9 Let's, Repetation S1

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1. Anton : Hello, can I speak with Bowo? 1. Toto: Tom, are you sure that we are going
Bowo's Mother : Sorry, I didn't catch you to have a math test next Monday?
said. Can you repeat again, please? Thomas: ...... We’ve finished lesson 5,
Question : The underlined is showing.... haven’t we ?
a. Certainty b. Agreement a. I hope so
c. Repetition d. Hesitation b. I’m sorry to hear that
2. Which the following sentence is asking for c. I agree with you
repetition? d. I’m 100 % certain about it
a. Sorry, I'm not sure. 2. mrs mala: If I do not have certificate
b. Well, That's all right. showing ownership of property for the
c. Sorry, I beg your pardon, sir? guarantee, will the bank lend me some
d. Really? money?
3. Which the following sentence is the respond Mrs puff: I can’t say that for sure
asking for repetition? The underlined sentence is used to
a. Do you understand? express ......
b. What did you say? a. Asking for certainty
c. Ok. Listen it well. b. uncertainty
d. Really? c. Disagreement
4. Sam: “Would you like to go watch a movie d. Suggestion
this weekend? “ 3. sarah: I’m absolutely positive that I pass
Carly: “I can't, I am low on cash right now.” the final test.
____ stay at home and watch TV instead. Nari : I hope so.
a. How about b. Let's From the dialog we know that......
c. What about d. I think a. Sarah is sure to pass the test
5. What shall we do today?_______ we go to the b. Nari will pass the test
library. c. They will have the final test
a. Shall I b. Let's d. Sarah thinks nari should pass the test
c. Why don't d. Would you 4. lisa: the earth is cube
6. Edo: “I have a lot of work to finish; I don't Sasa: .................
know how I will manage. “ a. I’m not sure
Sam: ______________ half of it if you want. b. I’m certain
a. Would you b. I think c. i’m doubt .
c. Why don't d. I will help you with d. I’m sure
7. Aisya: “ I am so thirsty.” 5. Siva: will arnold run for US presiden
Annie: ________get you something to drink? Siva: will arnold run for US presidency
a. How about b. What about this year?
c. Why don't d. Can I Nanya: there’s no question about it.
8. ________ like me to clean your car? From the dialogue we learn that....
a. How about b. Let's a. siva is sure arnold will take part in the
c. Would you d. I think president election.
9. mom : when the price of petrol rises, the price b. Nanya is certain that arnold will take
of all basic commodities follows to rise. It partvin the president election
always happens like this? c. Siva is doubtfull that arnold won’t
Dad : ........... that our income will be sfficient take the part .
if there is no increase in our salary. d. Nanya is curious wheather arnold will
a. I’m sure b. It’s certain tak art in the president election.
b. It’s possible d. I doubt 6. Miss Dina : Do you think that the
10. someone ask you : what time will the concert headmaster will be here at 7.30 tomorrow
end? morning?
If you are certain, you say...... Miss Ati : ....he will. He always gets
a. Perhaps b. No here before 7.
c. I’m not sure d. I doubt a. I doubt c. I'm sure
b. I'm afraid d. I can't stay

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