Ulangan RPL

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software is: (1)instructions (computer programs) that when executed provide desired
features, function, and performance; (2) data structures that enable the programs to add
equately manipulate information, and (3) descriptive information in both hard copy and
virtual forms that describes the operation and use of the programs'
software Engineering:(i; The application of a systematic, disciplined, quantifiable approach
to the development, operation, and maintenance of software; that is, the application of
engineering to software. (2)The study of approaches as in (t).

Communication. Before any technical work can commence, it is critically important to
communicate and collaboratewith the customer (andother stakeholders). The intent is to
understandstakeholders,objectivesfor the project and to gatherrequirementsthat help
definesoftware featuresand functions.
Planning. Any complicated journey can be simplified if a map exists. A software project is a
complicated journey, and the planning activity createsa "map" that helps guide the team as
it makes the journey. The map called a software project plan-defines the software
engineering work by describing the technical tasks to be conducted,the risks that are likely,
the resources that will be required,the work products to be produced, and a work schedule.
Modeling. whether you're a landscaper,a bridge builder,an aeronautical engineer,a
carpenter,or an architect, you work with models every day.you create a "sketch"of the thing
so that you'll understandthe big picture-what lt will look like architecturally,how the
constituent parts fit together,and many other characteristics.If required, you refine the
sketchinto greaterand greaterdetail in an effort to better understandthe problem and how
you’re going to solve it. A software engineerdoes the same thing by creatingmodels to
better understandsoftware requirementsand the designthat will achievethose
Construction. This activity combines code generation (either manual or automated)and the
testing that is requiredto uncover errors in the code.
Deployment. The software (asa complete entity or as a partially completed increment) is
deliveredto the customer who evaluates the delivered product and provides feedback based
on the evaluation
we already have a book that's fuLl of standard sand procedures for building software. Won't
that provide my people with everythinngs they need to know?
If we get behind schedule,we can add more programmers and catch up (sometimes called
the"Mongolian horde" concept
If I decide to out source the software project to a third party,I can just relax and let that
form build it.
A general statement of obiectives is sufficient to begin writing programs-we can fill in the
details later.
software requirements continually change, but change can be easily accommodated
because software isflexible
Once we write the program and get it to work, our job is done.
Until I get the program "running" I have no way of assessing its qualilty
The only deliverable work product for a successful project is the working program.
software engineering will make us create voluminous and unnecessary documentation and
will invariably slow us down.

The requirements themselves are the descriptions of the system services and constraints
that are generated during the requirements engineering process.
• Describe functionality or system services.
• Depend on the type of software, expected users and the type of system where the
software is used.
• Functional user requirements may be high-level statements of what the system
should do.
• Functional system requirements should describe the system services in detail.
 These define system properties and constraints e.g. reliability, response time and
storage requirements. Constraints are I/O device capability, system representations,
 Process requirements may also be specified mandating a particular IDE,
programming language or development method.
 Non-functional requirements may be more critical than functional requirements. If
these are not met, the system may be useless.
The system’s operational domain imposes requirements on the system.
For example, a train control system has to take into account the braking
characteristics in different weather conditions.
Domain requirements be new functional requirements, constraints on existing requirements
or define specific computations.
If domain requirements are not satisfied, the system may be unworkable.

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