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Malta Maritime Authority
Merchant Shipping Directorate
Maritime House, Lascaris Wharf
Valletta VLT 01 MALTA


1 SOLAS 74
1.1 Periodical hydrostatic pressure testing of CO2 bottles for fixed fire-
extinguishing installations (Superceded by 1.17)
1.2 Closing and securing of bow, side, stern door and ramps
1.3 Immersion Suits and Thermal Protective Aids
1.4 SOLAS 1974, as amended Chapter II-2 Regulation 6.2
Spare Charges (Superceded by 1.17)
1.5 Annual dry-docking of passenger ships
1.6 Fire-extinguishing arrangement for paint lockers and flammable
liquid lockers
1.7 Passenger ships – SOLAS 92 Amendments (Deleted)
1.8 Provisional Radio Station Licence/Issuance of Conditional Cargo
Ship Safety Radio Certificate
1.9 Spare charges for Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus
(Superceded by 1.17)
1.10 Radio Direction Finder (Superceded by 1.10.1)
1.10.1 Radio Direction Finder (Rev. 1)
1.11 Periodic Servicing of Launching Appliances and On-Load
Releasing Gear (Superceded by 1.11.1)
1.11.1 Periodic Servicing of Launching Appliances and On-Load
Releasing Gear (Rev. 1)
1.12 General Requirements for Lifejackets on Dynamically Supported
Craft (Deleted)
1.13 GMDSS Personnel onboard Malta Flagged Vessels (Superseded
by 1.13.1)
1.13.1 GMDSS Personnel onboard Malta Flagged Vessels (Rev. 1)
1.14 Emergency Escape Breathing Devices (EEBDs)
1.15 Carriage requirements for GPS receivers
1.16 Fire and Abandon Ship Drills
1.17 Fire Protection Systems and Appliances, and Compressed Gas
1.18 Fire Control Plans – Graphical Symbols
1.19 Immersion Suits
Malta Maritime Authority
Merchant Shipping Directorate
Maritime House, Lascaris Wharf
Valletta VLT 01 MALTA
1.20 Electroni Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS)
and Back-Up Arrangements

2 MARPOL 73/78
2.1 Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan (SOPEP) and
International Oil Pollution Prevention (IOPP) Certificate (Deleted)

3.1 Multiple Load Line Certificates

4 ITC 69
4.1 Certificate of Survey and International Tonnage Certificate (1969)
4.2 Certificate of Survey and International Tonnage Certificate (1969)

5.1 Statutory Certificates
5.2 Notification of Withdrawal of Class
5.3 Survey Status Report
5.4 Change of Flag Procedures
5.5 Approval of Grain Loading Booklet, Shipboard Oil Pollution
Emergency Plan (SOPEP) and Cargo Securing Manual (CSM)
5.6 ISM Audits (Revoked by 5.10)
5.7 Harmonised System of Survey and Certificaton – SOLAS
Certification for Cargo Ships
5.8 Cargo Gear Surveys
5.9 ISM Certificates
5.10 Attendance during Surveys, Audits and Verifications held in Malta


6.1 Dynamically Supported Craft – General requirements for
Malta Maritime Authority
Merchant Shipping Directorate
Maritime House, Lascaris Wharf
Valletta VLT 01 MALTA

Immersion Suits and

Thermal Protective Aids

Date Issued 30 November 1994 Section 1

Revision No. - Item 1.3

Date Revised - Page 1 of 1

SOLAS 74 as amended in 1983 Chapter III Regulation 27.3

With respect to the application of Regulation 27.3.2 to existing ships by 1 July 1991
please be guided by the following which are the requirements of this Administration
in respect of Malta Flagged Ships.
Unless the ship is equipped in accordance with Regulations or
then the following applies.
aa) The provision of only three immersion suits, with the complement of
persons not provided with immersion suits being provided with
thermal protective aids, will be acceptable for voyages bound by:
i) In the North by latitude 65 degrees North in the Atlantic
Ocean and latitude 55 degrees North in the Pacific Ocean.
ii) In the South bound by latitude 50 degrees South, and
iii) East of longitude 10 degrees east in the Kattegat and Baltic
Sea from 1 May to 30 November both days inclusive.
Provided that boarding onto primary survival craft does not require prior entry into
the water, otherwise an immersion suit is to be provided for every person on board.
bb) Exemption from these requirements will be favorably considered for
ships engaged solely between the parallels of latitude of 20 degrees
North and 20 degrees South. Requests in this respect should be
directed to this office.
cc) For voyages outside the above trade areas (i.e. for the issue of an
unconditional Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate) there
must be provided an immersion suit for every person on board the ship.
With respect to (cc) above, the endorsement of the Cargo Ship Safety Equipment
Certificate is no longer required and instead an Exemption Certificate annexed to
the said certificate should be issued with the same limitations.
Malta Maritime Authority
Merchant Shipping Directorate
Maritime House, Lascaris Wharf
Valletta VLT 01 MALTA

Annual Dry Docking of

Passenger Ships

Date Issued 05 September 1995 Section 1

Revision No. - Item 1.5

Date Revised - Page 1 of 1

This Administration’s requirements with respect to the annual dry-docking of

passenger ships, in accordance with SOLAS 74/78 as amended, for the issue of the
Passenger Ship Safety Certificate are as follows:
1) All Passenger Ships over 20 (twenty) years of age must be dry-
docked annually.
Extensions of only up to 3 months will only be granted after an In-
Water Survey (I.W.S) has been carried out to the satisfaction of the
Classification Society.
2) Passenger Ships under 20 (twenty) years of age may, on a case by
case basis, be granted an exemption from the annual dry-dock and
instead have alternating Dry-Docking/In-Water Survey arrangement.

Prior authorization shall always be requested from this office.

Malta Maritime Authority
Merchant Shipping Directorate
Maritime House, Lascaris Wharf
Valletta VLT 01 MALTA

Fire-Extinguishing Arrangement for

Paint Lockers and Flammable Liquid Lockers

Date Issued 20 September 1995 Section 1

Revision No. - Item 1.6

Date Revised - Page 1 of 1

With respect to the interpretation of Regulation 18.7 Chapter II-2 of SOLAS 74/78,
as amended, this Administration has adopted the IACS interpretation, hence:-
1) Paint lockers and flammable liquid lockers having a deck area of 4m2
or more shall be provided with a fire-extinguishing system enabling
the crew to extinguish a fire without entering the space. Installation
arrangements may be any one of the following arrangements:
a) a carbon dioxide system that is designed for 40 per cent of
the gross volume of the space, or
b) a dry-powder system that is designed for at least 0.5 kg
powder per cubic metre, or
c) a water-spraying system that is designed to provide a supply
of 5 litres/m2/minute.
2) Water spraying systems may be connected to the ship’s main
3) Other systems than those mentioned above may be accepted by this
Administration if these are not less effective.
4) Paint lockers and flammable liquid lockers having a deck area of less
than 4m2, portable carbon dioxide or dry-powder fire extinguishers
may be accepted in lieu of fixed installations.
Malta Maritime Authority
Merchant Shipping Directorate
Maritime House, Lascaris Wharf
Valletta VLT 01 MALTA

Provisional Radio Station Licence/Issuance of

Conditional Cargo Ship Safety Radio Certificate

Date Issued 07 January 1999 Section 1

Revision No. - Item 1.8

Date Revised - Page 1 of 1

These requirements revoke the requirements dated 30 March 1994.

1) Upon registration, vessels are issued with a Provisional Ship Radio
Station Licence valid for three months and thereafter a Permanent
Ship Radio Station Licence with a validity period of either one year or
three years.
2) Recognised Classification Societies are hereby instructed that when
change of flag or renewal radio surveys are carried out and a copy of
the provisional or permanent ship radio station licence is not yet
available onboard, the classification society is authorised to issue a
Conditional Cargo Ship Safety Radio Certificate valid only for
two months on condition that no deficiencies are identified during the
survey. This office must be advised immediately whenever such
certificate is issued.
Malta Maritime Authority
Merchant Shipping Directorate
Maritime House, Lascaris Wharf
Valletta VLT 01 MALTA

Radio Direction Finder

Date Issued 14 January, 1999 Section 1

Revision No. 1 Item 1.10.1

Date Revised 27 June 2002 Page 1 of 1

Our instructions to Classification Societies dated 14th January 1999 concerning

Radio Direction Finder Apparatus on board Maltese registered vessels (item 1.10)
are hereby revoked and replaced by Administration requirement item 1.15 (Carriage
requirements for GPS Receivers) issued on 27 June 2002.

Under the provisions of the amended Chapter V of the 1988 Protocol to the SOLAS
’74 Convention (SOLAS 2000 amendments), Radio Direction Finder (R.D.F)
apparatus referred to in Reg.V/12(p) of the SOLAS ’74 Convention in force prior to
01st July, 2002 shall no longer be required on or after this date.

Accordingly, exemption certificates for Radio Direction Finder apparatus shall no

longer be issued on or after 01st July, 2002.

Exemption certificate(s) for Radio Direction Finder apparatus issued before 01st July
2002 shall hold valid until the first survey after 01st July, 2002.
Malta Maritime Authority
Merchant Shipping Directorate
Maritime House, Lascaris Wharf
Valletta VLT 01 MALTA

Periodic Servicing of Launching Appliances

and On-Load Releasing Gear

Date Issued 08 April 1999 Section 1

Revision No. 1 Item 1.11.1

Date Revised 28 March 2000 Page 1 of 3

Our instructions to Classification Societies dated 8 April 1999 are hereby revoked.

With respect to the SOLAS Amendment to Chapter III Regulation 20.11 – ‘Periodic
Servicing of Launching Appliances and On-load Releasing Gear’ that came into
force on 1 July 1998 please note the following:

This Administration is adopting ‘IACS Unified Interpretation SC144 (Rev.1 Nov.

1999)’ and ‘IACS Guidance Note to Surveyors re application of SOLAS 1974 (as
amended) Reg III/ (Dynamic Test of Winch Brake) on ships with
equipment manufactured and installed prior to July 1986’. Copies are attached
for ease of reference.

As regards Para/Point 2 of the Unified Interpretation, the Administration

Requirement is that the first service is to be carried out during the first Safety
Equipment Renewal Survey on or after 1 July 1998. If at the time of this survey
the port is not a convenient port then a Conditional Safety Equipment Certificate
is to be issued valid for only 6 months, by which time this requirement is to be
complied with.

Vessels with appliances manufactured or installed prior to 1 July 1986 and that
have already been exempted from the dynamic test of the winch brake in
accordance with SC144, have now to comply with these requirements at the
next Safety Equipment Renewal or Annual Survey, whichever is the earliest.
Malta Maritime Authority
Merchant Shipping Directorate
Maritime House, Lascaris Wharf
Valletta VLT 01 MALTA


SC144 Periodic Servicing of Launching

(Rev.1 Nov. Appliances and on-load Releasing Gear
(Chapter III, Regulation 20.11)

1. The reference to five (5) year intervals in III/ and III/

starts as of 1 July 1998.

2. The first service should be as soon as possible after 1 July 1998 and not
later than 1 July 2003.

3. The reference to “properly trained personnel” in III/ means

competent persons familiar with the on-load system and would include, but
is not necessarily limited to, manufacturers’ representatives, or shipyard
engineers or a specialist vendor, certified by a manufacturer.

4. The thorough examinations/overhauls and tests in five year intervals shall

be done in the presence of a surveyor.

Notes: 1. This Unified Interpretation is to be uniformly implemented by

all Members and Associates from 1 July 1999, unless
otherwise instructed by a Flag State.
2. Changes introduced in Rev.1 are to be applied from 1 July

IACS Int. 1999/Rev.1

Malta Maritime Authority
Merchant Shipping Directorate
Maritime House, Lascaris Wharf
Valletta VLT 01 MALTA



1. Prior to testing, Surveyors should establish whether or not the winch has a
speed-limiting device.

2. If not, it should be ascertained whether the Master/Owner’s representative

has any objection to carrying out the dynamic test as required by the

3. If the Master/Owner’s representative does have an objection, he/she should

be advised of the need for him/her to apply to the flag Administration for an
exemption from this requirement.

4. In the meantime the test may be postponed to not later than 30 June 2003

IACS Int. 1999/Rev.1

Malta Maritime Authority
Merchant Shipping Directorate
Maritime House, Lascaris Wharf
Valletta VLT 01 MALTA

GMDSS Personnel

onboard Malta Flagged vessels

Date Issued 20 April 2000 Section 1

Revision No. 1 Item 1.13.1

Date Revised 03 May 2000 Page 1 of 1

Our instructions to Classification Societies dated 20 April 2000 are hereby revoked

This Administration’s requirement in respect of the minimum number of GMDSS

personnel is as follows:

Cargo Vessels

2 Deck Officers holders of a recognised GMDSS General Operator’s Certificate

(GOC), or
1 Dedicated Radio Officer also holder of a recognised GMDSS General
Operator’s Certificate (GOC).

Passenger Vessels

3 Deck Officers all holders of a recognised GMDSS General Operator’s

Certificate (GOC), or
2 Deck Officers and 1 Dedicated Radio Officer all holders of a recognised
GMDSS General Operator’s Certificate (GOC), or
1 Deck Officer and 2 Dedicated Radio Officers all holders of a recognised
GMDSS General Operator’s Certificate (GOC).

Please note that the “Dedicated Radio Officer” shall have no other responsibilities
on-board except those related to radio communications.

For vessels provided with “On-board Maintenance” certification, the person

designated to perform such functions shall be in possession of either a 1st Class or
2nd Class GMDSS Radio Electronics Certificate, or equivalent.
Malta Maritime Authority
Merchant Shipping Directorate
Maritime House, Lascaris Wharf
Valletta VLT 01 MALTA
Emergency Escape Breathing Devices (EEBDs)

Date Issued 28 March 2002 Section 1

Revision No. - Item 1.14

Date Revised - Page 1 of 1

With respect to SOLAS 2000 Amendments, Chapter II-2 Regulation 13.3.4 and
13.4.3 which will enter into force for all ships on 1 July 2002, all Maltese registered
vessels are required:-

to fully comply with SOLAS 2000 amendments, Chapter II-2, Regulation 13.3.4
and 13.4.3 and MSC/Circ.849

to carry at least two (2) EEBD’s within the machinery spaces (Regulation

to carry at least two (2) spare EEBD’s (Regulation

to carry at least one (1) spare EEBD solely for training purposes and which
should be marked accordingly (MSC/Circ.849 – Annex – Para 6)

The actual number and location of all EEBD’s, both within the accommodation and
machinery spaces, is to be determined by the vessel’s Classification Society
Surveyor after relevant surveys of the spaces have been carried out in accordance
with Regulation 13.3.4 & Regulation 13.4.3 and MSC/Circ.849

The number and location of all EBBD’s onboard shall be indicated on the Fire
Control Plan (Regulation
Malta Maritime Authority
Merchant Shipping Directorate
Maritime House, Lascaris Wharf
Valletta VLT 01 MALTA
Carriage requirements for GPS Receivers

Date Issued 27 June 2002 Section 1

Revision No. - Item 1.15

Date Revised - Page 1 of 1

Under the provisions of the amended Chapter V of the 1988 Protocol to the SOLAS
’74 Convention (SOLAS 2000 amendments), Maltese Registered ships constructed
on or after 01st July, 2002 and to which the new SOLAS Reg.V/ applies shall

Two (2) independent GPS receivers conforming to performance standards set out in
IMO resolution A.819 (19), as amended by resolution MSC.112 (73).

A GPS receiver installed as forming an integral part to the onboard GMDSS

installation may also be considered as one of the units required provided that this
unit can also be operated from an independent reserve source of energy in the
event of failure of the ship’s main and/or emergency source of electrical power.

For ships (Malta Flag) constructed before 01st July 2002 not yet meeting the above
requirements and to which SOLAS Reg.V/ applies, these shall comply by
not later than the first survey after 01st July 2002, at which time, the Radio Direction
Finder unit shall no longer be required.
Malta Maritime Authority
Merchant Shipping Directorate
Maritime House, Lascaris Wharf
Valletta VLT 01 MALTA

Fire and Abandon Ship Drills

Date Issued 26 May 2003 Section 1
Revision No. - Item 1.16
Date Revised - Page 1 of 1

Reference to SOLAS 74, as amended, Chapter III Regulation 19.3.2 this

Administration requires that onboard all Maltese registered cargo ships Fire and
Abandon Ship Drills are carried out at fortnightly intervals.

Fire and Abandon Ship Drills onboard all Maltese registered passenger ships are to
be carried out in accordance with SOLAS 74 Chapter III Regulation 30.2 (i.e. at
weekly intervals).
Malta Maritime Authority
Merchant Shipping Directorate
Maritime House, Lascaris Wharf
Valletta VLT 01 MALTA

Fire Protection Systems and Appliances

and Compressed Gas Cylinders
Periodic Maintenance, Inspection and Testing
Date Issued 23 June 2003 Section 1
Revision No. - Item 1.17
Date Revised - Page 1 of 8

These Administration Requirements, which have been developed in line with the
applicable IMO Circulars and Guidelines, are intended to establish the interval and
extent of maintenance, inspection and testing required by the International
Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 as amended.


These requirements shall apply to all Maltese registered ships engaged on

international voyages.

Entry into force

All ships shall comply with this Administration Requirements not later than the date
of the first safety equipment survey (annual, periodical or renewal) on or after 1 July


Administration Requirement Item 1.1 dated 18 October 1993

‘Periodical Hydrostatic Pressure Testing of CO2 Bottles for Fixed Fire-Extinguishing

Administration Requirement Item 1.4 dated 6 April 1995

‘SOLAS 1974, as amended, Chapter II-2 Regulation 6.2 – Spare Charges’.

Administration Requirement Item 1.9 dated 7 January 1999

‘Spare Charges for Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus’


Administration Malta Maritime Authority

Approved Approved by the Administration and/or Recognised
Recognised Organization A Classification Society recognised by the
Organisation International Maritime Organization (IMO)

Operational readiness

All fire protection systems and appliances shall at all times be in good order and
available for immediate use while the ship is in service. If a fire protection system is
under repair, then suitable arrangements to the satisfaction of the Recognised
Organization and Administration shall be made to ensure that safety is not
Malta Maritime Authority
Merchant Shipping Directorate
Maritime House, Lascaris Wharf
Valletta VLT 01 MALTA

Maintenance, Testing and Inspection

The maintenance, testing and inspection shall conform to the requirements as laid
down herein and, unless expressly stipulated otherwise, the inspection schedule as
provided in IMO’s MSC/Circ.850.



All portable fire extinguishers shall be serviced annually at an approved shore-

based servicing station.

Replacement of Extinguishing Medium

Type of Portable Fire Extinguisher Interval

Water 12 months
Foam 12 months
Dry Chemical
5 years
(Extinguisher type: Non-permanently pressurized)
Dry Chemical
2 years
(Extinguisher type: Permanently pressurized)

Hydrostatic Pressure Test and Test Pressure

All non-permanently pressurized portable fire extinguishers shall be hydrostatically

pressure tested at intervals not exceeding 10 years.

All permanently pressurized portable fire extinguishers and propellant cartridges

shall be hydrostatically pressure tested at intervals not exceeding 5 years.

Notwithstanding the above, whenever the loss in pressure of a permanently

pressurized portable fire extinguisher exceeds 10% of the nominal pressure, then
the portable fire extinguisher shall be hydrostatically pressure tested before being

Portable fire extinguishers and propellant cartridges shall be tested to the pressures
indicated hereunder.

Portable Fire Extinguishers Test

and Propellant Cartridges Pressure
Foam At least 1.5 x w.p.
Dry Chemical (or 2 N/mm2 if the w.p. is unknown)
Carbon Dioxide At least 25 N/mm2
Propellant Cartridges At least 2 x w.p.
• CO2 type with safety devices 25 N/mm2
• CO2 type without safety devices 35 N/mm2
w.p. – working pressure
Malta Maritime Authority
Merchant Shipping Directorate
Maritime House, Lascaris Wharf
Valletta VLT 01 MALTA

Spare Charges

For portable fire extinguishers of the same type capable of being recharged on
board, spare charges shall be provided for 100% of the first 10 portable fire
extinguishers and for 50% of the remaining portable fire extinguishers. Not more
than a total of 60 spare charges need to be provided.

For portable fire extinguishers that cannot be recharged on board, additional

portable fire extinguishers of the same quantity, type and capacity shall be provided
for 100% of the first 10 portable fire extinguishers and for 50% of the remaining
portable fire extinguishers.



Every 3 months, the ship’s crew shall check the CO2 cylinders for proper stowage,
alignment of activating levers on each of the cylinders and tightness of
securing/clamping arrangements. Prior to entry into the CO2 cylinder bank room all
safety procedures shall be adhered to.

Hydrostatic Pressure Testing

Over a maximum period of 10 years at least 50% of the CO2 bottles shall be tested
by hydraulic pressure at an approved shore-based servicing station.

Notwithstanding the aforementioned, occasional hydrostatic pressure testing may

be requested at the discretion of the Surveyor from the Recognised Organization
conducting the statutory surveys if there exists evidence to cause concern on the
condition of the cylinders.



Annual examination of the bulk CO2 containment tank during statutory safety
equipment surveys shall include:

• close examination of all pipe connections to the tank. Selected areas of

insulation are to be removed as necessary;

• where extensive corrosion of other evidence of deterioration exists,

connecting pipes or delivery pipes are to be removed for examination and
testing, as necessary, to determine actual wall thickness.

• examination of selected areas of the tank shell under insulation to determine

shell condition, and if necessary, make use of appropriate means to
ascertain wall thickness;
Malta Maritime Authority
Merchant Shipping Directorate
Maritime House, Lascaris Wharf
Valletta VLT 01 MALTA

• removal of insulation and examination of underlying steelwork in any area

where there is evidence of corrosion through staining or other signs;

The annual inspections detailed above shall be programmed to examine, in so far

as it is possible, different areas of the system at each annual examination.

If the examination reveals evidence of deterioration in the pipework or tank shell this
shall be followed up to determine extent of deterioration and if necessary an internal
examination shall be conducted. Any repair or replacement shall be carried out to
specifications of the Recognized Organization.

Provided that the above inspections are carried out annually and that records
confirming satisfactory condition are readily available, then bulk CO2 systems need
only be inspected internally after a maximum period of 20 years.


Hydrostatic Pressure Test or Thickness Measurement

Subject to the ready availability of Halon Banking Facilities for the purpose of
containment and recharging, over a maximum period of 10 years at least 50% of the
Halon bottles shall be tested by hydraulic pressure at an approved shore-based
servicing station.

However, when Halon Banking Facilities are not available, Halon cylinders shall be
subjected to thickness measurement in lieu of the hydrostatic pressure test as
required above. At least 50% of the cylinders shall be thickness measured over a
maximum period of 10 years.

Notwithstanding the aforementioned, occasional hydrostatic pressure testing or

thickness measurement, as applicable, may be requested at the discretion of the
attending Class Surveyor conducting the statutory surveys if there exist evidence to
cause concern on the condition of the cylinders.



Servicing shall be carried out every 2 years at an approved shore-based servicing

station. Testing of dry powder sample for moisture absorption shall be carried out at
the same interval.


Servicing shall conform to instructions of the manufacturer and the Recognised
Malta Maritime Authority
Merchant Shipping Directorate
Maritime House, Lascaris Wharf
Valletta VLT 01 MALTA


Foam Sample Analysis

Foam sample analysis shall be carried out after a period of 3 years and thereafter
every year at an approved independent/manufacturer’s laboratory. Notwithstanding
the aforementioned, occasional foam sample analysis may be requested at the
discretion of the attending Surveyor from the Recognised Organization during
statutory surveys if there is cause to question the suitability of the foam.



A general examination of the Self Contained Breathing Apparatus, including check

for air cylinder pressure/leakage, shall be carried out at fortnightly intervals by the
ship’s crew. On ships provided with a recharging system for air cylinders, a check
for air quality shall be carried out every 12 months at an approved
independent/manufacturer’s laboratory.


Maintenance by the ship’s crew shall be carried out in accordance with the
manufacturer’s instructions.

Hydrostatic Pressure Testing and Test Pressure

Hydrostatic pressure testing of cylinders of lightweight type shall be carried out at an

approved shore-based servicing station at intervals and test pressure stipulated by
the manufacturer and Recognised Organisation.

Hydrostatic pressure testing of cylinders other than of lightweight type shall be

carried out every 5 years at an approved shore-based servicing station at a test
pressure of 1.5 times the working pressure.

Spare Charges

The following number of spare charges are to be provided for each breathing

Ship Type Spare Charges

Cargo Ships without dedicated cylinder recharging facility 2
Cargo Ships with dedicated cylinder recharging facility 1
Passenger Ships carrying less than 36 passengers 1
Passenger Ships carrying more than 36 passengers At least 2
Malta Maritime Authority
Merchant Shipping Directorate
Maritime House, Lascaris Wharf
Valletta VLT 01 MALTA



A general examination and check of cylinder pressure, as applicable, shall be

carried out every 3 months by the ship’s crew and records of checks are to be


Maintenance by the ship’s crew shall be carried out in accordance with the
manufacturer’s instructions.

Spare Devices

All ships shall carry at least two spare Emergency Escape Breathing Devices.



A general examination and check of cylinder pressure shall to be carried out at

fortnightly intervals by the ship’s crew and records of checks are to be maintained.

Hydrostatic Pressure Testing and Test Pressure

Hydrostatic pressure testing of cylinders of lightweight type shall be carried out at an

approved shore-based servicing station at the intervals and test pressure stipulated
by the manufacturer and Recognised Organisation.

Hydrostatic pressure testing of cylinders other than of lightweight type shall be

carried out every 5 years by an approved shore-based servicing station at a test
pressure of 1.5 times the working pressure.



A general examination and check of cylinder pressure shall be carried out every
month by the ship’s crew and records of checks are to be maintained.

Hydrostatic Pressure Testing

Hydrostatic pressure testing of cylinders shall be carried out at an approved shore-

based servicing station at the intervals and test pressure stipulated by the
manufacturer and Recognised Organisation.
Malta Maritime Authority
Merchant Shipping Directorate
Maritime House, Lascaris Wharf
Valletta VLT 01 MALTA



Hydrostatic Pressure Testing

Prior to accepting cylinders on board, the date stamp shall be checked and ensured
that not more than 5 years have elapsed since the last hydrostatic pressure test.
For cylinders remaining onboard, arrangements shall be made for the exchange of
cylinders if more than 5 years have elapsed since their last hydrostatic pressure
Malta Maritime Authority
Merchant Shipping Directorate
Maritime House, Lascaris Wharf
Valletta VLT 01 MALTA


Medium Hydrostatic Pressure
System or Appliance Inspections Spare Charges/Devices
Replacement Test
Ship board Shore
Water 5 years Rechargeable type
12 months (permanently 100% spare charges for
Foam pressurized) first ten
2 years 10 years 50% spare charges for
(permanently (non-permanently remainder
pressurized) pressurized) Non-rechargeable type
As per
5 years or 100% additional
Dry Chemical Administration
(non- When pressure loss extinguishers for first ten
Requirement Annually
permanently is greater than 10% 50% additional
pressurized) (permanently extinguishers for
MSC/Circ 850
pressurized) remainder
5 years 100% additional
Halon or extinguishers for first ten
When pressure loss 50% additional
is greater than 10% extinguishers for
CO2 (permanently remainder
Propellant Cartridges 5 years
System Inspections Hydrostatic Pressure Test
Shipboard Shore
Every 3 months
Stowage, alignment of
High Pressure CO2 50% of cylinders every 10 years
activating levers and proper
Annual external inspections or internal inspection
Bulk CO2
at 20 years
When banking facilities available – 50% of cylinders to
hydro test every 10 years
When banking facilities not available 50% of cylinders
thickness measured every 10 years
2 years
Dry Powder
absorption test)
Sprinkler As per
Water-Spray manufacturer’s
Water-Mist instructions
Analysis after 3
years and
Inspections Hydrostatic Pressure Test Spare Charges
Shipboard Shore
Cylinders of lightweight type 2 spare charges for each SCBA on cargo ships without
As per manufacturer’s charging facility
Every 15 days
requirements 1 spare charge for each SCBA on cargo ships with
Every 12 months charging facility
examination and
air quality check Cylinders of non-lightweight 1 spare charge for each SCBA on passenger ships
cylinder pressure
type carrying less than 36 passengers
Every 5 years at 1.5 x w.p. At least 2 spare charges for each SCBA on passenger
ships carrying more than 36 passengers
Shipboard Inspections Spare Devices
Every 3 months a general examination and cylinder
All ships to carry 2 spare devices
pressure check
Shipboard Inspections Hydrostatic Pressure Test
Every 15 days a general examination and cylinder Cylinders of lightweight type – As per manufacturer’s requirements
pressure check Cylinders of non-lightweight type – Every 5 years at 1.5 x w.p.
Shipboard Inspections Hydrostatic Pressure Test
Every month a general examination and cylinder pressure
As per manufacturer’s requirements
Hydrostatic Pressure Test every 5 years
Malta Maritime Authority
Merchant Shipping Directorate
Maritime House, Lascaris Wharf
Valletta VLT 01 MALTA

Fire Control Plans - Graphical Symbols

Date Issued 15 December 2003 Section 1
Revision No. - Item 1.18
Date Revised - Page 1 of 1

Reference SOLAS 74, as amended, Chapter II-2 Regulation 15.2.4, the graphical
symbols as set out in IMO Resolution A.654 (16) shall be used for fire control plans
onboard all Maltese registered ships. Graphical symbols shall be in colour.

Maltese registered ships are to comply with this requirement by not later than the first
safety equipment survey (annual, periodical or renewal) on or after 1 January 2004
Malta Maritime Authority
Merchant Shipping Directorate
Maritime House, Lascaris Wharf
Valletta VLT 01 MALTA

Immersion Suits
Date Issued 8 November 2005 Section 1

Revision No. - Item 1.19

Date Revised - Page 1 of 1

Reference is made to SOLAS 74 Chapter III Regulation 32.3 as amended by

Resolution MSC.152(78), which if deemed to have been accepted on 1 January
2006, will enter into force on 1 July 2006.

In accordance with the provisions of Regulation 32.3.2 cargo ships, other than bulk
carriers (as defined in SOLAS 74 Chapter IX Regulation 1), may be exempted from
the requirement of Regulation 32.3.2 when such ships are constantly engaged on
voyages within “warm climates”. Following consideration of the guidance provided in
MSC/Circ 1046 – Guidelines for the Assessment of Thermal Protection, this
Administration has defined the following sea areas for the scope of application of the
exemption provision:

– the sea area between the parallels of latitude 30º North and 30º South;
– the sea area of the Mediterranean Sea south of latitude 35º North;
– the sea area within 20 nautical miles from the coasts of Africa not
included in the sea areas above.

On ships that are required to provide every person onboard with an immersion suit
complying with the requirements of the Life-Saving Appliances Code Section 2.3
there shall also be available:

– at least two additional immersion suits of the same type located in the
navigating bridge
– at least two additional immersion suits of the same type located in the
engine room
– at least two additional immersion suits of the same type located at
workstations where the crew performs its normal duties (except watch-
keeping duties), if the horizontal distance from the workstations to the
stowage position of the immersion suits is more than 100 metres.

Immersion Suits may be either stored at clearly identifiable locations close to the
lifeboat stations or alternatively be distributed to each individual member of the

The monthly shipboard inspection of immersion suits as required by SOLAS 74

Chapter III Regulation 20.7 shall take into account the guidelines approved by the
Maritime safety Committee as contained in MSC/Circ.1047

The periodic testing of immersion suits shall be based on the guidelines approved
by the Maritime Safety Committee, contained in MSC/Circ.1114 Periodic testing is to
be carried out at intervals not exceeding three years at a shore servicing facility
approved by the manufacturer and recognized organization.

Lifejackets required by SOLAS 74 Chapter III Regulation 7.2 shall be retained

onboard regardless of the type of immersion suits provided.
Malta Maritime Authority
Merchant Shipping Directorate
Maritime House, Lascaris Wharf
Valletta VLT 01 MALTA

Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS)

and Back-Up Arrangements
Date Issued 5 January 2006 Section 1

Revision No. - Item 1.20

Date Revised - Page 1 of 1

Reference SOLAS 74, as amended, Chapter V Regulation,, 27

and IMO Resolution A.817(19) as amended.

Ships fitted with an Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS), type
approved in accordance with relevant international standards, including IMO
Resolution A.817(19), as amended, and with adequate back-up arrangements, are
accepted as meeting the chart carriage requirements of SOLAS 74 Chapter V
Regulation 27 when navigating within waters covered by Electronic Navigation
Charts (ENC) officially issued by an authorised Hydrographic Office.

The following arrangements are accepted as fulfilling the back-up requirement:

1. an appropriate folio of up-to-date paper nautical charts; or

2. a second type approved ECDIS; or

3. a type approved electronic back-up arrangement for ECDIS mode of

operation (using ENC).

Both the primary and secondary (alternative 2.) ECDIS shall be fully independent
and both supplied from the ship’s main and emergency source of power. In addition,
a reserve power source (UPS mode) with a capacity of at least 30 minutes is to be
provided if change-over of the source of power entails restarting of ECDIS.

For alternatives 2. and 3. above, an appropriate folio of up-to-date paper charts is to

be available to enable the ship to safely reach a port within or adjacent to its trading
areas when coverage by ENC is not available.

When paper nautical charts serve as the only back-up arrangement (alternative 1.),
the charts shall include the planned route and, when navigating within restricted
waters, the ship’s position is to be regularly updated to ensure a safe take-over of
ECDIS functions should the need arise.
Malta Maritime Authority
Merchant Shipping Directorate
Maritime House, Lascaris Wharf
Valletta VLT 01 MALTA

Multiple Load Line Certificates

Date Issued 30 March 1994 Section 3

Revision No. - Item 3.1

Date Revised - Page 1 of 1

This Administration accepts the provision of two Load Line Certificates for different
deadweight values. Such vessels are dealt with on a case by case basis and
authorisation for the issuance of such certificates may only be granted by this
The following procedures must be followed when more that one Load Line
Certificate is issued:
1) The Load Line marks for the deepest draft to be welded to the side
shell and verified by the attending surveyor.
2) The secondary marks to be cut or punched into the side shell.
3) At the time of annual/intermediate surveys, regardless of the
deadweight value applicable at the time, the vessel should be
surveyed for compliance with the most severe statutory requirements
applicable to the greatest deadweight value and all certificates
should be endorsed by the attending surveyor.
4) When sailing under reduced deadweight condition no
reduction/deviation from the nominal safety standards is permitted.
5) The set of certificates which are not associated with the Load Line in
use are to be placed in a sealed envelope and placed in the Master’s
6) Upon owners request for change of freeboard a surveyor from the
Classification Society (preferably an exclusive surveyor) must
supervise/verify that the un-associated marks are painted out
and the new marks are painted in. The certificates pertaining to the
old marks shall be placed in a sealed envelope by the Classification
Society surveyor and left in the custody of the Master.
7) The Master is to make an official entry in the ship’s log on every
occasion the Load Line marks are changed.
Malta Maritime Authority
Merchant Shipping Directorate
Maritime House, Lascaris Wharf
Valletta VLT 01 MALTA

Certificates of Survey and

International Tonnage Certificate (1969)

Date Issued 16 January 1996 Section 4

Revision No. - Item 4.1

Date Revised - Page 1 of 2

Prior to issuing Certificates of Survey and International Tonnage Certificates (1969)

on behalf of the Administration, all Classification Societies and Malta Government
Surveyors shall apply for and obtain specific authorisation in writing from the
Directorate. This is dealt with on a ship by ship basis.
Therefore, it is recommended that when Classification Societies or Malta
Government Surveyors are approached on such matters, they should advise the
shipowner to forward a request to the Directorate inorder that the necessary
authorisation is then issued to the pertinent Classification Society or Malta
Government Surveyor.
This authorisation is separate from that issued by the Directorate at the time of the
provisional registration of the ship under the Malta Flag in order for the Classification
Society to conduct surveys and issue the relevant statutory certificates for and on
behalf of the Administration.
Classification Societies and Malta Government Surveyors should bear in mind that:
1) Certificates of Survey and International Tonnage Certificates
(1969) should be issued in terms of the Merchant Shipping
(Tonnage) Regulations, 1989. Copies of these regulations are
made available upon request.
2) Certificates of Survey and International Tonnage Certificates
(1969) should be issued on the relative forms made available
by the Administration.
3) Pleasure yachts having a length under 24 metres (Article 2(8)
should only be issued with a Certificate of Survey (Tonnage
Measurement - Form MS(R)19c) in terms of the Merchant
Shipping (Tonnage) Regulations, 1989. Form MS(R)19c is
available from the Directorate.
Malta Maritime Authority
Merchant Shipping Directorate
Maritime House, Lascaris Wharf
Valletta VLT 01 MALTA

Certificates of Survey and

International Tonnage Certificate (1969)

Date Issued 16 January 1996 Section 4

Revision No. - Item 4.1

Date Revised - Page 2 of 2

4) Upon the issuance of the certificates, Classification Societies and

Malta Government Surveyors should ensure that the original
Certificate of Survey and a copy of the International Tonnage
Certificate (1969) are forwarded to the Directorate.
5) Under the section headed “Remarks” in the International Tonnage
Certificate (1969), there should be inserted a breakdown of the gross
and net volumes.
6) At the top right hand corner of the International Tonnage Certificate
(1969) there should be inserted the vessel’s IMO Number (LR
Malta Maritime Authority
Merchant Shipping Directorate
Maritime House, Lascaris Wharf
Valletta VLT 01 MALTA

Certificates of Survey and

International Tonnage Certificate (1969) Forms

Date Issued 26 August 1996 Section 4

Revision No. - Item 4.2

Date Revised - Page 1 of 1

Various recognised Classification Societies have requested our agreement inorder

that the certificates are issued on their own computer-generated forms.
However, Classification Societies should ensure that the computer-generated forms
are in the same format of the Certificate of Survey and International Tonnage
Certificate (1969) issued by the Directorate. The International Tonnage Certificate
(1969) should comprise of four pages. Moreover, at the top right hand corner of the
Certificate of Survey the ship’s IMO number (LR number) is to be inserted.
Classification Societies intending to issue the certificates on computer-generated
forms are further requested to notify this Directorate accordingly and forward draft
copies of either certificate for approval by the Directorate.
Malta Maritime Authority
Merchant Shipping Directorate
Maritime House, Lascaris Wharf
Valletta VLT 01 MALTA

Statutory Certificates

Date Issued 06 May 1996 Section 5

Revision No. - Item 5.1

Date Revised - Page 1 of 1

The expiry dates and copies of all statutory certificates issued on behalf of the
Government of Malta by the recognised classification societies are to be regularly
communicated to this office.
This will ensure that records held at the Administration are maintained up to date.
Malta Maritime Authority
Merchant Shipping Directorate
Maritime House, Lascaris Wharf
Valletta VLT 01 MALTA

Notification of

Withdrawal of Class

Date Issued 09 January 1995 Section 5

Revision No. - Item 5.2

Date Revised - Page 1 of 1

When a decision is taken by the Classification Committee to withdraw Class for a

Maltese registered vessel, communication to this effect must reach this
Administration within 24 hours of the decision. The notification of withdrawal of
Class must also include reasons for same.
Malta Maritime Authority
Merchant Shipping Directorate
Maritime House, Lascaris Wharf
Valletta VLT 01 MALTA

Survey Status Report

Date Issued 15 March 1996 Section 5

Revision No. - Item 5.3

Date Revised - Page 1 of 1

Classification Societies must submit a copy of the Quarterly Statutory Survey Status
Report that is normally forwarded to owners of Malta registered vessels.
As a minimum, the Statutory Survey Status Report should indicate:
1) Class status
2) Validity dates of statutory certificates including due dates of annual
and intermediate surveys.
3) Outstanding recommendations and their due dates.
Classification Societies providing access to the mentioned information contained on
their web site are not required to forward this documentation.
Malta Maritime Authority
Merchant Shipping Directorate
Maritime House, Lascaris Wharf
Valletta VLT 01 MALTA

Change of Flag Procedures

Date Issued 24 April 1998 Section 5

Revision No. - Item 5.4

Date Revised - Page 1 of 1

Whenever a vessel is changing flag to Malta the vessel’s Classification Society must
submit the following information:
1) Confirmation of class, including any limitations and a copy of
the class certificate or an attestation clearly stating the type of
ship and assigned class notations.
2) Expiry dates of all statutory certificates, including ISM
certificates, issued under the previous flag.
3) Full details of any outstanding recommendations and/or
exemptions on both class and statutory certificates. When no
recommendations or exemptions exist, then a statement by the
Classification Society to this effect will suffice.

With respect to existing Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan and Cargo
Securing Manual on a vessel intending to register under Malta Flag, the
Classification Society is authorised to issue a Conditional International Oil Pollution
Prevention Certificate and a Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate valid for two
months pending approval of the plan and manual inorder to allow for re-approval of
Malta Maritime Authority
Merchant Shipping Directorate
Maritime House, Lascaris Wharf
Valletta VLT 01 MALTA

Approval of Grain Loading Booklet,

Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan (SOPEP)

and Cargo Securing Manual (CSM)

Date Issued 23 February 1999 Section 5

Revision No. - Item 5.5

Date Revised - Page 1 of 1

Recognised Classification Societies have been authorised by this Administration to

review and approve for and on its behalf:
1) the Grain Loading Booklet and issue the “Document of authorisation
for the carriage of grain” in accordance with the requirements laid
down in SOLAS 74 Chapter VI Part C.
2) the Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan in accordance with the
requirements laid down in MARPOL 73/78 Annex I Regulation 26
3) the Cargo Securing Manual in accordance with the requirements laid
down in SOLAS 74 Chapter VI Regulation 5
Malta Maritime Authority
Merchant Shipping Directorate
Maritime House, Lascaris Wharf
Valletta VLT 01 MALTA

Harmonised System of Survey and Certification

SOLAS Certification for Cargo Ships

Date Issued 11 May 2000 Section 5

Revision No. - Item 5.7

Date Revised - Page 1 of 1

SOLAS 74/88 Chapter I Part B Regulation 12(a)(v)(1) refers.

All Classification Societies are reminded that safety certificates shall be issued in
accordance with Regulation 12(a)(ii), 12(a)(iii) and 12(a)(iv) and these are not to be
consolidated into one certificate as per Regulation 12(a)(v)(1), namely the Cargo
Ship Safety Certificate.
Malta Maritime Authority
Merchant Shipping Directorate
Maritime House, Lascaris Wharf
Valletta VLT 01 MALTA

Cargo Gear Surveys

Date Issued 20 July 2000 Section 5

Revision No. - Item 5.8

Date Revised - Page 1 of 1

All recognised Classification Societies are kindly requested to note that the Dock
Safety Regulations, 1953 were recently amended by Legal Notice 114 of 1999 and
this Administration has now adopted the "Five Year Cycle” with respect to the
thorough examinaton and re-testing of Cargo Gear and Lifting Appliances onboard
Maltese registered vessels. This is also applicable to foreign ships calling at ports in

This amendment is to be adopted with immediate effect.

Malta Maritime Authority
Merchant Shipping Directorate
Maritime House, Lascaris Wharf
Valletta VLT 01 MALTA

ISM Certificates
Date Issued 2 February 2004 Section 5

Revision No. - Item 5.9

Date Revised - Page 1 of 2

With immediate effect Recognised Organisations (RO) acting for or on behalf of this
Administration shall require specific authorisation from this Office for the issuance of
ISM Certification namely Interim DOC, Interim SMC, DOC and SMC.

This authorisation is also required whenever there is a change in company.

During the audits, auditors are to verify that a “Declaration of Company” as per
attached, duly completed by the shipowner and endorsed by this Office is

A copy of any ISM Certificate issued on our behalf is to be sent to this office
immediately by fax and a hard copy within one month.

In case of urgent matters relating to ISM, Mr Albert Gruppetta may be contacted

(outside office hours) on MOB No +35679434317

Under the ISM Code, a Company must be declared to the Administration. In accordance to section
1.1.2. Of SOLAS Chapter IX (ISM CODE), company means the Owner of a ship or any other
organization or person such as the manager or the bareboat charterer, who assumed the responsibility
for operation of the ship from the shipowner. And who on assuming such responsibility has agreed to
take over all the duties and responsibility imposed by the Code.

The undersign affirms that:



Telephone Fax

Telex E-mail:

Is the Owner of the following Maltese registered Ship(s):

Ship Name Official No. IMO Number

In accordance with section 3.1 of the ISM Code, if the entity who is responsible for the operation of
the ship is other than the above stated owner, the owner must report the full name and details of such
entity to the Administration.

As such is the case here, the undersigned affirms that:



Telephone Fax

Telex E-mail

Designated Person Ashore (DPA)

After Office Hours Contact Number

Is the “Company “ responsible for all the requirements imposed by the Code for the Ship(s)
listed above
The undersigned further understands that the Administration must be notified in writing of any
changes in the above

Name of Signatoree
Malta Maritime Authority
Merchant Shipping Directorate
Maritime House, Lascaris Wharf
Valletta VLT 01 MALTA

Attendance during Surveys, Audits and Verifications held in Malta

Date Issued 9 May 2005 Section 5
Revision No. - Item 5.10
Date Revised - Page 1 of 1

Administration Requirement Section 5 Item 5.6 issued on 24 April 2000 is hereby


All Recognized Organizations are hereby informed that officials from this
Administration will be attending statutory surveys, ISM audits and ISPS verifications
that are carried out on board Maltese registered ships whilst within Maltese ports or
territorial waters. Similarly, officials from this Administration will attend any ISM
audits carried out at Companies based in Malta that operate Maltese registered

The aforementioned requirement is applicable to all Recognized Organizations

irrespective of whether or not these organizations have a local office.

The Recognized Organization shall notify this office in writing, as early as possible,
but at least 2 working days in advance, thereby enabling officials from this
Administration to proceed with the necessary arrangements to attend the
Malta Maritime Authority
Merchant Shipping Directorate
Maritime House, Lascaris Wharf
Valletta VLT 01 MALTA

Dynamically Supported Craft

General requirements for lifejackets
Date Issued 17 June 2005 Section 6
Revision No. - Item 6.1
Date Revised - Page 1 of 1

Reference Section 8.3 of Chapter 8 of the “Code of Safety for Dynamically

Supported Craft” (IMO Resolution A.373(X) as amended).

All craft to which the Code applies shall be equipped with lifejackets compliant
with the requirements laid down in Section 2.2 of Chapter 2 of the International
Life-Saving Appliances Code.

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