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CME Questions for European Urology Supplements Volume 17

(2018) pp. 80–125

CME questions
All CME articles can be read and answered for CME credit 4. What information can be obtained by performing a
at tensile tissue test?
A. Stress-strain curve.
1. The following structures provide support to the B. Tissue stretch (l).
pelvic floor, except: C. Stiffness.
A. Sigmoid colon. D. All of the above.
B. Uterosacral ligaments. 5. Pelvic floor disorders are characterized by weaken-
C. Levator ani muscles. ing of the pelvic floor support which is directly
D. Vagina wall. related to the biomechanical properties of the
2. Biomechanics is a field of science that applies tissues. Which statement is not correct?
classical engineering techniques to understand the A. Parity does not affect the passive biomechanical
function of biological tissues. Regarding biomechan- properties any of the pelvic floor supportive tissues.
ics which statement is not correct? B. With age the ligaments and the vaginal tissues
A. Biomechanical tools are important to help to compare become more rigid.
and contrast how pelvic floor tissues change as a C. Anterior vaginal wall tissues of women with pelvic
function of risk factors and disease states. organ prolapse are more rigid and stiff than those
B. Active and passive biomechanical tissue from women without prolapse.
properties can be measured using well character- D. The anterior vaginal wall mucosa of women with
ized ex vivo destructive techniques or new in vivo pelvic organ prolapse is less compliant than in
methods. women without prolapse.
C. Only passive biomechanical properties are impor- 6. To confirm the diagnosis of pelvic organ prolapse a
tant to understand the behavior of pelvic floor standardized method to measure the biomechanical
support tissues. properties of the pelvic floor support tissues can be
D. Passive biomechanical properties determine the used. Which of the following methods can be used?
ability of the tissue to transmit loads or resist A. Uniaxial tensile test.
deformations without generating external forces. B. The vaginal tactile imaging device.
3. Which of the following statements about mechanical C. Tripod-mounted computer-controlled linear ser-
properties is not correct? voactuator.
A. The mechanical properties of a tissue can be D. None of the above.
obtained from the stress-strain curve after perform- 7. Urodynamics definitions: which statement is
ing an ex vivo uniaxial tensile test. correct?
B. Structural and mechanical properties of a tissue are A. Urodynamics are noninvasive tests and measure-
always the same. ments that can be used to study the (dys)functions
C. The mechanical properties normalize to of the lower urinary tract.
individual specimen dimensions, so they are B. Bladder compliance is defined as the change in
sensitive to the location and the size of the tissue bladder pressure per unit change in volume.
biopsy. C. Underactive bladder is difficult to define, but
D. To accurately calculate the mechanical properties, detrusor underactivity is the urodynamic finding
the tissues need to have sufficient aspect ratio of an impaired bladder contraction, resulting in
(length/width). prolonged or incomplete bladder emptying.

D. Overactive bladder syndrome is defined as an B. Using cut-offs for maximum flow rate and detrusor
increased daytime micturition frequency with or pressure at maximum flow rate, and the use of
without nocturia, usually accompanied by urinary video-urodynamics, have a good concordance in the
urgency and urgency urinary incontinence. diagnosis of bladder outlet obstruction in women.
8. Urodynamics technique: which statement is correct? C. In women there is a very strong correlation between
A. The intraabdominal pressure is usually measured symptoms of overactive bladder and detrusor
with a fully liquid-filled closed balloon catheter in overactivity.
the rectum. D. You can safely classify a woman with a
B. The urodynamic pressure transducers should be mean urethral closure pressure of 10 cmH2O and
zero’d after closing the circuit (ie, zero’d to the an abdominal leak point pressure of 30 cmH2O to
intravesical pressure). have very severe stress urinary incontinence. The
C. During filling cystometry, the bladder can be filled success rate of any surgical intervention for her
with saline, contrast, air, or urine (in ambulatory stress incontinence is therefore very low.
urodynamics). 12. Urodynamics overall: which statement is correct?
D. In practice, the filling rate during conventional A. As ambulatory urodynamics are performed with
cystometry is usually in the nonphysiological natural bladder filling and during a patient’s normal
range. activity, they have better reproducibility and are
9. Urodynamics indications: which statement is correct? easier interpretable than conventional urody-
A. In a 23-yr-old woman with unexplained urinary namics.
retention, video-urodynamics are indicated prior to B. The mean urethral closure pressure is determined
proceeding to further interventions. on urethral pressure profilometry while the patient
B. In a 33-yr-old woman with overactive bladder is performing a pelvic squeeze to stop urine from
symptoms resistant to conservative interventions leaking during cough or Valsalva.
and medical therapy, urodynamics can be limited to C. Abdominal and detrusor leak point pressures can
a filling cystometry. only be determined if urine leaks during cough or
C. In a 43-yr-old woman with stress urinary inconti- Valsalva.
nence and recurrent urinary tract infections, surgi- D. Several nomograms exist for uroflowmetry: Siroky,
cal intervention can safely be planned without Bristol, and Liverpool. The Liverpool nomogram is
performing urodynamics if conservative interven- specifically designed to evaluate flow studies in
tions fail to improve her symptoms. women.
D. In a 53-yr-old woman with pelvic organ prolapse 13. The integral theory of pelvic floor function states
and stress urinary incontinence, urodynamics are that pelvic organ prolapse, chronic pelvic pain as
not indicated prior to prolapse surgery. well as
10. Urodynamics interpretation: which statement is A. Pelvic organ prolapse and chronic pelvic pain are
wrong? caused by lax suspensory ligaments.
A. Filling cystometry in a spina bifida patient shows a B. Bladder and bowel dysfunction are caused by
reduction in bladder compliance with a detrusor increased ligament stiffness.
leak point pressure of 15 cmH2O and no vesico- C. Four oppositely acting forces are responsible for
ureteric reflux. She can therefore be considered safe normal pelvic floor support aned functipon.
from upper tract deterioration. D. Replacement of stiff ligaments can cure bladder
B. A woman with pure stress urinary incontinence, dysfunction.
urethral hypermobility, a mean urethral closure 14. Which statement regarding the integral theory is
pressure of 42 cmH2O and an abdominal leak point correct?
pressure of 97 cmH2O most likely does not suffer A. Application of the integral theory led to the
from intrinsic sphincter deficiency. development of the mid-urethral sling (tension-free
C. A woman with a low (5 cmH2O) detrusor pressure vaginal tape).
during voiding, a normal flow rate (18 ml/s) and a B. The application of the integral theory does involve
postvoid residual of 30 ml can be diagnosed with the use of vaginal mesh repair.
detrusor underactivity. C. Hysterectomy remains a part of the integral theory
D. Detrusor overactivity found on ambulatory urody- approach to prolapse repair.
namics in a woman with pure stress urinary D. Using tension-free vaginal tape and an anterior
incontinence does not always require treatment. mesh together is an appll,ication of the integral
11. Urodynamics recommendations: which statement is theory.
correct? 15. The integral theory of pelvic floor function views a
A. Every female patient attending an invasive urody- ligament-based arch as the anatomical system that
namic investigation should be provided with supports the function of the pelvic floor in women.
prophylactic antibiotics, as the risk of a symptom- The anatomical cornerstone of this arch is
atic urinary tract infection after the test is close A. The posterior upper dome of the vagina.
to 5%. B. The uterus.

C. The posterior sacral attachment of the rectum. B. Transobturator sling – 4.5%.

D. The pubo-vesical ligamnets in females. C. Retropubic sling – 1.8%.
16. According to the integral theory five main pelvic D. Burch procedure – 4.8%.
ligaments can be repaired. Which of the following is 24. Which statement regarding the cure and compli-
not among those? cation rates of different tape procedures is not
A. Arcus tendinous fascia pelvis. correct?
B. Cardinal ligament. A. The subjective cure rate of the retropubic mid-
C. Uterosacral ligament. urethral sling is not statistically better than that of
D. Sacrospinous ligament. the transobturatoric sling.
17. Which statement about the ‘‘tethered vagina syn- B. The retropubic mid-urethral sling has higher objec-
drome’’ is not correct? tive cure rates than the transobturator sling.
A. Scarring of the bladder neck area of the upper vagina C. With the transobturator approach, the outside-in
leads to increased forward forces that open the technique has fewer vaginal injuries than the inside-
urethra instead of closing them. out technique.
B. It occurs in women after successful repair of D. The retropubic mid-urethral sling has a higher rate
vescovaginal fistula. of bladder injuries than the transobturator sling.
C. Release of the scarred surroundings of the urethra 25. The lifetime risk of a woman needing an operation
can lead to cure. for prolapse by the age of 80 is less than
D. Symptoms are urethral and fecal incontinence. A. 20%.
18. Which is the most important risk factor for B. 30%.
developing pelvic organ prolapse or urinary stress C. 40%.
incontinence in women? D. 50%.
A. BMI > 30. 26. Regarding the statement that the ‘‘use of a polypro-
B. Having undergone pelvic surgery. pylene mesh for anterior compartment prolapse
C. Vaginal delivery. is associated with a significant reduction in
D. Heavy lifting and strenuous activities. objective and subjective prolapse’’, which answer
19. Damage to the levator ani muscle will lead to: is correct?
A. Widening of the levator hiatus. A. The statement is correct.
B. Loss and dysfunction of the arcus tendinous fascia B. The statement is not correct.
pelvis. C. This depends entirely on the case.
C. Fibrotic changes reducing the levator hiatus in size. D. Meshes should no longer be used.
D. Compensatory mechanisms that prevent prolapse 27. What is the average rate of mesh exposure (arrosion)
over time. with polypropylene meshes for anterior prolapse
20. Which investigations should be performed prior to repair?
surgical procedure of treating SUI? A. 2%.
A. History. B. 5%.
B. Micturition diary. C. 11%.
C. Pad test combined with postvoid residual. D. 15%.
D. All of the above. 28. What is roughly the success rate of vaginal oblitera-
21. Which statement regarding the differences between tive procedures or colpocleisis?
the retropubic mid-urethral sling (MUS) and the A. 90–100%.
transobturator tape (TOT) is not correct? B. 80–90%.
A. The subjective and overall cure rates between MUS C. 70–80%.
and TOT show no statistically significant differences. D. 60–70%.
B. Objective cure rates are higher with the MUS in 29. What is the approximate incidence of de novo stress
comparison with those of the TOT. incontinence following prolapse surgery?
C. Retropubic MUS has a higher rate of bladder injuries. A. 10%.
D. Retreatment rates are higher with the retropubic MUS. B. 20%.
22. What is the main reason for developing stress C. 30%.
urinary incontinence? D. 40%.
A. Loss of smooth muscle in the bladder neck. 30. Which if the following procedures in the manage-
B. Hormonal changes of pregnancy. ment of vault prolapse has the best outcomes with
C. Laxity or looseness of connective tissue supporting low rates of recurrence?
the sphincteric mechanism. A. Uterosacral fixation.
D. Vaginal deliveries. B. Sacrospinous fixation.
23. Which statement about the average retreatment C. Sacrocolpopexy.
rates for different types of surgery for stress urinary D. McCall Culdoplasty.
incontinence is not correct?
A. Autologous sling – 2.6%.

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