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Nama : .......................................................................................
Sekolah : ...........................................................................................................................................................

A. Maklumat daripada Buku Rekod Mengajar/ e-Rekod

Tarikh :
Waktu :
Tingkatan/ Kelas :
Tajuk :
Objektif :

Refleksi PdP ( Salin daripada BRM/e-Rekod)

B. Pelaksanaan tindakan yang saya jalankan ialah :-

C. Hasil pelaksanaan tindakan ini ialah

Jurulatih Utama Kajian Tindakan Negeri Johor …………..1


Nama : Fauziahnah binti Rosmin

Sekolah : Sekolah Kebangsaan Seri Telok.

A. Maklumat daripada Buku Rekod Mengajar/ e-Rekod

Tarikh : 13 Januari 2014

Waktu : 8.50-9.30 pagi
Tingkatan/ : Prasekolah
Tajuk : Membilang nombor secara turutan menaik.
Objektif : Murid boleh membilang nombor 1-10 secara turutan menaik dengan betul.
Murid boleh menulis nombor 1 –10 secara turutan menaik dengan betul.

Refleksi PdP ( Salin daripada BRM/e-Rekod)

20/25 orang murid tidak dapat membilang dan melengkapkan nombor 1 -10 turutan menaik dengan betul, kerana
mereka masih tidak faham nilai nombor dan kedudukan nombor 1 hingga 10 dengan betul.

B. Pelaksanaan tindakan yang saya jalankan ialah :-

Memperkenal kaedah SOBATAKA.

Murid diberikan soalan seperti di bawah:

4 8

Penyelesaian :
Langkah 1 : Murid diberi bas SOBATAKA. Guru memperkenalkan nombor 1 hingga 10 turutan menaik menggunakan
SOBATAKA. Murid menyebut nombor yang keluar melalui kad yang ditarik. Murid menarik kad SOBATAKA sambil
menyebut nombor yang keluar daripada kad tersebut. Latihan ini dilakukan berulang kali. Guru dan murid bersoal
jawab melalui kaedah tersebut.

Langkah 2 : Guru memberi kad nombor kepada murid. Murid menyusun kad nombor 1 hingga 10 turutan menaik
berdasarkan kad SOBATAKA.

Langkah 3 : Guru memberikan lembaran kerja nombor 1 hingga 10 turutan menaik kepada murid tersebut. Murid
melengkapkan soalan bertulis dalam lembaran kerja.

Semasa PdP , saya memberi penerangan kepada murid bagaimana cara menjawab soalan menggunakan kaedah ini.
Pada awalnya murid agak malas untuk menjawab soalan yang diberikan. Apabila saya mengagihkan bas
SOBATAKA, mereka sangat teruja dan seronok melakukan aktiviti tersebut,
Jurulatih Utama Kajian Tindakan Negeri Johor …………..2
C. Hasil pelaksanaan tindakan ini ialah

Tindakan yang saya dijalankan pada waktu PdP, saya memberi penerangan kepada murid bagaimana cara
menjawab soalan menggunakan kaedah ini. Apabila saya memberikan bas SOBATAKA kepada murid-murid
tewrsebut mereka sangat gembira dan bersemangat belajar matematik. Setiap hari mereka akan mendekati saya dan
meminta saya memberikan soalan-soalan berkaitan turutan nombor 1 hingga 10 turutan menaik, murid juga semakin
teruja untuk mendapatkan jawapan melalui soalan yang diberikan . Mereka seronok dengan ganjaran bintang yang
diberikan oleh guru setelah mendapatkan jawapan betul.

Contoh jawapan murid di atas menunjukkan murid telah berjaya menjawab soalan dengan betul menggunakan kaedah
SOBATAKA. Ternyata murid bersemangat dan gembira kerana mereka berjaya membilang dan melengkapkan
nombor 1 hingga 10 dengan betul. Aktiviti ini dijalankan sewaktu PdP. Murid diberi 4 soalan latihan pengukuhan.
Murid kelihatan lebih bersemangat menjawab soalan yang diberikan. Latihan berterusan perlu diberikan bagi
membantu murid menguasai sepenuhnya subtopik ini.

Jurulatih Utama Kajian Tindakan Negeri Johor …………..3

TAHUN 2015



D. Maklumat daripada Buku Rekod Mengajar/ e-Rekod / Details From Record Book

Tarikh : 13 April 2015 (Monday)

Waktu : 8 and 9
Tingkatan/ Kelas : 5SN3
Tajuk : Chapter 7: Looming Disasters / SPM Modul (Module 6)
Objektif : SS should be able to:
1. read and answer the questions of C (summary)
2. discuss the answers
3. score at least 10out of 15 for the exercise

Refleksi PdP ( Salin daripada BRM/e-Rekod) / Reflection from the previous Teaching and Learning

I gave a summary question to the students. I found out most of them (about 25 out of 35
students) could not come out with the main ideas or points related to the question. I started asking
myself, why it happened. I supposed they were taught the techniques of answering summary
question since they were in form four last year. Time went off just like that. They could not finish their
writing within the time given. So, I assigned it as homework.

E. Pelaksanaan tindakan yang saya jalankan / Actions Taken :

On 15 April, I entered the class and checked the work assigned the day before and
discussed it. To my shock, my students scored poorly especially in extracting the main ideas of the
passage. I demanded their explanations and most of them said that they didn’t know how to
identify the points or main ideas in the passage and had no idea where to start from.
After class, I sat down and pondered upon the problem faced by my students. I tried to find
and create an easy way for them to answer and score in their summary writing. I decided to carry
out BRUME in my next lesson…
Thursday, 16 April, I started the lesson by reviewing the previous lesson. I introduced the
summary technique: BRUME (Bracket / Box, Read, Underline, Make notes, Expand). First, they have
to read the question. Then, they have to bracket the lines they need to summarize and read them.
As they read, they have to underline at least 10 ideas related to the question given. Later, they
have to make notes from the underlined sentences or phrases by leaving all the unnecessary words.
Finally, they have to expand the notes they made into complete sentences. I did all the first four
steps, one by one, together with them. I found out they were happy and confident in carrying out
the activities. Then, I asked them to expand their notes ( to write out a complete summary) at
F. Hasil pelaksanaan tindakan ini / The Outcomes

I gave the students a short test on summary and they had to answer within the time given. I
collected their answers. At home, I marked their answers. I could see that they were applying the
technique I taught them before, as there were box/bracket and underlines on the question paper. I
was happy for their scores. 28 of them managed to get 8 out of 10 marks for the points. I interviewed
the students for their improvements. They told me the technique I taught them had helped them a
lot in answering the question. I was happy to hear that. The technique is successful.

Jurulatih Utama Kajian Tindakan Negeri Johor …………..4

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