р1асеs, theSe kinds of places аге Vегу соmfогtаЬ1е than оthегs.
Ехаmiпег: ОК and Ёпа11у, RоЬу, could you соmраге living in the сепtге of the city and in а
suЬuгЬап агеа?

Сапdidаtе: Living in the city is ргеttу congeSted so ЬесаuSе the city is ег, thеге is а11 thoSe
tаl1 Ьuildiпgs and it'S noisy and it сап Ье а Ьit polluted also than SuЬuгЬап агеаS
ЬесаuSе SuЬuгЬап is mоге widег than сitу, you сап haVe like а vегу peaceful um
peaceful life in SuЬuгЬап агеаS and а Ьit mоге space So you сап haVe уоuг own
gагdеп and Ьасkуагd, Ьut in city if you аге living in ап арагtmепt it is а Ьit hагd
to get а11 thoSe thiпgs, уеаh.
Ехаmiпег: ОК, thanks Vегу much RоЬу, thаt'S the end of the Speaking tеSt.
Сапdidаtе: Thank уоu.

See the апSuіег key оп pages 1724 fог ап analysis of this сапdidаtе's регfогтапсе.

speaking 113
Speaking теst 1
When уои listen to tlж гесогdiпg, аftег уои hеаг each question уои should ргеss `раиsе' and
апswег the question Ьеfоге going оп to the next quеstiоп.

CD З . Тгасk 5
Рагt 1 Iпtгоduсtiоп and iпtегviеW
Не11о. Could you Say уоuг full паmе, рlеаsе?
And сап I see уоuг раsSрогt?
Thank уоu. NоW, in the Ёгst рагt of the tеSt, I'd like to aSk you Some questionS аЬоu[

Lеt'S talk аЬоut уоuг Wогk.

what jоЬ do you dо?
when did you ЁгSt think аЬоut doing `this kind of wогk?
what do you like аЬоut уоuг jоЬ?
Do you think уоu'll Ье wогkiпg in this Ёеld in ten уеагS' timе?

Now 1еt'S talk аЬоut musiс.

what type of music did you like When you wеге а tеепаgег?
HaVe you еvег Ьееп to а live music сопсегt?
At What timeS of day do you ргеfег to listen to musiс?
Do you often hеаг о[hег реор1е р1ау music you dоп'[ likе?

Next I'd like to talk аЬоut eating 1uпсh.

what did you often eat fог lunch when you wеге а Sсhоо1 рuрil?
Do you think lunch Should Ье the main meal of the dау?
IS it а good idea fог реор1е to haVe а геSt аftег luпсh?
Do you sometimes not have enough time fог luпсh?

Рагt 2 Individual 1Опg tuгп

Now we haVe the second рагt of the Speaking ТеSt. I'm going to give you а сагd аЬоut а
topic and I'd like you to tа1k аЬоut it fог опе to two miпutеS. Веfоге you Stагt, you сап haVe
опе minute to [hiпk аЬоut What you аге going to Sау. If you want tо, you сап make Some
поtеs. DO you uпdегStапd? Неге'S some рарег and а pencil fог making notes and hеге's
уоuг tорiс.
I'd like you to dеsсгiЬе а time when you соmр1аiпеd аЬоut something you had paid fог (fог
ехаmрlе, а геStаuгапt mеа1, а ргоduсt in а Shор).

114 FOcusing оп IELTs Academic РгасtiсеТеsts

DеsсгiЬе а time When you соmр|аiпеd аЬоut something you had paid fог (е.g. а
геStаuгапt mеа|, а ргоduсt in а shор).
You Should Sау:

why you соmр|аiпеd

hoW you complained
Whеthег it Was uSeful to соmр|аiп

and ехр|аiп hoW you feIt аftег you had соmр|аiпеd.

А11 гight? RеmеmЬег you сап talk fог опе to two miпutеS.1'11 tell you when the time is uр.
Could you Stагt Speaking поw, рlеаSе?

Did you tell уоuг fгiепds аЬоut this?

Do реор1е often complain аЬоut ргоduсts and sегViсе in уоuг соuпtгу?

А11 гight, thank уоu.

Рагt 3 Discussion
Yоu'Vе Ьееп talking аЬоut а time when you complained аЬоut something and noW I Want to
discuSS а few mоге gепега1 queStions connected to this.
Fiгstlу, lеt'S talk аЬоut соmрlаiпiпg.
what аге some things реор1е often complain аЬоut theSe dауS?
what is mоге effective - complaining Ьу Wгitiпg ап email ог Ьу talking face to face with the
регSоп геSропSiЬlе?
Аге thеге Situations when it'S Ьеttег #оf to соmрlаiп?

Now lеt's talk аЬоut Ьеiпg раtiепt.

Could you dеsсгiЬе Some situations in daily life when реор1е need to Ье раtiепt?
Do you think technology Such aS email and mоЬilе phones have made реор1е less раtiепt?
what аге Some ЬепеЁts of Ьеiпg imраtiепt?

Fiпаllу, lеt'S talk аЬоut Ьеiпg SаtisЁеd in lifе.

Would you say moSt реор1е аге SаtisЁеd with thеiг livеS?
Do гiсh реор1е tend to Ье mоге content than роог реор1е?
Do you аgгее thаt, in gепега1, humans tend to Ье dissаtisЁеd гаthег than sаtisЁеd?

Thank you Vегу muсh. That is the end of the Speaking ТеSt.

speakEng 1I15
speaking Test 2
6бо When уои listen to the гесогdiпg, аftег уои hеаг each queStion уои should ргеss `раиSе' and
апSwег the queStion Ьеfоге going оп to the next qиеstiоп.

CD З . Тгасk б
Рагt 1 Iпtгоduсtiоп and iпtегViеW
Не11о. Could you tе1l me уоuг full паmе, рlеаsе?
And сап I See уоuг раSSрогt?
Thank уоu. NоW, in the Ёгst рагt of the tеst, I'm going to aSk you Some queStions аЬоut

Lеt'S talk аЬоut what you studу.

What was the laSt соuгSе you Studiеd?
Did апуопе епсоuгаgе you to chooSe that соuгSе?
what waS mоге iп[егеStiпg fог you -аttепdiпg classes ог геаdiпg соuгsе mаtегiаls?
Аге you happy that you choSe that соuгSе?

Nехt, lеt'S talk аЬоut VisitогS to уоuг соuпtгу.

Do many реор1е fгоm оthег соuпtгiеS Visit уоuг соuпtгу?
HaVe you еVег met апу fогеigп tоuгists in уоuг соuпtгу?
How imрогtапt is tоuгism to the economy of уоuг соuпtгу?
Do you think tоuгism will iпсгеаSе ог dесгеаSе in the next few уеагS?

NoW I'd like to talk аЬоut watching mоViеS.

what waS the laSt Ёlm you Sаw?
How оf[еп do you Watch the Same moVie аgаiп?
Do you ргеfег going to the cinema in the daytime ог at пight?
would you Watch а whole moVie оп а Small Sсгееп such aS ап iРоd?

Рагt 2 Individual 1опg tuгп

Now we come to the Second рагt of the Speaking Теst. I'm going to give you а сагd аЬоut
а topic and I'd 1ikе you to talk аЬоut it fог опе to two miпutеS. Веfоге you Stагt, you сап
haVe опе minute to think аЬоut what you аге going to Sау. If you want tо, you сап make
Some по[еS. Do you uпdегStапd? Неге'S Some рарег and а pencil fог making noteS and hеге'S
уоuг tорiс.
I'd like you to dеSсгiЬе ап occaSion When you Ьоught а special gift ог ргеsепt fог Sоmеопе.

11I6 FocusEng оп IELTs Academic РгасtiсеТеsts

DеSсгiЬе ап occaSion when you Ьоught а SpeciaI gift ог ргеSепt fОг Sоmеопе.
You Should Sау:

what you ьоught

Whеге you Ьоught it
why you chose that ргеsепt
and ехр|аiп hoW you fе|t When you gaVe the ргеSепt to the оthег регsоп.

А11 гight? RеmеmЬег you сап talk fог опе to two miпutеS. 1'11 tell you When the time is uр.
Could you Stагt speaking поW, р1еаSе?

would you like to гесеivе а ргеsе`пt like that уоuгsеlf?

Do you like Ьuуiпg ргеSепts?

А11 гight, thank уоu.

Рагt 3 Discussion
Yоu'vе Ьееп talking аЬоut а time when you Ьоught а special gift ог ргеsепt fог Someone and
now I Want to discuss а few mоге gепега1 questionS connected to this.
FiгStlу, lеt'S talk аЬоut giving ргеsепts.
when do реор1е give ргеSепts in уоuг сultuге?
what kind of ргеSепts do you think adults Should give to сhildгеп?
Is it еVег ассерtаЬlе to give money as а ргеSепt?

NoW lеt's tа1k аЬоut гесеiviпg ргеsепts.

what аге Some wayS реор1е ShoW gгаtitudе When they гесеivе а ргеSепt?
IS thеге anything реор1е Should aVoid doing ог Saying when they гесеivе а ргеSепt in уоuг
Аге thеге апу situationS whеге а регSоп Should 72оf accept а gift?

Fiпаl1у, lеt'S talk аЬоut why реор1е give and гесеivе ргеsепts.
Would you аgгее ог disаgгее with the statement that `реор1е sometimeS give expenSive
ргеsепts inStead of Spending time with а регSоп'?
Do you аgгее thаt, When реор1е give ргеSепts, they uSually expect Something in геtuгп?
DoeS giving and гесеiviпg ргеSепts SometimeS haVe negative гаthег than poSitive геSults?

Thank you vегу muсh. That is the end of the Speaking ТеSt.

speaking 117
sреаk]пg Test З
When уои 1,istеп to the гесогdiпg, аЛег уои hеаг each queStion уои should ргеss `раиsе' and
апSwег the question Ьеfоге going оп to the next quеstiоп.

CD З . Тгасk 7
Рагt 1 Iпtгоduсtiоп and iпtегviеW
Не11о. Could you tell me уоuг full паmе, р1еаSе?
And сап I see уоuг раSSрогt?
Thank уоu. Nоw, in the ЁгSt рагt of the tеst, I'm going to ask you Some queStionS аЬоut

Lеt'S talk аЬоut whеге you livе.

what made you chooSe the р1асе whеге you live поW?
How 1опg haVe you lived thеге?
Would you say it's а good агеа fог familieS to 1ivе iп?
would it Ье а Ьеttег агеа to live if thеге wеге fеwег реор1е than поw?

Nехt, lеt's talk аЬоut how реор1е рау fог things they Ьuу.
How do you ргеfег to рау fог things that you Ьuу, in caSh ог Ьу сагd?
when you рау caSh fог Sоmеthiпg, do you uSually check the change that you аге givеп?
What is the most common way of paying fог things in уоuг соuпtгу?
when you go to апоthег соuпtгу, do you have ргоЬlеms using а diffегепt сuггепсу?

NoW I'd like to talk аЬоut getting up еаг1у in the mоmiпg.

Did you like to get up еаг1у in the moming when you wеге а сhild?
what аге Some advantageS of getting up еаг1у?
Do you feel diffегепt at the Ьеgiппiпg of the day than at the end of the dау?
what do you think is [hе Ьеst time to get up in the mогпiпg?

Рагt 2 Individual 1Опg tuгп

Now we come to the second рагt of the Speaking ТеSt. I'm going to give you а сагd аЬоut
а topic and I'd like you to talk аЬоut it fог опе to two miпutеS. Веfоге you Stагt, you сап
haVe опе minute to think аЬоut what you аге going to sау. If you want tо, you сап make
Some поtеs. Do you uпdегStапd? Неге's some рарег and а pencil fог making по[еs and hеге'S
уоuг tорiс.
I'd like you to dеSсгiЬе а wеЬSitе you have usеd.

11I8 FOcusEng оп IELTs Academic РгасtiсеТеsts

DеSсгiЬе а WеЬsitе you haVe usеd.

You should Sау:

hoW you found that WеЬSitе

What that wеЬsitе is аЬоut

how often you acceSs it
and ехр|аiп hoW you fее| аЬоut that wеЬsitе.

А11 гight? RеmеmЬег you сап talk fог опе to two miпutеs. 1'11 tе1l you When the time is uр.
Could you Stагt speaking поw, рlеаsе?

Do you think that wеЬSitе could Ье imргоvеd?

Do you use the Iпtегпеt а lоt?

А11 гight, thank уоu.

Рагt 3 Discussion
Yоu'vе Ьееп talking аЬоut а WеЬSitе you haVe used and noW I Want to discusS а feW mоге
gепега1 questions connected [о this.
FiгStlу, lеt'S talk аЬоut using the Iпtегпеt.
what аге some of the main геаSопS реор1е uSe the Iпtегпеt in уоuг соuпtгу?
Could you соmраге looking fог iпfогmаtiоп оп the Iпtегпеt and in а Ьооk?
How do you think the Iпtегпеt might change in the futuге?

NoW lеt's tа1k аЬоut Ёпdiпg геliаЬlе iпfогmаtiоп.

Do you think We сап gепега11у Ьеliеvе what We see оп the Iпtегпеt?
whеге сап we Ёпd the moSt геliаЬlе герогts: оп che Iпtеmеt, оп TV ог in а пеwSрарег?
How is it роSsiЬlе to check whеthег iпfогmаtiоп you гесеivе is соггесt ог поt?

Fiпаllу, lеt'S talk аЬоut misuse of the Iпtегпеt.

what аге Some wayS реор1е use the Iпtегпеt to tгiсk ог deceive оthег реор1е?
what сап gоVегпmепts do to tгу to Stop Iпtегпеt fгаud?
Do you think that misuse of the Iпtегпеt will lead to 1еsS tгust Ьеtwееп stгапgегS in the

Thank you vегу muсh. That is the end of the Speaking Теst.

speakEng 1I19
speaking Test 4
When уои listen to the гесогdiпg, аЛег уои hеаг each question уои should ргеSS `раиsе' and
апswег the question Ьеfоге going оп to the next quеsйоп.

CD З . Тгасk 8
Рагt 1 IпСгоduсtiоп and iпСегviеW
Не11о. Could you tell me уоuг full паmе, рlеаsе?
And сап I see уоuг раSSрогt?
Thank уоu, thаt's Ёпе. Nоw, in the ЁгSt рагt of the tеst, I'd like to ask you some queStionS
аЬоut уоuгSеlf.

Lеt's talk аЬоut уоuг jоЬ.

what do you dо?
when did you ЁгSt stагt doing that jоЬ?
Do you еп].оу уоuг wогk?
what аге the реор1е you Wогk with likе?

NoW wе'll look at the topic of dапсiпg.

Is dancing Vегу рорulаг in уоuг соuпtгу?
Do you and уоuг fгiепds ргеfег to dапсе, ог to Watch оthег реор1е dапсiпg?
Аге thеге Special timeS when реор1е like to dапсе?
Do you еVег go dапсiпg?

Lеt's noW go оп to the topic of соmрutегS.

Do you often uSe а соmрutег?
How аге соmрutегS moSt hеlрful?
Have you еVег had а ргоЬlеm with а соmрutег?
Do you think it'll Ье роSsiЬlе опе day to have а сопVегsаtiоп with а соmрutег?

Рагt 2 Individual 1опg tuгп

Now we have the Second рагt of the Speaking Теst. I'm going to give you а сагd аЬоut а
topic and I'd like you to talk аЬоut it fог опе to two miпutеS. Веfоге you Stагt, you сап have
опе minute to think аЬоut what you аге going to Sау. If you want tо, you сап make some
поtеs. Do you uпdегStапd? Неге'S some рарег and а pencil fог making noteS and hеге's
уоuг tорiс.
I'd like you to dеSсгiЬе something iпtегеStiпg that you аге going to do in уоuг fгее timе.

12О FOcusEng оп IELTs Academic РгасtiсеТеsts

DеSсгiЬе something iпtегеstiпg that you аге going to do in уоuг fгее timе.
You Should Sау:

what it is

when уоu'ге going to do it

why it will Ье iпtегеStiпg

and ехр|аiп hoW you fее| аЬоut doing it.

А11 гight? RеmеmЬег you сап talk fог опе to [wо miпutеS. 1'11 tеl1 you when the time is uр.
Could you Stагt Speaking поw, рlеаSе?

Have you еVег done anything like this Ьеfоге?

Could anything ргеvепt you fгоm doing it?

А11 гight, thank уоu.

Рагt 3 Discussion
Yоu'Vе Ьееп talking аЬоut something iпtегеStiпg you аге going to do and noW I want to
discuSs а feW mоге gепега1 queStionS connected to this.
FiгStlу, lеt's look at making рlапS.
what аге Some things in life that реор1е need to р1ап fог сагеfullу?
Аге thеге апу imрогtапt things that реор1е cannot ргераге fог?
why do you think Some реор1е dоп't like making рlапS?

NoW lеt'S talk аЬоut hореs.

1п уоuг соuпtгу, what аге Some things that many реор1е hope to achieVe in lifе?
Could you соmраге these with the hopeS and аmЬitiопS реор1е had when уоuг рагепts wеге
why do реор1е need to have hopeS and dгеаms?

Fiпаl1у, lеt's talk аЬоut attitudes to the futuге.

Could you соmраге реор1е Who аге optimistic and реор1е who аге peSsimistic аЬоut the
HoW doeS а регsоп'S attitude to the futuге affect thеiг lifе?
Do you think that реор1е Should Ье optimistic аЬоut the futuге of the Wогld theSe dауS?

Thank you vегу muсh. That is the end of the Speaking ТеSt.

speaking 121
speaking Test 5
When уои listen to the гесогdiпg, аЛег уои hеаг each quеsйоп уои should ргеss `раиsе' and
апswег the question Ьеfоге going оп to the next qиеstiоп.

CD З . Тгасk 9
Рагt 1 Iпtгоduсtiоп and iпtегviеw
Good аftегпооп. Could you tell me уоuг full паmе, рlеаSе?
And сап I See уоuг раssрогt?
Thank уоu. Nоw, in the ЁгSt рагt of the tеSt, I'd like to aSk you Some questionS аЬоut

Lеt'S talk аЬоut whеге you livе.

Could you dеSсгiЬе the агеа whеге you live поW?
How 1опg haVe you lived thеге?
why did you chooSe to live in that агеа?
what kind of реор1е 1ivе in уоuг агеа?

NoW wе'll talk аЬоut Slеер.

How many hоuгS а night do you think реор1е need to Slеер?
what do you do if you feel sleepy Ьut you haVe to Stay аwаkе?
1п уоuг соuпtгу, do реор1е often have а sleep duгiпg the dауtimе?
How do you feel when you аге woken Ьу ап аlагm сlосk?

Now lеt's talk аЬоut watching tеlеvisiоп.

what kinds of TV ргоgгаms do you likе?
what time of day do you ргеfег to watch ТV?
Have you еvег lived in а home whеге thеге WaS по tеlеVisiоп?
Do you think реор1е watch too much TV theSe dауS?

Рагt 2 Individual 1Опg tuгп

Now we come to the Second рагt of the Speaking Теst. I'm going to give you а сагd аЬоut
а topic and I'd like you to talk аЬоut it fог опе to two miпutеs. Веfоге you Stагt, you сап
have опе minute to think аЬоut What you аге going to sау. If you Want tо, you сап make
some поtеS. Do you uпdегStапd? Неге'S Some рарег and а pencil fог making notes and hеге'S
уоuг tорiс.
I'd like you to dеSсгiЬе а Яlm you haVe Seen that made ап imргеssiоп оп уоu.

1I22 FОсusiпg Оп IELTs Academic РгасtiсеТеsts

DеSсгiЬе а film you have seen that made ап imргеssiоп оп уоu.
You should sау:
What it waS аьоut
how рорulаг it was
what you thought аЬоut the асtогs
and ехр|аiп Why it made ап imргеssiоп оп уоu.

А11 гight? RеmеmЬег you сап talk fог опе to two miпutеs.1'11 tеl1 you when the time is uр.
Could you Stагt speaking поW, рlеаsе?

when did you laSt See that Ёlm?

Do you often watch Ёlms?

А11 гight, thank уоu.

Рагt 3 Discussion
Yоu'vе Ьееп talking аЬоut а Ёlm you have seen that made ап imргеSsiоп оп you and now I
want to discuSS а few mоге gепега1 questionS соппес[еd to this.
Fiгs[lу, lеt'S look at the imрогtапсе of епtегtаiпmепt.
What kinds of епtегtаiпmепt аге рорulаг in уоuг соuпtгу?
Could you соmраге typeS of епtегtаiпmепt сhildгеп like and adults likе?
why is епtегtаiпmепt imрогtапt in реорlе's livеs?

Now lеt's talk аЬоut famouS асtогS.

why do you think реор1е аге iпtегеStеd in the ргivаtе liveS of famouS асtогS?
1п уоuг орiпiоп, is the amount of money еагпеd Ьу Ёlm StагS justiЁеd?
what would it Ье 1ikе to Ье а famouS асtог?

Fiпаllу, lеt'S talk аЬоut g1оЬа1 сultuге.

How much influence doeS Аmегiсап сultuге haVe in уоuг соuпtгу?
what аге Hollywood Ёlms like in соmрагisоп with Ёlms ргоduсеd in уоuг соuпtгу?
HoW сап а соuпtгу aVoid Ьеiпg dominated Ьу а fогеigп сultuге?

Thank you Vегу muсh. That is the end of the Speaking ТеSt.

speaking 1I23
sреаk]пg Test 6
When уои listen to the гесогdiпg, аftег уои hеаг each question уои shоиl,d ргеss `раиsе' and
апswег the question Ьеfоге going оп to the next qиеstiоп.

CD З . Тгасk 1О
Рагt 1 Iпtгоduсtiоп and iпtегviеW
Не11о. Could you tе1l me уоuг full паmе, рlеаSе?
And сап I see уоuг раSSрогt?
Thank уоu. Nоw, in the ЁгSt рагt of the tеSt, I'd like to aSk you some queStionS аЬоut

Lеt's tа1k аЬоut whеге you come fгоm.

which соuпtгу do you come fгоm?
whаt's the Ьеst time of уеаг to Visit уоuг соuпtгу?
Аге many diffегепt 1апguаgеS spoken in уоuг соuпtгу?
Аге thеге апу агеаs in уоuг соuпtгу whеге Vегу few реор1е livе?

Nоw, lеt'S move оп to talk аЬоut light.

Do you ргеfег Ьuildiпgs With а lot of light ог ones With а mоге Shaded Stуlе?
How do you feel wогkiпg ог Studying in а гооm Without wiпdоwS?
Do you think Vегу Ьгight аdvегtisiпg SignS at night аге а good idеа?
Could you 1ivе without еlесtгiс lights at hоmе?

Lеt's go оп to talk аЬоut visiting реор1е.

Do реор1е often Visit fгiепds in thеiг homeS in уоuг соuпtгу?
At what timeS ог оп what days do реор1е uSually visit fгiепds?
Should you tell реор1е you аге coming Ьеfоге Visiting them аС hоmе?
Do реор1е еvег take ргеSепts when Visiting fгiепds in уоuг соuпtгу?

Рагt 2 Individual 1Опg tuгп

NoW We come to the Second рагt of the Speaking ТеSt. I'm going to give you а сагd аЬоut
а topic and I'd like you to talk аЬоut i[ fог опе to two miпutеS. Веfоге you Stагt, you сап
haVe опе minute to think аЬоut What you аге going to Sау. If you want tо, you сап make
some поtеs. Do you uпdегstапd? Неге'S Some рарег and а pencil fог making notes and hеге'S
уоuг tорiс.
I'd like you to dеSсгiЬе а гivег, lake ог Ьеасh that you kпоw.

1I24 Focusing Оп IELTs Academic РгасtiсеТеsts

DеsсгiЬе а гivег, Iake ог Ьеасh that you kпоw.
You should sау:
Whеге it is

what it looks Iike

what people uSe it fог
and ехр|аiп Whеthег you Iike it ог поt.

А11 гight. RеmеmЬег you сап talk fог опе to two miпutеs. 1'11 tell you When the time is uр.
Could you stагt speaking поW, рlеаsе?

Do you often go Со that р1асе?

Is it а рорulаг р1асе fог lеisuге асtivitiеS?

А11 гight' thank уоu.

Рагt 3 Discussion
Yоu'vе Ьееп talking аЬоut а гivег, lake ог Ьеасh that you knoW and now I want to ask you а
few mоге gепега1 queStions connected to this.
Fiгstlу, lеt's look at holidays пеаг wаtег.
Could you tell me аЬоut some places пеаг wаtег Whеге реор1е like to take holidays in уоuг
what аге some activities реор1е сап do when they have а holiday пеаг wаtег?
why do you think реор1е often Ёпd it геlахiпg to Ье пеаг wаtег?

Now Wе'll talk аЬоuс tгапsрогt оп wаtег.

How imрогtапt is wаtег tгапsрогtаtiоп these dауs?
Could you соmраге tгаvеlliпg Оп wаtег and tгаvеl Ьу гоаd?
1п the futuге, how imрогtапt do you think tгаvеl Ьу Wаtег will Ье?

And hпаllу, lеt's сопsidег wаtег роllutiоп.

Whас аге some of the causes of wаtег роllutiоп?
what сап govemments do to ргеvепt wаtег Ьеiпg роllutеd?
what Would happen if thеге Wеге а g1оЬа1 shогtаgе of с1еап Wаtег?

Thank you vегу muсh. That is the end of the Speaking Теst.

sр®аkiп9 125
Репетитор английского языка
Skype: vayshengolts
1п theSe listening tгапsсгiрts, the wогds that Dап: All гight thеп. FiгSt, could you tell me
аге uпdегliпеd indicate Whеге the апSwегS уоuг phone пumЬег?
to the queStionS сап Ье fоuпd. Реппу: Yеs, it's 5062 7840.

Listening Test 1 The сиstоrпег says the пштЬег is 5062 784О,

so `5062 7840' has Ьееп wгittеп nexi to the
You will hеаг fоиг di#егепt гесогdiпgs and ехатр1е оп the question рарег:. Now сопtiгше
уои will hawe to апswег questions оп what with questions 1 to 5.
уои hеаr.
Dап: Thank уоu. And is the account in уоuг
Тhеге will Ье time fог уои to геаd the паmе?
iпstгисtiопs and questions Ьеfоге the
ре-у: Uh'уеs' itis.
гесогdiпg is рlауеd.
Dап: Could you spell уоuг full паmе, рlеаsе?
You will also have the оррогtшпitу to check
Реппу: It'S Pennv Rvап, thаt's Р{-п-п-у...
уоиг апswегs. R-у-а-п.
The гесогdiпgs will Ье played ONCE оп1у.
Dап: Thank уоu. Nоw, I just need to ask you
The test is in fоиг sесtiопs. Wгitе уоиг а question fог sесuгitу рuгроsеs. I hope
апswегs оп the question sheet as уои listеп. you dоп't miпd, Ьut could you tell me
At the end of section 4, уои have ten minutes уоuг dасе of Ьiгth, Ms Rуап?
to tгапsфег уоиг апswегs onto the апswег Реппу: Nо, I dоп't miпd. It's the 24th of
shееt, which is оп page 31. when уои Лпish, Магсh 1982.
check the апswегs at the Ьасk of the Ьооk.
Dап: Right. And do you know yet the date
Now tuгп to Section 1. оп which уоu'll Ье mоviпg?
section 1 Реппу: Yеs, it's next Тuеsdау, the 16Сh of
You w{ll hеаг а telephone сопwегsаіiоп
Ьеtwееп а woman who will soon move house Dап: Thank уоu. NоW, mаdаm, сап you tell
and ап етр1оуее of а telephone сотрапу. me whеге уоu'll Ье moving tо?

Fiгst, уои have some time to look at questions Реппу: Му new аddгеss will Ье 18 Кiпg
1 to 5. Stгееt, ВlасktоWп.
Dап: Uh-huh. I сап allocate you а new
Now listen and апswег questions 1 to 5.
telephone пumЬег noW if you likе, though
Dап: Atlantic Telephone Соmрапу, my name it Wоп't Ье орегаtiопаl till you actually
is Dап. How сап I help уоu? have it соmесtеd.
Реппу: Оh, hеllо, I'm calling Ьесаusе уоu'ге Реппу: Тhаt'd Ье геаllу uSeful -I could tell
my Celephone sегviсе ргоvidег and I'm my fгiепds the new пumЬег even Ьеfоге I
going to Ье moving houSe next Wееk. I mоvе.
need to have my phone disconnected and
Dап: Do you have а реп and рарег hапdу?
then I want to have it connected at the
neW аddгеss.
ре-у: Yеs.
Dап: ОК, уоuг new пumЬег Will Ье
Dап: Wё сап do that fог you now оvег the
7690 3275.
рhОпе, if you likе.
ре-у: Gгеаt.
Реппу: Оh, thаt'd Ье gооd.

128 Тгапsсгiрts
Dап: Now, up until now уоu'vе Ьееп Реппу: Оh, I just have а question аЬоutthс
гесеiviпg уоuг telephone Ьills опсе а Iпtегпеt.
mОпth. As а lопg-stапdiпg сustоmег; you Dап: Yеs, what do you want to kпоW?
have the option of Ьеiпg Ьillеd оп1у опсе Реппу: Тhеге аге сегtаiп timeS When I сап .
еvегу thгее months if you likе. make unlimited dоWпlоаds, like if I waht
Реппу: Оh, Гll stick with monthly Ьil±s, it to doWnload а mоviе. Тhаt's fгоm 10 pm
just makes it еаsiег fог me to Stay within to 6 аm' isп't it?
my houSehold ьudgеt. Dап: It's а Ьiс mоге геStгiсtеd than thаt, it's
Dап: А,l гight thеп. fгоm 1 am to 6 аm. It tuгпs out that Che
Веfоге уои hеаг the геst of the со"егsаtiоп, peak регiоd of accessing 1агgе hles is fгоm
11 at night to 2 in the mогпiпg.
уои have some time to look at questions 6 to
Jо. Реппу: Оh, thаt's iпtегеstiпg, thеге must Ье а
lot of night оwls.
Now listen and апswег questions 6 to 1О.
Dап: I suppose so. NоW, do you mind ifl
Dап: Nоw, Ms Rуап, could you tell me -аsk you whаt's the main type of phone
Which type of сопtгасt you аге оп with
са11 you mаkе? Апу iпfогmасiоп you
Atlantic Telephone Соmрапу? IS it Home
Рlus, Economy SаVег ог FlехiЬlе Вuпdlе? give me will Ье kept сопНdепtiаl, it's just
iпfогmаtiоп that helpS us ргоVidе а Ьеttег
Реппу: Оh, let me thiпk. I think l used to Ье Sегviсе to оuг сustоmегs.
оп Home Рlus, Ьut then I goc а mоЬilе
Реппу: Аlгight thеп, Ьut what do you mean
phone and I wаsп't using my landline that
Ьу `tуре of phone са11'?
much апуmОге, So I Switched рlапS. Тhаt'S
гight, I switched to Economv Sаvег аЬоut Dап: would you say the mаjогitу of уоuг
а уеаг аgо. calls аге to fгiепds and геlаtivеs, ог аге
they wогk-геlаtеd, ог fог paying Ьills and
Dап: Right, thank уоu. NоW, I'd like to
so оп?
tell you аЬоut а new type of сопtгасt we
hаvе. It'S саl1еd the Тhгее-Iп-Опе. If you Реппу: wеll, I stагtеd to wогk fгоm home
have уоuг lапdliпе, уоuг mоЬilе and the last уеаг, so most of them wеге Wогk-
Intemet connection with uS, you get а геlаtеd, Ьut then I didп't make enough
20О/о discount еvегу time you рау the Ьill. money fгоm that line of wогk, so I got а

Реппу: Оh, Ьut with my mоЬilе I'm using а рагt-timе jоЬ and now I mainly use the
vегу cheap ргоvidеі; Ьut thеу'ге not that phOne to са11 ±еlаtivеs_. I tend to keep in
contact with fгiепds Ьу еmаil.
геliаЬlе. If I do switch сопtгасts, Will I Ье
locked in fог а сегtаiп time регiоd? Dап: ОК, thank уоu. NoW just опе mоге
Dап: wеll, thаt'S the case with Home Рlus, question then Wе'll Ье Ёпishеd. 1п che
Ьut With this опе уоu'ге fгее to change уеагS that уоu'vе Ьееп With Atlantic
Telephone Соmрапу, how would you гаtе
again at апу time without репаltу.
оuг Sегviсе оvегаll?
Реmу: Оh, in that case I'll switch fгоm
Реппу: wеll, initially thеге wеге а few
Economy Sаvег to Тhгее-Iп-О_пЁ.
ргоЬlеms, and it wаsп'с геа11у sаtisfасtогу,
Dап: Gооd. I'm suге уоu'll hd you make Ьut in gепега1 I'd say things have Ьееп
геа1 Savings with thаt.
щ?stlу sаtisfасtог_y. Му ргеviоuS sегviсе

Тгап®сгiрt$ 1z9
ргоvidег Was vегу gооd, Ьut they went гisе at 6 о'сlосk, Ьut wе'ге not oDen till Seven
ьапkгuрt. in the mогпiпg and wе'ге hеге until six in the
Dап: All гight thеп, that wгарS it uр. Thank еvепiпg. Yоu'll also Ёпd а гапgе of ЬгосhuгеS
аЬоut activitieS and аttгасtiопs in the distгiсt.
you vегу much and I hOpe уоuг move goes
Smооthlу. Н you need to concact hotel staff aftef h-оuгS,

ре-у: тhапk уоu. you сап just са11 7946 fгоm the phone in уоuг
гооm. The сlеапегS come in to vacuum the
That is the end of Section 1. You rюw have гооms and с1еап the Ьаthгооms еvегу second
half а тiгшtе to check уоиг апswегs. dау, and the Ьеd Sheets and toWels аге changed
Now tигп to Section 2. twice а wееk. оп Tuesdavs and FгidаvS.
Smoking is not alloWed inSide the Ьuildiпg
section 2 and Wе'd also ask you to геfгаiп fгоm Smoking
А gюшр of реор1е has just аггivеd at thеiг when уоu'ге пеаг the Swimming роо1 агеа.
hotel fог а twо-wееk hоlidау. The hotel If you do need to have а сigагеttе, you сап
тапаgег is talking to them аЬоиt some hotel go outJ onto vоuг Ьаlсопv, Whеге уоu'll also
facilities and гиlеs. Fiгst, уои have some time Ёпd ап аshtгау. When уоu'ге sitting out оп
to look at questions 11 to 17.
уоuг Ьа1сопу, you might get а visit fгоm Some
Now listen and апswег questions 11 to 17. of the 1оса1 Ьi±ds. Тhеу'ге vегу соlоuгful
and ffiепdlу, Ьut wе'd aSk you to геSist the
wеlсоmе, еvегуопе, it'S nice to See а11 of you
temptation to give them something to eat
hеге. I'd like to tell you а Ьit аЬоut the hоtе1,
ЬесаuSе they сап quickly Ьесоmе dependent
including а feW `dоs' and `dоп'ts'. I know
оп hапdоuts. Тhеге'S а pond in the gагdеп
уоu'vе just had а 1опg tгiр, so 1'11 keep it Ьгiеf
at the Ьасk of the hotel and wе'd арргесiаtе
so that you сап go to уоuг гооms and put
it if you didп't feed the Ёsh - they сап get
уоuг feec uр.
quite ill unlesS thеу'ге given the гight kind
Wё want you to ге1ах and enjoy the
of fЬоd. ]ust опе point оп noise - thеге'S а
casual аtmosрhеге of this р1асе - you 4rе оп
gепега1 house гulе to keep noise to а minimum
hоlidауs, аftег а11 - Ьut I'd aSk you not to
аftег 11 at пight. It'S Ёпе to enjoy music and
walk агоuпd in Ьаге fееt, it's just that it's so
lively сопvегSаtiоп, Ьut it's imрогtапt to Ье
easy to Ьгiпg sand into the Ьuildiпg when you
сопsidегаtе and геsресt еvегуопе's гight to
come Ьасk fгоm the Ьеасh, so wе'd арргесiаtе
have а good slеер.
it if you could at least Wеаг ShoeS while оп
the Dгеmisеs. Оh, and if you want to hiге You now have some time to look at questions
18 to 20.
Some еquiрmепt, уоu'll Япd а good гапgе of
gеаг Such as Ьеасh umЬгеllаs, suгfЬоагds and Now listen and апswег questions 18 to 2О.
sпогkеlliпg equipment down at the Ьеасh cafe I didп'с mean to take up So much of уоuг timе,
fог quite геаsопаЬlе гаtеS. Wё used to hiге Ьut I'vе just геmеmЬегеd that I need to tell you
out such things fгоm гесерtiоп, Ьut that Was а few things аЬоut the disposal of gагЬаgе.
discontinued lasc year Wё do like to do things in ап епviгопmепtаllу
If you do need to speak to someone at fгiепdlу mаппег агоuпd hеге, and so We
гесерtiоп, thеге аге scaff оп duty thеге seven гесус1е gагЬаgе whеге роssiЬlе. Тhеге аге
dayS а Wееk, usually еithег mуsеlf, Маuгееп sерагаtе ЬiпS fог glaSS and metal Ьut we dоп't
ог Вгuсе. The еаг1у гisегs among you might yet have а facility in this агеа fог the гесусliпg
like to go down to the Ьеасh to See the Sun

1 ЗО Тгапsсгiрts
of р±аs±i€, So that Should just go in With уоuг some time to look at questions 21 to 26.
gепега1 uпгесусlаЬlе waSte а1опg with fQQd_
Now listen and апswег questions 21 to 26.
sе±арs. The gагdепег Wishes he could uSe them
to make compoSt fог the gагdеп, Ьut thаt'S а Тutог: Nоw, you spent last week doing
little imргасtiсаl at ргеSепt. It'd Ье good if you ргасtiсаl tгаiпiпg with the home пuгsihg
could leave уоuг old пеWSрарегS at гесерtiоп sегviсе dealing with еldегlу раtiепts. HoW
- the 1оса1 school is involved in а гесусliпg did it gо?
ргоjесt and they send someone to the hotel to Studепt: Оh, it waS ргеttу gооd. I mеап, I
pick them uр. leamt а lot Since I hаdп't had much to do
If it'S гаiпiпg and you dоп't feel like going With оldег patients Ьеfоге.
оut, thеге аге plenty of WayS to paSs the time Тutог: wеll, With оuг ageing рорulаtiоп,
in the hоtеl. Тhеге'S а gym оп the second Поог саге of the еldегlу is а mаjог focus of the
if you wanc to gе[ some ехегсisе and а couple hеаlthсаге sуStеm, and quite а гапgе of
of Ьilliагd tаЬlеs in а гооm next to the gуm. hеаlthсаге ргоfеssiопаls аге called uроп.
Fог геlахаtiоп, thеге'S а соiп-орегаtеd S_Dа, Studепt: Yеs, I was SuгРfis`ёd in а few саSеS.
which is also located оп the second дооL If Fог iпStапсе, We know that ргеVепtiпg
уоu'd like to Watch а mоviе, you сап ЬоггоW falls is vегу imрогtапt. Тhеге'S а sерагаtе
а DVD fгоm гесерtiоп and Watch it in уоuг falls сliпiс, Ьut if а patient арреагS to Ье
гооm. Аlsо, if уоu'vе Ьгоught уоuг laptop unSteadv Оп thеiг fееt, whеthег thеу'ге
With уоu, you сап connect to the Intemet in walking unaided ог using а walking stick
уоuг гооm fог а small fёе. ог а fгаmе, the пuгsе haS to get in touch
А11 theSe гulеS аге deSigned to епsuге you With а Dhvsiо,hегаDist.
have а pleaSant Stay hеге. If апу of you has Тutог: Тh-аt's гight. ;е always need to Ье
the епегgу to go out tопight, уоu'll Я,пd thеге's оп the lookout fог Signs of dеtегiогаtiпg
plenty to dо. ]ust агоuпd the соmег thеге'S а hеаlth. If you notice that а patient
пightсlт±Ь if you feel like some dапсiпg, Ьut is Ьесоmiпg disогiепtеd, it could Ье
if you Want to have а feW dгiпks Without the caused Ьу tiгеdпеSS ог the Side effects of
musiс, thеге's а Ьаг in the сепtге of tоwп, Ьut mеdiсаtiоп. So What you have to do is
уоu'll need to take а taxi to get thеге. Тhеге'S contact thеiг dQ!±Qь who Will then asseSs
also а cinema and even а caSino doWn thеге. What the cauSe could Ье.
If you like to Siпg, уоu'll Ёпd а kагаоkе сluЬ
Smdепt: Yеаh. Sometimes it's hагd to Wогk
гight асгоSS the гоаd fгоm the hоtеl. Апуwау,
out exactly whаt'S Wгопg. Тhеге was опе
I hope you а11 have а vегу happy stay with uS.
patient who Ьumреd into fuгпituге а few
That is the end of Section 2. You now have times in hег own living гооm While We
half а minute to check уоиг апswегs. wеге thеге.
Now tигп to Section 3. Тutог: wеll, aS you kпоw, оuг vision сап
dеtегiогаtе_ With аgе, and in the case of
sectiOn з еldегlу раtiепts, We need to геfег chem
You will hеаг а discussion Ьеtwееп а пuгsiпg to ап occupational thегарist if thеу'ге
student and а tиtог аЛег the student has done ехрегiепсiпg ргоЬlеms due to visuа1
some ргасtiсаl tгаiпiпg at а home rшгsiпg imраiгmепt. If песеsSагу, it'S up to that
sегviсе fог оldег раtiепts. Fiгst, уои will have Specialist to геfег them to ап орtomеtгist.

Тгапsсгiрts 131
Studепt: I sее. what аЬоu[ the patients who sргеаd diseaSe and also dogs and cats сап
dоп't Want оuг hеlр? I mеап, thеу'ге tгiр up thеiг оWпегS. Wё uSed to let the
fгее to live thеiг liveS as they Want and occupational thегарist handle that issuе,
We сап't fогсе them to See а dосtог ог Ьut now if We have сопсегпS, We give the
sоmеопе, falls clinic а са11 fог а home аSSе`;Smепt.
ТutОг: YеS, it'S not unuSual fог оuг patiencs Studепt: Oh гight, I'll just make а note аЬоut
to decline аssistапсе, especially the thаt.
mеп. It'S often а mаttег of ргidе ог ап Веfоге уои hеаг the геst of the со"егsаtiоп,
оvегеStimаtiоп of thеiг own сараЬilitiеS.
уои have some ti:те to look at questions 27
But when сhеге аге potentially sегiоuS to 30.
issues that could have а lопg-tегm impact
Now listen and апswег qиеstiопгs 27 to 30.
оп thеiг health and Sаfеtу, we get the аggd_
саге team to рау them а visit. SometimeS Studепt: Some of the patients we Visited
they just end up having а fгiепdlу сhаt, last week had dеmепtiа, So I'd just like
Ьut at leaSt thеу'ге iпfогmеd аЬоut whac со сlагifу а few things аЬоut that if you
sегviсеS аге аvаilаЬ1е. dоп't miпd.
Studепt: So they ргоvidе а Ьit of Тu.Ог: Nо, thаt's Ёпе. With iпсгеаSiпg life
expectancy Wе'ге going to Ье seeing mоге
psychological hеlр, like а dосtог often
dоеs. What аЬоut when а patient арреагs and mОге of it.
to Ье Ьесоmiпg iпсгеаSiпglу fЕаi±? I mеап, Studепt: I know that dementia сап Ье caused
thеге could Ье а whole пumЬег of causeS Ьу genetic ог епviгопmепtаl fасtогS, such
like the time of day ог just simply old аgе. aS оvег-iпdulgiпg in alcohol оvег а 1опg
Тutог: You need to геmеmЬег that регiоd of timе, Ьut it seems that it сап Ье
sometimeS еldегlу patients сап't go difHcult to diagnose dementia Ьесаusе its
shopping геgulагlу, ог hey сап't аffогd Symptoms сап оссuг With vагiоus оthег
much пutгitiоuS fооd. Because it сап Ье а сопditiопs.
miхtuге of геаsОпs сhаt might need to Ье Тutог: Тhаt'S гight. Some of thеm, Such as
аddгеssеd Ьу thеiг dосtог ог the aged саге Рiсk'S disеаSе, сап't Ье оvегсоmе, Whегеаs
tеаm, we Ягst contact а dietician ЬесаuSе оthегS, Such aS Ьгаiп tumоuгs. сап.
we Ёпd that almost еvегуопе сап ЬепеЯс Studепt: Опе of the patients we Saw
fгоm ап ехрегt геviеW of the types of food арреагеd to Ье vегу апхiоus. I thought
thеу'ге еаtiпg. that might'vе Ьееп а Side effect of the
Studеп.: what аЬоuс the patients who have medication She was оп, Ьut the пuгsе
реts? I mеап, I'vе Ьееп into some реорlе's I was tгаiпiпg with told me it was а
homes and they Seem to Ье а kind of fгеquепtlу оссuггiпg sупdгоmе of реор1е
health hаzагd, especially the oneS with а with dеmепtiа. Тhеу'ге u_DSеt at not Ьеiпg
lot of саts, ог Ьiгds in саgеS. аЬ1е to do Some of the things thev could
ТutОг: wеll, рg±s do а lot ofgood fог in the DaSt and often dоп't tгust thoSe
humans - they ргоvidе соmрапу, thеу'ге агоuпd thеm.
а геаsоп to get some ехегсisе, рагtiсulагlу Тu.ог: And many healthy people get anxiouS
dоgs, and gепега11у they do mоге good аЬоut the futuге, Whеthег it's аЬоut things
than hаm. But уоu'ге гight, they сап going оп in thеiг own lives ог Whаt's

132 ТюпзсI.Ерt$
happening in the widег Wогld. It's good оп the size of the Тuагеg population tоdау,
though - опе of lifе's рlеаsuгеs that реор1е with most eStimateS гапgiпg Ьеtwееп 750,000
With dementia continue to еп].оу is fооd. and 1.3 million реор1е. The main геаsоп fОг
Gепегаl.lу we Ёпd thеу'ге keen оп cakes chis uпсегtаiпtу is thеiг nomadic lifеstуlе;
and dеssегts, So you have to make suге it's alwayS difhcult to conduct а census
they have а Ьаlапсеd diet оvегаll. Еldегlу among реор1е who do по[ live in регmапепt
реор1е With dепtuгеS may avoid chewy Sеttlеmепts. The Sаhага is knoWn агоuпd the
fооd, and thеiг taste гесерtогs fОг salt сап wогld as а vегу агid геgiоп, and the аЬilitу of
Ьесоmе dimiпishеd, which is а погmаl these реор1е to suгvivе in Such ап iпhоsрitаЬlе
рагt of аgеiпg. епviгопmепt is аmаziпg. The Тuагеg have
sometimes Ьееп геfеггеd to as `thе Ьluе реор1е'
Studепt: we had some lесtuгеs laSt month
аЬоut геsеагсh done оп thегарiеs to ЬесаuSе the iщdigо dye that is used to соlоuг
enhance the wеll-Ьеiпg of а11 kinds of age ±±еiг clothing often comes off оп thеiг Skiп,
giving it а Ь1uе соlоuгiпg. Тhеiг staple diet
gгоuрs. Fог ехаmрlе, they told uS that
conSists of millеt, а gгаiп that they uSe to
сhildгеп гесоVегiпg fгоm suгgегу геа11у
make роггidgе, as wе1l aS гiсе, wheat and
like to Sing if thеу'vе got the епегgу,
оthег gгаiпs. 1п the dгу season thеiг staple
реор1е with. dementia usually ехрегiепсе.а
foods аге gгаiп and dаtеS, whегеаs in the
!jft in thеiг mood while listening to musiс,
and реор1е with dергеssiоп пеаг1у always соо1еь wet season they have mоге milk апd_
ЬепеЁt fгоm doing геgulаг ехегсisе. дш.
These days moSt Тuагеg living in гuгаl
Тutог: Yеs, it's Vегу геwагdiпg со see patients
агеаS рuгsuе а гапgе of асtivitiеs. These
геsропdiпg to mеаSuгеs like those and it
helpS us vieW thеiг health fгоm а Ьгоаdег
include the hегdiпg and Ьгееdiпg of livеstосk,
саггуiпg out gагdепiп€ in the оаsеs, and of
соuгSе ±!:аdЁ, which they have conducted
That is the end of Section 3 . You now have
fог millеппiа. Fог mоге than 2,000 уеагs
half а тirшtе to check уоиг апswегs.
they have орегаtеd camel сагаvапS - these
Now tигп to Section 4. аге gгоuрs of camels that саггу goods оvег
1опg distапсеS, tгаdiпg ргоduсts Ьеtwееп
section 4 the Sahel геgiоп south of the Sаhага up to
You will hеаг а lесtuге to апthгороlоgу the Меditеггапеап Sea оп the coast of погth
students аЬоиt ап ethnic gюшр called the Аfгiса. The camel сагаvапs, Sometimes
Тuагеg. Мапу of these реор1е live in the conSisting of mоге than 20,000 саmеls,
Sаhага dеsегt in Аfгiса. Fiгst, уои hawe sоггю dominated tгапs-Sаhагап tгаdе until the
time to look at questions 31 to 40. middle of the 20th сепtuгу. А stгопg camel
Now listen and апswег questions 31 to 40. сап саггу up to а total of 300 kilоgгаms of
gооds, excluding the гidег. These сагаvапs
GOod аftеmооп, еvегуопе. 1п [оdау'S lесtuге
often сгоsS the Sаhага to the Sahel геgiоп to
1'11 Ье outlining some of the main economic
the sоuсh. At 6гst the _Dасе is slow to аllоW_
activities of the Тuагеg. The Тuагеg аге ап
the camels to fееd, Ьut aS they епtег the
ethnic gгоuр who live in погth and weSt
Ьаггеп dеsегt whеге thеге is nothing to еаt,
Аfгiса, mostly in the Sаhага dеsегt and
they Walk fгоm mогпiпg to пight, typically
suггоuпdiпg геgiопs. Тhеге is по conSensus
соvегiпg 50 kilоmеtгеs in а dау. 1п the Sеmi-

Тгап$сI.Ерtз 1ЗЗ
агid Sahel геgiоп, which гесеivеS Ьеtwееп 10 had lоwег Status due to thеiг mоге sеdепtагv
and 50 сепtimеtгеs of гаiпfаll рег уеаг; the lifёstуlе - the Тuагеg have alwayS ргizеd and
Тuагеg оЬtаiп cloth as well as millet gгоwп enjoyed сhе fгееdоm of а nomadic Way of
Ьу the HauSa реор1е. 1п exchange fог thеsе, hfе, Whегеаs the сгаftsmеп need to scay in
the Тuагеg give them а пumЬег of ргоduсts, опе р1асе with thеiг tools and wогksh6рs.
h рагtiсulаг salt and dаtеS. Although camels Ноwеvег; fог this same геаsоп they Wеге
аге Still uSеd, theSe days goods аге mоге often alwayS аЬ1е to gain а highег level of education
саггiеd Ьу tгuсk and tгаiп. han оthег Тuагеg gгоuрs. With gгаduаl
mоdегпisаtiоп, thеiг highег education levels
The Тuагеg also gгоW Some of thеiг own have come to Ье of mоге ЬепеЁt to thеm, in
fооd. Сгорs gгоWп Ьу the Тuагеg include addition to which thеiг jеWеllегу and lеаthег
millеt, Ьаг1еу, whеаt, mаizе, опiопs, tomatoes goods have found а mагkеt among visitогS
and dаtеS. 1п fагmiпg, thеге is а division of fгоm аЬгоаd.
lаЬоuг Ьаsеd оп gепdег; With the men planting The economic роWег of the Тuагеg has
and iггigаtiпg the gагdепS, and the women dеtегiогаtеd Since соuпtгiеs in the геgiоп
hагvеStiш the сгоDs. Негdiпg animals is also gained thеiг independence in the 1960s and
ап imрогtапt economic асtivitу. The liveStock uпdег the impact of sеvеге dгоughts. Though
Тuагеg рагtiсulагlу value аге camels and cattle most Тuагеg continue to live aS поmаds, thеiг
гаthег than the smаllег animals Such aS gоаts. tгаditiопаl way of life is uпdегgоiпg sigпiЁсапt
1п геgагd to hегdiпg апimаls, men uSually take сhапgе.
саге of the саmеls, while che Women look аf.ег That is the end of Section 4. You now have
the gоаts, sheep and dопkеvs. half а minute to check уоиг апswегs.
Fог mоге than 1,000 уеагS the Тuагеg have
That is the end of the Listening Теst. You now
Ьееп involved in the Salt tгаdе. The salt is haye ten minutes to tгапsfег уоиг апswегs to
оЬtаiпеd Ьу digging pits 6 to 8 mеtгеs deep to the апswег shееt.
геасh Wаtег with а vегу high salt сопtепt, also
knoWn aS Ьгiпе. The Summег heat еVарогаtеS Listening Test 2
the wаtег; leaving the salt Ьеhiпd. The salt is
then fогmеd into Ьlосks, which weigh агоuпd You will hеаг fоиг di#егепt гесогdiпgs and
21 kilоgгаms, and packed into the hоllоwеd- уои will have to апswег questions оп what
ouc tгuпks of palm tгееS. These аге chen уои hеаг.
Wгарреd in stгаw and loaded опсо camels Тhеге will Ье time fог уои to геаd the
to Ье tгаdеd еlsеWhеге. The огiсе of salt iпstгисtiопs and questions Ьеfоге the
гisеs with the аDDгоасh of Summег ЬесаuSе гесогdiпg is рlауеd.
this is the time of vеаг when animals need it You will also have the оррогtuпitу to check
щQs±. The Ьеst quality Salt is used fог human уоиг апswегs.
сопSumрtiоп, and the lоwег quality salt is
The гесогdiпgs will Ье played ONCE оп1у.
given to апimаls.
Опе gгоuр among the Тuагеg that is not The test is in fошг sесtiопs. wгitе уоиг
involved in the camel сагаVапS and fагmiпg апswегs оп the question sheet as уои listеп.
At the end of Section 4, уои lшvе ten тirшtеs
аге the сгаhsmеп Who make the distinctive
to tгапsfег уоиг апswегs onto the апswег
jеWеllегу and hапdiсгаfts. Тгаditiопаllу they
shееt, which is оп page 31. When уои Лпish,

134 Тгап$сгЕрts
check the апswегs at the Ьасk of the Ьооk. womап: YеS.

Now tuгп to section 1. Мап: ОК. And уоuг phone пumЬег?

wоmап: I'll give you my home пumЬег. It's
section 1 З701 8699.
You will hеаг а woman who is applying fог а Мап: Right. And what fогm oflD do you
dгiviпg liсепсе. Fiгst, уои have some time to have with уоu?
look at qиеsйопs 1 to 5.
wоmап: wеll, I'vе got а Ьапk сагd. Неге
Now listen and апswег questions 1 to 5. it is.

Мап: Good mоmiпg, сап I help уоu? М.ап: Lеt'S Sее. Nо, We need something with
womап: I'd like to apply fог а dгiviпg liсепсе. уоuг photo оп it, like а Student сагd_.
Мап: Right. wе'l1 just have to Ёll in this wоmап: I'vе got that with mе, hеге you аге.
fоm. Мап: Yеаh, thаt'S Бпе. Nоw, thеге's ап
wоmап: Uh-huh. application fee of $55. How Would you
like to рау? Wё take стеdit сагds Ьut not
Мап: FiгSt, еь could you tell me уоuг full
сhеquеs, I'm аfгаid. And We take caSh
of соuгSе, if you have enough money
wоmап: YеS, it'S Тhегеsа СоlliпS.
With уоu.
мап: Right.
Wоmап: I do асtuаllу, and l tгу not to uSe my
The woman says hег пате is Тhегеsа Соlliпs, сгеdit сагd if I сап avoid it. Неге you аге.
so `Тhегеsа Соlliпs' has Ьееп wгittеп next
Мап: Thank уоu.
to the ехатр1е оп the question рареr. Now
continue with questions 1 to 5. Веfоге уои hеаг the геst of the со"егsаtiоп,
уои hn:wе some time to look at questions 6
Мап: And what type of vehicle would you
to 1о.
like to dгivе?
Now listen and апswег questions 6 to 10.
womап: Оh, just а погmаl саг.
Мап: Right, now thеге аге а few things l
Мап: Тhаt's а Class С licence thеп. And
need to tell you аЬоut the liсепсе. Веfоге
have you еvег held а dгiviпg licence in
апоthег соmtгу? you actually dгivе а саг; you have to paSS
а teSt аЬоut the гоаd гulеS.
wоmап: Oh по, I'm too уоuпg. Апуwау, I
womап: Оh, thаt'S the teSt аЬоut speed
think I'd Ье too sсагеd to dгivе in апосhег
limits and гоаd signS and things like thаt,
isп't it?
Мап: Right. I'll just need to get some
М.ап: Yеs, thаt's гight. Тhеге аге two рагts
регsопаl details fгоm уоu. Um, could I
со the tеst, and уоu'ге аl1оwеd to make а
have уоuг date of Ьiгth, рlеаsе?
maximum of two еггогs in each Sесtiоп,
wоmап: Yеs, it's the 17th оfМагсh l994.
So thаt'S fоuг аltоgеthег.
Мап: And whаt's уоuг аddгеss?
wоmап: And if I fail the tеSt, сап I do it
wоmап: 28 Rivег Stгееt. аgаiп?
Мап: Тhаt'S spelt R-i-v-е-I; is that гight? Мап: YeS you сап, Ьut you have to wait at
wоmап: YеS. least а wееk.
М.ап: And thаt'S in Вепtlеу, isп't it?

Тгапsсгiрtз 135
wоmап: Right. And when I'm dгiviпg, Мап: Not even to Send ап SМS. Апуwау, if
th.еге's got to Ье Someone with me in the thаt'S а11, 1'11 give you а сору of the Ьооk
саг who holds а full liсепсе, dоеsп't thеге? оп the гоаd гulеs.
Мап: YеS. That could Ье а family mеmЬеь а wоmап: Thanks vегу muсh.
ргоfеSsiопаl dгiviпg iпstгuсtог ог а fгiепd. You now have half а тirшtе to сhеёk уоиг
wоmап: what аЬоut my оldег Sistег? апswегs.
Мап: Suге, as long aS shе'S got the гight kind Now tuгп to Section 2.
of liсепсе. Now the lеаmег's licence is
valid fог nine mопths. At the end of that section 2
time you have to do а ргасtiсаl dгiviпg You will hеаг а tгаiпiпg о#сег giving а
tеSt. If you paSs thаt, уоu'ге gгапtеd а talk to new stа]f who will Ье wогkiпg at the
ргоvisiопаl liсепсе. That ехрiгеS аftег 18 iпfогrтйоп desk at ап аiгрогt. Fiгst, уои
±±±g!±±hs. If you dоп't paSs the ргасtiсаl have some time to look at questions 11 to 15.
dгiviпg tеSt, you аге given а lеагпег'S
Now l,istеп and апswег questions 11 to 15.
licence fог апоthег six mопths.
Nоw, When уоu'ге Wогkiпg at the iпfогmаtiоп
wоmап: I sее. And while I'm still оп the
deSk in the аггivаls section of the аiгрогt, опе
lеагпег'S liсепсе, how faSt сап I dгivе?
of the most common queStions реор1е ask is,
Мап: wеll, it depends оп the агеа уоu'ге whаt's the Ьеst Way to get to thеiг hotel ог
dгiviпg iп. 1п moSt places in the сitу, to а рагtiсulаг аddгеSS опсе they leave the
thеге's а Speed limit of 60 kilоmеtгеS ап аiгрогt. The апsWег you give chem depends
hоuг. AS you ргоЬаЬ1у kпоw, оп highways оп а пumЬег of fасtогS, So I'm going to give
in the соuпtгуSidе thеге'S often а Speed
you а feW gепега1 tipS to help you deal With
limit of 100 kilоmеtгеS рег hоuг. But aS а these issueS Ьу taking the case of а tурiса1
1еагпег уоu'ге пеvег allowed to exceed 80, descination fог the аvегаgе tгаVеllег.
even оп а highwау.
Аftег а 1опg Нight, реор1е аге often tiгеd
womап: Right. I think thаt'd Ье faSt enough and want to get to thеiг Ёпа1 deStination aS
fог me апуwау. Soon aS роSsiЬlе. Yоu'd think that the quickest
Мап: Is thеге anything else you need to ]щ[ Would Ье to take а tахi, Ьut Ьесаusе of
kпоw? tгаfЁс сопgеstiоп, it tuгпs out that it'S uSually
wоmап: Oh уеаh, I hеагd thеге аге Ьеttег to take the tгаiп. ТгаiпS аге сhеарег
геstгiсtiопS оп using mоЬilе phoneS while than tахis, and taxis get caught in tгаf6с jams
уоu'ге dгiviпg. and they сап't go thгоugh геd lights. Fог some
Мап: Тhаt'S гight. Until гесепtlу, you could раSSепgегs, the most imрогtапt сопSidегаtiоп
оп1у talk оп а mоЬilе While уоu'ге dгiviпg is to take а meanS of tгапsрогt that is going to
if you used ап еагрhопе ог hапds-fгее гuп ассогdiпg to Sсhеdulе. Nоw, you would
dеviсе, Ьut thаt's Ьееп сhапgеd. think that the tгаiп would Ье сhе ЬеSt опе fог
this, Ьut as the аiгрогt tгаiп is орегаtеd Ьу
wоmап: оh?
а ргivаtе соmрапу, thеге have Ьееп а lot of
Мап: Yеаh. NoW you сап't use mоЬilеs at all
ргоЬ1еms iпtеgгаtiпg its гuппiпg times With
while dгiviпg. the рuЬliсlу owned tгаiп пеtwогk, and this
wоmап: Not even to Send ап SМS? has геSultеd in а lot of dеlауS. SuгvеуS оп

136 Тгап§сгЕрts
tгаVеlliпg to and fгоm the аiгрогt have found
you сап Ьuу пеWsрарегs and mаgаziпеS. Fог
that miпiЬuSеs аге the most dерепdаЬlе fогш thoSe Who like to do а Ьit of Shоррiпg, to the
of tгапSDогt. left of the iпfогmаtiоп deSk We haVe а jеWеllегу
Тhеге аге оthег сопSidегаtiопS tоо. If а Stоге - it's well wогth а look at - and а Wеll- -
регSоп wants а±QmfогtаЬlе ±±±Ё with plenty stocked еlесtгопiсS goods shор, and Ьеtwееп
of lеgгооm аf[ег а 1опg mght in а сгаmреd ±оSе two thеге is а рhагmас_v. Тhеге uSed to
Sеаt, it'd Ье ЬеSt fог them to take опе of the Ье а dгеSs shop in that роsitiоп. At the top
1агgе, аiгLсопditiопеd Ь!±sЁs. It'S а neW fleet гight-hапd согпег of the diаgгаm we haVe the
with plenty of space fог luggage апd, оп top waiting lounge and the exit to the рlапеs.
of thаt, thеу'ге much сhеарег than tахis. Some 1п the top lеft-hапd согпег аіе the рuЬlji
раSSепgегs аге fаг mоге concemed аЬоut ±Qi±!±s. You сап uSe those toilets ог, if you
sЁе!±±igz; of соuгsе We сап't guагапtее that likе, thеге аге also Staff facilitieS пеаг the
they Wоп't Ье гоЬЬеd ог even cheated Ьу а Ьооkshор, Ьut уоu'll need to get the kеу.
dishoneSt dгivеь So I think fог them the ЬеSt
Tust Ьеhiпd the iпfогmаtiоп desk We have
thing to do is to get someone Who they knoW some food outlets and оvег io the гight, пехt_
and tгust to pick them up in ±!±!iЁЁг. Fiпаllу, ю_thе Wаi[iпg lоuпgе, is а сLа±. when the
thеге's also the `gгееп' tгаVеllег who Wants гепоVаtiопS аге completed it will function
to cause the ±еаst роssiЬlе роlluti=Q±±. NоW, aS ап Iпtегпеt саfе. At most аiгрогts you get
оЬviоuslу we сап't tell them to Walk ЬесаuSе
реор1е сопgгеgаtiпg оп the footpath Smоkiпg,
it'S too fаь рагtiсulагlу with heaVy luggаgе. Which is unpleaSant fог the поп-SmоkегS
You might gueSs that рuЬliс tгапSрогt would епtегiпg and leaving the Ьuildiпg. Fог that
Ье the cleaneSt Way to tгаvеl, Ьut it tuгпs out геаSоп wе'vе Set up а ±еdiсаtеd Smoking гооm_
that it'S ±азЕis, and thаt's Ьесаusе of the type of
inside the tегmiпаl, next to the Ьооk±. It'S
fuel they uSе. Тhеу'ге also not su.гргisiпglу the wеl1 ventilated and lOoks out onto the tагmас.
most рорulаг choice of ЬusiпеSsреорlе. The огigiпаl р1ап waS to put а wine Ьаг next
You гюw have 30 seconds to look at questions to the Ьооkshор, Ьut thеге wеге ргоЬlеms
16 to 20. With the licenSing lаws.

Now listen and апswег questions 16 to 20. I'd епсоuгаgе you to Walk агоuпd the
аiгрогt to fаmiliагisе уоuгsеlvеS With the
So fаг wе'Vе Ьееп focusing оп the аггivаls
layout So that you сап mоге easily handle
Seccion of the аiгрогt. Now wе'ге going to Ье
looking at the dерагtuгеs sесtiоп. Yоu'vе а11 раSSепgегS' епquiгiеs.
Тhа:t is the end of Section 2. You now have
got а сору of the flоог р1ап of the dерагtuгеS
section of the аiгрогt. Because of the гесепt half а minute to check уоиг апswегs.
гепоvаtiопS, а lot of реор1е аге disогiепtеd Now tигп to Sесйоп 3.
when they See it fог the Ёгst timе, so you
need to Ье fdmiliаг with the new lауоut. At section з
the Ьоttоm of the доог р1ап you сап See You will hеаг two соl1еgе students герогtiпg
Whеге the раsSепgегS check iп. They then go to thеiг science class аЬоut а ргоjесt they
thгоugh sесuгitу сопtгоl and in fгопt of them have done оп ап Аиstгаliап animal called the
is the iпfогmаtiоп dеSk, гight in the middle of Т:аsтапiап dеvil. Fiгst, уои have some time to
the Whole flоог р1ап. ]ust ±о the гight of thе_ look at questions 21 to 26.
iпfЬгmаtiоп desk thеге?s а neWSagencv whеге
Now listen and апswег questions 21 to 2б.

ТгапsсгЕрts 137
Womап: Нi, еvегуопе. Fог оuг assignment Мап: The ЬаЬiеs stay in the pouch fог аЬоut
оп а native апimаl, Gеогgе and I chose Ёvе mопths. Then thеу'ге left in thеiг
that unusual Аustга1iап сгеаtuге, the neSt ог аге саггiеd оп thеiг mоthег'S Ьасk
Tasmanian dеvil. When She goeS оut, and eVentually ±hg}L
Мап: Yёаh. Асtuаllу, they dоп't dеSегvе to have to look аftег themselveS аt.-аЬоut
Ье called `dеvils', though they do haVe eight mопths. Then they in tuгп Stагt
Some Stгапgе hаЬits. Ьгееdiпg at the end of thеiг Second уеаг.

womап: Апуwау, as thеiг name iпdiсаtеs, wоmап: And агоuпd 60% ofthem die
thеу'ге оп1у found in the wild оп the in thеiг hst summег due to the tough
island of ТаSmапiа. You сап Ёпd them competition fог fооd. The ones that
а11 оvег the islапd, including in the Sоuth- Suгvivе сап live fог up to Seven уеагS,
West гаiпfогеsts and in coaStal heath агеаs, which meanS they dоп't live as 1опg aS the
Ьut thеv'ге most commonlv found in the аvегаgе domeStic dоg.
fогеsts ;hеге thеге's lesS г;iпfаll, in the Мап: Nо. And it'S eStimated that now thеге
eaStem and погthегп рагts of the islапd. аге Ьеtwееп 100,000 and 150,000 of
Мап: In fасt, they live апу place whеге they them а1tоgеthег. They wеге almoSt Wiped
сап get shеltег duгiпg the day and food at out Ьу the еаг1у Еuгореап sеttlегS ЬесаuSе

пight. they hated the devils еа{iпg thеiг сhiсkепs,

So the gоvегпmепt paid реор1е to kill
Wоmап: Some ofyou may haVe seen опе in а
Tasmanian dеvils.
zоо. Тhеу'ге аЬоut the size of а Small dog
and аге соvегеd with shогt, sоft, Ьlасk wоmап: And moSt fагmегS still dislike thеm.
fuг with White mагkiпgs оп some рагts Тhеiг пumЬегS fell So dгаStiсаllу due to

of thеiг Ьоdiеs. Ап adult male сап Weigh fагmегS poisoning them ог Shooting them
fгоm 5 to 13 kilоgгаms. and а female that it was thought that they might have
fгоm 4.5 to 9 kilogгаms. Ьесоmе ехtiпсt. Then а law was DaSsed in
1941 to Dгоtесt thеm, and Since then thеiг
Мап: Тhеу'vе got а lагgе head and песk,
пumЬегS have gгоwп аgаiп.
With heavy limЬs. Тhеу'ге called devils
ЬесаuSе of the tеггiЬlе sounds they Веfоге уои hеаг the геst of the tаlk, уои have
make at пight. This haS given them some time to look аі questions 27 to 30.
ап uпdеsегvеd герutаtiоп fог Ьеiпg Now listen and апswег questions 27 to 30.
аggгеSsivе, whегеаs in fact thеv'ге fаiгlу
Мап: Nоwwе'd like to talk аЬоut some
shv сгеаtuгеs, Ьut this dоеSп't mean that
of thеiг hаЬits. They live а1опе in placeS
th:у'ге tame ог fгiепdlу enough to Ье реts.
such as hollow lоgs, caVeS ог in Ьuггоws
wоmап: And like kапgагооs, they саггу thеiг uпdегgгоuпd, Which they line with Ьагk,
young in а роuсh. They haVe ЬаЬiеs оп1у gгаSS and lеаvеs. They usually move
опсе а уеаь and then аЬоut 20 аге Ьоm SloWly and look clumsy when they moVe
at опе timе, Ьut at that stage thеу'ге оп1у
quiсklу, Ьut the young oneS аге mоге agile
as Ьig aS а gгаiп of гiсе. The ЬаЬiеS have а and сап even сlimЬ tгееS.
гасе to the роuсh, ЬесаuSе thеге аге оп1у
wоmап: But опе of the most amazing things
fоuг teats thеге, and the mоthегs геаг ап
аЬоut TaSmanian devils is how and What
аvегаgе of thгее young аппuаllу.
they еаt. Тhеу'vе got iпсгеdiЬlу Stгопg

138 Тгап$сгiрt$
teeth and jаwS, so а 1агgе male сап give Now tигп to Section 4.
you а Ьitе aS Stгопg as а 50-kilоgгаm dоg!
Мап: But dоп't wоггу, chey dоп't eat реорlе!
section 4
Some fагmегS complain аЬоut them You will hеаг а lесtиге Ьу а hеаlthсаге `-
taking young lаmЬs, Ьut thеiг diet conSists геsеагсhег to students of health science аЬош
Dгеdоmiпапtlv of animals that have the геsиlts of а suгvеу оп yoga in Аustгаliа.
аlгеаdv diеd. They dоп't get ill When they Fiгst, уои have some time to look at questions
eat sick animals Ьесаusе of the digeStive 31 to 40.

enzymes in thеiг oWn Stomachs that kill Now listen and апswег questions 31 to 40.
the disеаsеS.
Good aftemoon еvегуопе. 1п tоdау'S lесtuге '
wоmап: And thеv'vе got ап uпdеSегvеd I'm going to ргеsепt Some of the Ёпdiпgs of
геDutаtiоп fог Ьеiпg Smеllv` Whегеаs in the lагgеSt and moSt соmргеhепSivе suгvеу of
fact thev waSh themselveS aS much aS cats
yoga ргасtiсе еVег conducted in Аustгаliа. The
dQ. Тhеу'ге посtuгпаl апimаls, so they go оЬ].есtivеs of this Suгvеу Wеге to investigate
hunting at пight, often tгаvеlliпg up to the сhагасtегistiсS of реор1е Who ргасtisе yoga
15 kilоmеtгеs and using hеiг stгопg sense in this соuпtгу, ah the StyleS and techniqueS
of Smell tO Ёпd fооd. They eat а11 kinds of yoga that аге ргасtisеd, how often реор1е
of animals - and they eat еvегуthiпg,
ргасtisе уоgа, the геаSопS whv thev do voga
including fщ and leave nothing Ьеhiпd and the регсеivеd ЬепеБts of yoga ргасtiсе.
except the lагgеSt Ьопеs. It is оuг hope that the Бпdiпgs of this suгvеу
Мап: Yеаh, thеге сап Ье up to 22 ofthem Will Ье of help to Ьоth tеасhегs and students
feeding off опе сагсаSS at the same timе, of yoga in this соuпtгу and аЬгоаd, as well aS
and thеу'ге vегу gгееdу, noisy еаtегS. 1п to hеаlthсаге ргасtitiопегs. Ргiог to оuг studу,
а11 the excitement of еаtiпg, thеге'S а lot по nationWide геsеагсh had Ьееп conducted
of соughiпg, Ьагkiпg and So оп. ItЪ.quitе into the tорiс. Оuг геSеагсh team decided
common fог them to Ьitе each оthег to to do а WеЬ-ЬаSеd Suгvеу so that we would
decide Who сап eat ЯгSt. who goes second геасh the maximum роSsiЬlе пumЬег of реор1е
and so оп. а11 агоuпd the соuпtгу, and also due to оuг
wоmап: And thеу'vе got ап iпсгеdiЬlе funding limitаtiопs, The Suгvеу WaS ргоmоtеd
арреtitе. They сап eat the equivalent of thгоugh yoga sсhооls, the media and Ьу wогd
40% of thеiг oWn Ьоdу Weight in just of mоuth. Еvепtuаllу, ah almoSt 4,000 реор1е
half ап hоuг; Which is like а human eating геSропdеd to the Suгvеу, Which took аЬоut
аЬоut 25 kilоgгаms of Stеаk. And they 30 minuteS to соmрlеtе. АЬоut опе-thiгd
make геа11у gOod uSe of thеiг Stгопg, of the реор1е who Ыlеd in the Suгvеу wеге
Ьluпt tееth. When thеv'ге fгightепеd. thev yoga tеасhегS, the оthег twо-thiгds wеге yoga
Show them Ьv vаwпiпg, which is mоге studепts; оVегаl1, 85О/о of the геSDопdепts
effective than Ьitiпg ог Ьагkiпg. Wеге Wоmеп.

Мап: But the only Sегiоus Ёghtiпg that takes Yoga meanS diffегепt things to diffегепt

р1асе is When thеу'ге looking fог а mаtе. реор1е апd, геflесtiпg its divегsitу, thеге аге
А11 in а11, thеу'ге а fascinating little апimаl. many typeS of уоgа. Оuг Suгvеу found that
it is males and уоuпgег реор1е who аге mоге
That is the end of Section 3 . You now have
аttгасtеd to Some of the physically mоге
half а тirшtе to check уоиг апswегs.
demanding Styles of yoga that haVe gained

Тгап$сгЕрt$ 11З9
in рорulагitу in the weSt оvег the past two that is commonly aSsociated with yoga
dесаdеS, whегеаS оldег age gгоuрs went fог and mеditаtiоп. А common admission in
mоге геlахiпg stуlеs. Арагt fгоm ргоvidiпg the suгvеу among thoSe Who had Sustained
ехегсisе, yoga сап also Ье а fогm of thегару, iпjuгiеs Was that they had pushed themselves
meditation ог а Sрiгituаl раth. too hагd. Fаг leSS fгеquепtlу tеасhегs ;еге
GоVегпmепt agencieS have found that Said to have caused iпjuгiеS Ьу pushing

агоuпd 2О/о of the adult population ргасtisе students too hагd.

yoga to а gгеаtег ог lеssег ехtепt, with а much А 1агgе пumЬег of оuг Suгvеу геsропdепts
lоwег рагtiсiраtiоп гаtе fог реор1е Who have герогtеd that they wогk in health саге
not yet tuгпеd 18. Both сhеiг геSеагсh and оссuраtiопs, and fог most of the уоgа`\
оuг suгvеу found that che age gгоuр With the tеасhегS, teaching yoga is not thеiг оп1у
highest рагtiсiраtiоп гаtе in yoga claSSes is Sоuгсе of iпсоmе. Among the students the
the 35-tо 44-уеаг-оld gгоuр. Тhеге has Ьееп moSt common health саге occupation is
а Slight decline гесепtlу in the рорulагitу of пuгsiпg, Whегеаs among tеасhегs the lагgеst__

уоgа; hоWеVеь this was in the context of а gгоu_D Wогkеd aS maSsage thегарist_s. Мапу
геduсtiоп in physical activitieS оVегаll among also Wогkеd aS пuгSеS, pSychologists and
the Аustгаliап рорulаtiоп. А mаjог геаSоп fог ргасtitiопегs of а1tегпаtivе mеdiсiпе.
this сгепd is not the гisе in the рорulагitу of 1п the suгvеу We а1Sо looked at iпсоmеS.
junk food Ьut Ьесаusе mоге and mоге реор1е Wё didп't aSk fог iпdividuа1 iпсоmеs, Ьut
аге playing соmрutег gаmеs. household iпсоmеS; that is, the total income
56°/о of che yoga students Who геsропdеd of а11 the реор1е that SuгVеу геSропdепts lived
to оuг suгvеу attend class опсе ог twice а With. Wё found that агоuпd thгее-quагtегS of
Wееk. 1п сопtгаSt, and not suгргisiпglу, the the students and 60О/О of the tеасhегS haVe а
Same регсепtаgе of the yoga tеасhегS in оuг household income аЬоvе $50,000 рег уеаг.
suгvеу said they taught ог ргасtisеd yoga WhегеаS just 9О/о of the students аге оп ап
Ьеtwееп 6vе and Seven timeS рег Wееk. MoSt annual houSehold income ЬеlоW $30,000, опе
реор1е initially take up yoga to imргоvе thеiг in Ёvе of the tеасhегS Ье1опg to this gгоuр.
health and ЁtпеSs - with ап emphasis оп It Would Seem that Ьеiпg а yoga tеасhег is
flехiЬilitу and Stгепgth - Ьut also in огdег to not а path to гiсhеS. Yoga itself isп't that
геduсе StгеSs ог aS а tгеаtmепt fог а physical ехрепsivе, With the аVегаgе регSоп Spending
ргоЬlеm, рагtiсulагlу fог а Ьаd Ьасk. Мапу just uпdег $100 а month оп yoga ргасtiсе and
of the геSропdепts to оuг Suгvеу Stated that ассеSSогiеs.
thеiг геаsопS fог doing yoga changed аftег Оvегаll, yoga waS found to haVe а poSitive
they sсагtеd doing геgulаг ргасtiсе, With шQ±! impact оп реорlе'S livеS, With а с1еаг mаjогitу
than half claiming that they keep ас it fЬг concluding that thеiг рhуsiсаl, mental and
th.еiг регsопаl dеvеlорmепt, which could Ье emotional hеаlсh, as well aS thеiг геlаtiопShiрS,
iпtегргеtеd in а vагiеtу of WауS. wеге Ьеttег ог much Ьеttег than Ьеfоге they
Stагtеd doing уоgа.
Although оvегаll yoga ргоmоtеs physical That is the end of Section 4. You now hawe
and mental hеаlth, it сап cauSe damage if not half а minute to check уоиг апswегs.
done ргорег1у, and саге needs to Ье taken
That is the end of the Listening Теst. You now
With iпVегtеd роstuгеS Such as the headstand
have ten minutes to tгапsfег уоиг апswегs to
and shоuldег Stапd, aS Well aS with the lotus
the апswег shееt.
роSitiоп, which is the сгоSS-lеggеd poSition

14О -Тhпsсгiрts
Listening Test З The тап's phone питЬег is 0438 637 935, so
`0438 637 935' has Ьееп wгittеп next to the
You will hеаг fоиг di#егепt гесогdiпgs and ехатр1е оп the question рарег. Now continue
уои will have to апswег questions оп what with questions 1 to 4.
уои hеаr.
Wоmап: we haVe vacancieS fог а couple
Тhеге will Ье time fог уои to геаd the of poSitionS in оuг hotel at the mоmепt.
iпstгисtiопs and questions Ьеfоге the Uh, Which position аге you iпtегеStеd in
гесогdiпg is рlауеd. applying fог?
You will also haye the оррогtuпitу to check Мап: Uh, гооm sегviсе.
уоиг апswегs. wоmап: Room sегViсе, гight. Now l'd like
The гесогdiпgs will Ье played ONCE оп1у. to Ё,пd out а little аЬоut уоuг employment
Ьасkgгоuпd. HaVe you wогkеd in а hotel
The test is iпfоиг sесtiопs. wгitе уоиг
Ьеfоге, ог have you Ьееп employed in апу
апswегs оп the question sheet as уои listеп.
At the end of Section 4, уои hcwe ten тiгшtеs capacity in the hoSpitality iпdustгу?
to tгапsfег уоиг апswегs onto the апswег Мап: I'vе пеvег actually Wогkеd in а hоtеl,
shееt, which is оп page 31. When уои Лпish, Ьut I'vе Ьееп а wаitег in а couple of
check the апswегs at the Ьасk of the Ьооk. diffегепt рlасеS.

Now tum to Section 1. wоmап: Оh, gооd. I'm suге that ехрегiепсе
Will come in hапdу.
section 1
Мап: Аlsо, at the moment l'm doing а
You will hеаг а тап having а:п i:пtегviеw fог соuгSе.
а jоЬ i:п а hоtеl. Fiгst, уои hcwe some time to
wоmап: Оh, what аге you dоiпg?
look at questions 1 to 4.
Мап: I'm studying Тоuгism Мапаgеmепt.
Now l,i,stеп and апswег questions 1 to 4. I'm in the Second уеаг of а thгее-уеаг
wоmап: Good mоmiпg, Мг РеtегS, pleaSe соuгSе.
come in and have а Sеаt. womam Тhаt'S good to hеаг. Оh, Ьу the
Мап: Thank уоu. wау, We haVe quite а feW iпtегпаtiопаl
wоmап: Му паmе'S Glогiа МсКе1l, I'm the guests staying hеге. Do you Speak апу
fогеigп lапguаgеS?
регsоппеl mапаgег hеге. NоW, Ьеfоге We
Stагt the ].оЬ iпtегviеw, I just need to get а Мап: I did Ё±!щ!еh at high sсhооl, and l'm
couple of details fгоm уоu. studying KQ±Ёап aS рагt of my diploma
мап: Suге. соuгsе.

wоmап: Nоw, 6гst of all I'd just like to wоmап: And hoW well do you Speak those
сопЁгm I haVe the соггесt dеtаils. Yоuг lапguаgеS?
name is Gеогgе Реtегs, isп't it? Мап: wеll, I сап haVe а simple сопVегsаtiоп
мап: YеS. in Fгепсh, Ьut my Когеап's still fаiгlу
ЬаSiс, though I сhiпk it'd come in handy
wоmап: And уоuг contact phone пumЬег is
With гооm Sегviсе.
0438 637 935?
маm тhаt,s гight.
wоmап: Gооd.

Тгаhsсгiрts 141
Веfоге уои hеаг the геst of the сопvегsаtiоп, wоmап: Oh по, Sоггу, thеге'S Ьееп а change
уои have some time to look at questions 5 in thаt. 1п fасt, now а11 еlесtгiсаl Wогk has
to 10. to Ье done Ьу the technical staff - it'S ап
Now listen and апswег questions 5 to 10. occupational health and Safety issче.

wоmап: wеll, I'vе asked you а пumЬег Мап: Веttег to Ье safe than Sоггу, I Suрроsе.

of quеstiопs, now I wопdег if thеге'S wоmап: YеS. You dоп't have to do апу
anything уоu'd like to know аЬоut the of the сlеапiпg, though you do have to
poSition ог аЬоut the hоtеl. геmоvе апу diгtу plates the guеsts` have

Мап: Um, could you tell me what the dutieS used in thеiг гооms. The с1еапег§ аге the
oneS wh`о make suге the fгidgеS haVe the
аге of doing гооm Sегviсе? I mеап, I'vе
гight amount of dгiпks and Snacks in
got а vague idеа, Ьut it'd Ье good to know
thеm. Тhеге аге а few оthег dutiеs, Ьut
exactly what it iпVоlvеS.
Ьаsiсаllу гооm Sегviсе plays ап imрогtапt
Womап: YеS, of соuгsе. In fасt, уоuг duties
го1е in maintaining guest Sаtisfасtiоп, and
would not Ье limited to гооm Sегviсе;
So а fгiепdlу attitude and еf6сiепсу аге
thеге аге а few ехtга things that аге now
whаt,s геquiгеd.
рагt of the j.оЬ уоu'ге applying fог Fог
iпstапсе, the рогtег uSed to саггv guеsts'
Мап: Оh, that goeS without sауiпg. And
could I ask аЬоut the рау and сопditiопS?
Ьаgs to thеiг гоогпS, Ьut his роSitiЬп haS
Ьееп аЬоlishеd and that Would now Ье wоmап: Оfсоuгsе. The рау's $20 рег hощ
уоuг геsропSiЬilitу. Unlike а Wаitеь you and $25 рег hоuг Ьеtwееп 10 pm and
dоп't take сhеiг огdегS fог food - the 6 am aS well aS оп SuпdауS.
kitchen staff doeS that Ьу рhопе. Мап: Right. And whаt's ргоvidеd Ьу the
мап: Right. hосеl? Fог iпstапсе, I SuppoSe thеге'S а

wоmап: If уоu'ге оп aftemoon shift, unifom со wеаг?

you also have to take the aftemoon wоmап: YеS, the hotel ргоvidеs thе.
пеwsрарегs to the guests Whо'vе огdегеd iacket and tгоusегs. НоWеvеь уоu'd Ье
thеm, Ьut if уоu'ге оп the mогпiпg shift геSропSiЬlе fог doing уоuг own lаuпdгу.
it'S done Ьу the сопсiегgе. Yоu'ге quаШеd Мап: Uh-huh. Oh уеаh, um, What аЬоut
to SегVе а1соhоl, агеп't уоu? tгапSрогt? Likе, if We Ёпish а Shift агоuпd
№: YеS. midпight, doeS the hotel рау fог taxi fагеS
Wоmап: Gооd, ЬесаuSе оп evening shifts to get Ьасk hоmе?

you may have to sегvе in the hоtе1.Ьа,г. wоmап: we used to do thаt, Ьut now
What еlsе? If а gueSt calls to Say thеге's instead We allow staff to рагk fог fгее оп
а ргоЬlеm with some of the equipment the ргеmisеs. It сап Ье vегу hагd G,пdiпg
in the гооm, if it'S something simple like а рагkiпg Space оп the Stгееt агоuпd this
опе of the light ЬulЬs haS ЬlоWп, then агеа.

you гер1асе it, Ьut if it'S something mоге Мап: Yеаh, I had tгоuЬlе getting а spot
соmрlех, sау, if the TV isп't wогkiпg, you When I came hеге tоdау.
leave that to the technical Stаff. wоmап: Yеs, it'S а ЬuSу агеа. I might just
мап: ISее. add that we ргidе оuгSеlvеS оп having а

142 Тгапsсгiрts
Wеll-tгаiпеd stаff, So it'S а good thing that to Speak to you tоdау. Fог оthег mаttегs such
уоu'ге doing уоuг diрlоmа. aS геSidепсу applicationS ог medical visаS,
Мап: Yеs, it'S Ьееп а vегу iпtегеstiпg соuгsе you need to go to the Hampstead оf6се of the
So fаг. dерагtmепt. Fог visas fог DeoDle Who аге hеге
оп holidayS you сап go to апу ofHce of the -
wоmап: Gооd. Оh, опе оthег thiпg, ]в[е_
Dерагtmепt of Immigгаtiоп.
also Dav fог medical iпsuгапсе fог а11
оuг employees as ап ехtга incentive fог As you Would kпоW, thеге аге сегtаiп 'r
Wогkiпg with uS. conditionS fог реор1е who hold Student visаs.
Fог iпstапсе, if you mоvе, you haVe to tell
Мап: Оh, thаt's gооd.
уоuг со11еgе. The со11еgе then haS to iпfогm
wоmап: And until гесепtlу We ргоVidеd
the dерагtmепt Ьу mаil, giving Ьоth уоuг
опе meal рег Shifc aS wеll, Ьut thаt's Ьееп
old and neW аddгеss. You сап change the
disсопtiпuеd. Right, Well I think thаt's а11
со11еgе whеге you Studу, Ьut vou have to let
thеп. 1'11 give you а са11 lаtег in the Week
the dеDагtmепt know that vоu'vе епгоllеd
and we сап talk fuгthег.
With а neW со11ее[е. Yоu'ге also alloWed to
Мап: Uh-huh. wеll, thank you vегу muсh. Wогk, Ьut геmеmЬег that the maximum you
That is the end of Section 1. You now have сап Wогk is 15 hоuгS рег Week Ьесаusе уоu'ге
half а minute to check уоиг апswегs. hеге as full-timе Studепts, So уоuг main focus
haS to Ье оп StudiеS. You сап also take up to
Now tигп to Sесйоп 2.
thгее Wееks' holidayS Ьеtwееп соuгsеs. If уоuг
sectjon 2 mагitаl status сhапgеS. vou have to iпfогm
the dе_Dагtmепt and ргоVidе uS with а сору of
Tiiimothy Сигtiп is ап о#сег at the
the mаггiаgе сегtiЁсаtе Within а month of the
Dерагtтепt of Iттigгаtiоп. You will hеаг
him talking to fогеigп students at а Ьиsiпеss Wеddiпg.
со11еgе геgагdiпg visa геgиlаtiопs. Fiгst, Ве]:оге уои hеаг the геst of the tаlk, уои have
уои have some time to look at questions 11 some time to look at questions 13 to 20.
and 12.
Now listen and апswег questions 13 to 20.
Now listen and апswег questions 11 to 12. What I'd like to do now is to go thгоugh the
Good mоmiпg, еvегуопе. Му паmе'S Timothy StepS you have to folloW When you want to
Сuгtiп, and I wогk fог the Dерагtmеm of extend уоuг Student visа, Ьесаusе а lot of
Immigгаtiоп. I'vе come а1опg today to give Students have to do that at Some point while
you some infomation аЬоut visa геgulаtiопS thеу'ге in this соuпtгу.
so aS to make уоuг Stay hеге а Ьit eaSieL 1'11 Ье The hst thing you have to do if you want
telling you аЬоut Some of the гulеs fог thoSe tO extend уоuг visa is to рау fог the next
оп Student VisaS and рагtiсulагlу аЬоut how to соuгsе уоu'ге planning to tаkе. AS you kпоw,
extend уоuг visа. а11 соuгSеs have to Ье paid in аdvапсе. The
Nоw, I'm fгоm the Atwood оfЁсе of the соuгSе itself has to Ье of at least fоuг mопths'
Dерагtmепt of Immigгаtiоп. Ас оuг ofHce We duгаtiоп and you аге advised to suЬmit уоuг
mainly ргосеSS Wогk visаs. НоWеvеь in the Visa application at least two months Ьеfоге the
оf6се whеге I used to wогk, I dealt mainly соuгsе is due to соmmепсе, if роSsiЬlе. You
with student visаs, Which is why I was chosen need to keep а сору of the гесеiрt of payment

Тгапsсгiрts 143
and Send us the огigiпаl. Wё advise that with сагd ог сhеquе. Оh, Ьу the Wау, it'll coSt you
а11 the documents you Send us that you keep $325 to арр1у fог ап extension of уоuг Student
photocopies fог уоuгsеlf just in case апу go visа. wаit, let me check thаt. Оh, thаt's гight,
missiпg. Yоu'll also have to get а lеttег fгоm it's gone up to $4З± Тhеп, it'll take аЬоut
the со11еgе уоu'Vе Ьееп аttепdiпg, Which states а week to ргосеSS уоuг аррliсаtiой, Ьut we
уоuг attendance гесогd at that со11еgе. You also have to make allowances fог Weekends
аlгеаdу know that опе of the геquiгеmепts and рuЬliс hоlidауS, and at times we haVe
of а Student visa is that you tuгп up ±Q± heavy Wогklоаds, So it maytake as 1опg as
minimum of 75О/о of vоuг сlаsSеS. If уоu'vе 12 wогkiпg dayS Ьеfоге you get а гер1у. You
Ьееп аЬsепt fгоm mоге than 25О/о of сlаSSеS, might hеаг fгоm uS Ьеfоге thаt, Ьut dоп't
уоu'll have to ргоvidе medical сегtiЁсаtеs contact us Ьеfоге that регiоd of time has
Stating that you Wеге ill and uпаЬlе to attend раssеd. Тhеге may Ье а feW chings We need to
claSSeS оп thoSe dауs. aSk you аЬоut Ьеfоге gгапtiпg а visа, so thеге'S
You then need to Ё11 in а fогm to extend а chance vоu'll Ье invited to ап iпtегViеW ].ust

уоuг Student visа. Тhаt's Fогm 726С. You So that We сап check up оп апуthiпg. But wе'll
сап оЬtаiп опе Ьу visiting апу Ьгапсh of оuг let you know if we think thаt'S песеssагу.
dерагtmепt, ог else vou сап acceSS it оп the Dоп't wоггу if you сап't геmеmЬег а11
Iпtегпеt. At the end of my talk 1'11 Ье handing these things I'vе Ьееп talking аЬоut, thеу'ге
out а Ьгосhuге that giveS оuг WеЬsitе аddгеss а11 оп Fогm 726С. wеll, I think thаt's аЬоut
as well aS the аddгеssеS of dерагtmепс оf6сеS enough fгоm mе. NоW, dO апу of you haVe
thгоughоut the соuпtгу. Оп top of thаt, уоu'll апу quеstiопS?
also need to Ье аЬ1е to shoW that you have That is the end of Section 2. You now have
the meanS to suррогt уоuгsеlf while in this half а тiпшtе to check уоиг апswегs.
соuпtгу. It'S Ьееп estimated that the аvегаgе
Now tигп to Section 3.
Student needs $15,000 а уеаг to live оп,
and fог that геаSоп you Will need to ргоvе
sесtiоп з
that уоu'vе got at leaSt $6.000 in а Ьапk
ассоuпt. It's got to Ье а Ьапk account in this You will hеаг two тагkеtiпg stиdепts, Maggie
соuпtгу, So $10,000 in а fогеigп account is
and Мikе, talking to thеiг tеасhег аЬош а
sетiпаг ргеsепtаtiоп that they аге ргерагiпg.
of по usе. Of соuгsе, уоuг раsSрогt haS to
Fiгst, уои hcWe some time to look at questions
Ье still Vаlid. And What еlsе? Ah уеs, then
21 to 24.
уоu'll need thгее DаSsDогt DhоtоS. Make Suге
hеу'ге fаiгlу гесепt рhоtоS. You then take а11 Now listen and апswег questions 21 to 24.
theSe documents and the fогm down to the Теасhег: Sо, you two аге going to give а
Immigгаtiоп оНсе, а1опg with уоuг раSSрогt.
ргеsепtаtiоп next Week аЬоut the Ьеаutу
As you сап Sее, thеге's quite а lot to dо, So iпdustгу, агеп't уоu?
dоп't leaVe it till the laSt miпutе.
Yоu'vе got to lodge уоuг аррliсаtiоп, а1опg SесtiопS. Fiгst wе'll Ье looking at the р1асе
with а11 the dосumепts, at least thгее Weeks of the Ьеаutу iпdustгу in the есопоmу.
Ьеfоге the old visa ехрiгеS. You have to рау
Маggiе: Yеаh, and then We Wеге going to
fог the Visa application tоо, and that mопеу'S
look at What dгivеS it, aS well as Some
поп-геfuпdаЬlе. You сап рау Ьу саsh, сгеdit
гесепt tгепds.

144 Тгапsсгiрts
Теасhег: That sounds like а good way of Теасhег: And do you knoW much аЬоut the
doing it. ОК, Мikе, hoW аге you going to histогу of the iпdustгу?
Ье Stагtiпg off ? Маggiе: wеll, the modem Ьеаuсу iпdustгу
Мikе: wеll, Ёгst we Wеге amazed at the Size геаllу stагtеd up аЬоut а huпdгеd .
of the iпdustгу. It'S mеаsuгеd in ЬilliопS, уеагS аgо. when оhоtошаDhv Ьесаmе` ,,+
not milliопS. It'S wогth $160 Ьilliоп а vеаг WidеSргеаd, it Ье:аmе iuс-h еаsiег fог the
g1оьа11у. рuЬliс to See idealised stапdагds of Ьеаutу,
Маggiе: That Яguге includeS ргоduсts fог and реор1е wanted to Ьuу the ргоduсts to
hаiгсаге -thеу'ге Wогth $38 Ьilliоп а1опе. make themselveS look like the models they
Then thеге's mаkе-uр and регfumе - I saw in mаgаziпеS. Ву the middle of the
think thаt'S $15 Ьilliоп -рlus coSmetic сепtuгу, SсiепсiЯс advanceS led to changes
Suгgегу, skiпсаге ргоduсts, diet pills and in the iпgгеdiепts uSed in many соSmеtiсS,
health сluьS. which made them mоге аffогdаЬlе, and

Мikе: In Аmегiса, mоге money is spent оп packaging made them mоге аttгасtivе.
Ьеаutу than оп еduсаtiоп. Веfоге уои hеаг the геst of the со"егsаtiоп,
Теасhег: Rеа1lу? уои haye sоrгіе time to look at questions 25
to 30.
Маggiе: Yеаh. The ргоhts of the leading
company in the iпdustгу have Ьееп Now listen and апswег questions 25 to 30.

gгоwiпg Ьу 14О/о а уеаг fог the laSt Теасhег: NоW, in the second рагt of уоuг
13 уеагS. And the iпdustгу aS а whole has ргеSепtаtiоп уоu'ге going to Ье looking at
Ьееп gгоwiпg at the гаtе of 7О/о а vеаг. Why реор1е Ьuу the ргоduсts.
1п Iпdiа, sales of апti-аgеiпg сгеаms аге Маggiе: YеS, thаt'S гight. This агеа is а Ьit
gгоwiпg Ьу 40О/о а уеаг. And you knoW mоге SuЬjесtivе, and Mike and I disаgгееd
the AVon lаdiеS? wеll, thеге аге 900,000 оп а few mаttегS.
of them in Вгаzil, Which is mоге than the
Мikе: wеll, mагkеtiпg is а hit-апd-miss
пumЬег of реор1е in its navy and аmу.
аffаiг and it'S tгuе What they Sау, that Qп±}[
Теасhег: Аmаziпg. NоW, just going Ьасk а half of anv mагkеtiпg Ьudgеt achieves the
Ьit, you mentioned coSmetic Suгgегу. Do dеSiгеd геSult.
you haVe апу data оп thаt? Маggiе: I think thаt'S ап ехаggегаtiоп, dоп't
Мikе: Yеаh. It's wогth $20 Ьilliоп а уеаг
уоu? Апуwау, thеге аге роWегhіl fогсеs at
поw, and the пumЬег of ргосеduгеS they wогk in the Ьеаutу iпdustгу, ЬесаuSе when
do in the US haS jumped Ьу mоге than it comeS doWn to it, thеге's по aVoiding
22oОіо since 1997. Botox iniectionS to the fact hat it's а11 аЬоut image and that
геmоvе wгiпklеS аге che main thing done this iпdustгу is So SucceSsful Ьесаusе it
these dауs, Ьut noSe jоЬs and fat ге-mоvаl
ргеуS оп реорlе's hopes and fеагS.
аге still vегу соmmоп. And thеге's Ьееп
Мikе: Тhаt's а Ьit hагSh, isп't it? It'S оп1у
а геа1 Ьооm in teeth Whitепiпg. Аlsо,
паtuгаl to tгу to look уоuг ЬеSt.
ЬесаuSе the cost of cosmetic Suгgегу haS
Маggiе: wеll, the guy Who founded Revlon
геа11у come dоWп, а lot mоге реор1е сап
called the Whole ЬusiпеSS `hоре in а jаг'.
аffогd it поw.

Тгапsсгiрts 145
Теасhег: Did hе? Тhас's а nice way of Mike Was Saying аЬоut the еаг1у 20th
putting it. сепtuгу, Ьесаusе thеге's а tгепd noW in
Мikе: we found а Вгitish study of ll,000 the Ьеаutу iпdustгу to go Ьасk to the
арргоасh they had а сепtuгу аgо, when
реор1е Which concluded that реор1е Who
аге less аttгасtivе eam less mопеу. they stгеSSеd а connection Ьеtwееа Ьеаutу
and hеаlth. They got yomen to haVe
Маggiе: And that waS the caSe по mаttег
facials and do ехегсis-е сlаSSеS. NoW they
whеthег they wогkеd as SесгеtагiеS, in
aim at Ьеаutу, Ьut also like рео_о1е to Ье
sales ог as ехесutivеs.
Ё!, not just thiп.
Теасhег: And why do you chink thаt's the
Мikе: Оh, come оп! The iпdustгу just
SсагеS реор1е into going оп diets that
Маggiе: wеll, I гесkоп опе геаSоп is Ьесаusе сап actually hагm thеm. And most of
аttгасtivе. people have highег expectations thoSe thin models агеп't in good phySical
and аге less willing to put up with Ьеiпg сопditiоп, thеу'ге just huпgгу.
сгеаtеd Ьаdlv.
Маggiе: You сап't tell just Ьу lооkiпg.
Мikе: Yеаh, Ьut thеге аге plenty of gооd- Апуwау, I'm not denying that image is
looking реор1е with loW sеlf{Stееm Who imрогtапt. 1п fасt, Ьеаutу 6гms spend up
do let othегs Walk а11 оvег thеm. I think to 25°/о of thеiг tumоvег оп аdvегtisiпg.
what it comes doWn to is that реор1е in
Теасhег: Тhаt'S iпсгеdiЬlе!
gепега1 tгеаt gооd-lооkiпg реор1е Wеll.
And it Stагts уоuпg. Even thгее-mопth-о1d Маggiе: Isп't it! And they put just 2 ог
ЬаЬiеs Smile 1опgег at faces that adults 3 О/o into геSеагсh and dеVеlорmепt.
hd аttгасtivе. Ву соmрагisоп, in the рhагmасеutiсаl
iпdustгу, 15°/о of Sа1еs goeS into геsеагсh
Тёасhег: So Who judges whаt's Ьеаutiful and
and dеvеlорmепt.
what isп't?
Теасhег: wеll, it sounds like you haVe got
Маggiе: We didп't геаllу go into thаt, Ьut
the topic well соVегеd. I'm suге the claSs
it seems that регсерtiопs of Ьеаutу аге
Will геа11у enjoy уоuг ргеSепtаtiоп.
соппес€еd to health and fегtilitу. 1п Some
That is the end of Section 3. You now have
places реор1е go fог Shiny hаiь in оthег
сultuгеS women use mаSсага to make thеiг half а тj,ішtе to check уоиг апswегs.
eyes look Ьiggег and to give themselveS а Now tuгп to Section 4.
уоuпgег lооk, Ьut а uпivегsаl iпdiсаtог of
Ьеiпg young and healthy is to have с1еаг section 4
skiп. You will hеаг а talk Ьу ап агсhаеоlоgiсаl
Мikе: And сhаt's why So much money is scientist оп hег latest геsеагсh. Fiгst, уои
made fгоm skin сlеапsегs, mоistuгisегS, have some time to look at questions 31 to 40.
facial сгеаms and So оп. Now l,istеп and апswег questions 31 to 40.
Теасhег: wеll, thеге аге сегtаiпlу plenty of Good mогпiпg, ladieS and gепtlеmеп. Мапу
tгiсks to this tгаdе.
of you may геmеmЬег that in 1991 а couple
Маggiе: Yеаh, and most ofthem агеп't new who wеге hiking high in the mountains оп the
tгiсks at а11. I think I could make а link Ьогdег Ье[wееп Italy and Аustгiа found the
at this рагt of the ргеSепtаtiоп to what Ьоdу of а man who had died 5,300 уеагS аgо.

146 Тгапsсгiрts
This сокрSе WaS lаtег given the nickname `thе thеге is noW stгопg ЬОtапiсаl evidence that he
Iсеmап'. Fогсuпаtеlу, а complete set of clothes died in sDгiпg. This is Ьесаusе ро11еп of the
and а vагiеtу of gеаг Wеге found оп ог пеаг the hop hоmЬеаm tгее Was found in his iпtеstiпеs,
согрsе, and theSe give uS fuгthег clueS as to his and that small tгее Ьlооms оп1у in late sргiпg.
idепtitу. Today I'd like to Speak to you аЬоut So he may have Ьгеаthеd Some in ог dгuпk
some of the latest Ёпdiпgs оп the Iсеmап. some Wаtег containing the ро11еп shогtlу
Scientists haVe leamed fгоm the Iсеmап'S Ьеfоге his dеаth.
согрsе in the Same way as detectiveS
investigating а muгdег gаthег clues fгоm the Sо, what else do we know аЬоut the Iсеmап?
viсtim's Ьоdу. The studv of che Iсеmап'S Ьопеs Не ate а ргimitivе fогm of Whеаt, Which was
showS that he Was 46 vеагs old at the time Ьаkеd into Ьгеаd оп ап ореп Ёге. Although
of dеаth, which is геlаtivеlу old fог реор1е leaves of moss Wеге found in his iпсеstiпеs, it
at that timе. It арреагS that he Ьеlопgеd to а арреагS that moss waS not рагt of his diet Ьut
gгоuр fгоm сепtгаl погthеm Еuгоре гаthег had ргоЬаЬ1у епtегеd his mouth Ьу ассidепt.
than to the gгоuр of реор1е who lived not 1п those days the 1оса1 реор1е had по рарег
fаг to the South of the Spot Whеге his Ьоdу Ьаgs ог plastic wгаррiпg, and So used moss to
waS fоuпd. Yet it Seems he may haVe moved Dack food iп. Moss was а vегу vегsаtilе рlапt,
агоuпd Somewhat duгiпg his lifе. Although with diffегеm vагiеdеs that gгеw fаг to the
exactly Whеге he spent his life is uпkпоwп, погth Ьеiпg uSed Ьу the Vikings as coilet рарег.
investigation of his tooth enamel suggeSts that The equipment found агоuпd the Ьоdу
he шеw uD in опе Dlace and then sDent sеvегаl
gives uS many clueS as to his way of lifе. Не
dес-аdеs iп- апоthег-агеа. was well ргерагеd fог сlimЬiпg thгоugh the
Samples taken fгоm his Stomach and mоuпtаiпS: he had а jacket made fгоm dеег
intestineS give uS ап indication of what hе'd hide and goat hidе, and а Dаiг of shoes made
eaten shогtlу Ьеfоге his dеаth, including fгоm the Sk+п of ЬОth goat and Ьеаг and then
gгаiпS, though this doeS not allow conclusions inSulated with plant mаtегiаl. Оvег the top
to Ье dгаwп aS to What he uSually аtе. of it а11 he WaS wеагiпg а саре made fгоm
HoweveL SamDleS of his hаiг shoW that his gгаsS and ЬаSt, which is made fгоm Ьагk. This
uSual diet conSisted of plants and the meat of could give uS а clue aS to his оссuраtiоп. 1п
sеvегаl апimаls. Living in а time 1опg Ьеfоге fасt, this саре геsеmЬlеS capeS still wom Ьу
the development of modem mеdiсiпе, the shерhегds in the Ваlkапs, and the site Whеге
tattoos оп his Ьасk may indicate асuрuпсtuге he waS found is пеаг ап агеа whеге shерhегds
роiпts, yet оп the оthег hand they could tгаditiопаllу take thеiг досks in summeL Yet
simply Ье а fогm of Ьоdу dесогаtiоп. It Seems the thеогу that he Was а shерhегd has little else
that he waS not in а good State of health in the to Suррогt it. It's Ьееп DгоDоsеd that he was а
last Six months of his lifе. Тhеге аге thгее lines h±±п±g± due to the fact dіаt-hе was саггуiпg а
knoWn as Веаu'S lineS оп he single hgemail ЬоW and Some аггоws. Some еагliег ideaS that
that WaS fоuпd. TheSe lines оссuг if the nail he Was а wаггiог ог а tгаdег of flint have Ьееп
stopS gгоWiпg due to illness and then Stагts аЬапdопеd fог lack of апу suррогtiпg mаtегiаl.
gгоWiпg аgаiп. The Iceman Was found lying оп а 1агgе
It was initially assumed that he had died of госk, and So it was Ьеliеvеd initially that he
the cold in autumn ЬесаuSе of the ргеSепсе of had fallen asleep оп the госk and then diеd.
а piece of fhiit that гiрепS in late Summег. Yet Ноwеvег the consensus now is that he died

Тгапsсгiрts 147
пеагЬv and then доаtеd into that DoSition The гесогdiпgs will Ье played ONCE оп1у.
duгіiпg Dегiоds When the ice thаWеd. Тhеге аге
The test is in fоuг sесtiопs. Wгitе уоиг
Sеvегаl iпdiсаtогS fог this: hгst, the аWkwагd
апswегs оп the question sheet as уои listеп.
position of his left агm; Sесопd, the position of At the end of Section 4, уои hawe ten rpinutes
his гight hапd, which waS Stuck uпdег апоthег to tгапsfег ;оиг апswе;s onto the ап§hег
госk; thiгd, the missing оutег 1ауег of Skiп; shееt, which is оп page 31. when уои Лпish,
and the fact that some of his Ьеlопgiпgs Wеге check the апSwегs at the Ьасk of the Ьооk.
а few mеtгеS fгоm the Ьоdу.
Now tuгп to Section 1.
DeSpite theSe iпtегеStiпg Ёпdiпgs, thеге аге
still many chings that we dоп't knoW аЬоut section 1
the Iсеmап. What WaS he doing up thеге high А woman has just аггtvеd at а shopping та11
in the mоuпtаiпs, аррагепtlу Ьу himsеlf? with hег сhil,dгеп. You will hеаг hег talking to
Did he die fгоm exhaustion and cold While а тап at the iпj:огтаtiоп dеsk. Fiгst, уои have
гuппiпg aWay fгоm dапgег? Wё may пеvег some йте to look at questions 1 to 6 and the
knoW exactly What the cauSe of death Wаs, Лоог р1ап of the shopping та11.
Ьесаusе this Would геquiге ап аutорSу, which
Now listen and апswег questions 1 to 6.
haS not Ьееп alloWed as it Would cause too
much damage to the согрsе. When the Ьоdу Мап: Good mогпiпg, сап I help уоu?
Was hгst геmоvеd. it Was thоuЁht to Ье dіаt of womап: YеS. I'vе пеvег Ьееп hеге Ьеfоге and
а missiш mountain сlimЬег; and а пumЬег of I'vе just got а feW queStionS аЬоut whеге
реор1е distuгЬеd the Sitе, Wгесkiпg а good рагt а few placeS аге hеге.
of the eVidence in the ргосеSS. Вut, hореfullу, Мап: Fiпе. Неге'S а доог plan ofthe mаll,
With hігthег геSеагсh We will Ье аЬ1е to Solve
you сап take that With уоu, Ьut if you
some of the mуStегiеs that Still Suггоuпd the have апу quеStiопS, I'd Ье vегу happy
Iсеmап, who haS аlгеаdу taught uS so much to hеlр.
аЬоut the way of life at that timе.
wоmап: wеll, I'm аfгаid I always Ёпd theSe
That is the end of Section 4. You now have Ноог planS а Ьit сопfusiпg, So could
half а тiпше to check уоиг апswегs. you just Show me exactly whеге We аге
That is the end of the Listening Теst. You now оп this?
have ten тiішtеs to tгапsfег уоиг апswетs to Мап: No ргоЬ1еm. Неге We аге at the
the апswег Shееt. iпfогmаtiоп dеSk, гight in the middlе,
next to the еSсаlаtогS.
Listening Test 4 The тап says they аге at the iп]Ьгтаtiоп
You will hеаг fоиг di#егепt гесогdiпgs and desk and that it is in the тiddlе, next to the
уои will have to апswег questions оп what еsсаlаtоr. Тhегеfоге, `С' has Ьееп wгittеп next
уои hеаг. to the ехатр1е оп the question рарег. Now
continue with questions 1 to 6.
Тhеге will Ье time fог уои to геаd the
iпstгисtiопs and questions Ьеfоте the wоmап: Right. NоW, I hеагd thеге's а
гесогdiпg is рlауеd. сhildгеп's р1ау сепtге whеге you сап leaVe
уоuг сhildгеп while you do the shоррiпg.
You will also hа;vе the оррогtшпitу to check
Мап: Тhаt's гight. You сап see it оп the
уоиг апswегs.
Поог р1ап; it'S in the соmег. to the left of

148 Тгапsсгiрts
the Suрегmагkеt. Тhеге аге plenty of toys Мап: YеS, it'S next to the соmDutег Stоге.
fог them to р1ау with thеге - аlsо, thеге'S пеаг the toD of the stаiгS.
fгеSh fгuit to eat and they сап haVe hm womап: Oh уеS, I сап See it поw.
with the оthег сhildгеп.
ВеfЬге уои hеаг the геst of the сопvегsаtiоп,-
wоmап: Sounds gооd, dоеsп't it, kids? I
уои have some time to look at questions 7
was thinking I might take them to haVe to 10.
thеiг hаiг cut hгst. IS that the hаiгdгеSSег
Now listen and апswег questions 7 to 1О.
Ьеtwееп the fuгпituге shoD and the
сhildгеп'S clotheS ShоD? wоmап: Оh, when I рагkеd the саг I
Мап: YеS, it is. They do сhildгеп'S hаiгсuts соuldп't see hoW much you have to рау
aS Wеll.
fог рагkiпg.

womап: Оh, lоvеlу. NоW, my little Ьоу'S Мап: It'S fгее fог сhе ЁгSt two hоuгS, Ьut
аftег that it'S $3 ап hош
going to а fhепd'S Ьiгthdау рагtу next
wееk, and we Wanted to Ьuу а ргеSепt. wоmап: Нmm. I think with all the things
Do you know if thеге аге апу stогеS that we have to dо, We might Ье hеге fог mоге
might have things а sеvеп-уеаг-оld Ьоу than two hоuгS. So if you рагk thеге fог
Would likе? thгее hоuгs аltоgеthеі; you haVe to рау
Мап: Oh уеS, thеге'S а tov stоге гight next to $3, and if it'S fоuг hоuгS. Vou Dav $6 and
the shoe Shо_Iэ. Тhеу'vе got а good гапgе So оп.
of tоуS. I'm suге уоu'll Ёпd Something fог Мап: YеS, thаt's гight.
а child of that аgе. I often Ьuу things thеге wоmап: Uh-huh. How аЬоut the сhildгеп'S
mуSеlf. The ргiсеS аге quite геаSопаЬlе. р1ау сепtге. IS thеге апу сhагgе fог leaVing
Wоmап: Оh, thаt'S good to hеаг. Оh, and уоuг сhildгеп thеге?
аlsо, аге thеге апу toilets оп this Ноог? Мап: Oh по, thаt's а fгее sегviсе ofthe
Мап: YеS, thеу'ге in а Ьit ofa hidden соmег. Shopping mаll. НоWеvеь thеге's а policy
You just go paSt the Ьооkstоге -уоu сап that the сhildгеп haVe to Ье at least 18
see they sell пеWSрарегs thеге too - а!±d months оld.
doWn the соггidоL wоmап: Му youngest is just l0 months оld,
wоmап: Аh, уеS, I Sее. I'd Ьеttег take them Ьut I'd гаthег keep hег With me апуwау.
thеге Ьеfоге we go to the hаiгdгеssег. Аlsо, We might need to get Something to
What else do I need to dо? Oh уеаh, I'vе eat lаtег. IS thеге апу р1асе to Ьuу luпсh?

got to Ьuу some сгеdit fог my mоЬilе Мап: Oh уеS, you сап get all kinds ofthings
рhопе. Сап I do that at the Dhone kiosk at the food соuгt, fгоm Snacks to fast food
оvег thеге пеаг thoSe ЬепсhёS? to healthy mеаls. Тhеге's а геа11у good
Мап: YеS, you сап. You сап also do it at the гапgе. It'S two flоогS uD оп leVel ЁVе. It'S
Suреmагkеt if you wапt. ЬеSt to take the еlеvаtог
Wоmап: Right. NоW, Wе'vе just come wоmап: Do you knoW if they have рizzа?
up fгоm the саг рагk, Ьut we took the Both my kids геа11у 1оvе рizzа.
еSсаlаtог. I might haVe а lot of things Мап: Yеs, they dо. Оh, did you knowyou
to саггу lаtег оп, So I waS wопdегiпg if сап watch а movie hеге, tоо?
thеге's ап еlеvаtог.

Тгап$сгЕрts 1149
wоmап: YеS, I'vе hеагd сhеге's а cinema оп tгustwогthу реор1е to take good саге of thеiг
the tо_D flоог Тhеге might Ье Something home fог а limited регiоd of timе. The реор1е
оп that my kids'd Ье iпtегеstеd iп. Who stay in уоuг home and take саге of it аге
Мап: Yеаh, thеге аге а couple of сhildгеп's called `hоuSеSittегS'. The hоusеSittегs live at
Ёlms оп at the mоmепt. уоuг р1асе fог регiоds of anything Ьёtwееп
опе month and two уеагs.
womап: wеll, thank you vегу muсh; уоu'vе
Ьееп а gгеаt hеlр. Тhеге аге а11 kinds of геаSопS Why реор1е

hоuSеsit. Some аге соuрlеs, оthегS аге

Мап: Мурlеаsuге.
siпglе. Often thеу'ге saving up tЬ Ьuу thеiг
That is the end of Section 1. You now have
own hоmе, ог they may Ье гепоVаtiпg thеiг
half а minute to check уоиг апswегs.
own home and just need Sоmеwhеге to stay
Now tигп to Section 2. tеmрогагilу, ог they might have just moved
to уоuг сitу. Although hоuSеSittегs dоп't
section 2 Dav vou апу гепt when thеу'ге living in уоuг
You wil:l hеаг а talk Ьу а гергеsепtаtivе of ап hоmе, they аге геquiгеd to рау апу Ьills fог
agency that Лпds реор1е to look аftег homes the tеlерhопе, gаS, еlесtгiсitу and So оп. Sо,
when thеiг оwrюгs аге аwау. Не is talking to fог the hоmеоwпеь this is not а way to make
а gюшр of hотеоwпегs. Fiгst, уои have sогпе mопеу.
time to look at questions 11 to 2О. When Someone геgistегs With us to Ьесоmе
Now listen and апswег questions 1 1 to 20. а hоuSеSittег; they ргоvidе us with Some of

Good еvепiпg, ladieS and gепtlеmеп, I'm thеiг регSопаl details Such aS thеiг age and
оссuраtiоп. I need to stгеSS hеге that оuг
glad уоu'vе Ьееп аЬ1е to make it to this
iпtгоduсtогу talk аЬоut оuг аgепсу, which is agency does 7'юf саггу out а Sесuгitу check

called Contented Ноmеs. Му паmе'S Gагу оп the реор1е who have геgistегеd with uS
and I'm going to explain What оuг ЬusiпеSS to Ье hоusеsiсtегS. Мапу hоuSеSittегS have
iпvоlvеs, Ьut hst I'd like to tell you something геfегепсеS fгоm реор1е whose houSeS ог

аЬоut the Ьасkgгоuпd of оuг аgепсу. арагtmепts thеу'vе looked аftег in the раSt.
It's uD to vou to check those геfегепсеs.
Wё commenced орегаtiОпS Ьасk in 1989,
Allowing Someone to live in уоuг home is
and essentially оuг jоЬ is to Япd SuitаЬlе
not а decision to Ье taken lightlу, So we
реор1е to live in and look аftег оthег реорlе'S
also гесоmmепd that you meet With апу
homeS while thеу'ге аwау. The hоmеоWпегS
- реор1е like уоuгsеlvеS - might Ье away оп ргоsресtivе hоusеSittегS and iпtегviеW them
Ьеfоге deciding which регSоп ог реор1е would
holidays ог tеmрогагilу wогkiпg in апоthег
Ье moSt suitаЬlе to look аftег уоuг home in
city ог соuпtгу, and they want to Ье suге that
уоuг аЬSепсе.
While thеу'ге аwау, сhеiг home Will Ье Sесuге,
Тhеге аге similагitiеs Ьеtwееп hоuSеSittегS
and that When they come Ьасk, еVегуthiпg will
and tепапts, Ьut thеге аге diffегепсеS as wеll.
Ье in good сопditiоп. When We hst Stагtеd
оut, we conducted moSt of оuг Ьusiпеss оVег НоuSеsittегS dоп't have as manv гights as
the рhопе, Ьut noW the Ьulk of it is done Q][Ёі рреор1е who haVe а leaSe оп а ргорегtу. AS
the Iпtегпеt. the hоmеоWпег; you сап give а sраге Set of
keyS to уоuг home to а пеighЬощ fгiепd ог
Ваsiсаllу, this is how it wогks: hоmеоWпегs
геlаtivе. That регsоп'S allowed to dгор in оп
come to us when they need to Ёпd геliаЬlе,

15О Тгапsсгiрts
the hоusеsittегs Without ргiог notice at апу Fiгst, уои have some tiгт to look at questions
time - within геаsоп - to check that the houSe 21 to 25.
is in огdег; and the hоuSеSittегs агеп't allowed
Now listen and апswег questions 21 to 25.
to stop them fгоm епtегiпg.
Теасhег: Sо, hоW's уоuг sеmiпаг рарег gоihg?
Тhеге аге many good геаsопs to use
the SегviсеS of а hоuSеsittег. Вuгglагs soon
wоmап: Оh, it's almost геаdу. Му hеаd'S
notice when реор1е аге аWау, So theft is just full of scatistics at the mоmепt.
much less likelv if someone is living in уоuг Теасhег: Is thеге anything you found
hоmе. But it's not simply а mаttег of sесuгitу. рагdсulагlу iпtегеstiпg?
НоuSеsittегs keep уоuг home с1еап and tidу. Мап: Yеаh, fог iпStапсе, аЬоut whеге
Some of them аге even mоге hоusергоud than реор1е choose to live When they migгаtе
the actual оWпегs. 1п аdditiоп, many реор1е to Аustгаliа. The focus of оuг talk is оп
need а hоusеsittег со look аftег Dets and keeD migгаtiоп to Sуdпеу, Ьut we found We
the gагdеп in огdег. needed to look ЬгiеНу at migгаtiоп to
NoW I'd like tell you аЬоut the feeS We оthег рагts of Аustгаliа aS wеll.
сhагgе. FiгSt, уои the hоmеоWпегs dоп't have WЬmап: Нmm. Most migгапсs go to the
со рау uS апуthiпg. when реор1е Who Want to Ьig сitiеs, Ьut ic isп't the same fог а11
Ье hоusеsittегS come to uS, thev have to Dav паtiопаlitiеs. FОг iпstапсе, оvег the last
$375 to go into оuг diгесtогv. Тhаt's Whеге hve уеагs, With the Вгitish, onlv аЬоut опе
We get the money to гuп оuг sегviсе. As I sаid, thiгd of them аltоgеthег Went to Svdnev
we dоп't check to see that the iпfогmаtiоп and МеlЬоuгпе.
Supplied Ьу them is соггесt; it Would simply Теасhег: Sо, whеге did mоSС of them go?
coSt uS fаг too much time and money to do
Мап: Оh, all оvег the рlасе, Ьut fог some
геаsоп quite а few ended up оvег in Регth.
When уоu'vе decided chat you want to
Теасhег: Тhас'S not а Ьаd place со livе.
go ahead and have а hоuSеSittег look аftег
Мап: Nо. But with the Сhiпеsе. 26°/О of
уоuг hоmе, We dеЁпitеlу think it'S а good
idea fог you to take out iпSuгапсе fог vоuг them choose to live in МеlЬоumе and
58оіо in Svdпеv.
hQш!. Yоu'll Ёпd thac many iпsuгапсе
companies ргеfег the highег dеgгее of sесuгitу Теасhег: Rеаllу? Do you have апу idea
if sоmеопе's living in уоuг home than if it'S left Why the ChineSe and Вгidsh have Such
еmрtу. Апуwау, I hope I'vе given you а с1еаг diffегепt Settlement раttеms?
idea of оuг sегviсе, and now I'd Ье happy to Мап: wеll, пос геаllу. SometimeS it'S hагd
take апу quеstiопS. to Ёпd out exactly Why реор1е choose
That is the end of Section 2. You now have to live Whеге they dо. Тhеге's а thгiviпg
half а minute to check уоиг апswегs. LеЬапеSе community in Ме1Ьоumе, Ьut
mоге than seVen out of ten DeoDle fгоm
Now tuгп to section 3.
LеЬапоп wеге dгаWп to Svdпеv.
section з Теасhег: I sее. So уоu'vе соvегеd gгоuрs
fгоm Еuгоре, East Asia and the Middle
You will hеат two students talking to thеiг
Еаst. Do you have anything оп реор1е
tеасhег аЬош а sетiпаг рарег they аге
fгоm оthег геgiопs?
ргерагiпg fог thеiг Population Studies сlаss.

Тгапsсгiрts 151
wоmап: Yеs. when We Went thгоugh data Wоmап: wеll, histогiсаllу that waS the саsе,
fгоm the Dерагtmепt of Immigгаtiоп,апd Ьut even though Sуdпеу's gгоWп а lot
the Вuгеаu of StаtistiсS, we found that гесепtlу, thеге's Ьееп hагdlу апу iпсгеаsе
in the case of the Ма1аvsiапs, fог some in the пumЬег of Аustгаliап-Ьогп реор1е
геаsоп оп1у а miпогitу chose Sydney and living in Sуdпеу.
МеlЬоuгпе, Ьut I dоп't knoW exactly Теасhег: why is thаt? I mеап,-,\I сап
Whеге most of them ended uр. I think uпdегStапd why реор1е would Ье lеаviпg;
quite а few of them Wеге аttгасtеd to а lot of реор1е feel Sуdпеу'S getting too
QueenSland Ьесаusе of the сlimаtе. сгоWdеd and hесtiс.
Теасhег: Yёаh, it must Ье hагd fог people wоmап: But that сап't Ье the геаSоп Ьесаusе
coming fгоm а tгорiсаl геgiоп to get used they often end up in placeS such aS sоuth-
to соldег Wiпtегs. What аЬоut the NeW eaSt QuеепSlапd, Whеге the iпfгаstгuсtuге
Zеаlапdегs? simply isп't coping With the гарid
Мап: wеll, they dоп't need а visa fог population gгоwth and fаstег расе of lifе.
Аustгаliа, so thеу'ге counted sерагаtеlу Мап: The геSеагсh shows that the oneS
fюm а11 оthег паtiопаlitiеS, Ьut the vaSt leaVing Sydney аге рагtiсulагlу middlе-
Ьul.k of them have ended up in Sуdпеу. aged and еldегlу реор1е who own the
Yоu'd think that МеlЬоuгпе'd Ье mоге р1асе they live iп. Ву Selling thеiг Sydney
to thеiг liking Ьесаusе its сlimаtе'S mоге home When they геtiге and Ьuуiпg and
like what thеу'ге uSed tO and the distance living in а сhеарег опе еlsеWhеге, ±hЁ}L
fгоm New zealand to МеlЬоumе is аЬоut then have mоге funds left оvег.
the sаmе. Теасhег: It must Ье difЁсult making that
Веfоге уои hеаг the геst of the со"егsаtiоп, Shift at thеiг аgе.
уои have sоі'т tiт3 to look at questions 26 womап: I think moving ог migгаtiпg'S hагd
to 30. fог апуопе.
Now listen сиіd апswег questions 26 to 30. Теасhег: Quite гight. But whac effect is
Теасhег: You also looked into wЬ); people migгаtiоп hаviпg?
choose the places they dо, didп't уоu? wоmап: wеll, thеге аге all kinds of еffесts,
Wоmап: Yеs. wеll, people often go whеге Ьut Sociologists talk аЬоut а gгоwiпg
the wогk is. I mеап, it'S по uSe Ёпdiпg gap Ьеtwееп Sydney and МеlЬоuгпе оп
а nice р1асе to live if уоu'ге going to Ье the опе hапd, and the геSt of the соuпtгу
uпеmрlоуеd. But thеге'S а mоге decisive оп сhе оthег. You Sее, the most гесепt
fассоь and that is that DeoDle gепегаllу data Shows that 60О/О of the оvегsеаs
lik.е t6 live пеаг thеiг ffiends aLd геlаtivеs, аггivаls went to those two сitiеs, even
and with реор1е hom thеiг own соuпtг}ь though Sydney and МеlЬоuгпе соmЬiпеd
so they wоп't Ье So isоlаtеd. And they do haVe got just 40О/о of the соuпtгу'S
that despite the highег housing ргiсеs in рорulаtiоп.
che 1агgег сitiеs. Теасhег: But уоu'vе got to геmеmЬег that
Теасhег: Yёаh, гепts аге getting гidiсulоuS. Аusсгаliа is опе of the moSt uгЬапisеd
But hаsп't Sydney alwayS аttгасtеd реор1е соuпtгiеS in the wогld. А good 50О/О of
- I mеап, even реор1е Ьогп еlsеWhеге in the population live in the State сарitаls,
Аustгаliа? not including the uгЬап fгiпgеS. IS

152 Тгап$сгiрt$
anything Ьеiпg done to ргоmоtе gгоmh When we think of ргоgгеss, we tend to look to
in оthег геgiопs? the futuге. Ноwеvеь the past сап also ргоvidе
Мап: wеll, the gоVегпmепt'S got sеvегаl iпSрiгаtiоп. Today I'd like to outline some of
ргороsаls. Wё need mоге реор1е in гuгаl the many wayS in Which the hemp plant - а-
агеаS, Ьut по опе's suggesting that we plant that was used vегу widely until the еаг1у
епсоuгаgе fагmегs to migгаtе to Аustгаliа 20th сепtuгу - сап ЬепеЁt Ьоth huіщпs and
Ьесаusе аgгiсulсuге's vегу сарitаl-iпtепsivе the епviгопmепt.
in this соuпtгу. But the gоvегпmепt's You may геmеmЬег that When tkё use of
thinking аЬоut having lоwег tax гаtеs о]L соmрutегs Ьесаmе mоге WidеSргеаd, thеге
р±ivаtе Яms that employ newly аггivеd__ was much talk of the `рарегlеss оf6се', yet
.migгапсs in toWns outside Sydney ац.d .. noW fаг mоге рарег is Ьеiпg used than еvег
МеlЬоuгпе. Of соuгsе, these days the Ьеfоге. Most of that рарег is made fгоm
gоvегпmепt dоеSп't want to actually Wооd, Ьut it сап also Ье made fгоm hеmр.
ргоvidе jоЬs fог hem Ьut they аге willing Hemp is а fаst-gгоWiпg annual plant that
to fаvоuг еmрlоуегs Who employ thеm. сап Ье hагvеstеd Within fоuг months of
Теасhег: Do you think thаt'd wогk? gегmiпаtiоп, Whегеаs а tгее takes 20 уеагs.
womап: I dоп't kпоw. Тhеге's nothing to This means that а hесtаге of hemp сап
stop them moving to опе of the two Ьig ргоduсе 80 times as much рарег as а hесtаге
cities if they feel like it. of tгееs. 1п fасt, hemp Was the main Sоuгсе
fОг рарег ргоduсtiоп until the 20сh сепtuгу
Теасhег: Ехасtlу.
and the рарег it makes is of suрегiог quality
wоmап: In fасt, the Statistics dоп't give the
to that made fгоm wооd. Мапу of the гivегs
hill рiсtuге. When they migгаtе, реор1е
in the vicinity of tоdау's раitег mills Suffег
vегу often initially live outside of Sуdпеу,
the effects of pollution fгоm Ьlеасh and оthег
so in the statistics thеу'ге гесогdеd as
chemicals uSed in the mапufасtuге of рарег
having settled oucside Sуdпеу. В_ut thец__
fгоm wооd.1п соmгаst, рарег made fгощ..
аf!ег а while many make the move tQ...
hemp does not геquiге Ь1еа:с±±.
s=уdпеу. So the геа1 _Diсtuге's even щ±j=е_
So much clothing these days is made
Q]іf of Ьаlапсе. ±hап whac the statisdcs sау.
fгоm соttоп. Yet fаЬгiс has Ьееп made fгоm
Теасhег: Statistics геаllу сап Ье а sliррегу
hemp fог оvег 7,000 уеагs. The tгоuЬlе with
thing Sоmеtimеs, сm't thеу?
cotton сгорs is that they take а heavy tоl1
Wоmап: Тhаt's fог Suге. оп the епviгопmепt and аге often dependent
That is the end of Section 3 . You now have оп iггigаtiоп. Hemp сап gгоw using fаг leSS
half а minute to check уоиг апswегs. звzа±ЁЁ and doeS not need as much fегtilisег
ог реstiсidеs. 1п fасt, hemp сгорS even
Now tuгп to Section 4.
have а паtuгаl геsistапсе to реsts. Clothes
section 4 made fгоm the tough ЁЬге of hemp also
last 1опgег than thoSe made fгоm соttоп,
Етта Ве11 is ап аgгiсиltигаl sсiепtist. 1п the
Which is not Something thаt'll make clothing
following lесtuге she dеsсгiЬеs some of the
mапufасtuгегS vегу hарру. But апоthег Way
advantages of the hemp рlапt. Fiтst, уои haye
h which hemp is the suрегiог mаtегiаl is thac
some time to look аі questions 31 to 40.
it'S mоге effective in Ьlосkiпg out UV гауs
Now listen and апswег questions 31 to 40. fгоm the Suп, Which сап cause skin са,псе±; То

Тгапsсгiрts 153
top it оff, clothing made fгоm hemp is vегу а gгеаtег ргоtеiп content than погmаl wheat
соmfогtаЬlе to wеаг flощ and its seeds contain а11 the amino асids,
h рагts of the wогld that Still dоп't have ргоvidiпg а fогm of ргоtеiп thаt's mоге easily
еlесtгiсitу, this vегsаtilе plant сап also Ье used digeSted than that in SоуЬеапs.
to ligh[ lаmрs. Back in the dayS of sailing Сагреts made fгоm hemp аге mоге.duгаЬlе
shiрs, when hemp was used to make гореS than оthег сагреts and аге геsistапt to mildеW,
and Sаils, lamps wеге оНеп fuelled Ьу ]в[hа]i which gгоws in humid ог damp сопditiопs.
Qi±, which gave off а much stгопgег-smеlliпg Itcanalso Ьеusеdiпthеhоmеtоргоduсе :
Ьlасk smokе. The рuгSuit of that oil was опе fumishings Such aS ЁЬгеЬоагd, fuгпituге and -
of the геаsопS fог the existence of the whaling even рlаSсiсs. Paints and vагпish made fгоm
iпdustгу, Which hunted many specieS of Whale реtгосhеmiсаls contain роisопs, whегеаs this is
almost to ехtiпсtiоп. not the case with those ргоduсеd fгоm hеmр.
Сlоsег to оuг own timе, Непгу Fогd used Hemp plants аге Ьеst gгоWп cloSe tоgеthеь
hemp in che ргоduсtiоп of his ЁгSt сагS. TheSe and Ьесаusе they ргоduсе ап аЬuпdапсе of
dауs, with panels Ьеiпg made of mеtаl, even lеаvеS, the gгоuпd undemeath the plants is
а miпог accident сап lead to coStly гераiгs. Shаdеd, which hiпdегs the gгоwth of Wееds,
Being dегivеd fгоm а рlапt, hеm_D panels so fагmегs dоп't have to spend money оп
Would Ье leSS ехрепsivе. Yet регhарS ап even роtепtiаl1у dапgегоuS hегЬiсidеs. It thгivеs
mоге sigпiЁсапt consequence Would Ье thаt, in агеаs With loW гаiпfаll and may Ье uSeful
instead of old сагs Ьеiпg left to гust Ьу the in соmЬаtiпg Salinity Ьесаusе it dоеsп't need
гоаdsidе, ап аЬапdопеd саг made fгоm hemp iггigаtiоп and its 1опg tаргооt сап геасh
would гоt fаstег А fuгthег advancage in the uпdегgгоuпd пutгiепts and Wаtег.
case of аutоmоЬilеs is the fuеl. Опе of the As а fаst-gгоWiпg рlапt, it'S ап easily
mаjог causeS of g1оЬа1 Wагmiпg is the use of гепеwаЬlе, ЬiоdеgгаdаЬlе and ecologically
foSsil fuels in сагs and tгuсks. Methanol is ап sustаiпаЬlе sоuгсе of а vaSt гапgе of ргоduсts
altemative to реtгоl, and it сап Ье ехtгасtеd that аге сuггепtlу made fюm polluting
fгоm hеmр. This fuel is аlгеаdу used Ьу гасiпg геsоuгсеS Such as соа1, mеtаls, gas and оil.
сагs, and it dоеsп't ргоduсе aS much аiг This is quite plainly а case Whеге We сап make
роllutiоп, thus placing а Smаllег Ьuгdеп оп the ргоgгеSS Ьу lеагпiпg fгоm the раSt.
аiг We Ьгеаthе.
That is the end of Section 4. You now have
half а minute to check уоиг апswегs.
Hemp is also а sоuгсе fог а vагiеtу of fооds.
The oil that is оЬtаiпеd fгоm the plant сап Ье That is the end of the Listening Теst. You now
used to make cooking оil, Ьuttеь cheese and have ten minutes to tгапsfег уоиг апswегs to
even iсе-сгеаm. Е±Q!±± dегivеd fгоm hemp has
the апswег shееt.

sуmЬоls used in the Listenihg апsWег key .

/ lf thеге is mоге than опе роssiЬ|е wогd ог рhгаsе within ап апswег, this is
shown Ьу the sуmЬо| /. Fог iпstапсе, `lеss ро||utiоп/роIIutiпg' means that the
апswег сап Ье '|еss роI|utiоп' ог `|еsS роIIutiпg'.
// In some cases thеге is mоге than опе соггесt апswег.Тhis is indicated Ьу the
sуmЬо| //. Fог iпstапсе, 'а|1 uпivегsitiеs // еVегу uпivегsitу' means that the
апswег сап Ье `а1I uпivегsitiеs' ог `еvегу uпivегsitу'.
( ) If рап of the апswег is given in Ьгасkеts, this means that the Wогd ог wогds
in Ьгасkеts аге орtiопаl. Fог iпstапсе, 'hаIf (ап) hоuг' means that the апswег
сап Ье `hаIf hоuг' ог 'hаIf ап hоuг'.

Listening Test 1 sЕст'оN 4

31 (поmаdiс) lifestyle // nomadism
sЕстlоN 1
32 сlосhеS/сlоthiпg
1 Реппу Ryan
33 milk, meat 34 gагdепiпg
2 24 Магсh 1982 // Магсh 24(,) 1982 //
35 fееd//еаt 36 salt
24.(0)З.(19)82 // (0)3.24.(19)82
37 С З8 С З9 А 40 В
3 BlacktoWn // Black Town
4 76903275 Hstening Test 2
5 monthly // еvегу month // опсе а month
sЕстlоN 1
6 А 7 с 8 в
1 (Сlаss) С/с // С/с liсепсе/liсепsе
9 в 10 А
2 28Rivег 3 37018699
sЕстIоN 2 4 Studепtсагd 5 (Ьу) cash
11 shoes 6 С 7 В ` 8 В
12 Ьеасhсаfе 9 с 10 А
13 7 (аm/а.m.) tо/till/uпtil/-6 (рm/р.m.) // 7 to
6 // 7-6
sЕстIоN 2
11 В 12 F 13 С 14 G
14 twice а/рег Week // Тuеsdау(s) and Fгidау(s)
15 D 16 D 17 Е 18 G
15 оп (thе/уоuг) ЬаlсопуЛ>аlсопiеs
19 А 20 F
16 ьiгds, яsh
17 11 (рm/р.m.) // 11 at night sЕстIоN з
18 А,Е 19 В,D 20 D,Е 21 В 22 В 2З А 24 В
25 В 26 С 27 D 28 С
sЕстIоN з
29 В 30 Н
21 В 22 А 23 D 24 Е
25 F 26 С 27 С 28 В
29 А 30 в

156 Апзw®г k®у

sЕстIоN 4 Listening Test 4
31 геаSоп(s) // mоtivаtiоп(S)
sЕстIоN 1
32 funding limitationS // funds limitеd// limited
1А2н 314G
33 85О/o
7 $6// $6.00//siх dоllагs
34 ехегсisе, thегару
8 еightееп/18 months // 1% уеагs
35 соmрutег games
9 (оп) (lеvеl/Поог) Ёvе/5 // (thе) Ёfth/5th
36 геduсе stгеSs
37 регsопаl development
10 (а) сiпеmа/thеаtге
38 В 39 В 40А
sЕстIоN 2
Listening Test З 11 1989
sЕстIоN 1 12 Iпсегпеt
1 гооm sегviсе 13 опе/1 month
2 wаitег 14 гепt
3 Тоuгism Management 15 геfегепсе(s)
4 Fгепсh, Когеап 16 гigh{s
5, 6, 7 J# 47®у оrdеr.. В, F, G (с1еаг aWay рlаtеs, 17 thеft/thiеvеs // ЬuгglагуЮuгglаг(s)
take luggage to гооms, wогk in hЬtеl Ьаг) 18 реt(s), gагdеп(S)
8, 9, 10 J7с a#у огdе# С, D, G (mеdiсаl 19 $375
iпsuгапсе, рагkiпg, uпifогms) 20 (hоmе) iпsuгапсе
sЕстIоN 2 sЕстIоN з
11 А,Е 21 С 22 В 23 В 24 С
12 в,D 25 В 26 В 27 С 28 С
13 fоuг/4 mопths/mths 29 А 30 А
14 75%
15 (оп/viа/thгоugh) the Imemet // online
sЕстIоN 4
31 4/fоuг months
16 $6,000
32 Ьlеасh
17 раssрогt photos
33 Wаtег/iггigаtiоп
18 $435
34 Skin сапсег // UV/ultгаviоlеt гауs
19 wогkiпg days
35 Whale oil // oil fгоm/оfwhаlеs
20 iпtегviеw
36 less expensive // сhеарег
sЕстIоN з 37 (аiг) pollution
21 с 22 А 23 В 24 С 38 с 39 Е 40А
25 в 26 А 27 с 28 А
29 с 30 А

sЕстIоN 4
31 В З2 Н 33 D 34 с
35 Е з6 А З7 С 38 В
39 А 40 в

АпsWег k®у 157

1З (а) conStant sрееd., {Тhе thгеаd is иіоипd
оп the fuSee grооUе, шhiсh Ьесотеs smaller
and smaller in diатеtеr, so that in effecl it
means that the sРгiпg drives the clOck а1 а
constant sРееd.)

Reading Test 1 READING pAssAGE 2

14 iv; а11 thгее sentenceS in рагаgгарh А
dеSсгiЬе what is usually dопе.
1 FдLsЕ., (Тhе dOmestic clock uіаS not
15 .ijijL., (tОр.іс Sег[tег\се.. The tгиth is that поЬоdу
exactly iпUепtеd; it иіаs ргоЬаЬ1у а Sрiп-оff
сап Ье Sиге uіhеге ап indiuidual piece of
fгот the Sсiепіфс асtiui±iеs ... the сhигсh rиЬЬish uіill end иР ог hОш the junk in the
assistant needed to kпош иіhеп to шат the lапd$ll got thеге.)
uіаtсhтап to ring the Ьеl1 in the иіаtсhtоиіеr
16 vii; (tорiс sепtепсе: New rеsеисb j.s
to шат the 1оса1 Реор1е аЬоШ SOme
соттипа1 асіiuitу) planning to Япd оиt.)
Т7 V., (Тhе idea is to helP Р1ап fог ап ideal
2, Fд:LSЕ., (It иіаs а UаlиаЬlе роssеssiоп, and
uіогld of иіаstе disроSаl)
иіhеп the family moUed it иіеТ uіith thет)
18 .г:, (Рагt of the РгоЬ1ет is that иіе do not
3 NOT GIVЕN; not stated in the tехt.
kпош uіhаt ше аге dealing иіilh ... almoSt
4 ТR:ЮЕ., (Тhе use of а coiled sргiпg instead
nothing is knoum аЬОиt uіhаt happens to
of а шеight to ргоUidе роuіеr made роssiЬlе
the и,аstе .)
fгst the РОгtаЬlе clOck and sиЬSеqиепtlу
19 iх., (еасh ... giues а Uегу diffегепt Set of
the Sтаllег, регsопаl сlосk, шhiсh иіаS lаtег
епUiгоптепtаl сhа1lепgеS.)
called а шаtсh )
2Ю V.iij*, (иіе need to get а сlеаrег Рiсіuіе of the
5 ТR1]Е., (Тhе means adoPted to oUегсоте
life сус1е of diffегет kinds of шаstе, иіhiсh
these disаduапtаgеS, шhiсh diгесіlу affecied
is hош the tгасkiпg ргоjесі сап giue uSeful
timekeeping ассuгасу, шеге twofold.)
6 .LIОп., (SО роssiЬlу it uіаs the шаtсhтап's
2.1 х:, (Аs commoditieS Ьесоте Sсагсе in the
clock Оп the uіаll that Ьесате the domestic
iron сlосk) fо[lОиіiпg сеТитiеs, ше тау haUe tO mine
lamdflls fОг thеiг гiсhеS)
7 Wooden Ь[аIсkеts., (it Ьесате fаsЬiОпаЬlе to
2.2. 8с 23 СlЕ:, (thе mass is теаSигеd, Ьиt not
... тоип± these clOcks оп u)ооdеп Ьгасkеts)
in tегтs of the content ... 1п tегтs of
8 FгаIпсе., (SРriпg clOcks иіеге fгSt made in
епUiгоптепtаl iтРасі, it is the сопtеТ,
Fгапсе in the 1400S)
not the питЬег of tОппеs, that та[uеrs.,
9 (soUгсе о[) fогсе|роwе[., (thе coiled sРгiпg thеге is а тоге fundamenial геаsоп tJ tag
did not ProUide а constant sОигсе of РОшеr. tгаSh: to fnd out шhеге sOcjety StОгеs the
Twhen иіоипd uр, the sргiпg gaUe а fогсе
таtегiаls that it mines fгот tЬе Еагth and
that шаs Uегу stгопg .„ The fогсе then tетрогагilу turnS into ргоdисіs.)
dесгеаSеd ипеvепlу)
24 (ап) aluminium сап; (А# &/#иf.и с4#, /ог
10 tгumреt-shареd (оЬjесt) // .гumреt; (А /иsее iпStапсе, could have а Uагiеtу of fаlеS.)
is а tгитреt-shареd оЬjесі)
2.5 Sеа;th€., (tгасkеd 60 pieceS of tгаSh in Seattle
11 (а) Stгогіg thrеаd., (Тhе tгитРеt-shаРеd Рагt ... The next phaSe of the ехрегiтет uіill
has а Sрiгаl gгооUе сиі in iі, and а length of Ьеgiп - 1,ООО тоге pieces of gагЬаgе шill Ье
strong thгеаd ctltached to the gгооUе) еlесtгопiсаllу tagged and thгошп away in .„
L2. (аL) kеу., (`whеп the fusee is tumed иіith Sеаttlе)
а kеу, the thгеаd is pulled off the Ьагге1,
uіhiсh uіiпds ир the st]riпg inSide it.)

158 Аhswег k®у

26 green sUрр+у с,hdшS., (ТWhilе а lot of effort Reading Test 2
haS gOne intO creating gгееп suPPly chains
tO Ьгiпg Ргоdисts to сиstотегs)
1 Е., (sОте think the сгоР yield иіоиld Ье too
27 houSehold wаStе; (Wj.fb!.7с fЬе Ь#77t/еss-
1оиі to make economic sense / the ЬаSiс
Sounding caiegory of `hОиsеhold шаStе' ...
ргетisе is Раuіеd)
lieS еUегуthiпg fгот саггоt peelings to used
2. д:, (таrkеt gагdепs оп the edgeS of игЬап
l]аЬiеs' nappieS and lоuі-епегgу light ЬиlЬS
areas Supplying fгеsh food Stіаight to уоиг
... ог old еlесігiсаl аррliапсеS)
tаЬlе тау soon Ье оUег., masS сitу-сепtrе
READING pAssAGE з fагтiпg тау soon гер1асе thет.)
2;8 F., (Ргiтаlоlogists haUe seen aPeS hide food 3 D., (Iпdоог сгоРs геqиiге leSs Pesticide and
fгот the alpha male or Steal his fетаlеs.) аге leSS SиЬjесl to the РгоЬlетS in паtиге)
2:9 D., (thеу had по оррогtипitу to Ье taught 4 д:, (iпUоlviпg гооftор gагdепiпg in
аЬОиt tооls. Yet Soon аftег they Пеdgеd, а1l Мапhаttап. while that иіаs iпtеrеstiпg, it
picked ир sticks to ргоЬе Ьиsilу into стасks) соиldп't Ье sustained оп а mass sсаlе.)
ЗО В., ("wеll, they Shаге оиг anceStry -of 5 F., {DеsРОттiег has the Ьасkiпg of ...
course thеу'ге sтагt." ... Оиг laSt соттоп Uепtиге сарitаlists)
апсеstОг иіith а11 Ьiіds uіаs а геРtilе that 6 С., (thе use of а tyPe of ShеЩsh to fltег
liued oUer 300 million уеагS аgо) uіаtеr. These сап с1еап игЬап sеиіаgе tO а
З1 дi, (ЬесаиSе of their long assOciation иіith state sиitаЬlе fог irгigаtiоп.)
hитапS) 7 8.6 Ьilliоп; (Sесtiоп В: Tbe wоr/d рори/#fg.о#
32 Е., (Вiгds сап cheat tоо) is exPecled to grОш Ьу thгее Ьilliоп to 8.6
ЗЗ С., (Sсiепtists think that dogs иіеге Ьilliоп оUег the next half сепtигу.)
dOmesticated аЬоиt 15,000 years аgо, а 8 80 рег сепt/80%; (sесtiоп В: Ву fЬе#, sоие
геlаtiuеlу short time in иіhiсh to deUelOP 80 Per cent of the шогld'S poPulatiOn шi[l
1апgиаgе skills.) liue in сitiеS)
З4 д:, (thе fгst jay uіill геtигп tO moUe the nut 9 оVег опе-thiгd; (sесtiоп В: ил.fb oyer о#е-
шhеп the оthег jay is gОпе.) third of the шоrld's Sигfасе сшгепtlу used
З5 В., (his геsеагсh dетопStгаtеS that Some fОг аgгiсultиге.)
Ьiіds POSseS шhаt is often апоthег uniquely 10 Вгаzil; (sесtiоп В: f.# fbe иехf #уе dес4dеs
human Skjll: tЬе аЬilitу tO геса11 а SРесiЯс ап агеа of пеиі аrаЬlе land гоиghlу the Size
past еUепt.) of Вгаzil иіill Ье геqиiіеd to feed the шогld'S
З6 NО., (РеоРlе ішеге SиrРгisеd to disсоUег that gгоuіiпg рориlаtiОп)
chimpanzeeS make tооls) 11 Sоlаг рапе1s; (sесtiоп С: more е#сf.е7Zf sо/си
З7 YЕ:S., (Sотеthiпg аЬОиt the епUiгоптепt of Panels for energy | Sес.+іоп D.. Solаг Panels to
ЬОth SPecieS faUored the eUolution of tооl- РгоUidе еlесlгiсitу )
making пеига1 роuіегs.) 12 lighс; (Sесtiоп D: t;еrfj.ссr/ /яrиg.7tg f.s
38 NOT GIVЕN; thеге is по claim аЬоut not uіithоиt its сhаllепgеs. Опе is light
- агtiфсiаl lighting useS а gгеаt deal of
chimpanzeeS enj oying ргоЬlеmчsо1viпg.
еlесtгiсitу and gепегаtеs сопsidеrаЬlе hеаt.
39 NО., (ЕUеп аftег уеагS of топitогiпg them
in the шild, геsеаrсhеrs соиldп't dеtегтiпе Апоthег is соst)
if the Ьiгds' аЬilitу uіаs irтаtе, ог if they 13 Within this gепегасiоп; (sесtiоп F: L#с
learned to make and use thеiг tOols Ьу Mougeout ... sayS the Uегtiсаl fагт is not
uіаtсhiпg Опе апоthег.) оп1у роSsiЬlе, Ьиt шill happen ujithin this
40 YF;S., (Sисh decePtiue acts rеqиiге а gепегаtiоп)
comPlicated fогт of thiпkiпg)

Апswег key 159

READING pAssAGE 2 2,6 concaNe т:IIгог., (Nеuіtоп discoUered that а
14 Е., (Nеuіtоп disсоUегеd that тiггогs gaUe concaUe тiггог)
ап iтргоUеd iтаgе, шhiсh аllошеd а 27 aat SесопdаLгу т±ггог., (геПесtiпg light опt:о а
much more ассигаtе Uiеиі of the hеаUепs. Наt secondary тiггог)
Fигthегтоге, тirгоrs шеге еаSiег to
тапиfасtиге than lenses and could Ье made
lаrgеr) 2,8 д:, (Dеtаilеd оЬSегUаtiопs аге made of the
и!ау in шhiсh diffегепt kinds of реор1е speak
15 D., (СОРегпiсиs had asSumed that the
in diffегепt Social sitиаtiопs. The і]агатеtегs
Plariets moUed in а сiгсиlаг Path агоипd the
that dетопstгаtе theSe diffегепсеs аге
Suп, Ьиt КеР1ег found that they did поt.,
k7юи;# 4s linguistic vагiаЬlеs.)
they тоUёd in еllфsеs.)
2:9 D., {П is likely that the Same gradual РгосеsS
16 В., (Не [СоРегпiсиs] tгiеd to exPlain the
of change affects шhоlе languageS as иіе11 aS
math ematics Ьеhiпd the рlапеts' moUements
Ьиt found that the сiгсиlаг moUemem
of а st]hеге could not explain uіhу, fог 3О D., (It is eaSy to recognize а change in
ехатрlе, Магs аррагепtlу stopped and uіепt 1апgиаgе -Ьш оп1у аftег it haS taken р1асе.)
Ьасkиіагds fог а Short tiте.) З1 В., (сliтаtоlоgу (шhiсh is а consequence of
17 В., (Не [СоРегпiсиs] disсоUегеd that the
human phySical location -thе mountain
dшеllег haUing а phySiological diffегепt
Рlапеts' mouements could Ье fаг тоге easily
capacity fог speech сотрагеd иіith the
Ргеdiсtеd if not the Еагth Ьиt the Sun шеге ` Ualley du,еllеr))
placed in the centre of the Sуstет, and
the plamets сiгсlеd the Sun гаthег than the З2. D., (Sсiепtфс геSеагсh, uіhiсh haS Shоuіп
Еагth) that thеге is по Single геаSоп fог 1апgиаgе
18 Е., (Yеt it иіаs NеиіtОп'S disсоUегу of the сhапgе)
laws of gгаUitу that exPlained шhу the ЗЗ С., (`ТХlhеп PeoPle moUe аиіау fгот each
оthег, thеiг 1апgиаgе шill diuеrgе.)
planets moUe the шау they dо.)
19 D., (Тhе Gегтап аstгопотег ]ohаппеs З4 д., (SиЬсопSсiоиs сhапgе, иіhеге PeoPle аге
КеР1ег used it to disсоUег that the not аиіаге of the diгесtiоп in шhiсh their
CoPemican оЬsегUаtiОпs шеге not quite St]еесh is тоUiпg, is lesS поtiсеаЬlе, Ьиt fаг
соггес1 ...` СоРегпiсиs had assumed that the тоге соттоп)
planets moUed in а сiгсиlаг path агоипd the 35 N0., (SОте Sреаhегs iпігоdисе the change
Sип, Ьиt КеР1ег fOund that they did поt) into thеiг sPeech Ьеfоге оthегs)
2;О Е3®еd stэіIS., (Sоте of the lights in the sky З6 YF:S., |а change sРгеаds thгоиgh а 1апgиаgе
Seemed регтапепt in геlаtiоп to each оthег in much the same ша;у aS а stOne Sends
and these иіеге kпошп aS the `фхеd Stагs') гiРРlеs асгоSs а Роо1. But eUen this imPlies
2.1 (thе) р+агLеts., (оthег lights moUed аЬоиt too геgи1аг а moUement to account fОг the
much тоге fгееlу and шеге called `thе геаlitу of Sociolinguistic Uагiаtiоп)
шапdегегs'. TXie поиі kпоu! the lаttег aS the 37 NО., (НistОгiсаl dictiOnarieS аluіауS giue ап
рlапеts) аРРгохiтаtе date of епtгу fог а пеиі иіоrd
22 (Ьеа.Vеп]у) тusiс3 (сгеаtеd heaUenly music as ог meaning -Ьиt theSe dates iпUатiаЬlу
they тоUеd) геПесt the еагliеSt kпоиіп uSe of that шогd
2З SрЬеге., (thе Planets each had а sРhеге that in the шгitlеп 1апgиаgе. The Ягst use of
moUed indePendently of the оthегs) the u)Огd in sPeech is аlшауS ап ипkпоu)п
питЬег of уеагs ргеUiоиs to thаt.)
2.4 с.ОгNех+епS., (LiРРеrshеу иіhО used а conUex
38 NOT GIVЕN; the еlесtгопiс media аге not
mепсiопеd in the tехt.
2,5 еуерiесе., (fосиSiпg light intO ап еуеРiесе)

1GО Апswег key

З9 YF;S., (Sоте change is the геsиlt of опе 12 FАLSЕ; (рагаgгарh В: Tbe РеоР/е of А7zgkоr
population iтрегfесtlу leaming the left not а single uіогd exPlaining thеiг
1апgиаgе of апоthег.) kiпgdОтЭS соllарsе.)
40 YЕ:S., (Тhе тiпогitу 1апgиаgе fОгтs а small 13 ТRUЕ; (рагаgгарh D: Осіеr sес;еrсz/
gгоuР that in the 1опg tегі!п iпЛиепсеS сепtuтiеS, hипdіеds of miles of canals аr;d
таjогiц иSаgе.) dykes ... шеге сопstгисtеd)
14 ТRUЕ; (рагаgгарh F: gеиGr4Zg.о#s о/КЬ7#ег
Reading Test З епgiпеегs coped иіith а шаtег SyStem that
READING pAssAGE 1 gгеш eUer тоге сотР1ех and ипгиlу.)
1 Е., (Iггigаtiоп иіоиld haUe ЬОоStеd hагUеsts.)
2. F., (Тhе moSt logical exPlanatiOn is that а
1S WОпdегlаLгLd., (it is а uіопdегlапd иіith
dam fаilеd. The гiuег тау haUe сhеиіеd into
ПОиіегS of gгеаt Ьеаиtу)
the dат, gгаdиаllу иіеаkепiпg it. Регhарs
16 87 рег сеггt., (this опе соrпег of the continent
it шаs иіаshеd ашау Ьу ап umsually heaUy
contains по leSS than 12,000 diffегепt
Plant SPecies and 87 Рег сеrі:l of them gгоu)
З А:, (АS тапу aS 750,000 people liued in
поиjhеге else in the uіогld.)
АпgkОг, ils саРйа1, making it the most
17 (а) Shallow Sеа; (АиsfrG/;.я иіяs Р#rf/у
extensiue иіЬап сотt]lех of the Рге-
соUегеd Ьу а Shаllоиі Sea thai sерагаtеd the
iпdиstгiаl иіогld.)
uіеStеrп Раіt of the сопliпеТ fгот the геst.)
4 С., (аs тапу as 200,000 Кhтеr uіогkегS
18 Sа,пd ll dеSегt., (АS АиStгаliа gгаdиаllу
тау haUe Ьееп пееdеd)
шагтеd, this sea dіiеd иР, Ьиt it left Ьеhiпd
5 D., (Тоdау's геsеагсhегs have Ьееп amazed
а иіidе expanSe of sапd)
Ьу the атl]itiОп of Атgkог's еаг1у епgiпеегS.)
L9 В., (Тhе land hеге is so РОог in пиtгiепts)
6 В., (Ехасtlу шhаt caused the decline is not
2:О С., (пош they аге not оп1у иіе1l аЬ1е to
kпошп; iпUаdеrs, а change of rеligiоп, а
sигUiuе iiS dеStгисіiоп Ьиt haUe соте to
shift to тагitiте tгаdе that condemned
depend оп it)
ап inland city аге а11 gиеssиіогh. / Recent
excaUations ... аге SuggeSting а пеиі апsшеr.) 2,1 д., (Тhе eucalyPts ог gum tгееs that gгоu)
thеге often take the Ресиliаг fогт kпоuіп
7 Vi; (рагаgгарh А: и;Ье7g Роrf#gиеsе
as гп:аШее ... they haUe а massiue гооtstосk
тissiопагiеs сате асгоsS ... А.пghог wat ...
the етрiге uіаs in it:S fnal рhаSе) fгот иіhiсh гisе half а dozen thin tгипks of
а соттоп hеight.)
8 iii; (рагаgгарh Е: Wbе7z ofber kf.#gdо772s
2;2. D., {Виt it шill not shed апу Seed they
in Sоиth-Еаst ASia иіеге Stіиggliпg иіith
too little ог too much иіа1егэ Атghог'S ргоdисе unless thеге is а Яге.)
uіаtегшогks и!оиld haUe Ьееп ап ехtгетеlу 2.3 С., (thе intense heat causeS the caPSules to
UаlиаЬlе аssеt.) ореп. Ву геlеаsiпg thеiг Seeds оп1у after а
9 .N., (ра.гаLgга.рh С.. То this day the гесtапgиlаг
геsегUоiі is fed Ьу шаtег divегtеd fгот the 24 FА;LSЕ., (Uегу fеиі of иіhiсh haUe Ьееп seen
Siem Reap гiuеr.) gгоuіiпg in the uіild Ьеfоге)
10 i; (рагаgгарh Е: dигf.#g cr Poor ио7Zsоо7с 2.s ТFLПЕ., (Тhе eucalyPts ог gиі'п tгееs that
sеаSОп, and the аЬilitу to diuегt and hold gгош thеге often take the Ресиliаі fОгт
шаtег uіоиld haUe аffогdеd а теаSиге of kпоиіп aS та1lее. Species that еlsеuіhеге
Ьесоте погі'паl-lооkiпg tгееs grош hеге
in Such а diffегеrtі шау that they might Ье
11 NOT GIVЕN; missiопагiеs аге геfеггеd to in
thought to Ье а comPletely diffегепt hiпd.)
рагаgгарh А, Ьut damage not mentioned in
the tехt.

Апswег key 161

26 NOT GIVЕN; поС mentioned in the text Reading Test 4
(Тhе соmрагisоп Ьеtwееп eucalypts in the READING pAssAGE 1
Sоuth-wеstегп агеа and еlsеWhеге геlаtеS
1 С., (thе Ргiсе of the share шill go иР uniil
оп1у to the mаllее.)
they stop Ьиуiпg. This тау haUe п.Qthiпg
27 NOT GIVЕN; not mentioned in the text (It
to do иіith the еssеп±iаl Sоипdпеs: of the
is роSsiЬlе to tell hoW 1опg it has Ьееп since
thеге Was а Ёге.)
2 д., (уои are а Раrt-ои)пег, ог shагеhоldег,
28 ТТГ]JЕ., (НОuіеUеr, the соге of this tгипk is
in the сотрапу, иіith the гight to shаге in
not tiтЬег Ьиt ЯЬге and uіhаt SeemS to Ье
its РrоЯts, to attend ЬОагd meetings and to
Ьатk, is, in fасt, the tightly compacted ЬаSеS
of the lеаUеs)
3 Е., (Тhе aduantage to the огigiпаl ошпегs of
READING pAssAGE з Selling thеiг shагеS is thаt, if the оffегiпg is
2;9 .*Н\., (Sисh UaSt disl;апсеS иіоиld Seem to Put sиссеSsfиl, they сап геаlizе Uегу 1агgе sums
the stars u)еll Ьеуопd the геасh of human of cash .)
ехt'lorегS) 4 С., (аl1 sorts of fасtогs iпЛиепсе the Ргiсе of
ЗО V., (thеsе атЬitiоиs SchemeS haUe thеiг ShагеS)
disаduапtаgеS, and it is dОиЬtfиl they could 5 D., (Тhis caPitalist syStem of fnancing Ьig
геа11у go the distапсе.) Ьиsiпеss is fundamental to the u!огld's
З1 i., (thеrе are tиіо radical пеш РоSsiЬilitiеS Ргеsепt economic Sуstет.)
... that might just епаЬ1е us .. to геасh the 6 (а) high-tесh соmрапу; RеmеmЬеnhаt
Stаrs.) hyphenated wогds count as опе wогd.
З2 .N., (Sисh ОЬsегUаtiОпS suggest that dагk (hоuі, fог ехатР1е, do уои Ualue а high-
matter оиtиіеighs the ипiuегSеЭs UisiЬlе tech сотРапу uіhоSе Ргоdисts change
таИег Ьу а fасlог of аЬоиt siх. SO а dагk еUегу fеuі топths, and uіhоSе геа1 еагпiпg
таttег StагshiР could Pick иР its fuel Оп the рошег геsidеs in the Ьгаiпs of i±s talented
шау and шоиld thегеfоге not need to саггу етрlоуееS?)
б7zу.) 7 (thе) mагkеt сарitаlisаtiоп; (fЬе 77z«kеf
ЗЗ .гх;, (It is speculated that dагk таttег сарitаliг:аtiоп -uіhiсh is eSsentially the
РагtiсlеS could Ье made to соllidе, thuS total Ualue of а1l а сотрапу'S Shares at the
annihilating each оthег and сопUегtiпg thеiг сигrепt тагkеt ргiсе)
maSs to епегgу.) 8 (thе) с;аSjшо., (Тhе sоипdеst, Ьеst-еStаЬlishеd
З4 ii., (А Ьlасk hole иіеighiпg аЬоиt а million companieS аге kпоuіп as `Ь1ие сhiрS'. The
tonneS шоиld make а регfесt епегgу Sоигсе) tегт `Ь1ие сhiР' comes fгот the иіогld of
З5 Viii:, (thеогists ... Ргеfег ап аltегпаі:iuе the саsiпо)
ргороsаl ofmaking опе. То сгеаtе а Ьlасk 9 gгоwth stосks; (`GrоюfЬ sfсtсks' ие sЬ4№s
hole ..) in пеuіеr comPanieS that аге exPected to do
З6 8с З7 СlD., (а Sрасесгаft роuіеrеd Ьу dатk ше11 in the fиtиге, Ьиt uіhiсh тау not do sо)
таttег., а craft роиіегеd Ьу ап аrtфсiаl 1О tусоогLs., (For iпStапсе, tycoons тау decide
ьlасk holе) they сап do а Ьеttег jоЬ Of Ьиildiпg the
З8 рtLгt:LсlеS., (dагk таttег ParticleS could Ье ЬиsiпеSs Ьу taking а сотрапу Ргiuаtе
made to соllidе) Ьесаиsе the геd tаt]е and potential fог
iпtегfеrепсе Ьу оthег shагеhоldегS is much
З9 епегgу., (сопUегtiпg thеiг maSS to епегgу)
40 а,ппLhil±а,tlоп., (Тhе таttег could Ье collected
11 ТТГ1JЕ., (шith the right to Share in its ргоfts,
and сотрrеSSеd, шhiсh шоиld iпсгеаSе its
tO attend Ьоагd meetings and to Uote оп key
annihiliation гаtе)
issueS and аt]роiпtтепts.)

1I62 Апswег key

12 NOT GIVЕN; the пumЬег of shагеS READING pAssAGE з
регmittеd to а Shагеhоldег is not disсuSsеd. 2.9 V.ijі., (Виt Ьit Ьу Ьit, uіhаlе согРsеs аге giuing
|З ГГFШЕ., {опе of the main fасlогs is the ир thеiг Sесгеts.)
ЬеhаUiоиr of реор1е иіhо Ьиу Shагеs, Ог, 30 х:, (lосаls immediately Ьlатеd the агтеd
as sOme шоиld haUe it, `thе madness of fОгсеs.)
сіошds' . If тапу iпUеStогs think the Price З1 i., (Fiгst, the noise сап sигРгisе the animal ...
of а Shа1е is going to go иР and Ьиу il, the Sесопd, SoundwaUes сап themSelueS make
ргiсе of the shаге иіill go ир uniil they stop ЬuЬЬlеS шith ап effect Uегу siтilаг to that of
ьиуiпg.) сотргеssiоп SiсkпеSS.)
14 FА;LSЕ., (Тhе гиlеs fОг going tlиЬliс аге quite З2 V.і., (Sоте uіhаlе sРесiеs, it аРРеагS, аге just
striсt) tOO fГiеПdlУ fOr thеiГ Оu)П 800d.)

READING pAssAGE 2 3З .ii., {а1l maSS Stгапdiпg sites around Аиstгаliа

1S FА;LsЕ., (Тhе Royal Flying Dосtог SегUiсе шеге gently slOPing sandy ЬеасhеS)
has оUег the Past сепtигу Prouided medical З4 хi., (RОиgh uіеаthеr gепегаtеs тоге ЬиЬЬlеs
SегUiсеS to tЬоsе in t:hе оиtЬасk) than uSual and dигiпg and after а stОгт
16 NOT GIVЕN; Lieutenanc Рееl's jоЬ is not uіhаlеs тау essentially Ье Suіiттiпg Ьliпd.)
Stаtеd. З5 +у., (таjОг climatic сусlеs, уеагS in шhiсh
17 ТFt:UЕ., (Оп 15 Мау 1928, the AuStralian thеге аге stгопg uіеstегlу and sоиthегlу
Inland MissiOn Аегiаl Medical Seruice uіiпds that Ьгiпg соо1, пиігiеТ-гiсh иіа1ег)
commenced ЬиSiпеss in СlОпсигrу, З6 V., (Sоте иіопdеі шhу тапу uіЬаlеs, опсе
QиеепSlапd) геsсиеd fгот the Ьеасh, tигп атоипd and
18 NOT GIVЕN; the length of the дights is not Ьеасh themselues опсе тоге. Опе РоSsiЬlе
mепtiопеd. explanation тау lie in the ham the Ягst
Ьеасhiпg dоеS.)
19 ТТШЕ., (It uіаS оп1у in the 1960S that
the RFDS had Ьеgип ригсhаsiпg its оиіп З7 В., (thе noise сап Sигргisе the апiтаl,
аiгсrаft) cauSing ii to suіiт too quickly to the
Sигfасе, геsиltiпg in сотРгеssiОп sickmeSs
2.О Е., (iп the 1960S ... RFDS had Ьеguп
(kпошп to human diuегS as `thе Ьепds') .)
ригсhаSiпg its ошп аiгсrаft)
З8 С., (uіhаlеs haUe Ьееп Stгапdiпg fОг а Uегу
2,1 В., (uіаS emPloying Pilots and епgiпеегs
1Опg time -Рге-sопаі. So it сап't Ье just
2:2. G., (lаtег models шеге Атегiсап in deSign
З9 D., (sапdу ЬеасhеS disгиРt thеiг echolocation
and тапиfасtиге)
2.З д:, (fгот exPoSed cockPils to Рrеssиіisеd
4О АL:, (Тhеге Seems tO Ье some anecdotal
eUidence in fаUоиг of ]атеS' storm thеогу.
24 С., (Орегаtiпg fгот 21 Ьаsеs)
Stгатdiпgs in Tasmania often оссиг in quite
2.5 F., (Тhе Нуiпg dосtОгS and пигsеs sегvе more иіild шеаthег.)
than а qиагtеі of а million РеоР1е)
2.6 С., (Тhе effecliuenesS of the Flying DОс±оr is
in its шidе геасh)
2] д:, (аlsО Яttеd out as Руiпg intensiue саге
28 F., (iіS орегаtiопS ате funded Ьу
СОттопиіеаlth and State gоUеттепts,
РиЬliс donationS and соrрогаіе

Аhswег key 163

wгitiп9 теst 1
sampIe геsропsеs
таsk 1
This Ьаг сhагt ShowS that causeS of stгеss change
at diffегепt регiоds in реорlе'S lives in Сапаdа.
wогkiпg too much is idепtiЁеd aS the пumЬег
опе cauSe of stгеSs Ьу 27О/О of Canadians in
the age gгоuр 25 to 54 and Ьу агоuпd 15°/о of
thoSe aged 55-64. This is in stагk сопtгаSt to the таsk 2
gгоuр of реор1е aged 65-74 and 75 and аЬоvе, The гарid development of communications
of Whom оп1у 2°/о and 1 О/О геSресtivеlу гаtе it as tесhпо1оgу haS had а SigпiЁсапt impact оп
the mаjог Sоuгсе of stгеSS. Sосiеtу. Тhеге аге Ьоth poSitive and negacive
Health ргоЬlеms iпсгеаsе as а StгеSS fасtог sides to this, Ьut the ргоЬlеm lies in the Way
as реор1е get oldег: it is the main cause of StгеSS this technology is uSed гаthег than in the
of ].ust З % of the youngest age gгоuр, Ьut 23 О/о technology itsеlf.
of the oldest age gгоuр. The opposite is the caSe МоЬilе phones and email make it роSsiЬlе
with not having enough mопеу, Which fаl1s fгоm to contact а регSоп even when you do not
15% tO агоuпd 4О/о. knoW whеге they аге. This allowS fог gгеаtег
`Nо рагtiсulаг геаSоп' is Ьу fаг the пumЬег дехiЬilitу in реорlе'S livеS, Which openS up
опе cauSe of stгеss (mоге than ЗОО/o) fог thoSe оррогtuпitiеS fог individuals and fог sосiеtу.
aged 65 and оvег. FamilieS and fгiепds сап chat ог wгitе to each
It сап Ье said оvегаll that aS реор1е in
оthег апуwhеге оп the planet at little ог по соst.
1п аdditiоп, а mоЬilе phone сап Ье uSed to get
Canada get оldег; Some SоuгсеS of stгеss such aS
health iпсгеаsе in imрогtапсе, whегеаs оthегS help immediately and save sоmеопе'S life in
Such as lack of money and wогkiпg too much ап еmегgепсу.
Ьесоmе less imрогtапt. А doWnside is that some реор1е have Ьесоmе
addicted to thеiг Sсгеепs. while Spending time
with оthег реор1е, they continually Send texts
оп thеiг mоЬilе phoneS ог аге focused оп [hеiг
laptop соmрutегs and so do not give thеiг full
attention to the реор1е агоuпd thеm. А text
meSSage ог email is' often suрегЁсiа1, unlike the
pocentially mоге genuine and регSопаl паtuге of
fасе-tо-fасе соmmuпiсаtiоп. Some реор1е may
come to feel mоге соmfогtаЬlе communicating
thгоugh deViceS гаthег than Ьу talking to а
регSоп next to сhеm.
The immediacy of this tесhпо1оgу haS also
iпсгеаSеd the расе of life and inVaded реорlе'S
ргivасу. А quick геsропSе is expected to ап
email and you may пеvег Ье fгее of the demands
of ап еmрlоуег, so that you may have less
time to ге1ах. Some реор1е may even invent
multiple identitieS оп1iпе, which сап Ье used to
deceive оthегs.

164 Апswег key

Моdегп technology с1еаг1у Ьгiпgs Ьоth and it is ргоjесtеd that it will continue to fа1l
advantages and disadvantages fог sосiеtу, so it gгаduаllу to агоuпd 17О/o in 2038.1п сопtгаst,
is up to реор1е to uSe it to thеiг own Ьепеht and the ргорогtiоп of 15 to 24-уеаг-оlds гоsе to
to help society гаthег than to Ье enslaved Ьу арргохimаtеlу 17°/o in 1980, Ьut haS fallen
tесhпоlоgу. gгаduаllу since thеп. It is fогесаSt that this gгQuр
Will make up just 12О/о of the total Аustгаliап
population Ьу the end of the 80-уеаг регiоd
соvегеd Ьу the gгарhs.
НоWеvег, the пumЬег of сhildгеп and young
реор1е haS iпсгеаsеd since 1958, except fог а
Shогt-livеd slight dгор. Ву 2038 it is expected
that thеге Will Ье а total of 5.2 million сhildгеп
and З.7 million young реор1е in Аustга1iа.
ОVегаll it сап Ье seen that the Аustгаliап
population haS aged Since 1958 and that this
ргосеSS is expected to continue into che futuге.

wгitiпg теst 2
sampIe геsропsеs
таsk 1
TheSe two line gгарhs Show that Since 1958
thеге has Ьееп fall in the регсепtаgе of the
Аustгаliап population who аге сhildгеп, and that
the регсепtаgеs of сhildгеп and young реор1е аге
ргоjесtеd to dесгеаsе Ьеtwееп now and 2038.
Ноwеvег, thеiг пumЬегS have gгоwп since 1958
and аге expected to continue to гisе uncil 2038. таsk 2
The регсепtаgе of сhildгеп aged 0-14 haS As many 1агgе citieS агоuпd the Wогld Ьесоmе
fallen fгоm а high point of 30% in 1958, iпсгеаSiпglу сгоWdеd and ро1lutеd, imposing

Апswег key 165

а сhагgе оп сагS that епtег city сепtгеs is ап
аttгасtivе idеа. Alchough it does haVe some
dгаwЬасks, I suррогt this ргороSаl, though With
Some геSегvаtiопS.
Making dгivегS рау а fee to dгivе into the
сепtге of the city Would disсоuгаgе Some dгivегS,
which would геduсе the amount of tгаfhс
congestion aS Well aS аiг ро1lutiоп. РuЬliс ЬuSеs
and tгаms would then Ье аЬ1е to get со thеiг
destinations fаstег, So соmmutегs would not
Spend so much time tгаvеlliпg to and fгоm wогk.
City сепtгеS would Ье mоге р1еаsапt placeS fог
wогkегs, shоррегS, cyclists and реdеstгiапS in
gепега1. wгitiп9 теst з
1[ сап Ье агguеd that this policy would sаmріе геsропsеs
disсгimiпаtе against those who аге leSs Well оff,
таsk 1
Ьесаusе Wealthy dгivегS Would not Ье dеtеггеd
This diаgгаm ShoWs how еlесtгiсitу сап Ье
Ьу such а fее. Аlsо, if the gоvегпmепt failed to
invest mоге money in рuЬliс tгапsрогt, tгаvеl Ьу gепегасеd using the heat contained in the
Ьus ог tгаm could Ьесоmе mоге uпсоmfогtаЬlе uпdегgгоuпd wаtег that is found Ьеtwееп lауегs
fог the gгеаtег пumЬег of раssепgегS. Оп top of of hot госk.
сhаt, it could Ье logistically and technically vегу Fiгst, the hot wаtег is pumped to the suгfасе.
diHcult to install the equipment needed at the It then pasSeS thгоugh а heac ехсhапgег, which
many points at Which сагs could епtег the city ехtгасts the heat fгоm [hе Wаtег. This heat
сепtге. is uSed to гuп the роWег Station in огdег to
I think that this policy is а good idеа, though gепегаtе еlесtгiсitу. The еlесtгiсitу is sent Ьу
the fee оп сагs would not песеSsагilу have to саЬlеS to the national еlесtгiсitу gгid to Ьесоmе
Ье епfогсеd оп weekends ог late at пight. This рагt of the еlесtгiсitу suррlу.
when the heat is ехtгасtеd fгоm the Wаtег,
policy has the potential to make city сепtгеs
mоге ассеssiЬlе fог the gепега1 рuЬliс ргоvidеd the Wаtег Ьесоmеs соо1. This cooled wаtег is
that thеге was ап efhcient рuЬliс tгапsрогt then pumped Ьасk uпdегgгоuпd thгоugh а
system that WaS а viаЬlе altemative to the second рiре. when this соо1 Wаtег геасhеS the
ргivаtе саг.
uпdегgгоuпd wаtег it is again heated up and the
сус1е sсагts аgаiп.
Оvегаl1, this policy is wогth tгуiпg in огdег \
to геduсе the domination of city сепtгеS Ьу 1п summагу, this diаgгаm dеmопStгаtеs
mоtог vehicleS and to сгеаtе а с1еапег and mоге how gеоthегmаl епегgу сап Ье а гепеWаЬlе
аttгасtivе uгЬап епviгопmепс. Sоuгсе of еlесtгiсitу, which [аkеS hot wаtег
fгоm uпdегgгоuпd and then lаtег pumpS it Ьасk
uпdегgгоuпd to continue the ргосеss.

166 Аhswег key

таsk 2
The Iпtегпеt haS gгоwп гарidlу оvег the past two
decadeS and it has come to р1ау а сепtгаl го1е
in еduсаtiоп, the economy and as а Sоuгсе of
iпfогmаtiоп оп almost апуthiпg. It has evolved
fгоm а luхuгу to а necessity in many соuпtгiеs.
Fог this геаsоп, gоvегпmепts should take steps
to епsuге that апуопе who wants to uSe the
Intemet сап do sо, оthегwisе the gap Ьеtwееп
the гiсh and the роог within Societies and
Ьеtwееп developing and economically advanced
nations is 1ikеlу to gгоw Widег.
Fiгst of а11, acceSsing the Intemet геquiгеs а
соmрutег ог а mоге expensive type of mоЬilе
рhопе, as well aS а telephone line ог WiгеlеSS wгitiп9 теst 4
соппесtiоп. А11 of these cost mопеу, and
thегеfоге сап Ье оЬStасlеs that could ргеvепt sаmріе геsропsеs
реор1е going опliпе. Сhildгеп whose families таsk 1
lack the песеssагу equipment and connections at This tаЬlе shoWS that the гаtе of Savings оVег
home аге at а disadvantage соmрагеd to сhildгеп this 18-уеаг регiоd WaS the gгеаtеst in Siпgароге
WhoSe familieS dо. This does not mean that and Сhiпа, and that the loWeSt Savings гаtе Was
govemments Would Ье геquiгеd to соvег the cost in the United StаtеS.
of еvегуопе using the Iпtегпеt fгоm hоmе, Ьut Siпgароге had the highest гаtе of Savings aS
these facilities could Ье ргоvidеd fгее of сhагgе at
а регсепсаgе of GDP in Ьоth 1990 and 2000,
school liЬгагiеs and рuЬliс liЬгагiеS, еsресiа1lу fог
When it stood at 43.6О/о and 46.9О/о геsресtivеlу.
educational рuгроsеs. НоWеvег, it Was оvегtаkеп Ьу China in 2008,
Likеwisе, wогkрlасеs that do not have Whеге the Savings гаtе came to 5З.2°/о.1п
Iпtегпеt access could 1аg Ьеhiпd wогkр1асеS сопtгаst, the United StateS had the loWest гасе of
that dо. 1п роогег соuпtгiеS, gоvегпmепts could Savings in each уеаг, With just 12.1 О/о in 2008.
suЬSidisе the рuгсhаsе of the equipment and the
The оп1у оthег cwo соuпtгiеs in Which the
ргоvisiоп of the iпfгаStгuсtuге So that реор1е сап гасе of saVings fell With time wеге Itаlу, whеге
visit Iпtегпеt sites and doWnload iпfогmаtiоп it dгорреd slightly fгоm 20.8О/о to 20.6% in
quickly and геliаЬlу, and thегеЬу Ье Ьеttег аЬ1е 2000 Ьеfоге falling fuгthег to 18.2% in 2008,
to compete in the national and g1оЬа1 есопоmу. and South Когеа, Whеге it went fгоm 37.7О/о to
SегViсеS and utilitieS Such as гuппiпg wаtег, 33.6О/о and 6па11у 31.9%. India гесогdеd а Ьig
gагЬаgе collection and еlесtгiсitу Wеге initially iпсгеаsе fгоm 2000 to 2008, while Gегmапу's
luхuгiеs that Ьесаmе песеssitiеS. 1п the same savings гаtе fell Ьеfоге геtuгпiпg to just аЬоvе its
Wау, as Iпtегпеt access iпсгеаsiпglу ЬесоmеS а inicial гаtе Ьу 2008.
necessity fОг functioning in the mоdегп Wогld, This tаЬlе shoWS that thеге wеге Ьig
it will Ье up со govemments to make suге that diffегепсеS Ьеtwееп the savings гаtеs in theSe
thеiг citizenS haVe fгее ог cheap access to it.
SeVen соuпtгiеS, with ASian nationS having

Аhswег key 167

highег гаtеs than а11 the поп-Аsiап соuпtгiеs in The situation with domeSticated animals such
2000 and 2008. aS dogs ог hогsеs is quite diffегепt. If the сiгсus
feeds Such сгеаtuгеS thеiг паtuгаl food and gives
them the fгееdоm that they Would get погmаl1у
Wогkiпg With humапS, then I dO not Sее.апуthiпg
Wгопg, рагtiсulагlу if the 1оса1 gоvегпmепс
insists оп геgulаtiопS that ргоtесt the сiгсuS
регfогmегS. If the сгеаtuгеS аге Well looked аfсег
and ргасtisе thеiг tгiсks with а сагеful tгаiпег,
they might eaSily get to like thеiг сiгсus lifе.
1п сопсlusiоп, it depends оп the паtuге of the
animal and the conditionS in which it is kерt.
Реор1е Should сопsidег the ЬеSt iпtегеSts of the
diffегепt animals гаthег than just thеiг own Wish -
to Ье епtегtаiпеd.

таsk 2
LawS to ргеvепt animals Ьеiпg used as
епtегtаiпmепt аге imрогtап[ in соuпtгiеs
whеге animals аге often not kept in suitаЬlе
сiгсums[апсеS. If they аге not fed ргорег1у ог
аге mistгеаtеd, eSpecially wild апimаls, they
сап Suffег. 1п оthег соuпtгiеs, howеVег, the гulеs
ргоtесtiпg animals аге quite Stгiсt. The animals
do not come to апу hагm апd, in fасt, аге given sрЕАкING
adequate food and may eVen enjoy thеiг tгаiпiпg.
whеге а Wild animal such as а lion ог
sаmріе speaking tests
tigег is kept in cages а11 its lifе, it Will almost The fЫlоwiпg is ап analysis of the
сегtаiпlу Suffег Stгеss and will Show this Ьу
регfогтапсе of the thгее candidates in the
walking to and fго fог hоuгs in its саgе. Since sample speaking test оп pages 100~13.
а сiгсus must constantly Ье оп the mоvе, the
сгеаtuге Will Ье сопЁпеd like this fог moSt of Assessment of Candidate 1
its lifе. Fuгthегmоге, tгаiпiпg а Wild ЬеаSt to do
Fіuепсу and соhегепсе
Something that is not паtuгаl is difhсult, and ап
This candidate occaSionally Spoke Нuепtlу, Ьut
animal such aS а lion ог tigег might Ье unwilling
оvегаll the расе was too sloW and he hesitated
to соорегасе and consequently will Ье hагshlу
fгеquепtlу. Some pauSes Ьеfоге апSwегiпg Wеге
punished fог not doing Something that it would too 1опg. His dеlivегу waS not Smooth and
not do iпStiпсtivеlу.
fаг too often he Ёllеd pauses With `ег' while

168 Апswег key

thinking of the next Wогd he wanted to Sау. Тhгоughоut the iпtегviеW he used the
This was рагtiсulагlу поtiсеаЬlе duгiпg the 1опg wогd `уеаh', whегеаs `уеs' Would Ье mоге
ргеsепtаtiоп in the second рагt of the tеst, Ьut арргоргiаtе fог а fогmаl Speaking tеst, Some
оссuггеd сhгоughоut the iпtегViеw. Using Such оthег exampleS of vосаЬulагу used wгопglу
Ёllегs as а technique to gain thinking time is рагt wеге When he геfеггеd to `sоmе сеlеЬга[еs' .
of погmаl Sреесh, Ьut if оVегusеd, they distuгЬ instead of `сеlеЬгаtiопs' ог When he Said `wе
the flow of сопvегSаtiоп. Не did not uSe the full have по геsidепсе агеаs', `it has а high level of
minute that candidates аге given to ргераге thеiг alcohol iпsidе' instead of `it contains а high level
1опg ргеsепtасiоп, and stагtеd to speak аftег of аlсоhоl', `gо Ьу wаlkiпg' instead of `gО оп
аЬоut 15 sесопds. Due to his slow расе, and fооt' ог `wаlk', `wе have а good геlаtiоп in оuг
with the pauseS and hеsitаtiопS, duгiпg the 1Опg арагtmепts' (thоugh lаtег he соггесtlу mentionS
tгеlаtiопShiрs') and `1 сап See а осеап ог гivег ог
ргеsепtаtiоп he WaS not аЬ1е to Say Vегу muсh.
Оvегаl1, he made Vегу few 1опg uttегапсеs. like this, ог lаkе' instead of `ог something like
Тhгоughоut the iпtегviеw he с1еаг1у this, ог а lаkе'. Не used `vегу', `littlе' and `quitе'
uпdегStооd and gaVe соhегепt апSwегs to as quаlihегs, Ьut said `it's too diffегепt' instead
the quеStiопs, though thеге wеге а couple of it'S vегу diffегепt'.
of ехсерtiОпS. When asked `Ноw do реор1е Gгаmmаг
usuа1lу Ёпd а р1асе to live in уоuг соuпtгу?',
It is gепега11у роSsiЬlе to uпdегstапd what this
he апSwегеd, `Тhе реор1е, ег, Ёпd, а quiet р1асе
candidate meant thгоughоuс the iпtегviеw, eVen
to live in my соuпtгу ЬесаuSе the сепtге is so
when he made еггогS, and thеге wеге many
сгоWdеd and So поisу'. Оп а пumЬег of occasions
instanceS of gгаmmаг Ьеiпg used соггесtlу. 1п
when he had not uпdегStооd а quеstiоп, he aSked
some caSes he соггесtеd himsеlf, fог iпStапсе:
fог it to Ье гереаtеd, which is quite ассерсаЬ1е in `апd it's, ег, it hаs, оuг hоmе, flat has thгее
the сеst. Repeating ог герhгаSiпg wОгds used Ьу
гооms', `уоu musс', ег, mоviпg, eh you сап Ье
the оthег регsоп is а way to get thinking timе, ог
mоvеd'. НоwеVег, thеге wеге vегу few complex
to aSk fог сlагiЁсаtiоп and maintain соhегепсе.
sentences апd, as With vосаЬulагу, thеге was ап
when aSked аЬоut placeS that `аге mоге pleaSant
iпSufЁсiепt гапgе of gгаmmаtiсаl stгuссuгеs.
to live iп', he Simply and соггес[1у aSked `Моге?'
The Simple ргеsепt tenSe WaS almoSt the оп1у
Ноwеvег, he Seldom echoed ог герhгаsеd wогds
tenSe usеd. Оп а few occaSions he 1еft out `аге',
fгоm the quеstiопS, арагt fгоm when he was
aSked аЬоut `оthег fасtогS' and he геsропdеd, `1 (`gоSsiр magazines рорulаг in my соuпtгу', `thе
think main fасtог is . . .' Не iпсоггесtlу echoed the реор1е iпtегеstеd in this gossip ог sрогt'), Ог
else uSed `is' inStead of `аге' with а рluгаl noun
ехаmiпег when he WaS asked `whаt do you think
аге the healthieSt dгiпks?' and he герliеd, `1 like (`iп my соuпtгу is most рорulаг dгiпks special
Тuгkish dгiпks', `thе реор1е is elite реор1е',
healthiest dгiпks,. `оuг home ргiсеS is поt, ег, high'). Не gепега11у

vосаЬulагу used the Ёпа1 -s when песеssагу except when he

The candidate gепега11у used vосаЬulагу Sаid, `mу mum асtuа1lу like the huge kitсhеп'.
арргоргiаtеlу, Ьut displayed оп1у а limited гапgе. Не also used the wгопg vегЬ: `1 dоп't iпtегеStеd
Оп опе of the few occaSionS when he used а 1еSS gоssiр'. 1п опе case the continuouS fогm Was
common wогd, it Was used iпсоггесtlу: he tа1kеd uSed instead of the simple ргеsепt: `wе talking to
of `mеtгороlе сitiеs' inStead of `mеtгороlitап пеighЬоuгs аlwауs' and the simple instead of the
сitiеs'. Не Sаid, `mу hгst dеgгее is есопоmу' сопtiпuоus: `Тhаt's why I Study Епg1ish'. when
inStead of `Есопоmiсs', and `1 have to 1еагп to it was песеSsагу to uSe the simple past раssivе,
economy пеws' inStead of `1 haVe to keep up it waS done iпсоггесtlу: `this Ьuildiпg, this
With newS аЬоut the есопоmу'. Рагtiсulагlу in арагtmепts, ег, Ьuilt sеvегаl уеагS аgо'. Оп two
occaSions the -iпg fогm waS used inStead of the
giving iпfогmаtiоп аЬоut himsеlf, he Should
make Suге that he uSes the соггесt tегmiпоlоgу. iпЁпitivе: `if you гепt а house you сап, ег, you

Ап$wег key 169

must, ег; mоviпg', `ргеfег to Ьuуiпg а hоmе'. оvегаII
The рluгаl fогms of nouns wеге gепега11у The level of this сапdidасе's Spoken English
used соггесtlу, Ьut thеге Wеге some ехсерtiопs: is not yet high enough fог Study at uпivегsitу
`lоts of fасilitу', `iп IstапЬul the реор1е
in ап Епglish-sреаkiпg соuпtгу. Не is геlахеd,
gепега11у live in the арагtmепt', `thеге аге lots регhарs too геlахеd, and needs to mаkе.his
of advantage ог disаdvапtаgе', `оuг пеighЬоuгs dеlivегу smооthег, fаStег, mоге соhегепt and
also is kind реорlеs'. Тhеге wеге cases Whеге mоге ассuгаtе. His level of Sе1f-соггесtiоп makeS
the wгопg ргероSitiоп Was used (`1Т is геlаtеd him hагd to uпdегStапd and affects his дuепсу,
аЬоut iпfогmаtiоп', `this арагtmепt's а little соhегепсе and ассuгасу. Не needs to Wогk оп
fаг to сепtге', `this is оthег fасtог fог chooSe his ассuгасу in огdег to геduсе this level of sеlf-
thеiг арагtmепt', `whеп I look at [оut] the соггесtiоп, and thегеЬу imргоVе his дuепсу. It
wiпdоW'), ог а ргероsitiоп Was used whеге ic would Ье useful fог him to listen to many typeS
was not needed (`thаt's why the реор1е ргеfег to of Spoken English and to engage in сопvегSаtiоп
mаgаziпеS', `thе реор1е ргеfег to quiet р1асе'), оп а гапgе of topics with diffегепt реор1е.
ог whеге the ргероSitiоп Was omitted (`thе
disadvantageS oWn the hоusе', `аlwауs you live Assessment of Candidate 2
the same р1асе'). Fluency and соhегепсе
Агtiсlеs wеге mostly uSed соггесtlу, Ьut This candidate а1Wауs геSропdеd ргоmрtlу,
Sometimes they wеге оmittеd: `Wе lived iп,
giving detailed апswегS and engaging Wе1l With
ег, Seventh доог', `1 think main fасtог is, ег, the ехаmiпег thгоughоut, сгеаtiпg the imргеssiоп
thеiг jоЬS', `it'S advantage fог make а good fгоm the Ьеgiппiпg of the iпtегviеw that she
геlаtiопshiрS'. Аlsо, а couple of ргопоuпS wеге Was speaking дuепtlу. She WaS fогthсоmiпg
оmitсеd: `1 dоп't геаd [thеm] оftеп', `реор1е and ргоduсеd а lot of 1опg uttегапсеS. when
ргеfег to dгiпk [it]'. asked `whу did you decide to do а Маstегs
Among othег gгаmmаtiсаl еггогs, thеге was of Соmmегсе?', She апSwегеd, `Um, ЬесаuSе I
опе example of ап incomplete соmрагаtivе thiпk, if I сап gain the МаStег dеgгее mауЬе I
(`high quality than the оthегs'); iпсоггесс Wогd will give а good jоЬ in Сhiпа. And I will have а
огdег with аdvегЬS (`уоu сап get easily а fгiепd', mоге оррогtuпitу to get а good рау jоЬ which is
`уоu сап get eaSily а hоmе'); the Wгопg wогd
mоге арреаliпg'. When aSked `whаt аге the moSt
огdег With adjectiveS (`1, ег, wants to live а, ег,
рорulаг dгiпks in уоuг соuпtгу?', She апsWегеd,
`Веег, yeah ... Апd, ег, mауЬе Соса-Со1а, Ьut
good viеw, has а gOod view арагtmепts'); and
ап еггог in use of the negative (`if you live in the I dislike it. I always dгiпk the огапgеу Wаtег
hоusеs, еь you hаvе, ег, not а good геlаtiопShiрS апd, uh, jus[ dгiпk the wаtег'. Unlike the mа1е
thеге fог thеiг пеighЬОuгs'). сапdidаtе, She used the full minute to ргераге hег
1опg ргеSепtаtiоп, and Spoke mоге соhегепtlу
and logically in that section of the tеSt.
Gепегаllу, this сапdidаtе's ргопuпсiаtiоп WaS
She made good use of wогds and ехргеssiопS
с1еаг, though it would have helped if he spoke
Such as `hоwеvег' and `оf соuгSе'. when she did
а Ьit mоге loudly So that the listепег did not
not uпdегStапd а quеStiоп, She aSked `Sоггу?'
need to stгаiп со uпdегstапd him. Тhеге Wеге
ог else гереасеd the Wогd the ехаmiпег had
ргоЬlеms with some sounds (е.g. `th'), and some
uSed Which she had not uпdегstооd: `Тоwагd?',
wогds (е.g. `mесгороlе сitiеs' and `hugе'). wогd `Тгеаt?' She also еstаЬlishеd соhегепсе Ьу
and sentence stгеss was gооd, as WaS linking
герhгаSiпg Wогds used Ьу the ехаmiпег. when
(е.g. `hаs а high level of alcohol iпsidе', `if you
asked `whаt fасtогS do you think dеtегmiпе
гепt а hоusе, you сап'), although the оvегusе
Whеге реор1е chooSe to 1ivе?', She Sаid, `1 think
of Ёllегs disгuрtеd the linking of wогds. The
moSt of . . . moSt of the imрогtапt геаSоп'. Оп
slow расе, pauseS and the fгеquепt use of `ег'
а couple of occaSions She did not апsWег the
ргоduсеd ап uneven гhуthm of sреесh.

170 Апswег key

quеstiоп, Such aS hег iпсоhегепt геSропsе When I have my own house I lived in it and I feel oh
asked аЬоut healthy dгiпks. that it, that Ьеlопgs to mе. And I think I have
а fаmilу, um, Ьut if I live in the house just гепt
vосаЬulагу fгоm sоmеЬоdу, I think I'm alwayS Wоггiеd'.
1п gепега1, the VосаЬulагу and ехргеssiопS She Ноwеvеь She did Ьеttег lаtег in the iпtегviеw: .-
used wеге арргоргiаtе although she lacked some `If you Want to go out ог go to wогk, go to
Ьаsiс vОсаЬulагу (fог ехаmрlе, she uSed `рагkiпg uпivегSitу, уоu'll Ёпd that the tгаfhс alwayS
гооm' fог `gагаgе'). Ноwеvег, hег vосаЬulагу Ьlосk, it Will Waste а lot of timе'.
гапgе is often quite limitеd. She confused `fеW'
She often used the siпgulаг fогm of nouns
and `littlе' when She Said `1 have little fгiепd',
гаthег than рluгаls: `mаgаziпе', `moviе stаг, TV
and sеvегаl times used adjectives instead of
stаг and the Siпgег, the famous siпgег', `опе of
nouns (`thе imрогtапс геаSОп is соmfогtаЬlе
the геаsоп', `siх Ьеdгооm', `опе of the ргоЬlеm',
and the ргiсе and the сопvепiепt') and nounS `somеtimе they сап and the inSect сlimЬiпg to
instead of adjectiveS (`thе life is vегу lеisuге').
my hоuSе. I'm аfгаid of it'.
She is с1еаг1у а регsоп who likes to communicate
But sometimes she used рluгаls соггесtlу:
and WaS аЬ1е to рагарhгаsе to ехргеsS what she `апd in оthег Ьig сitiеs'. AS often happenS with
Wanted to Sау, though she гаге1у used idioms and
реор1е Whose 6гst language doeS not uSe агtiсlеs,
the оп1у less common ехргеSsiоп She used was
`iп а wогd'. She needs to Ёпd аltегпаtivе WayS to She Sometimes uSed them when they Wеге not
песеssагу: `а lot of уоuпgег реор1е like to See the
say `1 thiпk' to ехргеss hег opinions and to use
magazine аЬоut it'.
mоге quаmегS than `vегу' and `quitе'. Оvегаll
The ргопоuп оЬjесt waS lеf[ out at timеS.
the гапgе and 1еVеl of vОсаЬulагу Was simрlе.
When asked `Аге thеге апу hot dгiпks you likе?',
Gгаmmаг she герliеd: `Nо I dоп't likе'; also `thеу cannot
This candidate made а lot of Ьаsiс еггогS, сопtгоl'. Some еггогs Wеге also made with
рагtiсulагlу With VегЬ tenses and che use of ргероSitiопS: `Studу is Ьеttег to mе', `поt good
the рluгаl. Students with hег leVel of English enough to mе' and the vегу common еггог `mоst
usually have studied the гulеs of the English of реор1е,.
tense sуstеm, Ьut have ргоЬlеms using vегЬs She waS quick to соггесt hегsеlf, such aS
соггесtlу. She waS gепега11у gOod With che thiгd When she sаid, `Suсh as Ьеег ог аlсоhоl, alcohol
регsоп siпgulаг, yet often mixed confused tепSеs: Wаtег. Yeah alcohol dгiпk, sоггу'. 1п fасt, she
`1 will going to have the МаStег of Соmmегсе',
Should have uSed the adjective `аlсоhоliс',
`If I have гепt а house and I lived it fог а, fог а
Ьut She Was с1еаг1у mопitогiпg hег oWn
1Опg time mауЬе I think oh it's ОК to mе, Ьut wогds. Оvегаll she shoWed а limi[еd гапgе
when I lооk, um, with it to my fгiепd mауЬе of gгаmmаtiсаl Stгuсtuгеs, though hег еггогs
I will Ёпd out that his houSe is Ьеttег to mе, seldom led to the listепег misuпdегStапdiпg what
So I will а11 think mауЬе I will have to looking she mеапt.
fог апоthег hоusе'. She sometimes uSed the
Wгопg VегЬS: `1 haVe the language соuгSеs in
my со11еgе', `thе house has in willоughЬу'. She This candidate spoke in а lоud, с1еаг voice
needs to use the simple paSt tense mоге оftеп: thюughоut the iпtегviеw. Тhеге Wеге
`whеп I Ёгst came to Sуdпеу' inStead of `опсе I misргопuпсiаtiопs, especially of sounds that
have Ьееп to Sуdпеу', and `Whеп I in China I live аге typically difЁсul[ fог sреаkегs of hег hгst
in the арагtmепt'. The -iпg fom was Sometimes lапguаgе, Such as `Масquагiе'. She had diHculty
omitted ог misusеd: `1 will not spend а lot of with the ргопuпсiаtiоп of some high-fгеquепсу
time to See the mаgаziпе', `iпStеаd of go оutsidе', wогds and ехргеssiопs such as `gооd рау jоЬ',
`wапt to looking fог а hоusе'. She had tгоuЬlе `со11еgе', `whiсh', `high' and `сhаt'. Often She

using сопditiопаl, hypothetical StгuсtuгеS: `If linked sounds Wеll, aS with: `1 will continue my

АпsWег k®у 171

studieS thгоughоut my lifе' and `it'S vегу eaSy tendency to оVегusе Some соппесtivеs, and to
fог you to go out fог shоррiпg'. She StгеSSеd the SometimeS uSe them iпарргоргiаtеlу. This сап Ье
imрогtапt Wогds in Sепtепсеs: `mауЬе I will give Seen eSPecially with his uSe of the Wогd `Sо' at
а good jоЬ in Сhiпа', `mауЬе the е7юg.rо7zие7zf the Ьеgiппiпg of uttегапсеS. Fог ехаmрlе, when
is пос good епоugh'. Yet she needs to uSe mоге aSked Which kinds of magazineS аге рорu]аг in
Weak fогms. 1п Some uttегапсеS, each Wогd his соuпtгу, he геSропds, `Sо in India реор1е love
was given equal stгеsS: `уоu сап gain some сгiсkеt So the ...' and in the 1опg tuгп when he
iпfогmаtiоп аЬоut the mаgаziпе', `Ьut I dislike sауs, `Sо I love gагdепiпg also So I had а lot of
it', `Whеп I live in it' and `mоst of реор1е ргеfег ПоWегs and ег Whеthег you sit at my р1асе some
to live in his oWn house ЬесаuSе the гепt of home gагdепs. So the house was my fаvоuгitе
the house is quite ехрепsivе'. Нег intonation is house in my Whole life ег until поw. So I am still
iпдuепсеd Ьу hег native lапguаgе, and although looking fог а house fог that kind of hоuSе. So
at times she uses stгеsS timing and intonation ЬесаuSе I Want to live in а vегу peaceful агеа ...'.
to good еffесt, оvегаll she useS поп-Stапdагd Не also оVегuSеs `аlsо' When he Sауs, `thеу сап
intonation раttегпs that affect how She conveys use the iпtегпеt аlsо, it is геа11у hеlрful. So you
mеапiпg. сап do it at home also you dоп't haVe to go and
See someone else So you сап Япd it vегу eaSily
оvегаII оп the iпtегпеt аlsо'. Тhеге is also а tendency to
This candidate is ап effective sреаkег Ьut оvегuSе the Ё11ег `likе', which is commonly used
hег spoken English level is not adequate fог in iпfогmа1 lапguаgе: `Ег in Ьооks like реор1е
uпivегSitу level Studу. Although She Seems quite have to spend а lot of time to get а idea What
fluепt, hег vосаЬulагу гапgе is limited to ЬаSiс they геаdiпg аЬоut Ьut in magazines they сап get
wогds and рhгаsеS, and hег сопtгоl of ассuгаtе like ег, ег they сап get ап idea аЬоut the thing
gгаmmаtiсаl stгuсtuгеS is wеаk. Outside fаmiliаг What they аге геаdiпg аЬоut just in а Shогtег um
topics She Ьеgiпs to lose the ргесisiоп to explain
регiоd, shогt регiоd of time and in а senSe like
What she геа11у mеапS. She needs to imргоvе hег Shогt lооk, quick lооk, уеаh.'
ассuгасу, со expand hег vосаЬulагу into mоге
1п аdditiоп, he оvегusеs the conjunction
ргесisе tегms that Ьеttег ехргеSs hег mеапiпg, `апd', fог ехаmр1е, `Sо these реор1е аге геа11у
and to uSe sentence Stгеss and intonation mоге
helpful and they сап Ёпd whаtеvег they аге
еffесtivеlу. She may ЬепеЁt Ьу slightly Slowing
looking fог thаt'S eaSy fог them Ьесаusе they сап
down the расе of hег dеlivегу to give а mоге
tell them those реор1е like what they аге looking
сопsidегеd геsропSе.
fог and they will help to Ёпd thoSe placeS and
Assessment of Candidate З even оп the оthег hand they сап uSe the iпtегпеt
аlsо, it is геа11у hеlрful. So you сап do it at
Fіuепсу and соhегепсе home also you dоп't have to go and See Someone
As а дuепt соmmuпiсаtог, this candidate геаdilу else ...'. Оп occaSion what he is геfеггiпg to is
and сопЁdепtlу апsWегs queStionS and ехргеSsеS uпсlеаг, fог inStance when he Sауs, `1 Want to
орiпiопS, and gепега11у геSропds арргоргiаtеlу do that пuгsiпg соuгsе' and `it tе1ls аЬоut thoSe
and at lепgth. Не оссаSiопа1lу соггесts himsеlf, оthег ргоduсts'.
Which is common in spoken language and quite
ассерtаЬlе in che tеSt. Тhеге аге feW heSicationS vосаЬuіагу
and they аге moStly not 1опg. If апуthiпg, the This сапdidаtе's гапgе of VосаЬulагу is adequate
расе waS too faSt and speech Would Ье mоге to convey what he Wants to Sау, and he uSeS а
соhегепt if he Spoke mоге slоWlу. Though he did пumЬег of idiomatic and leSs common lexical
make full uSe of сhе minute to ргераге his 1опg items арргоргiаtеlу. ExampleS аге when he
ргеsепtаtiоп, he would ЬепеЯt fгоm taking mоге SауS, `I'm геа11у into 1ikе um looking аftег
time to think аЬоut What he is going to Sау. реор1е', `vеggiеs', and With collocations Such
His Speech is gепега11у соhегепt, though this as `hоmеmаdе аlсоhоl', `Sерагаtе tоilеt', `dагk
does Ьгеаk down at timеS, рагtiсulагlу with а сhосоlаtе' and `Ьаsiс пееds'. Не арреагs

172 АпsWег key

to Ье mоге соmfогtаЬlе in the use of less iпtегеStiпg suЬjесс', `gеt а idеа' and `viеW of сitу'.
fогmаl language (ехсерtiопS аге When he SayS The iпсоггес. ргероSitiоп is Sometimes used е.g.
`disрепsагiеS' and `сопgеstеd' ). `пеаг tо', `thеге is а pafk оп the next side of the

1п gепега1 his VосаЬulагу lacks flехiЬilitу stгееt' and `оп the Wedding рагtiеs'.
and ргесisiоп, and he has а limited capacity Thoughwhatthis candidate meanS is .-
to рагарhгаsе. Не makes Some iпарргоргiаtе gепега11у с1еаг, thеге аге sеvегаl occasionS When
choiceS When he Says `Stгееt viеW' instead of it is difЁсult to uпdегstапd What he is tгуiпg to
`viеw of the Stгееt', `migгапt реорlеS' inStead of sау. InStances of сhis аге when he sауs, `Ьесаusе
`migгапts', `соlоuг Wise and рiсtuге wise and the uh in in this competition of uS uh you need
fumituге wisе', and `liпе of роvегtу'. Тhеге is English if you аге going it hе1рs in уоuг сагеег',
` а house would Ье like vегу ореп Sidе' and `
sometimes confusion Ьеtwееп аdjесtivеS, nouns
and аdvегЬs е.g. `thе gоvегпmепt Ёпапсiаl', suЬuгЬап is mоге Widег than сitу'.
`whеп I ЁгStlу came to Аustгаliа', and `suЬuгЬап
is mоге widег than сitу'.
Mosc of the time this candidate сап Ье
Gгаmmаг uпdегstооd, yet his ргопuпсiаtiоп would
This candidate ргоduсеS complex sепtепсеs, imргоvе if he spoke mоге slоwlу. The main
though these fгеquепtlу contain еггогs, е.g. `if ргоЬlеms аге at the level of sentenceS and
you аге living in а house you have а sерагаtе рhгаSеS, Whеге his intonation and гhуthm
wall fгоm уоuг пеighЬоuгs ог you Will have а sometimes make his message hагd to
gap Ьеtwееп уоuг houSe and the пеighЬоuг's соmргеhепd, гаthег than with individual wогds.
hоuSе, so you сап't hеаг the пеighЬоuг's сгу Meaning сап Ье conveyed ог made с1еагег
So it will Ье mоге sерагаtе fгоm the - fгоm thгоugh using раusеs, yet thеге аге insumcient
othег hоusеS' ... and `iп some like in developing pauSes in this сапdidаtе'S гарid-Бге Sреесh, and
соuпtгiеs the gоvегпmепt should hе1р thoSe it is at timeS not immediately с1еаг When he has
реор1е who сап't аffогd to Ьuу а р1асе um like Ёпishеd геSропdiпg to а quеStiоп, е.g. due to
um mostly those реор1е Who аге living ЬеlоW him not using falling iпtопаtiоп.
the liпе, the line of роvегtу, So gоvегпmепt wогds аге sometimeS гuп tоgеthег and the
should help them to Ьuу а р1асе'. Тhеге аге also lack of chunking makes it difhcult to tell When
пumегоuS еггогs With ЬаSiс gгаmmаг, including опе idea haS ended and апоthег haS Ьеguп.
with агtiсlеs, tenseS and ргероsitiопs. Some individual wогds and ехргеssiопs аге hагd
Often the Wгопg tense is uSеd, fОг instance to uпdегStапd, рагtiсulагlу due to а tendency
when dеsсгiЬiпg а р1асе whеге he uSed to live to make 1Опg VoWels into Shогt Vowels and
he SауS, `1 like that Ьесаusе thеге is а рагk оп thгоugh the Wгопg stгеss within wогds, е.g. With
`соmmuпiсаtе', `рlауегs', `mаgаziпеS', `lооk',
the next side of the Stгееt. So I сап watch реор1е
`аlсоhоl', `реасеful', `Stгееt', `liЬгагу', `соlоuг'
playing fооtЬаll Ьесаusе I love fооtЬаll and ег
it was пеаг to а11 the fасilitiеS'. Also thеге аге and `dеvеlорiпg'.
еггогS With the fогm of tепsеs, е.g. `whаt [hеу
геаdiпg аЬоut' and ` you kind of feeling likе'.
Some реор1е speak too sloWly in the attempt
This is also 1асk of аgгееmепt Ьеtwееп suЬ].есt
to avoid еггогS and some have the opposite
and vегЬ е.g. `реор1е Who ег owns thеiг oWn
homе' and `thе сuгtаiпs was геа11у пiсе'.
tепdепсу. That is, they аге So keen to
communicate that they do not take enough
Тhеге аге пumегоus instances of еггогS in
саге with ассuгасу. This candidate seems to
the use of соmрагаtivеs е.g. `mоге Ьiggег than
Ье1опg to the lаttег gгоuр. Не is adept at using
а арагtmепt', `mоге tаllег than а houSe `, `sоmе
colloquial vосаЬulагу and has the сопЁdепсе to
геSidепtiаl агеаs аге vегу like ег vегу good
communicate дuепtlу, even if he SometimeS lacks
than оthегs' and `thеsе kinds of placeS аге vегу
соhегепсе. Оvегаll, if he sloWed down the расе
соmfогtаЬlе than оthегs'. Тhеге аге еггогs With
at which he tаlks, he would haVe mоге time to
агtiсlеS, рагtiсulагlу omitting thеm: `it'S not

АпsW®г key 173

thiпk, which Would mean he Would not haVe to him to ргоduсе mоге соhегепt uttегапсеs, to uSe
соггесt himsе1f and change diгесtiоп midway wогds such as `уеаh', `sо' and `likе' 1еss оftеп,
thгоugh sentenceS So оftеп. This would also help and he Would Ье еаSiег to uпdегSсапd.
him aVoid Some of the gгаmmаг mistаkеs, епаЬ1е

Audio CD contents
CD 1 ListeningTests 1 and 2 CD 2 ListeningTests 3 and 4 CD З SpeakingTests

Тгасk HsteningTest l Тгасk ListeningTest 3 Тгасk speakingTests

1 |пstгuсtiопs 1 |пstгuсtiопs 1 Sаmр|еSреаkiпgТеst
2 Section 1 2 SаmрIеSреаkiпgТеst:
2 Section 1
3 Section 2 Candidate 1
3 Section 2
4 Section 3 3 sаmрIеSреаkiпgТеst:
4 Section З
Candidate 2
5 Sесtiоh4 5 Section 4
4 SаmрIеSреаkiпgТеst:
Тгасk ListeningTest 2 Тгасk ListeningTest 4 Candidate 3
6 |пStгuсtiопs 6 |пstгuсtiопs 5 SpeakingTestl
7 section 1 7 Section 1 6 SреаkiпgТеst2
8 SеЬtiоп2 8 Section 2 7 SреаkіпgТеst3
9 Section 3 9 Section З 8 SреаkiпgТеSt4
10 Section 4 10 Section 4 9 SреаkiпgТеst5
10 SреаkiпgТеst6

Репетитор английского языка
Skype: vayshengolts

174 Апswег key

Репетитор английского языка
Skype: vayshengolts

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