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Running head: BLUE BLOODS 1

Blue Bloods

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Blue Bloods

Blue bloods is an instructional American film that works to ensure that there are different

issues which are addressed in the police department. The Raegan’s family is introduced in the

series as a family full of law enforcement officers. This all starts with the grandfather, who is a

marine, a former officer and very vocal. Nonetheless, the manner in which the father and sons

interact within the police department, provide diverse beliefs on items and their existence as a

family, ensures that there are more significant issues to be tackled. Therefore, the film gets to

depict a series of problems that have reliability on the police force and their approaches to

solving problems (De la Cruz, 2014). Hence, the police family is well looked into with greater

detail, and it helps to unveil the activities that take place in the police stations, with attention to

the creation of better service to the community.

As I watched the first episode of the film, there are different issues that I considered as an

instructional model to analyze the course of activities in the movie. The creation of a proper way

to work with the individual issues presented in the book entitled the thematic models that instruct

a greater course of activities to be conducted. Therefore, there are different ways in which the

presented issues in this episode strike an ethical imbalance in the course of the movie. Notably,

an ethical situation as highlighted in the film is the situation whereby Danny is questioned on the

interview tactics that he applies to ensure that he gets to solve cases.

In this ethical situation, I denoted that Danny was carrying out an unlawful interview

technique whereby he relied on intimidation of the individual to levels that were never

recommended by the law. The creation of a modest appeal to make sure that the issue is keenly

looked into would make decent handling of the problem (Westermack, 2017). Therefore, by

getting to look at it from an ethical standpoint, there are different ways in which I would tackle

the situation presented in the first episode of the film.

In consideration to whatever takes place in the film, I will ensure that I get to stand by the

Mill ethical theory that believes in the aspect of utilitarianism. The moral theory states that the

different activities of individual work to ensure to make better handling of operations. The

primary basis of this theory is that an action is right if they tend to ensure that all of the parties

are right. Hence, when it comes to the development of a way to work with the theory will devise

a proper paradigm of looking into the core issues as they are presented in the play. Using the

approach, it is notable that I will get to a level where I will ascertain a series of activities to look

at the outcome of Danny’s interviews (De la Cruz, 2014). The interviews that will be held will

ensure that there are different activities to be conducted with attention to the notable mentions of

the community. Thus, when there are various operations to be performed after the interview to

see if the results are valid.

I would establish an inquiry into the techniques that are used and get to see if they work

in an instructional manner. Through the use of a way to analyze the interviews and see if they

come out perfectly, and they led to the police department catching up with the criminals. The

creation of ways to see if they led to happiness will make a much better way to ensure the growth

of acceptance for the techniques that are applied in the long term. Therefore, the use of this

contingency will appeal to the Mill ethical theory beneficially (Broad, 2014). Thus, the Mill

moral theory will certify the activities of Danny as appropriate and instructional in a case that

they work to satisfy the needs of the department and bring happiness to it. The ethical theory

supports the actions of Danny and could ensure that he gets an excellent recommendation for the

activities that he engages in.


On the other hand, the Kant ideology will look at the issue differently. The Kant ideology

bases itself on the basic interpretation that any activity an individual does should not be looked

into from their consequences but whether they satisfy their duty. Therefore, when it comes to

looking at the events that Danny was engaging in, there is a need to make sure that there are

much more instructional activities to be considered in the course of analyzing the case.

While this ethical inclination is different from that of J.S Mill, there are different ways

that it could look at the moral instance with Danny. This is a major activity that makes great heed

of the core activities to be conducted, as well as better issues that have to be undertaken. In an

instance where I would establish an inquiry from this theory, I will be led to looking at the duty

that Danny has, and since it is not related to getting to harass the suspects in the interview room,

he could be faulted in this instance (Broad, 2014). The manner in which he handles the suspects

becomes a great issue that must be tackled to ensure the betterment of how he addresses

problems in the long term. Hence, the theory will provide a basis of getting to ensure that Danny

is punished for engaging in activities that are not enshrined in his duty.

By looking into the two instances of ethical theory, different interpretations are provided

for the moral issue. The development of the perspectives provides a robust model of looking into

how the first episode of the film has a series of problems that must be handled tacitly to ensure

the longevity of activities accurately. Therefore, when it comes to the application of the

utilitarianism theory, which is based on J.S Mill, Danny gets to be presented as a great individual

who goes through an excellent course of activities to make the department happy (Westermack,

2017). On the other hand, looking into the Kant deontological perspective, Danny is faulted and

needs to be punished since he applied punitive measures that do not belong to his duty. He does

not have the responsibility to use any unwarranted interview models on the suspects. These two

ideologies will, therefore, look into the issue in a much different way considering the basis of

their concentration.

In conclusion, there are different ways in which ethical theories get to look at the

situations. In Blue Bloods, Danny is at good suspense of having to use harsh interview

techniques on the suspects. While the deontological approach would fault the activities of Danny

and prefer that he is punished, the use of the utilitarianism approach will ensure that he gets to be

commended for making significant progress in the department. Therefore, these measures will

generate a much better way to look at ethical standpoints on the issue of Danny.


Broad, C. D. (2014). Five types of ethical theory. Routledge.

De la Cruz, M. (2014). Blue bloods. Disney Electronic Content.

Westermarck, E. (2017). Ethical relativity. Routledge.

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