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My dream job

I have worked in the Almenara Hospital of EsSalud in Lima. I like the work done
with the children. Because my specialty is pediatrics. The advantage of working
with children is to relieve them quickly, by the same young organism. And my
disadvantage is that when they are very young I can not talk to them, the
symptoms and the signs help me for the diagnosis. It is a very delicate work to
perform because the recovery experiences that are applied, many times and
involved a clown that helps them to forget their discomfort. I have seen that
children when they have fun forget about their discomfort and that unlike adults are
not suggested by their illness. I have achieved skills that I did not practice before,
such as singing, playing, and at the same time developing virtues such as
patience, love, kindness, among others. I currently spend my free time with special
children, in the prevention, recovery and development of these children for the
future and so they will be valued by their own abilities. I think that in the future I
should specialize in pediatric surgery, and I would like to obtain knowledge in

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