Final Essay 1

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Pollon 1

Andres Pollon Ramos

Jennifer Rodrick

ENGL (115)

October 1, 2018

Social Media Impact on Identities

When people think about technology, it comes to the mind all the modern machines and

social media that everybody use. However, this new progress brings many obstacles that society

must be aware because it could be dangerous. Going in detail, when people use social media there

are several types of problems in which over the past several years, society has viewed it in a

negative way. Social media takes most of a person’s time, there are people who use social media

to extort and finally social media makes a person behave in a different way. Also, social media

helps people to communicate with others. For instance, Gmail is used to send emails also, Gmail

offers the chance to communicate with people that we want to meet. This means that we can contact

professors, jobs, and any events that we would like to attend, Gmail provides the opportunity to

write about what we are looking for and we can put our ideas and details that we wish to write.

There are positive and negative aspects from people’s time when they use social media.

For example, a person that use the time of social media in a positive way can find the social media

as something that is useful, a person can find the way how to communicate with their families in

the foreign especially if the person tries to communicate with their family are too far away from

them. Again, in a negative way can be when people lost their time on looking social media, texting

with other people, looking videos approximately by around 1-4 hours per day, as Sofia Bratu says

in her article “top online activities individuals engage in at least once a day, % of teens who count
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certain platforms as one of the three most common ways they talk with their closest friend, how

often U.S. Internet users unplug, and the impact of technology on relationships, by cell phone,

social media, and online dating status.” “ the three most common ways they talk with their closest

friend, how often U.S. Internet users unplug, and the impact of technology on relationships, by

cell phone, social media, and online dating status.”

There are people prefer waste their time on social media than do something else, there are

people who for being on social media forget events or things are important or personals. In contrast,

people don’t loot at any problem in social media but although there are many things that people

should see in social media, because social media could be danger especially for adolescents. In

other words, in social media people pretend to be someone else only to be able to extort for money

and even to meet with the victim and kidnap the victim so, all the adolescents must be more careful

when they are texting with these people in their social medias. This is relating to the Sharon’s

article when she said, “Their comments related to how cute the children were, and were not

demeaning in any way, and they were sharing with friends, so how could it be wrong? Since then

I have seen examples of colleagues posting derogatory and profane comments regarding their on-

call experiences on their Facebook pages and One example lamented the inability of the medical

profession to keep the female cervix closed in the middle of the night (in language I cannot

repeat).” “Another alluded to repeated Caesarean sections in a 3-hour period and then the birth of

a tiny preterm baby in the early hours of the morning in a named suburb. Imagine if a patient or a

patient's family member read these postings.”

People have differently behaved when they are using their social medias. With this

intention, some people get very angry when they are on the phone watching their social media

because they are interrupted by someone else. This means, these people get angry or upset because
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they are watching videos, photos of friends, or even when they are in a conversation that they feel

is important. To put it another way, other people who spend their time on social media only think

about spending hours and hours texting with their friends or people who sometimes do not know

about and when they have things to do such as throwing out trash or when they have to do the

cleaning they are reluctant and this applies to adolescents in other cases when they broke up any

relationship adolescents get sad other fall into depression and feel so bad that they do not talk to

other friends and also to the rest of the people, they decide to have the behavior of feeling alone

or sometimes just spend time crying on their rooms many people react differently when they are

using social media, some do not do anything they just want to be there on the phone watching their

social media and now this became a routine in people as well as adults to adolescents. This can

refer to the Milena, Garcia, and Luciano article when they say “In recent years, there has been a

huge increase in the number of bots online, varying from Web crawlers for search engines, to

chatbots for online customer service, spambots on social media, and content-editing bots in online

collaboration communities. The online world has turned into an ecosystem of bots. However, our

knowledge of how these automated agents are interacting with each other is rather poor. Bots are

predictable automatons that do not have the capacity for emotions, meaning-making, creativity,

and sociality and it is hence natural to expect interactions between bots to be relatively predictable

and uneventful.”

Social media have been affecting the human beings with their identities after many

generations and will continue to be, because it is part of technology and when we see social

media/technology is going to take an even more important role in our lives and in everyday things

than the human being does today. Moreover, people should be more careful with the use of social

media because as we could see there are negative and positive aspects that I discussed earlier in
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the paragraphs before. In addition, how social media makes people change in the way we behave

or in the way how we react sometimes when we are interrupted if we find ourselves watching

social media we must be careful with adolescents because there is a variety of people in social

media. This means, we must have precaution whit who we are texting in any social media also we

must choose with who we decided to communicate because in many cases people for not check all

this information they get victim from kidnappings, exertions, and other things that are dangerous.

To end with this, people should know how to control their time on social media and be careful

with all the things that all the application of social media contained because we don’t know how

those applications monitor whit all our information that we put on these application those can be

Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and the rest of them we don’t know that they do with all our

information but at this point there are many people that don’t care read the conditions of those

social medias they just download and then enjoy them as something normal and I am this kind of

person but now I am learning a little how to know about all these application.
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Works Cited Page:

Kling, Sharon. “Danger at the Frontier: Social Media and Ethics: Ethics.” Vol. 27, no. 3, 2014, pp.




Investigations, vol. 17, 2018, pp. 130–140.

Tsvetkova, Milena, et al. “Even Good Bots Fight: The Case of Wikipedia.”, vol. 12, no.

2, 2017, p. e0171774.

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