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Unit of work: Loving our Salvation topic: Prayer Human person Topic: Our Bodies
Differences are Different

Year Level: 2 Students’ Prior Knowledge: (include faith

situations/previous lessons/Units)

Key Understanding: In previous years, students have learned about the

B2 Jesus taught Christian prayer to draw God’s family
human experience of communication and how the gift
closer to God
created in people by God, leads people to wonder at
the gift and creator. The gift of communication
Learning Point(s): reveals that God loves them
B2.2 Describes how the world would be a more loving
place if every person prayed, as Jesus taught.

Spiritual and Religious Capabilities (that may potentially be covered in the lesson)
Prudence Justice Fortitude Temperance Faith Hope Charity
eg Right choices eg Right eg Inner strength eg Moderation eg Prayer eg Reconciliation eg Service
General Capabilities (that may potentially be covered in the lesson)
Literacy Numeracy ICT Critical and Ethical Personal and Intercultural
competence creative behaviour Social understanding
thinking competence

Cross-curriculum priorities (may be addressed in the lesson)

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Asia and Australia’s engagement with Sustainability
histories and cultures Asia
Lesson Objectives (i.e. anticipated outcomes of this lesson, in point form beginning with an action verb)
As a result of this lesson, students will be able to:
• Students demonstrate how the world would be a more loving place if every person prayed, as Jesus
• Students understand and create their own wonder questions
• Students demonstrate how to creatively create their own collage using an iPad

Teacher’s Prior Preparation/Organisation: Provision for student diversity:

Learning difficulty:
• Cut up coloured card strips
• Group students who are not as capable with
• ‘If everyone prayed as Jesus taught’ chart on
students who are capable and understand
white board the task
• iPads (1 for each student) • Group students that work well together
• ‘Taught to Pray by Jesus’ worksheet (x30)
• Prayer box Intellectual disability:
• Teacher assistant to assist students
throughout whole lesson
LESSON DELIVERY attach worksheets, examples, marking keys, etc. as relevant

Time Motivation and Introduction:
Align these with the segment
10:00 1. Start off the lesson by coming together as a class and joining in
where they will be introduced.
on prayer. Choose a student to pick a prayer from the prayer box
2. Ask the students:
“What do you think prayer is – what does it mean to you?”
3. Hand out coloured card strips, and allow the students 2 minutes
Coloured card strips
to write down either a sentence or some words which they
believe best describes prayer
4. Call on some volunteers to share what they think prayer is
5. Explain to students that ‘prayer’ is the gift of being able to talk
with God. God wants to be closer with individuals. For this to
happen they need to talk with God – just like family members
and friends need to talk with each other. So that they can do so,
Jesus gave members of his Church another special gift, called
prayer. This is the gift of being able to talk to God
6. Pose a question to the class:
“In what ways would the world be more loving if people prayed
as Jesus taught?”
7. Create a chart on the board looking something like this:

‘If everyone prayed as Jesus

taught’ chart on white board

8. Encourage students to share their ideas in order to fill the chart

9. Create a class discussion on the points shared by students and
ask them why they think or feel that way

Lesson Steps (Lesson content, structure, strategies & Key Questions):

10:10 1. Start the main activity of the lesson, in which students will be
creating a collage using their iPads and the app PicCollage
2. Students are to get an iPad each iPads (1 for each student)
The students will be instructed to create a collage using their
iPads, of ways they think the world be more loving if people
prayed as Jesus taught. The students can show this through:
• Photos/images from the internet
• Capturing their own images
• Words
• Sentences
• Symbols
3. This activity will be done individually
4. When the students have completed their collage, they will be
printed and glued onto some coloured card to display around the
classroom, or even the local school church
‘Taught to Pray by Jesus’
5. Students who finish the collage early, will be instructed to
worksheet (x30)
complete the ‘Taught to Pray by Jesus’ worksheet

Lesson Closure Review lesson objectives with students)


1. As a class create a discussion and brainstorm about the

collages. Students can show their collages and describe the
ways they think the world be more loving if people prayed as
Jesus taught and ask the students what they can do to put those
example to action
• Reinforce examples around the classroom
2. To conclude the lesson, choose a student to select a prayer and
guide the class in joining in. During the prayer go around in a
circle and each student will pray for something or someone in
particular. (whole class involvement)

Transition: (What needs to happen prior to the next lesson?)

• To transition to the next lesson, explain to the students that they
are going to recces so they will have to go and get their hats and
lunch boxes and line up at the door. Send students off by groups.

Assessment: (Were the lesson objectives met? How will they be


• Did the students demonstrate how the world would be a more Work samples
loving place if every person prayed, as Jesus taught? (checklists,
observations, discussion, work samples)
• Did the students understand and create their own wonder Anecdotal notes
questions? (anecdotal notes, checklist)
• Did the students demonstrate how to creatively create their own
collage using an iPad, and app PicCollage? (anecdotal notes,
checklist, work samples)

Resources used in this Lesson:

Activity worksheet – Program of Work Reference C1.5(b) Page 67

Assessment Checklist:

Name: Date:

Students will Achieved Limited Did not


Demonstrate how the world would be a more

loving place if every person prayed, as Jesus

Demonstrate how to creatively create their own

collage using an iPad, and app PicCollage

Students can create their own wonder questions

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