Riley Evaluations - Midterm

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NURS 2020H Community Based Nursing Practice

Trent/Fleming School of Nursing

Trent University-Peterborough Site

NURS 2020H Clinical Course Evaluation

Mid-term Evaluation

Student: ____Riley Murphy___________________

Clinical Instructor: ______Barbara Couper______________________

Placement: __________Honduras __________________________

Total Clinical Hours: __88____

*Signed log must be attached

Grade: satisfactory unsatisfactory

NURS 2020H Community Based Nursing Practice

Clinical Instructor’s Evaluation (midterm):

Course Objective Evidence/Indicators: (The student has ...) Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
Riley demonstrates professional responsibility and
Demonstrated professional responsibility and accountability throughout her project planning and
accountability to collaboratively plan, implement implementation on handwashing for children and Ö
and/or evaluate a health promotion project relevant caregivers in Honduras. She researched different possible
to the community population served, using solutions to the lack of running water and handwashing
elements of the course website such as the learning facilities in the targeted community and considered the
system and regular, punctual communication with strengths and challenges for the options available for the
preceptor and faculty. target population. She communicates punctually with her
instructor to gain more information to develop her project
and seeks feedback during her implementation.
Riley should ensure she is considering all components of
her project when preparing for each day to ensure she is
prepared, such as bringing soap for her wash station to her
Riley completed her windshield survey while in Honduras
Applied their knowledge to support population and considered the impact of the environment on the
assessment, collaborative and evidence informed health of the target population. She used evidence to Ö
health promotion project development, support the development of her project to gain an
implementation and process and outcome understanding of the importance of handwashing for the
evaluation. population. She made modifications to her project to
address differences in the knowledge and experience of
different populations she was working with.
Riley demonstrates professionalism and respect in her
Demonstrated ethical respectful and professional work within the community organizations and population.
practice when working with community She is respectful in her reflections of her experiences Ö
organizations and the population with whom they during debrief and considers the situation of the
work. population to explain differences in practices. Riley shared
her experiences in the community with a local NGO in a
professional manor to translate new learnings to other
NURS 2020H Community Based Nursing Practice

Riley worked well with her project partner to develop her
Demonstrated knowledge of relational practice in health promotion project and as a member of the larger
project development, respectful of group process, group in the work within the communities. She works Ö
leadership/followership, and collaborative practice collaboratively by supporting her colleagues during their
to meet the needs and build capacity of the presentations and works hard to meet the needs of the
population in the given context. target population. She engaged with the children at
PREPACE and demonstrates empathy and consideration
of their varying needs.
Demonstrated self-regulation by engaging in self- Riley demonstrates self-regulation through reflecting on
reflective practice and identifying learning needs her practice and seeking feedback to improve her project
through self-assessment that align with the SON’s implementation. She identifies her learning needs and Ö
program goals and the Community Health Nursing seeks input as appropriate for a second-year nursing
Standards of Practice in Canada. student.

Clinical Instructor’s Comments (Any area marked “unsatisfactory” need to be commented on).
Riley is working well to be successful in her community placement in Honduras. She has developed a quality project on handwashing for caregivers
at PREPACE and children within rural schools. She should work towards developing strategies to make changes to her project through the evaluation
so that it can be improved and implemented in future project implementations. Great work Riley!

Signature of Instructor___________________________________________________ Date_______Feb 24, 2018______

Signature of Student_____________________________________________________ Date____________________

*all signatures must be in writing and not typed

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