Samskrita Subhashitaani PDF

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When I was 11 years' old I had found a book of subhashita s in my
grandfather's attic. This pre-independence book was the complete word to
word translation of Bhartrihari. I very much enjoyed the poetic similes as
well as out dated kannada language used in the book. In course of time I
lost this book - one of my respectable teachers did not bother to return! I
am yet to find such an useful book. Bhartihari is most popular for his work
subhashitatrisati. He is said to be a brother of king Vikramaditya who ruled
Ujjain. Subhasita s means the words of advice. Neeti sloka s also go under
the name of subhashita s. The subhashita s describe code of conduct and
ethics. These stanzas teach, comment, criticize, guide and warn man when
he is faltering. The subhashita s given below are easy to read and one will
also enjoy rich poetry of Sanskrit. I present assorted subhathita s,
compiled from various sources for your enlightenment and enjoyment.

Among the languages, Sanskirt, the language of Gods is supreme. It is

sweet and divine. In that also the kavya is sweeter. A wise saying
(subhashita) is sweeter than kavya.

A person devoid of taste in literature, music or fine arts is surely a beast

without tail or horns. That he does not eat grass is the great luck of the

Those who have no education, no penance, no generosity, no wisdom, no

character, no righteousness are burden to this earth and they are animals
in human disguise.

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Tell, what does not the company of good do men? It removes dullness of
intellect, makes one's speech truthful, bestows great honor, drives away
sin, makes mind pleasant and spreads fame in all directions.

Even though weakened by hunger, weakened by age, disabled, caught in a

difficult situation and lost all his glow will a lion - the foremost of those
who have great self-respect desire only for the flesh of the forehead of a
mighty elephant eat dry grass even when losing its life?

A dog feels happy by a small dusty bone devoid of any flesh and
containing a little sinew and marrow. And that piece does not quench his
hunger. A lion leaves alone the jackal that has come near and hunts an
elephant. Everyone desires the fruit befitting his abilities.

In whose personality good conduct manifests, to him fire becomes water,

ocean becomes a small stream, the mountain becomes at once a small

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rock, lion becomes a deer, python becomes a thread in a garland and a

poisonous liquid becomes a shower of nectar.

The good deeds done in the past protect a person whether he is sleeping,
unconscious or in a difficult situation - either in a forest or in a battle or in
the midst of enemy, water or fire or in a deep ocean or on the top of a

Good people sacrifice their own interests and accomplish others interests.
The ordinary ones who make effort for others' interests without sacrificing
their self interests. And there are demons in human form, who ruin others'
welfare for their own interests. However, we do not know who they are who
destroy others welfare without reason.

The Gods were not satisfied with the gems of milky ocean. They were not
afraid of the deadly poison. They did not rest without obtaining nectar.
The brave do not go back from their determined task.

Milk gave its qualities such as sweetness to the water that came to it. The

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water having observed the suffering of milk when boiled burnt itself in fire.
The milk in its turn got ready to go to fire on seeing the trouble of his
friend. However, when united with its friend water, it cooled down. Like
this is the friendship of the noble.

A lowly one gets respect when he is in company of the noble and not
otherwise. A lotus when in water shines and not otherwise.

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A man is honored by five "va" karas - vastrama (dress), vapush( healthy

body), vak (speech), vidya (education) and vinaya (discipline).

In the company of the wise, a dull one becomes wise with his dullness
removed like the heavily muddy water is made clear by mixing with 'kataka'.

The sweet words of the evil one with smiles cause fear like the unseasonal

How can he, who has no water to drink, distribute milk? One who is fickle
minded can not teach firmness to others.

In the village having no scholars even the person of little knowledge is

honored. In a place devoid of trees the caster planet is considered as a

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Sin is the cause of hell - poverty causes sin - poverty is caused by

ungenerosity. Hence be a donor.

On rising the sun bestows prosperity on the lotuses. The manifesting

grace of a friend indeed is the result of prosperities.

The steady style of the virtuous is not affected by the evil minded. The
flame of the gem-lamp (the lamp made of gems to emanate light) is not
extinguished by a storm.

An ignorant man can be pleased easily. A wise man even more easily. But
even the Creator can not please a snob with his little knowledge.

One may get oil even from pressing sand with effort. One may drink water
from a mirage. While wandering one may even find horn of a rabbit. But
one shall not try to please the obstinate fool.

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It is possible to stop the fire with water, the heat of sun with an umbrella, a
great elephant with a sharp poker, an angry bull and an ass with a stick. It
is possible to cure illness by medicines and counter the effect of poison
with spells. For everything, there is an antidote prescribed by the
scriptures. But to ward off from a fool, there is none.

Do not insult scholars who have realized the highest truth. Wealth, like the
insignificant grass can not bind them. A lotus fiber does not become an
obstacle to the elephants whose foreheads are darkened with streams of
fresh rut.

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Learning indeed is the highest beauty for a man. it is the wealth well
concealed and protected. It is the cause of pleasures, fame and happiness,
the preceptor of teachers, a friend while traveling in a foreign land and
verily the highest deity. Learning, but not wealth is honored by the kinds.
A person devoid of learning is a beast.

The treasure within (knowledge) is not sighted by the thief, brings about
indescribable happiness, always when given to those who require
increases greatly and is not destroyed even at the end of Kalpas. The
kings should cast away your pride against those who have this treasure.
Who can compete with scholars?

Sesha, the serpent bears the rows of the worlds on surface of his hood, he
is ever held on his back by the great tortoise with little regard, the ocean
bears his bosom. Oh, unbounded is the magnificence of the actions of

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In this revolving world who is not born again having died? He indeed is
born, by whose birth, the family gets eminence.

A dog wags his tails, falls down at the feet of his master and exhibits his
mouth and paw to the master while eating. But mighty elephant looks
steadily and eats when the feeder says flattering words.

Let caste go to hell; let the virtues sink still lower; let character fall from hill
top; let nobility be burnt by fire; let the thunderbolt strike at once bravery
which is enemy to wealth; let us have wealth alone - without which all these
virtues are equal to straw.

By bad counsel a king is ruined; an ascetic by attachment to worldly

pleasures; a son by indulgence, a brahmin by not studying Vedas, a family
by an evil son, character by serving the wicked, modesty by wine,
agriculture by negligence, affection by resorting to travel, friendship by not
being courteous, prosperity by mismanagement and wealth by careless

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The policy of kings, like that of a prostitute varies. It is truthful sometimes

and false sometimes. At one time, it is harsh, at another time sweet. it is
cruel and also merciful; At one time, it is greedy but at another time, liberal;
now spending wealth and now gaining large sums of money.

Cruelty, dispute without reasons, desire for another's wealth and woman,
intolerance towards the good and relatives. These are but natural to the

If a man is greedy why should he need other bad qualities? If there is back-
biting nature what with other sins? If there is truthfulness why should one
do penance? If one has pure mind, why should he go on a pilgrimage? If
there is goodness what is the need of strength? If one has greatness why
should he have ornaments? If there is good learning, what with riches?
And if there be bad name, why should he need death?

No one indeed is a dear one to the kings who are extremely angry. The fire
burns even the sacrificer offering oblations when touched.

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Praise worthy charity for the hand; submission at the feet of elders for the
head; true speech for the mouth; incomparable victorious velour for the
arms; pure behavior for the heart and the vedic knowledge acquired
through listening for the ears. These are the ornaments naturally great
even though he may have no wealth.

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Desisting from injury to life, self control in matters regarding others money,
true speech, charity according to ability at proper time, pretension of
deafness hen others speak gossip about women, obstructing the stream of
desire, obedience towards elders, compassion towards all beings,
impartiality and intellect unhindered in study of shastra s. This is the path
to prosperity.

Gladly receiving the guests, being silent after doing good, speaking of the
others' good deed in public, not being interested in material gains and not
being contemptuous of others. By whom this conduct - which is difficult
to practice like lying on the edge of the sword, is taught to the good

When water falls on heated iron, not even its name is heard. It looks like a
pearl when on a lotus leaf. And when it falls into the cavity of pearl shells
in the ocean, it transforms into a pearl. By association with the lowest,
mediocre an the highest such event happened. The association with
lowest yields no result where the company of the best makes one the best.

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The ear is graced by listening to vedas being recited, not by ear-ring; the
hand by charity, not by bracelet; the body by service to others, not by
sandal paste.

How many good men are there who, full of nectar of holy thoughts, word
and action, please the three worlds with help and rejoice at heart by
magnifying the small virtues of others.

Cut down desire, have patience, give up pride, do not indulge in sinful acts,
speak the truth, follow the path of the noble, serve the learned ones; honor
the venerable, reconcile the enemies, show obedience, preserve fame and
have compassion for the distressed. This is the way of the good.

Let those experts in morality blame or praise, let the goddes of wealth,
Lakshi come or go as she wishes, let death come today or after a long time,
the brave do not deviate from justice even by a foot step.

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Good morals and manners are ornaments of greatness. Control over

speech, tranquility of learning, humility of vedic knowledge, spending for
the worthy causes, freedom from anger, of penance, forgiveness, the lord
of non-hypocrisy of Dharma and good character - the cause of all these is
the highest ornament of all.

The courage of a hero can not be wiped off even though he is worried.
Though (source of the flame is) reversed, the flames do not point

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