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The Esoteric Order of Gamers

High quality materials for the dedicated devotee of immersive, thematic tabletop games.
Game rules summaries, foamcore box plans, articles, interviews, reviews, videos, tutorials, forums – and lots more.

@EOGamers EsotericOrderGamers

Jan 2017


Publisher: Fantasy Flight Games (2016)

Page 1: Rules summary front

Page 2: Rules summary back
Page 3: Player reference front x2
Page 4: Player reference back x2
Page 5: Player reference Team Game x2

Print on card (ensure you are printing at 100% scale) laminate and trim to size.

These sheets are intended only for the personal use of existing owners of the game for additional reference.
Universal Head makes no claim whatsoever to the rights of the publisher and copyright holder, and does not
benefit financially from these player aids. Artwork from the original game is copyrighted by the publisher and
used without permission. This PDF may not be re-posted online, sold or used in any way except for personal use.
Units can move over orange region borders, but not through light 2 . Draw Missions
red impassible areas. If an ability allows you to move units, you Each player draws 2 mission cards, then discards cards if he is
must follow all movement rules and restrictions. holding more than 10. Starting missions cannot be discarded.
If an Imperial ground unit moves into in a system that does not 3 . Launch Probe Droids
have Imperial loyalty, place a subjugation marker there. The Imperial player draws 2 probe cards. Each card shows 1
If an Imperial ground unit moves into a system, the Rebel player system where the Rebel base is not located. The Imperial player
must declare whether the Rebel base is in that system and reveal keeps these cards secret.
SETUP Systems and Regions
the base before resolving a combat.
The game board has 8 regions, separated from each other by 4 . Draw Objective
Choose who controls the Imperials and who controls the Rebels.
orange borders. Each region contains 4 systems. Each of the 32 After moving units into a system that contains opposing units, The Rebel player draws 1 objective card.
Take your faction’s miniatures, leaders, loyalty markers, faction
systems on the board consists of planet art, the system’s name, a players resolve a combat.
sheet, mission cards, and action cards. 5 . Advance Time Marker
space area around the planet, and the system’s borders. Ground
Each player takes his 4 starting leaders (no recruit icon) and units in the system are placed on the planet, and ships are B. REVEAL A MISSION Advance the time marker 1 space along the track. Players then
places them in the Leader Pool box on his faction sheet. Place placed in the space area. recruit and/or build if any icons are shown in the time marker’s
Choose a facedown mission card that one of your leaders is
all leaders with recruit icons near the board. new space.
Populous systems have a loyalty space and at least 1 resource assigned to, flip it faceup and read it aloud.
Assemble the board and place the time marker on space 1 of icon. Systems without a loyalty space or resource icons are remote I. Recruit: Each player simultaneously draws 2 cards from his
Choose where you are resolving the mission and place the
the track and the reputation marker on space 14. systems. Destroyed systems are no longer populous or remote. action deck. The Rebel player chooses 1 leader shown on
leaders assigned to the mission in that system.
either card, and places that leader in his leader pool, then
Sort the objective cards into 3 piles (I, II, and III), and shuffle
each pile individually. Create the objective deck by placing pile GAME ROUND If a mission is attempted against a leader, it is attempted in the Imperial player does the same. Each player keeps his
that leader’s system. If a mission is attempted or resolved in the chosen action card facedown and can use it at a later time.
III on the Objectives space on the board; then pile II on the top 1. ASSIGNMENT PHASE Rebel Base space, place the leader in the Rebel Base space of The unchosen action card is placed on the bottom of your
of pile III, then pile I on top of pile II. the board, not in the system where the Rebel base is hidden. action deck without revealing it.
The Rebel player assigns any of his leaders to missions, followed
The Rebel player draws 1 card from the objective deck, keeping by the Imperial player. Resolve means that the mission card’s ability automatically You cannot recruit a leader that is already on the board, in a
it secret from the Imperial player. occurs and cannot be opposed. leader pool, or eliminated from the game. You can choose an
To assign a leader to a mission, take a mission card from your
Each player takes all of their action cards with a recruit icon action card even if you cannot recruit any of the leaders on
hand and place it facedown near your faction sheet. Then choose Attempt means that the mission card’s ability is only performed
and shuffles them to create their action deck. Place your deck it: you gain the card but do not recruit a new leader.
1 or 2 leaders from your leader pool and place them on top of if the mission succeeds. The mission will automatically succeed
facedown next to the Action Deck side of your faction sheet. the card. unless it is opposed by an opponent’s leader. II. Build: Players simultaneously build 1 unit for each resource
Shuffle the space tactic and ground tactic decks individually and icon in their loyal and subjugated systems. You cannot use a
If leaders assigned to a mission by a player or an ability do not After using a starting mission card, return it to your hand.
place them with all remaining markers and dice near the board. system’s resource icons to build units if your opponent has a
have a combined number of matching skill icons equal to or All other mission cards are discarded after use.
unit in the system. For subjugated systems, use only the left-
Each player sets aside their 4 starting mission cards (curved exceeding the mission’s skill requirement (top left hand corner),
If a leader on a mission card is eliminated, captured, or moved most resource icon.
arrow at the bottom). the mission cannot be revealed and remains facedown in the
off the mission, the mission card returns to its owner’s hand
Command phase. The Rebel player can also use the resource icons in the
The Imperial player shuffles the project mission cards (white without being revealed.
Rebel Base, unless the base is revealed and the Imperial
star) and places them on the Project space on the board. Any leaders not assigned to missions stay in the leader pool and
Opposing a Mission player has a unit or loyalty in the system.
can be used during the Command phase to move units or oppose
Each player shuffles their remaining mission cards to create their enemy missions. After you declare where you are attempting a mission, your Take the units from your supply and place them on your build
mission deck, and places it facedown next to the Mission Deck opponent may place 1 leader from his leader pool in the system queue in the space matching the number to the left of the
side of their faction sheet. 2. COMMAND PHASE where the mission is being attempted to oppose that mission resource icon.
(even if he already has leaders in the system).
Shuffle the probe deck and draw cards from the top of the During this step, you may destroy any of your unit(s) on the
Starting with the Rebel player, players alternate taking turns
deck until 3 Rebel systems and 5 Imperial systems have been If both players have a leader there, the mission is opposed. board if you have none of that type available in your supply and
activating a system or revealing a mission.
revealed. Place a Rebel loyalty marker in each of the 3 Rebel Starting with the current player, each player rolls dice (of any you are placing the unit(s) on your build queue.
systems. Place a subjugation marker in the first 2 Imperial You can pass at any time. After passing, you cannot use your color) equal to the combined number of skill icons on all of his
systems drawn and an Imperial loyalty marker in each of the leaders to activate systems or reveal missions for the rest of the leaders in the system that match the mission’s skill requirement. 6 . Deploy Units
other 3 Imperial systems drawn. Return the 5 Imperial probe phase (you can still oppose missions or add them to combat). Starting with the Rebel player, each player slides all units 1 space
Each player can roll a maximum of 10 dice total.
cards to the box and shuffle all other probe cards back into the down his build queue towards his edge of the board. Any of your
After all players have passed, proceed to the Refresh phase.
probe deck. units that slide from the 1 space off the board may be deployed in
Each and rolled is 1 success.
The Imperial player takes 3 Star Destroyers, 3 Assault Carriers, A. ACTIVATE A SYSTEM systems that have your loyalty or subjugation markers.
Each rolled is 2 successes.
12 TIE Fighters, 12 Stormtroopers, 5 AT-STs, 1 AT-AT, and 1 Move your units and initiate combat by activating a system Each player can deploy a maximum of 2 units in each system.
Death Star. These units can be placed in any system that has an with a leader. Take a leader from your leader pool and place it If you cannot (or don’t want to) deploy some of your units, place
Imperial loyalty marker or subjugation marker. At least 1 ground If the player attempting the mission rolls more successes than his them back on the 1 space of your build queue.
anywhere in a system to activate it.
unit must be placed in each Imperial system. opponent, the mission succeeds and he performs the ability on
A leader without tactic values cannot activate a system. A system the mission card. If he rolls equal to or fewer successes than his If it is hidden, the Rebel player may build units from, and deploy
The Rebel player receives 1 Corellian Corvette, 1 Rebel that already contains a leader can be activated. opponent, the mission fails and he does not perform the ability. units in, the Rebel Base space as if it were a system.
Transport, 2 X-wings, 2 Y-wings, 6 Rebel Troopers, and 2
You cannot move units out of a system that already contains one If the mission card has a leader portrait in the top left corner, its You cannot deploy units to remote systems, or systems that
Airspeeders. These units can be placed in the Rebel Base space
of your leaders. A leader in the Rebel Base space prevents units owner gains 2 additional successes if one of the leaders assigned contain an opponent’s ships or ground units or a sabotage marker.
of the board and/or in any one Rebel or neutral system.
from being moved out of the Rebel Base space, but not from to this mission matches this portrait.
Each faction draws 2 random starting action cards (no recruit moving units that are in the Rebel base’s system. SKILLS
icon) and places them facedown near his faction sheet. Players If your opponent has a leader in the system but no matching
can look at their own action cards at any time. When a system is activated, you can move your units from skill icons, you must still roll dice and need at least 1 success to Diplomacy: Missions that provide loyalty in systems or give

adjacent systems to the activated system. succeed at the mission. players more units.
The Rebel player ensures that all systems that contain Imperial
units have been removed from the probe deck. Then, from the Each incoming ship can bring a number of ground units Intel: Rebel intel missions help acquire objective cards.
along with it equal to its transport capacity. TIE Fighters 3. REFRESH PHASE Imperial intel missions help locate the Rebel base.
remaining probe cards, he secretly chooses 1 card and places
it facedown under the Rebel Base Location space on the board. also require transport as if they were ground units. 1 . Retrieve Leaders Spec Ops: Rebel spec ops missions destroy Imperial units.
Then shuffle the probe deck and place it on the Probe Deck space. Units with the transport restriction icon can only move The Rebel player can play 1 Start of Refresh Phase objective card. Imperial spec ops missions capture and exploit Rebel leaders.
Each player takes his 4 starting missions and draws 2 cards from when you are moving units with transport capacity out of
Each player then returns all of his leaders from the board to his Logistics: Rebel logistics missions move units to and from
his mission deck to create his starting hand. Keep this hand of the same system. the Rebel base. Imperial logistics missions build special
leader pool. If a leader is still on a mission card, it returns to the
cards secret from your opponent. A unit with the immobile icon cannot move. leader pool and the card returns to the player’s hand. units or accelerate Imperial units’ build time.
OBJECTIVE CARDS A system that has a Rebel loyalty marker and no subjugation SABOTAGE MARKERS The Rebel player may optionally reveal his base at the start of
marker in it is a Rebel system. The Rebel Base space is not a one of his turns in the Command phase, before using one of his
The Rebel player may play an objective card from his hand if he system and cannot gain or lose loyalty. A sabotage marker in a system means that neither player can leaders.
fulfills the card’s requirement at the specified time. use its resource icons to build new units, and units cannot be
Subjugation deployed there. A maximum of 1 sabotage marker can be in each When the base is revealed, the Rebel player flips the probe card
Gain the reputation shown in the card’s top-left corner by moving under the Location space faceup and places it in the Rebel Base
When there is at least 1 Imperial ground unit in a system that system.
the reputation marker that number of spaces toward the time space. All units and leaders in the Rebel Base space are placed
marker, then discard the card to the box (it cannot be used again does not have Imperial loyalty, the system becomes subjugated. If an ability is resolved in a system that allows a player to place in the system shown on the probe card. Keep it faceup on the
this game). Place a subjugation marker in the system’s loyalty space. If the units on the build queue, it can be performed even if there is a Rebel Base space to remind players that the base is revealed.
system had Rebel loyalty, place the marker on top of the Rebel sabotage marker in the system.
The Rebel player can have any number of objective cards in his While the base is revealed, the resource icons in the Rebel
hand. Only 1 objective can be played during each combat and loyalty marker.
each Refresh phase. A system with a subjugation marker is an Imperial system, but
SHIPS AND UNITS Base space can still be used (unless there is an Imperial unit
or Imperial loyalty in the Rebel base’s system). However units
The project deck contains mission cards that the Imperial player the marker does not define the system’s loyalty. Ships cannot be deployed in, or moved to, the Rebel Base space. Any
can draw by resolving his Research and Development mission. If at any time there are no Imperial ground units in a subjugated All units with blue resource icons are ships. Super Star leaders or units that would be placed (not deployed) here are
When a project card is discarded, it is placed in the project deck system, the subjugation marker is removed and the system’s Destroyers, the Death Star, and the Death Star Under instead placed in the system shown on the faceup probe card.
discard pile. loyalty returns to the Rebels (or returns to neutral if no loyalty Construction (DSUC) are also ships. Any cards that apply to the Rebel Base space apply to the base’s
marker is beneath it). system instead.
A ship with a red health value is a capital ship. A ship that has a
ACTION CARDS If a neutral subjugated system gains Imperial loyalty, flip the black health value is a fighter. The Imperial Long Range Probe mission card does not reveal the
Each action card can be used once per game. Use an action system’s subjugation marker to its loyalty side. If a subjugated Rebel base.
card by flipping it faceup, resolving its ability, and discarding it system gains Rebel loyalty, place a Rebel loyalty marker beneath Establishing a new base
The Shield Generator and Ion Cannon are special ground units
to the box. the subjugation marker.
called structures. They are immobile and instead of providing The Rapid Mobilization mission card allows the Rebel player to
If 2 players wish to use action cards at the same time, the The Imperial player can deploy units to a subjugated system, dice in combat they have special abilities. establish a new base. He draws the top 4 cards from the probe
current player resolves his card first. If an action card ability and build new units using its left-most resource icon. The Rebel deck and may choose one of them to become the new base
The Death Star location. He cannot choose a system that has Imperial loyalty,
lets a player search for a specific mission card, do not reveal the player cannot build or deploy units in a subjugated system, even
mission card to your opponent. if a Rebel loyalty marker is under the subjugation marker. The Death Star and Death Star Under Construction are space Imperial units, or a destroyed system marker.
stations, not capital ships, fighters, or structures.
Action cards used during a mission or combat can only be used If he chooses a new base location, he reveals the old base’s
if one of the leaders shown on the card is already in the system.
LEADERS The DSUC is immobile. If an ability allows the Imperial player probe card and moves all units and leaders from the Rebel Base
to deploy a Death Star in a system, it can only be placed in the space to the old base’s system. The Rebel player will not have
A card specifies when it can be used: Capturing leaders DSUC’s system. If a DSUC is destroyed, the Death Star on the any units at the new base until he either moves units to it or
Some abilities cause a Rebel leader to become captured: attach build queue is also destroyed.
Assignment: The card is used during the Assignment phase. deploys units there.
the captured leader ring to that leader. Captured leaders do
Instead of assigning a leader to a mission, a player flips the card The Death Star does not have a health value and cannot be
not oppose missions; cannot return to the leader pool; cannot He gives the old base’s probe card to the Imperial player and
faceup and resolves its ability. assigned or dealt damage. It can only be destroyed by the Death
use action cards; do not contribute their tactic values during a places the new base’s probe card facedown under the Location
Start of Combat: The card is used immediately after the Add combat; and cannot be moved by the Rebel player. However, Star Plans objective card (this card can also be used to destroy space. Then he shuffles all unchosen probe cards and places
Leader step of the combat currently being resolved. they do not prevent Rebel units from moving out of their system. a DSUC). The Rebel player can use only one of these objective them facedown on the bottom of the probe deck.
cards each combat round.
Immediate: The card must be used as soon as the player gains Captured leaders can be moved by the Imperial player like If the Rebel player chooses not to establish a new base, all
the card, either during setup or after choosing it when recruiting ground units (they do not count toward transport capacity). They The Superlaser Online mission card can destroy a system. Place drawn probe cards are shuffled and placed on the bottom of the
a leader. The card is immediately revealed and resolved. cannot be moved when retreating. a destroyed system marker in the system and destroy all Rebel probe deck.
ground units there. The Imperial player must destroy a number
Special: The card is used when specified. If a mission is attempted against a captured leader, that leader of their units that require transport that exceed the transport
opposes the mission and rolls dice even though it is captured.
Players can gain additional action cards during the Advance Time capacity of Imperial ships in the system.
Marker step of the Refresh phase. When you recruit a leader The Rebel player can also send another leader from his leader The Imperial player immediately wins the game if if there are
pool to oppose the mission as normal. Ground units can move into destroyed systems, but ground
during this phase, place the chosen action card facedown near battles cannot occur there; space battles are resolved as normal. Imperial units in the Rebel base’s system and there are no Rebel
your faction sheet, and place the unchosen action card facedown The Imperial player has only 1 captured leader ring. If he units in the system. The Rebel Base must be revealed.
at the bottom of your action deck. captures a second leader, the first leader is rescued, and he Destroyed systems do not have loyalty and cannot be subjugated.
If the Death Star destroys the system where the Rebel base is The Imperial player immediately wins the game if the Death Star
attaches the captured leader ring to the new leader. destroys the system where the Rebel base is located.
LOYALTY AND SUBJUGATION located, the Imperial player immediately wins the game.
A leader with the carbonite ring is still a captured leader and can The Rebel player immediately wins the game if the reputation
Loyalty be rescued and targeted by any card that affects captured leaders. THE REBEL BASE marker and time marker are in the same space of the time track.
A system’s current loyalty (Rebel, Imperial, or neutral) is
Rescuing captured leaders While the Rebel base is hidden, the Rebel player can deploy
indicated by the loyalty marker in the system. If a system does
not have a loyalty marker, it is neutral. Remote systems are When a captured leader is rescued, remove the ring from the units in the Rebel Base space on the board without revealing the
always neutral. leader and place the leader in the Rebel Base space. system in which his base is located.
Players usually gain loyalty in systems by resolving diplomacy If there are no Imperial units in a captured leader’s system, that An effect referring to the Rebel Base space is referring to that
( ) missions. The player who has loyalty in a system can use leader is immediately rescued. Some mission cards can also board space and not the system where the Rebel base is hidden.
the system’s resources to build new units. rescue captured leaders. The Rebel Base space is not a system.
When a player gains 1 loyalty in a system that is neutral, place Attachment rings Moving to and from the Rebel base
his loyalty marker in that system; the system is now loyal to his Some card abilities attach rings onto leaders. When a card ability While the Rebel base is hidden, Rebel units can move from
faction. When a player gains 1 loyalty in a system that is loyal to attaches a ring to a leader, keep the card as a reminder of the the Rebel Base space to either the base’s system or systems
the other player, remove that loyalty marker from the system; it ring’s ability. If a leader with a ring receives another, the previous adjacent to it. A leader in the Rebel Base space prevents moving
is now neutral. ring is removed to make room for the new one. units from the space. A few missions allow Rebel units to move
If an ability requires you to have loyalty in a system, you must Eliminating leaders between the base and any system ignoring adjacency.
have a loyalty marker there. It doesn’t matter if your opponent When a leader is eliminated, return it to the box. It cannot be Revealing the Rebel base
has units or a subjugation marker in the system. used for the rest of the game.
If the Imperial player ever has loyalty or ground units in the
A system that has an Imperial loyalty marker or subjugation Luke Skywalker Rebel Base’s system, the base is immediately revealed. When
marker is an Imperial system. Coruscant is always loyal to the Treat Luke Skywalker (Jedi) as Luke Skywalker for all card Imperial ground units enter the system, the base is revealed
Imperial player and cannot gain or lose loyalty. abilities and action card restrictions. before resolving a combat.
Each and rolled is 1 success. Each and rolled is 1 success.
Each rolled is 2 successes. Each rolled is 2 successes.
If the player attempting the mission rolls more successes than If the player attempting the mission rolls more successes than
his opponent, the mission succeeds; performs the ability. his opponent, the mission succeeds; performs the ability.
If the mission card has a leader portrait in the top left corner, If the mission card has a leader portrait in the top left corner,
1. ASSIGNMENT PHASE its owner gains 2 additional successes if one of the leaders
1. ASSIGNMENT PHASE its owner gains 2 additional successes if one of the leaders
The Rebel player assigns any of his leaders to missions, assigned to this mission matches this portrait. The Rebel player assigns any of his leaders to missions, assigned to this mission matches this portrait.
followed by the Imperial player. followed by the Imperial player.
If your opponent has a leader in the system but no matching If your opponent has a leader in the system but no matching
Place a mission card from your hand facedown, and place 1 or skill icons, you still need at least 1 success. Place a mission card from your hand facedown, and place 1 or skill icons, you still need at least 1 success.
2 leaders from your leader pool on top of the card. 2 leaders from your leader pool on top of the card.
Assigned leaders must have a combined number of matching 3. REFRESH PHASE Assigned leaders must have a combined number of matching 3. REFRESH PHASE
skill icons equal to or exceeding the mission’s skill requirement. 1 . Retrieve Leaders skill icons equal to or exceeding the mission’s skill requirement. 1 . Retrieve Leaders
The Rebel player can play 1 Start of Refresh Phase objective The Rebel player can play 1 Start of Refresh Phase objective
2. COMMAND PHASE card. Each player then returns all of his leaders from the board 2. COMMAND PHASE card. Each player then returns all of his leaders from the board
Starting with the Rebel player, players alternate taking turns to his leader pool. A leader still on a mission card returns to Starting with the Rebel player, players alternate taking turns to his leader pool. A leader still on a mission card returns to
activating a system or revealing a mission. After all players the leader pool and the card returns to the player’s hand. activating a system or revealing a mission. After all players the leader pool and the card returns to the player’s hand.
have passed, proceed to the Refresh phase. 2 . Draw Missions have passed, proceed to the Refresh phase. 2 . Draw Missions
Each player draws 2 mission cards, then discards down to Each player draws 2 mission cards, then discards down to
A. ACTIVATE A SYSTEM 10 cards. Starting missions cannot be discarded.
A. ACTIVATE A SYSTEM 10 cards. Starting missions cannot be discarded.
Take a leader from your leader pool and place it anywhere in a Take a leader from your leader pool and place it anywhere in a
system to activate it. 3 . Launch Probe Droids system to activate it. 3 . Launch Probe Droids
The Imperial player draws 2 probe cards. The Imperial player draws 2 probe cards.
A leader without tactic values cannot activate a system. A leader without tactic values cannot activate a system.
A system that already contains a leader can be activated. 4 . Draw Objective A system that already contains a leader can be activated. 4 . Draw Objective
You cannot move units out of a system that already contains The Rebel player draws 1 objective card. You cannot move units out of a system that already contains The Rebel player draws 1 objective card.
one of your leaders. one of your leaders.
5 . Advance Time Marker 5 . Advance Time Marker
When a system is activated, you can move your units from Advance the time marker 1 space. Players recruit and/or build When a system is activated, you can move your units from Advance the time marker 1 space. Players recruit and/or build
adjacent systems to the activated system. if any icons are shown in the time marker’s new space. adjacent systems to the activated system. if any icons are shown in the time marker’s new space.
Each incoming ship can bring a number of ground units I. Recruit: Each player simultaneously draws 2 action cards. Each incoming ship can bring a number of ground units I. Recruit: Each player simultaneously draws 2 action cards.
along with it equal to its transport capacity. The Rebel player chooses 1 leader shown on either card along with it equal to its transport capacity. The Rebel player chooses 1 leader shown on either card
Units with the transport restriction icon can only move and places that leader in his leader pool; then the Imperial Units with the transport restriction icon can only move and places that leader in his leader pool; then the Imperial
when you are moving units with transport capacity out of player does the same. when you are moving units with transport capacity out of player does the same.
the same system. II. Build: Players simultaneously build 1 unit for each the same system. II. Build: Players simultaneously build 1 unit for each
An immobile unit cannot move. resource icon in their loyal and subjugated systems. You An immobile unit cannot move. resource icon in their loyal and subjugated systems. You
cannot use a system’s resource icons to build units if cannot use a system’s resource icons to build units if
If an ability allows you to move units, you must follow all your opponent has a unit in the system. For subjugated If an ability allows you to move units, you must follow all your opponent has a unit in the system. For subjugated
movement rules and restrictions. systems, use only the left-most resource icon. movement rules and restrictions. systems, use only the left-most resource icon.
If an Imperial ground unit moves into in a system that does The Rebel player can also use the resource icons in the If an Imperial ground unit moves into in a system that does The Rebel player can also use the resource icons in the
not have Imperial loyalty, place a subjugation marker there. Rebel Base, unless the base is revealed and the Imperial not have Imperial loyalty, place a subjugation marker there. Rebel Base, unless the base is revealed and the Imperial
If an Imperial ground unit moves into a system, the Rebel player has a unit or loyalty in the system. If an Imperial ground unit moves into a system, the Rebel player has a unit or loyalty in the system.
player must declare whether the Rebel base is in that system Take the units from your supply and place them on your player must declare whether the Rebel base is in that system Take the units from your supply and place them on your
and reveal the base before resolving a combat. build queue in the space matching the number to the left and reveal the base before resolving a combat. build queue in the space matching the number to the left
After moving units into a system that contains opposing units, of the resource icon. After moving units into a system that contains opposing units, of the resource icon.
players resolve a combat. 6 . Deploy Units players resolve a combat. 6 . Deploy Units
Starting with the Rebel player, each player slides all units 1 Starting with the Rebel player, each player slides all units 1
B. REVEAL A MISSION space down his build queue. Any of your units that slide from
B. REVEAL A MISSION space down his build queue. Any units of your that slide from
Reveal a facedown mission card that one of your leaders is the 1 space off the board may be deployed in systems that Reveal a facedown mission card that one of your leaders is the 1 space off the board may be deployed in systems that
assigned to. Choose where you are resolving the mission and have your loyalty or subjugation markers. assigned to. Choose where you are resolving the mission and have your loyalty or subjugation markers.
place the leaders assigned to the mission in that system. place the leaders assigned to the mission in that system.
Each player can deploy a maximum of 2 units in each system. Each player can deploy a maximum of 2 units in each system.
Resolve: the mission cannot be opposed. If you cannot (or don’t want to) deploy some of your units, Resolve: the mission cannot be opposed. If you cannot (or don’t want to) deploy some of your units,
Attempt: the mission will automatically succeed unless it is place them back on the 1 space of your build queue. Attempt: the mission will automatically succeed unless it is place them back on the 1 space of your build queue.
opposed by an opponent’s leader. You cannot deploy units to remote systems, or systems that opposed by an opponent’s leader. You cannot deploy units to remote systems, or systems that
After using a starting mission card, return it to your hand. contain an opponent’s units or a sabotage marker. After using a starting mission card, return it to your hand. contain an opponent’s units or a sabotage marker.
All other mission cards are discarded after use. All other mission cards are discarded after use.
Opposing a Mission Opposing a Mission
After you declare where you are attempting a mission, your Diplomacy: Missions that provide loyalty in systems or After you declare where you are attempting a mission, your Diplomacy: Missions that provide loyalty in systems or

opponent may place 1 leader from his leader pool in the give players more units. opponent may place 1 leader from his leader pool in the give players more units.
system where the mission is being attempted to oppose that Intel: Rebel intel missions help acquire objective cards. system where the mission is being attempted to oppose that Intel: Rebel intel missions help acquire objective cards.
mission (even if he already has leaders in the system). Imperial intel missions help locate the Rebel base. mission (even if he already has leaders in the system). Imperial intel missions help locate the Rebel base.
If both players have a leader there, the mission is opposed. Spec Ops: Rebel spec ops missions destroy Imperial units. If both players have a leader there, the mission is opposed. Spec Ops: Rebel spec ops missions destroy Imperial units.
Starting with the current player, each player rolls dice equal to Imperial spec ops missions capture and exploit Rebel leaders. Starting with the current player, each player rolls dice equal to Imperial spec ops missions capture and exploit Rebel leaders.
the combined number of skill icons on all of his leaders in the the combined number of skill icons on all of his leaders in the
system that match the mission’s skill requirement. Logistics: Rebel logistics missions move units to and from system that match the mission’s skill requirement. Logistics: Rebel logistics missions move units to and from
the Rebel base. Imperial logistics missions build special the Rebel base. Imperial logistics missions build special
Each player can roll a maximum of 10 dice total. units or accelerate Imperial units’ build time. Each player can roll a maximum of 10 dice total. units or accelerate Imperial units’ build time.
3. Assign Damage 3. Assign Damage
Choose which units to assign your damage to by placing all the Choose which units to assign your damage to by placing all the
dice (or cards) next to the units. Damage can only be assigned dice (or cards) next to the units. Damage can only be assigned
to units in this theater, and a unit can be assigned more to units in this theater, and a unit can be assigned more
damage than it has health remaining. damage than it has health remaining.

COMBAT Hit: Deal 1 damage to a unit that has a health COMBAT Hit: Deal 1 damage to a unit that has a health
value matching this die’s color. value matching this die’s color.
Resolve combat when a player moves units to a system that Resolve combat when a player moves units to a system that
contains his opponent’s units. Combat is only resolved if both Direct Hit: Deal 1 damage to a unit that has a contains his opponent’s units. Combat is only resolved if both Direct Hit: Deal 1 damage to a unit that has a
players have units in the same theater. black or red health value. players have units in the same theater. black or red health value.

1. Add Leader 1. Add Leader

4. Block Damage 4. Block Damage
A player who does not have a leader with tactic values in the A player who does not have a leader with tactic values in the
Your opponent can play tactic cards that match this theatre to Your opponent can play tactic cards that match this theatre to
system may place 1 leader there from his leader pool (the system may place 1 leader there from his leader pool (the
block damage assigned to his units. For each damage blocked, block damage assigned to his units. For each damage blocked,
current player decides if he is adding a leader first). current player decides if he is adding a leader first).
remove 1 damage. If an ability blocks 2 damage, it can be remove 1 damage. If an ability blocks 2 damage, it can be
Starting with the current player, each player may use Start of used to block 2 damage assigned to one unit or one damage Starting with the current player, each player may use Start of used to block 2 damage assigned to one unit or one damage
Combat action cards. assigned to 2 different units. Damage markers assigned to a Combat action cards. assigned to 2 different units. Damage markers assigned to a
unit cannot be blocked. unit cannot be blocked.
2. Draw Tactic Cards 2. Draw Tactic Cards
Starting with the current player, each player draws tactic cards 5. Destroy Units Starting with the current player, each player draws tactic cards 5. Destroy Units
based on his leader in the system (if any). Draw space tactic If your unit has damage assigned to it that equals or exceeds based on his leader in the system (if any). Draw space tactic If your unit has damage assigned to it that equals or exceeds
cards equal to your leader’s space tactic value (blue) if both its health, it is is placed on your faction sheet and is destroyed cards equal to your leader’s space tactic value (blue) if both its health, it is is placed on your faction sheet and is destroyed
factions have ships in the system. Draw ground tactic cards (returned to the supply) at the end of this combat step (either factions have ships in the system. Draw ground tactic cards (returned to the supply) at the end of this combat step (either
equal to your leader’s ground tactic value (orange) if both space battle or ground battle). The unit still attacks as normal equal to your leader’s ground tactic value (orange) if both space battle or ground battle). The unit still attacks as normal
factions have ground units in the system. this combat round. factions have ground units in the system. this combat round.
If you have multiple leaders in the system, use only the If a unit is assigned damage less than its health value, place If you have multiple leaders in the system, use only the If a unit is assigned damage less than its health value, place
highest value from each theater (space and ground). damage markers under it to track the damage. The damage highest value from each theater (space and ground). damage markers under it to track the damage. The damage
remains during future combat rounds and cannot be removed. remains during future combat rounds and cannot be removed.
3. Combat Round 3. Combat Round
All damage markers are discarded at the end of the combat. All damage markers are discarded at the end of the combat.
Resolve a combat round in which each unit performs 1 attack: Resolve a combat round in which each unit performs 1 attack:
I. Space Battle: The current player resolves 1 attack with RETREAT I. Space Battle: The current player resolves 1 attack with RETREAT
all of his ships. Then his opponent resolves 1 attack with When you retreat from combat, take any one of your leaders all of his ships. Then his opponent resolves 1 attack with When you retreat from combat, take any one of your leaders
all of his own ships. Only resolve this step if both players from the system and place it in an adjacent system. Then take all of his own ships. Only resolve this step if both players from the system and place it in an adjacent system. Then take
have ships in the system. your units from the system and move them to that leader’s have ships in the system. your units from the system and move them to that leader’s
II. Ground Battle: The current player resolves 1 attack with all system following normal movement and transport rules. II. Ground Battle: The current player resolves 1 attack with all system following normal movement and transport rules.
of his ground units. Then his opponent resolves 1 attack You must retreat to a system that contains your own units or of his ground units. Then his opponent resolves 1 attack You must retreat to a system that contains your own units or
with all of his own ground units. Only resolve this step if one of your loyalty markers, if able. You cannot retreat to a with all of his own ground units. Only resolve this step if one of your loyalty markers, if able. You cannot retreat to a
both players have ground units in the system. system that contains your opponent’s units nor to a system both players have ground units in the system. system that contains your opponent’s units nor to a system
III. Retreat: Starting with the current player, each player has that your opponent moved units from to initiate the combat. III. Retreat: Starting with the current player, each player has that your opponent moved units from to initiate the combat.
the option to retreat his units from the system. You must move all of your ships out of the system, but you the option to retreat his units from the system. You must move all of your ships out of the system, but you
IV. Next Round: If both factions still have units in the same can choose to leave ground units and TIE Fighters behind. IV. Next Round: If both factions still have units in the same can choose to leave ground units and TIE Fighters behind.
theater (space or ground), they resolve another combat Immobile units cannot retreat. If you leave units in the system theater (space or ground), they resolve another combat Immobile units cannot retreat. If you leave units in the system
round. Otherwise, the combat ends. and your opponent has units in the same theater, resolve round. Otherwise, the combat ends. and your opponent has units in the same theater, resolve
another combat round. another combat round.
If the only remaining Rebel ground units are structures If the only remaining Rebel ground units are structures
and there are still Imperial ground units in the system, the If you do not have a leader in the system, you cannot retreat. and there are still Imperial ground units in the system, the If you do not have a leader in the system, you cannot retreat.
structures are destroyed. A leader can retreat only if the player is also retreating units. structures are destroyed. A leader can retreat only if the player is also retreating units.
Each player can only retreat from each combat once, even if Each player can only retreat from each combat once, even if
If the Imperial player’s only remaining ship is the DSUC If the Imperial player’s only remaining ship is the DSUC
he has multiple leaders in the system. he has multiple leaders in the system.
and the Rebel player still has ships in the system, the and the Rebel player still has ships in the system, the
DSUC is destroyed. The Imperial player cannot retreat any units if he has a Death DSUC is destroyed. The Imperial player cannot retreat any units if he has a Death
Star or DSUC in the combat. Star or DSUC in the combat.
RESOLVING AN ATTACK If the only Rebel ships in the combat are Rebel Transports,
RESOLVING AN ATTACK If the only Rebel ships in the combat are Rebel Transports,
1. Roll Dice they must retreat or they are immediately destroyed. The Rebel 1. Roll Dice they must retreat or they are immediately destroyed. The Rebel
Roll dice matching the color and quantity of the attack values player can retreat only to systems, not to the Rebel Base space. Roll dice matching the color and quantity of the attack values player can retreat only to systems, not to the Rebel Base space.
of all your participating ships or ground units. of all your participating ships or ground units.
Each attack is limited to a maximum of 5 red and 5 black Each attack is limited to a maximum of 5 red and 5 black
dice. An ability that reduces the number of dice rolled applies Combat ends if both factions do not have units in the same dice. An ability that reduces the number of dice rolled applies Combat ends if both factions do not have units in the same
before the limit of 5 dice is applied. theater after resolving the last step of a combat round. before the limit of 5 dice is applied. theater after resolving the last step of a combat round.

2. Combat Actions You win a battle if your opponent does not have any units 2. Combat Actions You win a battle if your opponent does not have any units
from the same theater in the system. If you retreat all of your from the same theater in the system. If you retreat all of your
After rolling the dice, perform any number of combat actions After rolling the dice, perform any number of combat actions
units in one theater, your opponent has won the battle in that units in one theater, your opponent has won the battle in that
in any order, one at a time: in any order, one at a time:
theater. If all of both faction’s units are destroyed in a battle, theater. If all of both faction’s units are destroyed in a battle,
Draw a Tactic Card: You can discard one of your dice to draw that battle has no winner. If you destroy your opponent’s last Draw a Tactic Card: You can discard one of your dice to draw that battle has no winner. If you destroy your opponent’s last
1 tactic card from this theater’s tactic deck. Tactic cards can be ship, but retreat after the ground battle, you have still won the 1 tactic card from this theater’s tactic deck. Tactic cards can be ship, but retreat after the ground battle, you have still won the
used during this combat round or saved for later in this combat. space battle. used during this combat round or saved for later in this combat. space battle.
Play a Tactic Card: Play a tactic card from your hand and resolve At the end of combat, players discard all tactic cards from Play a Tactic Card: Play a tactic card from your hand and resolve At the end of combat, players discard all tactic cards from
its ability. Tactic cards can only target units in the theater being their hands, then shuffle all tactic cards back into their decks. its ability. Tactic cards can only target units in the theater being their hands, then shuffle all tactic cards back into their decks.
resolved and are discarded after use. If the card has the icon, Remove all damage markers assigned to units and place them resolved and are discarded after use. If the card has the icon, Remove all damage markers assigned to units and place them
you must discard one of your dice to use the ability. back in the supply. you must discard one of your dice to use the ability. back in the supply.
When choosing factions during setup, each player chooses to General’s Responsibilities When choosing factions during setup, each player chooses to General’s Responsibilities
play as either the Admiral (blue) or General (orange) for his Mission Cards: Both the Admiral and General can assign play as either the Admiral (blue) or General (orange) for his Mission Cards: Both the Admiral and General can assign
team. their leaders to mission cards (a maximum of 2 leaders can team. their leaders to mission cards (a maximum of 2 leaders can
A player makes all decisions for his leaders and rolls dice be assigned to each mission, regardless of which players the A player makes all decisions for his leaders and rolls dice be assigned to each mission, regardless of which players the
for them when resolving a mission. Both players can activate leaders belong to). The General controls the hand of mission for them when resolving a mission. Both players can activate leaders belong to). The General controls the hand of mission
systems and move his team’s ships and/or ground units. cards, and if players disagree on assignments, he can disallow systems and move his team’s ships and/or ground units. cards, and if players disagree on assignments, he can disallow
the Admiral from assigning a leader to a mission. the Admiral from assigning a leader to a mission.
Use the Team Game side of each faction sheet. Each team has Use the Team Game side of each faction sheet. Each team has
2 leader pools, and all leaders are placed in the leader pool Ground Battles: The General rolls dice, draws and plays 2 leader pools, and all leaders are placed in the leader pool Ground Battles: The General rolls dice, draws and plays
that matches their leader color. ground tactic cards, and makes all decisions during ground that matches their leader color. ground tactic cards, and makes all decisions during ground
battles. battles.
Setup Setup
Probes: The Imperial General is in charge of drawing and Probes: The Imperial General is in charge of drawing and
Each team receives 2 random Action cards and gives them to Each team receives 2 random Action cards and gives them to
managing the hand of drawn probe cards. managing the hand of drawn probe cards.
the player who controls the leader shown on the card. If a card the player who controls the leader shown on the card. If a card
does not show a leader, either player may use the card. Objectives: The Rebel General is in charge of drawing and does not show a leader, either player may use the card. Objectives: The Rebel General is in charge of drawing and
managing the hand of objective cards. He makes all decisions managing the hand of objective cards. He makes all decisions
Command Phase regarding which cards to keep and when to play objective Command Phase regarding which cards to keep and when to play objective
Players take turns in order of the initiative number shown next cards. Players take turns in order of the initiative number shown next cards.
to their role’s name on their faction sheet. During your turn, to their role’s name on their faction sheet. During your turn,
you can activate a system using one of your leaders, reveal a Combat you can activate a system using one of your leaders, reveal a Combat
mission that one of your leaders is assigned to, or pass. You cannot add a leader to a system if your teammate has a mission that one of your leaders is assigned to, or pass. You cannot add a leader to a system if your teammate has a
leader with tactic values in the system. Each team can add a leader with tactic values in the system. Each team can add a
Players on the same team can share as much information Players on the same team can share as much information
maximum of 1 leader. maximum of 1 leader.
as they like. They can show each other cards secretly, but as they like. They can show each other cards secretly, but
all discussion must take place openly. They can talk in code Any player can choose to retreat, as long as he uses his own all discussion must take place openly. They can talk in code Any player can choose to retreat, as long as he uses his own
or whisper, but they cannot leave the room to have private leader. Each team can only retreat once per combat. or whisper, but they cannot leave the room to have private leader. Each team can only retreat once per combat.
discussions. discussions.
Other Notes Other Notes
When a player attempts a mission, only 1 player from the The Imperial card Lure of the Dark Side gives the Imperial When a player attempts a mission, only 1 player from the The Imperial card Lure of the Dark Side gives the Imperial
opposing team can send a leader to the system. team control of a Rebel leader until the end of the game. opposing team can send a leader to the system. team control of a Rebel leader until the end of the game.
Admiral’s Responsibilities During the Refresh phase, this leader is placed in the Imperial Admiral’s Responsibilities During the Refresh phase, this leader is placed in the Imperial
leader pool matching the leader’s color. leader pool matching the leader’s color.
Recruiting: When recruiting new leaders during the Refresh Recruiting: When recruiting new leaders during the Refresh
phase, the Admiral draws 2 action cards and decides which The Rebel Admiral or Rebel General can reveal the Rebel base phase, the Admiral draws 2 action cards and decides which The Rebel Admiral or Rebel General can reveal the Rebel base
leader to recruit. When he recruits a leader that belongs to the during his turn. leader to recruit. When he recruits a leader that belongs to the during his turn.
General, he gives that player the card and leader to place in General, he gives that player the card and leader to place in
his leader pool. Three-Player Game his leader pool. Three-Player Game
One player controls the Rebels while the other 2 split control One player controls the Rebels while the other 2 split control
Space Battles: The Admiral rolls dice, draws and plays space Space Battles: The Admiral rolls dice, draws and plays space
of the Imperials (one Admiral, one General). The Rebel player of the Imperials (one Admiral, one General). The Rebel player
tactic cards, and makes all decisions during space battles. tactic cards, and makes all decisions during space battles.
also uses the Team Game side of his faction sheet. He has also uses the Team Game side of his faction sheet. He has
Building and Deploying Units: The Admiral makes all 2 turns each round, and he must use his orange and blue Building and Deploying Units: The Admiral makes all 2 turns each round, and he must use his orange and blue
decisions when building and deploying units. leaders separately (as if playing a 4 player game). decisions when building and deploying units. leaders separately (as if playing a 4 player game).

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