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Pipeline Buckling Caused by Axial Loads

Dr R. E. Hobbs

SYNOPSIS r radius
Compressive loads are commonly induced in pipelines t wall thickness of pipe
by the frictional restraint of axial extensions due to T temperature increment
temperature changes or internal pressure. It is shown w submerged weight of pipeline (including
that these forces can cause buckling in the presence of weight coat) per unit length
the initial imperfections which are certainly present in x coordinate along pipe axis
pipelines as laid, particularly in submarine lines. Two Y coordinate perpendicular to pipe ax'is
buckling modes which have occurred in practice (and 6f coefficient of linear thermal expansion
their .interaction) are considered. The first mode. strain
involves an upward movement from the sea bed while Poisson's ratio
the second incolves snaking lateral movements on the coefficient of friction
sea bed itself. Both modes have been reported in the
literature on railway tracks. These results are reviewed. Superscripts
and extended in the case o f the analysis o f the lateral peak, maximum value
mode. For normal coefficients of friction, the lateral t
first derivative, slope
mode occurs at a lower axial load than the vertical second derivative, curvature
mode and is therefore dominant in pipeline work unless value associated with the 'safe' tem-
the line is laid in a trench. In this case the lateral perature increment
restraint makes a vertical buckle up and out of the
trench possible, which may be followed by an inter-
active lateral movement and/or rolling movement of INTRODUCTION
the elevated part of the pipeline.
The theoretical solutions are illustrated by numerical The economic importance of submarine pipelines has
calculations for a typical pipeline and some design increased greatly in recent years with the development
implications are reviewed. of offshore oil and gas fields in many parts of the world.
The cost of a failure in such a line is so high (not only
for repairs but also for lost production) that consider-
able interest has been focussed on the stresses caused
during the laying ~t'2~ and modification or repair ~3"+~of
A cross-sectional area submarine pipelines. Similar arguments on a somewhat
E Young's modulus lower scale of expense apply to pipelines on dry land.
I second moment of area of cross-section However, comparatively little attention has been paid to
k , , k z, k3, k4 constants - see Table I problems occurring in .lines during routine operation.
L length ofbuckle This paper addresses one such problem; the assess-
L, length of slipping pipe adjacent to buckle ment of compressive axial forces in the pipeline and
m • w/EI their consequences.
M bending moment The size of the axial load in the pipe depends on
n (P/El) Iz2 many factors. As well as the mechanical properties of
p pressure the line and its weight coat, the axial force is a function
P axial force in buckled pipe of the initial tension at the sea bed just after laying, the
'Do prebuckling axial force pressure difference across the pipe wall and tern-
Pipeline buckling caused by axial loads 3

perature variations due to hot oil passing through the horizontal plane against frictional resistance. Both of
line. These factors interact with sea bed geometry and these modes have been demonstrated in a very simple
frictional and/or trench backfill effects, as well as the model employing rubber strips resting on a horizontal
influence of end restraints in shorter lines. Finally, the machined surface and loaded by a small screw jack,
previous loading history and time-dependent changes and both are known to occur in real pipelines under
due to scour, currents and tides are also relevant. suitable conditions.
Thus it is extremely difficult to say with any certainty
what axial force exists at any point in a given pipeline at Analysis - vertical mode
a given time. Nonetheless, two major causes of This mode of buckling has attracted a great deal of
compressive forces can be identified, arising from the attention over the years from railway engineers con-
restraint of the strains associated with thermal and cerned with the buckling of rail track, particularly
internal pressure Ioadings. With oil temperatures up to continuously welded track, Kerr (° has presented a
100°C above water temperature and operating press- review paper with nearly fifty references to this
ures over l0 N/ram', these effects can produce very problem, while Marek and Daniels (v) have described an
significant forces indeed in a long line where the apparently independent analysis of the vertical buckling
necessary frictional force can develop between pipe and of crane rails. Their work (as corrected in discussion by
sea bed, or in shorter lines with effective end restraints. Granstr6m ~)) agrees in all respects with the theory first
The force created by full restraint of thermal developed in 1936 by Martinet tg). Accordingly, it seems
expansion is, simply, appropriate merely to summarise the method and
results for the vertical mode at this point. The first step
Po = EActT (I)
is to solve the linear differential equation for the
The free axial strain, e, due to a positive pressure deflected shape of the buckled part of the pipeline,
difference p across the wall of the pipe is given in terms which is treated as a beam column under uniform
of the well-known thin wall axial and hoop stresses in lateral load. It is assumed that the bending moment at
the pipe by the lift-off point is zero. This assumption has been
examined elsewhere ~°), and it should also be noted that
= v (2) the use of thc linear equation relies on the usual column
E buckling assumption of small slopes, a point to be
where v is Poisson's ratio. Then, if e is completely borne in mind later when assessing the results. In the
restrained, the axial compressive force generated and notation of Figure 2(a),
available to participate in buckling is m
y" + nZy + --~ (4x 2 -- L 2) = 0 (4)
Po = EAe = (0.5 - v). (3)
where m = w/EI and n 2 = P/EL with the solution
Having assessed the sources of compressive force, m ( cosnx n2x2 n2L2 )
there are two possible buckling modes in response to Y=~-~ - + ~ + 1 . (5)
the force. These are both overall buckling modes cos (nL/2) 2 8
without gross distortions of the cross-section which The unknown length of buckle L is then determined
may be contrasted with the propagating buckle trig- from the condition that the slope at the ends of the
gered by excessive bending and external pressuri- buckle should be zero. This yields
safion during laying operationsJ 5~ The first mode
(Figure l(a)) involves part of the line lifting itself
nL nL
tan = (6)
vertically from the sea bed while the second (Figure 2 2
l(b)) results in various snaking lateral movements in the
or as lowest root
1o) nL = 8.9868... (7)
The next step is to compare the axial load P in the
~ 'tea bed
l r r . buckle with the axial load P0 well away from the buckle
(Figure 2(b)). P is clearly less than P0 because of the
extra length round the buckle compared to L itself.The
drop in force is not as large as would be expected at
first glance because two adjacent lengths of pipe L s
slide in towards the buckle - giving the axial force
distribution shown in Figure 2(b). The discontinuities in
this distribution at each lift-off point are associated with
Plan v l e w
the concentrated vertical reactions of 0.5wL which
Figure I Vertical and lateral buckling modes occur there.
4 J o u r n a l o f C o n s t r u c t i o n a l S t e e l R e s e a r c h : Iiol. 1, No. 2 : J a n u a o , 1981

~ ~ ~ Dm
i ens~ons
I L= k L,

tewL/2 P ~ i
i Po
, 1
T {b}
Axio[ f.~ree d ~ , t r i b u h o n

Figure 2 Details of rertical buckle

Setting up a compatibility equation (~). the following Equations 15 and 16 are useful when solving equation 9
results are obtained for particular cases as described later.
P = 80.76EI/L z (8)
A n a l y s i s - lateral m o d e
wL The lateral modes observed in a small-scale experiment
P0 = P + .II.597 x ~0 -s E A ~ w L s - 0.25(¢El)Zl ~
E/ (9) (e.g. Figure I(b)) all resemble sine curves decaying
either side of a central peak amplitude. As a first
The maximum amplitude of the buckle tentative step, a lateral mode of the same shape as the
wL ~ vertical t'node was considered, mode ! in Figure 3. With
= 2.408 x 10- 1 - (10) the Vertical analysis to hand, it was simple to determine
EI the relationship between buckle length L and axial force
and the maximum bending moment, at x = 0, is P0 fi~r a lateral coefficient of friction assumed equal to
the friction coefficient for axial movements of the
At/' = O.O6938wL z (11)
slipping lengths L,. Unfortunately, for equilibrium, this
while the maximum slope is mode requires concentrated lateral forces of e w L / 2 at
the ends of the buckle analogous to the concentrated
f ' = 8 . 6 5 7 x 10 -J wL~/EI. (12)
vertical forces at the lift-off points in the vertical mode.
This last result is useful for checking the validity of the On a rigid sea bed concentrated vertical forces are
small slope assumption in particular numerical cases, possible (and practical cases closely approach the rigid
i.e. conventionally.~' ~<0.1 for 'small' slopes. ideal (l°)) but it is not possible to generate a truly
A further result of practical interest is the size of the concentrated lateral force by friction. References 9, I l
slipping length adjacent to the buckle, and 12 which came to hand rather later deal with this
point at length, but in the investigation described here
P~- P the next step was to repeat the analysis using a different
L, = - - 0.5L. (13)
ew assumption which avoids the difficulty.
Thus the minimum theoretical distance between the
centres of two adjacent but independent vertical buckles Mo d e I Mo(~e 2
2( Po - P) . . . . . . . . . . (

L + 2L, = (14)
Equation 9 is awkward and m a y be compared with Mod~ 3 L M o d e ~.

the result for a very large coefficient of friction (i.e.

L~ = 0)
E1 wZA EL 6
P0 = 80.76 ~ + 1.597 x !0 -~ (El)---------F- (15)

It is easy to show that equation i 5 has a minimum at

t !.6856 x 106(EI) )
w2A E
) (16)
Figure 3 Lateral buckling modes
Moee 0,0
Pipeline buckling caused by axial loads 5

Looking at the experimentally observed lateral linear differential equation is probably sufficiently
modes once more, it was assumed that the family of accurate.
decaying trigonometric curves were all initial imper- References 9, 11 and 12 were obtained after
fection generated variants of one fundamental constant- completing this analysis. Martinet o), as long ago as
amplitude periodic curve. In other words, it was 1936, considered mode I as well as the vertical mode,
assumed that an initially perfect pipe would buckle into observed the lack of lateral equilibrium at the ends of
an indefinite series of half waves as shown in Figure 3, the buckle and predicted that mode 3 (with a smaller
mode oo. This assumption has the computational lack of equilibrium at its ends) was likely to develop as
advantages that the nodes of the half wave pattern do a result (Figure 3). He then analysed this higher mode,
not slide parallel to the axis of the pipe and, more confirming that buckling would be initiated at a lower
importantly, can be made to satisfy lateral equilibrium. axial force for a given out-of-straightness than
Looking at the consequences of this new assumption necessary for mode 1. K e r r " " (and in a condensed
in detail, the linear differential equation governing the form (m) confirmed Martinet's work for modes 1 and 3
deflected shape is unchanged, equation 4, except that m using a variational formulation and presented results
is now ¢w/EL i.e. it is assumed that the lateral frictional for two antisymmetric modes, modes 2 and 4 (Figure
force is fully mobilised everywhere. The displacement 3). These are initiated at very similar axial force/initial
boundary conditions are unchanged but for the zero imperfection combinations which are rather smaller
slope condition at x = +L/2 which is replaced by a than those needed to trigger mode 3. Martinet and
shear force condition at the same location. Thus Kerr's results are discussed later, but it is worth
equation 5 still holds with the new value of m, while summarising their formulae for modes 1-4 in the
after careful consideration of signs the shear condition notation of the present paper at this point.
yields the length of the buckle from Taking the half wavelength of the most significant
nL part of the buckle as L in each case (Figure 3), and
tan = 0 (17) using the constants of Table 1, the reduced axial force
2 within the buckle is given by
or as the lowest non-trivial root P = k t EI/L 2 (26)
nL = 2yr. (18) Then
Compatibility then requires that
A ECwL5 / ',2
- 1.0
(EI) 2 ] - j.
Po- P= - ' dx (19) (27)
L ./2
The maximum amplitude of the buckle relative to the
that is the reduction in axial force in the buckle equals original axis is
the product of the axial stiffness and the extension
round the curve. This leads to the following results for ~W 4
37 = k, - - ~ L . (28)
the infinite lateral buckling mode
P = 4rrZEl/L z (20) Table i Constants for lateral buckling modes

P0 = P + 1.4545 x IO-~AE\EI] L 6. (21)


k, kz k3 k,
For computational use, it is noted that this equation has ( E q n . 26) ( E q n . 27) (Eqn. 27) (Eqn. 28)
a minimum at
1 80.76 6.391 × I0 -S 0.5 2.407 x 10 - j
= (9.0474 x 105 (El)Jl°'t2~ 2 4n 2 1.743 x 10 -4 1.0 5.532 x 10 -J
] (22 3 34.06 1.668 x 10 -+ 1.294 1.032 x 10 -z
4 28.20 2.144 x 10 -4 1.608 1.047 x 10 "z

The maximum amplitude of the buckle oO 4n'* i . 4 5 4 5 x 10 -~ (Eqn. 21) 4 . 4 4 9 5 x 10 -~

y = 4.4495 x 10-' ¢hv L 4 (23)

and the maximum bending moment, at x = 0, is
Figures 4 - 6 summarise the results of the vertical and
/f/" = 0.05066¢wL 2 (24)
lateral mode calculations for a typical pipeline for a
while the maximum slope is variety of coefficients of friction, including the practical
range 0.3 ~< # ~<0.7. The pipe considered has an outside
fi' = 0.0 i 2670wL J/EI. (25)
diameter of 650 ram, and a wall thickness of 15 mm
Again, if 37' x< O. l in a particular case, the small slope giving a cross-sectional area of 299.2 cm 2 and a second
6 JournalofConstructionalSteelResearch: Iiol. 1, hb. 2:Januar 3" 1981

moment of area 150900 cm 4. Its submerged weight Po using equation 21, T using equation 1 and
(including concrete coating) has been taken as 3.8 kN/ the buckle amplitude fi using equation 23.
m. The results have been presented in terms of the (d) Lateral modes - modes 1-4
temperature rise necessary to generate the axial force in Repeat steps (c) (i) and (ii) using equations 27 and
equilibrium with the buckle lengths and amplitudes 28 for Po and ft. To establish the minimum for
shown, and the coefficient of linear thermal expansion, mode 1, values of L up to 2.0L may have to be
or, has been taken as 11 x IO-~/°C for this purpose. used.
The results were obtained from a small computer
program using the following procedure which DISCUSSION
recognises that it is much easier to find the force (or It is apparent from Figures 4 and 5 that the lateral
temperature change) corresponding to a given buckle modes become possible at a smaller temperature
length L than vice versa. change than the vertical mode. Thus unless lateral
(a) Vertical mode - high friction coefficient restraint ~s provided, for example by burying the line,
(i) Compute L" using equation 16. the lateral modes will be dominant. This feature is con-
(ii) For a range of 20 values of L between 0. I L and firmed by small-scale experiments and practical
3/~. compute Po using equation 15, T using experience. An unburied line will snake la~rally, while
equation 1, and the buckle amplitude fi using a buried line may burst out of the sea bed~(or desert!).
equation 10. Once a buried line has lifted, an interaction with the
(b) Vertical mode - real friction coefficients lateral mode may occur, as the buckle itsel~now has no
For a range of friction coefficients 4, and 20 values lateral restraint (# = 0). Alternatively the f'buckle may
of L between 0.1L and 3L, compute Po using roll or twist laterally.
equation 9, T using equation 1, and the buckle Figures 4 and 5 are otherwise very similar and it is
amplitudef using equation 10. useful to discuss the common features in terms of
(c) Lateral modes - infinite mode simplified load or temperature against length of buckle
(i) For each of a range of friction coefficients ~ and amplitude curves, Figure 7. The first point isthat in
compute E using equation 22. theory an ideal perfectly straight pipeline would 'not
(ii) For each friction coefficient ¢i, and a range of buckle. The pipe is in equilibrium for all values of axial
20 values of L between 0.SL and 1.5L compute load in an undeformed configuration and while the

320 l •
.... I ................ I - -
, large I 04

0 3

240 /
r, se T

('c) 200

. . . . . . . . 0 :
o t

120 ,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



,0____7 . . . . . .

I I rl I
o 20 40 60 80 100 120 1/~0 160 180 200
Buckle length L (m)
00501 OZ 05 i z 5 io zo 5o
i i ! i i l i I
Buckle amplilude ~ (m}

Figure 4 Results for vertical buckling

Pipeline buckling caused by axial loads

I/.0 !

12C . . . . . t ---
J [
5 ¸
Temperature L: . . . . r.~, sLope o
r)se T 03
('c) 80


/-0 I - - -


20 LO 60 80 100 120 lt-,O 160 180 200

Buckle lencjth L (m)

I 00501 OZ 05 I 2 5 10 ;to
i i ~ i I i
8uckl~' Qmphtud~ ; (m) (for • ~ 05 )

Figure 5 R esultsfor lateral buck ling - oo mode

Temperature I
rise T
{'c ) 110

70 i


--I " j

30 1 , J
i I
i ,
| , i
0 2 0'/- 0'6 08 10 12 1'/- 16 1,8 20 2.2 2 ./-
Buckle amplitude y' ( m )

Figure 6 Comparison of the lateral buckling modes

curve for the deformed shape (equations 9, 15 or 21) pin-ended Euler column where the post-buckling
approaches the vertical axis asymptotically at high equilibrium path actually crosses the initial equilibrium
temperatures and small wavelengths, it never quite path on the axis.
meets the axis. As Kerr ('2) has remarked, this is a con- Supposing, next, something marginally less than
sequence of the assumption of fully mobilised friction initial perfection in the pipeline, it is clear that at some
even for vanishingly small displacements, and the temperature T the imperfection will be enough to bridge
situation may be contrasted with the conventional the gap between the two equilibrium paths, bringing it
8 Journal of Constructional Steel Research." Vol. 1, No. 2: January 1981

i= -
A y




E / ,/
# .+ I I
t I l p
I I p
t I
/ / ! I I
/ I I !

Buckle length L Buckle amplitude ~'

Figure 7 Equilibrium paths and imperfection sensiticit)~schematic

to the equilibrium position A. The part of the secondary a large radius is ineffective in eliminating the snawor in
equilibrium path from A to B is clearly unstable, and a changing its wavelength.
dynamic snap will occur from A to C (chain dotted On unloading tile pipeline differences appear between
line) at a constant load Po in the pipeline well away the vertical and horizontal modes. A vertical buckle will
from tile buckle, although the buckle itself lengthens trace the secondary path back down to B. and if the
and partially unloads. Because, on this argument, no load is further reduced, drop back to the straight
snap can occur below the temperature T at B, 7" has configuration although a small residual compression
been called the 'safe" temperature in the railway will arise at the site of the buckle because of frictional
literature. effects. A chain of horizontal buckles.will initially try to
These ideas can be presented with slightly more trace the path down to B but the changes in wavelength
rigour by considering the temperature/buckle length coupled with the reversal of the lateral friction force will
curves for initially imperfect systems sketched in Figure leave it at zero temperature with some residual
7 (dashed lines). For very small imperfections a large out of-straightness and a small tension in the line. On
snap is indeed seen experimentally. As the initial reloading the pipeline these imperfections must pre-
out-of-straightness is increased tile snap occurs at lower dispose the line to buckle laterally at a lower load than
forces and less dramatically. Eventually, for large before by magnification of the imperfections. In the
enough imperfections the snap is eliminated, to be vertical mode, with small residual axial forces, the line
replaced by a single-valued magnification of the initial is likely to buckle at the same location as before but not
bow. For any initial imperfection, the behaviour is necessarily at a significantly reduced temperature as the
ultimately asymptotic to the stable curve BC for the straightness of the pipe is unimpaired.
perfect system. As might have been predicted, it is clear from Figures
In practical terms it may even be desirable to 4 and 5 that the value of the friction coefficient ~ only
deliberately create initial out-of-straightness, to elimin become particularly relevant to the results in the
ate the possibility of a snap. This is simple enough for post-buckling regime. However, these results do not
land:based lines which often include dog legs a n d show any extreme sensitivity to the value of 4" since the
exp'ansion loops, but it is not so easy for submarine . value of ~ for a given stretch of sea bed is only known
lines. Working from a lay barge, the pipe lengthsare approximately, this is just as well.
welded together with a 1:480 straightness tolerance and Turning now to a comparison of the various lateral
sent over the stinger. Deliberate kinks could overstress modes, Figure 6 presents temperature/amplitude results
the line during laying. As the weather worsens, for the five possibilities considered here for a single
involuntary large radius curves may be induced at the friction value, ¢ = 0.5. These curves correspond to the
sea bed by lay barge motion but it is not practical to lay unstable part of the equilibrium path, AB, in Figure 7.
the line to specified radii. Nor is it worth trying: and if extended for large amplitudes would all rise.
Martined 9~ and small-scale experiments both show that corresponding to BC in Figure 7. Thus each point
Pipeline buckling caused by axial loads 9

shown represents a temperature/amplitude combination extremely difficult to assess, so that an improved

sure to initiate buckling in the mode shown for a analysis would not of itself be very helpful.
suitable initial waveform. (b) Perfect elasticity and small slopes have been
It is clear, as Kerr "t~ has shown for rail tracks, that assumed. The analyses presented assume that the
the antisymmetric modes 2 and 4 occur at very similar full elastic modulus of the pipe is available to resist
temperature/amplitude combinations, slightly smaller bending. Once plasticity occurs the analysis loses
than those needed for mode 3. Mode 1, occurring at its validity: yielding will obviously leave its mark on
higher temperatures, seems unlikely to be of practical the pipe on unloading and act as an imperfection on
interest. Mode oo, on the other hand lies below modes 2 subsequent reloading. Of course, most linepipe is
and 4 for amplitudes less than 1.4 metres, and has a competent to develop a plastic hinge without effect
'safe" temperature some 3°C lower. Indeed. there are on its serviceability.
grounds for suspecting that mode oo lies below modes 2
The analyses also use the linear differential equation
and 4 at even larger amplitudes: it is recognised *tu that
for bending which is strictly true only for small slopes,
the analysis of modes 3 and 4, and to a lesser extent
conventionally less than 0.1 radian. However, more
mode 2 contains an approximation which will lead to an
exact elliptic integral solutions have been obtained f TM ~'~j
overestimate of the amplitude. In these analyses it has
for cantilevers and pin-ended columns. In the canti-
been assumed that the axial force P is constant
lever, for an axial load 1.5 per cent greater than that
throughout the entire buckle, in spite of the inward
predicted by the linear equation, the end slope is 0.35
movement from the adjacent unbuckled pipeline. On
the contrary, the axial force in the inner half waves of radian. Similarly, in the pin-ended column, for an axial
load 1.2 per cent greater than the Euler load, the
modes 3 and 4 must be significantly less than in the
greatest slope is 0.31 radian. These results suggest that
outer, smaller, hall" waves because of axial friction and
the 0.1 radian limit on 'small" slopes is rather
the true amplitude of the inner waves will be smaller as
conservative: cut-off lines corresponding to this limit
a result. If these arguments were to be extended to
have been marked on Figures 4 and 5 as a guide, and
modes with 5, 6, 7 . . . . half waves, a situation would
truc loads beyond this limit may bc rather higher than
rapidly bc reached where the inner, most significant,
buckles were not receiving any energy at all from the
inward sliding of unbuckled line, in other words the
inner waves would approach the conditions assumed in CONCLUSIONS
the analysis of mode o~. These :lrguments lend weight
to the idea that practical buckles are imperfection Two potential buckling mechanisms in pipelines subjec-
generated variants of mode ~ . ted to axial compression have been identified and
These considerations suggest that mode oo might be analysed. It is found that horizontal snaking modes
a very useful lower bound for design purposes. It is occur at a lower axial load than the vertical mode, and
certain that most pipelines would buckle in modes a horizontal mode is therefore dominant unless lateral
approximating to modes 2, 3, 4. It is not certain that restraint is provided by trenching when an interactive
higher modes closer to co will never arise if bad luck buckling mode becomes possible. Full account has been
produces the wrong initial imperfection pattern. Thus taken of friction between the pipe and the ground in the
the 'safe' temperattare of mode cc, and the associated vertical mode, relying on two independent but formally
amplitude/wavelength combinations for temperatures identical references on the buckling of rail tracks and
and axial forces above the 'safe" level are proposed as crane rails. An analysis of a lateral mode involving an
providing a conservative estimate of permissible imper- infinite sequence of half waves with fully developed
fection sizes and wavelengths for design use with lateral friction has been presented and compared with
appropriate safety factors. earlier work on isolated buckles over a shorter length
Finally, the following limitations of the analyses which involve longitudinal as well as lateral sliding, it is
presented in this paper should be borne in mind. concluded that the infinite mode gives a lower bound to
permissible imperfection amplitude/wavelength com-
(a) Only perfect systems have been rigorously exa- binations which may be useful for design purposes.
mined. In the vertical mode no account has been The effects of imperfections, unloading and reloading
taken of the initial out-of-straightness, It is not easy are discussed. The theoretical solutions arc illustrated
to see how to include this factor, short of an by numerical results for a typical pipeline.
approximate numerical (e.g. finite element)
approach. "The classical column (Fourier) analysis A CKNO WLEDGEMEIV TS
of initial lack of straightness becomes difficult here The attthor wishes to record his gratitude to Jack Ells,
because the buckled length changes progressively as Chris Lawlor and David Walker of the Engineering
the load increases. It is some comfort to know that Department of BP Trading Ltd, attd Chris Burgoyne of
the magnitude and nature of the initial imper the Civil Engineering Department. hnperial College,
fections in pipelines as laid are also unknown, and for the stimulating discussions which led to this paper.
10 Journal of Constructional Steel Research: Iiol. I, No. 2: January 1981

Howet'er. the opinions expressed (and any mistakes 7 MAREK, P. J. and DANIELS, J. H. "Behaviour of continuous
crane rails." Proceedings of the American Socieo' of Cit'il
made) are the author's alone. Engineers. Journal of the Structural Dit'ision, April 1~71.
ST4. 1081-95.
8 GR.ANSTROM, A. Discussion on Reference 7 above. Proceed-
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9 MARTINET, A. "Flambement des voles sans joints sur ballast et
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6 KERR, A. D. 'On the stability of the railroad track in the Contributions discussin 8 this paper should be received by the Editor
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