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Unit of work: Salvation topic: Human person Topic:Human
Church The Church community beings need communities

Year Level: Students’ Prior Knowledge: (include faith

situations/previous lessons/Units)
Key Understanding:
-First lesson of this unit of work, the focus will be
activating their prior knowledge of communities
A1 Wondering at communities and societies addressed in year 3. In year 3 students identify the
most common types communities and the 2 criteria
Learning Point(s): that they provide.
-Students have created prayers before and
A1.2 Identifies ways in which societies meet people’s understand to be respectful as it is a personal
needs. experience.

Spiritual and Religious Capabilities (that may potentially be covered in the lesson)
Prudence Justice Fortitude Temperance Faith Hope Charity
eg Right eg Moderation eg Reconciliation eg Service
Being relationships Inner strength The creation
respectful of when creating and
the classroom a personal participation
community prayer to God of the prayer
during which may be activity in the
collaborative difficult for lesson
activities. some closure
General Capabilities (that may potentially be covered in the lesson)
Literacy Numeracy ICT Critical and Ethical Personal and Intercultural
competence creative behaviour Social understanding
thinking competence

Cross-curriculum priorities (may be addressed in the lesson)

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Asia and Australia’s engagement with Sustainability
histories and cultures Asia
Lesson Objectives (i.e. anticipated outcomes of this lesson, in point form beginning with an action verb)
As a result of this lesson, students will be able to:
 Collaboratively illustrate the ways in which communities meet the needs of the people.
 Create a prayer that identifies a community they are involved in and how it meets one of
their needs.
Teacher’s Prior Preparation/Organisation: Provision for students at educational risk:
(include Teacher Witness)
-Mystery bag prepared with images inside. Intellectual disability:
-Ensure to specifically group students with dyslexia/dysgraphia
-Butchers papers and writing/drawing materials set up
with students who are confident writers during the brainstorm
around classroom. activity.
-Enough ‘prayer creation’ activity sheets. -Have sticky notes available for these students to write their
-End of lesson prayer printed or written. responses on and then add it to the brainstorm sheet. This will aim
to prevent any anxieties or low confidence writing in front of other
-Summative assessment checklist printed. students.

-For the students who finish the prayer activity early, encourage
them to find a spot in the classroom to say their prayer and have a
personal reflection.
LESSON DELIVERY attach worksheets, examples, marking keys, etc. as relevant
Time Motivation and Introduction: (10mins)
Align these with the
MYSTERY BAG segment where they
will be introduced.
 Ask students to come and sit down on the community mat (This will be a way
to reference the mat throughout the unit of work to engage students thinking
when doing religious lessons).

Using a mystery bag with the following symbol on the front, engage a
discussion to activate prior knowledge about communities and their purpose.
Mystery bag and

 Include the following questions:

1. What is a community?
2. How does it feel to be a part of a community?
3. How do you become a part of a community?

 Following the small discussion, get students to start thinking about the types
of communities that exist. Firstly, reveal one of the images of from the bag to
provide an example for the students of a type of a community.
“Inside my mystery community bag, I have some images some of the communities
that exist in our society, I’m going to pick one out and let’s see if we can name it”
Images include:
1. An image of the school- Catholic School community.
2. An image of the school’s Church- The Church community.
3. An image of your family- The family community.
4. An image of a sporting club (West Coast Eagles)- Other communities eg.
Sporting clubs.

 Choose an image at random, name the type of community it is and how it is a

community. Eg. An image the of a Church – “This is the Church community,
people come here to meet through mass and sacraments to become closer to

 Get students to think/pair/share what other images might be inside the bag.
Allow 1-2 minutes for them to discuss with their partners.

 Reveal the rest of the images and establish with the students the names of
these communities.
“So, our most common communities are; The Church, Catholic Schools, families
and other communities like sporting/music clubs. Communities work by providing
for people’s needs and meeting together.”

Lesson Steps (Lesson content, structure, strategies & Key Questions):


 Using the images of the communities, get students to now brainstorm the
ways these communities provide for the needs of the people involved. Butchers papers and
 First establish with the students what their brainstorm focus is.

“These communities exist for 2 important reasons: to meet the needs of people
and to meet together. Today we are going to brainstorm how these communities
meet the needs of people. I want you to write key words and draw small pictures.

 Have already prepared butchers’ papers and writing/drawing materials in 4

separate areas around the classroom. Split the class into 4 separate groups
by tapping students on the head and giving them the name of a community.

When students have gathered in their groups, give them the image of their specific
community to promote thinking. Also check their understanding of the brainstorm
topic by using the following questions.

Prompting questions:
1. What does this community do?
2. How might it help the people within the community?
3. What do people get or have from being in this community?

Lesson Closure:(Review lesson objectives with students) (10mins)

 Give students instructions to finish off the last the brainstorms, place the
butcher’s papers on the teacher desk and find a quiet place around the room
for the next activity.

 Students will now create their own special thankyou prayer to God on the Prayer activity sheets
worksheet attached. The prayer will include
1. Saying thank you for the special gift of a type of community they are
involved in.
2. Saying thank you for one way this community meets their needs.

 Collect prayers for marking, however ensure to give them back at the end of
the day to take home and share with their families or keep to themselves.

 To finish the lesson, share with students your thankyou prayer to God:
End of lesson prayer
“Dear Lord, we thank you for the Catholic School community. When we come
to school we are able to learn, make friends and come closer to your
presence every day.”

Transition: (What needs to happen prior to the next lesson?)

Students will now move out to Lunch time,
Assessment: (Were the lesson objectives met? How will they be assessed?)

1st OBJ- Record students names from each group and collect work samples of the
butcher’s papers.

Formal 1.Students 2. Students 3. Students 4. Additional

assessment worked provided included comments
of together various images and
brainstorm effectively a written illustrations of
activity: group. responses how the
about how the community
community meets the
meets the needs of the
needs of the people.


- not demonstrating

- Experimenting

- Demonstrating but not to full extent

-Demonstrating to full extent


Summative assessment of an overall comment based on 2 criteria:

o Student can name a community that are involved in.

o Student can identify and describe how this

community meets at least one of their needs.
Prayer activity sheet:

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