اعداد ابحاث CIPD 00966597837185 كتابة بحث ماجستير حل واجب حلول واجبات ادارة الأعمال CIPD عمل بحث لطلاب الإدارة

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A clear statement of the purpose and objectives of your organisation. (AC 1.

(approx 100 words)
A description of your organisation’s size and locations, 3 examples of products and/or
services, and examples of 2 customers. (AC 1.2)(approx 150 words)
An analysis of how external factors impact on your organisation’s business activities,
using an external environment analysis model or tool such as PESTLE. (AC 1.3)
(approx 150 words)
An organisation chart illustrating the main departments and business functions,
together with descriptions of these departments and functions. (AC 2.1) (approx 150
An explanation of how the different departments and functions work together to
optimise performance. (AC 2.2) (approx 150 words)
An explanation of the culture and values of your organisation and how they affect
operations. (AC 2.3) (approx 150 words)
A description of the learning process you went through in order to write this
assignment: what you knew about your organisation before you attended module 1;
what you learnt during the module; and what you learnt in preparing the presentation.
(approx 100 words)
You should also include 3-5 references from up-to-date and relevant sources in order
to support your findings. Please ensure that all reference sources are acknowledged
correctly within the text and on a reference list provided.
Describe how 3 of your organisation's HR and L&D activities support its strategy,
goals and business objectives. (AC3.1) (approx 250 words)
Explain the role of your HR and L&D functions in supporting line managers and staff.
Give 3 examples of activities that HR and L&D undertake to support these colleagues.
(AC3.2) (approx 250 words)
A description of the learning process you went through in order to write this
assignment; what you knew about your HR and L&D functions before you attended
Module 1, what you learned during the module, and as a result of carrying out this
report. (approx 100 words)
3 Sources
Describe 3 benefits of the induction process to the organisation. (AC 4.1) (approx 75
Describe 3 benefits of the induction process to individuals. (AC 4.1 (approx 75
Describe 3 purposes of the induction process. (AC 4.1) (approx 75 words)
Produce an induction plan for the successful candidate of the recruitment and
selection process you worked through in 3RTO Practical Assignment A, which
identifies the essential areas to be covered, with a 12-week timeline and the managers,
staff and other stakeholders who should be involved in the process. (AC 4.2) (approx
375 words)
A description of the learning process you went through in order to write this
assignment: what you knew about your onboarding, induction and probation in your
organisation before you attended module 1; what you learnt during the module; and
what you learnt in preparing the assignment. (approx 100 words)

3 Sources
Prepare and submit a report of 800 words, summarising the principles illustrated in
the CIPD Profession Map and My CPD Map, which can be found at
. You need to choose ONE of the Professional Areas from the Profession Map and:

Describe 3 activities/tasks that a Practitioner will undertake at either Band 1 or 2 in

your chosen Professional Area and the skills that they will need to undertake these
activities/tasks. (AC 1.1) (approx 200 words)

Give 3 examples of knowledge that the Practitioner will be expected to show at either
Band 1 or 2 in your chosen Professional Area. (AC 1.1) (approx 200 words)

Explain 3 Behaviours that you would expect a Practitioner to show at either Band 1 or
2 in your chosen Professional Area. (AC 1.1) (approx 150 words)

Explain why Insights, strategy and solutions and Leading HR sit at the heart of the
HR and L&D profession. (AC 1.1) (approx 150 words)

Describe the learning process you went through in order to write this assignment:
what you knew about the CIPD Profession Map and the need for CPD before you
attended module 1; what you learnt during the module; and what you learnt in
preparing the report. (approx 100 words)

3-5 references

Three (3) needs of those who use a HR or L&D service within an organisation and
how you would prioritise these and other needs to avoid conflict and deliver a timely
service. (AC 2.1) (approx 200 words)

Three (3) methods of communication to respond to your internal customer’s needs,

and for each method explain its advantages and disadvantages (AC 2.2) (approx 150

How you would gather feedback and service performance data in order to provide
management information on HR service levels and how you would use this data to
continuously improve your service. (AC 2.3) (approx 150 words)

Write a short description of the learning process you went through in order to write
this assignment: what you knew about the services provided by HR, and service level
agreements (SLAs) before you attended module 1; what you learnt during the module;
and what you learnt in preparing this assignment. (approx 100 words)

nclude 3-5 references

Explain the concept and importance of Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
and develop your own CPD self-assessment and plan.
Use the CPD Record and Plan Template found on your Home Page on Online
Explain the concept of CPD and its importance for a HR or L&D Practitioner. (AC
3.1) (approx 350 words)

Individually undertake a self-assessment against a specification of the knowledge,

skills and behaviours required of an HR or L&D practitioner, identifying your own
strengths and any gaps in your current level of knowledge and skills. You could use
the CIPD Profession Map available at http://www.cipd.co.uk/cipd-hr-
profession/profession-map/ for this, and/or another specification such as your own
organisation’s CPD framework. (AC 3.2) (approx 350 words)

CIPD Assessment Report: (AR1)


To be completed by candidate and assessor(s):

Centre name: Victory Training and Development Institute
Candidate name: 1st Attempt
CIPD Membership/ registration No: Unique Learner No (ULN) (if
Qualification title: DHRM - Intermediate
Unit title(s): Resourcing and Talent Planning Unit code(s): 5RST
Assessment activity (and assignment title if applicable) and the learning outcomes
Assessment brief/activity

‘PTP Soda Drinks’ is a drinks company based in the UK. They currently have a team
of 150 employees and an annual turnover of £6 million. In the last few years the
company has fallen upon some difficult times. Market conditions and a drive for
healthier drinks have resulted in more consumers rejecting fizzy drinks. The company
has started to diversify its product offering but, in the meantime, has been forced to
downsize. The Managing Director (MD) of the company has requested that you act as
a consultant to the firm and help support the company in the following talent planning
issues and initiatives. The MD has requested that you prepare a report to assist the
organisation in moving forward with their talent planning strategy.

Prepare a 3000 word report which considers and offers consultancy to the company in
the following 4 areas:

1. Assess the current labour trends (both nationally and internationally), their
significance for workforce planning in the organisation, and the significance of
tightening and loosening labour market conditions. Consider the role of the employer,
the industry, the government and trade unions in terms of talent planning initiatives,
highlighting how the organisation can position themselves strategically to attract the
top skills and talent for the future.

2. Offer a suitable plan for talent for the organisation, bearing in mind the
downsizing of the organisation. Discuss the principles and tools required in this
process and develop potential succession and career plans for those employee who
will remain with the organisation. Your plan should highlight what recruitment needs
to occur on the basis of your plan and assess the most suitable methods to recruit these

3. During times of change employee turnover can increase. Analyse how you can
ensure that the organisation can retain key talent during the potential downsizing and
assess why some employees may wish to leave. Evaluate any costs that may be
associated in terms of human resources during a time of uncertainty for the workforce.

4. Advise the organisation on the key procedures and processes in regards to best
practice in terms of activities that will need to be conducted during the downsizing
exercise. Ensure that any advice on dismissals, retirements and redundancies all
complies with current legal requirements.

Learning Outcomes:
LO1 Understand key contemporary labour market trends and their significance for
workforce planning.
LO2 Be able to undertake talent planning and recruitment activities.
LO3 Understand how to maximise employee retention.
LO4 Know how to manage dismissal, redundancy and retirement effectively and

Date due for assessment: Extension request date NO

Extension granted Y/N
Actual date evidence submitted: Revised due date

Candidate declaration:

• I confirm that the work/evidence presented for assessment is my own unaided


• I have read the assessment regulations and understand that if I am found to

have ‘copied’ from published work without acknowledgement, or from other
candidate’s work, this may be regarded as plagiarism which is an offence against the
assessment regulations and leads to failure in the relevant unit and formal disciplinary

• I agree to this work being subjected to scrutiny by textual analysis software if


• I understand that my work may be used for future academic/quality assurance

purposes in accordance with the provisions of the Data Protection Act 1998.
• I understand that the work/evidence submitted for assessment may not be
returned to me and that I have retained a copy for my records.

• I understand that until such time as the assessment grade has been ratified
through internal and external quality assurance processes it is not final.


To be completed by assessor(s):
Unit Code Learning outcomes and Assessment criteria Assessor comments
Provide rationale for judgements against each assessment criterion and identify areas
for development Pass/ /Fail

- Understand key contemporary labour market trends and their significance for
workforce planning.

AC 1.1
- Assess the major contemporary labour market trends in different country contexts.

AC 1.2
- Explain how organisations position themselves strategically in competitive labour

AC 1.3
- Explain the significance of tight and loose labour market conditions.


AC 1.4
- Describe the role of government, employers and trade unions in ensuring future
skills needs are met.

- Be able to undertake talent planning and recruitment activities.

AC 2.1
- Describe the principles of effective workforce planning and the tools used in the

AC 2.2
- Develop basic succession and career development plans.

AC 2.3
- Contribute to plans for downsizing an organisation.

AC 2.4
- Contribute to the development of job descriptions, person specifications and
competency frameworks. -
AC 2.5
- Explain the main legal requirements in relation to recruitment and selection.

AC 2.6
- Assess the strengths and weaknesses of different methods of recruitment and

- Understand how to maximise employee retention. -
AC 3.1
- Explain why people choose to leave or remain employed by organisations and the
costs associated with dysfunctional employee turnover. -
AC 3.2
- Assess the strengths and weaknesses of different approaches to the retention of
- Know how to manage dismissal, redundancy and retirement effectively and lawfully.
- Advise organisations on good practice in the management of dismissals, retirements
and redundancies that complies with current legislation.

Assessor feedback summary:

Action to be taken by assessor(s) following I/V sampling (specify):

Action to be taken by IV(s) following Lead I/V sampling (specify):

Operations and Project Management

Assignment 1 Briefing

You will be required to undertake a case study and complete a case analysis report.
This can be based on operations of your current workplace or any other organisation
known to you.

Assessment -1: Operations Management (40%)

Individual Report Submission

Assessment Title Operations Management Report

Unit Title Operations and Project Management
Unit Code SHR039-6 Number of Credits 15
Assessment Weighting (%) 40%
Issue Date
Submission Deadline 10am (UK time) Friday 26th of October, 2018
Procedure for/where to submit work (including file name format for TurnItIn where
You MUST submit digital copy electronically on BREO Turn-it-in.
The following file naming format should be used for submission:
Assignment 1_Operations Strategy_ Student Name _Student ID Number
Expected Return Date Two weeks after submission

Description of
Assessment Task
You need to choose one global operations management case for your individual report
from companies such as Apple, Oman Air, Samsung, Google or any company of your
choice. You will discuss this further with your tutor before finalising the topic. Critical
analysis of the case will help you to answer the following operations management
Q1) Critically examine three relevant Operation Management (OM) decision areas
(e.g. quality, inventory management, layout or process design etc.) in your chosen
company (or workplace, as long as evidences can be validated with credible resources
within your workplace) (suggested 750 words)

Q2a) Compare and contrast your chosen organisation with another contemporary one
using the 4 Vs (Volume, Variety, Variation and Visibility) (suggested 150 words –
please see Note 2)

Q2b) Examine the ways to improve operational performance within your chosen
company (suggested 350 words).

Note 1: Introduction and conclusion is suggested to be 250 words.

Note B: Please include a table with the comparison of your companies 4 V’s in
Appendix A and include a short discussion referring to this in the main body of the

You will be required to undertake a case study and complete a case analysis report.
This can be based on operations of your current or previous workplace or any other
organisation known to you. You need to discuss and confirm with your tutor to agree
upon a suitable case. The report will be 1,500 words in length (not including
references and appendices). It should include answers to all the case questions (given
above) and must make use of relevant unit concepts on the aspect covered. Your first
submission is the final.

Format MS Word
Resources/Support Available Class discussion to clarify Assignment;
In-class review
Unit resources on BREO;
Assessment Criteria See composition of marks for Assignment-1, overleaf.
Details of how feedback will be provided 2Q and feedback given on-line through
Turn-It-In and marked assessment criteria marking grid.
Referral Assignment Your referral assignment will require you to discuss and
critically analyse operations management issues and operations strategy based on
another organisation (discussed and confirmed by your tutor).

Composition of Marks for Assignment-1:

Assessment Criteria F (<35%) E (35-39%) D (40-49%) C (50-
59%) B (60-69%) A (>=70%)
Critically examine3 OM decisions (e.g. quality, inventory management, layout or
process design etc.) in your chosen company (or workplace) 40% Very little
or no evidence of the ability to appreciate the OM decision areas in the case.
Alternatively, heavy reliance on large chunks of the case.
No/very limited attempt to use evidence to support the arguments.
Unfounded ways to improve performance. Some attempt is made to appreciate OM
decision areas in the case.
Arguments are baseless and weak.
Dubious logic used to suggest ways to improve performance.

Attempted to critically analyse 3 OM decision areas but lacks supporting

evidence from the literature and practices of the case company.
The logical link between OM areas and improved performance is satisfactory
Some evidence of critical analysis of 3 OM decision areas, supported by the
literature and /or OM theory.
Some logical recommendations to improve performance.

A good critical analysis of 3 OM decision areas in the case, supported by some

evidence from the literature to support the discussion.
Some sound recommendations to improve performance. Comprehensive critical
analysis of 3 OM decision areas in the case, supported by strong evidence from the
literature, to support the discussion.
Sensible and logical, substantiated recommendations to improve performance.
Compare and contrast your chosen organisation with another contemporary one using
the 4 Vs (Volume, Variety, Variation and Visibility} 25% The 4 Vs (Volume,
Variety, Variation and Visibility} are described, with no evaluation. 4 Vs (Volume,
Variety, Variation and Visibility} are described but discussion lacks breadth. The
student fails to demonstrate a real understanding of all the issues involved in each of
the Vs. 4 Vs (Volume, Variety, Variation and Visibility} are described but discussion
lacks evidence. Discussion narrow and possibly not well argued or supported.
4 Vs (Volume, Variety, Variation and Visibility} are described An ability to use
ideas which are easily accessible. No evidence of a student’s attempt to go beyond the
obvious. Discussion accurate but shallow indicating some issues with the 4 Vs. A
good understanding of the 4 Vs (Volume, Variety, Variation and Visibility} of the case
considered, supported by evidences.
A comprehensive answer that shows a sound evaluation of the 4 Vs (Volume,
Variety, Variation and Visibility}, supported by evidences and appropriate examples.

Examine the ways to improve operational performance within this company

25% Limited improvements for the company’s operational performance are

described, with no evaluation of two relevant improvements Some
improvements for the company’s operational performance are described but
discussion lacks breadth. Student fails to demonstrate a real understanding of at least
three improvements. Four improvements for the company’s operational performance
are described but discussion lacks evidence. Discussion narrow and possibly not well
argued or supported
Five improvements for the company’s operational performance are described
An ability to use ideas which are easily accessible. No evidence of attempt to go
beyond the obvious. Discussion accurate but shallow. A good understanding of
atleast five improvements for the company’s operational performance of the case
considered, supported by evidences.
A comprehensive answer that shows a sound evaluation of atleast five
improvements for the company’s operational performance, supported by evidences
and appropriate examples.
Structure, presentation & Referencing

Guidelines for MGT 675: Research Project

1. You have to prepare a project proposal and submit it to your supervisor. If the
Supervisor is satisfy with the project proposal, you can start the work.
2. Please note, your supervisor will update the College about the development of the
project near 15 October 2018.
3. The deadline for submitting the final project, 3 hard copies, to your supervisors is
5th December 2018.
4. The Project will be graded on basis of quality of project work and its presentation
given by the student in front of a committee consisting of two members between 8th
to 13th December 2018.
i. Project Supervisor
ii. Supervisors’ Coordinator

5. Regarding Plagiarism, please note the following:

a. Student shall submit the report online after Supervisor’s approval.
b. Supervisor will check the work for possible plagiarism.
c. If the report is acceptable the Anti-plagiarism report shall be generated, which
would be verified and approved that the plagiarism index <=25%.
d. If the report indicates plagiarism index >25%, the supervisor is requested to
submit the work to the college research committee for review.
e. If the college research committee deemed the work to be extensively
plagiarized and violates the University’s ethical rules and regulations, the committee
may recommend the termination of the project and fail the student in the course. No
other chance will be given to the students who are found to be plagiarizing.

Formatting of the Project Report

The Research Project will be between 60 to 80 pages; 12 point size; Times New
Roman Font consisting three main parts - preliminaries, text and supplementary
pages. Each part is be organized as shown below:

1. Preliminaries:
• Title page (required)
• Abstract (required) only one abstract allowed
• Acknowledgments (optional) only one acknowledgments page allowed
• Preface (optional)
• Table of Contents (required)
• List of Tables (optional)
• List of Figures (optional)
• List of Symbols (optional)
• List of Keywords (optional)
• Other Preliminaries (optional) such as Definition of Terms

2. Text
The text of the dissertation features an introduction, review of literature, hypothesis,
research methodology and several chapters, sections and subsections. Text may also
include parenthetical references, footnotes, or references to the bibliography or

3. Supplementary
• References or bibliography
• Appendices (optional)
• Glossary (optional)
• List of Abbreviations (optional)
The Integrated Management Project (IMP)

How the Unit works

IMP - spans across two semesters and the feedback is formative in IMP1.
There are two submissions in IMP1 :
1. The first submission is a short proposal of 350-500 words which identifies and
describes a current workplace problem or issue; theories, tools and techniques
available to provide a business solution; and how the various parts of the business /
organisation come into play, i.e. the integrated nature of the problem is critical here.
This means drawing on your previous and current units in your MBA – Leading and
Managing People, Leadership styles and qualities from LP 1 & LP2, Accounting &
Finance, Marketing, Competing in a Global Context, Operations and Project
Management, Strategy, Entrepreneurship etc. It is important that you should identify
the problem within your own organisation.
In-text references and citations are not required at this stage.
This submission is due on or before TBA via a BREO ink. The link will not work
after this date and submissions will not be accepted by email.
Your unit tutor will assess the proposal and indicate whether it is in the right direction.
This submission is not graded. It is, however, important to make this submission, as it
informs the unit tutor how you are progressing towards your second submission.
2. The second part of IMP -1 is a 3000-word submission. You should produce a
report that:
Identifies an issue in your organisation that has multiple and varied approaches to its
resolution. The issue need not be one of failure but may be a challenge facing an
organisation. This should be current or impending but not a past issue. You will
identify and integrate a range of theories and techniques drawn from multiple
appropriate disciplines from your MBA in the creation of appropriate solutions.

So, how will you approach this assessment?

Answer: By elaborating on the proposal and addressing the areas that the unit tutor
has indicated in the feedback to your proposal. Explain which theories, tools and
techniques are being used and justify their choices.
Also, explore the approaches to manage the change that you are going to recommend
– Hard and Soft methodologies. Remember the integrated nature of the problem is
critical here.

In-text references and citations are required at this stage.

Once you have framed the problem you will identify and discuss theories, models and
paradigms related to the problem. Make sure that you look at the problem from
different points of view and relate them to your learning from as many different units
of the MBA. For example:
• People - LMP, LP, MCI – how does your problem/ solution impact on the team &
company? Performance, leadership, managing creativity/innovation etc.
• Financial aspect – AfL – How will your solution improve/ impact positively on the
financial aspect of the company?
• Marketing – How does your problem/solution impact on the marketing dimension?
• Strategy – From the Strategy unit (Business Strategy) TCGC (locating your
problem / organisation within the wider context of global business/ sector – macro-
environmental impact – PESTEL, etc.) or business models and strategies from the unit
on Entrepreneurship and Small Business
• Operations Management – How does the problem/solution impact on the supply
chain, procurement and operational management issues?
• Project management – Consider the models for managing change and other project
management theories or models. Can any of these be applied to your problem area?
You may use the soft and hard systems approach within this context. Is there any
other approach that would be appropriate? If so, present it (with appropriate
referencing) and explain how and why it is more suitable to the task at hand.
This is not an exhaustive list and you may want to broaden the range of theories as
you see fit. Your final choice will also be selective to make sure the integrated
approach is relevant. You should justify the selection.
Again, the unit tutor will be assessing the submission and indicating broadly whether
it is headed in the right direction. This is not a graded submission. It is, however,
critical that all students make this submission as it ensures that they are well on track
to have worked on a substantial part of the unit's final assessment.
This submission is due on or before TBA via a BREO ink.
The link will not work after this date and submissions will not be accepted by email.


Candidate declaration:
● I confirm that the work/evidence presented for assessment is my own unaided work.
It is not copied from any other person’s work (published or unpublished)
● I confirm that I have read the plagiarism policy and understand that if plagiarism is
detected I will receive a written warning and this can be escalated to formal
disciplinary action.
● I confirm that I meet the requirements of the word count for this assignment. (The
following aspects are excluded from the word count; the declaration page, marking
feedback sheet, title/cover page, index/contents page, list of references/bibliography
and appendices.)
● I confirm that my assignment meets the word count stated on the assignment brief
(i.e. where a word count is stated on the brief there is a +/ - 10% allowance, where a
word count range is stated, the word count needs to be within this range).
● I understand there are only two opportunities to submit an assignment per module
● I agree to this work being subjected to scrutiny by textual analysis software.
● I understand that my work may be used for future academic/quality assurance
purposes (this may include being shared with other students anonymously) in
accordance with the GDPR
● I understand that the work/evidence submitted for assessment may not be returned
to me and that I have retained a copy for my records.
● I understand that until such time as the assessment grade has been ratified through
internal and external quality assurance processes it is not final.
ubmitting my assignment I confirm that I agree to the above statements in the
candidat e
Must be completed by candidate (all fields are compulsory ):
CIPD Membership
Understand the key contemporary business issues and main external factors affecting
different organisations and the impact on HR
1.1 Assess a range of different factors which impact on an organisation’s business and
its HR function.
Understand how organisational and HR strategies and practices are shaped and
2.1 Analyse the forces shaping the HR
2.2 Compare different tools for analysing the business environment
2.3 Explain the key stages in strategy formulation and implementation and
the role of HR
2.4 Examine HR’s contribution to
business ethics and accountability
Know how to identify and respond to changes in the business environment
3.1 Evaluate business performance and
the role of HR in business planning and
the change management agenda
3.2 Assess and utilise different sources
of business and contextual data for
planning purposes
Students should please note that the above Assessment Outcome for this Unit is
provisional and is subject to Internal Acacia Learning verification (IQA) and external
Verification (EQA).
Marked by (tutor): Date
July 2018
CIPD Candidate Assessment Activity
Title of unit/s Business Issues and the Contexts of Human Resources
Unit No/s 5CHR
Level 5
Credit value 6
Assessment method(s) Written paper for delegate pack
Expiry date September 2019
Learning outcomes:
1 Understand the key contemporary business issues and main external factors
affecting different
organisations and the impact on HR.
2 Understand how organisational and HR strategies and practices are shaped and
3 Know how to identify and respond to changes in the business environment.
Assessment brief/activity
You have been asked by your CIPD Branch to lead a discussion at one of its events on
evolving role of HR in the contemporary business world’. You have been asked to
produce a
paper for inclusion in the delegate pack. In your paper, you should include the
● An analysis of some of the key forces which shape the HR agenda e.g. models of
the HR
function, HR strategies, insights and solutions to support business performance,
ethics and accountability.
● Compare at least three different tools for analysing the business environment.
● Assess at least four different factors which impact on an organisation’s business and
its HR
function. You should include examples of external and internal factors to illustrate the
different types of impact.
● Summarise the key stages in strategy formulation and implementation with
reference to a
model from the literature. You should also refer to the role of HR in each of the stages
in particular, highlight HR’s contribution to business ethics and accountability.
● Give some examples of how business performance can be evaluated, making
reference to
at least three types of indicators. You should make particular reference to the role of
HR in
business planning and change management with some examples to illustrate HR’s key
● Explain how at least four different sources of business and contextual data can be
assessed and utilised for planning purposes.
2.3, 2.4
Evidence to be produced/required
A written paper of approximately 3900 words in total.
You should relate academic concepts, theories and professional practice to the way
organisations operate, in a
critical and informed way, and with reference to key texts, articles and other
publications and by using
organisational examples for illustration.
All reference sources should be acknowledged correctly and a bibliography provided
where appropriate (these
should be excluded from the word count).
July 2018
Guidance Business Issues and the Contexts of Human Resources (5CHR)
LOs 1, 2, & 3
To achieve a pass, candidates should produce work equating to approximately 3000
words, which reflects the guidance given below.
Candidates should relate academic concepts, theories and professional practice to the
way organizations operate, in a critical and informed way, and with reference to key
texts, articles and other publications and by using organisational examples for
All reference sources should be acknowledged correctly and a bibliography provided
where appropriate (these should be excluded from the word count).
AC 1.1
Candidates should assess a range of factors that can have an impact on an
organisation’s business and its HR function. You would expect them to include
reference to government policy, the prevailing economy and market conditions,
demographic, social and technological trends, globalisation and also to internal factors
such as stakeholders, financial health, communications etc. Candidates should
summarise the impact these factors can have on the organisation and its HR function.
AC 2.1
AC 2.2
AC 2.3, 2.4
Candidates should analyse some of the forces which shape the HR agenda. You would
expect them to make reference to different models of the HR function, HR strategies,
insights and solutions to support business performance and stakeholder expectations.
Candidates should give examples of different tools that can be used to analyse the
business environment. They should compare at least two different tools e.g. SWOT,
PESTLE, Porter’s 5 Forces.
Candidates should summarise the key stages in strategy formulation. With reference
to models from the literature. They can choose any model provided it addresses the
key stages from goal setting to evaluation and review. They should give examples of
the contribution of HR linked to each of the stages. They should include the role of
HR in promoting business ethics and accountability.
AC 3.1
AC 3.2
Candidates should give examples of how business performance can be evaluated and
may structure these examples under ‘traditional’ and ‘modern’ indicators. You would
expect them to include different types of metrics and how these can be used, in
particular HR metrics. They should give examples of how HR contributes to business
planning and in a change management agenda e.g. HR as a change agent (modelling
and communicating the change, engaging others and providing support).
Candidates should give an analysis of different examples of sources of business and
contextual data e.g. internal information within the organisation including HR metrics
such as HR costs, responsiveness, issue management, recruitment, productivity etc
and also industry information e.g. trends in HR, competitive information, government
information. They should explain how these data can be used for planning.
July 2018
July 2018
LO1: Understand what is required to be an effective and efficient HR professional.
1.1 Evaluate what it means to be an HR
professional with reference to the CIPD’s
most current Profession Map.
1.2 Describe the elements of group dynamics
and conflict resolution methods.
LO2: Be able to perform efficiently and effectively as an HR professional
2.1 Apply project management techniques
2.2 Apply problem-solving techniques
2.3 Apply a range of methods for influencing,
persuading and negotiating with others
LO3: Be able to apply CPD techniques to construct, implement and review a personal
3.1 Undertake a self-assessment of HR professional practice capabilities to identify
continuing professional development needs
3.2 Produce a plan to meet personal development objectives based on an evaluation of
different options
3.3 Reflect on performance against the plan, identify learning points for the future and
revise the plan accordingly Assessment brief/activity
You are asked to develop an electronic portfolio of evidence which includes four
sections that respond to the following tasks:
Activity 1
Evaluate what it means to be an HR professional, making reference to the current
CIPD Profession Map. This can be accessed at
Activity 2
● Briefly describe the elements of group dynamics and give at least two examples of
conflict resolution methods within an HR context.
Activity 3
With reference to a recent or current project (large or small) which you have led (or
been part of a project team):
● Provide evidence of using project management and problem-solving techniques in
the course of the project.
● Explain how you successfully influenced, persuaded and negotiated with others in
the course of the project (or other related activity).
Activity 4
● Undertake a self-assessment of one area of your practice to identify your
professional development needs in that area and options to address these.
● Produce a professional development plan (PDP) plan to meet your professional
development needs which includes a justification of the option(s) chosen.
● During your programme, provide a reflective summary of your performance against
the plan. You should also identify any future development needs and record these in
your PDP.
(Note: If required, CPD plan and record templates for students are available at
nt Criteria
2.1, 2.2
Evidence to be produced/required
A portfolio of evidence of approximately 2600 words in total (excluding the PDP) that
responds to each of the
four tasks.
July 2018
1.1 Summarise the organisational objectives
that the HR function is responsible for
delivering and how these are evolving in
contemporary organisations.
1.2 Explain the major theories of effective
change management and how these are
implemented and evaluated.
1.3 Evaluate the business case for
managing HR in a professional, ethical and
just manner.
LO2: Understand how HR objectives are delivered in different organisations.
Explain the different ways in which HR objectives can be delivered in organisations.
Analyse how the HR function varies between organisations in different sectors and of
different sizes.
LO3: Understand how the HR function can be evaluated in terms of value added and
contribution to organisation performance.
3.1 Discuss the main criteria and methods used to evaluate the contribution of the HR
LO4: Understand the relationship between organisational performance and effective
HR management and development.
4.1Identify and evaluate research evidence linking HR practices with positive
organisational outcomes.
4.2 Explain how high-performance working and investment in human capital impact
on organisational practice.

Learning outcomes:
Understand the purpose and key objectives of the HR function in contemporary
Understand how HR objectives are delivered in different organisations.
Understand how the HR function can be evaluated in terms of value added and
organisation performance.
Understand the relationship between organisational performance and effective HR
management and development.
Question 1
Give examples of the main organisational objectives that the HR function is
responsible for delivering and briefly explain how these have evolved/are evolving in
contemporary organisations. In your answer, provide a brief justification for managing
HR in a professional, ethical and just manner.
Question 2
Give a brief summary of two different ways HR objectives can be delivered in
Analyse how the HR function varies between organisations in different sectors and of
different sizes.
Question 3
Give a short explanation of at least two major theories of change management, and
illustrate how they can be used and evaluated.
Question 4
Your CEO has asked for a report on the contribution of the HR function to the
business. In preparation for the report, give a brief summary of the criteria and
methods available for use in evaluating the HR function’s contribution. Question 5
In consultation with your tutor, select an article that identifies and evaluates research
evidence linking HR practices with positive organizational outcomes. Briefly
summarise the findings and state how convincing you find these to be. Conclude by
explaining how high-performance working and investment in human capital can
impact on organisational practice.
Poor/illogical structure.
Poor report presentation, with poor grammar and readability.
Referencing limited and not in Harvard format. Some structure is evident but not
Presentation unsatisfactory or grammar issues affecting readability.
Significant errors in Harvard References Structure and presentation of the report is
Readability is acceptable, though some grammar.
Harvard reference format used correctly, referencing is limited. Good report
structure and presentation.
Some referencing is used to support discussion. A good logical structure is
Presentation of the report and readability are very good.
Good references are used to support the discussion. A well-structured report, where
the arguments are presented in a logical order.
Professional presentation with excellent readability.
Wide range of high quality references to support the discussion.
AC 1.1, 1.3
Some of the examples you would expect them to include (not all of them) could be:
building organisation capability through people and performance, organisation and
job design, staffing objectives, performance objectives, contributing to organisation
change, promoting good employment relations and employee engagement, developing
careers and skills. They should indicate how the role of HR has evolved e.g. they
could cite business partnering, strategic partner. In their answer candidates should also
provide a brief justification for why HR should be managed in professional, ethical
and just manner.
Question 2
AC 2.1, 2.2
Candidates should compare two different models for delivering HR services e.g.
shared services,
outsourcing, or consultancy. They should provide a brief analysis of how the HR
function varies
between organisations in different sectors and sizes e.g. candidates may choose to
address this by
comparing the size and role of HR services delivery in an SME with a large
Question 3
AC 1.2
Candidates should give a couple of examples of major change theories that may
include classical theories such as Lewin’s three-phase model and more contemporary
models e.g. Kotter’s eight-stage model. They should select one of the models and
illustrate their understanding by showing how the model can be used and evaluated.
Candidates should give examples of different approaches to HR evaluation e.g.
metrics, balanced scorecard, benchmarking, SLA’s, KPI’s, benchmarking, surveys.
Question 5
AC 4.1, 4.2
Candidates should identify the article that has linked HR practice with positive
organizational outcomes. They should summarise the main findings and comment on
the persuasiveness of the findings. They may include some of the following points:
the link between high organization performance and effective HR services, human
capital, human capital perspectives and building organisation capability.
The Integrated Management Project (IMP)

How the Unit works

IMP - spans across two semesters and the feedback is formative in IMP1.
There are two submissions in IMP1 :
1. The first submission is a short proposal of 500 words which identifies and
describes a current workplace problem or issue; theories, tools and techniques
available to provide a business solution; and how the various parts of the business /
organisation come into play, i.e. the integrated nature of the problem is critical here.
This means drawing on your previous and current units in your MBA – Leading and
Managing People, Leadership styles and qualities from LP 1 & LP2, Accounting &
Finance, Marketing, Competing in a Global Context, Operations and Project
Management, Strategy, Entrepreneurship etc. It is important that you should identify
the problem within your own organisation.
In-text references and citations are not required at this stage.
This submission is due on or before TBA via a BREO ink. The link will not work
after this date and submissions will not be accepted by email.
Your unit tutor will assess the proposal and indicate whether it is in the right direction.
This submission is not graded. It is, however, important to make this submission, as it
informs the unit tutor how you are progressing towards your second submission.

2. The second part of IMP -1 is a 3000-word submission. You should produce a

report that:
Identifies an issue in your organisation that has multiple and varied approaches to its
resolution. The issue need not be one of failure but may be a challenge facing an
organisation. This should be current or impending but not a past issue. You will
identify and integrate a range of theories and techniques drawn from multiple
appropriate disciplines from your MBA in the creation of appropriate solutions.

So, how will you approach this assessment?

Answer: By elaborating on the proposal and addressing the areas that the unit tutor
has indicated in the feedback to your proposal. Explain which theories, tools and
techniques are being used and justify their choices.
Also, explore the approaches to manage the change that you are going to recommend
– Hard and Soft methodologies. Remember the integrated nature of the problem is
critical here.

In-text references and citations are required at this stage.

Once you have framed the problem you will identify and discuss theories, models and
paradigms related to the problem. Make sure that you look at the problem from
different points of view and relate them to your learning from as many different units
of the MBA. For example:
• People - LMP, LP, MCI – how does your problem/ solution impact on the team &
company? Performance, leadership, managing creativity/innovation etc.
• Financial aspect – AfL – How will your solution improve/ impact positively on the
financial aspect of the company?
• Marketing – How does your problem/solution impact on the marketing dimension?
• Strategy – From the Strategy unit (Business Strategy) TCGC (locating your
problem / organisation within the wider context of global business/ sector – macro-
environmental impact – PESTEL, etc.) or business models and strategies from the unit
on Entrepreneurship and Small Business
• Operations Management – How does the problem/solution impact on the supply
chain, procurement and operational management issues?
• Project management – Consider the models for managing change and other project
management theories or models. Can any of these be applied to your problem area?
You may use the soft and hard systems approach within this context. Is there any
other approach that would be appropriate? If so, present it (with appropriate
referencing) and explain how and why it is more suitable to the task at hand.
This is not an exhaustive list and you may want to broaden the range of theories as
you see fit. Your final choice will also be selective to make sure the integrated
approach is relevant. You should justify the selection.
Again, the unit tutor will be assessing the submission and indicating broadly whether
it is headed in the right direction. This is not a graded submission. It is, however,
critical that all students make this submission as it ensures that they are well on track
to have worked on a substantial part of the unit's final assessment.
This submission is due on or before TBA via a BREO ink.
The link will not work after this date and submissions will not be accepted by email.

University of Bedfordshire Business School

Operations and Project Management

Assignment 1 Briefing

You will be required to undertake a case study and complete a case analysis report.
This can be based on operations of your current workplace or any other organisation
known to you.

Assessment -1: Operations Management (40%)

Individual Report Submission

Description of
Assessment Task
You need to choose one global operations management case for your individual report
from companies such as Apple, Oman Air, Samsung, Google or any company of your
choice. You will discuss this further with your tutor before finalising the topic. Critical
analysis of the case will help you to answer the following operations management

Q1) Critically examine three relevant Operation Management (OM) decision areas
(e.g. quality, inventory management, layout or process design etc.) in your chosen
company (or workplace, as long as evidences can be validated with credible resources
within your workplace) (suggested 750 words)

Q2a) Compare and contrast your chosen organisation with another contemporary one
using the 4 Vs (Volume, Variety, Variation and Visibility) (suggested 150 words –
please see Note 2)

Q2b) Examine the ways to improve operational performance within your chosen
company (suggested 350 words).

Note 1: Introduction and conclusion is suggested to be 250 words.

Note B: Please include a table with the comparison of your companies 4 V’s in
Appendix A and include a short discussion referring to this in the main body of the

You will be required to undertake a case study and complete a case analysis report.
This can be based on operations of your current or previous workplace or any other
organisation known to you. You need to discuss and confirm with your tutor to agree
upon a suitable case. The report will be 1,500 words in length (not including
references and appendices). It should include answers to all the case questions (given
above) and must make use of relevant unit concepts on the aspect covered. Your first
submission is the final.

Format MS Word
Resources/Support Available Class discussion to clarify Assignment;
In-class review
Unit resources on BREO;
Assessment Criteria See composition of marks for Assignment-1, overleaf.
Details of how feedback will be provided 2Q and feedback given on-line through
Turn-It-In and marked assessment criteria marking grid.
Referral Assignment Your referral assignment will require you to discuss and
critically analyse operations management issues and operations strategy based on
another organisation (discussed and confirmed by your tutor).

CIPD Assessment Activity Template
Title of unit/s
Understanding Organisations and the Role of Human Resources
Unit No/s
Credit value
Assessment method
Written (Briefing Note)

Expiry date September 2019

Learning outcomes:

1. Understand the purpose of an organisation and its operating environment.

2. Understand the structure, culture and functions of an organisation.
3. Understand how HR/L&D activities support an organisation.

A new manager is starting in the organisation shortly. You have been asked to provide
a written briefing note for this new-starter so that they can gain some understanding of
the organisation in preparation for their start.

The information you provide should include:

• a list of what the organisation produces or the services that it offers to its
• an identification of the main customers
• the purpose and goals of the organisation
• an analysis of a minimum of 4 external factors and their impact on the
business activities of an organisation
• the structure of the organisation that includes at least 4 functions
• an explanation of how these different functions work together within the
organisation to optimise performance
• an identification of the culture of the organisation and 2 ways this affects
• how 3 HR activities support the organisation’s strategy
• 3 ways HR professionals support line managers and their staff.
Assessment Criteria






Assessment Guidance:

Number of Words : 2000 words

Font : 14, Aligned to the left/Times New Roman
Line Spacing : 1.5
Deadline for Submission : (soft copy)
Assessment Procedure : This assignment will be submitted once only for
(Within 48 hours) before the given deadline
Assessment Criteria:

• AC1.1 - Describe the purpose and goals of an organisation

• AC1.2 - Describe the products, services and customers of an organisation
• AC1.3 - Analyse how external factors impact on the business activities of an
• AC2.1 - Describe the structure of an organisation and the functions within it.
• AC2.2 - Explain how the different functions work together to optimise
• AC2.3 - Explain how the culture of an organisation affects its operations.
• AC3.1 - Describe how HR or L&D activities support an organisation’s
• AC3.2 - Explain the role of HR or L&D professionals in supporting line
managers and their staff.

CIPD Assessment Activity Template
Title of unit/s
Recording, Analysing and Using Human Resources Information
Unit No/s
Credit value 2

Assessment method
Expiry date September 2019
Learning outcomes:
1. Understand what data needs to be collected to support HR practices.
2. Know how HR data should be recorded and stored.
3. Be able to analyse HR information and present findings to inform decision-
Both activities should be completed.

Activity 1
You have a new HR Director, they have requested that you review the organisation’s
approach to collecting, storing and using HR data and produce a briefing note on your
findings. Within your note, you should cover the following:

• At least two reasons why the organisation needs to collect HR data.

• At least two types of data that is collected within the organisation and how
each supports HR practices.
• A description of at least two methods of storing records and the benefits of
• A statement of at least two essential items of UK legislation relating to the
recording, storage and accessibility of HR data.
Activity 2
Using your own organisation information or the CIPD Survey Reports
https://www.cipd.co.uk/knowledge/hr-learn-develop-database to identify a specific
area of data. Analyse the data and present your findings in a way that will assist an
aspect of decision making in the area of data selected. Your analysis should be
presented in a report covering:

• An introduction to the HR area being investigated.

• An explanation of how you analysed and interpreted the data.
• Your findings, presented so that they enable decision making.
Assessment Criteria




Evidence to be produced

Activity 1
Briefing note of approximately 500 words.

Activity 2
Report of approximately 500 words.

University of Bedfordshire Business School

Operations and Project Management

Assignment 2 Briefing (60%)

Project Plan Presentation

Description of
Assessment Task You will produce a project plan for a suitable project for your
work-place. If there is not much scope of developing a project plan in relation to your
work-place, you must agree a project title of your choice and scope with your tutor.
The Project Plan will include the use of Project Management tools and techniques
studied and discussed in the class. You will need to submit the project plan (maximum
2,000 words, apart from the relevant appendices that you are required to illustrate!)
with clear indication of your contributions.

List of projects to be considered (only examples):

• Educating/training business executives on the use of ‘decision making
systems’ software.
• Relocating a manufacturing facility of automobile company from the India to
• Organising a blood donation camp in Luton
• Launching of any new product in the market
• Develop a new educational board-game for new skills (example supply chain
management and logistics management)
• Create a fund raising event for a renowned charity

You should include the following:

• Project Introduction and Objectives
• Project team and their roles;
• Project stages and key deliverables
• Project time management (Work Breakdown Structure; Activity List; Gantt
Chart in MS Project; Network Diagram and Critical Path)
• Budget (cost)
• Quality Plan.
• Risk Log/Register;
Format MS Word & MS Project
Resources/Support Available Class discussion to clarify Assignment;
In-class review
Unit resources on BREO;
Assessment Criteria See assessment criteria marking grid for assessment-2,
Details of how feedback will be provided 2Q and feedback given on-line through
Turn-It-In and marked assessment criteria marking grid.
Referral Assignment Your referral assignment will require you to produce a project
plan based on another project (discussed and confirmed by your tutor).

Assessment Criteria Marking Grid –Project plan (50% Weighting)

Criterion Weight <35% 35%-39% 40% - 49% (D) 50% - 59% (C)
60% - 69% (B) >=70% (A)
Project Objectives & Introduction 10% Project Objectives/Intro missing or
unclearProject Objectives/Intro vague Project Objectives & Intro satisfactory
Intro and Project Objectives clear and appropriate Intro & Project Objectives
well expressed and almost SMART Intro & Project Objectives clear, precise and
Project team roles 5% No/ illogical PBS/WBS Poor PBS/WBS.
Acceptable WBS/PBS, but incomplete. Correct diagrammatic form.
Good WBS/PBS, complete, but query on content/logic Complete and
correct WBS/PBS. Excellent complete, correct and detailed WBS/PBS.
Project stages and Key deliverables 15% No/ illogical discussion of the project
stages using 4Ds Poor discussion of the project stages using 4Ds.
Less than two of the 4 Ds discussed unsatisfactorily. Acceptable discussion of the
project stages using 4Ds.
At least two of the 4Ds are discussed satisfactorily
Good discussion of the project stages using 4Ds.
All 4Ds are discussed well
Very good discussion of the project stages using 4Ds.
All of 4Ds are discussed very well along with their deliverables
Outstanding discussion of the project stages using 4Ds.
All of 4Ds are discussed excellently along with their deliverables

Time Management
- WBS, Activity List & Gantt Chart
- Network Diagram and Critical Path Analysis 30% WBS, Activity List/Gantt
Chart not produced/very inaccurate.
Lack of clarity on main Activities.

Network Diagram not presented or not represented as activity on node. Significant

activities missing on WBS, Activity List & Gantt Chart;
MS Project not used;
Resources not identified;

Network Diagram illogical and critical path (CP) not identified or incorrect.
Some questionable logic on WBS, Activity List.
Gantt Chart acceptable but contains mistakes.
Network Diagram contains some anomalies;
CP largely correct;

Network diagram presented in MS Project format Activity List satisfactory. Lack of
minor resources.
Largely correct WBS, Activity list, Gantt Chart;
MS Project used.

Network Diagram done in Excel, or by hand and shows the activity node values;
Network diagram largely correct.
CP identified. Well considered WBS, Activity List.
Gantt Chart correct, resources not shown. Resources identified.

Network Diagram done in Excel, or by hand and shows the activity node values;
Network Diagram good.
CP correct. Good consideration of WBS, Activity List.
Gantt Chart correct, readable and well analysed.
All resources identified for each activity.

Network Diagram done in Excel, or by hand and shows the activity node values;
Network Diagram neat and correct;
CP clear & correct.
Budget (costing) 15% Project budget is not presented or not represented as
activity on node. Project budget illogical and not calculated appropriately or
incorrect. Project budget contains some anomalies;
calculations largely correct; Project budget presented in tabular format Project
budget is done in Excel, or by hand and shows the cost breakdown values;
Project budget largely correct. Project budget is done in Excel, or by hand and
shows the costing values;
Project budget is good and correct. Project budget is done in Excel, or by hand and
shows the activity node values;
Project budget is neat, appropriate & correct.
Risk Register 15% No/ very limited identification of risks and their management
An attempt made at identifying risks, but not at risk management Risks
identified, initial analysis conducted Risks identified and analysed, attempt made at
planning responses. Risks identified and analysed, detailed responses planned.
Risks identified and analysed, detailed responses planned, with proximity of

Quality Plan 10% No/ meaningless quality plan Poor description of quality
responsibilities, quality criteria and quality methods Acceptable list of quality
responsibilities, quality criteria and quality methods, though lacking any detail
Good specification of quality responsibilities, quality criteria and quality
methods Quality responsibilities, quality criteria and quality methods completed
with details which are logical & consistent Quality responsibilities, quality criteria
and quality methods completed to a high standard, with systems described for
tracking and updating

Coursework Information Sheet

Coursework Information Sheet

Feedback details
The university policy is that you will receive prompt feedback on your work within 15
working days of the submission date. Exceptionally where this is not achievable (for
example due to staff sickness) you will be notified as soon as possible of the revised
date and the reasons behind the change.
Submission Date
Unit Week 14 – TBA
Please submit your assignment through BREO unit site by the stated deadline. You are
allowed a single submission only, so make sure you are happy with your work and
that you submit the correct document.

Feedback Date
15 working days from the due date shown above
Details of how to access the feedback
BREO. Feedback will appear in the ‘My Grades’ section of BREO. A short
instructional video of how to access this is on your Student Gateway page of BREO
The Task
Your task is to produce a management report providing a strategic analysis of an
organisation that is operating in the Gulf region. You are required to conduct a
thorough analysis of the organisation and the industry it operates within. You are
expected to examine and critically evaluate the current strategy of this organisation.
You need to make recommendations based on your analysis, outlining and evaluating
a number of options and selecting the most appropriate one for implementation. The
emphasis must be on deriving recommendations that provide a form of competitive
advantage. You will be required to use some theoretical models, framework and
theories to underpin your analysis. It is essential that you show some critical
analysis /evaluation in your analysis.
The analysis and recommendations must not be solely descriptive of what the
organisation is actually doing but analytical and proposing what it could and should

Some advice about approaching your research and investigation:

The nature of strategic recommendations and decisions:
• Your development of options and selection of the strategic decision must be
strategic in nature
• Success depends on you being able to understand the difference between
operational and strategic issues and actions
Below are some examples of the sorts of issues that might be investigated. Please note
that this is not a complete list and that different ones may be relevant. (Generally you
would only focus on one but there may be more that you could consider). The
emphasis on the options that are considered should be on achieving competitive
• Decision about which markets to enter
• Decisions about potential product /service development
• Decisions about which business units to invest in and grow and which to
downsize or divest
• Growing a new business
• Finding a new source of differentiation in the face of competitive pressure
• Finding innovative ways to compete hence avoiding competition
• Process/system improvements
• Decisions about continuing on the current strategic path
If your company is non-profit
Strategy applies to non-profit or government organisation and agencies and there is no
reason why you can not do the assignment on such an organisation

The Analysis:
The analysis is vital for you to be able to create a range of strategic options and to
justify a choice for the strategic decision – it is NOT however the report (the report is
the discussion of the options and the justification for the choice)
The analysis should be based on an extensive study of the organisation and should be
fully supported by relevant data. While you will provide a summary of the analysis in
your report, use the appendices to provide more detail and data.

Things to avoid:
• Descriptions of the tools and frameworks. You are not writing a text book and
you will be assessed on your ability to think strategically rather than providing a lit
review. This style of writing will lead to a low grade or failure.
• Inappropriate referencing. Any evidence must be properly referenced within
the text of the main report - Harvard system applies
• Out of date evidence – Organisations moves quickly, so a report that uses old
data is not valid.
• Descriptions of the current situation. This assignment must look at future
potential options.
• Focusing on operational issues. This is a strategy report and should focus on
strategic issues and solutions.
• Management Report format. There are many templates in existence and use

You may not choose companies which feature in the large case studies in textbooks
such as Johnson & Scholes and Grant, or companies used for in-class teaching.
Please confirm your choice of company with your tutor before proceeding. Collecting
and analysis of information can be done in groups but remember this is an individual
assignment and must be presented as such.
All assignments will be subject to Turnit in so it is imperative that the assignments are
written in your own words.

Core learning outcomes

On completion of this unit you should be able to: Assessment number
1 Demonstrate in-depth knowledge of the tools and frameworks of strategy in
order to select the appropriate ones with which to perform meaningful analysis to
generate coherent strategic options and choice. 1
2 Select and apply a range of strategy tools, concepts and frameworks to analyse
unstructured problems based on the issues presented by the external and internal
business environment and use the analysis to evaluate and design appropriate
strategies. 1

University of Bedfordshire Business School

Operations and Project Management

Assignment 1 Briefing

You will be required to undertake a case study and complete a case analysis report.
This can be based on operations of your current workplace or any other organisation
known to you.

Assessment -1: Operations Management (50%)

Individual Report Submission

Assessment Title Operations Management Report

Unit Title Operations and Project Management
Unit Code SHR039-6 Number of Credits 15
Assessment Weighting (%) 50%
Issue Date Xxxxxxx
Submission Deadline Xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Procedure for/where to submit work (including file name format for TurnItIn where
You MUST submit digital copy electronically on BREO Turn-it-in.
The following file naming format should be used for submission:
Assignment 1_Operations Strategy_ Student Name _Student ID Number
Expected Return Date Two weeks after submission

Description of
Assessment Task
You need to choose one global operations management case for your individual report
from companies such as Apple, Oman Air, Samsung, Google or any company of your
choice. You will discuss this further with your tutor before finalising the topic. Critical
analysis of the case will help you to answer the following operations management

Q1) Critically examine three relevant Operation Management (OM) decision areas
(e.g. quality, inventory management, layout or process design etc.) in your chosen
company (or workplace, as long as evidences can be validated with credible resources
within your workplace) (750 words)

Q2) Compare and contrast your chosen organisation with another contemporary one
using the 4 Vs (Volume, Variety, Variation and Visibility) (500 words)

Q3) Examine the ways to improve operational performance within your chosen
company (500 words).

Note: Introduction and conclusion should be 250 words.

You will be required to undertake a case study and complete a case analysis report.
This can be based on operations of your current or previous workplace or any other
organisation known to you. You need to discuss and confirm with your tutor to agree
upon a suitable case. The report will be 2,000 words in length (not including
references and appendices). It should include answers to all the case questions (given
above) and must make use of relevant unit concepts on the aspect covered. Your first
submission is the final.

Unit Learning Outcomes assessed: Demonstrate an in-depth knowledge and critical

appreciation of Operations Management for various planning and decisions within
Effectively determine how Operations Management can support the corporate
strategic plan of an organisation, improve performance and implement change to
achieve competitive advantage.
Format MS Word
Resources/Support Available Class discussion to clarify Assignment;
In-class review
Unit resources on BREO;
Assessment Criteria See composition of marks for Assignment-1, overleaf.
Details of how feedback will be provided 2Q and feedback given on-line through
Turn-It-In and marked assessment criteria marking grid.
Referral Assignment Your referral assignment will require you to discuss and
critically analyse operations management issues and operations strategy based on
another organisation (discussed and confirmed by your tutor).

Composition of Marks for Assignment-1:

Assessment Criteria F (<35%) E (35-39%) D (40-49%) C (50-
59%) B (60-69%) A (>=70%)
Critically examine3 OM decisions (e.g. quality, inventory management, layout or
process design etc.) in your chosen company (or workplace) 40% Very little
or no evidence of the ability to appreciate the OM decision areas in the case.
Alternatively, heavy reliance on large chunks of the case.
No/very limited attempt to use evidence to support the arguments.
Unfounded ways to improve performance. Some attempt is made to appreciate OM
decision areas in the case.
Arguments are baseless and weak.
Dubious logic used to suggest ways to improve performance.

Attempted to critically analyse 3 OM decision areas but lacks supporting

evidence from the literature and practices of the case company.
The logical link between OM areas and improved performance is satisfactory
Some evidence of critical analysis of 3 OM decision areas, supported by the
literature and /or OM theory.
Some logical recommendations to improve performance.

A good critical analysis of 3 OM decision areas in the case, supported by some

evidence from the literature to support the discussion.
Some sound recommendations to improve performance. Comprehensive critical
analysis of 3 OM decision areas in the case, supported by strong evidence from the
literature, to support the discussion.
Sensible and logical, substantiated recommendations to improve performance.
Compare and contrast your chosen organisation with another contemporary one using
the 4 Vs (Volume, Variety, Variation and Visibility} 25% The 4 Vs (Volume,
Variety, Variation and Visibility} are described, with no evaluation. 4 Vs (Volume,
Variety, Variation and Visibility} are described but discussion lacks breadth. The
student fails to demonstrate a real understanding of all the issues involved in each of
the Vs. 4 Vs (Volume, Variety, Variation and Visibility} are described but discussion
lacks evidence. Discussion narrow and possibly not well argued or supported.
4 Vs (Volume, Variety, Variation and Visibility} are described An ability to use
ideas which are easily accessible. No evidence of a student’s attempt to go beyond the
obvious. Discussion accurate but shallow indicating some issues with the 4 Vs. A
good understanding of the 4 Vs (Volume, Variety, Variation and Visibility} of the case
considered, supported by evidences.
A comprehensive answer that shows a sound evaluation of the 4 Vs (Volume,
Variety, Variation and Visibility}, supported by evidences and appropriate examples.

Examine the ways to improve operational performance within this company

25% Limited improvements for the company’s operational performance are

described, with no evaluation of two relevant improvements Some
improvements for the company’s operational performance are described but
discussion lacks breadth. Student fails to demonstrate a real understanding of at least
three improvements. Four improvements for the company’s operational performance
are described but discussion lacks evidence. Discussion narrow and possibly not well
argued or supported
Five improvements for the company’s operational performance are described
An ability to use ideas which are easily accessible. No evidence of attempt to go
beyond the obvious. Discussion accurate but shallow. A good understanding of
atleast five improvements for the company’s operational performance of the case
considered, supported by evidences.
A comprehensive answer that shows a sound evaluation of atleast five
improvements for the company’s operational performance, supported by evidences
and appropriate examples.
Structure, presentation & Referencing


University of Bedfordshire Business School

Operations and Project Management

Assignment 1 Briefing

You will be required to undertake a case study and complete a case analysis report.
This can be based on operations of your current workplace or any other organisation
known to you.

Assessment -1: Operations Management (40%)

Individual Report Submission

Assessment Title Operations Management Report

Unit Title Operations and Project Management
Unit Code SHR039-6 Number of Credits 15
Assessment Weighting (%) 40%
Issue Date
Submission Deadline 10am (UK time) Friday 26th of October, 2018
Procedure for/where to submit work (including file name format for TurnItIn where
You MUST submit digital copy electronically on BREO Turn-it-in.
The following file naming format should be used for submission:
Assignment 1_Operations Strategy_ Student Name _Student ID Number
Expected Return Date Two weeks after submission

Description of
Assessment Task
You need to choose one global operations management case for your individual report
from companies such as Apple, Oman Air, Samsung, Google or any company of your
choice. You will discuss this further with your tutor before finalising the topic. Critical
analysis of the case will help you to answer the following operations management

Q1) Critically examine three relevant Operation Management (OM) decision areas
(e.g. quality, inventory management, layout or process design etc.) in your chosen
company (or workplace, as long as evidences can be validated with credible resources
within your workplace) (suggested 750 words)

Q2a) Compare and contrast your chosen organisation with another contemporary one
using the 4 Vs (Volume, Variety, Variation and Visibility) (suggested 150 words –
please see Note 2)

Q2b) Examine the ways to improve operational performance within your chosen
company (suggested 350 words).

Note 1: Introduction and conclusion is suggested to be 250 words.

Note B: Please include a table with the comparison of your companies 4 V’s in
Appendix A and include a short discussion referring to this in the main body of the

You will be required to undertake a case study and complete a case analysis report.
This can be based on operations of your current or previous workplace or any other
organisation known to you. You need to discuss and confirm with your tutor to agree
upon a suitable case. The report will be 1,500 words in length (not including
references and appendices). It should include answers to all the case questions (given
above) and must make use of relevant unit concepts on the aspect covered. Your first
submission is the final.
Format MS Word
Resources/Support Available Class discussion to clarify Assignment;
In-class review
Unit resources on BREO;
Assessment Criteria See composition of marks for Assignment-1, overleaf.
Details of how feedback will be provided 2Q and feedback given on-line through
Turn-It-In and marked assessment criteria marking grid.
Referral Assignment Your referral assignment will require you to discuss and
critically analyse operations management issues and operations strategy based on
another organisation (discussed and confirmed by your tutor).

Composition of Marks for Assignment-1:

Assessment Criteria F (<35%) E (35-39%) D (40-49%) C (50-
59%) B (60-69%) A (>=70%)
Critically examine3 OM decisions (e.g. quality, inventory management, layout or
process design etc.) in your chosen company (or workplace) 40% Very little
or no evidence of the ability to appreciate the OM decision areas in the case.
Alternatively, heavy reliance on large chunks of the case.
No/very limited attempt to use evidence to support the arguments.
Unfounded ways to improve performance. Some attempt is made to appreciate OM
decision areas in the case.
Arguments are baseless and weak.
Dubious logic used to suggest ways to improve performance.

Attempted to critically analyse 3 OM decision areas but lacks supporting

evidence from the literature and practices of the case company.
The logical link between OM areas and improved performance is satisfactory
Some evidence of critical analysis of 3 OM decision areas, supported by the
literature and /or OM theory.
Some logical recommendations to improve performance.

A good critical analysis of 3 OM decision areas in the case, supported by some

evidence from the literature to support the discussion.
Some sound recommendations to improve performance. Comprehensive critical
analysis of 3 OM decision areas in the case, supported by strong evidence from the
literature, to support the discussion.
Sensible and logical, substantiated recommendations to improve performance.
Compare and contrast your chosen organisation with another contemporary one using
the 4 Vs (Volume, Variety, Variation and Visibility} 25% The 4 Vs (Volume,
Variety, Variation and Visibility} are described, with no evaluation. 4 Vs (Volume,
Variety, Variation and Visibility} are described but discussion lacks breadth. The
student fails to demonstrate a real understanding of all the issues involved in each of
the Vs. 4 Vs (Volume, Variety, Variation and Visibility} are described but discussion
lacks evidence. Discussion narrow and possibly not well argued or supported.
4 Vs (Volume, Variety, Variation and Visibility} are described An ability to use
ideas which are easily accessible. No evidence of a student’s attempt to go beyond the
obvious. Discussion accurate but shallow indicating some issues with the 4 Vs. A
good understanding of the 4 Vs (Volume, Variety, Variation and Visibility} of the case
considered, supported by evidences.
A comprehensive answer that shows a sound evaluation of the 4 Vs (Volume,
Variety, Variation and Visibility}, supported by evidences and appropriate examples.

Examine the ways to improve operational performance within this company

25% Limited improvements for the company’s operational performance are

described, with no evaluation of two relevant improvements Some
improvements for the company’s operational performance are described but
discussion lacks breadth. Student fails to demonstrate a real understanding of at least
three improvements. Four improvements for the company’s operational performance
are described but discussion lacks evidence. Discussion narrow and possibly not well
argued or supported
Five improvements for the company’s operational performance are described
An ability to use ideas which are easily accessible. No evidence of attempt to go
beyond the obvious. Discussion accurate but shallow. A good understanding of
atleast five improvements for the company’s operational performance of the case
considered, supported by evidences.
A comprehensive answer that shows a sound evaluation of atleast five
improvements for the company’s operational performance, supported by evidences
and appropriate examples.
Structure, presentation & Referencing

University of Bedfordshire Business School

Operations and Project Management

Assignment 2 Briefing (50%)

Project Plan Presentation

Assessment Title Individual Project Plan

Unit Title Project and Operations Management
Unit Code SHR039-6 Number of Credits 15
Assessment Weighting (%) 50%
Issue Date xxxxxxxxxxxx
Submission Deadline xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Procedure for/where to submit work (including file name format for TurnItIn where
You MUST submit digital copy electronically on BREO Turn-it-in.
The following file naming format should be used for submission:
Assignment 2_Project Plan_Lead Student Name _Student ID Number

Description of
Assessment Task You will produce a project plan for a suitable project for your
work-place. If there is not much scope of developing a project plan in relation to your
work-place, you must agree a project title of your choice and scope with your tutor.
The Project Plan will include the use of Project Management tools and techniques
studied and discussed in the class. You will need to submit the project plan (maximum
1000 words, apart from the relevant appendices that you are required to illustrate!)
with clear indication of your contributions.

List of projects to be considered (only examples):

• Educating/training business executives on the use of ‘decision making
systems’ software.
• Relocating a manufacturing facility of automobile company from the India to
• Organising a blood donation camp in Luton
• Launching of any new product in the market
• Develop a new educational board-game for new skills (example supply chain
management and logistics management)
• Create a fund raising event for a renowned charity

You should include the following:

• Project Introduction and Objectives
• Project team and their roles;
• Project stages and key deliverables
• Project time management (Work Breakdown Structure; Activity List; Gantt
Chart in MS Project; Network Diagram and Critical Path)
• Budget (cost)
• Quality Plan.
• Risk Log/Register;
Unit Learning Outcomes assessed: Demonstrate an in depth knowledge and
systematic understanding of project management theory and tools linked to the
planning of projects
Select and apply appropriate project management tools and techniques for the purpose
of effective planning of projects.
Format MS Word & MS Project
Resources/Support Available Class discussion to clarify Assignment;
In-class review
Unit resources on BREO;
Assessment Criteria See assessment criteria marking grid for assessment-2,
Details of how feedback will be provided 2Q and feedback given on-line through
Turn-It-In and marked assessment criteria marking grid.
Referral Assignment Your referral assignment will require you to produce a project
plan based on another project (discussed and confirmed by your tutor).

Assessment Criteria Marking Grid –Project plan (50% Weighting)

Criterion Weight <35% 35%-39% 40% - 49% (D) 50% - 59% (C)
60% - 69% (B) >=70% (A)
Project Objectives & Introduction 10% Project Objectives/Intro missing or
unclearProject Objectives/Intro vague Project Objectives & Intro satisfactory
Intro and Project Objectives clear and appropriate Intro & Project Objectives
well expressed and almost SMART Intro & Project Objectives clear, precise and
Project team roles 5% No/ illogical PBS/WBS Poor PBS/WBS.
Acceptable WBS/PBS, but incomplete. Correct diagrammatic form.
Good WBS/PBS, complete, but query on content/logic Complete and
correct WBS/PBS. Excellent complete, correct and detailed WBS/PBS.

Project stages and Key deliverables 15% No/ illogical discussion of the project
stages using 4Ds Poor discussion of the project stages using 4Ds.
Less than two of the 4 Ds discussed unsatisfactorily. Acceptable discussion of the
project stages using 4Ds.
At least two of the 4Ds are discussed satisfactorily
Good discussion of the project stages using 4Ds.
All 4Ds are discussed well
Very good discussion of the project stages using 4Ds.
All of 4Ds are discussed very well along with their deliverables
Outstanding discussion of the project stages using 4Ds.
All of 4Ds are discussed excellently along with their deliverables

Time Management
- WBS, Activity List & Gantt Chart
- Network Diagram and Critical Path Analysis 30% WBS, Activity List/Gantt
Chart not produced/very inaccurate.
Lack of clarity on main Activities.

Network Diagram not presented or not represented as activity on node. Significant

activities missing on WBS, Activity List & Gantt Chart;
MS Project not used;
Resources not identified;

Network Diagram illogical and critical path (CP) not identified or incorrect.
Some questionable logic on WBS, Activity List.
Gantt Chart acceptable but contains mistakes.
Network Diagram contains some anomalies;
CP largely correct;

Network diagram presented in MS Project format Activity List satisfactory. Lack of
minor resources.
Largely correct WBS, Activity list, Gantt Chart;
MS Project used.

Network Diagram done in Excel, or by hand and shows the activity node values;
Network diagram largely correct.
CP identified. Well considered WBS, Activity List.
Gantt Chart correct, resources not shown. Resources identified.

Network Diagram done in Excel, or by hand and shows the activity node values;
Network Diagram good.
CP correct. Good consideration of WBS, Activity List.
Gantt Chart correct, readable and well analysed.
All resources identified for each activity.

Network Diagram done in Excel, or by hand and shows the activity node values;
Network Diagram neat and correct;
CP clear & correct.
Budget (costing) 15% Project budget is not presented or not represented as
activity on node. Project budget illogical and not calculated appropriately or
incorrect. Project budget contains some anomalies;
calculations largely correct; Project budget presented in tabular format Project
budget is done in Excel, or by hand and shows the cost breakdown values;
Project budget largely correct. Project budget is done in Excel, or by hand and
shows the costing values;
Project budget is good and correct. Project budget is done in Excel, or by hand and
shows the activity node values;
Project budget is neat, appropriate & correct.
Risk Register 15% No/ very limited identification of risks and their management
An attempt made at identifying risks, but not at risk management Risks
identified, initial analysis conducted Risks identified and analysed, attempt made at
planning responses. Risks identified and analysed, detailed responses planned.
Risks identified and analysed, detailed responses planned, with proximity of

Quality Plan 10% No/ meaningless quality plan Poor description of quality
responsibilities, quality criteria and quality methods Acceptable list of quality
responsibilities, quality criteria and quality methods, though lacking any detail
Good specification of quality responsibilities, quality criteria and quality
methods Quality responsibilities, quality criteria and quality methods completed
with details which are logical & consistent Quality responsibilities, quality criteria
and quality methods completed to a high standard, with systems described for
tracking and updating

Coursework Information Sheet

Coursework Information Sheet

Unit Name
Unit Code
Title of Coursework
Assignment 1
% weighting of final unit grade

Word Limit: 4000 words (note that this is the upper word limit)

Feedback details
The university policy is that you will receive prompt feedback on your work within 15
working days of the submission date. Exceptionally where this is not achievable (for
example due to staff sickness) you will be notified as soon as possible of the revised
date and the reasons behind the change.
Submission Date
Unit Week 14 – TBA
Please submit your assignment through BREO unit site by the stated deadline. You are
allowed a single submission only, so make sure you are happy with your work and
that you submit the correct document.

Feedback Date
15 working days from the due date shown above
Details of how to access the feedback
BREO. Feedback will appear in the ‘My Grades’ section of BREO. A short
instructional video of how to access this is on your Student Gateway page of BREO

The Task
Your task is to produce a management report providing a strategic analysis of an
organisation that is operating in the Gulf region. You are required to conduct a
thorough analysis of the organisation and the industry it operates within. You are
expected to examine and critically evaluate the current strategy of this organisation.
You need to make recommendations based on your analysis, outlining and evaluating
a number of options and selecting the most appropriate one for implementation. The
emphasis must be on deriving recommendations that provide a form of competitive
advantage. You will be required to use some theoretical models, framework and
theories to underpin your analysis. It is essential that you show some critical
analysis /evaluation in your analysis.
The analysis and recommendations must not be solely descriptive of what the
organisation is actually doing but analytical and proposing what it could and should

Some advice about approaching your research and investigation:

The nature of strategic recommendations and decisions:
• Your development of options and selection of the strategic decision must be
strategic in nature
• Success depends on you being able to understand the difference between
operational and strategic issues and actions
Below are some examples of the sorts of issues that might be investigated. Please note
that this is not a complete list and that different ones may be relevant. (Generally you
would only focus on one but there may be more that you could consider). The
emphasis on the options that are considered should be on achieving competitive
• Decision about which markets to enter
• Decisions about potential product /service development
• Decisions about which business units to invest in and grow and which to
downsize or divest
• Growing a new business
• Finding a new source of differentiation in the face of competitive pressure
• Finding innovative ways to compete hence avoiding competition
• Process/system improvements
• Decisions about continuing on the current strategic path
If your company is non-profit
Strategy applies to non-profit or government organisation and agencies and there is no
reason why you can not do the assignment on such an organisation

The Analysis:
The analysis is vital for you to be able to create a range of strategic options and to
justify a choice for the strategic decision – it is NOT however the report (the report is
the discussion of the options and the justification for the choice)
The analysis should be based on an extensive study of the organisation and should be
fully supported by relevant data. While you will provide a summary of the analysis in
your report, use the appendices to provide more detail and data.

Things to avoid:

• Descriptions of the tools and frameworks. You are not writing a text book and
you will be assessed on your ability to think strategically rather than providing a lit
review. This style of writing will lead to a low grade or failure.
• Inappropriate referencing. Any evidence must be properly referenced within
the text of the main report - Harvard system applies
• Out of date evidence – Organisations moves quickly, so a report that uses old
data is not valid.
• Descriptions of the current situation. This assignment must look at future
potential options.
• Focusing on operational issues. This is a strategy report and should focus on
strategic issues and solutions.
• Management Report format. There are many templates in existence and use

You may not choose companies which feature in the large case studies in textbooks
such as Johnson & Scholes and Grant, or companies used for in-class teaching.
Please confirm your choice of company with your tutor before proceeding. Collecting
and analysis of information can be done in groups but remember this is an individual
assignment and must be presented as such.
All assignments will be subject to Turnit in so it is imperative that the assignments are
written in your own words.

Core learning outcomes

On completion of this unit you should be able to: Assessment number
1 Demonstrate in-depth knowledge of the tools and frameworks of strategy in
order to select the appropriate ones with which to perform meaningful analysis to
generate coherent strategic options and choice. 1
2 Select and apply a range of strategy tools, concepts and frameworks to analyse
unstructured problems based on the issues presented by the external and internal
business environment and use the analysis to evaluate and design appropriate
strategies. 1

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