Re Lesson Plan Pre-Primary/ Primary

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Unit of work: Coming to your table Salvation topic: Eucharist Human person Topic: Our bodies

Year Level: 4 Students’ Prior Knowledge: (include faith

Key Understanding: situations/previous lessons/Units)
B2 – Jesus draws members of God’s family close to him
through the Eucharist  Students have previously learnt what John
6:56 says.
 In previous years, students learn about the
last supper and Jesus giving the Eucharist to
Learning Point(s): his disciples
B2.1 – Explains a meaning of John 6:56.  Students know that having the Eucharist is
B2.2 – Reports how the world would be different if people saying thank you to God.
drew closer to Jesus by receiving him in Holy  Students know about the actions and objects
Communion. used in the Liturgy of the Word and the
Liturgy of the Eucharist
 Students have participated in Godly play

Spiritual and Religious Capabilities (that may potentially be covered in the lesson)
Prudence Justice Fortitude Temperance Faith Hope Charity
eg Right choices eg Right eg Inner strength eg Moderation eg Prayer eg Reconciliation eg Service
General Capabilities (that may potentially be covered in the lesson)
Literacy Numeracy ICT Critical and Ethical Personal and Intercultural
competence creative behaviour Social understanding
thinking competence

Cross-curriculum priorities (may be addressed in the lesson)

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Asia and Australia’s engagement with Sustainability
histories and cultures Asia
Lesson Objectives (i.e. anticipated outcomes of this lesson, in point form beginning with an action verb)
As a result of this lesson, students will be able to:
 Distinguish what Eucharist is and how it fits into mass
 Identify how people receive Jesus and how this impacts their actions
 State how the world would be if people receive Jesus through Holy Communion.
Teacher’s Prior Preparation/Organisation: Provision for students at educational risk:
(include Teacher Witness) • Students who are gifted are able to help the
others around them or assist the teacher in
 Teacher can discuss memory of own Holy getting the candle and area set up for the
Communion, possibly bringing photos in. prayer.
 Whiteboard markers • Students with a learning difficulty can sit with
 Clean whiteboard a gifted student for assistance. Teacher can
 Have checklist ready provide some guidance for the hand template
 Have prayer ready by referring back to the Godly play and to
 Have Godly play resources. students own experiences.
 Plenty of coloured paper for students to create • Student with ADHD can sit towards the front
hand templates of the room so teacher can ensure they stay
on track. Teacher can also encourage them
to work by letting them know they will have to
share their answer.
LESSON DELIVERY attach worksheets, examples, marking keys, etc. as relevant
Time Motivation and Introduction:
Align these with the segment
where they will be introduced.
1. Start the lesson by asking a few questions. Write these up on the
board to refer to later on. Clean whiteboard
What is Eucharist? Whiteboard markers
3 mins What is Holy Communion? Are they the same?
How does the last supper interrelate with the Eucharist?
What was the verse John 6:56 saying?
Allow students time to think before sharing with the class.
Students should know the answers to these questions and it should just
be revision.

2. Teacher can discuss own Holy Communion and show photos.

3. Tell students what will be happening in the lesson today. We will

do a Godly play and then we will complete an activity which will
be placed in our portfolios.

Lesson Steps (Lesson content, structure, strategies & Key Questions):

mins 1. Ask students to form a circle. White board and markers

2. Discuss how we can be closer to Jesus by receiving him in Holy

Communion. Use these questions to get students thinking: (write
them up on the board to refer to later on)
How is it that we ‘receive’ Jesus?
How is Jesus the bread and wine? Godly play materials – cloth,
bible, bread on plate, grape
3. Gather the materials and bring them to the mat with you. Lay the juice in a ‘chalice’
cloth (which should be the colour of the season) down on the
floor. Follow the process of Appendix 1 to perform the Godly
play. Ensure you go slowly and allow students time to think and
take in the story.

4. Once finished the story ask students to think of the questions

that are on the board, have your answers changed from

5. Allow students time to think about the questions and then have a
quick discussion in your groups. Students can share with the
class if they wish.
6. Now students will grab a piece of paper, go back to their desks, Idea taken from ‘Coming to
trace around their hand onto the paper and cut it out. your Table’ book – referenced
on separate page.
7. Explain to students that people receive Jesus through Holy
Communion (if not already understood) and that if we receive
Jesus we can be more like him and the world can be a better
place. With the hand template students are to write 5 ways the
world would be different if people received Jesus in Holy
Communion. This activity will be collected and put into portfolios.
mins Lesson Closure:(Review lesson objectives with students)

1. To finish the lesson off students are to bring their hand templates
down to the mat.

2. First, we will discuss the lesson objectives of what Eucharist is

and how it fits in mass, and what it means to receive Jesus and
how this can change the way we act. Prayer attached – appendix 2
referenced on reference page.
3. We will then place the hand templates around a candle and say
a small prayer.

Transition: (What needs to happen prior to the next lesson?)

1. Students to pack away their belongings, hand their work into the
teacher and prepare to go to sport.

Assessment: (Were the lesson objectives met? How will they be


 Teacher collects the hands that students created.

 Teacher uses the hands as well as anecdotal notes to ensure Checklist attached – appendix
students understand the topic, teachers marks a checklist which 3
is attached. This checklist will be placed in the portfolio.
 Important for teacher to walk around and ask students questions
when they are working.
 Teacher must also pick different students to answer questions, to
ensure everyone understands, not just a few students.
Appendix 1:

The Blessing of Bread and Wine

(extracts from the Eucharistic Prayer)


 cloth (colour of the season)

 Bible
 some bread on a plate (paten)
 grape juice in a ‘chalice’

Children are seated in a semi-circle ready to listen to the story. When the children are settled, go to the shelf
and carry the materials as you would the Bible. Place these beside you.

Lay seasonal cloth down. Place Bible, bread and juice on the cloth.
When the community celebrates Mass we come together as the community of God.

Hold or touch the Bible.

We listen to the Word of God from the Bible. Then we take the bread and wine to the altar. During Mass
we remember what Jesus did during the Last Supper.

Hold bread in your hands, showing the children.

The priest takes the bread, blesses it and says the words Jesus used:
‘Take this, all of you, and eat it. This is my body.’

Put the bread back on the cloth and take the cup of grape juice.
He then takes the wine and blesses it saying Jesus’ words again,
‘Take this all of you and drink from it:
This is the cup of my blood.’

Put the cup of wine back on the cloth.

The priest then gives the people the bread, which is Jesus, to share. This is Holy Communion.

Carefully pack story materials into storage box and put on shelf. Ensure that children are watching so they know how to
pack the materials away and where to find them.

Be sure to make it clear that this is not the Eucharist/Mass. The class is recalling what happens in Mass.
Appendix 2:


My Communion Prayer

Dear God, I know that You give me many gifts.

The gift of Your Son, Jesus Christ in Holy Communion
is the greatest of all. How can I ever thank You
enough for this special gift?

At Mass we are called to be like Jesus, by loving

and serving one another in the world.

As I become more like Him, please continue to

help me. Show me the places and ways that
I can bring Your love, kindness, and peace
to others....
in my family,
in my neighborhood,
in my community,
with my friends.

I ask this in Jesus' name. Amen.

Appendix 3:


Assessment Excellent Good Satisfactory Limited/

1. Students understand what the
Eucharist is.
2. Students understand the Eucharist’s
place in mass.
3. Students identify how receiving Jesus
impacts their actions.
4. Students understand the way the
world differs when more people
receive Jesus.

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