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Epilepsy & Behavior 11 (2007) 466–470

Case Report

Olfactory dysfunction in temporal lobe epilepsy: A case

of ictus-related parosmia
Sarah Jacek a, Richard J. Stevenson a,*
, Laurie A. Miller b,c

Department of Psychology, Macquarie University, NSW 2109, Australia
Neuropsychology Unit, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, NSW 2050, Australia
Department of Medicine, University of Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia

Received 30 March 2007; revised 28 May 2007; accepted 29 May 2007

Available online 29 August 2007


Olfactory abnormalities in temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) usually involve either brief hallucinations prior to seizures or chronic impair-
ments in odor discrimination and identification. We describe the case of a man (B.C.) with TLE with an unusual presentation, an ictus-
related parosmia. B.C. reported distorted perception of odor quality and hedonics that could provoke nausea and gagging, typically at its
most extreme in the week or so following a seizure. Measures of B.C.’s olfactory functioning were obtained at stages of the ictal cycle
when parosmia symptoms were severe and when they had decreased. Unlike other parosmics, B.C.’s detection thresholds were always
normal, and unlike others with TLE, he evidenced little impairment in identification or discrimination. Testing during a period of more
severe parosmia suggested that B.C.’s experiences might be the result of hedonic changes. We argue this may be the effect of seizure activ-
ity on the amygdala, which is known to be involved in mediating emotive reactions to odors.
 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Temporal lobe epilepsy; Parosmia; Olfaction; Amygdala; Odor hedonics

1. Introduction may report blanket contamination of all odors (e.g., ‘‘all

odors smell artificial’’ [9,11]) or describe each odor as hav-
Olfactory abnormalities may co-occur with temporal lobe ing a unique but distorted smell (e.g., ‘‘strawberries smell
epilepsy (TLE). TLE may cause brief olfactory auras prior to like bleach’’ [9]). The onset of parosmia has been associated
seizures [1,2]. Chronic disturbances may also occur as a with upper respiratory tract infection, head trauma, and
result of structural brain damage [3], tumors [4], or interictal aging [14], and parosmics often have impaired detection
epileptiform discharge [5]. The effect of TLE on olfaction has thresholds [10]. In this report, we describe an unusual
been explored phenomenologically and experimentally. The ictus-related parosmia in a patient with TLE. The pattern
former approach focused solely on olfactory auras [1]. The of presentation revealed by the olfactory testing detailed
latter approach revealed that patients with TLE can detect below is both different from olfactory abnormalities noted
odors normally, but have impairments in a variety of before for TLE and different from that of patients with typ-
higher-level olfactory functions [6–8]. ical parosmia.
An olfactory disturbance that has not been detailed
before in TLE is parosmia. Parosmia is usually a chronic 2. Method
condition [9] in which odor quality and hedonics (i.e., the
affective reaction to odors) are distorted [10–13]. Patients 2.1. Case report

B.C., a 29-year-old, right-handed man, was unable to work during the

Corresponding author. Fax: +61 2 98508062. testing period because of memory problems caused by seizure activity.
E-mail address: (R.J. Stevenson). B.C. had completed 11 years of education. He had an unremarkable olfac-

1525-5050/$ - see front matter  2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Case Report / Epilepsy & Behavior 11 (2007) 466–470 467

tory and medical history until the onset of epilepsy around the age of 26. required to provide the names. A near-identical procedure was then under-
The etiology of his epilepsy was unknown. He experienced simple and taken as a visual analog, in which B.C. was required to learn and recall
complex partial seizures, both diurnal and nocturnal, which often general- shapes paired with names. This ensured that any observed odor deficit
ized. These seizures typically clustered into discrete bouts, which occurred was not a consequence of a generalized impairment in name learning or
every 4 to 6 weeks. This diagnosis was based on both ambulatory and perceptual stability. During the 30-minute delay for the visual task, he
video/EEG monitoring, which captured 28 seizures. The focus was the was asked to rate the similarity of a group of unlabeled odors containing
right temporal lobe as indicated by EEG, fluorodeoxyglucose positron meat, garlic, onion, and foul smells (fecal and rotting fish), hereafter
emission tomography, and clinical observation (an aura of left arm numb- known as the meaty/foul group. This was included to determine whether
ness). MRI was inconclusive and indicated subtle left and right hippocam- these odors were perceived (hedonically and qualitatively) in a similar
pal atrophy. He reported smoking for 12 pack-years and was a smoker at manner. In this task, a large, flat 9 · 9-cell grid was laid out in front of
the time of testing. B.C. was tested by us on six occasions; on the first three him. He was asked to smell each odor and to place it on the grid so as
occasions, he was taking clobazam (20 mg), levetiracetam (2000 mg), and to reflect how similar it was to the other odors (i.e., close = similar, dis-
sodium valproate (800 mg) daily, but was drug free on the three remaining tant = dissimilar). He resmelled and repositioned odors as needed.
sessions. In the second of these two sessions, B.C. was given recall and recogni-
For several days after a bout of seizures, B.C. reported that he could tion trials of the odor and shape name learning tasks. The final group of
detect odors but they ‘‘did not smell normal.’’ Typically, each odor had tasks required similarity-based judgments for: (1) labeled odors, (2) unla-
its own unique, but altered smell. This was consistent each time the change beled odors, (3) labeled pictures, and (d) unlabeled pictures. This was
occurred. Food flavors, which involve a significant olfactory input via ret- included to explore whether his parosmia might be related to impoverished
ronasal olfaction, were reported as ‘‘nothing like they are meant to taste.’’ odor naming, as misnaming, which should differ between labeled and unla-
B.C. stated that meat, garlic, and onion odors were especially foul, making beled conditions, can affect odor hedonics and quality [21–23]. For the
him gag on occasions. Food intake was reduced to one meal per day while labeled odor condition, B.C. was again given the 9 · 9-cell grid. He was
the parosmia was severe. The parosmia usually diminished across the per- presented with eight familiar odors, one by one in a set order, and had
iod separating bouts of seizures. to place these onto the grid to reflect their similarity (see above). As each
was presented, a label was also provided. The procedure for the unlabeled
2.2. Healthy control participants odor condition was identical except no labels were provided. The labeled
and unlabeled picture tasks were identical, but with pictures being placed
face down on the grid.
Six male control participants matched to B.C. with respect to age, edu-
The battery order for controls was as follows: The first session included
cation, and smoking history were recruited from the community. Exclu-
threshold, odor naming, the learning and feedback trials for odors and
sion criteria included history of epilepsy or neurological problems, nasal
shapes, and the meaty/foul similarity test. The second session comprised
surgery, and illness. The scores for controls on the National Adult Read-
the recall and recognition phases for odors and shape naming, followed
ing Test (NART) [15] did not significantly differ from B.C.’s scores.
by the labeled and unlabeled odors and pictures.

2.3. Procedure
2.3.3. Session 6 (B.C. only)
B.C.’s parosmia was explored in two ways: (1) His olfactory abilities In this session (4 weeks postictally, mild parosmia reported), B.C. com-
were assessed over the ictal cycle, to identify any olfactory impairment pleted the SIT [24], facilitating comparison of his odor recognition abilities
associated with his parosmia. (2) His parosmia was also explored in depth with those of a normative sample.
when it was reportedly severe.

2.4. Analysis
2.3.1. Sessions 1–3 (B.C. only)
The following sets of tests were repeated on three occasions: 4 weeks
Across all tasks, B.C. was compared with controls using modified t
postictally (mild parosmia), 4 days postictally (severe parosmia), and 2
tests [25], with alpha set by Bonferroni adjustment.
weeks postictally (mild parosmia). Birhinal olfactory threshold was mea-
sured using a forced-choice ascending staircase procedure with butanol
[16]. Odor discrimination was assessed using a series of triangle tests
(two identical distracters and one target). Four different types of stimuli 3. Results
were presented at each session and repeated in subsequent sessions: five
tests using familiar odors, five using unfamiliar odors, five using unfamil- 3.1. Sessions 1–3
iar odors where either the target or distracters differed in intensity (making
the task easier), and five using visual stimuli (ambiguous amoeboid
B.C.’s threshold performance was normal across ses-
shapes) to detect any generalized deficit (see [17,18] for details). The Digits
Backwards subtest from the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale—Third sions 1–3 (scores = 5, 6, and 8 respectively) relative to both
Edition (WAIS-III) [19] was used as a measure of working memory [20]. controls (mean = 6.7, SD = 1.0) and Cain’s [16] normative
Familiar odor identification, using a recognition task, was assessed using sample. On the discrimination tests, B.C.’s performance
three different odor sets, one per session. was compared with that of a sample drawn from two pre-
vious studies [17,18]. Compared with controls, B.C.’s per-
2.3.2. Sessions 4 and 5 (B.C. and controls) formance in discriminating unfamiliar odors was normal,
Sessions 4 and 5 were completed on 2 consecutive days, with a 24-hour
interval (for B.C. these were completed 2 weeks postictally, severe paros- whereas his ability to discriminate familiar odors was sig-
mia reported). In the first of these sessions, B.C. was given the odor name nificantly impaired in session 3 (t(8) = 5.86, P < 0.005)
acquisition test to determine whether his ability to perceive odor quality (see Table 1). Note, however, that B.C.’s discrimination
was stable, as instability could be responsible for his reported changes of familiar odors was perfect during the time in which his
in odor perception. In this task he was required to learn and recall the
parosmia was reportedly severe (session 2). B.C.’s intensity,
names of five unfamiliar odors. He was given two learning blocks, each
of which comprised all five odors being presented with the corresponding quality, and visual discrimination was normal, as was his
names. Following this, six feedback blocks were completed. Following a working memory (Digits Backwards subtest). B.C.’s odor
delay of 30 minutes, he was again presented with all five odors and recognition performance (scores = 3.5, 3, and 4.5, respec-
468 Case Report / Epilepsy & Behavior 11 (2007) 466–470

Table 1
Olfactory discrimination scores for controls and B.C.
Test B.C
Controls Session 1 Session 2 Session 3
N Mean (SD) score Score t Score t Score t
Quality unfamiliar 10 2.6 (1.1) 2 0.51 4 1.18 4 1.18
Quality familiar 9 4.9 (0.3) 4 2.78 5 0.31 3 5.86b
Quality/intensity 11 3.8 (1.3) 4 1.42 2 1.28 2 1.28
Visual analog 8 4.9 (0.4) 4 2.08 4 2.08 4 2.08
Male age-matched control data obtained from [17,18].
Significant at the 0.017 level.

tively) did not differ from that of controls (means the controls also varied widely in this respect. However,
(SD) = 4.5 (0.5), 4.8 (0.3), and 3.7 (1.1), respectively). our primary interest was B.C.’s relative performance across
the four tasks, that is, how similarity judgments were
3.2. Sessions 4–6 affected by labeling and modality. To address this, and to
reduce variability attributed to different placement styles,
B.C.’s scores on the odor and shape name learning tasks the ratios of labeled to unlabeled odors were calculated
did not differ significantly from those of controls on any and divided by the ratios of labeled to unlabeled pictures.
phase of either task. For the similarity data, the smallest Ratios for controls were then averaged and compared with
rectangular area of cells on the grid accommodating all B.C.’s score. This revealed a significant difference in ratios
the stimuli (as they were placed by the participant), was cal- between B.C. and controls (t(5) = 25.14, P < 0.01). B.C.
culated for each participant and condition. For example, if regarded the unlabeled odors as far more dissimilar, rela-
all the odors were placed as close as possible to each other tive to his performance on the other tasks. To confirm this,
on the grid, they could be enclosed within a 3 · 3-cell rect- we conducted additional tests on the ratios for labeled/
angle (i.e., within an area of 9 cells). However, if odors unlabeled odors (B.C. vs controls) and for labeled/unla-
were maximally dispersed across the grid, with odors beled pictures (BC vs controls). There was no significant
placed in the corners, they could only be enclosed by a difference for pictures, but B.C. regarded the unlabeled
9 · 9-cell rectangle (i.e., within an area of 81 cells). odors as more dissimilar than the labeled odors, relative
The raw scores (see Fig. 1) suggest that B.C. tended to to controls (t(5) = 5.89, P < 0.01).
cluster all stimuli (odors and pictures), relative to controls. The same method was used for the second similarity
This is arguably a consequence of his placement ‘‘style,’’ as task. Unlabeled meaty/foul odors were compared with


72 BC

Area (max = 81)






Picture-label Picture-non label Odor-label Odor-no label Meaty/foul-no label

Fig. 1. Mean areas (larger areas representing greater dissimilarity) and SEM for controls and scores for B.C., for the five similarity tests.
Case Report / Epilepsy & Behavior 11 (2007) 466–470 469

the other unlabeled odors. The unlabeled meaty/foul set, would likely be impaired if there was peripheral damage,
relative to the unlabeled set, was indeed different for B.C. as with most cases of parosmia. Third, the effect of verbal
relative to controls (t(5) = 3.52, P < 0.02). Fig. 1 shows labels appears to normalize his similarity judgments. This
that B.C. clustered the unlabeled meaty/foul odors more might not be expected if the defect was exclusively
than the other unlabeled odor set, suggesting that the peripheral.
meaty/foul odors were especially similar to him. Finally, If B.C.’s parosmia is centrally based, what might be its
for the SIT, using Australian norms, his corrected score cause? One possibility is that rather than resulting from a
was 34/40. This placed him in the normosmic range, at distortion of odor quality, the parosmia may be due to
the 18th percentile. changes in odor hedonics alone. There are several reasons
for this assertion. First, B.C. clustered the unlabeled foul
4. Discussion and meaty odors much more tightly than the other set of
unlabeled odors, indicative of a judgment based on hedon-
Previous reports of abnormal olfaction in TLE have ics. Indeed, olfactory multidimensional scaling research
either featured ictus-related auras or revealed that TLE reveals a significant hedonic dimension to similarity judg-
can chronically affect higher olfactory functions. The case ments [26]. Second, the scatter of the unlabeled set relative
described here is unlike both of these previous presenta- to the labeled set can be accounted for in a similar manner.
tions, as well as unlike previous reports of parosmia. This is because measures that might be expected to be sen-
Although B.C. did not exhibit abnormalities in odor iden- sitive to abnormal quality perception, such as odor identi-
tification, there was some evidence of impoverished dis- fication, discrimination, and odor name learning were all
crimination of familiar odors. However, this did not co- broadly intact, implying that labels normalize hedonics,
vary with B.C.’s parosmia; indeed, his discrimination of not quality. Third, the intensity of B.C.’s reported hedonic
familiar odors was perfect when tested during a reportedly response to certain odors (i.e., nausea and gagging) is con-
severely parosmic period. Moreover, his performance on sistent with a profound change in his emotive reaction to
the SIT was normal, and he did not demonstrate any smells. Taken together with recent neuroimaging findings
abnormality in threshold, as do other parosmic patients, that suggest that the amygdala is critical to hedonic pro-
even when tested during a severely parosmic period. Need- cessing [27,28], especially for unpleasant smells, we tenta-
less to say, our control participants were not repeatedly tively suggest that B.C.’s seizure activity may temporarily
tested like B.C. was for discrimination, identification, and disrupt olfactory affective processing in his amygdala,
threshold. This might mask more subtle performance altering odor hedonics.
changes. Nonetheless, our findings still suggest that there
were no gross changes in B.C.’s olfactory system when Acknowledgments
his parosmia was reportedly severe.
When B.C.’s perception of odor quality and hedonics The authors thank B.C., the control participants, and
was tested during a period of severe parosmia, his perfor- Dr. A. Mohamed for their assistance in conducting this
mance differed in certain ways from that of controls. The study.
absence of labels led B.C. to judge an odor set as far more
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