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Unit of work: I can Talk to God Salvation topic: Prayer Human person Topic:
Christian response

Year Level: Pre-Primary Students’ Prior Knowledge: (include faith

situations/previous lessons/Units)
Key Understanding:
C1 Through prayer Christians communicate with God Students have participated in prayer.

Learning Point(s): Students have participated in wondering

• C1.1 Demonstrates a way people can questions about the Christian message and the
communicate with God. spread of Gods love.

Spiritual and Religious Capabilities (that may potentially be covered in the lesson)

Prudence Justice Fortitude Temperance Faith Hope Charity

eg Right choices eg Right eg Inner strength eg Moderation eg Prayer eg Reconciliation eg Service

General Capabilities (that may potentially be covered in the lesson)

Religious Capability: Teaching the students about pray through children’s literature. Building Faith
through school culture. Godly Play brings children together through story time. The story emphasizes the
importance of prayer.

Spiritual Capability: Children are connecting with their senses through pray. The stones allow students
to direct their thoughts of prayer through their sense of touch
Literacy Numeracy ICT Critical and Ethical Personal and Intercultural
competence creative behaviour Social understanding
thinking competence

Cross-curriculum priorities (may be addressed in the lesson)

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia Sustainability
histories and cultures

Lesson Objectives (i.e. anticipated outcomes of this lesson, in point form beginning with an action verb)
As a result of this lesson, students will be able to:
· Students will be able to make thinking stones for prayer time.
· Students are able to identify reasons why people can talk to God.
· Students are able to identify different ways people talk to God, by making a telephone.
Teacher’s Prior Preparation/Organisation: Provision for students at educational risk:
Choose One from:
(include Teacher Witness) • Gifted
· Children’s Lietrature: What Happens When I • Sensory impaired
Talk To God by Stormie Omatian • Learning difficulty
· Lesson Assessments
· Stones Choose One from:
· Glue • Intellectual disability
· Glitter • Physical disability
· Paint
· News paper
· Pens/pencils/texters/crayon
· Cardboard
· Paper
· Bible
· Godly Play material:
· Jesus
· Followers x5
· Green felt material
· Soft music
LESSON DELIVERY attach worksheets, examples, marking keys, etc. as relevant

Motivation and Introduction: Resources/References
1. The student’s will come to the mat in a circle. In the middle Align these with the segment
10min of the circle the teacher will place one hula hoop. where they will be introduced.
2. The teacher will have 10 cards showing different emotions.
The teacher will ask the class what could they talk to God
3. When children answer the teacher will give them a picture
and get the child to place the picture in the hula hoop.
4. Once all the pictures have been placed inside the hula
hoop the teacher will emphasises that we talk to God for
lots of different reasons.

As the teacher points to each emotion,

We talk to him when we are…
· sad…
· happy
· angry
· afraid
· guilty
· sorry
· excited
· loved
· jealous
How do we talk to God?

Let’s read What Happens When I Talk To God by Stormie

Omatian, to get some ideas.

5. The teacher will bring our the Book: What Happens When I
Talk To God by Stormie Omatian and start reading.

· Religious Capability: Teaching the students about

pray through children’s literature. Building Faith
through school culture.
What is it called when we talk to God? Prayer
6. The teacher will go around the group and ask each child
why someone would talk to God?
The teacher will use the checklist to see if students

We can talk to God about anything and anywhere in a

number of ways.
Can we talk to God in our minds.
Can we talk to god when we speak or sings a song.

Today we are going to make some tools to help us speak

with God.

Lesson Steps (Lesson content, structure, strategies & Key

The lesson will aim to demonstrate the importance of prayer to
communicate with God.
Card board
1. The teacher will demonstrate and explain each activity Crayons
before sending the students off. Pencils

15min Station 1: Telephone

1. The teachers will display communication technologies on

the smart board. For example telephone, computer, email,
mobile, text messages etc.

2. The teachers will ask the class what they are used for?
Possible response: to talk to people “communication”
3. The teacher will emphasize how these technologies make it
easy for people to communicate with each other.
4. The teachers will ask:
But How do we communicate to God?

5. The teacher will explain the activity.

Today we are going to make our own Heaven Mobile. This
mobile will be used to be able to talk to God.

Students will be able to make a telephone for a direct link to speak

with God.

Station 2: Decorate a Prayer Stone
· Spiritual Capability: Children are connecting with Stones
their senses through pray. The stones allow Glue
students to direct their thoughts of prayer through Glitter
their sense of touch. Paint
1. Students will decorate a stone that will be used when the News paper
students are praying. Students can take their stone and use Pens/pencils/texters/crayon
it as an object to look at or hold to direct their thoughts.

2. The teacher will explain this can be used for a time when
we are silent and speaking to God in our minds.

You can hold your stone when you want to speak with God
in your mind, run your hands over your stone, think of how
it makes you feel.
3. Students will decorate one side with paint, crayon and/or
glitter of their choice and write their name on the other with

Lesson Closure:(Review lesson objectives with students)

The teacher will bring all the students back to the mat after
cleaning up each station.
The teacher will ask the class Followers x5
· What we can use the stones for?
Green felt material
The teachers will ask the class to hold their stone with two hand
while listening to the Godly play. Soft music
Godly Play:
· Religious Capability: Godly Play brings children
together through story time. The story emphasizes the
importance of prayer.

1. The teacher will begin the Godly Play: Jesus Teaches

about Prayer (Matthew 6:5-14)

Children are seated in a semi-circle ready to listen to the story.

When the children are settled, go to the shelf and carry the
materials as you would the Bible. Place these beside you.

This story comes from our special book, the bible, so we

know it well tell us something about God. It will tell us
something about how we should love one another.

When we are in our prayer place we can talk to God and we

can listen to God too. Our prayer place is a special space
we can be with God. I wonder if you know other special
places to be with God…

Encourage a variety of responses.

Let me now tell you a story.

Unfold the green felt material out on the floor.
This is soft, green grass.

Turn on the soft rain forest music down low.

This is a quiet open area, where you can hear the birds
whistling and the trees leaves with the soft wind.

Point to the setting created.

This is a safe place.
Bring out Jesus and his followers over the grass.
Jesus tells his followers how to pray.

Move Jesus away from the others.

When you pray, go into your room where no one can see

Then pray to the Lord, who cannot be seen, but can see

Bring out clothes, materialistic objects and place out in the

middle of the circle.
When you pray don’t pray for meaningless things, be
thoughtful, loving and mindful in your prays, and you will
be rewarded.

Know your God knows the things you need before you ask

So when you pray, pray like this:

Hold each other’s hands,and join in if you feel comfortable to.

‘Our Father in heaven,
we pray that your name will always be kept holy.
We pray that your kingdom will come.
We pray that what you want will be done,
here on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us the food we need for each day.
Forgive the sins we have done,
just as we have forgiven those who did wrong to us.
And do not cause us to be tested;
but save us from the Evil One.’
[The kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours forever.

Forgive others for the things they do wrong, then your

Father in heaven will also forgive you for the things you do

2. Let the students ponder questions, let them answer openly

of they feel comfortable to.

3. I wonder;
I wonder why Jesus would teach people how to pray?
I wonder why forgiveness is important?
I wonder what other people’s special place would look like?
I wonder if why Jesus followers wanted to know how to pray?

4. The teacher will slowly pack away the Godly play carefully
and ask a students to place the Godly play box back on the

Transition: (What needs to happen prior to the next lesson?)

The teachers will ask the students to slowly come up to the front
and place their stones in the basket. They will then need to wash
their hands and line up at the door with their hats ready for morning

Assessment: (Were the lesson objectives met? How will they be

The teacher will use a checklist and antidotal notes to record answers of
wondering Questions. The teachers assistance will also use this method
of assessment at their station writing questions the students asked the
teachers and explanations to questions. The teacher and teacher’s
assistant will combine the assessments together at the end of the lesson.

Assessment: Prayer Lesson C: Communicate with God

Date: 30/09/18
Assessor: Miss Stock
· Objective 1: Students are able to describe, use and make their own thinking stone for prayer.
· Objective 2: Students are able to identify one reason why people speak with God.
· Objective3: Students will make a telephone, to demonstrate one way of talking to God.

Students Objective 1: Objective 2: Objective3: Comments:

Students are able Students are able Students will make
to describe, use to identify one a telephone, to
and make their own reason why people demonstrate one
thinking stone for speak with God. way of talking to
prayer. God.
Godly play resources:


Telephone: Number Templates.

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