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Name: Ricangela B.

Longa Date: August 7, 2018

Year&Course: IV-BSCS

Assignment No. 8

1.) After reading chapter 6, how would you describe architectural design in your own
words? Create an architectural design for your project and describe or explain the said
architecture. Use architecture in the small for your abstraction.

 Architectural design is the understanding how a system is organized and

design the overall structure of that system. It includes design decision,
architectural views such as logical, process, development, and physical,
architectural pattern that pattern’s the strengths and weaknesses it is either
layered, model view controller or client-server architecture, The last is what
type of application should be used to the system.

 The design decision I made of my project is my no. 2 answer. My

architectural views in my process, before set an appoinment the client needs to
answer the given question like what date, time and procedure he/she want, so
it means that if the client did not answer that appoinment that he want to set
did not process. In my development, since I was individual so it means the
overall sturucture is made by myself. I used sequence activities which is
SDLC in order to finish my project. I will used client-server architecture as
my architectural pattern because functionality of using this is organized into
services, with each service delivered from a separate server. The last is type of
application I will used is the commonly types of interactive business which is
transaction processing application because in this application all the
transaction have to be completed first and it is organized in such a way that
user actions can’t interfere with each other and the integrity of the database is

2.) How does the architectural design affect the non-functional system requirements or

 Architectural design affect the non functional through performance, if my

architectural design does not mean the non-functinal requirements can mean
that the whole system is unusable. For example if my reservation system does
not meet the availability of the schedule, it will not help the dentaderm clinic
to reserve an appointment, that means that my system is unusable.
 Non functional requirements affect the architectural design through
performace, like for example if my architectural view in physical which shows
the system hardware and how software components are distributed across the
processors in the system and does not meet the non-functional requirements
which is security and maintability, my project will certified error.

 I used performance affect, because if architectural design and non functional

does not meet it is impossible to create a usable system.

3.) Compare the MVC, Layered and Client-Server Architecture. Which of the following
did you use for your project? Discuss the advantages of what you selected.

 MVC layered structured into three logical components that interact with each
other. The Model component manages the system data and associated
operations on that data. The View component defines and manages how the
data is presented to the user. The Controller component manages user
interaction (e.g., key presses, mouse clicks, etc.) and passes these interactions
to the View and the Model. While layered, Organizes the system into layers
with related functionality associated with each layer. A layer provides services
to the layer above it so the lowest-level layers represent core services that are
likely to be used throughout the system. And In a client–server architecture,
the functionality of the system is organized into services, with each service
delivered from a separate server. Clients are users of these services and access
servers to make use of them. I will used client server-architecture. The
principal advantage of this model is that servers can be distributed across a
network. General functionality (e.g., a printing service) can be available to all
clients and does not need to be implemented by all services.

4.) Answer the questions on page 151 under Architectural Design Decisions and refer to
your project as the subject of discussion.

a) Is there a generic application architecture that can act as a template for the
system that is being designed?
 Yes, in printing issue prescription they can print it in word or PDF

b) How will the system be distributed across a number of cores or processors?

 I have to know first the Operating System that dentaderm have and the
specification hardware.

c) What architectural patterns or styles might be used?

 Client-server architecture
d) What will be the fundamental approach used to structure the system?
 Incremental approach

e) How will the structural components in the system be decomposed into

 And since my project is not yet done, in breaking a complex problems
in my system, I will have to understand more about the system
hardware and how software components are distributed across the
processors in the system.

f) What strategy will be used to control the operation of the components in the
 To control the operation of the components in my system I will
analyze my architectural design to explicitly at an early stage in the

g) What architectural organization is best for delivering the non-functional

requirements of the system?
 To deliver architectural organization in non functional requirement is
to meet the non functional requirements because an unsuitable
architecture will be disaster on my project if Performance goals will
not be met. Security goals will fall by the wayside. The customer will
grow impatient because the right functionality is not available.

h) How will the architectural design be evaluated?

 To evaluated system architectural design is towhen it is check if they
meet the functional and non functional requirements when in system
testing or do some evaluation by comparing your design against
reference architectures or generic architectural patterns.

i) How should the architecture of the system be documented?

 To document my system I will used this four architectural views which
are logical, process, development, physical.

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