Re Lesson Plan B

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Unit of work: I can Talk to God Salvation topic: Prayer Human person Topic:
The promise of Christian
Year Level: Pre- Primary Students’ Prior Knowledge: (include faith
situations/previous lessons/Units)
Key Understanding: Students have identified ways of communication.
B2 Jesus came to help people communicate in loving
ways Come together in time of prayer.

Learning Point(s): Know Jesus teaches us to become better people.

B2.1 Names ways people communicate love to

Spiritual and Religious Capabilities (that may potentially be covered in the lesson)
Spiritual Capability: Children become mindful of people around them and how their actions affect
others. Children become mindful of other in their actions.
Religious Capability: Children are developing ideas and questions about Jesus and God. students
become aware of God love for everyone. Develops a sense of community in children.- Christian
Prudence Justice Fortitude Temperance Faith Hope Charity
eg Right eg Right eg Inner eg Moderation eg Prayer eg eg Service
choices relationships strength Reconciliation

General Capabilities (that may potentially be covered in the lesson)

Religious capabilities: Children are developing ideas and questions about Jesus and God
Spiritual Capabilities: Children become mindful of people around them and how their actions affect others.

Literacy Numeracy ICT Critical and Ethical Personal and Intercultural

competence creative behaviour Social understandin
thinking competence g

Cross-curriculum priorities (may be addressed in the lesson)

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Asia and Australia’s Sustainability
Islander histories and cultures engagement with Asia
Lesson Objectives (i.e. anticipated outcomes of this lesson, in point form beginning with an action
As a result of this lesson, students will be able to:
· Students will be able to identify ways to show love towards another person.
· Students will be able to reflect how love was used in the Godly Play story.
· Students will be able to draw a way love can be shown to someone.
Teacher’s Prior Preparation/Organization: Provision for students at educational risk:
(include Teacher Witness) Gifted: These children have been extended in
· Good Shepherd figure, 5 sheep their literacy skills. Through the activity of making
· Green felt underlay to create story on; paddle the love dust the students will get the opportunity
pop sticks or brown felt strips to make to read some words such as the title, or a simple
sheepfold; patch of light blue felt to make step.
water; patches of dark brown felt to make
rocks and places of danger
· Bible ADHD child: Need structure and routine. Through
· White sand the lesson this child will need familiarization with
· Glitter educators and education assistance. The change
· Small plastic containers of stations needs to be consistent with each change over.
Routines: The teachers will play the Butterfly
song signaling the end of each activity. This is a
regular routine in the classroom to change
This child will be in regular group.
The teacher will tell the whole class what they
are doing in the lesson at the start so the child
can know what is coming through the lesson.
LESSON DELIVERY attach worksheets, examples, marking keys, etc. as relevant

Time Motivation and Introduction:
The students will come down to the mat in a semi-circle. Align these with
10min The teacher will start the Godly Play: The Good Shepherd. (John 10:3-5,14) the segment
where they will be
- Religious Capability: Children are developing ideas and introduced.
questions about Jesus and God.
Good Shepherd
When the children are settled, go to the shelf and carry the materials as you figure, 5 sheep
would the Bible. Place these beside you. Begin by saying: (see RE Online
Let’s tell a story together. We have some things here which will help us for 2D masters)
to tell the story.
Green felt
Roll out the green underlay and say: underlay to create
I wonder what this could be? Allow a few responses before saying: It’s story on; paddle
very green and soft, it could be grass. Let’s see what else we have. pop sticks or
brown felt strips to
Place the light blue felt patch and say: make sheepfold;
This is a lovely cool place. It’s very blue. I wonder what it could be?
patch of light blue
Allow a few responses before saying: felt to make
It could be water, nice cool water. water; patches of
dark brown felt to
Place the dark brown felt pieces to create rocky areas and places of danger. make rocks and
As you create them say: places of danger
We also have some dark places in our story. It’s very dark in these
places. It could be dangerous. Maybe they are rocky areas. Let’s see Bible
what else we have to make our story.

Take out the paddle pop sticks or felt strips and create a sheepfold.
We have a special place that is very safe. It has strong fences and a
gate to go inside and outside. I wonder who lives here? Allow a few
responses before continuing.

Take out the sheep and place in the sheepfold and continue…
Hmm… sheep. If sheep live here in this special place it must be a
sheepfold. A sheepfold is a safe place for sheep to be. I think we are
ready to tell the story now, let’s begin.

Lots of people wanted to be near Jesus. They followed him and listened
to everything he said. They wondered who he was. He was different
from anybody they had ever met.

Take out the Good Shepherd figure, hold it up and say:

Once when he wanted to tell them who he was, Jesus said: ‘I am the
Good Shepherd’.

Move the Good Shepherd next to the sheepfold. Touch each of the sheep as
you say:
The shepherd loves his sheep, and knows each one by its name.

Move the Good Shepherd to a space on the grass outside the sheepfold.
The sheep know his voice and come when he calls.
They follow him wherever he goes.
Move each of the sheep from inside the sheepfold to a space near the Good
Move the Good Shepherd to another place on the green grass. Move the
sheep one by one to follow him.
During the daytime, he takes them out and goes with them. They would
not follow a stranger.

Move the Good Shepherd and the sheep next to the water. Place the sheep
around the water as if they were drinking.
He takes them to beautiful places with green grass, cool water and
good things to eat. They are happy.

Move the Good Shepherd and the sheep near to the rocky places and say:
The Good Shepherd goes ahead of his sheep and protects them.

Slide the Good Shepherd through the rocks to safety. Then move the sheep
one by one through the places of danger and back to the shepherd.
Move the Good Shepherd along with the sheep following until you get back
to the sheepfold. Move the sheep one by one back into the sheepfold and
close the gate.
At night he leads them back to a special place called the sheepfold
where they are safe.

Pause quietly for a moment, and then begin to wonder together.

Wonder Questions:
· how the shepherd knows one sheep from the other?
· how the sheep know who their shepherd is?
· why they don’t follow a stranger?
· what the sheepfold is like?
· How the sheep feel when they are with their own shepherd?
· how the sheep would feel if the shepherd wasn’t there?
· why the shepherd takes good care of his sheep?
· who the Good Shepherd is like?
· who the sheep are like?
· who looks after and protects us.

Carefully pack story materials into storage box and put on shelf. Ensure that
children are watching so they know how to pack the materials away and
where to find them.

God Loves each of us and knows each of us.

That God teaches us to love, as we can love others.

5min Lesson Steps (Lesson content, structure, strategies & Key Questions):

1. In the story we saw how the good shepherd loves all his sheep. Who
does this remind you of – God.
· Should we also love one another?
· How do we do that?
· What if someone is sad or angry should we still love them? Why?
2. The teacher will direct the students to the prayer table. The table will
hold a large A2 size love heart. Emphasizing how we should love one

Look at the love heart.

How can we show our love to someone?
How do we show our love to God? – prayer.
Spread love how do we spread love?
3. The teacher will explain the activities.

Today we are going to be making a card for someone we love. And we

are going to make some Love Dust.

Activity 1: Drawing with Teachers assistant

1. The students will need to draw a way they can show their love for
another in an action for example: give someone a hug, say nice
things, include everyone.

2. Students will be able to use the stationary and craft table to color,
draw with the materials supplied.

3. The students drawing will be pinned up on the board with the

Activity 3: Love Dusk/ with Teacher

1. The students will make their own love dust. The love dust if for
10min spreading love around them.

White sand
Small plastic containers

1. Pick a plastic container
2. Pick three glitter colors
3. Collect 3 spoonsful of white sand and pour into plastic container
4. Pour glitter into containers
5. Shake with lid.
6. Sprinkle some love dust in the wind to spread love.

2. The teacher will have a laminated copy of the love dust procedure
displayed in the middle of the group, with copies -one between two.
The teachers will use one copy to go through the procedure pointing
to each word and step at a time.
3. The teacher will ask one child at a time to collect the glitter they want
and the white sand.

4. The students will then be able to collect their clear plastic container.

5. The teachers will read the first instruction and demonstrate pouring
the glitter and sand in the container. The teacher will only go on after
each child has done the step they are at.

6. Teacher will make key points:

- Love can be spread through many different ways.
- Treating everyone the same is important for our relationship
with God and to receive Gods love.

7. The student will need to make a label for the Love Dust. The label will
start with “We spread love by…… “
The students will then need to write a word to say how they can
spread love.
Possible answers could say:
- By caring
- Hugging
- Kiss

8. Before moving to the next activity, the teachers will ask the students:
How they can spread love?
How can they let people know they love them?

- Spiritual capabilities: Children become mindful of

people around them and how their actions affect

Lesson Closure: (Review lesson objectives with students)

10min 1. The teacher will ask the students

· How can we act in loving ways to others?

2. The teacher will discuss how some actions and behaviors can hurt
others, even if it wasn’t meant.

Such as:
· Talking behind someone’s back. —the teacher will
demonstrate this by starting a game of Chinese Whispers.
· Frowning at people
· Yelling
· Not using manners
· Our body language: if we cross our arms.

Chinese whispers: The teacher will start by saying one thing to one of the
students, the student will then need to pass it on to the next student. At the
end the student at the end will say what they heard. If it had changed the
teacher will point out how sometimes people don’t say nice things about
others to other people, and it becomes very hurtful for the person you talk

3. So when we speak of other people should we say nice things or

mean things?
- Spiritual capability: Children become mindful of other
in their actions.
- Religious capability: students become aware of God
love for everyone. Develops a sense of community in
children.- Christian community
Jesus teaches us to love. Let’s sing I love you Jesus.

Transition: (What needs to happen prior to the next lesson?)

The teacher will ask the students to get their hats ready for morning play.

Assessment: (Were the lesson objectives met? How will they be


The teacher will use a checklist and antidotal notes to record answers of
wondering Questions. The teacher’s assistance will also use this method of
assessment at their station writing questions the students asked the teachers
and explanations to questions. The teacher and teacher’s assistant will
combine the assessments together at the end of the lesson.
Assessment: Prayer Lesson (B)
Date: 30/09/18
Assessor: Miss Stock
· Students will be able to identify ways to show love towards another person.
· Students will be able to reflect how love was used in the Godly Play story.
· Students will be able to draw a way love can be shown to someone.

Students Objective 1: Identify Objective 2: Reflect Objective 3: Comments:

ways to show love how love was used Draw a way love can
towards another in the Godly Play be shown to
person. story. someone.
Godly Play: Pieces
Love Dust Procedure

White sand
Small plastic containers

1.Pick a plastic container
2.Pick three glitter colors
3.Collect 3 spoonsful of white sand and pour into plastic
4.Pour glitter into containers
5.Shake with lid.
6.Sprinkle some love dust in the wind to spread love.
Love heart label templates

We can spread love by: We can spread love by:


We can spread love by: We can spread love by:


We can spread love by:

We can spread love by:

We can spread love by: We can spread love by:

………………………………………….. …………………………………………..

We can spread love by: We can spread love by:


We can spread love by: We can spread love by:

………………………………………….. …………………………………………..

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