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Honest Country
Mafi is a rabbit who is very funny and lively, but today he did not like usually always funny and
lively. He looked like he was confused and sad because of her desire has not been fulfilled, he really
wanted a bike like his friends.
"I wanted to have a bike, but how to tell Mom and Dad? Surely they would not approve and buy a
bike for me," said Mafi muttering to himself.
"Are you sure it will not buy a bike by Papa-mama?" Sounds shocking words Mafi, who turns Fairy
Rose coming out of one of the roses planted by mama.
"I'm very confident Peri," said Mafi sad.
"I have a suggestion, how about I take you to the Land of Honesty?" Peri said Rose.
"Well, Domestic Honesty? Where is it?" Mafi asked curiously.
"Honesty State that is in your heart," replied the fairy roses with a smile broke like a rose.
This time Mafi become confused as to what is meant by Peri rose about Honesty State and how to
make up to the State.
"Look Mafi, now you meet Papa and mama, then you close your eyes and you say what is in your
heart, it means you have entered the State Honesty," said Peri Rose explained.
"But if I'm dimarahin Papa-Mama how?"
"You tell me why you are asking bikes to school, it's because the school you are away and you are
often late when linger on the road, and if you get to the classroom, you will feel tired because it was
too far to walk, explain that to your parents, they certainly understand , "Peri said Rose as she blinked.
Mafi immediately rushed to Papa-Mama who was busy chatting.
"What Mafi, why your face is bent so rich?" Asked Papa teasing Mafi.
Mafi began to close his eyes and he began to enter the Land of honesty in his heart, Papa shook her
head look strange behavior.
"Papa-Mama, Mafi may request a bicycle to go to school, because Mafi often late for school, and even
sometimes when she reached grade Mafi not follow the lesson well because it is too tired and
exhausted due to the road too far," said Mafi still closed to the two eyes ,
This time Papa-Mama even smiling at Mafi funny behavior.
"Yes dear, tomorrow traded Papa, Papa coincidence today will be good fortune, so you can
immediately buy a bike for you," says Papa.
Mafi directly widened in surprise. He could not believe what had just hears. It was true what they say
if you want something Fairy roses we must dare to be honest, and if you do not dare close your eyes
and start saying what we wanted to parents, while something that is useful to us, certainly parents will
not be angry with us.
"Really, Papa?" Asked Mafi disbelief.
"Yeah, right dear," Papa nodded.
Mafi immediately ran outside and met Peri Roses are still waiting.
"Thanks fairy roses, turns to the Land honesty it was fun," said Mafi.
"Yes, equally Mafi, I was just giving you advice, and the advice turns out successfully," Fairy Rose
also said goodbye back to her house in a flower pot.
"Starting tomorrow I will be cycling to school, thanks Papa-Mama and Rose Fairy who had asked me
to go to the Land of Honesty," said Mafi develop his smile.

The Bear honest

In a forest, there lived a family of bears, the father worked as of firewood, mother worked as a baker
for sale in the market, and give the child a bear little frisky, he diligently helping his parents.
One day the father went to the forest as usual to look for firewood, please do not participate because
the mother had to drive the market to sell homemade cakes mother. Upon returning from their markets
are so excited because mom merchandise sold. Give ran towards the house and shouted "father, the
view we brought home a lot of Money. firewood storage to the place of his father but no, then give
ran to her mother, father is not home yet and as sad , let me ask, "mother why be sad?" she replied "ah
no son, the mother is simply tired after a day of selling, let's go in the house,"
Until the night the father give is not back, the mother waiting faithfully at the door of the house, let us
join waiting but because tired then he fell a sleep, the mother anxiously waiting for dad to go home,
until the morning mother faithfully. At sunrise, the mother fell a sleep at the door of the house, and
faintly visible figure bears to the house, the mother woke up happily greet her husband. And shouted
"the child's, father woke return" on berries.
You can also awakened and ran out of the house. But when the bear approached disappointed
mother's heart and give because that return is the sister of the father's uncle gave durga, mother's heart
to be alarmed because the uncle machete father's favorite berries. Mother was so agitated, give any
asked durga uncle, father Where? Durga Uncle bowed and said, dad shot rifle hunters, and was taken
by them, sorry rumin (rumin is the name of the mother) I could not do anything about our group was
so frightened by this , rifle machete as a memento of your husband ... Mother received a machete the
last fainting, beri also sobbed in the arms of Uncle durga. Long story short let's old enough to look for
firewood in the forest without his uncle durga, then one day give gather wood near the lake. When
cutting dry tree accidentally let machetes plunged into the lake . beri panic and sobbed alongside the
lake. Then suddenly came a magical goldfish and said, "Son why cry? where are your parents, what
are you doing here? "You can answer," I'm looking for firewood and machete ."let us not continue
even cry" mother how this. saber is the only relic of father I remove "beri wept sob, machete because
it is a source of livelihood family, because she did not make a pie again after ailing father left. Fish
said "it boy do not cry, your father where?" Then give the answer "my father was dead, shot a man,
and was taken by them" gold fish that magic again asked "where golokmu fall let me get you?" Then
give the answer in the neighborhood , pointing towards which is not far from the magical goldfish.
Then immediately goldfish magical dive and return to the surface with machetes. Beautiful machete
made of gold encrusted with gemstones. "The cleaver your son?" Let me aghast and said "no it's not
saber, machetes I was not as good as it was "Okay, I'll find again" Carp said again and disappeared
back dive, You can still cry when goldfish magic back, "already do not cry, you have found this my
machete" give jump for joy, but when he saw a silver machete very big give says "not ... it's not a
cleaver, my machete regular cleaver, but the legacy of a father, I'm very fond my machete" will let me
help swatch again "give back crying and calling the mother" cleaver father mother, forgive me. I
eliminate "then goldfish went back" child, my machete've met "as he showed a machete, let us see his
machete found to be very happy, and ceaselessly thank magical goldfish. With a bow to give a
magical goldfish saying "thank you good fish ... cleaver is very meaningful to me and mom"
unwitting goldfish magic was gone ... .let me aghast to find goldfish magic is not there. Then let us
get ready to go home because it was already evening. Suddenly goldfish magic back to the surface,
and said "son, you're a good boy and honest, and very fond of both parents, as a reward for your
honesty, I reward you saber gold and machetes silver, give it to your mother" received a machete
silver and gold machete and go home with happy hearts, and plans to beatify mother with the sale of
the machete

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